

Goto Selected Task Shortcut? Microsoft Project

Goto Selected Task Shortcut? Microsoft Project

Goto Selected Task Shortcut?

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 11:35 AM PDT

The shortcut for XP & 2003 is CTRL+SHIFT+F5. Don't know
if this works for older versions, though.


Remove baseline

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 03:32 AM PDT

Thank you much for the correction JulieD... I appreciate it, because I've
never worked with anything earlier than 2002 and did not know that. Learn
something new every day!!


Posted: 08 Sep 2004 05:01 PM PDT

If you create additional *base* calendars from a main one and subsequently
change the main calendar there will be no inheritance. However, if you
designate a base calendar for a set of resources and then change the base,
the participating resource calendars derived from the base will reflect that
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"deluth" <> wrote in message
there a 

Switch formula problem

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 01:08 PM PDT

You are welcome. Usually when I write a formula for the first time I start
slow and check the values that I get for each field, then work on the


"Dmitry" <> wrote in message

Resource Pool and Standard Calender Changes

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 12:45 PM PDT

Hi Mark,

First, remember a line from my previous post:
You did, didn't you - I mean that you left the definition of "a day" as is

That means that even if the working time per "true day" is reduced to 6
hours, for MS project the exotic, nonstandard time unit (!) called "a day"
is still equal to 480 minutes.
Do read,
faq 5: Default Working hous for a complete explanation.

This explains why duration does not seem to change fro tasks with 0%
complete (but do look at start and end times of the task- they will not fit
with the duration shown)

As for semi-completed tasks, they will now show an irregular work pattern: 8
hours for the part that had been completed before the calendar change (most
of the time Project DOES NOT change actuals) and the remaining work is
rescheduled and Project will come up with a differnt duration.

I'm not on a mood to find out exctly how Project calculates this because it
is a situation that should NOT occur. When I teach Project, one of the very
first messages is


That's why I advise you to start afresh with a new project...


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Mark E" <com> schreef in bericht

Linking Excel data to MS Project

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 09:59 AM PDT

It's also possible to use MS Project's VBA (Visual Basic for
Applications) interface to bring data from Excel into MS Project.

In article <83e201c495c5$23faa020$gbl>, says... 

What is the purpose of the question mark (?) in the duration field?

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 06:52 AM PDT

You can get rid of the question mark entirely by going to the tools menu /
schedule tab and unchecking the two boxes that control the behavior of
"estimated durations"


"James G" <> wrote in message

file size exploding

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 06:17 AM PDT

Hi Willi,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

If you suspect a corrupt file, you could try the suggestions in FAQ Item:
43. File Bloat? - Might be Corruption.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

willi bechter wrote: 

Custom Calendars in MSP 2000

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 02:51 AM PDT

AMEN!! That's why I suggest to people looking for training that they do NOT
look for training in MS Project. Instead they look for training in Project
Management Using MS Project. There is a world of difference!

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Mike Glen" <> wrote in message

templates for kids chores

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 10:53 PM PDT

Why does everyone remind me of the "teen years" :-)...
(and if it's not the teen years I'm being reminded about it's the "wait
until they start driving" or "what are you going to do when they go to


__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"Brian Stebbins" <com> wrote in message

do not split task over 2 days

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 10:03 PM PDT


Thanks for that excellent suggestion. It works quite nicely and is less
clumsy than anything else I was attempting :o)

Thanks again,

Gérard Ducouret schrieb: 

Unable to reinstall Project Professional

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 01:28 PM PDT


Sadly, I don't get as far as the repair option. The
preparing for install window appears followed by another
window stating "Project Professional 2003 cannot be
installed when another instance of Project Professional
2003 is already present." even though it isn't.

Obviously there is an entry in the registry set to
indicate that Project is already loaded, but I haven't
got a clue what it is?

Your help is appreciated.

Regards, Mike
and Project VBA 
Project Professional 
Professional, but when I tried 
another instance of 
install this copy of 
instance of Project 
Control Panel. 
I tried using the 
reinstall the error 
in GUID's and 

Microsoft CRM - Adding new fields to the schema

Microsoft CRM - Adding new fields to the schema

Adding new fields to the schema

Posted: 26 Apr 2004 12:37 PM PDT

keep in imnd that while you can add fields you cannot remove them!!

take care and research before adding many fields

"kb" <> wrote in message

Customization Questions

Posted: 26 Apr 2004 11:54 AM PDT

1 - if you look in the archives in this group you will see a way to change
the views for activities i think

2 - use CRMIncident.Close method in the SDK


4 - need to use sdk if its possible.

Sorry but all these will require work with the sdk which you can see at
"SiEBEN Innovative Solutions" <gr> wrote in message

Activities Question Urgent?

Posted: 26 Apr 2004 08:45 AM PDT

The best change you have is looking at some of the source code in the system
to pin down where the data is populated. However keep in mind you could be
looking for a long time and not find anything useful.

"Sarah" <> wrote in message

Email subject

Posted: 26 Apr 2004 08:05 AM PDT

nope... too bad its a take it or lose it feature...

CRM 1.2 hangs with Windows XP SP2 RC1, which new security reg key to change?

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 01:54 AM PDT

Its the browser client and I know about the popup stopper, its not that as
the window is open because I have enabled the popup, it crashes the browser


"John" <com> wrote in message

Second Domain Controller Required?

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 07:25 PM PDT

Its a nice to have. Keep in mind that if the domain controller or faisl and
its your only one you are in trouble. Having a second DC means you can
recover better if the other DC goes down either due to software or hardware
"Jack Eakins" <com> wrote in message

Onchange trigger

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 06:25 AM PDT

Something I just ran across today...... many of the objects have 2 properties
you can check: value & returnvalue. In this case, he should be using
returnvalue as that is the numeric value from the picklist, value returns the
description. The same holds true with numeric fields, value returns the
formatted value while returnvalue returns the actual numeric.

Matt Parks

On Mon, 26 Apr 2004 21:35:59 -0500, "John O'Donnell"
<com-nospam> wrote:

The only info i have seen on onchange events is a few articles on the MBS
support site

you may want to check your jscript references instead of assuming its a crm

"Paal Eriksen" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - What is the normal default print command for Office 2010 with MS OS Win 8

Microsoft Word - What is the normal default print command for Office 2010 with MS OS Win 8

What is the normal default print command for Office 2010 with MS OS Win 8

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 02:05 PM PDT

When using File Tab Print command my default print command is Landscape.  I want to always open at Portrait.  Have Office 2010 with Win 8 OS. All print drivers are up to date.  Using a Brother MFC 9840CDW printer.

Windows cannot find

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 12:44 PM PDT

I have a Vista desktop using Word 2010, I am sent templates to work on and when I open the templates to do my work I get a message "Windows cannot find.........docx'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." But the document is open and I can do my work. How do I make the message quit popping up.

I have tried the same with my laptop that is windows 7 and have no problem. I can even transfer the files from Vista to the wdw 7 and have no problems.

Word 2010 clash between different first page header and odd even footers

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 06:52 AM PDT

I am trying to create a manual which will be printed double sided. The page numbers are to be in the footers and mirrored to be on the outside of the facing pages when the book is opened i.e. on the left on even pages and on the right on odd pages. In the footer, against the centre margin, goes the document reference number. I've set this up using the 'different odd and even pages' option for headers and footers.


I also have to have the chapter title as a running header on all pages EXCEPT the first page of each chapter (I've set each chapter up as a different section). This chapter header will left aligned regardless of whether it appears on an odd or even numbered page. The only way I could find to do this was to check the 'different first page' box in the headers and footers tab of the ribbon bar.


THE PROBLEM: how can I deal with the fact that new chapters (sections) can begin on odd or even pages, and therefore I can't determine whether the page number should go on the right in the first-page-of-section footer (as it would for a section beginning on an odd page number) or on the left. Many documents I've seen get round this by specifying that new chapters can ONLY begin on an odd (right) page, but for this document that would incur an unacceptable number of blank pages as there many short chapters.


I can't work out how to resolve this apparant clash between the format I want pointing me towards an odd / even page scheme for the footers but a first-page-of-section / subsequent-page-of-section scheme for the headers.


What I need is either:

1. some way to suppress the running chapter title in the header on the first page of every chapter (section) WITHOUT having to create a different-first page footer


2. some way to force the first-page footer to know whether it is an odd or even page and have the page number on the right or left respectively (and the document number on the opposite side)


3. some way to specify separate odd / even footers to be used in the footers only, while the headers use a quite separate and independent scheme of first / subsequent page headers


giving in and having every new chapter begin on an odd-numbered page!


Hoping someone can help with this


Bruce Officer

Calculating in protected word form

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 06:17 AM PDT

I designed a word document with calculated fields.  The fields that I wanted to calculate I ticked "Calculate on Exit".  Under Number format I selected 0.00 for all the fields that I want to calculate.  I protected the form for filling in forms.  When I use it as a protected form I type in 4.50 text defaults to 4.  When I remove the protection I noticed that under property all the Number Formats have (0.00) has been lost.




Will appreciate assistance

autocorrect file.Roaming/Microsoft/office/

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 05:49 AM PDT

Hi, each time I click into a new file for word/excel/email, I get this message coming up - our IT guy couldn't resolve it - anyone got any ideas?  I've done quite a bit of googling on this but not sure exactly what this relates to.  I recentl had my computer upgraded to office 2010.

Will a paper written in Win8 RT be able to be read on a Windows 7 computer? And vice-versa?

Posted: 14 Jul 2013 09:36 AM PDT

I want to buy a Windows tablet, but it will be the only Win8 device/computer I will own.  I do a lot of things in Word and Excel.  Can my files be read on my laptop, desktop, and then the Win8 RT tablet?  Or should I look more toward a full version of Windows 8 on a tablet?



New "winword.exe" command on each attempt to access Word

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 09:10 AM PDT

I have Windows 7 Professional. After my last shut down, when I try to open Word I get a message "do you want to allow the following program to make changes?" "winword.exe." After selecting yes, I get an error message "there was a problem sending the command to the program" and I am not able to open the document.

Any advice?


word 2010 document printing text that does not exist in the document

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 02:05 PM PDT

I have created a template - basic fax template with some fill-in fields.  When I print the template a text "a-0789" appears above the Date field.  I have no hidden text in the document.  I have looked at the header/footer view but could not find any codes nor text entry that would indicate exactly where this "a-0789" is.  When I print preview or view my document in Print Layout view, I can't see the text at all.  I tried printing on a different printer but I get the same result.  I just want to remove this extra text somehow but I don't have any idea how.  Please help.



Office 2000 Custom installation - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2000 Custom installation - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2000 Custom installation

Posted: 16 Oct 2004 10:21 AM PDT

On the workstation I run the install I removed Office 2000 and re-installed
to find it did not copy the files it originally did. What is the actual
procedure as I've run the maintwiz to make unavailable then run install again
but installs office but not extra files or shortcuts


"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

puzzled: office 2003, 5 CD set, no setup exe file

Posted: 16 Oct 2004 05:18 AM PDT

Where did you get it from?

Does File & Settings Txfr Wizard not work with 2003?

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 04:47 PM PDT

PS: One other thing - how can I transfer over the signatures? Basically I
just want Outlook to be copied in its entirety.

"CJSnet" <tv> wrote in message

Lies of Michael Stevens [MVP]

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 02:30 AM PDT


You said this 1 month ago. How come you still managed to read my message. You do fancy me don't you!!

Best regards
Michael Stevens' [MS-MVP] Lies:

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!

office 2000 (preminum)

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 11:51 PM PDT

it should load and run fine if you are trying to load legal
office 2000 premium onto an OS XP home


"ausdingo" <> wrote in
load it 
icons in but its not 

Error 0x80070002 failed to open product's delivery key

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 11:45 AM PDT

Sorry for the duplicate thread. I received an error when posting and didn't
think it went through.

"crider" wrote:

Word 2002 globally modify "track changes" setting?

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 09:47 AM PDT

Hi Scoop,

Check the MS Office Customer Maintenance Wizard (CMW) in the
Office XP Resource Kit for modifying settings and features
on already deployed copies of Office along with the information
on using Group Polices and Active Directory

<<"scoop_2004" <> wrote in message news:com...
I am an administrator for a mid-large (2500 seat) organization. We deployed
OfficeXP with many "default" settings, including the option to NOT check the
Word security option "Warn before printing, saving or sending a file that
contains tracked changes or comments ".

We wish to change this setting (and check the box) for future installs as
well as for existing installations. Unfortunately, it seems to be buried in
the "Settings" registry value (HKCU\Software\MS\Office\10.0\Word\Data).

Are there any options for changing this setting in Word 2002? We have used
our systems management tool (Tivoli) to make changes in similar cases, but
this one is in HKCU, which makes that difficult. We could use login scripting
if there was a registry key to modify, but the key isn't explicit. We could
use Active Directory, but I cannot find reference to whether this setting can
be changed through AD and our AD is managed tightly by a group that hasn't
shared information.

Any options for changing this setting?

Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained

Problem while installing OfficeXP Pro on Win98SE

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 09:01 AM PDT

It looks like you will need to do a repair Install of the operating system. Have you got SP2 installed already? SP2 is a relatively new critical update which Microsoft is urging everybody to install. If the laptop is not yours then you "MAY" not be able to repair the installation unless you have the Administrator password or you are a user who belong to the Administrator group.

Let us know if we can be of further help.

Michael Stevens' [MS-MVP] Lies:

Aimee wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich

Where is the product code # on the Certificate of Authority?

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 03:13 PM PDT

=?Utf-8?B?c2hhcm9u?= <> wrote in

The instructions on the website are to help you find your product ID keys, they are NOT the CD key you
need to install office, they are the ID key you need when you call Microsoft.

The website give you the information you need to call Microsoft and get a new key, read it again very
carefully and follow the directions.

Again, the website will NOT give you a CD Key, it tells you how to call Microsoft to get a new one.

Here it is again:;en-us;823570

Expanding Office 2003 sp into my network installation

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 12:51 PM PDT

Hi Harrison,

Thank you for sharing this link with us. : )

Best regards,

Sarah Lu
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Repost: "News" button gives list of file, not opening newsgroups

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 04:47 AM PDT

That seems to have worked. . . thanks much.

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:#phx.gbl... 


Open Office - [discuss] someone selling open office:

Open Office - [discuss] someone selling open office:

[discuss] someone selling open office:

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 09:21 AM PDT

On Thursday 03 April 2008, Suzette Davis wrote: 

He meant that since the only thing they offer distinct
from OOo is to charge for a download or to sell you a
CD, then the difference must be to charge you to support
their system for selling what OOo offers for free.

same programs as 
can be sent a CD in 
I'ts more expensive 
support only a 
office - the screens look 

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[discuss] Systran Support

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 09:21 AM PDT

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Guy Voets wrote:




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[discuss] we need an "outlook" component to the suite

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 12:39 AM PDT

On Thu, 3 Apr 2008, Daniel Kasak wrote:

I see.

So, the purpose of this list, is flaming people with different opinions,
is it?


Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992

.................................................. ...

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[discuss] Good idea for New update OpenOffice 2.4

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 12:39 AM PDT

I have Java 6. Will this give me a problem?

----- Original Message -----
From: <fr>
To: <org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:28 AM
Subject: [discuss] Good idea for New update OpenOffice 2.4


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[discuss] 2008 OOoCon in Beijing

Posted: 30 Mar 2008 09:18 AM PDT

To Alexandro Colorado: YES!!!

Alexandro Colorado wrote: 

To unsubscribe, e-mail: org
For additional commands, e-mail: org

[discuss] OpenOffce 2.4 problem

Posted: 28 Mar 2008 11:48 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

2008/3/28, Abdelbasset CHERROUF <fr>: 


You can address your questions in French to
It is more a subject for the users list than for the discuss list anyway...

