

Microsoft Word - How to display variable text depending on the drop-down selection

Microsoft Word - How to display variable text depending on the drop-down selection

How to display variable text depending on the drop-down selection

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 02:20 PM PDT

Hello Experts,

I have been searching all over the internet for a solution to my problem, and I am hoping that someone can provide me with a simple solution.


In my document, I currently have a drop-down list with two different product names. I am looking for a way to separately display each product's description when the product name is selected from the drop-down list.


Can you please help me with this issue? It seems very simple, but I cannot find a solution that works.

Thanks in advance,


What do i do when in word I would hit the bacspace key and it would delete my entire line I was typing?

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 12:09 PM PDT

I was typing and I would hit backspace and it would delete the entire line I was typing. I was not hitting delete or any other key. Is there a way I can make it so this won't happen any more?

style inspector

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 11:30 AM PDT

I have this week migrated from Office 2003 to Office 365 (basically Office 2013) and finding my way around surprisingly well.  I have been able to find old and trusted commands albeit by first having to trawl through the menus.  In a Word document the Style box (AA) was conveniently displayed on the toolbar and as I moved through the document it was easy to see which paragraph styles I had applied.  However, this box is not displayed in Office 2013 - to view the paragraph styles I am using, I must go to Styles on the ribbon, click the small icon to open the Styles box and at the bottom I must click the second icon which reveals Style Inspector.  The Style Inspector box opens in the Task Pane and although it works well it is huge and annoyingly distracts me from my writing.  Not only that, I cannot pin it to the Task Pane - the box closes when I exit my document. So the exercise has to be repeated with every opening of a document.

Is there any way to have a smaller box and move it to the Styles to display permanently on the ribbon?

Please Microsoft, listen to your customers - 2003 had the perfect toolbars and menus - why change it?  Many like me, just want to keep our writing momentum which is sadly interrupted by hours spent trying to do the simple tasks we are used to.

Limit text field in fillable form

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 10:23 AM PDT

In my Word 2010 fillable form, when the user hits Tab, it extends the size of the text field.  How do I limit the size of each field?

Word 2010 pastes formatted text regardless of my settings.

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 10:09 AM PDT

I'm on Windows 7 64 bit.  In Word 2010, I have turned off every option related to pasting formatted text (see picture below).  Still, text always retains the source formatting (color, font, bold, etc.) when I copy and paste it.  This occurs for text within the same document, between different documents, and from other programs.  What is the problem?  How do I make it so that ONLY TEXT is pasted?  Thanks.

XLSX and DOCX wont default to Office 365 v15

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 09:53 AM PDT

I have both Office 2003 and Office 365  (v15) installed.

Despite whatever I do in the default programmes it still shows Office 2003 as the default for DOCX and XLSX .

I have even tried putting the full directory path into the box but it just duplicates the icons for 2003

I need to find a way to remove completely the default and then associate only the later version of Office

Ive had a look on the MS web help but just typically gave some garble about registry - without any practical step by step

BTW - I hate Office 365 and what MS have done to it and now I hate it even more. I only have it because my clients use later versions and I need to be familiar when I am at their sites.

Microsoftt word does not open

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 09:50 AM PDT

So Word was working fine a few weeks ago but for the past days, every time I try to press the  icon  to open up word it would load for a second then disappear like as if I didn't press on it, what should I do?


Problem with Word proofing

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 08:10 AM PDT

I have Microsoft Office 2013 that I'm running on Windows 8.1.  Everything worked fine for about 3 months, and all of a sudden I encountered a number of problems.  First I regularly received an error message stating the following "this error usually occurs because of macro security settings. if you know that the macro comes from a source that you trust, you can change your macro security settings to allow you to enable the macro." 

Under advice from other threads on this site, I disabled the add-ons and this problem has disappeared.  BUT my other problem which arose at the same time has yet to be solved: the proofreading function is disabled.

At the top of the screen in Word, I get a message inviting me to download missing Proofreading tools.  I followed the link, but downloading the tool again does not help.  I also tried going to control panel and fixing (both online and offline) my version of Word, but in both cases I receive an error message and the fix cannot proceed.

Also, I am not sure if this is coincidental, but my problems emerged after running SofTest (an exam softword that functions entirely independently of Word).  The Help staff at ExamSoft (their parent company) have ensured me that the program does not affect Word in any way though..

Thanks for any help you have.

trying to number equations in mathtype 6

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 07:52 AM PDT


im trying to number equation with mathtype 6 and including the paragraph number from level 1, i want the format look like:



         equation      (2.1)

         equation      (2.2)

i would be glad for help.

Very small file size (text only) .docx, .doc or .rtf becomes large PDF file - embedded fonts bug?

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 06:25 AM PDT

I have my CV (resume) and a covering letter. Neither has any pictures, just plain text. The file sizes in .docx, .doc or .rtf formats are 39, 76 and 171 KB respectively.

