

How do I add watermark DRAFT across the pages Microsoft Project

How do I add watermark DRAFT across the pages Microsoft Project

How do I add watermark DRAFT across the pages

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 05:47 AM PST

Hi Raymond,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

I assume you talking about Project? You could pre-print the pages with a
watermark using Word. Then Over-print your project pages. (Or vice versa.)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Raymond Beliveau wrote: 

I need to save MS Project plan as a gif. HOW?

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 03:33 AM PST

Glad to have helped Ian, and thanks for the feedback.


"Ian Leonard" wrote:

New Menu in PWA

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 02:23 AM PST



"MARVS" wrote:

For pity's sake ...

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 01:21 AM PST

It's not Project's fault - all applications pick up their available paper
size information from the printer driver. Go to the printer settings in the
Windows Start menu, select your installed printer and view its properties.
You'll find the list of paper sizes it understands in its properties.
Anything not listed will not show up as a paper size in Project (or other
applications either).

A3 paper is approximately 11.75 x 16.5 inches. If it's missing from your
driver settings there are a couple of possibilities - either your printer
can't accomodate paper that size (maybe it's too wide for the printer), you
have the wrong printer driver installed, or it was accidently omitted and
you need to see if there's an update available.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Vaughan" <> wrote in message

department capacities over various tasks...using Project 2000

Posted: 02 Mar 2005 01:07 AM PST

Hi Lloyd,

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.
The timephased values for groups were only added since 2002.
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Lloyd Williams" <de> schreef in bericht 

Duration based on total resource quantity and rate of use

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 06:03 PM PST

That's the way material resources are tracked. Create a resource "Coal" as
a material resource, material label "pounds." Create a task X. In the
Window menu choose "split" to split the screen With task X selected, assign
the resource coal, set the units to "50/day" and the work to "600" and
you'll find it calculates the duration to be 12 days. Be very very careful
with this, though, because if you assign a work resource as well, the work
resources will over-ride the duration calculated by the usage of the
material resource - in my example if you add resource Bill at 100%
everything with be fine at first BUT if you then try to change the total
coal to be used to 1000 pounds you'll find the duration number doesn't
change but the elasped time shown by the Gantt bar does! It's as if Bill's
work governs the duration numbers but the usage of coal governs the elapsed
time! I'd strongly suggest manually estimating the duration rather than
asking Project to do it for you to avoid those sorts of problems.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Steve NCC" <com.(remove)> wrote in message

No ending task

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 05:38 PM PST

while i fully agree with Steve & John ... you might be after a "hammock
task" - check out
to see if it meets your needs


"Thor W Hammer" <com> wrote in message

How to remove task split

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 04:47 PM PST

In article <com>,
"Haixiang" <com> wrote:

You're welcome.

How does "it" know? You told it when you dragged the Gantt bar. If a
task has no resources assigned, manually creating a split on the Gantt
causes a Duration split, meaning the task has a forced period of "down
time". Any subsequent assignment of resources will follow that split and
work hours for those resources will show as "0h" during the split period
on the Usage views.

Project MVP

Formatting Summary Bars by Level

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 01:01 PM PST

OOOPS. I forgot the extra step noted by Jack for the Bar Styles.

So sorry,

The Real Start Date

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 12:59 PM PST

The very first task in the project would be whatever is the first thing that
happens that is associated with this project

1.0 Contract Signed - milestone
2.0 Develop Schedule - xx days - FS1
3.0 Identify Resources - xx days - FS2
4.0 Develop Budget - xx days - FS3
5.0 Kickoff - milestone - FS4
6.0 First Phase - summary (calculated)
6.1 first work activity - xx days - FS5
6.2 second work activity - yy days - FS 6.1

Filtering on sub tasks

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 11:03 AM PST

Hi Fred,

That does help somewhat. If all of your "Tender" tasks contain the word
"tender" you can create a custom filter to only show those tasks.

Jack Dahlgren (Project MVP) has a "Summary Name" macro on his site

that may assist you if the subtasks of the "Tender" summary task don't
contain the text "tender".

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Fred" wrote:

Filtering on a sub task

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 11:03 AM PST

i think you don't need to use resource,try to use custom fields such as text1.
but you still need to assign 3200 tasks.
see you task name to find if there are some key words for each stage,try to
use these key words to filter your tasks, if this works ,done.
if this works partially, at least it can minimize the task range,so you can
easily assign your custom field.

"ca" wrote:

Customize Gantt chart timeline range

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 09:35 AM PST

Hi Panos,

I think we have two separate issues - what you see and what you print.

The ability to control what *prints* from the Gantt chart is controlled in
the File>Print dialog box under the Timescale options.

What you view on the screen is controlled in the View>Zoom command. As far
as *seeing* only a specific time range, you may select the tasks between the
dates you want and select View>Zoom and the selected tasks option.

Sorry if the original answer was less than clear and please let me know if
this has helped.


"Panos" wrote:

Master project - cross project dependancies

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 07:40 AM PST

Hi Michael,

Glad to know it worked and thanks for the feedback. On a side note, you may
also use CTRL+F2 instead of the "Link Tasks" button if you prefer.


"com" wrote: 

Creating Report to show % complete

Posted: 28 Feb 2005 11:31 PM PST

After some playing about I've now managed to do what I wanted...

"Susie" wrote: