

Microsoft Word - How to Modify a Word 2010 Custom Table Style

Microsoft Word - How to Modify a Word 2010 Custom Table Style

How to Modify a Word 2010 Custom Table Style

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 02:55 PM PST

Using Word 2010, and the Oriel Report theme, how do I modify a custom table style?

When I create a custom table style, I'm not able to modify it.

For example, when I try to change the Header Row to red, it reverts back to automatic:


Here's a video (2 mins) showing the end to end process of what I'm doing and where it breaks down:




loss of microsoft student packages such as word and excel

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 02:36 PM PST


with reference to the above, I have lost my student package of word and excel.. they have disappeared from my computer!! - help please! - I last used them in December, and when I went to use them tonight the icons were not anywhere to be seen! I purchased them late on last year.. October/November time, and need them for my studies.. can I reinstall them using the product key thing??


help please!




How do I turn off the annoying Research pane on Word?

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 02:30 PM PST

It opens up EVERYTIME. This is so annoying! Closing the X on the top tight corner does not help at all. 

Is there some way to turn off this completely unnecessary functionality for once and for all?! 

Where are keyboard shortcuts stored?

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 02:17 PM PST

On my Windows 8.1 machine, I just created a newer user account, and I thought I'd transferred all application data from the old account I've been using. However, I see that certain stuff has been left behind. 

Right now, I know that at least my keyboard shortcuts didn't come over to the new profile. Can I locate them somewhere and move them?



File in Use: this document is locked for editing by ..... me, only it isn't it's someone else

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 01:44 PM PST

I am a junior tech for our local school division, I install programs and so I am responsible for installing most of the users Microsoft office in the schools and offices I'm responsible for.

Lately I am getting a LOT of hate  mail from staff who say that THEIR Microsoft office files are not editable or that they can't open because I have them open.

They get the following pop up- 
File in Use: this document is locked for editing by Victoria mylastname.. Do you want to 1) open a read only copy 2) create a local copy 3) receive notification when original is available"

They say every file seems to be read only.

As I'm a junior tech I have a lot of work to do and no interest nor do I want to snoop through their files, and I'm definitely not opening them and keeping them from editing them.  I am also the tech for the school division's head office and it is an office so they do share files over the network.  So what is happening is someone who I have installed Office on their computer for them has opened the file.  This is totally ok, what isn't ok, is that it says that I'm the one who has it open, if they knew who it was they could say hey I need that file.  But since it's saying it's me, and I don't have it open they can't track down who has it open.

I'm tired of getting the emails and questioned about why I have their files open.  

is there a solution to this issue.  I have asked my senior techs but they haven't found a solution yet.

I set up the machines, install the settings and the programs they require. Then I transfer my user settings to the default user, this where I am guessing my name is being set up as the user who is opening the files.  

Once the new Users have their machines is there a way to ensure that their names are what is used when the File is use warning is sent? ribbon placement

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 01:42 PM PST

My selection keeps disappearing from the ribbon and I'm unable to find a way to permanently restore it to its place. Q&A does not suggest an answer to the problem. 

Microsoft Word 2013 partially opening documents, worsens over time until have to completely restart Word

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 01:15 PM PST

One of our users is experiencing a problem which progressively worsens throughout the day - she normally works with a couple of different Word Documents over, a variety of document types from 97 - 2013. When she opens a saved document, the document often hangs and opens up an outline box rather than a document, closing this and re-opening the document sometimes works for her, but it is noticeably worse after she has been working on more documents.

Completely closing Word temporarily resolves this, but I need to stop it happening altogether as we're starting to roll out 2013 and I don't want this to be a network wide issue...could this be associated with the database in her AppData? Is there any Office "Cache" I can increase the size of? Or am I looking in the wrong place altogether?

Thanks in advance,


Using line numbers in an index

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 01:12 PM PST

I have a document with continuous line numbers.


How can I have the Index use line numbers instead of page numbers?

Different number of lines per page

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 12:56 PM PST

I need major help here.  I'm formatting my book for Createspace and everything is perfect except that the left hand page sometimes has 29 lines and the right has 30.  I know it's a small thing, but a major thing at the same time because it happens maybe every twenty pages.  I do not have the widow/orphan control on and all the pages have the same dimensions.  Can anyone give me some suggestions?

Continuing text past section break

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 12:53 PM PST

I'm working on a letterhead template that uses a different image for the first page than it does on any pages beyond that. I've put the images as watermarks and created a section break so that the first watermark doesn't repeat. The issue I'm having is that simply typing text that exceeds the first page doesn't continue into the second section, it just creates another page containing the first watermark. Is there another way of doing this so that text exceeding the first page will appear on the second watermark? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Microsoft Office (Apparently, three other people are editing my work and I am all of them.

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 12:24 PM PST

Ok, not so bright I guess lol. I was trying to change the title of what I was writing when I noticed that two other people were editing my work?? I thought, well, maybe I will just close it down and open it again only to find out there were now three and once again, I was the culprit. How the heck do I fix that?? Thank you for your time.


Microsoft Office is busy at the moment.

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 12:05 PM PST

I have come to use my word document in Microsoft office, but a box appears stating:

WINWORD.EXE cant be used right now because office is busy. We're either updating or helping you add or remove some programs.

It goes on to say I will able to use it when they have finished, and it shouldn't take long.

This message has been on for over an hour, and I have an assignment deadline to meet, does anyone know how long this message stays on for? And has it occurred due to something I have done? Because the previous evening I had problems with word and printing, so perhaps this is a result of that.


Outline Numbering within a table

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:50 AM PST

New here, any guidance or suggestions are welcomed.

I am trying to improve on a document given to me by my supervisor. 

In this word doc there are tables that we are using to document a test procedure. In each table we have multiple columns and possibly multiple rows.

We need to document each step with a unique identifier for collection purposes. 

Is it possible to have numbering span multiple columns and then follow a numbering scheme I set for each sub category?

I know how to add outline numbering to a single column.

I tried my to explain my goal as best as possible without adding confusion so I have added the image below to help with clarification. 

Again, Any help is greatly appreciated.

What are the pros and cons of both oxps and xps files?

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:33 AM PST

I am using Windows 8.1 and have a really basic question. Since I can save/print files as both .oxps and .xps files, are there reasons to use one over the other? Is there any functionality gained, such as the ability to comment, highlight, or convert to another format like those available in Acrobat Reader?

Thanks for whatever help you can give.

How to change Word language from Polish to English. (Not the spell check/grammar language but the program's language itself)

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 10:42 AM PST

   Please help! Some years back I purchased my computer from a fellow student. She was from Poland and so all of MS Office 2007 was set to the Polish language. I have spent considerable time attempting to change the language to English (even going into the registry as one person advised) but it does not seem to work. There is even a language button on the bottom of the screen in MS Word which says 'Angielski' which I think means 'English' and when clicking there you can select US English, but it only seems to apply to the grammar and spell check, not to MS Word itself (File, Edit, Cut, Copy, things like this)
    I happen to be using MS Word much more now than before and so trying to navigate between it and Google Translate is getting frustrating.
      Please help!

Caption Label Disapeared - Table of Figures - Unable to find entries - Unable to 'Continue" with new labels.

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 10:39 AM PST

Product: MS Word 2013 (via MS Office 365 Subscription Small Business Premium - not an option in the list of products)

Using Table of Figures and Insert Caption:  I created a new caption "Label" (value "Fig."), and created a set of captions for figures.  I confirmed use, format, and ability to create a Table of Figures, by inserting Table of Figures at end of document.  I saved the document, but did not save changes to, and closed the document.  When I returned to the document, it appears that the label "Fig." is gone. I can continue to update the table, but the label ("Fig.") is missing.  Insert Table of Figures results in the inserted value "No table of figures entries found". (Despite the fact that I can SEE the captions.)

I can insert NEW captions using a NEW label.  The NEW label starts at sequence value 1.   There are instructions for setting the Sequence number (using the "/r" switch in the code macro.  This seems to work about 50% of the time - it works inconsistently.  I can even create a NEW label with the same string value as the previous one ("Fig.") but Insert Table of Figures only inserts any newly created captions - and does not pick up the old ones.  (I note that when I look at the macro code for the old "Table of Figures" table it shows the code as "{TOC \h \z \c "Fig. "} (with space after the "Fig."), and the value "Fig." is italicized.  When I create a NEW label with same apparent value, the string "Fig." is not italicized.  I do not see any way to italicize or set style on the actual label in label creation. My guess - and its only that - is that MS Word keeps the Labels in the Normal template (why?  I don't know, and thus not saving 'normal' resulted in the label being lost - and the list of Captions being orphaned.)  If I delete the old table of figures, I cannot recreate it - but I can keep it and it will update correctly.  Not a good solution as this is a living document. 

So, the questions are::  Is there a way to tell MS Word to (a) continue to use the existing figure captions and to continue the sequence?  Or create a new sequence, and caption set, but include the existing.  Advice?  Help?

(As an aside,  I attempted to get phone support on this question as Small Business Premium Subscription is a 'supported' product.  2 hours, 7 phone calls, 2 chats, 1 dropped remote session (with no call back - after getting my # and promising to) and 2 dropped 'transfers' later (after also getting my phone number),  I gave up.  Some of the most abysmal technical support interaction I've ever experienced and at this point we've all experienced some pretty bad interactions.  I couldn't even get to someone that knew enough to look at this, much less solve it or contribute to a solution - or even just acknowledge that its a bug.  Microsoft ?  I knew you when you were at least smart if not cool.  You got to try harder!)

Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V are not working

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 10:12 AM PST

Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V are not working in word 2013 and Windows 8.1

This is pretty strange.

When I am in WORD 2013, these 3 shortcuts don't work.

this problem happens ONLY in word 2013.

The rest of the programs on the pc work fine. ( I installed word 2010 and it works just fine. I uninstalled and installed office 2013 and there goes the shortcut problem).

Any idea please?

After setting tabbing order in a protected form, it skips fields

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 10:08 AM PST

I used the code from this page, , and changed the names of the field bookmarks as necessary, but when I enable form protection, it skips every other field when I press the tab key.  In the Case statements in the macro, I basically just did something like "Case Text1 go to Text2", "Case Text2 go to Text3" (using proper syntax, of course, as provided in the link).  I can't figure out why it's skipping every other field.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Line Breaks with Font Changes

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 09:43 AM PST

I have a document that is inserting a line break after an open quotation mark. Both Asian language rules (ex. and Latin language rules say that Word should not break after an open quote. This particular open quotation mark is in Times New Roman (English) followed by characters in PMingLiU (Chinese). I assume the font change the cause for the line break as if I alter the open quotation to also be PMingLiU, Word keeps it together.  I also know that I can force a line break before the open quotation, but this text will not always be at the end of the line, and this would force me to edit the break every time I use the document. So, is there way to turn the break off or insert some kind of non-breaking-open-quotation (not unlike a non-breaking-space)? I want to keep the fonts, but also keep the Times New Roman quotation mark and PMingLiU characters together.  Thanks for your help.

Word Configures Every Time I Run It

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 09:15 AM PST


I have Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007. When I installed it, all of the applications are running normally except for Word. Whenever I start Microsoft Word, it says "Configuration Progress" and has a loading bar with "Configuring Microsoft Office 2007" underneath it. The loading bar takes around 3-5 minuets. This pops up in a new window. After it finishes loading, Word starts up and runs normally.  All of my saved information remains. I tried repairing it, but the same problem happens again. This doesn't happen for any of the other applications. Also, the saved documents are supposed to have a Microsoft Word logo next to it, but when I save a document it has a different icon, one with a white, bunny-eared page, and blue and red markings on it. How would you fix this problem?

My Microsoft Word 2010 for Mac Margins Are All Over The Place

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 09:13 AM PST

I recall my margins being 2 cm (top,bottom,left,right) for 'Normal' setting some 2-3 years ago when I first bought Office so I don't know how it became all set to 2.54 cm now when I click 'Normal' margin settings. 

I have had no problem after applying this setting but on writing my 3rd page of the document, somehow my sentences and paragraphs have literally gone off tangent and become quite indented towards the right even though the margin levels at the top of the page show that it's still in the 'Normal' setting. So I've got 2 pages in normal margins and then the 3rd page, all my margins have gone crazy. I've tried configuring custom margin settings in all sorts of way possible and even tried setting it to Office Word 2003 default but nothing seems to fix this.Also, every time I start a new document, the margins become all messed up again.

I've attached a picture to shed more light.

Please help as I have an assignment to submit pretty soon!

Thanks in advance!

Office question

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 09:11 AM PST

I am working with a pic from  online clip art.  I want to add text that will attach to the photo so when I resize the photo the text will change as well.  I have it the way I want it know but when I resize the pic the text stays the same.  I used word art for the text.  Can anyone help with this?

How do you include Chapter numbers in an index?

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 08:56 AM PST

I've set up a 230 manual with TOC and Index.  However, the index prints the page number only and my document is set up with each chapter starting out with page 1. 

Is there a way to put Chapter number in the footer (and not have it visible) so that the index can include this as part of the page number?  Or is there a way for the index to also grab the chapter number from the header?

My header includes
Company Name
Manual Name
Chapter Name                       Chapter Number

My footer includes
Revision Date             Revision Number                  Page Number

Chapter Title                                          Page Number
Section Number        Section Title           Page Number
     Paragraph Title                                 Page Number

Paragraph Title or key word                   Page Number (THIS IS WHERE I'D LIKE IT TO READ SOMETHING LIKE   9:4   (Chapter 9, page 4)

Mail Merge with Rules - Spacing Problem

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 08:51 AM PST



I've set up a mail merge template, where I am using the if/then rule to merge text as required.

More specifically, I have certain sections of my document that only need inclueded occasionally - I've designed the if/then rule to input the text IF the data source contains a particular word for that mergefield. The process itself is working flawlessly, and I am able to merge the text it without issue.


However the problem I am encountering is for one section that includes three (3) paragraphs. When this section is NOT included in the final merged document, word (for some reason) includes the paragraph spaces that are formatted between the paragraphs. As the paragraph breaks are within the text the merge is NOT supposed to include in the finished merge document, I do not understand why or how to fix the problem. I've tried every work around I can think of, and still no luck.


Any suggestions?





How to reverse the background colors in a search result

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 07:57 AM PST

For quite a while now (forever?), whenever I search in Word, the result being highlighted is a dark yellow, and all the other results are bright/lighter yellow. My eye naturally drifts to the lighter, brighter color and I find myself asking which term I am being shown at the moment.

Is there a way to get MS Word to change the colors for the search results?

Creating 10 documents, wanting to change order of different Heading and sub headings and keep them in sync..

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 07:23 AM PST

Word 2010 Professional Plus


I am creating 10 documents that each contain information about our different customers.  These are work in progress documents and they will continue to evolve.


We have not finalized the order of the content.  I am using Styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading3, etc.).

I am able to easiliy move the content around using the Navigation Pane.


Is there a way to keep all 10 documents contents in sync with what order we evolve to?  I looked at Master Documents and Templates, but I am not sure that is what I need.


Thanks in Advance.





Different Users-Different # of Pages

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 06:37 AM PST

I created a one page document in Word 2013 (Windows 7). Every time I open it, it's one page. When a coworker opens it, it's two pages. I have searched, but cannot find an explanation. I saved it as a PDF, and the PDF opens as a one-page document for her.


Any idea why the number of pages changes? I have no section breaks in the document.

Language Pack

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 06:24 AM PST

I have bought the language pack couple of years ago for word and installed it on my notebook then. My notebook crashed and i had to reinstall windows and office. Now i don\t have access to my language pack as it was wiped out when i reinstalled the windows. Should i buy the language pack again? 

thanks in advance!

Display sub-item of enumeration next to parent

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 05:50 AM PST

I am trying to create a list with the items sorted like this. (I do not want to type the numbers and letters myself, I want to use Word's enumeration possibilities.)

  1. a. Some text 
    b. Some text
  2. Some text
  3. a. Some text
Is this possible? So the "a." and "b." should be list-items as well, not just som text that I typed.

Word Document opening with an exceptionally huge(unwanted) width !!

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 05:27 AM PST


I have a code that downloads a file by calling a web service and opens that file in a word document.But,after the file gets opened in the word doc,the width of the word doc becomes exceptionally long,although,the file downloaded wasn't that huge.So,i end up getting so much  unused white space on the right hand side of the doc.
PFB the code used for opening the downloaded file in word doc.

string tempdir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            string tempfile = Path.Combine(tempdir, documentName);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tempfile, content);
            object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            object fileName = tempfile;
            object readOnly = true;
            object isVisible = true;
            object confirmConversions = true;
            object addToRecentFiles = false;
                ref fileName,
                ref confirmConversions,
                ref readOnly,
                ref addToRecentFiles,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref isVisible,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref missing,
                ref missing);

I tried to fix the issue by setting the RightMargin to 0(zero),But,that didn't help.

ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Document.PageSetup.RightMargin = 0;

Please share,if anyone has any idea about what's going wrong here.

Applying style for headings on a word doc based upon numbering

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 03:54 AM PST



I have one doc with headings put as text but numbering is there like 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc.


I have to update this doc with some additions and format as per new style. Is there any way to recognise text based upon numbering and apply corresponding heading level (1, 2, 3) automatically?


I have around 100 docs like this so need automated way.


Pl support!




Error messages opening word and excel

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 03:18 AM PST

I am getting error messages every time I open word .doc or excel .xls docs, usually when they have come in as attachments on email. I do not have a capacity issue on the laptop so not sure what is going wrong. It doesn't happen on old docs already filed so there is no consistency in the problem other than they come in general via email into outlook.  Using Sony vaio laptop, Office 365 and Windows 8.  I can sometimes open the docs if I put them in dropbox.


Driving me mad! Can anyone help solve and fix this?




trial version not working

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 01:56 AM PST

I have installed the 1 month trial version of the Msoffice two days ago but it is not working now.

auto save & saving reappear without saving

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 01:46 AM PST

I am using word 2010  starter and from a week I was working on a document ant the the battery charge carried out and the computer closed , when I reopened it I found the recovery version but every time I try to save it the "save as window" appear and after I chose a place to save and and click "save" saving doesn't complete and the "save as window" reappear again and again and again :( , the "auto save after 10 minutes" also stooped working  , and this problem happens only with this document , other documents open and save normally, I thought the problem was in the document itself, but, two days ago the problem happened with another document which was working normally before , the problem also appeared after the computer closed due to low battery , :( I can't know if the problem is in the Office of in the computer as a whole 

Word and access 2013 32 bit are not functioning

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 12:59 AM PST

Word and Access 2013 are not opening. The installation disk for Office 2013 will not run. It is most distressing. The product key used on many occasions with the installation disk is not recognised. It is all too frustrating. 

Custom Numbered Lists in Word 2010

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 12:53 AM PST

Hi there


I hope someone can help??


I have created a custom multinumbered level list in Word 2010. Initially looks like it works, but then it goes wrong


Below is an extract of the list I have already created as a visual:


1.  Of all the fishes

1.1.           Now is the time

2.1.           The rain in Spain

2.  Of all the fishes

1.1.           Now is the time

2.1.           The rain in Spain

I have tried all sorts of ways to overcome this, but cant seem to figure it our. I have successfully created these in previous versions of Word without any issues


What i want to achieve is the following:


1.  Of all the fishes = Level 1 Heading

1.1.           Now is the time = Level 2 Heading

   1.2.        The rain in Spain = Level 2 Heading

1.1.a.          Of all the fishes = Level 3 Heading

2.  Of all the fishes= Level 1 Heading

  2.1         Now is the time = Level 2 Heading

2.2         The rain in Spain = Level 2 Heading

2.1.a         The rain in Spain = Level 3 Heading

 and so on, and so on.....


Is there anyone out there that can help me PLEASE???





Blogger account can't work with Word 2013?

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 10:08 PM PST

Just a few days ago I was able to connect with it perfectly and publish to my blog from Word 2013, but after a while, yesterday I suddenly couldn't publish my posts to my affiliated blogger accounts, when I connect, I put the exact same username and everything! I don't understand, help.....

Word 2013 hangs, lags, and freezes

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 10:01 PM PST

Original title: Office 2013 hangs, lags, and freezes

Lately, after using it successfully for a few weeks office 2013 has begun to lag/hang while working with files.  When scrolling up or down it'll stop and go into 'not responding mode' for 20-30s before running again.  In particular this seems to happen while scrolling to pages with pictures embedded in them.

Now here's where it gets weird.  Our internet connection has been lagy the last few days (probably due to the snowstorm) so my thought was that it was a network issue, and disabled the wi-fi.  Now with no network connection everything worked fine, silky smooth scrolling and loading of many documents with images.  Re-enable the network and its lagging/hanging again.  So I log out and re-log into Windows 8 with a local account.  Skydrive is disabled, office says its logged out (has the sign-in icon) and yet its still lagging/hanging.  Turn off wi-fi and again it clears up, enable wi-fi and again the lag/hanging returns.

I'd like to be able to use office with the wi-fi enabled, any ideas on how to stop Office from attempting to access the network??

Microsoft is unable to verify the license for this product

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 09:41 PM PST

  • I have a Sony VAIO laptop, and it is brand new. I purchased it in august.
  • I ran into some issues with my laptop. Last night when I logged off, I logged off normally by swiping the right side of the screen and clicking the settings wheel then power then shut down, I have never used the power button to shut off my laptop. Today my computer felt warm and I didn't really think anything of it because I had laid a few light objects on my laptop. However, when I went to use my laptop, I got stuck on a black screen with just my cursor. So, I didn't really know what to do.
  • I forced shut down twice using the power button, and it booted up. It came to the VAIO screen and it said it was repairing the C: drive. I thought it was a slight issue. However, I go and see that most of my apps have x's on them, so I delete the ones I don't want and I update the ones I want.

So here comes to my problem. I go and open up Microsoft Word. The version of Office I am running is Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013. IT loads up but when I get to the screen that lets me choose what type of document I want, an error pops up saying 'Microsoft cannot verify the license for this product. you should repair this product using the control panel'. And I did just that. I did both options listed, the quick repair and the other one. I waited until the processes were done and I went to open up the program, with the same error message. I restarted my computer, tried to open up the program, with the same message popping up. I searched this issue and most of the options I found didn't work for me. I really need to use my Microsoft office word application.


  • I bought the Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013 at Best Buy, it wasn't illegally downloaded or anything else
  • I entered in the product key correctly
  • I am at my wits end
  • The issue persists when I click on Powerpoint, Excel, and OneNote

Has anyone else had this issue? Can anyone help me fix this?

Searching images

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 07:57 PM PST

Is there any way to access images from via the old browser way?

The current Office 2013 way is a pain in the @**.

Im convinced Bing is not returning the same number of photos I used to receive nor is the ability to drill down further or add additional parameters.

This issue is driving me insane as I previously used the old system to obtain royalty free images quite a bit.

Thanks in advance

Choosing a mail Server for Linux - Forums Linux

Choosing a mail Server for Linux - Forums Linux

Choosing a mail Server for Linux

Posted: 06 Sep 2005 12:39 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.networking David Schwartz <com>:


"Mail-boxes A mail-box is a file, or possibly a directory of
files, where incoming messages are stored."

This is what you access via POP3/IMAP.

From the OP:

"I'm not planning on allowing any SMTP access, but it would be
nice to have a web-based mail client available plus pop3 of
course :)"

The fun part is, that it doesn't make much sense, you won't have
much fun with a "web-based mail client" without MTA. The URL
shows high-level concept of electronic mail. That you didn't got
it even after reading isn't my fault. ;-)

Perhaps the OP meant he would only allow sending through a
web-based client?

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 127: Sticky bits on disk.

Built in Wireless Driver

Posted: 06 Sep 2005 05:48 AM PDT

scbauer wrote:

I think the driver for the Atheros chipsets is called madwifi. Look here:


Kernel and dev

Posted: 05 Sep 2005 05:10 PM PDT

Hoy..... On Tue, 06 Sep 2005 03:00:03 +0000, The Ghost In The Machine


I fixed it by writing a rules file and placed it into /etc/udev/rules.d

Tayo'y Mga Pinoy

pppd does not rewrite resolv.conf

Posted: 04 Sep 2005 10:20 PM PDT

On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 08:20:15 +0200, Nick Bishop <>

On fedora systems, /etc/ppp/ifup is called with these variables, and
this script calls a script in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts to do the
/etc/resolv.conf rewriting. The way it is called is a bit convoluted,
but you will find out. The actual code is in the file ifup-post.


no GUI with debian 3.1

Posted: 04 Sep 2005 09:00 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup, Dale S uttered the immortal words:

Did you tell Debian to install a window manager or desktop environment?
Debian is not a particularly newbie friendly distro. It puts control into
the hands of the user and as such only installs the base system unless you
tell it otherwise.

Where you asked if you wanted to run tasksel, dselect or attitude? If so,
yes, you missed a step.

Run aptitude and have a look around or pick one such as KDE, Gnome or XFCE4
and install it with "apt-get install kde", "apt-get install gnome" or
"apt-get install xfce4". Go to to learn about
APT and all things Debian.


XP re-install destroyed Fedora linux boot

Posted: 04 Sep 2005 08:51 PM PDT

My bad. Thanks for clarifying.


Kernel Install Question: Is "make install" really necessary ?

Posted: 02 Sep 2005 11:29 AM PDT

Andy Fraser wrote:

make install (on x86) actually simply runs /sbin/installkernel if available.
Exact effect is dependent on distribution. Some of them (like mandrake)
provide very intelligent installkernel script that automatically creates
initrd when needed, detects which bootloader is used and updates its
configuration etc.


Linux NFS client ignoring wsize mount parameter

Posted: 02 Sep 2005 08:33 AM PDT

On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 10:37:19 +0200, Gurv <fr> wrote:

Answering for myself only, no. No idea.


I think you would usually be well served here, but in this case perhaps
lkml (Linux kernel mailing list) or comp.os.linux.development.system.
These are more kernel-internal oriented.

Also, if you start to investigate yourself and you post some initial
findings, there is a chance things catch on.

Sorry for not helping more

AIM client - please help

Posted: 01 Sep 2005 11:54 AM PDT

>> >I don't think you're going to have much choice. Versions of the main IM 

I found a copy of naim floating around, at:

It supports TOC2, and runs in curses mode.


Free Bible and Mishna printouts in Hebrew:

boot Ubuntu from lilo multi-boot?

Posted: 01 Sep 2005 09:06 AM PDT

On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 12:28:23 -0500, Bit Twister wrote: 

Sorry forgot,
mount -t auto /dev/hdXN /ubuntu #where XN is the disk/partition of /

Installing Dual Boot : Fedora Core 4 and Debian on the same HD

Posted: 01 Sep 2005 12:33 AM PDT

Rafi Gordon wrote:

What you are suggesting will work perfectly well.
You will be able to mount the Windows partition under either Linux,
though if it is Windows XP you will probably not be able
to write on Windows files when logged in under Linux.

However, most people would use more partitions,
and at least share /home between the two Linux systems.

Timothy Murphy
e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

Row Lines Microsoft Project

Row Lines Microsoft Project

Row Lines

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 02:31 PM PST

Hi Richard,

You are most welcome and thanks for the feedback. I have been using Project
for about 15 years and a lot of my grey hair comes from banging my head over
issues exactly like yours ;-)

Let us know if we can assist again.


"Richard" wrote:

Linking tasks in inserted sub projects

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 12:51 PM PST

Hi Harry,

Select the predecessor task, CTRL+click on the successor task and then click
the Link Tasks button on the Standard toolbar.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Harry" wrote:

##### in date columns

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 12:49 PM PST

Hi Roland,
You're welcome and thanks for the feedback.

"Roland67" wrote:

Why do new calendars appear in my project files?

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 11:31 AM PST


Thank you for responding. Perhaps I wasn't clear: I did not create a
resource called equipment. I created many resources (machinery, etc) all of
which are equipment. I then created a calendar called equipment to schedule
all of the equipment.


"JulieS" wrote:

Saving Different Outline Levels Across Views

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 10:48 AM PST

Hi Scott,

You could create a filters to filter out the levels of outline you don't
wish to show. (Project>Filtered for> More Filters> New) Use the field
[Outline Level] test "Is less than or equal to" and specify the level you
want to view.

Then create a View (View>More Views> New or copy an existing view.) In the
view definition select the filter you created.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"ScottS" wrote:

project should allow export of schedule gantt as a powerpoint sli.

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 08:33 AM PST

Hi Ted,
Project 2003 has a copy Picture to Office Wizard which does precisely that.
The button is on the Analysis toolbar. Sadly Prj 2003 was the first release
to do that.

Hope this helps.


"Ted" wrote:

Project Server 2003 - Deleting Resources from the Enterprise R

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 07:49 AM PST

David --

You are welcome, my friend! :)

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"David" <> wrote in message

Customing Task Entry form

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 04:48 AM PST

However, while you can't add an addtional table to the split screen
view at the bottom, you can add an addtional column in the table up in
the Entry View/Entry Table to display resources, and you can modify the
Gantt to show resources, or predecessors and/or successors next to the
Gantt bars, and be able to see Resources, Predecessors and Successors
all at the same time.

Weekly Meeting

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 04:22 AM PST

Many thanks Irfaan. That had been bugging me for ages.


"Irfaan Adams" <com> wrote in message

Limit what can be viewed

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 11:15 PM PST

Sorry, if someone can open the mpp project plan file at all they'll have
access to the whole thing. If you use Project Server to allow others to
view the plan and have users other than the project managers viewing the
plan with Project Web Access you have more control but unless you have a
whole portfolio of projects and numbers of managers and users it wouldn't be
reasonable to install Server just to have that facility. A better bet, for
the users whole only should see a limited set of views, is to print the
views you want them to have to pdf files and send that those but not allow
them access to the project plan itself. That's not so unreasonable - after
all, how many people in your firm have access to its business plan for the
next 3 years?
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"DavidC" <> wrote in message

Is MS-Project good for an Architectural Environment

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 08:19 PM PST

While I've never seen Project used specifically used in an A/E
environment, I used it, and other scheduling software, in a
construction engineering environment for many years, which is very
simliar. Since Critical Path Scheduling (what Project and the other
high end software packages do) was first developed in the construction
industry, it works extremely well there. It's much trickier to
implement in "soft" projects, like marketing and software development,
though I have applied it in those areas as well.
As for Primavera, it's really intended for very high end scheduling,
like DOD, big public projects, airports, highway systems, etc. I don't
know how much it's changed since I last looked at it quite a few years
ago, but back then, it took months, by the sales reps own admission, to
become good at, and years to become proficient. Primarvera also makes a
younger brother to P3 (nickname for the big Primavera software) called
SureTrak. It's more along the lines of Project Standard. Stand alone,
reasonably simple, GUI front end. It's probably still better then
Project from a pure scheduler's standpoint, but not nearly as user
Of course, there are a number of other scheduling software packages
available, both standalone and online. It's always best when selecting
software of this level of complexity and importance in how your
business operates, to do a simple needs assessment, then pick the
software that best meets those needs. The last place you ever want to
be in your business is where your business processes and practices are
determined by poor software design rather than what works best in the
rest of your world. I've seen it too many times where an organization's
growth and success were limited by a simple bad choice of a software
application. The software you choose now will certainly influence how
you do Project Management, and how your easily you can implement it in
the software. There is more to this decision that just which ones can
schedule A/E projects. They pretty much all will do that.
Best of luck in your decision.

David G. Bellamy
Bellamy Consulting

Microsoft Project Graphical Indicators

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 05:33 PM PST

Interesting! These are the first PM's I've ever run across that had
time to worry about the limited selection of symbols available in
Project, much less have the time to create icons! Things have sure
changed since I was running projects in the Oil & Gas and Mining

Creating Sub Tasks

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 05:03 PM PST

Hi Leolin,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #2 - Entering Task Data, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

JulieS wrote: 

How to change inserted projects name

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 04:59 PM PST

Hi Melanie,

Sorry for misunderstanding what you were looking for. I am still not sure
what you are trying to accomplish.

If you rename the original project file through the operating system when
you open the consolidated file and attempt to expand the tasks, you are
presented with a "Cannot find inserted project" dialog box where you can
select the renamed file. The consolidated project file does not retain link
to the old file because it no longer exists.

If you rename the file in Project (with a Save As command) the consolidated
file will retain the link to the original file. You can change the link
within the consolidated file to another project by double clicking on the
Inserted Project line to display the Inserted Project Information dialog box.
If you click the Advanced tab you may browse to another project file, but
this will remove the link to the "old" file. To work with both projects (the
old file and the new file created by Save As) you will need to insert the
newly created file.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Melanie" wrote:

Task indicates it starts (leader dots) before start date

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 01:23 PM PST

Hi CGull,

Somehow the task assignment had delay added. The problem could have been
created in a couple of ways:

If in either the Task Usage or Resource Usage view the assignment start
(task name showing in Resource Usage view or the Resource name appearing in
the Task Usage View) was altered, that certainly would cause the problem.

The delay field also appears in the Task Form (split from a Gantt chart
formatted to show resource schedule) and if a delay was entered there that
will cause the problem.

If you leveled resources and allowed Project to Adjust Individual
Assignments and delayed a single resource's work, then removed the other
resource (who's work was not delayed) that may also cause the problem.

On a side note, when you mentioned that you were dragging task bars about,
this is also danger-prone. Dragging a task in the Gantt chart imposes
constraints to the task that may cause significant problems later.

Hope this helps.


"CGull" wrote:

Text Reference or tutorial for MS Project

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 12:51 PM PST

I agree with Jack about your approach. I also encourge your users to
learn the basics of Critical Path Scheduling before they start trying
to create schedules. When I teach 2 day classed in Intro to Project,
the first half day is CPM, nothing on the computer. I get lot's of
experienced users coming forward at the lunch break saying, "You've
answered half my questions just by explaining how CPM works".

Microsoft Word - Cannot save as a wps document

Microsoft Word - Cannot save as a wps document

Cannot save as a wps document

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 02:55 PM PST

in Microsoft works regardless of what type of file I try to save my document as (from the drop down menu) it always saves it as a html document.  How can I change the settings so it saves as a wps document?

Mail maerge document doesn't print anything except the merged data

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 02:36 PM PST

I am printing numbered tickets (10 per page).  I have a mail merge document that includes text boxes and graphics as well as the merge data (numbers 1 - 600).  Everything looks good on the screen but on print preview or print all I get is the merged data.  None of the text boxes or graphics appear.  If I convert the text boxes to text then they will show up along with the merge data but the graphics never show up.  I've used this same document for years and never had a problem until now.

Column break within numbered list

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 02:21 PM PST


It seems a shame I can't get cells in a table automatically numbered in columns (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 down the left column, then 8,9,10,11 down the second col etc) but having looked everywhere I see I can only manually number each column then "continue numbering" at the top of the second column.

I want to write some maths exercises. So I have tried numbering.

I have a list of questions (as 2010 "Equation" objects) numbered from 1 -24.

So I formatted the doc as 3 columns, added a column break after Q8 and Q16, but alas I then get a paragraph mark at the top of each column.

So instead of columns which align nicely I get:

2 9 17
3 10 18
4 11 19
5 12 20
6 13 21
7 14 22
8 15 23
16 24

I can't believe it's SO HARD to get numbering in columns to work. I know how to number in rows (Word's default if I put the list in a table), but this is hardly a bizarre request

Here's what I get (and although it doesn't say so, I *do* have a column break after expression 8.)

*and* when I then add a section break after Q24 to add a set of other questions called set B) it goes and puts Q24 (the number of that question) in italics!! What's *that* all about?

Thanks for any help you can offer!

MS Word -- inserting comments

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 01:20 PM PST

Really odd question: it's annoying but not earth shattering!

When I'm inserting comments and typing in the reviewing pane, I run into problems of some characters not typing and I get the little error "bing". If I go back and type slowly, it works fine. It seems to frequently be the letter R that causes the BING, but it's not limited to that letter. Also, sometimes when I highlight text and try to delete it, I get the BING and the text won't delete.

As I said, this isn't a real problem, but it's just annoying me that I can't figure out WHY it's happening!

Thanks for any insight anyone has!

Formatting Page

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 12:40 PM PST

I'm a beginner to Word so please can anyone tell me how to format my page to look like this one ?

Files locked automatically; not able to open

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 12:30 PM PST

I have a problem with office word that it occasionally adds password protection to a document.

When I next come to open it, I am asked for a password, even though I didn't enter one?

It doesn't happen that often & I have managed to resolve before as I had a printed copy or a pdf.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Many thanks 

Trouble with Protected View mode in Word 2010

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 11:48 AM PST

I've had Word 2010 on my PC (Windows 7) for a couple years. Last week, I started having a problem I haven't seen before: When opening certain Word docs out of Outlook or even off of my desktop, a message comes up ("Opening in Protected View") and Word gets stuck. 

I realize I can click on Cancel to bypass that message without opening the file. I also realize I can simply turn off Protected View mode. 

What I want to be able to do: Keep Protected View active, but avoid getting stuck while trying to open in Protected View. 

Any ideas? Thank you. 

Change Open to Copy

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 11:45 AM PST

In the Documents library under Tools, I changed Open to Open as Copy. How do I change back to Copy?

why wont my word documents open after installing office 2013

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 11:23 AM PST

I have recently within the last 2 days installed office home and student 2013 and when i try and open existing word documents they will not open and it prompts me to go to app store to buy a document viewer. why is this and how do I change old word documents from OemOobe.Document back to .docx
I am trying to open documents that are held in dropbox.

Word or Excel file hangs on opening

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 10:13 AM PST

This most commonly happens with files I have just received - so they will go into protected view.

Typical scenario:
  • I have 4 Word or Excel files open;
  • I receive a file as an email attachment (Gmail in Chrome);
  • I download it and click on it;
  • Nothing appears to happen;
  • When I hover over the Word/Excel icon I see my 4 original files as normal - with the new file on the right, but just an empty rectangle with no content;
  • The only way to close it is to kill Word or move the pointer to it and hit the X;
  • I can usually open the file by doing File Open in Word/Excel but not by clicking on it in Windows Explorer;
  • Once I have successfully opened it I can usually open it by any mechanism.
What it is not:
  • None of the other files is in protected view;
  • None of them are at the File dialogue - which sometimes seems to prevent working with other files.
Any ideas?

Install Microsoft Word 2007

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 10:04 AM PST

Is it advisable to uninstall Microsoft Works before installing Microsoft Word and Excel 2007?

Correct way to insert at end of Current Section?

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 09:17 AM PST

I'm inserting charts from an Excel file into an Appendix in a Word document. There are hundreds of charts that I need to insert from dozens of files. I need to automate this process. I have two questions, but first, the code:


' Get the current section number and set a SecRange Range Object to be the current Section


    SecNumber = ActiveDocument.Range(0, Selection.Sections(1).Range.End).Sections.Count
    Set SecRange = ActiveDocument.Sections(SecNumber).Range


' In code below, working range variable name is rng

' In code below, I am Do While  looping on i, which is the Scenario Workbook index

 ' Within the loop on i, I am Do While Looping on j, which is the Case Worksheet within Workbook index

  ' Within the loop on j, I am Do While Looping on k, which is the Chart index for Charts in Case Worksheet

   **************more stuff snipped out***********



                ' Paste the chart into the word document. Must explicitly use the InLine placement with PasteSpecial

                rng.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteMetafilePicture, Placement:=wdInLine

                ' If the chart was put in using InLine, then go to end of the current range

                rng.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

                ' Assemble the Caption for the figure

                full_caption_string = ". A " & scenario_string & ", " & case_string & ": " & chart_string

                ' Insert the caption

                rng.InsertCaption Label:=wdCaptionFigure, Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow, Title:=full_caption_string

                ' Set range to where the next chart needs to go

                rng.SetRange Start:=SecRange.Start, End:=SecRange.End
                rng.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)


******************End Snip****************

I've tried every way that I can think of to make this work, but as I loop through the charts and paste them in, I can't get successive charts and captions one after the next. The above code collapses to the end of the section after the caption properly, but the InsertParagraph commands put two new Appendix Headers into the file, which I don't want. I just want two lines inserted after the caption, then I want to paste in the next chart.


Alternatively, if I try to just do the rng.Collapse and the rng.InsertParagraph commands immediately after the rng.InsertCaption command, then I wind up getting the next chart after the first chart, and I get the captions stacked one on top of the next. After several charts are inserted, I wind up with a bunch of charts with no captions, and then a long list of captions, one after the next and nowhere near their chart.


Any suggestions as to how I can effectively get the cursor to the end of the caption, insert two paragraph markers ( a.k.a. hit "enter" on the keyboard twice ), and then loop back up to paste in the next chart?


Also, I would like to change the size of the charts I am bringing in. How can you specify the chart width and maintain the aspect ratio when you are bringing an Excel chart into a Word document with vba?


Thanks for any support the community can provide on this one!



Page numbers in cross-references to footnotes are all set to 1

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 07:07 AM PST

I work with scholarly monographs that have many footnotes. When I create a cross-reference to a footnote that is located on a page other than the first one, Word 365 ALWAYS displays the page number as 1. I reported this problem to the customer service over two months ago and called repeatedly. They say it is a bug and they are working on it, but they still have not found a solution. By the way, this feature worked perfectly on previous versions of Word.

How to recover a word document?

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 06:42 AM PST

I'm on a PC and I made a document on Microsoft Word 2010 but before I could save it, my compute froze so I had to turn it off. When I turned it on though and went into Word, it wasn't in the autosave bar and then I did the thing on 'File' - 'Recent' - 'Recover Unsaved Documents' but it's not there. It's really important that I find it because it's irreplaceable and very important. My deadline is tomorrow morning. Please help!

Word 2013 "Operating System is not presently configured to run this application." Trying to open documents from word 98-2003

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 06:09 AM PST

I'm trying to open various documents for school. The document in question is for word 98-2003. My Word 2013 opens, but the document does not. I receive a message that the operating system is not configured to run the application. Thanks for the help.


Can only open recent documents in Word, cannot browse

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 05:46 AM PST

When I want to browse documents to open or save, the browse button becomes darker when clicking but nothing happens. I do not have this problem with Access or Excel.

Suppress macro pop ups automatically in MS Word/Excel 2003

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 01:31 AM PST

I have an application which prints word documents in PDF. When there is a document which has macro in it the application stops working, as it will wait for user action to accept the warning that "Macro is disabled"
I read somewhere that we can achieve this by editing some registry. Please let me know how can we suppress the warning messages. It doesn't matter if the document has macro enabled or not as the document is created manually and work of macro is already done.
Please lt me know what needs to be changed in the registry to suppress the excel. 

Satyajeet Kumar

Displaying images in Word 2007

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 01:29 AM PST

I have copied files onto Microsoft word and they appear as icons. The icons are set to open in Microsoft Office Picture manager so I can scroll through one picture at a time. However, it is opening in paint and I am unable to scroll through the images. Office 2007 has had all its updates and I am still having this issue.

row width in word

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 01:11 AM PST

I am unable to change row in word. Please help.

Word 2013 hyperlink converting # to %20-%20

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 12:27 AM PST

The following is the URL for a hyperlink in a Word doc.  Please note the "#" near the end.  When reading the doc in Word 2010 the link works great.

But if I open the doc in Word 2013, what gets put in the URL bar of the browser is:

This doesn't work, and I have to go in the browser address bar and edit the # back where it's supposed to be.
(I've since figured out that I don't really need the # and everything after, but I might one day.)

This problem exists when the default browser is set to anything other than IE-desktop.
IE-W8 = problem (# converts to %20-%20)
Chrome = problem (# converts to %20-%20)
IE-desktop = NO problem (# stays #)

I'd like to use the IE W8 browser.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Autofill a cell in a table from a combobox

Posted: 06 Jan 2014 12:04 AM PST

I have a table, in cell 1 I'm putting a combo-box with dates a certain function is happening ... based on the selection the user chooses I want cell 2 to autofill with the last possible date to register.  There aren't a whole lot of dates, this is a pretty short list so I know I can save everything in the one file.  This document is being mailed out to people so it can't sit on a server or anything fancy like that.

I've found a ton of answers with things like bookmark and ref but that was using a legacy box which I can't seem to make work as a dropdown because this isn't a locked form.  I found stuff referencing vb, which I no longer know how to write.  I use to be computer brilliant but as I'm aging things are leaving my mental library.  The simpler someone can break this down for me the better.

Thank you in advance for any and all assistance

I am unable to open Microsoft Word 2010, altho I am told it is installed

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 09:28 PM PST

I am directed to a Microsoft window on which I am to enter my product activation key.  Have tried many times - but always receive the answer "This kis not a valid key.

How to select any part of an equation in the equation editor?

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 08:29 PM PST

I'm trying to select parts of equations but it only allows for selections of certain blocks of expressions, I can't select part of the expression without selecting the whole.

Creating XML file automatically from Excel File

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 05:45 PM PST

I am posting this in the Word 2007 forums, due to the fact I know the Xml looks pretty versus Excel, even though I do not care which program can handle this, as long as Word or Excel can do this.

In Excel 2007, I have 2 columns (artist and track).  Then I have a xml file that I need creating automatically.  Here is a small xml example below.  End result I need the first <artist>NAME</Artist> replaced for the NAME from column A in Excel 2007.  Now repeat that and grab from column B in Excel the TITLE and place it in the <Track>TITLE</Track> area.

The trick is to keep creating these blocks of data from <Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish> with the next cell in Excel 2007.

I understand I could manually copy and paste this into the areas, but that would take a long time.  If there was some code or an easy way, that would be great.  Thank you for your help.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Exported_Wishes version="2.0" name="wishltest" createdby="radicalrom" contenttype="artist+track"><Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish><Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish><Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish><Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish><Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish><Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish><Wish><Artist>NAME</Artist><Album></Album><Track>TITLE</Track></Wish></Exported_Wishes>

Word 2013 Track Changes Problem with Single Word Change

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 05:18 PM PST


I've resolved a few of the Word 2013 Track Changes problems by following advice in the Forum but now I am facing yet another problem. I am working collaboratively on a report, so the document will have changes tracked from many reviewers. This was never a problem in 2010 version, but with 2013 if I change a single word in a paragraph the entire paragraph is getting recorded as a deletion in the review panel, and then an insertion is recorded of the original paragraph with the one new work entered. This is obviously going to drive team members crazy (and I don't really want to put up with it personally either).

Any help?

Many thanks.

my surface rt windows 8.1 did not update office 2013 preview so i ran fix-it and now office has disappeared. how do i now reinstall it?

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 08:27 AM PST

My surface rt now needs office 2013 reinstalling after running fix it to mend a problem. How do I do this please?