

Change a resource's max availability and see its effect Microsoft Project

Change a resource's max availability and see its effect Microsoft Project

Change a resource's max availability and see its effect

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 07:32 PM PST

Explaining Jan's answer a bit - FYI, changing max units in the resource
information only sets a new cutoff above which the resource is considered
overallocated and also the default assignment level for new assigments for
the resource. It doesn't go back and change any currently existing
assignments as you've discovered. Leveling only functions to delay one or
more out of a set of conflicting tasks when a resource on them is booked for
a total usagethat is higher than the max allowed for him, resolving the
overallocation. It never changes the assignment level on individual tasks.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Tim" <> wrote in message

Task Name Format

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 06:19 PM PST

Please don't feel stupid. Not terribly intuitive to call it outline numbers!

Let us know if we can help again.
Best regards,

"Gary Mitchell" wrote:

assign start dates to tasks

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 11:15 AM PST

If the start date cannot change either forward or backward, put a Must Start
On constraint on Task 1 under each job. FYI - this is contrary to the usual
use of MS Project, which is to determine when the tasks would be able to
take place. Generally speaking you don't tell Project the dates when tasks
will take place; instead, it calculates the schedule based on what needs to
be done, how long each task will take, and when the resources required would
be available and then tells you the dates you can have. But there can be
exceptions where external conditions impose a start or end date and applying
constraints is how they can accomplished in the schedule.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Julie" <> wrote in message

PWA CAL Licensing

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 08:33 AM PST

Thanks. Spoke with an MVP yesterday and he confirmed what we were thinking.

He suggested a good way to lock-down the number of PWA users is by placing
the unlicensed users in a specific group in PWA called "Unlicensed" and deny
this group the ability to login to PWA.

"JackD" wrote:

No Printer Selection Printing from Print Preview in Project

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 07:58 AM PST

Hi Steve

it's a project thing .. don't really know why but there's nothing wrong with
your install - we all suffer from the same limitation (AFAIK - if anyone has
an alternative please let me know too) :)


"steve" <com> wrote in message 

looking for a resume cover letter for relocating

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 07:54 AM PST


This NG is dedicated to the Microsoft Project software. You'll have
better luck getting an answer elsewhere, like maybe an MS Word NG.


Calendar doesn't work in MS Project 2K3

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 04:36 AM PST

Hi Bobby

personally i agree with you ... but i've learned to live with it - however,
if you've got project 2000 or newer you can "fill down" the project
calendar - so you assign it to the first resource and then just drag down
using the fill handle (little black cross bottom right hand corner of the


"Bobby" <com> wrote in message

Can I constrain 2 tasks not to occur simultaneously?

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 02:15 PM PST

Ahhh ... simple cost tracking or Earned Value calcs? Hmmm. The machine I'm
on right now has P98 and doesn't know about materials so I can't say.

If you set the resource or material to have a value or rate of $0 then you
shouldn't have an impact on your total costs or on cost variances.

Your schedule variance could be a different matter. But since you're moving
lots of "task groups" (for lack of a better phrase) around you're probably
not concerned about schedule variances, you just want to make certain the
stuff gets done (and whether that's this shift or three shifts from now is
not a driving concern.)

That's the long answer.

Short answer: don't know; try both ways <grin>; report back.

"KellyB" wrote:

Showing task splits in Gantt view

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 02:12 PM PST

Hi KellyB,
I'm afraid I'm all out of thoughts. I assume you want to show the "split"
(tasks stopping during non-working time) for both the day shift and the night
shift in a single view. As you can only display one non-working time as the
background of your gantt, I don't believe there is a solution. The task usage
view (zoomed in of course) will show the hours for each resource as they are
distributed, but I don't think you'll get want you want from the Gantt.
You could customize the Gantt bars with colors based upon the resource's
base calendars, but that's about all I can come up with.
So sorry.

"KellyB" wrote:

Need to create a reocurring task that will take place twice a mon.

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 12:39 PM PST

If you called the Recurring task Meeting then you will end up with "Meeting
1" twice; "Meeting 2" twice ...