If I understand what you say, there would be a bug (in French 2.4) in Tools 
but the Character dialog. Is that right?
I can't verify it here, I get the same droplist of languages for any of the
3 options (selection, paragrapgh, whole text).
A way around this possible bug is selecting the text and chosing Format >
Character > Lettertype > Language.


using dutch OOo 2.3 m221 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and brazilian OOo SRC 680 m241 on an Intel MacBook Pro Leopard
-- please reply only to org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches


[discuss] ubuntu

Posted: 28 Mar 2008 11:45 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

-------- Original Message --------
From: karl kruse <com>
Date: Sat 29 Mar 2008 11:57:39 EST

Yes, as it does with almost all major Linux distributions.

No, but the Ubuntu developers modified the OOo ( code for =

the edition they distribute. See OOo history:

No, OOo is FOSS (Free Open Source Software) and anyone is allowed to=20
modify and/or distribute it under the terms of the LGPL.


Hope this helps.


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Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Microsoft Word - Any differences between .docx in Word 2013 & Word 2010?

Microsoft Word - Any differences between .docx in Word 2013 & Word 2010?

Any differences between .docx in Word 2013 & Word 2010?

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 11:59 AM PDT

Are there any differences in the file extensions in office namely .docx in Word 2013?  I upgraded to Office 2013 Pro and when I open my Word 2010 documents they have a compatibility mode.  Are the changes security related or features being disabled/enabled?

IWhenever I open documents they are displayed in 'preview' format, ie I cannot amend them. What am I doing wrong?

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 11:26 AM PDT

This only happened after a series of Microsoft automatic downloads

search for a document in word 2010, windows 8

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 09:49 AM PDT

how do I search for a document in word 2010, windows 8, used to use the search on start since that I no longer there where do I go?

Can I upgrade from Office 2003 to Office 2010 on Windows XP?

Posted: 14 Jul 2013 10:02 PM PDT

I need to have visual access to the above toolbar details, so I can access the Bold, Italic and Underline in my documents.  They do not appear automatically as they did previously.  I don't know whythey are no longer visible to me, but I would like to have this toolbar visibly available to me.

When I try to open a word document I get a prompt saying "Microsoft Word Has Stopped Working..." Two chocices: 1. Check on line for a solution, or 2. Close the program.

Posted: 14 Jul 2013 02:55 PM PDT

Cannot open Word Document.   When I try I get a prompt saying: "Microsoft Word Has Quit Working.."  Two choices are given, 1-Check online for a solution.... 2-Close program.  Nothing works to restore this.

Suddenly a new appearance of New Document in Word 2010

Posted: 14 Jul 2013 01:49 PM PDT

I am minding my own business, writing in the Word that came from Office 2010 when I open a new blank document, as I have done many many times before, and the appearance is unacceptable to one such as myself. Forgive me if I struggle for the right terminology here. 

Most of my documents show a white page against a dark background. The page appearance has changed, so that I have about half an inch on either side. This is due to much tinkering on my part, and honestly, I've been trying so many things, I am bewildered as to how I made it change at all.

It is my hope you can tell me exactly how to make the white page look to have about 2 inches of "gray" on the sides of it.

I don't know what bothers me more, that I can't have it look the same way it always did before, or that I can't figure out what I am doing wrong in this instance. Please have mercy on me.

Thank you! 

PS My Office DVD says it is Office Home and Student 2010. 

ALternating Page Numbers

Posted: 14 Jul 2013 11:38 AM PDT

Running Word 2007 for Office, having a problem with pagination.

I set up a 22-page document with mirrored pages, and I want to place the page numbers on the 'outside' of the pages (right side for odd, left side for even).  This much works; however, the odd pages number correctly (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.), but the even pages all number '2'.  So my page numbers read thusly: 1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 7, 2, etc.

Now, when I go into the Header and manually change the 2 on the fourth page to a 4, ALL the even pages become page 4 (even page 2).  And it doesn't matter what number I put in - ALL of the even page numbers change to THAT number.

Yet if I DON'T do the 'Different Odd And Even Pages', the pagination is correct - 1 is 1, 2 is 2, 3 is 3, 4 is 4, and so on.

Is there a simple fix to get it to do it the way I want?

Unspecified error, Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 2, Column: 678396

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 06:14 AM PDT

My word document has gone corrupt with the error message in the title. I have tried multiple times to fix document.xml but to no avail. I need some higher help on this. I know it is a formatting error in the xml due to a table or something. I have tried looking for TOC or XE, but those terms are not in my document.xml. I need this document to stop going corrupt. Please help.

Thank you!

[Link Removed, Thanks Jeeped for fixing this!]

Language version mismatch Microsoft Word 2013

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 06:32 PM PDT

I cannot open Microsoft Word 2013 without getting the following msg "Language version mismatch. Switching to base Business Contact Manager language"  And then Microsoft Word stops working...any ideas how to fix this?

Language version mismatch Microsoft Word 2013

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 06:30 PM PDT

I cannot open Microsoft Word 2013 without getting the following msg "Language version mismatch. Switching to base Business Contact Manager language"  And then Microsoft Word stops working...any ideas how to fix this?

Does Windows XP hate Office 97? - Microsoft Office forums

Does Windows XP hate Office 97? - Microsoft Office forums

Does Windows XP hate Office 97?

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 12:02 PM PDT

Windows XP SP2 patch does hate Office 97!! You need to uninstall SP2 first, then install Office 97 then re-install SP2. This is the only way to circumvent M$ forcing you to buy their latest incarnation in the name of Office 2003.

Hope this proves useful.

Fortissima wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!

Is there an Office Tool Bar

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 08:09 AM PDT

For those of you who do not know:

The Office Update site
( only supports
Office 2000, Office XP and Office 2003 products.

In other words, you WILL NOT see updates for Office 97, Office 95, Office
4.3, Office 4.2, or anything older.

More info:

For Office 97/98 updates, go the "Downloads for Office 97/98" section on the
Office Updates site:

For updates to older versions of Office (Office 95, Office 4.3, Office 4.2,
or older), try searching the Microsoft Download Center at:

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:phx.gbl... 

Unable to install Office 2003 SBE on Windows XP SP2

Posted: 12 Oct 2004 01:19 PM PDT

To Repair Install (Win XP) read instaructions on the website of our Resident Expert:

This should remove SP2 completely from your system (unless you use Slipstreamed Windows XP SP2 CD). Just use your original CD (or SP1 edition CD).

Then install Uncle Bills Office 2003 SBE; Then SP2.

Hope this technique works.

SpiritCat wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!

Office settings for Word XP and 2003

Posted: 12 Oct 2004 09:01 AM PDT

Thanks garfield-n-odie...

I was having some issues saving those keys but got those worked out
between that and the other files like I think I am covered
for the most part...


Deploying Office XP with SMS

Posted: 12 Oct 2004 06:33 AM PDT

"Courtney" <a@b.c> wrote in message news:CJ_ad.41025$.. 

That's 3,001. not 30,000.

courtney sends...

installation of office 97 pro upgrade

Posted: 11 Oct 2004 01:55 PM PDT

Anything, and anyone, goes at Birkbeck

"Steve Parry [MVP]" <> wrote in message

upgrading office trial edition 2003 to professional edition 2003

Posted: 11 Oct 2004 01:29 PM PDT

DL you are talking rubbish. You don't have to uninstall anything. Just follow the instructions given in these articles:;en-us;328874

The second link also contains instructions to change Office Serial number specifically.

Hope this helps.

DL wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!

Keyboard layout for different language

Posted: 11 Oct 2004 01:19 PM PDT

I'm having problems with this case it didn't come through, I'm
using Windows XP home edition.
Any assistance would be grateful.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

How do I get Office 97 to install on my computer with Windows XP .

Posted: 10 Oct 2004 05:27 PM PDT

"jcarlet" wrote:

product activation problem

Posted: 09 Oct 2004 10:08 PM PDT

Hi Debra,

Use the telephone activation method to speak to a MS
technician and explain your situation.

<<"Debra" <> wrote in message news:com...
I bought Office: Student and Teacher Edition 2003, It dosen't allow me to
activate it more than three times. I've already done that because I've had a
lot of trouble with my computers, it was erased once when we had our computer
fixed and then we bought new ones. I was needing to know if there was any
way of activating it with out having to buy a new Office, because it was
nearly $150. Do you know of a way? >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained