

Row Lines Microsoft Project

Row Lines Microsoft Project

Row Lines

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 02:31 PM PST

Hi Richard,

You are most welcome and thanks for the feedback. I have been using Project
for about 15 years and a lot of my grey hair comes from banging my head over
issues exactly like yours ;-)

Let us know if we can assist again.


"Richard" wrote:

Linking tasks in inserted sub projects

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 12:51 PM PST

Hi Harry,

Select the predecessor task, CTRL+click on the successor task and then click
the Link Tasks button on the Standard toolbar.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Harry" wrote:

##### in date columns

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 12:49 PM PST

Hi Roland,
You're welcome and thanks for the feedback.

"Roland67" wrote:

Why do new calendars appear in my project files?

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 11:31 AM PST


Thank you for responding. Perhaps I wasn't clear: I did not create a
resource called equipment. I created many resources (machinery, etc) all of
which are equipment. I then created a calendar called equipment to schedule
all of the equipment.


"JulieS" wrote:

Saving Different Outline Levels Across Views

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 10:48 AM PST

Hi Scott,

You could create a filters to filter out the levels of outline you don't
wish to show. (Project>Filtered for> More Filters> New) Use the field
[Outline Level] test "Is less than or equal to" and specify the level you
want to view.

Then create a View (View>More Views> New or copy an existing view.) In the
view definition select the filter you created.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"ScottS" wrote:

project should allow export of schedule gantt as a powerpoint sli.

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 08:33 AM PST

Hi Ted,
Project 2003 has a copy Picture to Office Wizard which does precisely that.
The button is on the Analysis toolbar. Sadly Prj 2003 was the first release
to do that.

Hope this helps.


"Ted" wrote:

Project Server 2003 - Deleting Resources from the Enterprise R

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 07:49 AM PST

David --

You are welcome, my friend! :)

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"David" <> wrote in message

Customing Task Entry form

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 04:48 AM PST

However, while you can't add an addtional table to the split screen
view at the bottom, you can add an addtional column in the table up in
the Entry View/Entry Table to display resources, and you can modify the
Gantt to show resources, or predecessors and/or successors next to the
Gantt bars, and be able to see Resources, Predecessors and Successors
all at the same time.

Weekly Meeting

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 04:22 AM PST

Many thanks Irfaan. That had been bugging me for ages.


"Irfaan Adams" <com> wrote in message

Limit what can be viewed

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 11:15 PM PST

Sorry, if someone can open the mpp project plan file at all they'll have
access to the whole thing. If you use Project Server to allow others to
view the plan and have users other than the project managers viewing the
plan with Project Web Access you have more control but unless you have a
whole portfolio of projects and numbers of managers and users it wouldn't be
reasonable to install Server just to have that facility. A better bet, for
the users whole only should see a limited set of views, is to print the
views you want them to have to pdf files and send that those but not allow
them access to the project plan itself. That's not so unreasonable - after
all, how many people in your firm have access to its business plan for the
next 3 years?
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"DavidC" <> wrote in message

Is MS-Project good for an Architectural Environment

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 08:19 PM PST

While I've never seen Project used specifically used in an A/E
environment, I used it, and other scheduling software, in a
construction engineering environment for many years, which is very
simliar. Since Critical Path Scheduling (what Project and the other
high end software packages do) was first developed in the construction
industry, it works extremely well there. It's much trickier to
implement in "soft" projects, like marketing and software development,
though I have applied it in those areas as well.
As for Primavera, it's really intended for very high end scheduling,
like DOD, big public projects, airports, highway systems, etc. I don't
know how much it's changed since I last looked at it quite a few years
ago, but back then, it took months, by the sales reps own admission, to
become good at, and years to become proficient. Primarvera also makes a
younger brother to P3 (nickname for the big Primavera software) called
SureTrak. It's more along the lines of Project Standard. Stand alone,
reasonably simple, GUI front end. It's probably still better then
Project from a pure scheduler's standpoint, but not nearly as user
Of course, there are a number of other scheduling software packages
available, both standalone and online. It's always best when selecting
software of this level of complexity and importance in how your
business operates, to do a simple needs assessment, then pick the
software that best meets those needs. The last place you ever want to
be in your business is where your business processes and practices are
determined by poor software design rather than what works best in the
rest of your world. I've seen it too many times where an organization's
growth and success were limited by a simple bad choice of a software
application. The software you choose now will certainly influence how
you do Project Management, and how your easily you can implement it in
the software. There is more to this decision that just which ones can
schedule A/E projects. They pretty much all will do that.
Best of luck in your decision.

David G. Bellamy
Bellamy Consulting

Microsoft Project Graphical Indicators

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 05:33 PM PST

Interesting! These are the first PM's I've ever run across that had
time to worry about the limited selection of symbols available in
Project, much less have the time to create icons! Things have sure
changed since I was running projects in the Oil & Gas and Mining

Creating Sub Tasks

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 05:03 PM PST

Hi Leolin,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #2 - Entering Task Data, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

JulieS wrote: 

How to change inserted projects name

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 04:59 PM PST

Hi Melanie,

Sorry for misunderstanding what you were looking for. I am still not sure
what you are trying to accomplish.

If you rename the original project file through the operating system when
you open the consolidated file and attempt to expand the tasks, you are
presented with a "Cannot find inserted project" dialog box where you can
select the renamed file. The consolidated project file does not retain link
to the old file because it no longer exists.

If you rename the file in Project (with a Save As command) the consolidated
file will retain the link to the original file. You can change the link
within the consolidated file to another project by double clicking on the
Inserted Project line to display the Inserted Project Information dialog box.
If you click the Advanced tab you may browse to another project file, but
this will remove the link to the "old" file. To work with both projects (the
old file and the new file created by Save As) you will need to insert the
newly created file.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Melanie" wrote:

Task indicates it starts (leader dots) before start date

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 01:23 PM PST

Hi CGull,

Somehow the task assignment had delay added. The problem could have been
created in a couple of ways:

If in either the Task Usage or Resource Usage view the assignment start
(task name showing in Resource Usage view or the Resource name appearing in
the Task Usage View) was altered, that certainly would cause the problem.

The delay field also appears in the Task Form (split from a Gantt chart
formatted to show resource schedule) and if a delay was entered there that
will cause the problem.

If you leveled resources and allowed Project to Adjust Individual
Assignments and delayed a single resource's work, then removed the other
resource (who's work was not delayed) that may also cause the problem.

On a side note, when you mentioned that you were dragging task bars about,
this is also danger-prone. Dragging a task in the Gantt chart imposes
constraints to the task that may cause significant problems later.

Hope this helps.


"CGull" wrote:

Text Reference or tutorial for MS Project

Posted: 03 Mar 2005 12:51 PM PST

I agree with Jack about your approach. I also encourge your users to
learn the basics of Critical Path Scheduling before they start trying
to create schedules. When I teach 2 day classed in Intro to Project,
the first half day is CPM, nothing on the computer. I get lot's of
experienced users coming forward at the lunch break saying, "You've
answered half my questions just by explaining how CPM works".