

Open Office - [discuss] Can we see "Oracle dropping OOo" as FUD about OOo?

Open Office - [discuss] Can we see "Oracle dropping OOo" as FUD about OOo?

[discuss] Can we see "Oracle dropping OOo" as FUD about OOo?

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 04:14 PM PDT

On 10/28/2010 11:14 PM, Ramon Sole wrote:

As far as the phrase "is good business" goes, for oracle that means
"generates cash --- lots of it."

Oracle has demonstrated that they want to surpass SCO in corporate
stupidity, and deliberate and wilful self-destruction.

Because Oracle's inability to grok FLOSS is such, that it will commit
corporate suicide in the name of deliberate and wilful corporate ignorance.

Based on Oracle's public statements, and their commitment to their FLOSS
strategy that they have spectacularly demonstrated in the past nine
months, Oracle really thinks that it can own FLOSS, and that it can stop
FLOSS by shutting off community support.

No human will see non-list, non-bulk, non-junk email sent to this address.
It all gets forwarded to /dev/null

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pAwjcpcjGcJtJyC6CTYWvGz8eEtR8y21QZai78BfWLRhurQiS+ qPARJKnVYGxn1A
yA31LpMElZ2zpW7QKcpcFbVagzZVEU2XYKypRCxa+DJjW3kCds ata66K9aFcVjFa
jSsCAJ2Mdy+haDOF9oivOKgdSViFHcACcF8+yaDpAMrblGBcbb bS43IFOT/DfjQ=


Posted: 28 Oct 2010 04:55 AM PDT


you're looking for dictionaries ?

Just take a look at the extensions page:

On 28.10.10 14:29, cm.brien wrote: 

Kind regards, Joost

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[discuss] UK spelling

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:39 AM PDT

On Thursday 28 October 2010 07:39, Simon wrote: 

First, you can download the UK version of OpenOffice,.org

Second, you can set the default language "Tools - Options + Language
Settings - Languages".

Third, you can download and install additional dictionaries. Just open them,
as if they were documents, to install.
Warning - there is a recommended maximum of less than 10 to allow OO.o to work
at a good pace.

Fourth, you can set a language during a spell check on a document. This allows
for common French or Spanish words in English usage, or allows for a
multi-lingual country (Canada, USA, New Zealand).
"Tools - Spelling Check"

Lastly you can set language, on a per word/character basis.
* Highlight
* Format - Character", Font Tab



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[discuss] Wind of Change

Posted: 24 Oct 2010 02:27 AM PDT

Hi Carlo,

Carlo Strata wrote on 2010-10-24 13.29: 

thanks a lot! Let's see what happens in the future. ;-)


Florian Effenberger <org>
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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[discuss] OpenOffice is it a community

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 09:54 AM PDT

On 10/21/2010 06:20 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote: 

Their leading position in TDF/LO and OOo might bring them into conflicts
of interest (see below), so it is a valid request to ask them to choose
in which project they want to take a lead. Contributing to LO/TDF is no
problem even for a council member (at the end every contributor to OOo
also contributes to LO as they will use our code as a stone pit ;-)),
but being a *lead* in both project most probably won't fit.

IMHO all people that currently have a lead in both projects should
answer these questions:

(1) If a member of the OOo community asks you, which of the projects
(s)he should support (if time does not permits to support both), what is
your answer?

(2) If users, organizations etc. will ask you, which product they shall
use, what is your answer?

(3) Developers ask you if they shall contribute to LO only or to both
projects, what is your answer? Or moreover, if a developer that
contributed to LO doesn't ask, do you suggest that he should contribute
to OOo also?

If the answer won't be "OOo, OOo, both/yes", I think that it is time to
step back from leading positions in the OOo community, as this would be
the answer that can be expected from a project lead or council member of
OOo. Everything else will create confusion or even frustration in our
community that will hurt it.

Besides that: I'm sure that we will see new elections for the community
council seats. So everything that happens there is only a temporary


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Oracle:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] Join mailing list

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 07:40 AM PDT

On Saturday 23 October 2010 11:11, Barbara Duprey wrote: 

Welcome Chris.

I would describe the traffic on both the above lists as moderate, seldom
exceeding 100 emails a day. I only need to add to Barbaras' post that more
info is available here and here:


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[discuss] I AM WITH OOo

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 03:28 PM PDT

Hi Simon,

Simon Brouwer wrote (20-10-10 07:42)

When you are that optimistic, it looks as if you have very little idea
of what really happened last years. (And this writes me, who is not
giving up easily ..)
But then again: the foundation is started from the very ground that a
level playing field will yield best result with mutual interest. Well,
you know why it is important.
As written: not all will be in perfect place right from the start, so I
am with you that we need to be patient.

Kind Regards,

- giving its foundation :: The Document Foundation -
- ideas/remarks for the community council? See

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[discuss] 3.3 rc1

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 07:35 AM PDT

On 10/19/10 16:35, Marius Popa wrote: 

Please look here: "You receive an "Error 1606" error message when you
try to install..."



ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Olaf Felka Quality Assurance Engineer
Nagelsweg 55 20097 Hamburg

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[discuss] Oracle [NOT!] dropping

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 09:47 PM PDT

Christian Lippka wrote: 
Hi Christian,

I wonder why you (without a need) exclude the more interesting
new/unconfirmed/started/reopened patch issues - some of them with
nice 4-digit issue numbers:

And then of course there's the code submitted elsewhere, e.g. via
cws - so limiting this question to a (subset of) patch issues looks
incorrect to me.

Then again, I *also* think (completely unscientifically), that most
of the code submitted to Sun under SCA/JCA has by now been
integrated in some way or another. So let's move on, to more
contentious topics (hint: there are a few alluded to, above). ;)


-- Thorsten

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Microsoft Word - Office 2010 Home Student edition issue. Cannot make entries on page without headers disappearing.

Microsoft Word - Office 2010 Home Student edition issue. Cannot make entries on page without headers disappearing.

Office 2010 Home Student edition issue. Cannot make entries on page without headers disappearing.

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 03:26 PM PDT

Somehow my Office 2010 Home & Student got corrupted. When I open it..the headers don't appear active. I click on HOME and the tabs become active. However...once I try to type on blank page...with the very  first letter key that I hit...the tabs disappear again.


Any suggestions or a quick fix?



Word Mail Merge Shows the MERGEFIELD tag

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 02:44 PM PDT

  I am using Word 2010 .. trying to create a mailmerge. In the address block, I added an IF condition to suppress a NULL field. When I run the mail merge the NULL field is suppressed but I get this tag MERGEFIELD in the area. Fr eg, 
the merged field (after suppressing the null line looks like this):

John Doe
MERGEFIELD 123 SpringLane
Springfield, CA 93454

Can anyone please tell me how to make the MERGEFIELD caption go away?


Microsoft Word 2010 Protected Form

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 02:28 PM PDT

I have a form that contains a table with 9 columns.  All the fields have Calculate on Exit checked.  The field in the 7th column is a calculation based on what is entered in the 9th column and what is calculated in the 8th column.  The 8th column is a calculation but was not set up as a field.  The amount is calculated based on a number of If statements depending on what was selected in the 1st column which uses a user form because of the 25 limit in a dropdown field.  However I cannot get the calculation to update in the 7th column once the 9th column amount is filled until I tab twice after the 9th column to the next row in the 2nd column.  Why does it not update after I tab upon completion of entering an amount in the 9th column?  I read everywhere that if a form is protected and the fields have Calculate on Exit checked that the fields will automatically update.

Word 2000 keeps crashing on Win7Pro

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 02:22 PM PDT

I am using Windows 7 trying to use Office 2000. Word and Excel have same error message (see screenshot) when starting up. And they keep crashing every few minutes. I tried to find a compatibility patch and thought I have found but download was unsuccessful.

Any thoughts?

How can I leave parts of a word document editable (Ex signature line & check boxes) but not the rest?

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 02:03 PM PDT

I have created a word document that I need to have only certain parts editable. How do I do that? I have checkboxes throughout the document, but don't want the text to be changed. Also, at the bottom I have information that needs to be editable (adding names & Signature using macros). Any ideas would be great.  Thank you for your time!

The file is in use by another application or user

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 12:30 PM PDT

Periodically, I get a message when downloading a native Word file saying "the file is in use by another application or user"; however, the file downloads and is then available after closing out the message window. Any idea what could be causing this?


Problem with Microsoft word edition 2003

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 12:30 PM PDT

When typing a document there is a dot or half  hyphen between each word. I must have done somthing wrong in setting up the format, but I can't figure out how to corecct this.  I need help as soon as possible as I need to get some very important papers printed.  Thanks   Char Dantzman

location of templates

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 11:37 AM PDT

Can't find  Office 365 normal.dotm or normal.dotx  on either  Mac OSX or Win 7.  

setting language back to English US

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 11:30 AM PDT

So I'm working on a school project and my keyboard is set to English United States. Then once I got to this certain point in the assignment, every other word I typed came up incorrect. I clicked on spell check to see what was wrong, and my language had switched to French Canadian? I went through every possible settings i could to do with the Language and set my default back to English and when i tried to type a quotation mark it came up as the two arrows pointing left? Now whenever i type something, it comes up wrong, I have to go to spell check, go down to the bottom and switch it to English US, for EVERY WORD! and the language is staying on French Canadian, yet in settings its on English???

How can I contact someone about my version of Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010?

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 10:17 AM PDT

I purchased Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 for Windows 8, 64 bit Version.  I was given a Product key and the 32 bit Version was installed on my computer.  All subsequent updates that have been installed on my computer are for the 32-bit version.  I have problems exiting the program.  It hangs up and I have to shut down and re-boot or restart my computer to continue my work.  It is annoying to me and I would like to get this problem corrected.  I need a telephone number to call someone to discuss this problem with and fix it.  Thanks. 

Scale to paper size - Property of the document

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 09:39 AM PDT

I have a document that goes almost to the edge of the paper.  When I try to print it says "The margins of section 1 are set outside the printable area of the page"


I have learned that I can bypass this message if on the print dialog box I select Scale to Paper size: Letter.


My question is, can I make this Scale to Paper size: Letter a property of the document, so that I do not have to choose it every time.  I would rather our users not have to do this every time they  print this document.



Run a macro at the end of a merge

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 09:14 AM PDT

I have  a group of form letters that need different "cleanup" macros to run after each form finishes merging. Each form needs a different cleanup macro. I have been "prompting" the user to run each macro with a {FILLIN "RUN THE SO-AND-SO MACRO WHEN THE MERGE FINISHES" } prompt.  This is clumsy to say the least.

How can I either:

1. Automatically call the appropriate macro at the end of each merge, by somehow assigning the macroname through maybe using some kind of a SET Word field {SET "macroname" "so-and-so"}, then some unknown-to-me command to automatically execute the macro at the end of the merge, or...

2. at least assign the macro name during the merge with some kind of a {SET "SubMacroname" "so-and-so"}. Then have ONE macro that the user can execute (the "CLEANUP" macro). The CLEANUP macro itself would understand the SubMacroname, and execute THAT macro.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Auto fill form

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 08:59 AM PDT

How do I make a form auto fill in specific sections of a form based off the value of one specific section?  Example is, I want to put a drop box with multiple company names and have it auto fill in a representative name, phone number and email from that company.

Help I ca not open any word docs, keeps telling me I'm missing htmllite.dll

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 08:12 AM PDT

I've tried variuos sites to find help but don't trust most! is there a simple way i can fix this without having a PHD in computer. Have tried what I've seen posted here but doesn't make any sense to me!

Plain simple instructions please (fool proof or idiot proof) I truly don't mind which provided it works

group images in word

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 07:57 AM PDT

I'm trying to group TIFF images in Word, but seem to be unable to. I've looked it up a bunch and read that they can't be "in line with text" so I made sure they aren't, but Word still won't let me group them. It allows me to select multiple images, but the "Group" button is greyed out. Help please. 

Can't view macros from file when active in another file.

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 07:51 AM PDT

Man oh man I feel real stupid asking this question.

I work at many different workstations depending on my daily job functions and all setting are local to that PC, but I often use the same macros at these different places. I store these macros in a file and I use these macros on other files.

My problem is that sometimes I cannot launch these macros from the macro file because I cannot view them when I am in the file I am working on; I can't run the macro if I can't view them.

What setting am I looking for. This is a brain fart question. Please help me get back on track.

word 2013 FileSaveAs macro

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 07:37 AM PDT

I am setting up my Word 2013 so that I can get document fullpath to display in the titlebar.  I am currently utilizing three macros to do this:

Sub AutoOpen()
    ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveDocument.FullName
End Sub

Sub FileSaveAs()
    ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveDocument.FullName
End Sub

Sub FileSave()
    ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveDocument.FullName
End Sub

A quick test to verify everything would be as follows:
1.  Open NEW document
2.  Click the save button located in quick toolbar.
3.  Since document has never been saved, FileSaveAs macro fires off as expected.  It works!
4.  Select Save As from the File tab to update the filename, just alter the filename as you choose.  Full document path is not displayed in the titlebar as expected.  FileSaveAs macro is not being triggered here.
5.  Now click the save button in quick toolbar to see full document path displayed in toolbar.

Please advise.


Disable warning about loosing formatting when saving plain-text files from Word 2013

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 07:10 AM PDT

Whenever I save a plain-text document in Word, I get a warning prompting me that formatting—even when there is none—will be lost if I save in this format.

How can I disable this message? I know what I am doing, and I am not interested in the formatting for these documents.

Footer page numbers are not appearing when saved as a PDF

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 06:41 AM PDT

I have a Word document that has a footer with page numbers.  When I save the document as a PDF, it shows everything in the footer except the actual page number. 


Any suggestions as to what the problem is?




I still cannot fix end/start tag mismatch error

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 05:02 AM PDT

Hey guys,

I am still having problems with fixing the end/start tag mismatch error within my file.

I am not currently familiar enough with editing the Microsoft Word XML format to efficiently correct what is happening.

Here is a link to the document, if anyone whom is familiar could help, it would be greatly appreciated.

PS: I have tried all the document recovery programs and fix it solutions, but am still unable to get the entire document recovered. (Can only recover up to +- 60%) 


cant open microsoft AT ALL

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 03:50 AM PDT

i cannot open any microsoft apps, be it excel or powerpoint or word. i have no clues why and when i click on the icon, it loads for awhile, does not open and it just stops loading. when i go to the programs section in my control panel to repair it, i cant even repair it, because theres a small window popping out saying "something went wrong." someone please help?

Format change is applied to everything

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 03:19 AM PDT

I am using Microsoft Office 2010 Professional. I having this weird problem with Word. Whenever I try to create a document with a lot of text content and I have to change the font style or anything to a particular portion of the content, that change is getting applied across the whole document.

For example, I enter a heading of a document at the top and center align it. I didn't use any Heading Style option. I then increase the font size and make it bold. After that I enter a paragraph of content under the heading. I try to increase the font size of the paragraph by using the short-cut key "CTRL + SHIFT + >". The size increase is getting applied to every other content in the document universally. This is happening only when I use short-cut keys available in Fonts Dialog box.

I heavily use these short-cut keys. Please tell me how I can solve this problem.

Adding protection to a template but not to documents created from template

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 02:05 AM PDT


I am using Word 2010 and I am trying to add password protection to a template so that someone will not accidentally edit the template. I have done this by adding a password to modify however, when I create a file from the template and save as a read only version every time I open this it prompts me to enter the password. I have also tried to protect the document using the restrict editing function. Is there any way to protect the template from change but allow the user to change the document created from the template?


Word & Publisher won't print to rear feed

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 01:56 AM PDT

I have a new Epson WF-3540 printer.  I can't get Word 2010 or Publisher 2010 to print to the rear paper feed.  It just spits out the sheet I place in the rear feed and prints from the default cassette.

It prints fine from OneNote and Excel.  I have contacted Epson about the problem, and they say that since the rear feed does work properly with some programs, the problem is with the software, not with the printer.

I have double-checked the print settings when I try to print from Word or Publisher, and I know I am using the correct settings.

My Office software is up-to-date according to Microsoft Update.

I have seen one other complaint about this problem, in a review on Amazon.  That person was not able to figure it out, either.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I've exhausted all my resources and am hoping someone here can help me.  Thanks in advance.

microsoft office word stopped working with error message

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 01:21 AM PDT

Microsoft Word has stopped working

Error message reads:

"A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"

Been waiting for days for solutions without much luck...

Any help would be appreciated.


Error in word 2013

Posted: 17 Oct 2013 10:38 PM PDT

Error: The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires language support.when this software was installed, you (or your administrator) chose not to installed support for  macros or controls (Word 2013)

Styles for TOC and the Navigation Pane

Posted: 17 Oct 2013 10:19 PM PDT

My endnotes take up over 130 pages. They are numbered separately for my 15 major book sections. I wanted to intersperse the section names before the endnotes for each section. Example: for the Part D endnotes I want a title such as "P4d. Part D Endnotes." (no quotes) This would make the 15 endnote sections visible in the navigation pane so I could jump right to any one. I assigned the proper style to each one, say Heading3, to also make them appear in the TOC. But after assigning the styles I do not see the headings such as "P4d. Part D Endnotes" in the TOC or in the Navigation pane. Is there a way to do this so that it works?

Word 2003 files changed to Word 2007 without my permission

Posted: 17 Oct 2013 07:42 PM PDT

I went to open up files (resume and cover letter) using Word 2003. When I opened up My Documents, i noticed that the file icons were different. Upon opening them, the Word 2007 configuration program launched. I don't have a purchase key, nor do I want one. I'm actually comfortable with Word 2003 (and personally like it better than the new versions). I did not download 2007. How did this happen and can I revert those files back to 2003? I also noticed that some other files are still in 2003, just 4 files in the My Documents converted themselves to 2007. 

Shading in a table

Posted: 17 Oct 2013 07:27 PM PDT

I am making a crossword puzzle in Word 2003 using a standard table.  I know how to use the Format button to shade individual cells or blocks of cells, but is there a way to shade all the cells without letters at the same time?  

How to make Word automatically add a header on every new document?

Posted: 17 Oct 2013 06:24 PM PDT

I would like in the top right of every header of a new document to say my name, i can do it manually now but sometimes i have to re-print because i forgot.


tabla de contenido

Posted: 17 Oct 2013 05:40 PM PDT

Hola que tal!!

por fa, alguien puede auxiliarme con una tabla de contenido
cómo puedo poner en los titulos y subtitulos  la siguiente numeracion


ya que al guardar el formato para titulo 1  y sus subtitulos me aparece

4.1.  se supone que debe respetar el capitulo.              por la atención mil gracias

"error applying transforms" every time I try to open any office file from explorer in Windows 8.1

Posted: 17 Oct 2013 05:00 PM PDT

If I'm using windows explorer, and try to open any Office file (doc, docx, xls, ppt, etc.) I keep getting a box pop up that says "windows installer". about a half second later, that box closes and an error dialog box opens op that always says.  

"Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid"

I thought of maybe uninstalling Office and reinstalling it, but I can't! It always says at the end of the uninstallation that "the configuration could not be completed". 

This only happened AFTER I updated to 8.1! I have a genuine windows 8.1 machine, running an i7 with 8 gb of RAM. I am running Office 2013.

Please help!

Complex domain setup. Help! - Microsoft Exchange

Complex domain setup. Help! - Microsoft Exchange

Complex domain setup. Help!

Posted: 03 Jul 2005 07:40 PM PDT

"bob" <com> wrote in message

Huh? If I get rid of my recipeint policies for &,
how will anyone recieve email for that domain?

Common SMTP address across forests

Posted: 01 Jul 2005 08:52 AM PDT

Hi Customer,

Thanks to let us know the information helpful. Should there is any
break/fix issue we can help in the future, feel free to let us know. Thanks
and have a nice day!

Lee Li

Should we Allow Automatic Forwards?

Posted: 01 Jul 2005 08:21 AM PDT

"Fred Yarbrough" <com> wrote:

As you company's legal counsel about "unconcious disclosure". Anything
and everything that goes into that mailbox can be forwaded to some
third-party email system that can (and probably does) have a differnt
policy to yours regarding how mail is handled. Remember that the
messages are subject to scanning and quarantine, and may be otherise
exposed to storage in unsecure locations.

Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
MS Exchange FAQ at

Very Slow response on one mailbox

Posted: 01 Jul 2005 03:24 AM PDT

"alan fluhrer" <> wrote in message

The client machines don't need to be shut down. When the IS stops, the
clients will all be disconnected anyways. Then run the Optimizer either
through the Start Menu or by running PerfWiz.exe in your Exchsrvr\bin


no external email getting received

Posted: 30 Jun 2005 12:52 PM PDT

In news:com,
Leonard <> typed: 

Remote desktop uses 3389, so that isn't really relevant. reports it
can't connect to your mail server on port 25 - and neither can I.

Check your firewall/router - and make sure you can telnet internally to
<servername> on port 25....and did you change anything in your Exchange
virtual SMTP server, by any chance?

Outlook lagging at startup...

Posted: 30 Jun 2005 11:49 AM PDT

On Fri, 1 Jul 2005 11:19:01 -0700, Steven Sinclair
<> wrote:

Which SP1? Windows or Exchange?

respond address in emails sent over exchange 2003

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 03:06 PM PDT


You could try SendAsGroup application:
to achieve that.


Victor Ivanidze,
software developer

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

Add 2nd Exch 5.5 Sever to different NT domain.

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 01:10 PM PDT

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 21:10:25 +0100, News-Chuckster
<> wrote:

Couple of things to help you.
Change the service account to the domain where you're going to end up:
How to move safely: hange%205.5&sectionID=1008&sectionName=The%20Ed%20 Crowley%20Server%20Move%20Method

OWA attachments crashing Information Store

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 10:50 AM PDT

UPDATE: just got off the phone w/ microsoft, we had a rootkit on our server,
most likely due to the veritas backupexec vuln listed below. the rootkit was
based off of the hackdev kit.

here are the results from the Malicious Software Removal tool

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v1.5, June 2005
Started On Fri Jul 01 13:50:29 2005
->Sysclean WARNING: MemScanGetImagePathFromPid(5536) (Win32 Error Code:
0x00000057 (87):The parameter is incorrect.) [648]

Quick Scan Results:
Found virus: VirTool:WinNT/Hackdef.B in file

Quick Scan Removal Results

Results Summary:
Found VirTool:WinNT/Hackdef.B, not removed.

Return code: 7
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Finished On Fri Jul 01
13:50:42 2005

i was in the middle of writing this post when we got an answer from
microsoft support, i'm leaving it, hopefully it will help somebody!

We are also having this same problem. We have disabled all attachment
handling on our OWA, and it seemed to delay the problem for a few hours at
least. Now, one day later, the information store has started rebooting very
often. We see these errors in the system log:

Error: 7031 - The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service terminated
unexpectedly. ... and the server then reboots the services

and this in the application log:

Error: 9673 - An exception with code 0xc00000fd was thrown in module
C:\windows\sytem32\ntdll.dll; ...

We also have a call in to microsoft. They instructed us to re-apply SP1 for
win2k3, which we did, and this seemed to have no effect on the problem.

I have several thoughts on the cause of this error:

--Veritas Backup Exec - a patch just came out for BE9 & BE10, we have the 10
agent installed on the server. I've been unable to install the patches until
today, but after another computer was compromised, we blocked port 10000 at
the border.

--Windows update, we applied 3 updates the night before the problem occured.
-- i'll need to look these up to find the KB numbers,


"D.P. Roberts" wrote:

E-mail relayed through recipient servers... over and over!

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 10:17 AM PDT


That was my thinking on what might have happened. The 2 servers had SBS POP3
Connectors. However, there were 2 more on the list that had SBS2003 but did
not relay the message. At any rate, how do I stop it? This e-mail is running

Steve Moore

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

question for information investigation?

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 08:16 AM PDT

On Mon, 04 Jul 2005 22:06:45 +0930, Unicorn <net>
wrote in

Or more precisely: In the message menu: View/Options...

Not so. The content of the "Internet headers:" box can be selected,
copied, and pasted into any editor.

Michael Bednarek "POST NO BILLS"

utility or script to pull out mailbox/store info from E2K3.

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 07:50 AM PDT

Sorry, that answer was for another question.

Some of what you are looking for can be exported using Exchange System
You can navigate to the server-->storage group-->mailbox store and then
Here you can right-click and Export List. You'd have to do this for each
store, but it gives you
number of items and mailbox size and last logon/off.

Otherwise, what you are looking for is all accessible with WMI. If you are
not cumfy with WMI, have a look at the Scriptomatic tool:
When I use
WMI Namespace: root\MicrosoftExchangeV2
WMI Class: Exchange_Mailbox
It generates the following default script with the values it can return:

On Error Resume Next

Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20

arrComputers = Array("EX01W2KIRV01")
For Each strComputer In arrComputers
WScript.Echo "=========================================="
WScript.Echo "Computer: " & strComputer
WScript.Echo "=========================================="

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer &
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Exchange_Mailbox",
"WQL", _
wbemFlagReturnImmediately +

For Each objItem In colItems
WScript.Echo "AssocContentCount: " & objItem.AssocContentCount
WScript.Echo "Caption: " & objItem.Caption
WScript.Echo "DateDiscoveredAbsentInDS: " &
WMIDateStringToDate(objItem.DateDiscoveredAbsentIn DS)
WScript.Echo "DeletedMessageSizeExtended: " &
WScript.Echo "Description: " & objItem.Description
WScript.Echo "InstallDate: " &
WScript.Echo "LastLoggedOnUserAccount: " &
WScript.Echo "LastLogoffTime: " &
WScript.Echo "LastLogonTime: " &
WScript.Echo "LegacyDN: " & objItem.LegacyDN
WScript.Echo "MailboxDisplayName: " & objItem.MailboxDisplayName
WScript.Echo "MailboxGUID: " & objItem.MailboxGUID
WScript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.Name
WScript.Echo "ServerName: " & objItem.ServerName
WScript.Echo "Size: " & objItem.Size
WScript.Echo "Status: " & objItem.Status
WScript.Echo "StorageGroupName: " & objItem.StorageGroupName
WScript.Echo "StorageLimitInfo: " & objItem.StorageLimitInfo
WScript.Echo "StoreName: " & objItem.StoreName
WScript.Echo "TotalItems: " & objItem.TotalItems

Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate)
WScript.Echo dtm:
WMIDateStringToDate = CDate(Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _
Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) & "/" & Left(dtmDate, 4) _
& " " & Mid (dtmDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate, 11, 2) & ":" &
Mid(dtmDate,13, 2))
End Function

"William Lefkovics [MVP]" <> wrote in
message news:%23C$phx.gbl... 

help with exchange server and windows backup

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 06:09 AM PDT

When I did the backup & restore i selected to included the log files
should that not restore exchange to as it was when the backup was taken ?

How do I make sure the log files have gone ?

I thought that following a backup logfiles were deleted automatically?
Should I manualy delete them using explorer from the mdbdata folder prior
to the restore?

Thank you for your help

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

How do I find a user-account that matches a given email-address

Posted: 28 Jun 2005 05:49 PM PDT

Keep in mind to prefix the address with SMTP:

Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services

bob wrote: 

User with two emails addresses!

Posted: 28 Jun 2005 08:20 AM PDT

Most cool. I feel a blog entry coming along! :-)
Jim McBee

"Bernard Chouinard" <ca> wrote in message

removing ex2k3

Posted: 28 Jun 2005 07:30 AM PDT

On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 08:36:01 -0700, "manoa"
<> wrote:
Since you have moved everything and the E2K3 box is the 2nd (or more)
box then yes, simply uninstall it, format it and then re-install it as
if it were completely fresh.

Backup Solution

Posted: 28 Jun 2005 06:56 AM PDT

That is what the client wants.

"Andy David - MVP" <com> wrote in message

550 Forged Hostname

Posted: 28 Jun 2005 04:40 AM PDT

As far as I know we are just using Exchange 2003 with no additional anti spam
What setting should I check on the Exchange ?
by the way this is only happening to one particular Email address, which all
of the Email are then forwarded to another Address

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Outlook password

Posted: 28 Jun 2005 02:53 AM PDT

How do i access that? Please let me know..

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Information Store is GROWING.

Posted: 27 Jun 2005 12:29 PM PDT

I will correct this question and say that the store.exe is growing which I
now know is different from the information store but is the service for the
information store.

There are ten users with fairly large mailboxed some close to a gigabit.
Others only a few emgabits. The traffic is not great probably no more that
sixty messages oer hour.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Quick E2K3 CAL Question

Posted: 27 Jun 2005 08:30 AM PDT

In news:phx.gbl,
Ron <com> typed: 

You don't need an Exchange or Windows CAL for a contact. Nor for a
distribution group. ;-) 

Relay all mail through smart-host

Posted: 27 Jun 2005 08:07 AM PDT


Thanks for your reply. For specific reasons I want to send all mail to an
external smart-host, including mail for known recipients. That seems to be a
bit of a problem...


"Ilse Van Criekinge" <com> schreef in bericht

Meeting Reminders

Posted: 27 Jun 2005 07:23 AM PDT

There's really nothing that needs to be addressed. I'm just curious as to
why the issue occurred in the first place.

Thanks for your response.

Kind Regards,

Colin M. McGroarty, MCSE, MCP+I, NT-CIP
2004 Microsoft MVP, Windows Server - General

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

In news:%phx.gbl,
Colin M. McGroarty <com> typed: 

If you have the user start Outlook once from Start | Run with the
/cleanreminders switch, it may resolve this. Browse to the full path of
outlook.exe in Start | Run, and then append /cleanreminders after the last

Using a Linksys Cable/DSL router with Exchange Server 2003

Posted: 27 Jun 2005 06:33 AM PDT


As long as you have the proper port forwarding set up the Linksys box will
work. If this is for a home solution this is probably OK. If you're
planning on using the Exchange box for a business solution I'd strongly
suggest a PIX.

Kind Regards,

Colin M. McGroarty, MCSE, MCP+I, NT-CIP
2004 Microsoft MVP, Windows Server - General

"Ali" <> wrote in message
Thank you. Yeah I know Exchange has nothing to do with the router. However,
just wondered if the Linksys Cable/DSL router will work or if I should
consider upgrading to a CISCO PIX 501.


- Ali

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote: