

Activity on Arrow Microsoft Project

Activity on Arrow Microsoft Project

Activity on Arrow

Posted: 11 Aug 2004 11:27 AM PDT

The last reasonably priced tool I used that supported AOA was MicroPlanner

Search Google you'll get a few hits and can download something.

Scitor (under their new name which I can't come up with at the moment) may
have a tool that supports it. Otherwise, you'll have to spend a bunch of
money on Primavera or other high end tool

I'm curious. Why?


__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"Naval" <> wrote in message

removing project 4.1 from my system

Posted: 11 Aug 2004 10:51 AM PDT

It sounds like you need to do some housecleaning and get rid of all
those .jpg and .mov files you've been downloading :-) Seriously though,
burn some CDs or DVDs and you can probably save a bunch of hard drive


Schedule task to complete before milestone

Posted: 11 Aug 2004 09:23 AM PDT

There are various ways to do what you need. One way is to use a
start-to-start link with a lead of -8w (i.e. xSS-8w). Another is to use
a start-to-finish link with a lead of -2w (i.e. xSF-2W).

Hope this helps.

setting a custom field in a macro

Posted: 11 Aug 2004 08:29 AM PDT

What you need is myProject.ProjectSummaryTask.Textx

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"ks" <com> wrote in message 

Reports & Filters

Posted: 11 Aug 2004 03:07 AM PDT

Fine, all you should need in the mock file is dummy tasks arranged in
the same structure (hierarchy) as the real file and dummy resources
assigned in the same way. Resource rates can be $0 and you do not need
to set a baseline. I you want I can send you a macro that will do the
above to your real file. You can also get a similar macro from Jack
Dahlgren's website at:
Jack's macro is called "Scrub". My macro goes a littler farther in
removing sensitive information but both macros should work for you.


Help w MS Project 03

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 05:51 PM PDT

As usual, I agree with Steve about most of what he said. I don't think
setting up project is quite that easy. I think there are several traps
one needs to avoid to get it to operate effectively, and that it can
take a very long time (read years) to figure them out yourself.

But scheduling software is just the beginning. To paraphrase Lewis
("Project Planning, Scheduling & Control"), using scheduling software
without an understanding of Project Management will assure an
organization will precisely and accurately document it's failures. I
have witnessed this more times than I care to remember. It's wise to
get a good consultant who can help you on an ongoing basis, not just
with setting up Project, but with helping you understand how to get
meaningful input (the old data processing concept, GIGO, garbage in,
garbage out, applies here as well) and to interpret the output and put
it to good use. Contrary to popular belief, using scheduling software
by itself is not practicing Project Management. To a degree, it can be
acquired by experience, but at tremendous cost and time. Courses help,
but still can't replicate experience. You really need to find someone
good to get you started and keep you on the correct path.
That said, you have to be careful that you find someone who really
knows Project Management. I've followed on the heels of PM consultants
who've told clients that Network Diagrams are a waste of time, a tool
that I believe is essential to getting schedules properly linked. Like
in most professions, there are a few who are really good, and the
rest. You want one of the really good ones.
Hope this helps you along.

David G. Bellamy
Bellamy Consulting

"Steve House" <> wrote in message news:<#MjtiS#phx.gbl>... 

%complete does NOT update Duration!

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 05:49 PM PDT


That is because that is how it is.
I have never seen Project update dates when you change % complete.
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"JM" <> wrote in message

Bug Tracking integration with MS Project Server

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 03:36 PM PDT

Like Jack, my hunch is that you should use one of the real bug tracking
tools. There are many fine products available at costs ranging from
zero to more than that.

Why do you need all this "minute" detail in a project plan? What are
you trying to achieve? What happens if this "minute" tasks are not
"managed" in this way?

I can see, potentially, value in doing some sort of query on the bug
tracking db to track status/forecast of fixing the flaws that could be a
"few" (or one) line in a project plan in Project; but for beyond that I
guess I'd need to know more of your objectives before believing that you
shouldn't be using a tool more fit for your purpose.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


JZapin wrote: 

Act. Cost & Work imports alter prior historical import values

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 01:11 PM PDT

Thanks for your reply. I am importing Actual Work and
Actual Cost to a 'task' using the WBS for merge key. The
task is 10d duration over 3 weeks with different work
(hours) in each week. Upon import, Project parses the
imported Actual Work over the task's scheduled weeks from
start to the current status date (not just in the desired
week) for all the hours imported. It parses the hours up
to the amount in the Work (or Baseline Work) field for
that week, then does the same in the next week, etc.,
until the import value has been used up. This undesirably
replaces prior import values with potentially new values.
So my problem is how to import these items into specific
weeks for the task, rather than as a cumulative value.
When you say "granular enough, date wise, to relate to the
time period", how do i relate the import to a specific
date period for the task? The timescale is in weeks, but
that is just a 'View' choice.
At the same time, I am also importing Actual Cost, which
works if you clear Options/Calculation/'Actual costs are
always calculated by Microsoft Project' box, but also has
the same above problem.
Thank you for the advice,
Steve T/BAE Systems

Outlook and Project Standard

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 12:24 PM PDT

WGSETUP is available for download from the MS Knowledge base

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Geoff" <com> wrote in message

Resource Information and Groups

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 06:54 PM PDT

Yes, you go to the usage view and double click beside the resource/task name
to see assignment details. On the dialog box that opens you'll see a field
where you can specify which rate table applies to that resource/task
combination. Here's a problem I forsee though. Suppose you have two
resources from your group on the same task, ie, the assignment is "Ajax,
200%" and one of them gets the rate in table A and the other in table B.
You'll have to choose one or the other as there's no way to split them up
and have both tables apply 50/50.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Geoff" <com> wrote in message

Open Office - [discuss] Will Bug 48822 be worked on before the next major

Open Office - [discuss] Will Bug 48822 be worked on before the next major

[discuss] Will Bug 48822 be worked on before the next major

Posted: 21 Nov 2007 12:11 PM PST

On 2007-11-21 20:31:47, jonathon wrote: 

Perhaps what Mike means is that while the ISO standard exists, his=20
company has a large number of documents in which people have used=20
whatever format they liked (randomly?) inputting the date info, and=20
that OOo displays the dates differently.

He might also find that such documents written in MSO 98 professional=20
(or earlier) sometimes exhibit a similar problem when brought up in MSO=20
2003 on XP. :-/

Just my $0.02 worth (actually less than that due to inflation)
- Bill

william w. austin net
"life is just another phase i'm going through. this time, anyway ..."

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[discuss] Will Bug 48822 be worked on before the next major release

Posted: 21 Nov 2007 09:08 AM PST


On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:18:12 -0500
Champion, Patrick wrote:

Actually many people try to claim that, i don't. I claim it is better in
many ways. If it trieds to duplicate Microsoft office it would always be
an also-ran.

And being aware of your immediate problem i suggested a solution to

First of all, i am not OpenOffice, as far as i am aware openoffice is a
company in holland that makes the excellent bluefish html editor.
Neither am i an employee of or even a representative of I am a bloke on the end of a computer that saw you had a
problem (you asked for help on an open mailing list that anyone can
join) and suggested an alternative that you may not have previously
thought of. As a web author the way i see it the sooner that all
companies realise they are working in the global village environment and
start talking the global language to each other the better. There, you
made me explain my intentions. Are they as you read them?

As for the rest of your sentence. I honestly don't know whos pulling a
Cartman here ("Screw you guys, i'm going home").

It is not an "in one's face" bug. It is actually the first time i have
heard of it on this list, and i have been _contributing_ to
this list, somewhat sporadically, for a few of years now. Not only
that, but i see the issue only has one vote, and that one vote (probably
not yours) is hardly likely to get a fix timetabled real soon. The issue
IS however maked P3, which means:
"P3 marks non-trivial problems which probably affect a noticeable number
of users. Issues with this priority must be fixed before the target
release (see Target milestone) Not fixing them for the target release
must be justified by a superordinate rule."

Your company has made the decision to adopt a proprietary closed source
office suite. The save format of this office suite is also closed. The
only way has any compatability at all with .DOC format is
by reverse engineering it. I could make an arguement that would hold
water in a court of law that says the problem is either Microsofts or
"Yours" because you were foolish enough to adopt a closed environment in
the first instance!

If your company and others was prepared to front up even some of the
money they have paid for Microsoft Office licences over the last 5 years
you could probably get anything fixed you damn well like. All i have
seen at present is a whinge followed by escalating abuse.

Did you actually expect me to answer saying "Yes sir based on your
contribution of, let's see, NOTHING, we will fix this for you straight
away". Stop throwing the teddy out of the crib.


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

- Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

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[discuss] definitely need to have feature

Posted: 20 Nov 2007 09:02 PM PST

On 21 Nov 2007 at 12:48, Guy Voets wrote:

I believe he means an incremental search, such as emacs and firefox
offer. Rather than typing in a complete search string, and hitting
'go' (or whatever), the search starts as soon as the first character is
typed into the search box, and proceeds incrementally as more of the
search string is input (and also back-tracks if it's edited).

Much nicer to use once you're used to it.

various incoming sites blocked because of spam; see for a list and openpgp crypto key
(key fingerprint 2ACC 9F21 5103 F68C 7C32 9EA8 C949 81E1 31C9 1364) Mike Scott, Harlow, Essex, England

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[discuss] good suggestions for OO.o

Posted: 20 Nov 2007 09:02 PM PST

Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Yes, OOo supports WebDAV (loading and saving, no locking) but currently
only via http. As fas as I know https support will be added in 2.4.

You must use the OOo internal file dialog to work without remote
folders, the file dialogs of the OS might hide the remote locations from


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] Chemical drawing addon

Posted: 17 Nov 2007 03:09 AM PST

Rob wrote:

I thought that the French project ( ) had
created one, but I can't find it there. :(

In theory, one could create a gallery of chemical drawings, and
rearrange them as needed. I'm not sure how well that will work in

It probably would be easier to rewrite one of the existing FLOSS
chemical drawing programs as a Draw macro.



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[discuss] need to have feature

Posted: 17 Nov 2007 03:04 AM PST

jonathon wrote: 

The biggest problem I have found with the Thunderbird/OOo
integration is that they can not interactively use the same phone
book. OOo can interactively work with the Windows address book
but not the Thunderbird address book. Thunderbird requires that
the data be imported into its' own address book. This requires
the user to keep two address books up to date. My other main
gripe is a minor detail; when printing the address book, neither
Windows not Thunderbird will allow the output to be formatted so
that the data for each contact is kept together instead of
running over onto the next page. Tighter integration between the
two products should be able to eliminate both of these problems.

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[discuss] RFE--printing envelopes

Posted: 16 Nov 2007 12:06 AM PST

William Case wrote:

If it was easy to define what is the non-intuitive part of OOo's
envelope functionality and how to solve that I would be glad to do it.

But my experience with envelopes is that basically using this function
is not hard to understand, but the problems start when you have to print
it. If you are lucky and your printer does what OOo thinks it should do
envelopes are an easy task.

What frustrates me is that each time I helped someone with envelopes and
asked him how we could change the function to make it easier, nobody was
able to give me a hint. So I don't have high hopes that this will be
different in case of those people who complained in issues, mails and
forum postings over the years.

Nevertheless I started to collect the relevant issues some time ago but
was disrupted by some more urgent tasks. As I also don't participate in
Web forums I would be very pleased if someone else could create a list
of complaints and problems (what was found irritating, how often, how
many votes and duplicates, which improvement suggestions etc.) so that
we could try to consolidate that into a single issue.

I tend to believe that the problem isn't the UI but the printing.

This would be my approach also though experience tells us that in case
you don't have a superior idea it's better not to be too different from
Word. Repelling former Word users without attracting others by superior
(not only different) design is a bad strategy. Or in a single sentence:
try to be better if you can, but don't try to be different "just because".


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] calc - conditional formatting of a range

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 06:04 AM PST

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Attn Daniel

I believe this must be meant for someone else Daniel. My problem with
Openoffice was that I could not find how to install it. Last evening I spent over
an hour on it and then decided to give up on it all together.


In a message dated 20/11/2007 16:17:34 GMT Standard Time,
com writes:

net schrieb: 

formula: =($A1=YEAR(TODAY()))*(MONTH("1"&$B1)=MONTH(TODAY() )). 
formula appropriate for all marked cells, but returned 

It is important to check the cursor position inside the selection. You
have to enter the relative addresses in your formula according to this
cursor position. If you select A1:B12 with mouse or keyboard, starting
from A1, the cursor will usually be located in cell B12. So, the address
$A1 entered in cell B12 will result in "column A, 11 rows to top" (row
12 to row 1). This results in an invalid reference in the rows 1 to 11.

To solve your problem: You can move the cell cursor with the TAB key to
cell A1 before you open the dialog, or you can enter the formula using
"$A12" and "$B12" instead of $A1 and $B1, when the cursor is located in B12.


PS: Please consider to use the mailing list for
questions about Calc, as they may be missed too easily here.

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[discuss] add a soft in openoffice

Posted: 10 Nov 2007 11:54 PM PST

On 2007-11-11 2:58 AM, Alexandro Colorado wrote: 

Also worth serious evaluation is Mylyn, an Eclipse plug-in for project
management that is free and is looking really good lately!


Datatude, Ltd. --
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[discuss] 3D Circle in Drawing tool

Posted: 10 Nov 2007 11:54 PM PST

Russell Aspinwall írta: 
I have checked:
It is better...

Another interesting:


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Microsoft Word - Section headers/footers change when starting on odd page

Microsoft Word - Section headers/footers change when starting on odd page

Section headers/footers change when starting on odd page

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 07:25 AM PDT

I have a 2010 Word document with multiple sections with different header & footers.  When I set the Section start to Odd the headers & footers change.  How can I fix this?


Bruce Barrett

getting thing ready/streaming office

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 08:11 PM PDT

Not all the time but very frequently when I open any office 2013 home premium app word,powerpoint,excel,etc  the program will open but also a orange box pops up saying getting thing ready then says streaming office until it reaches 100% then closes but the app word,etc stays open.Is this normal for that orange box to pop up like that?

I have Microsoft Windows Office 2003, I copied, to Word, driving directions from a Maps site, & now I cannot get rid of the Paragraph signs all over the document that I am tring to do.

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 05:00 PM PDT


  Please give me some help on how to take care of this problem. I copied directions from a map site, into Word. (I have Microsoft Windows Office 2003) It pasted fine, but there were  paragraph symbols all over the page. I tried to delete them, but could not. Then, I decided to go to another document in Word, to do some other work, & there were paragraph symbols in this document also! How do I get rid of them? Thank you!

How to get links to work

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:17 PM PDT

In Office 2013 word I can not get copied links from the companies I promote from to take me to the links site, instead the links keep taking me back to the same company where I got the link, instead of the link it is intended for. How do I fix this problem.

Cursor arrow sometimes freezes over a circle with black inner spirals. Then the page scrolls. How can I stop this/

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 09:03 AM PDT

Using Windows 7. More than that I do not know.l

how do i open a wps file in word 2013

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 03:07 AM PDT

I can open it on my other computer but with word 2010

How do I create examination style numbering using styles?

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 09:22 PM PDT

Our exam board uses the style:

1  a)  Question 1

         A bit more question of question 1


    b) second part of the question


    c) third part


2      Here is question 2


3  a) Question 3


    b) second part of question 3


I am an experienced word user but am stumped when it comes to using styles to automatically number and format my questions in this way.


Does anyone have any ideas on how I may achieve this? It seems a pretty universal examination paper style, yet I have never seen anyone else do this in Word (other than 'cheating' with tables and tabs).

Warning about macros pops up on every document

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 12:58 PM PDT

I didn't know what macros were and clicked on them just to see. Now, whenever I want to open a document (even if it doesn't use macros) or create a brand new blank document, a warning bar comes up telling me that macros are disabled and it has a button to enable them. I want that this stops, but I / do not / want to disable the warnings, bucause I want to be notified, but only if the document has macros in it and not everytime I use Word. 

"Microsoft Office Word Has Stopped Working"...

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 09:31 AM PDT

I'm at a loss...

This is a Word issue.  I'm running Office 2003 under Windows 7 Pro (32-bit).  This has "suddenly" (just begun) to occur and I haven't done anything extraordinary.

When in Word (2003/SP3) whenever I either (1) scroll with the scroll wheel on my mouse (2) scroll with the scroll bar at the right of the window or (3) cursor down/enter more than a page of text, Word crashes with a "Microsoft Office Word Has Stopped Working" message/crash along with "investigating"(?) for an (unattainable?) solution.  I'll get a recovery/restart of Word but the problem consistently persists with subsequent attempts.  This occurs with old documents and also when creating a document more than a page view in length.  Let me restate that another way:  When in a new document and creating "line by line entry", when the screen/view moves/shifts/scrolls (automatically with data entry), Word crashes.  Again, it does this with old docs.

Quite a (new) problem; makes it tough to navigate in any document of length!  

Any thoughts/suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Again, I haven't consciously changed anything.  (Note I do use Word as my editor within Outlook if that matters; I've done a comprehensive virus scan that shows no infection...)

Thanks for your help. 

Entourage in Office for Mac 2008 features Microsoft Office for Mac

Entourage in Office for Mac 2008 features Microsoft Office for Mac

Entourage in Office for Mac 2008 features

Posted: 25 Jan 2008 06:21 AM PST

Hit command-S?

Right-click the new message toolbar and select Customize to add the Save
icon back.

com wrote: 

Interface manue buttons vanished in Office 2008 for mac

Posted: 24 Jan 2008 04:51 PM PST

This sounds to me like you are running on a G4 or 5, and not an Intel
machine, correct? How much RAM do you have, and how much free disk space on
your boot drive?

I would recommend no less than 2GB RAM and at least 25% of the boot drive
free. Less than these values is likely to cause the performance and repaint
issues you are seeing.

Bob Greenblatt [MVP], Macintosh

how to remove beta 2008 for mac

Posted: 24 Jan 2008 04:48 PM PST

Answered elsewhere as well.

Please don't repost the same issue - especially one that doesn't belong here
in the first place.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 1/24/08 7:48 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:


Posted: 24 Jan 2008 02:02 PM PST

Answered elsewhere as well.

Please don't repost the same issue - especially one that doesn't belong here
in the first place.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 1/24/08 5:02 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Removing Office 2008 to install another licensed copy

Posted: 24 Jan 2008 12:16 PM PST

I went thru and deleted everything Microsoft. The locations were at the hard drive level\Library\Application Support & Preferences. Also went in (as described by Dalya) the User\Library\Prefs and found any MS folders. Also deleted all the plist files in the User\Library folder. That seemed to do the trick. Be sure to make an archive of all your emails, calendar dates, address book entries, etc in Entourage. You will import that into the new install.

It might be overkill to delete all this but it worked for me.


How To Set Default Applications for Office 2008

Posted: 24 Jan 2008 11:34 AM PST

Thank you. Can now access the files and test 2008 some more.

On 24/01/08 5:32 PM, in article #phx.gbl,
"Daiya Mitchell" <org.INVALID> wrote:

Should I get Office 2008?

Posted: 24 Jan 2008 10:43 AM PST

So far I find PowerPoint 2008 frustrating and kludgy - I've just wasted my entire day trying to find answers to why simple tasks like setting up guides in PowerPoint which used to work in 2004 (lame as it was, as least it worked).

Entourage seems virtually unchanged, with a pretty new face. No reason to upgrade there, as far as I can tell so far.

Office v.X updates disappeared from the Mactopia download page

Posted: 24 Jan 2008 10:31 AM PST

Yeah, the Mactopia site is in a virtually worthless state at the moment...
repairs are underway:-) In the meantime, try this link:


Bob Jones
MVP Office:Mac

"com" wrote:

Memory leak in Office 2008?

Posted: 23 Jan 2008 03:53 PM PST

On 1/24/08 8:04 PM, in article C3BFAAFC.EC49%name, "John McGhie"
<name> wrote:

Aha! Thanks very much, John, for saving me a lot of wasted effort and for
an explanation that makes this retired emeritus professor of communications
envious of your capacity for such clear, concise and interpretive writing. 

I did an Archive-and-Install two days ago. How likely do you think it might
be that my selection of the check-box for importing settings also imported
the corruption as well?
You've been of great help, John. Thanks for the education and your
contributions to the newsgroup.

Respectfully, Norm 

Useless identity database?

Posted: 23 Jan 2008 07:52 AM PST

On 24/01/08 0:44, in article,
"Tobias Weber" <net> wrote:

The Office 2004 database takes up 18.7 MB when it's empty, so there's not
much difference going from 2004 to 2008. I can't tell you why there is a
difference in size between v.X and the other versions, though.

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Error uploading Office after upgrading to Leopard

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 06:37 PM PST

Just to more explicitly make one point: If you reinstalled Office X or 2004
you will also need to apply the updates for *it* before it will run. If X
you need 10.1.9 or for 2004 you'll need 11.3.5 through 11.3.9 applies in
order to get up & running. [When you reinstalled to reverted to 10.0/11.0
which is what resulted in the Framework error.]
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

"Chris" <com> wrote in message 

Changing Normal Document

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 06:28 PM PST

Did you read the part where I said that was a bad idea? A Normal
template that you have created yourself does not have all the features
of a Normal template created by Word.

I suggested two methods to change the existing Normal template.

Pastorvinny wrote: 

Microsoft Word - Is it possible to scan a blank document and save it as a template?

Microsoft Word - Is it possible to scan a blank document and save it as a template?

Is it possible to scan a blank document and save it as a template?

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 09:34 AM PDT

word 2003

Print Preview in WORD 2010

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 07:56 AM PDT

In Print Preview and Print how do I get rid of all the clutter on the left hand side of the screen so that all I see is the document and nothing else?


Thanks in advance for any replies.



Can't select the graph colours I want

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 05:24 AM PDT

I had to repair my version of Word 365 and now when I copy a graph from excel to word the colour changes.  Any bars/lines that were red, accent 2 in excel become orange, accent 2 in word and I cannot for the life of me see a way to change it back!  Everything was fine before I repaired.  Even when I highlight the graph in word and go to CHART TOOLS, DESIGN, CHANGE COLOR, there is no colour scheme available with Red, accent 2!

Please help,


Word 2013

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 12:30 AM PDT

I am using Office 2013, There is a word document which is edited in track changes mode but i am unable to view the same. I can see only the changed version..

I was told to enable some function which will allow me to see the changes in original track changes mode.. 

can you please help

error: 0XC00CEE3A

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 06:21 PM PDT

I get this error when I open Word 2010 32 bit.
O/S Win 8 64bit.

How to get a little space between items in list?

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 05:13 PM PDT

I have two lists in my document, one bulleted and the other numbered, and I would like a little bit of space between each item in each list - maybe 4 points, 6 points at most. However, when I try to achieve this via the 'Space After' and 'Space Before' spinners in the Paragraph dialog (assuming, quite naturally, that each list item is a paragraph since it ends with a carriage return (pilcrows show up after each one when I click on the 'Show paragraphs etc.' button), Word just ignores me. And I can find nothing in the 'Create a list' button dialogs that addresses the question, either.

Thanks for you help,

How can I get an unnumbered heading into my Document Map?

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 05:02 PM PDT

The headings in the book I'm just about finished writing are numbered 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc. Thanks to recent help from Suzanne Barnhill they work correctly all the way through, which is all I have or want. They all appear in my Document Map, and all are indented appropriately, i.e. with each level starting just to the right of the heading type above it. But now I want two more headings to appear in my Document Map: One for the Glossary and one for the References  section. I want them to appear in the correct order (namely Glossary after the last numbered heading, and References below that, which is where they in fact reside in the document), but I do not want them to have numbers by them since they're not part of the document proper.

I can add new headings (based on an un-used heading that give a new name to and save), and they look fine but they do not appear in the Document Map. If I do select these headings in the document, and declare them to be Heading 1, they appear exactly where they should be in the Document Map, but with the pesky numbers attached to them. Then when I re-assign them to my numberless heading, they disappear from the Document Map.

What to do?

Thanks for your help,


Name in the end tag element must match the element type

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 05:31 AM PDT

I am working on a large word file (Word 2013) (27 MB/35 pages)  with some photos and text boxes.  I saved the file and now cannot reopen it.  I am getting the error" The name in the end tag element must match the element type in the start tag".  I tried the MS fixit program however it was not able to run on my computer.   Hope someone on here might be able to help me fix the file.


Here is the link for the word file on my Skydrive:!344&authkey=!ABWUx09qRGCanuY. Many thanks.

Dual Figure/Table Autonumbering

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 10:16 PM PDT

Advice please!
The document requires figures and tables in the main document to be numbered in the usual manner, i.e. Table 1, Figure 1, etc, but tables and figures in the attachments—which are part of the main Word document—be numbered e.g. Table A-1.1 (the first table in Attachment 1), Figure A-2.2 (the second figure in Attachment 2) , etc. Is this possible? If yes, please advise how one can achieve this. Also, how can one incorporate the attachment number in the table/figure number? The standard method seems to allow the inclusion of heading numbers only. 

Why You're Office Proofing Tools Does not Supprot Urdu Language?

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 12:16 PM PDT

Why You're Office Proofing Tools Does not Supprot Urdu Language?

Footnoted document with lines I can't get rid of

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 09:54 AM PDT

The line happens on three pages and goes from the left margin to the right margin, whether the page has footnotes or not.  On the first occurrence, a footnote began on the previous page and continued on the page wtih the long line on it.  On the second occurrence, there are no footnotes on that page, but there are footnotes that start and end on the previous page.  On the third occurrence, there are footnotes on the previous page, the same page and the following page.


Help!  This document is due to the court of appeals today.

blank pages appearing as page numbers added to document

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 09:30 AM PDT

I am trying to build a document with: Front Matter consisting of a Cover, Table of Contents and a List Of Figures using Word 2010 running under Win7. This is followed by about 60 pages of text (with Chapter headings) and figures(actually pictures). Front Matter uses the iii form of page number and the Text/Figures uses the 1,2,3 form of page number. All works fine except for Word adding several "blank" pages after the Front Matter. Something I am forgetting or doing wrong must be causing this. Here is what I do:

  • Use INSERT tab to add two blank pages in front of the text for the TOC and the LOF
  • Precede each chapter header with Word's Header1, Header2, Header3 Styles
  • Precede each Figure with Header5 Style
  • Put a Section Break(next page) immediately before the 1st character of the text to seperate the Front Matter from the Text/Figures
  • Delink Section 1 and Section 2, close Headers and Footers
  • Scroll to the 1st blank page
  • Position the cursor in about the middle of this page
  • Select the REFERENCES Tab
  • Click the Table of Contents icon producing the TOC on the 1st page
  • Scroll to the next blank page 
  • Position the cursor in about the middle of this page
  • Under the REFERENCES Tab click the List of Figures icon
  • Using OPTIONS under List of Figures specify to Word that the Header5 style is used for figures
  • Clicking OK twice produces the List of Figures
  • Scroll to 1st page of text
  • Open Headers and Footers and select Page numbers, specify that 1,2,3 type should be placed in center top of page, start at 1
  • Scroll to TOC
  • Open Headers and Footers and select Page Numbers, specify that iii type be placed at center top of page, start at i
  • Close Headers and Footers 
  • Click the Cover Page icon under the INSERT tab



Can anyone tell me what I have omitted or not done?

How do I change the duration from hours to days Microsoft Project

How do I change the duration from hours to days Microsoft Project

How do I change the duration from hours to days

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 11:07 AM PDT

That macro does not appear in the drop down list. Do you know if I can
download it somewhere? Thanks for your response.

"JulieS" wrote:

replacing resources across multiple tasks and projects

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 10:12 AM PDT

This is one excellent use of the Resource Assignment box. On the
standard toolbar is a tool with 2 human heads on it. Click on that,
and the Resource Assignment box appears. Select all tasks with the
resource you want to replace assigned to them (if there are a lot,
apply the "using resource" filer). Select as many of these as you can
(this will be limited by available memory, so closing other apps may
help do more at once). Select the resource's name in the Resource
Assignment box, the click on the "Replace" button. A dialog box will
appear, with the same list of resources you just had in the Resource
Assignment box. Select the resource you want to replace the other
with. Click OK.
One of the nice parts of using this method is that any partial
assignments on the original resource will be replicated for the
replacement resource.
Best of luck.

David G. Bellamy
Bellamy Consulting

"Greg" <> wrote in message news:<387101c47efd$317dcc10$gbl>... 