I'd use different task names ("Mid-month" and "End-of-month"). Other than
that, you are spot on in both your suggestions.

(BTW ... Ti-Cats can always wait until next year. Again.)

"Steve House [MS Project MVP]" wrote:

Assign a task to a certain hour

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 09:47 AM PST

Thanks Jan, I found my answer about two seconds after I hit the post button.
You have to have the field formatted correctly with date and time before it
will allow to type in the time.

Thanks again for your time.

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

Duration vs. Work

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 09:14 AM PST

I think Jan meant times and not types:)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

Comparing Dates of 2 projects

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 05:44 AM PST

Hi John,

Well, my post above is timed on my laptop at 21:41 in answer to your post
timed at 21:48, ie I answered your post before it arrived! Maybe it's
something to do with Outlook Express' timer?

Mike Glen
Project MVP

John wrote: 

print calender

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 02:43 AM PST

Hi Moradi,
Just to clarify: do you want to print out the definition of your base
calendar (working times, holidays etc) or do you want to print your tasks in
the calendar view?
If you want to print just the definition, in View --> Reports -->
Overview--> Working Days the pages after page one show all the base calendars
you have defined. (Each base calendar will be on its own page.)
To edit a calendar, go to Tools --> Change Working time, select your base
calendar from the drop-down and edit away.

Hope this helps. I apologize if I have misunderstood your question.


"com" wrote:

How to print a daily report of today's tasks?

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 02:44 PM PST

Thanks for the suggestion.

I've set up my report as a Task Report, grouped on 1 Day.
I've changed my Resource Group field to indicate Daytime workers and
Nightime workers, then I filtered using the Resource Group field.

By filtering for either Resource Group = D or = N, I can create a report for
the day shift tasks, or the night shift tasks.


"Sarah" wrote:

Views Post

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 02:34 PM PST


It sounds like you already have your custom views set up, correct? If
this is the case, then go to Table>More Tables and select the Entry
table for tasks. Click Copy. Rename the table to something appropriate
for its new purpose, edit the fields so that only the ones you want to
print are listed, and click OK. Then go to View>More Views and select
your print view. Click Edit and in the Table field, select the table
you just created. Click OK and this table will always be used for that


Global.mpt location

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 02:19 PM PST


Disregard the message. A "project1" is opened with that global anyway.
The message is totally irrelevant (even wrong)


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Sam" <> schreef in bericht

project should include summary tasks in in workgroup update, assi.

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 12:38 PM PST

Hi Sarah

True: I wasn't referring to the workgroup messages specifically, but
generallly throughout projects if you need to show their origin.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Sarah wrote: 

Print formatting

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 08:41 AM PST


That would then become a training issue. If you set up a global view
that everyone understands is ONLY to be used for printing for the Sr.
VP, then they should understand that they must not make any changes to
it. I've operated this way at prior companies, and it works well.



Posted: 15 Nov 2004 03:24 AM PST

Hi parastoo mousavi,
Sorry, after more thought - you will want to modify the "Assignments keeping
outline structure" group to include the Group field (resource) as the first
line. Then you should see what you are looking for.

"JulieS" wrote:

My wrapped text does not print.

Posted: 14 Nov 2004 07:34 AM PST

You're welcome, Cindy:-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

cindyclayton wrote: 

anybody know if there will a "12.1.1" patch next week? Microsoft Office for Mac

anybody know if there will a "12.1.1" patch next week? Microsoft Office for Mac

anybody know if there will a "12.1.1" patch next week?

Posted: 03 Jun 2008 01:33 PM PDT

Steve Maser wrote:

Patch Tuesday is for Windows security patches. It has nothing to do with
Mac Office and nothing to do with broken features in any application.

You'll be the first to know if you watch the Mactopia website.



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Sync with Blackberry

Posted: 03 Jun 2008 08:13 AM PDT

claude.lahaie wrote:

Hi Claude!

Office 2008's initial release had serious sync problems that have been
getting addressed with subsequent updates.

Be sure that you update Office 2008 to the latest version, 12.1.0, and
if you're running Leopard be sure to update it to the latest available
update, 10.5.3.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Cannot download Service Pack for office 2008

Posted: 03 Jun 2008 05:09 AM PDT

"Bob Jones" wrote:

Another good way to check is to use the Activity Monitor (application found
in the Applications/Utilities folder) If you click on the Disk Usage tab at
the bottom you will see a little circle showing space utilized and space

Regardless of what size your drive is, you need approx. 10% free space. This
is space used by the system. More info:

To help performance, add your Identities folder to Spotlight Exclude list.
See this page for more tips to help performance.


Problems from Insufficient RAM and Free Hard Disk Space



MVPS and others responding to newsgroup posts: please do not truncate

Posted: 29 May 2008 08:24 PM PDT

>> But I'll try harder to stop deleting text. 

What's more, it contradicts RFC 1855:


MacTopia not Posting Issues

Posted: 29 May 2008 12:25 PM PDT

All the posts were new. Basically I was repeatedly posting the same question. As I mentioned at the top of this discussion each post was showing up in "My Account" but not in the Word forum.

All of the post were made to the Word forum.

All of the post were using the same identity.

The reason one of these post eventually succeeded is because I used Diane's suggestion and posted via Entourage.

I hope this info helps your team.


Why is Word 2008 taking soooo looong to open?

Posted: 29 May 2008 07:36 AM PDT


Just so you know, you're not alone. Word 2008 has some serious
launching issues on my computer as well. SP1 made it a bit better, and
10.5.3 made it better still, but even so, Word will sometimes take
over 30 seconds to launch on my late model 17" MBP. Evidently, it's an
issue that isn't affecting everyone, but nothing has fixed this issue
completely for me, and it's not widespread enough problem to get any
help from the group (or perhaps others are just more patient than we
are :-). I heard that Office 2008 has some issues with Nvidia GPUs,
and this problem may still be tied into that; I think the Leopard
Graphics Update that came out right after 10.5.2 was the beginning of
the problem, but I didn't have Office 2008 until after that was
released so it's hard for me to be sure. Out of curiosity, are you on
a MBP?


On May 29, 10:36*am, Jeffrey Ellis <net> wrote: 

Beware, after installing Office 2008 SP1, the next computerstartup can take one hour or more!!!!!!!

Posted: 27 May 2008 09:05 PM PDT

Diane Ross <> wrote:

You don't even need to. MyDay or the Office Reminder should be enough to
trigger this. Anything that loads the Identity database.


--- Mac:MS MVP --- -
MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP ne travaillent pas pour MS
Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam" pour m'écrire

Question on Installing SP1

Posted: 27 May 2008 02:01 PM PDT

In article <>,
Diane Ross <> wrote:

Thanks..... I thought it was a combo but wanted to be sure before having
her run the updater. I suggested she download the combo rather than
messing with the MS auto updater. I don't trust the MAU for major
updates. She already has Office 2008 installed and working so we will
skip the reinstall from the CD

I had no problems with SP1 combo updater.

Office 2008 Speed/Issues: Post SP1

Posted: 27 May 2008 09:20 AM PDT

Hi Doug -

You might want to check the Apple Downloads. There are a number of firmware
updates & others that may apply to your system configuration. I can't say
for sure because: my MBP hadn't exhibited the problem, I have applied he
ones appropriate for my config, and I refuse to move from 10.5.0 until Apple
shows me a stable update... Maybe 10.5.3... Or 4... Or 5:-)

I believe that MS is dependent on Apple for this as well, so when it will be
resolved is anyone's guess. I'm not sure what you mean by "a bit now" re SP1
- it was released the 14th of May, and 2 weeks in 'techno-time' amounts to a
fraction of a second in real time:-) I wouldn't even start looking for an
SP2 for another 3 months or expect to see it for another 3 beyond that.
There may be some interims along the way, but anything major is unlikely.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 5/27/08 12:20 PM, in article, "Doug"
<com> wrote:

Open Microsoft Office 2007 files Using Mac Software

Posted: 26 May 2008 07:50 AM PDT

Hi Nicolas,

WinOffice 2007 and MacOffice 2008 use the same new file format for
Excel/PPT/Word files, so those should move over (although there are many
features in Word/XL/PPT 2007 that are not supported in Mac 2008, depends
on how complex your files are). Note also that MacOffice does *not*
include Access, Publisher, Visio, etc.

However, you are interested in mail, directory, tasks. Does that mean
you will be moving from Outlook? That's a little more complicated.
Entourage is the Outlook alternative on the Mac, but the two programs
are *not* equivalent. You should start with the information here:

Further questions should be searched/asked in the Entourage newsgroup.

It is better to start a NEW thread so that you get information specific
to your issue, than to add on to an existing thread.


nicolas salazar wrote: 

content advisor

Posted: 26 May 2008 03:39 AM PDT

Thanks for replying actually this method you told me for web access control
is already implemented on my PC . But i want the method how to bypass this
thing so that i can access internet from my PC without disabling the content


"CyberTaz" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Hyperlink in Word 2010 doc I created won't go to the web page

Microsoft Word - Hyperlink in Word 2010 doc I created won't go to the web page

Hyperlink in Word 2010 doc I created won't go to the web page

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 03:13 PM PDT

The hyperlink I inserted in Word 2010 doc does not open the website when I click.  I sent the doc to an associate who was able to click on the link and get to the website.  I sent it to myself, and all I get when I click on the hyperlink is an error message.  When I click on HELP in the error window, the message has nothing to do with hyperlinks!  I am new to creating hyperlinks and totally in the dark!


Word 2013 not available to all profiles

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 02:52 PM PDT

I have installed a purchased copy of Office 2013. I am able to launch and use Word 2013 when logged on with my profile. Other users on the same pc are able to launch Word 2013, but are unable to create or open existing Word documents (.doc or .docx). It doesn't throw an error, simply goes away and displays that Word has encountered an error. Users only recourse is to acknowledge the error, which then throws them out of Word.

MS Word Page Margin

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 02:08 PM PDT

Hi Microsoft Community,

I would like to know how to change the page margin of just a single page rather than the entire document.

Thanks in advance.

keeps asking for product key

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 01:44 PM PDT

I have been using my Microsoft 10 software for 2 years and all of the sudden it has started asking for my Product Key when I try to open a document.  It will not accept my Product Key.

Setting up a rule in Word 2010 to limit/warn number of words in a sentence

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 01:37 PM PDT

How do you set up a rule or warning in Microsoft Word 2010 that limits every sentence to 25 words or less?

There was a problem sending a command to the program

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 01:34 PM PDT

I have word 2010 and I get "There was a problem sending a command to the program" message every time I open Office material.  The past help doesn't work.  

My material will open so it is an annoyance more that drastic. 

Difficulty Opening Microsoft Documents from e-mail/internet source

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 01:22 PM PDT

I recently got a new computer  (Windows 8) that came with a 4 year Microsoft Office University full package. Unfortunately, whenever I attempt to open a word, powerpoint, excel or any sort of document from an e-mail or internet source, Microsoft office attempts to open the file and then freezes at the opening screen (i.e. small blue box that says Microsoft Word). I've tried looking at settings to see if there is some sort of "open download attachments" box but I just can't seem to find anything. I'm fairly computer savvy, so I've tried all combinations of "save as" "open with" etc. HELP!!!

Mail merge adds a blank line - only when address1 and address2 are non-bLANK

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 12:49 PM PDT

Word 2007 Mail Merge from Outlook 2007 adds a blank line after address2 when it (ADDRESS2) is not blank but suppresses blank lines when adress2 is blank.


 I am using paragraphs to end all lines between fields.


The blank line only appears when there are two address lines and it is placed after address2 and the next line which is city, state and ZIP


I am merging from Outlook 2007 - contacts list which creates a temporary input database.

How to determine exact version of Word that is running on my computer

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 11:59 AM PDT

My version of Word keeps saying " it is not responding" How do I repair when I can't even determine which version of word is now running on my PC??

registry cleaner

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 11:58 AM PDT

Is there a proprietary MS registry cleaner?
Some add-ons which came with a program I downloaded, rejected and deleted, seem to have slowed my Win8 system down.
Thanks - Ian

Trying to use Word 2013 and keep getting message "Office needs repair." Used Quick Repair three times and still no result.

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 11:55 AM PDT

When attempting to use M/S Word 2013 on Win* I get repeated messages, "Office needs repair."

I have used Quick Repair three times and there is no relief.

What to do?

Microsoft Word Will Not Open

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 11:41 AM PDT

Word in Office 2013 won't open and won't open in safe mode, but excel works perfectly fine.

importing a text file and changing a list from letters to numbers

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 10:56 AM PDT

I have a text file I created originally in Notepad, that I later opened in Word to use the spell check. It contains a list of ideas that I posted to an online forum and e-mail list similar to Usenet (a Yahoo Group set to strip attachments) that does not allow HTML or BBCode.
I originally used letters to number the list, but it has grown to 37 items. I started using numbers after the Z with number 27.

Is there an easy way to get Word to automatically change the A-Z into 1-26? Then it needs to be saved as a plain text file again.
I used this format, with hitting ENTER twice between items to leave a line in between. Some are nested items

A.) item 1, might take up an entire paragraph

B.) item 2 blah blah blah takes up sevearl lines, hit ENTER at the end and start the sub-items.
         I. subitem 1
         II. Subitem 2. Tabs are used for these
         III. subitem 3

C.) item 3
Z.) Item 4

27.) item 27

28.) item 28
37.) last item at the time of writing.

Oh, this is posted in Office 2003, but I have Office 2007 available (and though I hate it, Office 97 if I reboot my oldest computer into Windows 98SE instead of XP). I just like Office 2003 better than the ribbon interface.

How do I change settings so that I can have a numbered list with a bullet list after when I press tab? l

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 10:40 AM PDT

hey all

I use word for school notes, and I like to sometimes use a numbered list then notes under each numbered item with bullets.  On my other computer, I just press enter then tab, but when I do this on my new one, it just gives me a tabbed space.  This is what it looks like 

1.      Asdf

2.     Adsf

3.     Asdf

and I want it to look like this: (this is from my old computer)

1.       Maussian Approach

           a.      The body as a spiritually charged gift

           b.      Cannibalism and ancestor consumption

           c.      When we give a gift, a part of our soul is given along with that

2.      Marxian Approaches

            a.      The body as a source of capital or value.  Is labor or knowledge a part of our body? of capital or value.  Is labor or knowledge a part of our body?? 

I've been playing around with it forever and I'm sure it's a simple fix but I can't find it.

thanks all!!


Please help- remove header from page 2

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 10:09 AM PDT

Hi, I am having a hard time figuring this out.


I have a header on the first page of my document.  I do not want a header on the 2nd page.  When I try to edit or remove the header on Page 2, it removes the text content, however, it still leaves the blank space for the header.  How do I get rid of this?


Please help! TIA

Mail merge is giving me 77 letters instead of the 153 I should have; it's leaving out half my data base!

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 09:29 AM PDT

I'm mostly getting one or two members of a family name, & it's leaving out the rest of the folks with the same last name. I've closed out of it & restarted several times, with always the same results. I need to get these in the mail by Friday, & it's Tuesday already!!! I'm using Word and Excel 2007.

text boxes

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 08:41 AM PDT

I have created a document in Word with text boxes so that I can easily type through and fill in the boxes as needed (I will be filling out this form about 20 times a day so I need it to be easy to tab through). I figured out how to tab through the text boxes (hitting Esc when I am done typing and the pressing tab). The problem is that when I tab over to the next box it goes to the last box on the next line instead of the first box on the next line. I have all the boxes in the order I want them in the selections and visibility box it does not affect where the cursor tabs to. I even started all over and made sure I created the boxes in the same order I wanted to be able to tab through them. I would love to be able to fill out my form in the order that makes sense not the backwards order it seems to be defaulting to. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Bracket Chart Borders

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 08:13 AM PDT


I'm wishing to create bracketed chart borders, or something similar to them. However, I cannot figure out how to do this within Word. Currently, I have four separate image files to represent this, but if I could eliminate the need for images, that would be ideal. 

Any ideas? The concept of what I'm trying to attempt is here:



Linked Excel 2010 graphs randomly break links or degrade in image quality

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 07:55 AM PDT

I am working on a Word 2010 document that has multiple graphs that are linked to several different Excel 2010 files. The document is prone to crashing and the links will randomly break. In addition, updating them often causes the image to reduce in quality. The link is still active, but the text and lines within the chart are blurry, as if it were pasted as a picture (windows metafile).


The issue is random in that some graphs that are from the same excel file (and even the same tab within the file) will break their links or become distorted, while others will not. Once a graph degards in quality, I can't get the original quality back. I have to delete the graph and re-paste a new linked graph.


If anyone has encountered this problem, or has a potential solution, I would greatly appreciate. I have a lot of graphs in the document that I have to update on a quarterly basis and this issue can be very time consuming.



Thank you very much,



Can't access online content like pictures and templates from

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 07:40 AM PDT

Our school recently installed Office 2013.  Now most of us cannot get any online pictures or online templates for Word, etc.  We get a message that we do not have internet connectivity, even though we are able to access the internet otherwise.  Our internet connection is fine.  Is this an issue with our firewall?  Is it how permissions were set up on our server?

Can you give me some ideas how we can begin to fix this?  This you.

file still open in words can not rename or delete

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 07:17 AM PDT

I am using Windows 8 and have changed the file associations several times to handle pics. Also have many 2007 words files in our office that I must use, I had problems saving so I deltede the newest office . However Now I am unable to work as i can not save or delete words files I keep getting the message than " the file is still open in words"


Not Real;ly sure which words version is working now!!

Spell Check in Word 2010 not recognising spelling mistakes ntermittently

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 07:16 AM PDT

Spell Check in Word 2010 not recognising spelling mistakes intermittently.  To test I have intentionally added incorrect spellings and Spellcheck has not picked them up.

Issue with macros on the ribbon in word 2010

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 06:24 AM PDT


I am having a problem running macros from the ribbon is Word 2010. I have a custom menu that was created in Word 2003. I installed Word 2007 and then upgraded to Word 2010. On the Add In's tab, the menu name is listed but it is greyed out and I have not been able to find a way to make it active. As a work around, I modified the ribbon by adding a new tab and then added my macros to the tab so that they show up on the ribbon. The problem is that when I select a macro from the ribbon it always runs the same macro no matter what one I had selected to run. If I go to the Organizer and add a macro from Normal to Document 1 then that macro will run when selected from the ribbon but if I add more macros to Document 1 from Normal then I have the same problem of the same macro being run no matter what one I selected to run. I have set the Trust Center setting for macros to enable all macros.

Spinning my wheels at this point and would appreciate any help that can be provided.



page numbers to include chapter without using heading styles

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 06:23 AM PDT

I am using Word 2010 for a desk guide and all headings 1-9 are in use. Heading 1 is a Roman numeral. I used another style that is not a heading style for the chapter name and title.

I want to include the chapter number with the page number but cannot use Microsoft's page numbering format to include chapter because it is a Roman numeral I that begins each chapter. I want it to be an alphanumeric number like this 1-1, 2-1 (chapter 2), etc. Is there a field code I can use in the page number to give me this desired result?

How to get to get more filter options for ClipArt in Word 2013?

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 06:23 AM PDT

In Word 2010 you could easily filter ClipArt images on type, you could also click on "Find more on" to go to ClipArt online. Is there a way to do this in Word 2013?

Free Microsoft Office Word alternatives.

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 06:22 AM PDT

Hi. I have Microsoft Office Word 2007 Home and Student edition on my PC. I bought the disc from Software4students some years ago. 
I tried to install the program on my new laptop, using the disc and the product key. But the product key was rejected as being incorrect.
 I take it that I am not going to be able to use the disk.
 My question is: are free Word 2007 alternatives worth trying? With the laptop I just need to be able to type documents, so basic word processing is all that I have in mind.
 Thanks in advance,

To insert a chart, you must first close any open dialog boxes or cancel editing in Microsoft Excel.

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 05:51 AM PDT

I get the following message when I try to create a chart in Microsoft Word 2010:
To insert a chart, you must first close any open dialog boxes or cancel editing in Microsoft Excel.

I click "OK" and the following message appears:
Some chart types cannot be combined with other chart types. Select a different chart type.
I have tried many different types.

Merged label spacing is improper for some labels

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 05:24 AM PDT

We are performing a merge to create folder labels.  Each label has four lines and some intermediary lines can be blank on some labels, but not others.  Where there are blanks, we want to preserve the blank lines so that the same information always falls on the same line of the label.  The last line, however, is never blank and should always appear in the same place on the label (must match a score line).


THE PROBLEM:  We have noticed that the last line of the label varies its position depending on if some of the above lines are blank or not.  When none of the label lines are blank, the last line is raised up higher than on other labels with blank lines.  Each line is in a specific font.  As we cursor through both resulting labels (with or without blank lines), the fonts and line breaks for each line appear to be fine.  We have even programmed the merge to insert a space on a blank line, in the event the lack of a character is triggering the problem.


SECONDARY QUESTION:  We would also like to know how to determine the exact baseline (or even line) position of each line of text on the label.  This would help us verify that the information is exactly where it needs to be and would help troubleshoot spacing problems. Other programs list the line position in the status bar as you move line to line, but we don't see where to find this information in Word 2010?


Our labels require very specific line spacing in order to fit properly on both the interior folder and in the clear window of the companion hanging file folder.   We have considered using an 'Advance' code, but are really curious to find out why the line spacing is improper on some labels, when all the formatting appears to be okay on all the resulting labels.


Thank you for any assistance.

Cannot easily edit merge codes in label merge document

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 04:50 AM PDT

How do we scroll through the label merge commands when the content exceeds the height of the label?


We have label merge forms where the merge commands and fields (displayed using ALT-F9) exceed the height of the label.  When we arrow down through the code, to the bottom, it does not scroll the code in the cell.  The cursor appears to move from line to line (out of sight) and eventually jumps to the next table cell.  Since the content of the cell does not scroll, we cannot see or edit the code.


As a work-around we change the first label (table row) height so that it is no longer fixed.  In this case, the cell height expands so we can see and edit our code.  Afterwards, we reset the first row height to continue the merge.  Obviously, this alternative is awkward and time consuming.  Why can't we scroll through the content of the cell when editing the code?


Thank you for any assistance.

Microsoft Office Starter: How Long Can I Use It???

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 04:39 AM PDT

I bought a Dell computer a couple of years ago that has  Microsoft Office Starter installed. I ran some Microsoft updates the other day, and now almost all of my Word and Excel documents have been rendered useless. I can't open them, I get a prompt saying that I have to buy MS Office for $99.99 a year. Is this REALLY my only option? I need to send Word documents on a regular basis, if I send the ones that I have (now listed as .docx files) will they still be received as Word documents?

Word documents locked up

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 03:57 AM PDT

My Wordstarter documents are locked by Microsoft in an apparent attempt to force me to buy their latest Word product.  I must have access to those files nearly every day.  I had no warning Microsoft would lock documents I created.  This is extraordinarily sleazy behavior by Microsoft and quite unlikely to inspire me to buy any Microsoft products again.


John McGary

Lexington, Ky.

my microsoft starter is refusing to open my saved documents

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 03:13 AM PDT

My Microsoft starter is refusing to open my saved documents that was created with Microsoft word.


[Moved from feedback]

Office has stopped opening on my Laptop

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 02:58 AM PDT

Mircosoft office has stopped working on my laptop. It was working in the evening and when I opened my computer in the morning word would not start. The message I get for Word says 'Sorry, something went wrong and Word was unable to start (24)'. When I try to open Excel and PowerPoint I get a meeage saying that there is not enough memory to run these applications. I have restored my computer to a point in time when Office was working but this has not solved the problem. Does anyone have advice on how to solve the problem. Thanks

When I save a Word Document as PDF, there is a Shadow Font (grey) behind Arabic text

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 02:14 AM PDT

I was using Windows Vista and Office 2007 for creating documents that contained both English and Arabic Text.
I saved these docs in PDF mode and then uploaded them to ScribD.
I had no problems.

Recently, I changed to Windows 7 and Office 2010, now when I save these documents as PDF, I see no problem, but when they are uploaded to Scrib D, I find that there is a sort of grey shadow Arabic Letters, behind the Arabic text.

What should I do?
Whilst saving the document in PDF format I even experimented with the few options. 
But then the problem persisted.
I even selected the option (Under PDF options) 'ISO 19005 - 1 Compliant'
No change.
What should I do?
Thanking You
Imtiaz Muhsin

Inserting a text box

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 02:00 AM PDT

I have created a cover page for my doc and applied an ornate border from the 'Word' borders available. I am trying to insert a text box so I can show the doc title on this page but as soon as I try, the right-hand side of the border (ie top half, side half and bottom half) disappears. In addition, the text box keeps appearing above or below the border. The symbol which appears when I click on the border is a four-direction arrow symbol. No doubt this is the key but I need help - can anyone out there assist?

Fonts keep changing in Word 2013, and setting the one I want as default does nothing.

Posted: 17 Sep 2013 12:05 AM PDT

Fonts keep changing in Word 2013, and setting the one I want as default does nothing. Please help!

How to use Datepicker Value to create filename? Split Month/Year

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 09:19 PM PDT

MS Word 2010 Template

Team meeting template with [Save] Button control

Purpose: Save Team meeting minutes to folder based on Year/Month of meeting.

Datepicker Tag = "meetingday"


The following code works to save document to specified folder with meeting date in title (long form).


Private Sub CommandButton501_Click()


If ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("meetingday").Item(1).Range.Text = "Click here to enter a date." Then

 MsgBox "You didn't select a date"



ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="C:\Team Meetings\Team Meeting Minutes " & ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("meetingday").Range.Text & ".doc"


End If


End Sub


Now to specify the Folder "Year" then "Month"



Private Sub CommandButton501_Click()

Dim Month As String

Dim Year As String



If ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("meetingday").Item(1).Range.Text = "Click here to enter a date." Then

 MsgBox "You didn't select a date"




Month = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("meetingday ").Item(1).Range.Text

Month = Format(Month, "MMMM")


Year = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("meetingday ").Item(1).Range.Text

Year = Format(Year, "yyyy")


ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="C:\Team Meetings\"&Year&"\"&Month&"\Team Meeting Minutes " & ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("meetingday").Range.Text & ".doc"



End If



End Sub


Doesn't work !


I presume it's the way I'm calling for the Datepicker value using: ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("meetingday").Item(1).Range.Text


If I just use todays date:

Month = Format(Date, "MMMM")

Year = Format(Date, "yyyy")

It works.


Help please ?

Enumeration remove half the document

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 09:15 PM PDT

Hi I would like to know how I can remove the numbering of a 2010 word document where I want to take up some page numbering, and from there take,
as they could do that ...

Subdocument Heading Numbers

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 07:24 PM PDT


I am having trouble with the heading numbering of subdocuments linked to a master document. My master is broken into 10 subdocuments; each document is an individual chapter. I built a custom style for the chapter headings that included a custom numbering scheme.

In the master document the chapter heading numbering works fine (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4...) but when an individual subdocument is opened the heading numbering defaults to 1. This is causing problems as there is no constant numbering as i am trying to edit.

Is there a way to have the heading numbering remain the same in the subdocuments as it is in the master? additionally can this be done for the page numbering so that the page numbers in the subdocument are the same as in the master?

Thanks for your help.

Word files do not open

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 06:49 PM PDT

After my computer did an automatic update at shut down, I can no longer open my Word files from Windows Explorer/file manager. I am using Word 2007 and the Windows 7 Home Premium edition. What gives?