

File systems - Forums Linux

File systems - Forums Linux

File systems

Posted: 25 Jan 2006 03:47 AM PST

D Scott <net> wrote:

Please see: "Journaling Filesystems Comparison" on

cannot install tomsrtbt

Posted: 25 Jan 2006 12:38 AM PST

On 25 Jan 2006 00:38:01 -0800, com
<com> wrote: 
usb floppy drives might not be capable of formatting to more than 1.4
megabytes. You may just have to settle for a tomsrtbt CD.

Let's just be friends and make no special effort to ever see each other again.


Posted: 24 Jan 2006 08:38 PM PST

On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:38:47 -0800, chevysrock39 wrote:
Caveat: I haven't setup Ubuntu. I have seen the online documentation for
that distribution, and it is very good. You should review their specific
instructions beforehand- so you'll know what to expect. My advice below
is generally applicable to any GNU/Linux distribution.

Because you have a current backup and PartitionMagic, you can use that
to prepare for the Ubuntu install. Ubuntu includes partition resizing
as part of its install, but if you are familiar with PartitionMagic
you can use that. Also, if your computer has a floppy drive, you can
make a Windows boot floppy now as a fallback position.

The first step is planning. Assuming your system has a single ide hard disc,
the space is allocated between the OSs. Here is a table which is a starting

Partition Used for Size or % Comments
--------- ----------- ---------- ---------------------
MBR boot loader 512 bytes Use grub
1 Windows ? Windows likes to be on part. 1
2 Ubuntu Swap ? size relative to RAM (1x - 2x)
3 Ubuntu root ? probably 4-8G minimum

Here is one solution for an 80G disc:

Partition Used for Size or %
--------- ----------- ----------
MBR boot loader 512 bytes
1 Windows 8G
2 Ubuntu Swap 1200M
3 Ubuntu Root 71G

Use your plan and PartitionMagic to resize your exisiting Windows partition.
This works by consolidating unused space. If your disc doesn't have enough
free space, then you might need another disc, etc. Assuming there is enough
free space for the swap and root partitions, then you can proceed.

PartitionMagic has done its job when your disc has a single partition and a
free block (unallocated space) at the end which will be used by the Ubuntu

The next step is to plan how your system will boot in its final configuration.
I recommend grub because it is a very flexible boot loader. I wrote about
grub here:

Grub can be installed either at the MBR or on a linux partition. For me, it
has been easiest to install grub at the MBR, (YMMV). You will indicate your
choice for the bootloader as part of the install.

With your plans set, boot the Ubuntu setup CD. You should be up and running
in no time.

Douglas Mayne

Problems when installing Linux on Microsoft Virtual PC

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 02:51 PM PST wrote: 

All my VM experience is with VM under Linux, but some of these things
are undoubtedly similar to the problems I've seen. 

That's a good sign. At least the virtualization was good enough to avoid

I don't have a copy of FC3 handy, but this is probably not a show
stopper unless your video card is ISQA rather than PCI (or simulated
ISA). It means the check (firmware?) of the device failed. I suspect
that the kernel used for the install is not the same one you are
booting, or is configured at runtime to use other devices or modes. 

That appears to be the failure() procedure, and it may have written more
information in a log file. 

That could be any of several things, 1-6 are the virtual terminals of
the console, the getty program is probably messed up, and since it has a
"restart" in /etc/inittab it get created and dies until the init process
gets tired of it and prints the message you see. 

Let me offer a thought which may address "poor virtualization" issues...
when you get the grub prompt, immediately press the ENTER or SPACE key
(forget which is used in FC3) and you should see the list of available
kernels (may only be one, not a problem). Then press 'a' to edit the
boot options. You should see the cursor at the end of the options line,
type a space and the option "noacpi" and hit enter.

That prevents a lot of detailed probing of the hardware, which is
probably emulated incorrectly. I suspect the virtualization you chose
was not tested with Linux, or was tested but not fixed.

One more thought: google "colinux," which is Linux booted from a file
(or CD) which uses the Windows drivers but really runs Linux. Totally
neat stuff if it works for your version of Windows. If that provides the
functionality you need it may be an alternate solution. 

bill davidsen
SBC/Prodigy Yorktown Heights NY data center

How many tests under mkfs.ext3 -c -c ?

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 12:52 PM PST

"Andrew Gideon" <org> wrote in message 

It depends on the drive size, I think: Lacie has always been a problem for
me: they've been selling external drives for Mac's for many years, including
various removable media drives, and I've seen simply ridiculous failure
rates on the drive. I have *NEVER* seen a Lacie drive work for more than 6
months in the last 10 years, including their replacements, with the possible
exception of an old WORM drive years ago.

Can't get Fedora Core 4 installed.

Posted: 23 Jan 2006 09:52 PM PST

Ken Tew wrote: 

also ensure your BIOS HDD parameters in IDE configuration screen is set
to "Auto" (and using LBA) -- specific Info on your system and
components would help. Have you ever had an OS working on there?

display configuration with RH9 and FC4

Posted: 23 Jan 2006 04:56 PM PST

Well it might be partly my fault. The rpm for the font server files,
installs the config file in /etc/X11/fs. There is a softlink from
within /usr/X11R6/lib/fonts (?) that points to the /etc/X11/fs
directory. That's where the service apparently is trying to source the
config file. Since my softlink was broken because I've moved /etc and
/usr to a bigger disk I thinks I broke the softlink which originally
looked something like ( ../../../../etc/X11/fs ). So I just changed it
to say ( /etc/X11/fs ) which fixed the problem.

Problem with grub on a usb disk

Posted: 23 Jan 2006 09:36 AM PST

I finally solved the problem:

I came to the conclusion that I had probably inadvertantly had
the root device set to hd0 instead of hd1 when I did the
setup command.

To fix the problem I broke into the grub command shell from a
boot and issured:
root (hd1,2) ( set the root device to the linux partition on
usb drive
setup (hd1) ( write the files fix MBR)

After a reboot and setting the usb drive to be the "first" drive
I was able to boot directly from the usb disk to linux.

(Booting WinXP still does not work from the usb drive)


Tool for auto-installing Linux/BSD/Windows images onto bladeserver?

Posted: 23 Jan 2006 02:56 AM PST

Michael Heiming wrote: 

Has the OP looked at "frisbee" on


welcome to my website

Posted: 22 Jan 2006 11:56 PM PST

linda wrote: 
In Soviet Russia, exam passes you!

-- And remember, kids, always post your
-- replies below the original message,
-- or Sinterklaas will kidnap you!

how to setup boot menu

Posted: 22 Jan 2006 10:55 PM PST

On 2006-01-24, Dave Stanton wrote: 

Your quoting of context is too short.

Chris F.A. Johnson, author | <>
Shell Scripting Recipes: | My code in this post, if any,
A Problem-Solution Approach | is released under the
2005, Apress | GNU General Public Licence

What Linux distro would be best for a newbie who needs to run CAD applications?

Posted: 22 Jan 2006 08:20 PM PST

Levin wrote:

If you are going to college to learn CAD then your best bet would be to find
out what CAD system the college is teaching and then base your OS and
hardware choices on the requirements of that system. If they're teaching
you CATIA and all you can run is QCAD you're screwed.

Rather than looking for something free or cheap you should factor the cost
of the CAD system into the cost of your education and if you have to flip
burgers or trade bonds or whatever it is that you do to put food on the
table for another year to be able to pay for it then do what you have to

to email, dial "usenet" and validate
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)

how can I automount a external hard drive on startup?

Posted: 22 Jan 2006 06:43 AM PST

kermit wrote: 

I had problems myself with external USB drives and FC4, at least out of the
box. I'd certainly update to the latest kernel: I was trying to use an
external 300 Gig drive as a mirror drive for a source code repository, and
it would hang with the default FC4 kernel. It got a lot better with 2.6.14
based recent kernels, but I never got a chance to really test it again under
serious load.

I wound up giving up on USB for the moment and switching to a firewire card
and the firewire port on the machine, which worked flawlessly.

Really: which kernel? And does a Knoppix boot CD or DVD detect it and mount
it properly?

It looks to me like someone set up the hard drive as a single filesystem
without ever setting up a parttion, this it mounts as /dev/sda instead of as
/dev/sda1. That.... could cause adventures. Can you type "fdisk -l /dev/sda"
and see what is reported?

Also looks like a good idea.

Ubuntu to Debian

Posted: 21 Jan 2006 12:11 PM PST

Merci pour les réponses je veut installer Debian pour pouvoir changer
d'environnement graphique par exemple.

yaboot won't install on new-world ppc

Posted: 20 Jan 2006 05:36 PM PST

Thanks. I had figured that it was something along those lines, but in a
different community someone mentioned that I need to install Yaboot and
the kernel on the master drive.

How to Schedule meetings weekly Microsoft Project

How to Schedule meetings weekly Microsoft Project

How to Schedule meetings weekly

Posted: 11 Apr 2005 01:21 AM PDT

I had totally overseen that option... Thanks!


"Rod Gill" <rod AT project-systems DOT co DOT nz> wrote in message

Milllennium Edition - Viewers

Posted: 10 Apr 2005 05:09 PM PDT

check out MS's website ... you'll need to do a search for viewers
this ng is dedicated to the MS program Project.

check out
....well i'm working on it anyway
"cinderellafe" <> wrote in message

Re-Submit 24 hour calendar

Posted: 09 Apr 2005 02:37 AM PDT


Thanks for your help. There was definitely a disconnect on my part. All the
ref material I have indicate that project comes with 3 base calendars. I
assumed that I needed to activate the calendar some how, not create it. Now I
know. Thanks again!


"Dale Howard [MVP]" wrote:

Changing available units

Posted: 08 Apr 2005 04:43 PM PDT

Hi Marina,

To change it for all tasks rapidly:
Select all tasks
Activate the Resource Assignment window (icon with two heads)
Select teh resource
Click replace
In the replace by wndow, select the same resource but write 50% in the units

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Marina" <> schreef in bericht

When to Indent?

Posted: 08 Apr 2005 09:07 AM PDT

Hi Karen,

You may already have noticed thet expoers' advice on this question is
One shouldn't enter dates :-)
Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project MVP
+32 495 300 620
"Karen" <> wrote in message

task start date changes when I update task

Posted: 08 Apr 2005 08:33 AM PDT

Thanks. It was in the calculation tab of options.

"Reid McTaggart" wrote:

users and resources in project server 2003

Posted: 08 Apr 2005 08:23 AM PDT


I am from Venezuela and my English in not good. But i need your help please.
I am working with users and resources in project but i have several problems
than i dont know how resolve.
1) We have the Enterprise Managment in our enterprise and we sincronize
Project Server with the Active Directory(AD). By error, Whe was sincronize
first the groups and then the Resource pool, and this order created the user
but not the resources in the enterprise pool. We deleted the user by PWA and
then we deleted the register from the MSP_WEB_RESOURCES table. Then I changed
the order and sincronized first the Enterprise Pool and then the Groups. In
this oportunity the people was not be created neither the user niether the
resource. Why? Then i open the Enterprise Resource Pool and add the user from
the AD y this cause an error that explain in professional that the windows
account for the users is dupplicated, but i dont find that people in the
resources tables, i dont find that people in the resource pool and i dont
find that people in the PWA. Why i can't create them from the Enterprise Pool?

2) How i can found the differences between an user of PWA and a resource. I
want know which users are only user for PWA but not are Resources? It is
possible? How?

Very thanks for your help

How can I set a task to occur (X) time before another task?

Posted: 08 Apr 2005 06:39 AM PDT

I find it helpful to think of "predecessor" as meaning "controlling" and
"successor" as meaning "controlled" in these contexts. So "Install Roof" is
the predecessor since its schedule controls when you need to perform the
successor "Order Panels" even though the Install comes after the Order in
the time sequence. Link "Install Roof" as the predecessor with "Order
Panels" as the successor. Set the link type to SF, Start-to-Finish (the
opposite of the normal FS), so the start of the predecessor links to the
finish of the successor. Add a 4 week lead time (lag time = -4 weeks).
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Courthouse Construction" <Courthouse> wrote in message

Assigning resources to tasks

Posted: 08 Apr 2005 06:27 AM PDT


Just when I posted it I thought of the following.
When you have a "leveled" situation A and you level one more time to a
situation say B, indeed clear leveling will not revert to situation A but to
a fully unleveled situation.
So when you think you will need an "undo" to an already leveled situation
you indeed need a backup.


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"JulieD" <> schreef in bericht


costing question

Posted: 07 Apr 2005 04:35 PM PDT


Cost1...Cost10 are unused custom fields you can use for any costs you like.
Search help for formulas. You can create a formula in Cost1 for example teat
adds Cost2+Cost3+Cost4

Enter formulae via Tools, Customize, Fields


Rod Gill
Project MVP

"Mari" <> wrote in message

Setting up non-working calendars for resources

Posted: 07 Apr 2005 01:21 PM PDT

Just a quick response related to tracking budget without costs. I have
worked within a organization that managed using earned value, calculated with
hours. This required some custom tables and macros within MS Project,
because I believe MS Project's out of the box earned value approach relies on
using the cost fields. The approach I particpated in used custom ACWP, BCWS,
BCWP fields based off Work, Remaining Work, Actual Work, and Baseline Work
values. We also had the option of using cost in dollars (vs. hours) for
doing Earned Value calculations.

"Steve House [Project MVP]" wrote:

Number of Significant Figures to Display

Posted: 07 Apr 2005 11:13 AM PDT

Glad to be of help.

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"Chet Hurd" <> wrote in message
numbers to 

Microsoft Word - Word 2013, File Save Dialog what does "maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word" option do?

Microsoft Word - Word 2013, File Save Dialog what does "maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word" option do?

Word 2013, File Save Dialog what does "maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word" option do?

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 03:20 PM PDT

In Word 2013, at the bottom of the File Save dialog I just notice this check box option "maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word".

Exactly what does it do?

Hyperlinks & Bookmarks in an htm (Web Page) document

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 02:57 PM PDT

I produce a lot of .htm documents via Word 2010.

I have an issue whereby I am linking to another .htm file and to a bookmark within the file e.g.


If the bookmark is in all CAPS then 2 things invariably happen. When the document is saved:

1) Word automatically inserts a new paragraph after the hyperlink/bookmark.

2) All the text below the hyperlink/bookmark now contains multiple, multiple hyperlinks. If the document is long there can be hundreds of automatically generated hyperlinks for whole paragraphs.

I am using Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010. Version 14.0.7116.5000 (64 bit) [supplied by the company).

I have searched and searched to see if this has been reported but had no luck.

Guessing the Name

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 01:04 PM PDT

So I liked the feature on the old Microsft Word (before 2013) that took the first line and used it automatically as the title when you went to save. I noticed that in Word 2013, or at least my edition, it no longer does that, instead taking the name of the last thing you saved or the last thing you opened as the default. Why is that? Is there some kind of switch that I have turned off? Or is it not on the new product? If so, I really hope they make an update to include that, as it was very helpful.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Office 365 suddenly stopped working

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 12:51 PM PDT

I purchased Office 365 University a couple of months ago. It was working fine until today when I tried to open some of my Word documents-they didn't open- nothing happened at all. I tried just opening Word but nothing happens then either. It seems to be same for Excel as well. When I looked in the control panel programs section none of the Office programs were there.

/Word/document.xml, LIne:2, Column:0 Please help!

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 12:27 PM PDT

I encountered this error message when I tried to open this document.

I have been working on this for weeks... cannot afford to lose it.    Can anyone please help me recover this file?

I have uploaded my file to sendspace.


unable to open office 2013

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 10:52 AM PDT

After doing windows update cannot access office 2013 applications. I am unable to repair or uninstall as get error message saying 'please wait untill the programme is finished uninstalling/changing.'

Add mergefield switch to AddressBlock for Word 2010 merge

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 10:27 AM PDT

I like using the AddressBlock for merging, but having the problem with the leading zero dropping in the zip code.  Is it possible to insert the switch to force the formatting of the zip? {Mergefield Zip \#"0000"}

Where would it be added?  I don't quite understand where the field name <<_Postal_>> is defined to be able to make this change.

Word 2013 freezes for ~5 secs on save with message "Uploading to OneDrive"

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 09:43 AM PDT

I'm running into an annoying problem where every time I save a Word 2013 document, Word hangs for about 5 to 10 seconds with the message "Uploading to OneDrive" on that status bar.  I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro and the document is saved locally to my SkyDrive/OneDrive folder.  I would expect that the SkyDrive/OneDrive sync would save these files to the cloud but instead it looks like the Microsoft Office Upload Center app is doing it instead.  I *think* that what's happening is that Microsoft Office Upload Center is blocking Word 2013 from running while it uploads to the cloud.

It also appears that Word 2013 thinks it's opening the OneDrive version of the file rather than the file that's living on my local disk even though the file in my Skydrive folder says "available offline". 

Is there any way to tell Word 2013 to open and save the local file *only* and tell Microsoft Office Upload Center to chill out and take a break?  Basically, I want the Windows 8.1 SkyDrive/OneDrive process to do the uploading to the cloud when it gets around to it rather than MOUC's immediate upload.

If it helps, I get and install my version of Word 2013 (and the rest of Office) via my Office 365 subscription.



Service status failed

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 09:07 AM PDT

Microsoft 2007 Diagnostics tells me the Service Status in Components failed. What can I do about this?

<Service Status="Failed" Name="cmdagent"/>

I use Vista SP2 from Office Home and Student

It may or may not be associated with the following:

When I try to open a document with a double click it says it can't find it, but I can open it within Word.

Ic an't get a print dialogue box even though the prineter is said to be connected and ready and the standalone photocopying by the printer works (HP Photosmart 5520).

The problems followed a malicious attaqck, which I think has been disposed of.

John Presland

Word 2013 stole my 2007 documents

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 09:00 AM PDT

I use Office 2007 and recently inserted my flash drive on a system using 2013. All of my Word 2007 documents were converted to 2013 and now I cannot open them on my system using 2007. How do I retrieve my documents using Word 2007?

Unable to use Office 2013 offline

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 08:23 AM PDT

Bought 2013 online 01 june 2013. after recent update from yesterday  while connected on line i can open  word , excel and others.

I am unable to open Microsoft 2013 wile in off line ( not connected to internet)

when  opening  word document by using product key option ( not online) i am unable to perform the same . it gives message hold . office to get the information . it takes more than 30 mts. still I am unable to open.

as all the time the internet connectivity is not possible. off line use of Microsoft 2013 is not possible in my case.

Tried the following steps also.

repair the mocrosoft 2013 office and home thru control panel change option . still i am unable to open mS office 2013 offline)

request your help



[Original title: microsoft office2013]

Issue with Win 8 vs Office 365 after Win update

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 06:19 AM PDT

Windows 8 installed a "Critical Update"yesterday. Now none of my Office 365 programs are woking. They don't open at all, so noe erros message even appear. I restored my sstem to before this critical update and it was working fine. The restored agian to a resotre point I'd created before starting this process (i.e. AFTER the update) and the problem persists.

Multi-level list style for bullets

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 05:20 AM PDT

The rule for stable multi-level list styles has always been to assign a paragraph style to each level of the list, a rule that I have always followed when developing templates. However, I'm wondering if it really is still necessary. Here is the scenario that prompted this train of heretical thinking.

I need to create a template that has 4 numbered heading levels where each level of text is indented so that the number aligns with the start of the text of the previous level. So far nice and simple. Here is where it gets awkward. After each level I need to be able to insert a bulleted list. The bulleted list may, in turn, have up to 3 levels as pictured below in a rough example I knocked up.

So my question is:

Do I really need to create List Bullet 6 - List Bullet 12 or could I get away with creating 4 list styles with just one paragraph style attached at level 1 and then have the list style apply the further levels? Or would this, as I suspect, lead to instability?


Office 2013 doesn't work

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 03:07 AM PDT


suddenly my Office 2013 had stopped working without any reason. Now when I try to open one of its programs, I see this message: "A problem is happened. It was not possible to start the program. Please try again". It happens not only with Word, but with any Office program.

I tried many times but it just doesn't work.

What do I have to do?

Copy and paste HELP

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 01:30 AM PDT

I can't copy one document into another exactly from the source document: it automatically switches Times to Calibri and I cant change it without messing up the different font sizes I did, which is crucial for my 63-page document (the file needs to be put together with other files to form one file). I have tried everything I could find online on how to copy without changing format (which I'm really not sure what that means).

The file (A) that I need to copy is in "normal", Times 12pt with MANY parts of it in 10pt. The new file (B) is in "no spacing", Times 12pt. Both files with 1.5 spacing. When I paste, it changes it automatically to Calibri 11pt and if I try "no formatting", even though the boldfaced and italicised words are kept, my 10pt parts change to 12pt and this is not good. So I need to copy A exactly as is into B and I cannot do it and it is really upsetting me. PLEASE HELP!!!

Can I "set back" (recreate) a word document that is only saved on a USB to a particular date and time?

Posted: 23 Mar 2014 01:25 AM PDT

Hi all,

I'm probably a lost case, but I need to ask anyways. Three days ago I renamed a manuscript file that I was working on, and only saved it on my desktop. The old version became a kind of "trash document" where I left all the stuff that I could not use. After this, my work computer had to be completely reinstalled, and everything got deleted beyond repair (IT experts have looked into that). However, I still have the "trash document" that I saved on a USB.

My question is, is there ANY way to ask this "trash document" to go back to how it was three days ago? I only have it on my stick and it can unfortunately not be linked to the word program on the computer anymore. It only exists on the USB.

I think I know the answer - however, as I'm expected to defend my thesis soon and this was part of my thesis work, this is of course a nightmare scenario for me. I appreciate all answers.



PS- Yes, I KNOW about backing up. There are several small things that all added up to this, and it's also happening in the midst of a very stressful life situation in general, which is why this happened.

Can't find Microsoft Office programs in Windows Apps

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 10:48 PM PDT

So I bought Word, power point, one note and excel.

A few months after that, I started getting problems with my computer (caused by another product) and I was forced to reset my entire laptop. After I reset it, I saw I could still open my word and powerpoint documents without a problem. They worked fine and still do but for some reason they don't appear as apps when I search for them using Windows 8, except for Onenote. 

How can I fix this?

Custom Table of Contents in Office 2013

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 10:40 PM PDT

 I am trying t generate a TOC in the format below, but can't get the tab stops etc. quite right.

I have 4 heading styles and the first seven entries are formatted as TOC Level 2. I would be so grateful for any help, as I haven't much time left and am wasting valuable time trying to get it right!

Thank you

Make Office 2013 more stable?

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 09:16 PM PDT

Two most common screen hangs for me 

Word: when I go to search in a long document (100 pages plus) Comes up as 'not responding'

Outlook: when I go to add an attachment

I have Office 2013, Windows 8 pro, 8 MB Ram, Dell XPS laptop (2013)

Typically I have just Word, Excel and Outlook open at any one time

Do I just need more ram?

poss compatibility issues word - windows 8.1

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 06:43 PM PDT

just upgraded from to windows 8 to 8.1. Now Word won't open any docs or let me start a new one.

Error reads:

MS Word has stopped working.

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available

The compatibility troubleshooter has not helped. What do I do now?

Word 2010 - Changing Settings

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 04:47 PM PDT

I must have unknowingly changed something in the settings, all of a sudden when I create documents in Word 2010, in addition to the document printing, another page prints out w/Filename, directory, template, title, subject, author, keywords, comments, creation date, change number, last saved on, last saved by, total editing time, last printed on, as of last complete printing, etc.

I do NOT need and more so WANT this printing out, especially using up my ink, expensive labels, for home use, etc. How do I change the settings to STOP this from printing?


Using WORD 2010 with Windows 8.1

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 03:56 PM PDT

I have just purchased a new laptop using Windows 8.1

I have MS Office 2010, but it will be not install onto my new laptop.

Do I have to purchase 2013 to install, or what?

Outlook 2003 issue with Font Color - Microsoft Office forums

Outlook 2003 issue with Font Color - Microsoft Office forums

Outlook 2003 issue with Font Color

Posted: 01 Jul 2006 07:33 AM PDT

The problem was that the High Contrast setting was enabled in the Handicap

"Roady [MVP]" <_SPAM_net> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 


Posted: 30 Jun 2006 09:02 AM PDT

Creaet a new mail profile - yours is corrupt.

And stop shouting.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, THOMAS H asked:


License Acceptance Not Going Away

Posted: 30 Jun 2006 08:33 AM PDT

Thank you Gyorgy!!
Do you know why it would work for some regular user accounts and not
all of them? They all have the same local PC rights.


On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 18:53:24 +0200, "Gyorgy Moldova [MVP]"
<org> wrote:

My registry cleaner has removed key office 2003 files!!!

Posted: 29 Jun 2006 01:26 PM PDT

and the registry cleaner did'nt create a backup?

"Dom23" <> wrote in message

Complete removal utility

Posted: 29 Jun 2006 10:41 AM PDT

Hi all

I would like to reinstall office due to some errors, however I would first
like to clean it up out of my pc, so it does not re-use old values. Is there
a utility comparable to office 2000 removal?
Thank you.

Office 2007 Maintenance Wizard

Posted: 29 Jun 2006 06:13 AM PDT

Hi Martin,

MS Office 2007 has a different installation method and tool set for deployment than prior versions.

The Office Network Installation Point (O-NIP) replaced the Office Admin Point. The Office Admin Point was a special extraction
structure created by the Setup /A switch, but it worked only with a volume license/eneterprise key for Office.

At least through beta 2, anyone can create and use an O-NIP, as it's basically the CD image of the Office 2007 product. If you have
the Office 2007 beta 2 software on CD, just copy the CD to a new folder on your drive/server. If you have multiple Office 2007
products (i.e. Office Professional, OneNote, Visio, Project) rather than having a separate Office Admin Point for each product, you
can copy all of the CDs into one O-NIP.

If you downloaded the compressed 2007 MS Office system Professional Edition (.exe) file you can extract the CD image from it to
create an O-NIP using these steps.

1. Locate your 2007 Office Professional Beta 2
download file and note the folder/path location.

2. Create a new folder on your PC or server and note that
folder/path location. This will be your Office 2007
Network Installation Point (O-NIP)

3. Use Start=>Run , and on a single line type in
the following (using the path & file names from Step 1 & 2)

"drive:\Step1PathOfDownload\downloadfilename.e xe" /extract:"Step2path"

example: (assuming you saved to a 'downloads' folder and created a new folder named Off2007ProB2NIP) the Start=>Run line would look
like this

"c:\downloads\OPPLUS-EN.EXE" /extract:"E:\Off2007ProB2NIP"

If the extraction is successful (you'll get a dialog box telling you it was after a few minutes)

4. In your new ONIP create a new, empty folder for your customization files. Name it what ever you like, for example

5. Once you have your O-NIP run the Office 2007 Setup.exe file from Start=>Run using the full path to it on your O-NIP and adding
the /Admin switch to create your customization files.

"E:\Off2007ProB2NIP\Setup.exe" /Admin

This starts the Office Customization Tool (OCT)that is built into the Office 2007 setup.exe program. You no longer install
separately and use the Office Custom Installation Wizard or Custom Maintenance Wizard.

Once you're in the 2007-OCT you create .MSP (MS Installer Patch) files to hold your customizations and store them in the
customization folder you created in step 4.

To deploy Office 2007 product(s) you can copy a specific set of customizations to the \Update folder of your O-NIP (already part of
the initial setup) and then Run Office Setup.exe (don't install directly from the .MSI files) and any .MSP in the \Updates folder is
automatically included in the setup steps.

For more details and methods you can use the Office 2007 Resource Kit (beta) at (note that to
access the site you would need to have an installed MS Office 2007 product or the Active X control installed that you can get from
the link below).

In your scenario, keep in mind that not providing Access as an installed feature from a Professional Edition Office package does not
convert it to a 'standard edition' copy/license. Once MS Office 2007 is released you may want to review the editions you choose to
license for different needs.

<<"Martin" <> wrote in message news:com...

Im looking for a "Custom Maintenance Wizard" in Office 2007.

We are trying to deploy Office 2007 pro, without access (not all users
should have access).

How do we enable/deploy Access 2007 for those who need it ?

Any Ideas?

I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS for the 2007 Office System

1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system iinfo is at

2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)

3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit

Problem with office 2007 installation

Posted: 28 Jun 2006 12:19 PM PDT

Ignore did nothing......

The installation would freeze and do nothing (I let it sit for over 40

I eventually canceled the installation (and restore failed).

The only way I was able to correct this was to completely uninstall office
2003 and then reinstall office 2007.

(Dim Everything as Variant!)

"Gyorgy Moldova [MVP]" wrote:

office 2007 the installation of this package failed

Posted: 28 Jun 2006 11:43 AM PDT

I too am getting the same problem, the file will start to load, then an error
window appears with 'The installation of this package has failed'. Have tried
both using save as... and running from the web. Download version
12.0.4017.1003, Vista Beta 2 Build 5384

"JoAnn Paules [MVP]" wrote:

Office 2007 AdminPoint Install

Posted: 28 Jun 2006 11:07 AM PDT

Bob -

This is great info but one follow up question, once I have my O-NIP all set,
can use the .msi file in there to deploy office via GPO? If I do create a
cutomization file (.msp) do all install have to be done locally or is there
a network wide deployment method (IE: cna I use Group Policy to deploy a
customized instance?).

Thanks -


"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:phx.gbl... 

How do I get the trial software to accept my product key?

Posted: 27 Jun 2006 11:50 AM PDT

That's what I said.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

"Daphne Foldes" <com> wrote in message

He/She might be very well off and to this person a few hundred dollars is a
small fee



Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"JoAnn Paules [MVP]" <com> wrote in message

how to activate "language bar" for dictation, voice commands etc.

Posted: 26 Jun 2006 04:03 AM PDT

"Nauman" wrote:

I have been trying to install the language bar, in Office 2003 (Win XP Pro),
but it remains greyed out in the Regional Settings. How do I make it active??

How can I install office shortcut bar from an old version

Posted: 24 Jun 2006 07:21 PM PDT

Sorry I missed one thing you said. The shortcut bar should definitely be
found under Office Tools during the Office 2000 installation. It is listed
alphabetically when you expand Office Tools as "Microsoft Office Shortcut
Bar", just before "Microsoft Photo Editor".

Greg Lindsay [MSFT]

Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
"Greg Lindsay" <com> wrote in message