

Microsoft Word - find and replace macro

Microsoft Word - find and replace macro

find and replace macro

Posted: 08 Jul 2013 11:41 AM PDT

Three questions:

Using this macro I need to set it up so that (x) changes to blank.  

With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
    .Text = "(x)"
    .Replacement.Text = ""
    .MatchWildcards = True
    .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
  End With

Second question: I'm pretty sure I need special symbols around the parentheses.  What are they?

With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
    .Text = "("
    .Replacement.Text = ""
    .MatchWildcards = True
    .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
  End With

Third question:  I'm trying to delete the modal operator  for necessity among other logical symbols with the following macro. It's character ChrW(8900)

I tried this and I also tried simply putting the character between parentheses but that didn't work.

With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
    .Text = "ChrW(8900)"
    .Replacement.Text = ""
    .MatchWildcards = True
    .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
  End With

Mail Merge Labels

Posted: 08 Jul 2013 06:33 AM PDT

Using Mail Merge Wizard in Word 2010.  I can see the correct labels on screen, but when I go to preview and print it is only showing the first page.  I need them all to print. 


Insert word into a document matching the font?

Posted: 08 Jul 2013 05:18 AM PDT

I use a complex word often.  A word with special lanquage charters.  How can I set up a quick way in Word 2007 to insert this word into a document matching the font?

What is this Character?

Posted: 08 Jul 2013 04:47 AM PDT


I am using Gentium (Greek) font, and there is a Greek punctuation mark (a semicolon -- namely, a period above the line) that I have to remove, but when I try a search and replace after inserting this mark, nothing is found. Any suggestions would be most helpful.

It is as follows (hard to see):

Exactly what settings are changed with you use Style Set, Word 2003 in Word 2010?

Posted: 07 Jul 2013 03:40 PM PDT

Exactly what settings are changed with you use Style Set, Word 2003 in Word 2007? Are these the only changes that are made:

The font (changes from Calibri 11 to Calibri 12).
Line spacing (changes from Multiple at 1.15 to Single)
Spacing after paragraphs (changes from 10 pt. to 0 pt.)

It looks like the Quick Styles gallery also changes.

Thanks in advance.

Trial Version

Posted: 07 Jul 2013 12:16 PM PDT

I received a computer that I won.  It came with Office for Home and Student - it does not state anywhere that it is a "Trial" - have been using it for over 2 years now and no problem. It even says "Thank you for Purchasing Office Home" on the Cardboard wrapper - When I go into Word to access a file - everything is fine until I try to send it - There is no "SEND" box.
A Pop Up states:
Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Trial - (Weird)
This copy has expired - (like I said, no where with the Product Key that it states Trial)
I click the "Upgrade" button
I enter Product Key - and hit continue - It asks to Install Now - I click this - It installs - no hick ups.
When it finishes, it goes right back to my Word document that I have opened up - no "SEND" box still.
I have shut the computer off and rebooted - still no "SEND" box.  Internet is fine as I have sent items from another source.
Why after it is loaded that it wouldn't state something like - Trial or something...
Please help - Thank you.

inserting files pushes endnotes to end of document

Posted: 07 Jul 2013 11:13 AM PDT

I need to combine many files into a manuscript. Some of the files include endnotes, but when I insert the next file after one with endnotes, the endnotes end up at the end of the document. I have tried using section breaks,with but no success. 

What is the best line spacing option for multiline mathematics?

Posted: 03 Jul 2013 03:48 PM PDT

Basic line spacing doesn't seem to be documented. However, from measuring with a point ruler, Word 2013's line spacing seems to be exactly 2 points greater than the type size -- 10 point type seems to be laid down on 12 point lines. Thus setting the line spacing option to Single instead of Exactly 12 points may have the same result. Why, then, are there the two alternatives? And what is the best line spacing option if you're displaying multiline mathematics?


Multiline mathematical formulas don't display well under exact line spacing. There's no flexibility to provide more room above and below to view the upper and lower lines, as in numerators and denominators. Single line spacing allows the whole formula to be visible on screen.


If Single line spacing is the flexible option that formulas require, why even bother with Exactly?

How to add a Word document (docx) and Excel document to the New option in the File explorer context menu

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 11:35 PM PDT

I am using Windows 8 and Office 2013.  Creating a new document is a bit of a hassle, because I have to call up Word or Excel and then use the Save as feature to browse to the folder where I want to save the document. 

There is a menu item to create new TXT and RTF documents, not for DOCX documents. Is there a way to add this to the menu?

Thanks for any help!

How to keep resources from deleting their tasks in Outlook Microsoft Project

How to keep resources from deleting their tasks in Outlook Microsoft Project

How to keep resources from deleting their tasks in Outlook

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 03:06 PM PDT

Smitty --

If it was up to me, I would simply handle it on a case by case basis. I
think we all know how dangerous it is to tell someone that they can't do
something, because in the act of forbidding them to do it, it makes them
WANT to do it all the more! HA! :)

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"pajamasam" <> wrote in message

How do I get calendar to open to the current week?

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 07:35 AM PDT

Yes it is! This is the microsoft.public.project newsgroup :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Mike wrote: 

Resource Management

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 06:56 AM PDT

That is very confusing. A material resource is the consumable materials
that are incorporated into the project deliverables. If you have to pave a
walkway of, say 100 metres in length and it's going to require 5000 bricks
to do it, the bricks are one of the material resources. Now in your
question your mention of "(material) resource units required based on early
start and late start" implies that somehow if you pave that 100 metre
walkway THIS week it will require 5000 bricks but if you pave the same
walkway NEXT week it might require some different number of bricks to
complete the same 100 metres. No offense intended but that just doesn't
make any sense at all...

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Naval" <> wrote in message

ERP Implementation Template

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 05:11 AM PDT


"Mark Durrenberger" <com> wrote in message

disappearing tasks

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 02:07 PM PDT


This happens to me frequently because I used to delete a task by hitting the
delete key, and in the most recent versions that only deletes the cell

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Steve House" <> schreef in bericht

Project 2003 Capacities

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 01:16 PM PDT

You're welcome, Fuad :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Fuad wrote: 
problems. Is that true?

Custom Duration and Date Fields

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 11:45 AM PDT

Thanks for the help, Jack. For some reason (365*480) as the divisor did not
come up with the right numbers. I had to use 115200. Where Project was
coming up with that number, I do not know, but evidently, there are 115200
duration units in each year.


"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote in message

"Finish" field is updated automatically when I enter an "Actual Fi

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 10:52 AM PDT

Adding my .02. You ask, "Why "plan" has to equal "actual?"" Think of the
"plan" as reading "the current plan." What your current plan always shows
is a: what actually happened in history up until today's date; and b: a
prediction of what can happen in the future as a consequence of that history
that came before. Everything in the plan before we begin work is an
estimate, a guess. It may be a very rough guess or it may be a very precise
guess but even at best it is *always* a guess. (We may tell Fred he HAS to
be here doing X next Tuesday, but until it happens we can't ever really be
positive that that's the way it will go.) The saved baseline preserves our
original guesses for comparison purposes so we can look back and see how
good were our estimates. When we post in our actuals, we are updating our
guesses with more precise information - the history is no longer a guess but
a known quantity. That has implications for the future performance of the
project: Are we working faster or slower than we thought we could? Are we
spending more money or less money by this point than we thought we would?
"Managing" means making proactive decisions affecting outcomes, it's not
just passively sitting back watching things unfold and recording results.
So we need to see how we are doing with the plan, is it meeting our business
objectives or falling short? Were we on the money with our original
estimates or did we blow it? If we blew it, what can we do about it now to
bring it into line? That's why the "planned" dates of the tasks we've
completed MUST adjust to conform to what actually happened - the project
plan is a dynamic thing and the accuracy of its prediction of future events
depends on the accuracy of the information about what came before.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Dave" <> wrote in message
save a 

Porject Summary?

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 07:07 AM PDT

Hi AK,

Project Summary task is always there, to make it visible or not:
Tools, Options, View. There is a checkbox "Show Project Summary task".

Changing start, durantion etc. on summary tasks: never seen that. Does not
depend on teh project summary task visible or not, it is simply not

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"ak" <> schreef in bericht

Working hours to full time

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 01:16 AM PDT

Hi Jan,

Thanks for another great hint. I solved the problem of self adjusting task
durations by setting all tasks to "Fixed Duration" using your method!
Changing calendars only introduced new problems ...

Cheers, Ralf.

On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 17:07:30 +0200, Jan De Messemaeker <jandemes at prom
hyphen ade dot be> wrote:

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Charts in MS Project

Posted: 30 Aug 2004 12:14 AM PDT

Let us know how you go.


"Dorian" <> wrote in message

Is there an Active X component for MS Project?

Posted: 29 Aug 2004 08:19 PM PDT

I installed MS Project 2003 but I couldn't find the MS
Project Object Library file when I tried to add a
reference. If possible, could you let me know the name of
the file?
will provide the 

How do I automate assigning multiple resources to multiple tasks..

Posted: 29 Aug 2004 02:17 PM PDT

To automatically assign resources ??? How can Project know who is competent
to do what tasks?

I think what you mean is you have a task that should happen Monday from 7 am
to 10 am and if resource Fred is available to work at that time, assign him
to it. You've got several problems with that approach ... the biggest is,
suppose that none of your three resources are available to work Monday
morning. What happens to that task then? Do we just not do it? But that
means that work required to produce a deliverable in the project won't be
done so that can't be right. Or do we do it at a different time? It turns
out your resources are available Monday afternoon. When we assign the task
to them, it moves in the schedule, no longer running from 7 am to 10 am but
instead running, say, 1 pm to 4 pm, so it takes place when the resources are
there and able to do it. This is Project's default behaviour. This applies
whether its just one resource like Fred or all three - Project handles each
resource's required work separately. If the task takes 3 hours and you need
to assign 3 resources to it, that means it requires 9 hours of work, split
between the three resources. Whether they work together or separately, each
person must put in 3 hours of work on the task. If Lucy and Ricky are
available Monday morning and Fred Monday afternoon, the task will split up
With L & R working on it 7 am to 10 am, while F works 1pm to 4pm, the
duration changing from 3 hours to 6 hours in the process.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Philip" <> wrote in message

Project 98 - Losding to XP

Posted: 29 Aug 2004 08:51 AM PDT

You're welcome, Steve - please do. :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

steve wrote: 

Trying to open MS Project file

Posted: 29 Aug 2004 12:39 AM PDT

"Rob Schneider" wrote:

Cause for Grayed Out Columns in Table?

Posted: 28 Aug 2004 09:27 AM PDT

Hi Ed,
You are most welcome. Glad to have helped.
makes perfect sense--a 
explored it 
it is the default 
in the past"--but 
helping me sort it 

Double task line printing when only single line is on screen

Posted: 28 Aug 2004 09:21 AM PDT

You're welcome, Kevin - make sure you have the latest driver :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Kevin wrote: 

Showing abandoned tasks

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 03:39 PM PDT

Thanks, appreciated.

"Rob Schneider" <> wrote in message

project start and end in minutes

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 01:33 PM PDT

Adding to Mike's comment, don't try to enter the times things start and end.
Enter the start date and time and enter your task durations in minutes.
With Mikes recommendation you'll be able to see the start and end date and
time both. Let Project calculate the rest.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"GlenA" <> wrote in message

Newbie struggling with dates

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 11:53 AM PDT

The schedule consists of a number of languages????? 'Scuse me for being
thick, but what does the language have to do with when a task starts?

When you enter the actuals, are you entering it in the Actual Start field
typing the date AND time it began, are you just selecting the date it
started by clicking on it in the field's pulldown calendar, or are you using
the "update project" tools from the menu or toolbar?

When you enter actuals, Project takes you at your word. So if I have a task
sequence A->B->C I can enter that B & C started at the same time even though
they were originally planned to be sequential and Project will dutifully
record my entry as being fact. If you simply enter that task B started on
Sept 1st by typing in the date without typing exactly what time, it will use
whatever the start time of work is listed as the "Default Start Time" on the
Tools, Options, Calendar page. If you select the start date from the
pulldown menu, it will use whatever the start time of the workday it is that
is listed in the work hours of the project calendar. If you simply mark the
task as complete, it will set the start and end date and time to whatever
the plan is presently saying it is scheduled for, just checking it off means
it happened exactly according to the current plan.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Linda" <> wrote in message


Posted: 27 Aug 2004 11:02 AM PDT

Hi Steve

good example ... but i seriously think you need to get out more :)


"Steve House" <> wrote in message


WBS not in correct order in VISIO

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 08:34 AM PDT

Hmmm - I've run it several times with a sample project and you're right, the
left to right order doesn't seem to be consistent for the top level tasks
but (so far) the vertical order for the rest is ok. Selecting a top level
task does active a "move left" or "move right" button on the tool bar so
it's not that hard to fix if you want them in numerical order by outline
number/WBS code.

Was trying to locate the thread you refer to in the Visio groups but can't
track it down. Which newsgroup is it in (there's a mess of groups for
Visio) and do you recall the subject line?
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"BJ" <com> wrote in message

Microsoft CRM - License Question

Microsoft CRM - License Question

License Question

Posted: 15 Apr 2004 10:01 AM PDT

You license CRM for either Sales, Service or Both (Suite). Then, you also
choose within that, either the Standar or Professional license. The SFO is
included in the Sales or Suite licenses.

Matt Parks

On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 10:01:10 -0700, Heather Bain
<> wrote:

I know a user needs a license to the Sales module to see it in CRM client, but
does a user need a Sales License to use CRM Sales For Outlook? Or will just a
standard license do? Anybody know?

IE disappear

Posted: 15 Apr 2004 06:13 AM PDT

Thanks, you answered my question as well!

be okay. 
in message 

Outlook Client via VPN

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 11:01 AM PDT

The SFO client will not work in a Citrix environment.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 12:33:32 -0700, "kb" <>

We have a similar set-up, but are using CITRIX. I'm
trying to determine the best way to proceed. Most of the
users retrieve email through CITRIX rather than local

slow) with Outlook 
who are 
client for CRM ok 
glad to hear from 

Email through CRM SFO to CRM Contacts

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 09:14 AM PDT

Afraid not.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 09:51:05 -0700, New CRM User
<> wrote:

Thank you. Is there anyway to set it so that all contacts get synched up, not
just the ones I own?

----- Matt Parks wrote: -----

You first need to synchronize Outlookg with MSCRM. This is done when you
offline. When you do that, the CRM Contacts that are owned by you will be
synched with your Outlook Contacts.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 08:56:06 -0700, New CRM User
<> wrote:

I am emailing from CRM SFO using the CRM email button. When I click on the
button, I want to see all my CRM contacts. How can I add them to the
Names dialog box?

HELP!!! Crystal Security Services not starting

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 04:08 AM PDT

We have tried that also. Still not working.


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Create a "View" for Accounts that displays Primary Contact's email

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 02:24 AM PDT

Thanks, Mike!
create a view with the 

Cool! Can you elaborate in (general terms) how this may be
done? Which methods are used to do this? I assume that
CRMQuery.CreateAndRetrieve is used to generate the
FetchXml. Is that right? What then?
build the view as best 
customizations, edit the fetch 
careful not to break 

Not that I'm a wuss but...

I read your earlier post about the bug in the My Active
Contacts & then I exported customisations & had a look at
my View. It seemed pretty straight forward to edit that
and then import back in but I'd prefer to use a supported
method if possible. I might give it a try in our test
environment if the SDK approach doesn't allow me to do
exactly what I want.

Thanks again, Mike.

Matt Narayan.

CrmExchangeQueueService,email problem ?!

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 01:29 AM PDT

I think this was a problem with port 80 wich we opened internally

"Kristina Ledford" <com> wrote in message


Multiple CRM servers

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 06:31 PM PDT

Thanks for the response. Upon rereading my original post, I see I wasn't
clear in what I really wanted to know.

I know that I can only have the single SQL database for the organization.
What I want to know is are there any known gotchas or issues with the
installation process for the additional servers.

Can you please give me a title or url for that whitepaper. I was looking
for some documentation on this in the MS website, and I obviously missed
that one.

"Greaterthantwo Media" <com> wrote in message

Deleted an Active Directory User and I can not remove a CRM license from it.

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 02:55 PM PDT

An easier (though unsupported) method is to manually remove the license from the
SustemUserLicense table. You will need ot make sure you have the correct row,
but this has worked in that past.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 02:35:55 -0700, "Inna" <>

This is a resolution of your issues.
How to remove a license from a user that has been disabled
before removing the license or deleted out of AD before
removing the license?


1. Back up your databases just as a precaution (follow the
backup and restore instructions in the Implementation
Guide). That way, you have a backup of the data to go back
to in case something else happens.

2. In the application, find an object (accounts, contacts,
etc.) that was assigned to the user that got deleted and
see if you can assign it to another user temporarily. This
is a test to verify that the objects can be reassigned.
Then, do the following:

a. Go into Deployment Manager and delete the license key
out (make sure you have a copy of it).
b. Then, log into the application (http://localhost) as
the System Administrator (this user will still have access
because that's the user that installed the product).

c. Then, in the app, disable the user that you deleted out
of Active Directory (you won't be able to delete the user,
you can only disable it Microsoft CRM).

d. Then, check in the (Settings | Business Units | Users)
license area for that user and verify the license was

e. Then, close the app, go back into Deployment Manager,
add the license back under License Manager.

f. Then, go back into the app as the system administrator
and assign the license to all the users again (except for
the one that is disabled).

g. Then, you will need to go through and reassign the
objects that were assigned to the user that got deleted.


Replication on CRM database

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 12:27 PM PDT

I figured out how to add it. Using the pre-windows 2000 name.
"Brian Mahloch" <com> wrote in message

Installing CRM on 2003 Web Edition

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 10:26 AM PDT

Right, I was planning on installing SQL as part of the SBS Premium install,
or installing it on a separate server.



"Olivier Schmitt" <> wrote in message

The network is busy.

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 08:23 AM PDT

thats another possibility, the CRM environment is a complete resource

maybe load up terminal services and connect to the SQL/CRM server while
doing a batch job, and have task manager up and see how the CPU and Memory
hold up to the processing.......


"Mark Davison" <com:NOSPAM> wrote in message

Convert all incoming email to activity

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 05:41 AM PDT

we simply deactivated the whole GUID/email routing system.....far too many
problems, for example we had multiple cases in the first month where emails
were marked as spam and the client never received our emails!! very very
bad.......that was pretty much the straw that broke it....

we have our users promote emails, any other way will get messy and result in
loss of emails....................


"Andrea Worley" <com> wrote in message
the exchange server and I checked the appropriate box in my user's options. 
It seems to me that my users can't just rely on CRM; they are going to have
to be in and out of CRM and Outlook at the same time, to make sure they
don't miss any emails that didn't have the GUID to make it into CRM.
Another thing, none of my incoming CRM emails (with GUIDs) show up in my
workplace folders. How is a person supposed to know they have an email if
it just shows up as a completed activity? Is there any way to organize
activities in CRM? Like creating folders in CRM that contain activities per
month? It just seems like activities are going to be in one enormous list.
I am just setting CRM up for the first time and I'm trying to figure out
best practices for handling these things. I would really appreciate any
feedback. Thanks. 

MSCRM and SMTP: no exchange needed?

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 12:21 AM PDT

reply sent
Thank you,
Olga Beatty
Microsoft Business Solutions Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
You assume all risk for your use. © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights

Does MS CRM have to be on separate server?

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 10:26 PM PDT

If you are going to run into issues, it will usually be with the SFO client.
There can be issues with the SFO client authenticating properly and not being
able to replicate in a single server install.

What the hardware can handle will depend on how much usage CRM, Exchange & SQL
get. I know of SBS installs that support up to 50 CRM users w/o problems, but
usage is light.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 20:22:20 -0700, "Stu" <>

Thanks for your responses.

What sort of issues could i expect to face, with it all
setup on one machine?

Has anyone else had bad experiences with this sort of

I am running SMS2003 Premium, with Dual Xeon 3.06/1MB
CPU's with 1G DDR266 RAM, SCSI Raid(0) 74G Drives, is this
sufficient to run it all?
server install (AD, 
thing is, there are 
you might not be able 
situation. The virtual 
you could put components 
supported configuration 
sorte, et ne vous 
son utilisation. 

CRM Exam

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 05:15 PM PDT

Good to know.

I really wish there was a book rather than these silly online classes. I'm
going through the Customization class right now, and I'm not real keen on
it. I'd much rather have a book or even a PDF that I could read at my own
pace rather than listen to the robotic voice read to me from what looks like
PowerPoint slides :(

Todd M. Taylor

Do not have sufficient privelages to run user wizard

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 01:13 PM PDT

The IG (Implementation Guide) is on the documentation CD. It is called IG.PDF.

Matt Parks

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 08:41:16 -0400, "Andrew" <com> wrote:

What is the IG? I got it with my action pack subscription so it doesnt have
much info with it. How do I do that?

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Printer for Fax server

Posted: 11 Apr 2004 06:38 PM PDT

woah, first person thats actually admitted this!


"Mike" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Another Plea for FONT Help in MS WORD

Microsoft Word - Another Plea for FONT Help in MS WORD

Another Plea for FONT Help in MS WORD

Posted: 07 Jul 2013 07:21 AM PDT


This is kind of tricky (for me, anyway). Here is the problem.

I have to search for Gentium (Greek) font words followed by a space in BWSupp font (this font comes with my computer), 10 points, and format this word with red color.

That's it. Only those words before the space which is in BWSupp font, 10 points. Not the word that comes after the BWSupp space. That space and following word will stay the same.

I would deeply appreciate your help.

"Do full justification like WordPerfect 6.x for Windows" not working

Posted: 07 Jul 2013 03:40 AM PDT

Im working on a long document created with Word 2010. When activating the option "Do full justification like WordPerfect 6.x for Windows" nothing happens. When i copy the text and paste it into a new document with the same formatting (same font, size, borders) the option provides a different result.

How comes the option doesnt work in my first document (which is an extract of the long document), but in the newly created document it works flawlessly?

Non-working document picture

Working document picture

Problems with CTRL A and CTRL S commands!

Posted: 06 Jul 2013 01:38 PM PDT

recently, a couple of weeks ago, i installed online the microsoft office student version. 2 days ago the CTRL A and the CTRL S commands stopped to function, i can't select or save my Word documents, although the commands work for the Excel and other files. i took my laptop to the store i was told that i need to re-install the software. what do i do?

One row in my table column won't resize?

Posted: 06 Jul 2013 01:25 PM PDT

I have a table in my Word document. When I highlight one of the columns toward the end and specify that I want to change the width from .68 to .60 all of the rows in this column resize but one. When I click back down through the other rows I just resized I see under Table Tools > Layout that they are now .60. However, when I click on the row that wouldn't resize it doesn't give any size at all for width. I turned on the function that shows paragraph/formatting but nothing appears to be in the cell. At one point I autofit'd the table to the window so I could stretch from margin to margin, but I have since turned that off (I'm not even sure if that was the problem). Here is a link to show the example:

Would someone mind lending some help? Thanks!

Can't control 3 column format

Posted: 06 Jul 2013 07:39 AM PDT

I am using Windows XP,  and Microsoft Office Word 2003.  I created a multipage document with 3 columns per page and with the items in the columns arranged in alphabetical order.  All of a sudden from page 4 on the columns became uncontrollable.  It was impossible to keep the 3 columns, or to keep the columns filled, or to keep the items in the columns in alphabetical order.  I converted the document to one column with the items in alphabetical order.  I then copied this file to my Desktop and formatted it with 3 columns.  Again, starting on page 4 the 3 columns fell apart.  Can anyone tell me what I can do to maintain 3 stable columns in my document.  Thank you, Robert

Word and Outlook not responding

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 10:26 AM PDT

I  have installed Office 365 and everything works except for Word and Outlook (which of course are the two I need most!) When I open Outlook, I just get 'Not Responding' in the window frame and it shuts down. When I open Word, everything looks good at first - all my recent documents are listed - but when I try to open one, or start a new blank document, I get 'Not Responding' in the window frame and it shuts down. I even uninstalled my old Word 2010 in case that was causing a problem, but that didn't work and now I have no Word (not good for a writer!).

Can anyone help? Office 365 seemed like a fantastic idea, but now I'm not so sure! Thanks.

office 13- and office 7-10

Posted: 02 Jul 2013 04:14 AM PDT

good morning, all,
Getting ready to buy a new laptop and most have office 13.  will my documents created on new laptop with office 13 open on my computer at work with office 10?

Limited number of ticked checkboxes?

Posted: 02 Jul 2013 02:21 AM PDT

In my form I have a question where you can tick checkboxes. I would like that they only have the option to tick up to 5 optional check boxes of the 12 boxes, is it possible to fix?

Receive a prompt "Do you want the following program to make changes to this computer?" while opening Word documents.

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 11:46 PM PDT

Split from:


When I launch Word, I get the error:   Do you want the following program to make changes to this computer?"  If I select YES, Word opens.


I can open documents from within Word (including .docx) but when I try to launch from an email or even my desktop I get an error "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your computer?"  I answer YES, and Word opens but the document doesn't.  I have to drag the document from the email and put it on my desktop. 


I am using Windows 7, Word 2007, and tried some suggestions offered previously.  When I go to Trust Center Settings, I don't have "protected view" as an option to choose.  I have Trusted Publishers, Trusted Locations, Add-Ins, ActiveX Settings, Macro Settings, Message Bar, and Privacy Options. 


In the Run window, when I type winword/safe I get an error "Windows cannot find winword/safe.

can't copy pictures from facebook !

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 06:58 PM PDT

i used to copy pictures from my facebook and paste them in Word to save them in a file. now the only thing that i get is a little blue square on the top left corner of my sheet.  this is so aggravating please can someone help me !

Where is the HELP menu in office 365?

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 04:53 PM PDT

Where is the HELP menu in office 365?

Have a disk but no product key for Word 2012

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 12:18 PM PDT

I've recently got a new computer because my other one crashed, and need to fully activate Word 2012, but the thing is I bought the whole disk awhile back ago, but don't have the product key, and it says it needs the product key to use it. Is there any else I can do to somehow get the product key? 

Citation manager saved references in some documuments but not available to other documents.

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 12:18 PM PDT

I am working on a book. In two chapters I had access to references I created in the citation manager. I am working on a new chapter and there are no citations in the citation manager. The sources.xml doesn't load into the citation manager. I can find any way to access the reference works saved from my other chapters.


It's like the documents with the citation manager entries are local list only. There doesn't seem to be any functional master list for the documents already saved with citations.


What am I doing wrong?


Gary Greenberg

Office 2013 stopped working?

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 08:11 AM PDT



Office 2013 was dowloaded to my new laptop and used successfully.  Now when I try to open an application it appears to try to open - rotating circle - and then nothing happens.  Help!



Lost the Word

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 04:44 AM PDT

I recently bought a new laptop which has Windows 8 and I am not getting on with it very well. Now I have taken the MS Office package on trial, have downloaded a large document onto the Word and have been working on it for 2 weeks. First the tile disappeared from the start menu but it was on desktop but now it has disappeared from the desktop too. I've asked the HP help line to restore the PC back 2 weeks but it's still not there. Help!!!