When I save as PDF, or export to PDF, the file size jumps to >400 KB, no matter which version I save/export from.

It's a fresh install of Office 2013 (365 University edition: I'm a researcher/teacher in a UK HEI). The file was imported from google drive where it was previously an openoffice formatted file.

The PDF appears to have quite a few fonts embedded - times new roman (which I was using accidentally for 2 white spaces, have now changed those), Symbol and Arial, which I'm not able to find at all in the document, and all the different styles of Callibri I'm using (bold, regular, italic) - each embedded twice with ansi and Identity-H encoding

I'm preparing for an interview and also writing another application right now, so I'm a bit up against it at the moment, and would greatly appreciate anyone's help on this!

Things I have tried:

  • Saving the document as .docx, reopening, export and save as PDF
  • Saving the document as .doc, reopening, export and save as PDF
  • Saving the document as .rtf, reopening, export and save as PDF
  • Ensured that track changes is off, and all meta information is not being saved (author, etc etc).
  • Tried all of the above with checked and unchecked 'embed fonts' in the options menu
  • Searching for the fonts I'm not using but that are listed in the properties of the PDF file when I look with Adobe Reader XI - I found two white spaces of Times New Roman which I changed to Callibri (which I'm using for the rest of the document). I couldn't find any instances of symbol or arial which were both listed in the PDF properties. Saving after this makes no difference to the pdf: all the fonts are still there, even though I'm not using them.
  • Select-all change font to Callibri (after this, no change when I PDF, and when I select all the font box is still blank as though there are more fonts and it didn't in fact change them).

Searching on this is compounded because most people seem to be asking for fonts to be embedded, not trying to stop fonts being embedded in this way! Callibri was what I chose when I originally created the document in OpenOffice some years ago. I've since bought myself Office 2013 and would really like not to be sending ~1MB files for just 7 pages of plain text - that's going to look really bad on a job application!!!!

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Office 2013 does not save in my 'My Documents' folder but keeps reverting to Libraries

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 06:00 AM PDT

I have set the Save path under Options to C:\Users\SAM\Documents (SAM being my computer name), this should also apply to OPEN (see highlighted area):

When I click SAVE AS it opens the Libraries, not my Documents location (Windows 7 Professional 64 bit). This happens in Word and Excel (haven't used PowerPoint):

I don't like the Libraries feature in Windows 7 and have never used it. How do I make Office recognize the Documents folder and not the Libraries folder?

Office word 2007 on windows 8.1

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 05:17 AM PDT

Can anyone help with a basic question? How can I delete a letter or document completely that I no longer require to clean up the file list on open? 

Re: Tables in Word 2010

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 03:20 AM PDT


I cannot get a macro to load my userform.

My userform is called "AddNewGame".

I have the following macros to add a new game to the bottom of my table, but I am stuck with a few things, that I will highlight in [BOLDITALIC].

Please can you have a look at my macros, and if you can help me with them will be great, plus if you can give me help to make the macros work better, faster, and use Range instead of Select, as I make Macro Record to create my macros so it sets them in selection than range.

Here are my current macros:

Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    cmbFormat.List = Array("PC", _
        "PS1", "PS2", "PS3", "PS4", _
        "PSP", "PSVita", _
        "Wii", "WiiU", "DSXL", "3DSXL", _
        "Xbox", "Xbox 360", "Xbox One", _
        "PC Hardware", _
        "PS1 Hardware", "PS2 Hardware", "PS3 Hardware", "PS4 Hardware", "PSP Hardware", "PSVita Hardware", _
        "WiiU Hardware", "3DSXL Hardware", _
        "Xbox Hardware", "Xbox 360 Hardware", "Xbox One Hardware", _
        "Xbox Live", "PSN")
End Sub


Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    'When "Cancel Button" is Clicked On
    Unload Me
End Sub


Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    'When "OK Button" is Clicked On
        'Add the New Game to the bottom of the List

            Dim txtTitle As String
            Dim cmbFormat As String
            Dim txtReleaseDate As String
            Dim txtASDA As String
            Dim txtTesco As String
            Dim txtGame As String
            Dim txtebay As String
            Dim FormatShading As String
            Dim NoDateSet As String
            Dim ReleaseDate1 As String
            Dim ReleaseDate2 As String

            txtTitle = ""
            cmbFormat = ""
            txtReleaseDate = ""
            txtASDA = ""
            txtTesco = ""
            txtGame = ""
            txtebay = ""
            FormatShading = ""
            NoDateSet = ""
            ReleaseDate1 = ""
            ReleaseDate2 = ""

            Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    If Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PS3" Or Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PS3 Hardware" Then
        FormatShading = "-603923969"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PS4" Or Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PS4 Hardware" Then
        FormatShading = "-603930625"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PSP" Or Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PSP Hardware" Then
        FormatShading = "-603917569"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PSVita" Or Me.cmbFormat.Value = "PSVita Hardware" Then
        FormatShading = "-553582695"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "Wii" Then
        FormatShading = "-570359809"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "WiiU" Or Me.cmbFormat.Value = "WiiU Hardware" Then
        FormatShading = "15773696"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "DSXL" Then
        FormatShading = "-570366209"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "3DSXL" Or Me.cmbFormat.Value = "3DSXL Hardware" Then
        FormatShading = "-570366209"
    ElseIf Me.cmbFormat.Value = "Xbox One" Or Me.cmbFormat.Value = "Xbox One Hardware" Then
        FormatShading = "-704577639"
        FormatShading = wdColorAutomatic
    End If

    'UnHide Hidden Text
    With ActiveWindow.View
        .ShowAll = False
        .ShowHiddenText = True
    End With

    'Adding New Row at end of Table
    With Selection
        .HomeKey _
        .MoveDown _
            Unit:=wdLine, _
        .End = .Tables(1).Range.End
        .InsertRowsBelow 1
    End With

    'Formatting New Row
    With Selection.Cells

        'ReMoving Shading
        With .Shading
            .Texture = wdTextureNone
            .ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
            .BackgroundPatternColor = FormatShading
        End With

        'Setting Top & Bottom Borders
        With .Borders(wdBorderTop)
            .LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
            .LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
            .Color = wdColorAutomatic
        End With
        With .Borders(wdBorderBottom)
            .LineStyle = wdLineStyleDouble
            .LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
            .Color = wdColorAutomatic
        End With
    End With

    'Place Cursor in 1st Empty Line
    With Selection
        .HomeKey _
        .MoveRight _
            Unit:=wdCharacter, _
    End With

    'Writing Game Details to the New Row
    With Selection
        .Text = Me.txtTitle.Value
        .MoveRight _
        .Text = Me.cmbFormat.Value
        .MoveRight _
        If Me.txtReleaseDate.Value = "" Or Me.txtReleaseDate = "dd/mm/yyyy" Then
            NoDateSet = 1
            ReleaseDate1 = "00000000"
            ReleaseDate2 = "1" & DaySuffix("1") & " January 2000"
            NoDateSet = 0
            ReleaseDate1 = Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "yyyymmdd")
            ReleaseDate2 = Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") & DaySuffix(Val(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value)) _
                & Format(Me.txtReleaseDate, " mmmm yyyy")
        End If
        .Text = ReleaseDate1 & Chr(11) & ReleaseDate2
        .HomeKey _
        .EndKey _
            Unit:=wdLine, _
        .Font.Hidden = True
        .MoveDown _
            Unit:=wdLine, _
        .HomeKey _
            Unit:=wdLine, _
        .Font.Hidden = False
        If NoDateSet = 1 _
        Or _
            Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 1 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 2 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 3 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 4 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 5 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 6 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 7 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 8 _
            Or Format(Me.txtReleaseDate.Value, "d") = 9 Then
            DayNumber = 1
            DayNumber = 2
        End If
        .MoveLeft _
            Unit:=wdCharacter, _
        .MoveRight _
            Unit:=wdCharacter, _
        .MoveRight _
            Unit:=wdCharacter, _
            Count:=2, _
        .Font.Superscript = True
        .MoveRight _
        If Me.txtASDA = "" Then
            .Text = ""
            .Text = "£" & Me.txtASDA.Value
        End If
        .MoveRight _
        If Me.txtTesco = "" Then
            .Text = ""
            .Text = "£" & Me.txtTesco.Value
        End If
        .MoveRight _
        If Me.txtGame = "" Then
            .Text = ""
            .Text = "£" & Me.txtGame.Value
        End If
        .MoveRight _
        If Me.txtebay = "" Then
            .Text = ""
            .Text = "£" & Me.txtebay.Value
        End If

        'Goto Game Title of the Game you've just added
        .MoveLeft _
            Unit:=wdCell, _
        .HomeKey _
    End With

    'Format Game Title
    'Need to look to see if '(' and ')' is in the Title, and if so,
    'the text inbetween the Brackets needs to be set to Font Size 8
    'and Italic.

    'Format Game Console
    'If any of the following are in the Format/Game Console, then the
    'following formatting needs to be done...
    'WiiU, WiiU Hardware, DSXL, DSXL Hardware, 3DSXL and 3DSXL Hardware
    'The 'U', and 'XL' needs to be in Italic and Superscript

    'Hide All Checking Symbols
    With ActiveWindow.View
        .ShowTabs = False
        .ShowSpaces = False
        .ShowParagraphs = False
        .ShowHyphens = False
        .ShowAll = False
        .ShowHiddenText = False
        .ShowObjectAnchors = False
    End With

    'Close UserForm
    Unload Me

    'System Settings
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    'Stop You from Clicking the "Red X" at Top-Right of UserForm to Close it
    If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
        Cancel = True
        MsgBox "              Please can you only" + Chr(13) _
            + "                  use the Buttons!" + Chr(13) _
            + Chr(13) _
            + "      Thank you for Understading.", , "Add New Game..."
    End If
End Sub


Function DaySuffix(ByVal DateNum As Integer) As String
    'Picking the DateSuffix
    Dim DS() As String
    DS = Split("st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th," & _
               "th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th," & _
               "st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,st", ",")
    DaySuffix = DS(DateNum - 1)
End Function

Thank you in advance with any help you can give me,


Word 2013 Crashes

Posted: 18 Apr 2014 01:42 AM PDT

I am using Office 365 Home Premium running on Windows 7 64 bit. I have downloaded all the application. I am using Word 2013 and it crashes while I work. It crashes if I highlight a text, change text colour, insert table. The following is the error message. I have removed all third party add-ins. No luck. Can anyone help?


  A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:

  Problem Event Name: AppHangB1

  Application Name: WINWORD.EXE

  Application Version: 15.0.4601.1000

  Application Timestamp: 530c796c

  Hang Signature: 5953

  Hang Type: 0

  OS Version: 6.1.7601.

  Locale ID: 1033

  Additional Hang Signature 1: 5953f3369ee1b6d89f4467bf1d3a06df

  Additional Hang Signature 2: 05dc

  Additional Hang Signature 3: 05dc22ac6bf35b9b13087deb3ba8ffca

  Additional Hang Signature 4: 5953

  Additional Hang Signature 5: 5953f3369ee1b6d89f4467bf1d3a06df

  Additional Hang Signature 6: 05dc

  Additional Hang Signature 7: 05dc22ac6bf35b9b13087deb3ba8ffca

How do I make a dsocument / form useable for MAC and PC. My drop down menus on the form don't work on a MAC. GRRR

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 10:11 PM PDT

I have a new problem. I need a doc / form to be useable in MS Word for Macs as well. When I sent it to a Mac user, I noticed that the drop down form field on the form wouldn't work. Is there a way to get that to functioning properly? Please help. I am really frustrated.  Thanks again!

How Do I Remove it??

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 10:09 PM PDT

Picture -

What is it call ?

How do i hide it or remove it?

Installing Office 2003 in xp - Microsoft Office forums

Installing Office 2003 in xp - Microsoft Office forums

Installing Office 2003 in xp

Posted: 12 Aug 2006 08:40 PM PDT

They did as of last summer. I know because I uninstalled it from a friend's
brand new Sony.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

"arthobart" <> wrote in message

Office2003 activation on two computers at home

Posted: 12 Aug 2006 10:58 AM PDT

No such thing as a stupid question - unless it is an unasked one.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Baga asked:

| Stupid question - is laptop portable?

Reinstalling Office 2003 Pro after hard drive reformat

Posted: 11 Aug 2006 04:04 PM PDT

Thanks, I will give that number a call and see if they can help.

"Mary Sauer" wrote:

Correct mis-spelling of licensed user name?

Posted: 11 Aug 2006 06:12 AM PDT

oh my, I failed to specify "notify of response to your question" and didn't
remember to check, but I did this time. Thank you *very much* for your help!


"garfield-n-odie [MVP]" wrote:

how do i download office 2007?

Posted: 10 Aug 2006 06:22 PM PDT

If you asked Microsoft, I am sure they told you a big resounding NO. It is
not up to your internal organization to okay or not okay redistributing
Microsoft software - it belongs to Microsoft and is theirs to decide who
gets to redistribute... and their bottom line is that it is not permissible
except through partners who have specific contracts to distribute the

I am sure you are NOT one of them

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Steven Wabik asked:

| yea, but who says that i did not ask them first?
| usually when i do that i ask them first or it is just distributed on
| my internal network on my own laptops.
| i only have two laptops and for a few applications have multi-user
| licenses for when i need them.
| it is not good to do eligial things.
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
| <org> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
|| You DO know it is illegal to redistribute Microsoft files without
|| their permission, right?
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Steven Wabik asked:
||| yea there is but i never had to pay a $1.50 for when i redownloaded
||| office 2007. i guess that is a new thing. IM at stevenw45 on AIM and
||| i'll send you the installation file for free.
||| "Pandaren Brewmaster" <>
||| wrote in message
||| news:com...
|||| Ive got office 2007 installed and i have also the internet explorer
|||| 7 beta 3.
|||| i had the setup file of office 2007 in my desktop. after updating
|||| windows and
|||| office trough microsoft update, the file's gone!!!!! outlook 2007
|||| is crashing, cant open outlook 2003 and word gives an error. so i
|||| need to reinstall. iv try it trough repair but i need
|||| to unistall and reinstall but now i dont have the setup file and
|||| in the site is need $1.50.
|||| is there a way for a already user of office 2007 get the setup file
|||| again?
|||| Thx

All Toolbars Gone

Posted: 10 Aug 2006 11:58 AM PDT

garfield-n-odie [MVP] wrote: 

Jesus Christ... Well I can't ask her to fuck with the registry, so I
guess I'm going out there.

MS Office pro. 2003 - Installation Fails

Posted: 10 Aug 2006 07:56 AM PDT

I would uninstall the OneNote product, which should also be on the CD,
failing that try and run the Office SP2 update from Ms website and go to
Office Update, this will detect what is required for themachine to be
updated, SP2 will require Windows Installer 3.1 or later


"InstallWizard" wrote:

Office Installation Failure

Posted: 04 Aug 2006 03:56 PM PDT

"JamesJ" <net> wrote:

You could try browsing through the registry looking for Office 12 keys
and renaming or deleting them

Standard disclaimer about how I'm not the slightest bit responsible
for your malfunctioning system.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

How to: Create a report for an Office 2003 MST File

Posted: 04 Aug 2006 09:04 AM PDT

Hi Bob,
Thanks for the reply. The MST viewer works fine. I just wanted something
a little prettier for documentation purposes. We're in the middle of the
ever popular "Microscope up the Butt" audit right now and want to have
everything as clean as possible!!
i can use it in Excel and it should be fine.

Thanks again,

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Word file not showing the whole documents

Microsoft Word - Word file not showing the whole documents

Word file not showing the whole documents

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 02:26 PM PDT

I tried to open my word file (edited in MS word 2007) in word 2013. But file does not showing the all pages (whole document) once it open. 

What does Microsoft call "Mail Merge" in other languages?

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 02:11 PM PDT

Does anyone know where to find what does Microsoft call "Mail Merge" in Word in other other languages such as French (France), French (Canadian), German, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Spanish (Mex)?

Highlighting text too dark in MS Word

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:05 PM PDT

We would like to offer the following feedback:

1.  The colors in the regular highlighting text in the "font" menu are too dark, and therefore useless, except for the yellow highlight.

2.  We found out to use lighter color highlighting that we can see, we have to do it through the word art menu.  This then creates an issue when using the regular "font" menu highlighting & the word art highlighting tool in that if text is highlighted using both menus (regular menu "font" and WORD ART) within the same document, one cannot delete or work on the highlighting text unless one is in the proper of the two menus.  This creates the necessity of using two command options to achieve the same purpose.

3.  The color customization is available in other contexts within MS Word, why not this one?

Word wrap not working on Word 2013 (Windows 8)

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 12:04 PM PDT

Word wrap is not working on Word, and I can't even get the option to turn it on. The icon under Page Layout (arrange) is greyed out, and I haven't found any way to go in and change it in the settings, nor does changing templates work. Can anyone help?

Downloading Microsoft Office 2010

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 11:18 AM PDT


I bought Microsoft Office Home and Student on a disc, i try to install it expecting it to be a simple "follow the steps" scenario, but nothing seems to happen. I've made sure there is no previous version of office installed on my computer, I've restarted it taken the disc out, just repeated the process a number of times and nothing happens. When i put the disc in, it comes up with a page asking me whether or not i want to install, so obviously i click yes, it then takes a long time to install and then tells me to reboot my computer for the installation to take effect. Nothing happens. (I've tried this a number of times)

Please help

I have Windows 8.1


Search for greater than number of characters in Word

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 10:49 AM PDT

Word 2007, 2010, 2013

I have a need to search for text within brackets. I know the wildcard string for that is \[*\]. The \ tells Word to take the bracket as a literal character.

But I don't want to find such items as [sic] [sp] [a.], etc. So I'd just like to find the string that has 4 or more characters within the brackets.

Does anyone know of a way to do this?

Thank you!


Why can't I now open word documents on Windows 7 64 bit home premium

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:49 AM PDT

Trying to open emailed and web based documents prompts a "The Microsoft Office product required to open this file is not installed on your computer". Why is this and how can I simply open these files as I have always been able to?

word pdf merge

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:46 AM PDT

i am trying to create a merged PDF, and send as an email pdf. problems with updating

Using Legacy Tools and Text Boxes in Word 2010

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:39 AM PDT

I am creating a number of forms that i want to be filled out electronically.  I know the basics of using the legacy tool to create a Text Form Field, and know how to limit the number of characters in the field.  The problem is, when i fill in the form, it pushes all the other text out of position, ruining the rest of the form.  A couple years ago, when i worked at another department, i created similar forms, and I am sure i created text boxes and put a legacy tool text form field inside it in order to avoid the movement of text on the form, but i can't seem to do it now.  Whenever i try to put a text form field in a text box, the legacy tool is greyed out and unaccessible.  I've tried inserting tables, but they are hard to move around and place correctly (especially when i have to place two separate tables on the same line) and it also moves text around.  How do i solve this problem.  I want to create text fields that won't move other text around when typing, but that i can restrict the number of characters entered into the field.  And I want to be able to restrict it so that only the appropriate fields can be accessed by the one filling out the form.

Table formatting issue

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:27 AM PDT

I am working with a rather large document (160+ pages) that is a series of large, preformatted tables.  Tables are generally 4 columns.  First column is pre-filled with a clause number, 2nd column contains a specification that must be met.  The third column is where I enter remarks or comments addressing the specification and the fourth column I complete with a Pass - Fail - N/A verdict.  We use these forms repeatedly in product evaluations.  Often, when testing similar products, it is advantageous to open an older report and copy/paste large sections of remarks & verdicts.  There are large sections where many of the specs are N/A - it's much quicker to copy in bulk rather than enter the results cell by cell - even with macros.

But in my latest report, when I copy information from my sample report and paste it into my new report, the text is being entered indented about 0.25" in the new doc.  Neither the old or new docs have the indents set - Word seems to be helping me all on it's own.  I have checked through the options looking for anything I might change to affect this behavior, but nothing has worked.  I am not looking forward to 150 more pages of adjusting entries.  Anybody have any ideas?

Urdu Keyboard used in Microsoft Office Word 2010

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:25 AM PDT

I need to write a document in Urdu in MS Word. I have changed the language of my office to Urdu as well. I am finding it hard to write in Word because I don't know what alphabet in English I need to press to get the required alphabet in Urdu and it is different to the keyboard which is being used by Google Translator . Can you please send me two pictures of the keyboard which I can use when I am typing in Urdu in Word, one when the "Shift Key" is off and one when the "Shift Key" is on. Thanks in advance

How do you make headings reflect mirrored margins?

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:18 AM PDT

I am formatting this document for publishing with CreateSpace.  The original document I was working with had messed up formatting from converting from older versions.  I decided clear out all the text and graphics and start over.

The headings I'm using have a short vertical line attached to a horizontal line over the text -- I'm guessing it was modified from the "Shaded" document style.

I have mirrored margins.

The original document I worked with had the vertical line was always on the side of the smaller "outside" margin.

The document I have now always has the vertical line on the left hand side.

I have been trying to figure out how to have the heading styles reflect the mirrored margins with no avail.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

TOC: I created a Table of Contents, but all of the highlighted chapters are not appearing?

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 08:00 AM PDT

I first highlighted each chapter heading level 1, then I highlighted the sub-headings each sub-heading level 2, last from the References & TOC I selected automatic 1 and the the TOC appeared with the missing chapters! I tried using automatic 2 and the manual selection as well but that did not work.  I  created this entire document before attempting to add TOC, it was first created in Microsoft 2007, but I am currently using 2013: 365. 

Links Word-Excel corrupted

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 06:38 AM PDT

-          Hello,

     I am facing an issue since a few weeks and would like to know if somebody could give me a hand on it :

     I used to work in a Word File where I copy some Excel arrays using Link & keep source formatting option and didn't have any problem before.

     Here is how it appeared when right-clicking :

 -     After saving and closing the document, when I reopen it :


-         If I click on "Object" it says "object corrupted".

      I tried from different locations and checked the security. (it does the same even on new files)

I use Windows 7 (32bits) with Office 2010 SP1.


Any idea how to fix it?

Let me know if you need further info.

Thanks and regards,


Autocorrect Microsoft Word not working.

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 05:57 AM PDT

Hi.  When I type a document in Microsoft Word and misspell a word, Word 2013 doesn't automatically correct the word I'm misspelling.  Nor does a 'squiggly line' appear when it doesn't recognize the word, or, by right clicking on it, offer suggestions to offer the word it thought I meant to type.   (In fact, the message I'm typing NOW- this message, is autocorrecting my typing as I type.)  There are a thousand answers to this question, mostly all are unintelligible.  I was emailed a link which suggested making a new dictionary.  I did this (why would I have to?) but it did nothing.  What I need is a simple step by step guide as to what I should do to make Word autocorrect my misspellings and offer my the squiggly line option, something that every email and message board does.  I went to the box marked 'autocorrect'.  Are there even any words IN the dictionary there?  How do I import a dictionary?  Why would I even HAVE to?  Thanks in advance for any help you might give me.  Until then I'll just switch back to Word 2010. 

how to systematically number items and then make those numbers static

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 05:18 AM PDT

I have to create numbered requirement entries throughout a large document. Initially I increment by 10 so later on if I have to add entries to a section, I can make them sequential but not really necessary. There could be 2000-300 numbered entries in the document but when I'm finished, the numbers must stay staic,  They can not be allowed to change through insertion of new numbers or deletion of existing ones. In a way this is similar to using the copy/drag functionality in excel to create a series of numbers from a formula "= a1+10" and then copying/paste special/values so the results are present and not the formula.

An example is:

VR1  Requirement 1

VR10  Requirement 2

VR20 Requirement 3

Does anyone know if this would be possible in Word 2010, either through existing functionality or through backend VB coding?


Word2010 TOC Error! Bookmark not defined

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 05:06 AM PDT

I have one Error! Bookmark not defined showing up in my TOC.  When I toggle fields codes I see { PAGEREF_Toc385484708 \h} This toc bookmark does not show up in my list of hidden bookmarks andI have no other bookmarks in the document. I can remove it manually but it comes back the next time I generate the TOC. Not sure if relevant but it is the very first line in my TOC. All the rest of the TOC entries are correct. Anyone know what's causing it and more importantly, how to fix it? Thanks!(Word 2010 on Win 7)Error! Bookmark not defined.Error! Bookmark not defined.

Show Text boundaries in Word 2010

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 05:05 AM PDT

For some reason "Show Text Boundaires" have appeared when I open a Word Document (in the last week April 2014)

If I goto to File - Options - Advanced - Show Document Content - and untick "Show Text Boundaries" they disappear.

But when I close Word and open again they are back and the tick box is ticked again !!

Unable to stop them appearing permenantly.

Using Drop.down box in Word

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 02:04 AM PDT

I want to use a drop-down box in a word document, but I also want the rest of the document to be editable.

If I want the samll arrows to the right to be visiable i have to protect the form, but then the rest of the document also gets protected, and I don't want that.

How do I do that?



VBA Replace Text

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 01:19 AM PDT

I wish to find and replace text in the main part of a Word document. By 'main', I refer to the body of text that excludes headers and footers.

I have used a macro to capture the following code ...

    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "XYZ"
        .Replacement.Text = "Replacement Text"
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With

    Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

This works OK, but I now wish to include some variations on the text I wish to find. For example "XYZ1", "XYZ Ltd", "X Ltd"

The Replacement text will always be the same.

I could always repeat the 'With Selection.Find' block of code for each variation, but is there a more efficient method of coding this?

My Microsoft Office 2013 wouldn't work after I installed Visio 2013. I kept getting a start up error, which prevents it from working properly or repairing it. I need help

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 08:25 PM PDT

I obviously tried the repair option with the start up window. I keep getting the same results of not being able to use my Microsoft Office.

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will not open after Windows 8.1 KB2919355 Update

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 04:17 PM PDT

After updating to the new April KB2919355 update for Windows 8.1 I am unable to open any Word, Excel, PowerPoint files or the programs themselves. All other Office programs from Office Professional 2013 work. The error code I receive in Windows Event Viewer for Word is this:

Faulting application name: WINWORD.EXE, version: 15.0.4605.1001, time stamp: 0x5328ef0c
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00007ffad0d50000
Faulting process id: 0xfec
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf59c798b28fe4
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\WINWORD.EXE
Faulting module path: unknown
Report Id: d67bb897-c5ba-11e3-8286-c48508471174
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 

The only way to view this error is through Windows Event Viewer, it does not pop up automatically. 

I have tried every fix listed for "Office does not start" threads, reinstall, repair, cmd codes, Office Configuration Analyzer Tool 1.2, etc. The only solution I have come across is to uninstall the update. Any one else experiencing this or have any ideas on how to fix this?


Highlight for copy/paste is Black, Word 2010

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 03:45 PM PDT

Recently, Word 2010 now highlights in black instead of the light blue when selecting text. It is only in Word 2010 (not Onenote, or Chrome or Notepad).  I have an up-to-date system Win 7 x64. I did repair of Office 2010 twice. I deleted the Normal template. Nothing is working thus far.

Not the end of the world, but not the best on the eyes. 

how to set up duplicate sites on a plan Microsoft Project

how to set up duplicate sites on a plan Microsoft Project

how to set up duplicate sites on a plan

Posted: 04 May 2005 02:31 AM PDT

Hi Sheila,

A way of achieving this is to compress the Project tasks by clicking the
little minus sign in front of its name, so that you have just the one
summary. Now click in the ID cell for that summary to highlight the whole
of the task. Now hold down the Ctrl key, then click in the ID cell again
and drag downward until a grey indicator line appears immediately under the
summary, and let go of the mouse (a bit fiddly but you'll soon get the hang
of it!). That should give you a second copy of the file. Compress this
second project as above. Now click and drag in the ID cells to select both
files. Copy as before to give you 4 copies. This will build exponentially
until you have the required number of copies ( about eight copy procedures).
It's probably quicker to do than to explain! :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Sheila wrote: 

File Size Reduction

Posted: 03 May 2005 02:46 PM PDT

Hi Kevin,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

If you suspect a corrupt file, you could try the suggestions in FAQ Item:
43. File Bloat? - Might be Corruption.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Kevin wrote: 

Can I run Project 2003 on 98SE?

Posted: 03 May 2005 02:08 PM PDT

Hi Slikroad,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Alexander is correct. In this web site: , you'll find
the Operating System has to be: Microsoft Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3
(SP3) or later, or Windows XP or later.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Alexander Barvinsky wrote: 

How do I show the baseline on all tasks in the Gantt Chart?

Posted: 03 May 2005 01:09 PM PDT

That's why I usually don't teach them that!

Material Costs

Posted: 03 May 2005 12:13 PM PDT


Thank you so much. I was thinking it would use the cost per use field.
John Cello
John Cello Consulting
Communications For Business

"John Cello" wrote:

Can a parent cost field summarize only FILTERED cost data?

Posted: 03 May 2005 12:02 PM PDT

Hello Danna,
Instead of using filters, try the Grouping feature :
Project / Group by / More Groups...

Gérard Ducouret

"danna" <> a écrit dans le message de
visible) I 

Question: Problem publishing project to project2003server

Posted: 03 May 2005 09:51 AM PDT

Thanks Mike - I've already posted there, but received no reply. So I thought
I'd try here also...

"Mike Glen" wrote:

date field by default is "NA".

Posted: 03 May 2005 09:30 AM PDT

Thank you all for the advice

"Rod Gill" wrote:

Updating progress

Posted: 03 May 2005 03:58 AM PDT

Hi Paul,

Well, you got me to wondering so I fired up an old computer with Project 98
on it.

I created a project with a start date of 18 April 2005. When I check
Project Information, the Current date is today (3 May 2005) at 8:00 am.
When I set a status date (22 April 2005 ) it shows 5:00 pm.

The only changes I noted quickly between Project 98 with SR-1 and Project
2003 with SP-1 is the Update Project command.

In Project 98 even though I set a Status Date of 22 April 2005, the Update
Project command wanted to update tasks as of the current date (today). This
caused a problem when I used the Reschedule Uncompleted work button off the
tracking toolbar. All incomplete tasks were rescheduled to start today, not
25 April 2005.

The Reschedule uncompleted work to start after portion of the dialog box
defaulted to 8:00 am today in Project 98 and defaulted to the Status Date
and time (5:00 PM) in Project 2003. Personally I find having the manually
change the Update through to the Status date to be much more of an
irritation. My experience has been that frequently PMs are updating
progress as of a date (Status) in the past. They get the information on
progress from their resources on Monday or Tuesday and that progress (or
lack of) is through the Friday night of the previous week.

The only reference I can find to the similarities between the Current Date
and the Status date is that if the Status Date is set to NA, project will
use the current date. From help: "If you set the status date to NA, Project
uses the current date as the status date."

I don't think I have helped any, but I guess I would say this is not a bug -
in my opinion it's more logical. ;-)


"Paul S" <> wrote in message

Status Indicator for Future Tasks

Posted: 03 May 2005 12:22 AM PDT

Hi Ris,
You are most welcome and thanks for the feedback.
I think that's the first time I've ever been called an angel!

Julie :-)
"Ris" <> wrote in message

Disable automatic calculation on % complete

Posted: 02 May 2005 11:40 PM PDT

Hi Ris,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Project measures the %Complete based on the number of working periods
completed against the total number of working periods planned. The Duration
is just a measure of the working time between start and finish. Thus
Doration and %Complete are inextricably tied and you can't change one
without the other. (This, perhaps, is a good reason not to track staff
tasks within a project.) However, If you look at the % Work completed, it
could give you what want as it will remain correct irrespective of the end
date, provided the task is of Fixed Work type and changing the end date does
not introduce more or less work. That being said, it is not good practice
ever to insert start and finish dates as that is what Project is for - to
calculate the schedule for you. You enter the precedence link and the
Duration and Project will calculate the dates for you.

Another possibility is to create a hammock task that expands or contracts
with the controlling milestones - please see FAQ Item: 19. Hammock Tasks.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Ris wrote: 

Why doesn't SF relation work ?

Posted: 02 May 2005 09:47 PM PDT

Let me make sure I get this straight:
SF (Start to Finish)

I use it to link tasks to a predecessor like an Inspection.
The WBS doesn't necessarily have to be the actual sequence (i.e. This
comes before that, and that comes before the next thing)

So I use SF to link the end of a task to the beiginning a an
"Inspection" task that might actually be ten lines above the successor.

Am I abusing the spirit and integrity of the SF?

Trying to get scheduled hours for a particular time period

Posted: 02 May 2005 08:57 PM PDT

Hi John and Pratta,

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried the option you gave me: changing the
Major scale and Minor scale. Here I didn't really understand your guidelines
that 'taking the difference between the two values’. I was wondering whether
is that I have to do manually or is there any kind of filter available to do

I am quite interested in trying the simple VBA code which John mentioned.

John, can you please let me know where I can find that code online, or is
there any discussion group that discusses about that. Please suggest.

Thanks again for you replies.

"John" wrote:

Installing Project on a Terminal Server

Posted: 02 May 2005 02:56 PM PDT

That's why it's the recommended solution: yes. Make sure you follow the
white paper configuration recommendations though. If you expose Terminal
Services to the Internet you need very careful security measures.


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"MayWee" <> wrote in message