Duration and finish date

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 08:43 AM PDT

Also, in addition to the other comments, you need to reflect that the 20
hours was obtained from 16 hours regular work and 4 hours overtime work.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Muks" <> wrote in message

Filtering for Critical Path of Specific Task

Posted: 10 Aug 2004 08:20 AM PDT

You have several problems. A major one, IMHO, is your use of Must Finish
On constraints for your key deliverables. A constraint in the scheduling
engine is not the same thing as a constraint in the world of your project.
You are using Must Finish On to mean "this is when we have to have this done
by or we are in deep trouble" but that's NOT what a constraint means in
Project. To Project, a "constraint" means that this task will ALWAYS be
shown happening per the constraint, even if it is physically impossible for
it do do so according to the durations and links of the preceeding tasks.
Consider task A and B, each 5 days duration, starting next Monday. That
task sequence will finish 10 days later. They lead to a finish milestone.
Simple FS links A->b->Finish. If I put a MFO constraint on the milestone of
1 September, indicating that's when the contract says we have to finish,
guess what Project shows? It shows task A running from 16 Aug to 20 Aug,
task B from 23 Aug to 27 Aug and then a gap until the milestone occurs,
scheduled on 01 Sep. But when did the milestone REALLY occur? 27 Aug!
Using the constraint caused the milestone to be shown occuring at a date
that is patently in error. So we take another tack. Let's put a Must
Finish No Later Than constraint of 01 Sep on it instead. Now Project shows
the milestone occuring 27 Aug, the correct date. But we still have a
problem. We blew it and task B was grossly under-estimated and actually
takes 10 days instead of 5. Now task B finishes on 03 Sep. But wait,
looking at our milestone it shows finishing the project 01 Sep, right on
schedule!!!!! Again, obviously an error - we CAN'T be finishing on time
because the predecessor that MUST be finished for us to really be done with
all the work actually isn't finished until 2 days later!

A second problem is the use of the term "critical path." It seems like you
are using the term to mean "the important task sequence for producing a
deliverable." But that's not it. As Project (and CPM in general) uses the
term, the critical path is the sequence of events that determines the
overall duration of the entire project. There is no such thing as a
"critical path to a deliverable" unless that particular deliverable just
happens to lie on the critical path of events to the end of the project.
There may be lots of deliverables in a project whose delay to some extent
would not result in a delay of the overall completion of the project and by
definition they are not critical. For instance, I have an application
development project that requires 1 month design, 4 months programming and
testing, and 1 month rollout. I can write the user's manual any time after
design is done because at that point the functionality is locked down and
the programmers write to the design specs. Training is a part of rollout
and I won't actually use the user's manual until we begin training. Writing
the manual is not a critical task or deliverable, even though it's really
really really important, unless it's delayed into the 6th month and the
delay causes training and thus completion of rollout to be delayed,. It is
not a critical deliverable, does not lie on the critical path, and there is
no critical path leading up to it UNLESS it gets delayed more than 4 months
from when it could have been started. At that point, its schedule becomes
the determining factor in the date of the conclusion of all the project work
and so it becomes critical and the critical path shifts to include the
sequence leading to and from it.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Jeff" <> wrote in message

Over-allocation indicator - for specific task duration.

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 11:31 PM PDT

Hi Steve and thanks for response!

There is no importance which task was 'first' - if there is an
over-allocation on specific day - all tasks that take place in that place are
'suspicious' - and I want them to be marked (by the indicator field for

My problem is to recognize onle these tasks that 'involved' in the

"Steve House" wrote:

The 60 day trial period ended after 2 hours of use!

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 01:02 PM PDT

Could be either of a couple of things

Here is the first:

If you haven't installed previous versions as described above, then
sometimes the trail version has a hardcoded expiration date (this might
happen if you are installing off a cd). Try to see if that
will work for you.


"johnnycrash" <> wrote in message

Linking multiple projects

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 07:25 AM PDT

Wow, at first I though that answer might be too obvious but it just
shows to go ya.

P.S. You're welcome

Copy Picture does not include Legend

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 06:02 AM PDT


I use those Print Screen shots in my courses (PPT)

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"jimcal" <> wrote in message

Date Range Filter

Posted: 08 Aug 2004 07:31 PM PDT

Thanks for that Steve, using custom auto filters has opened up a pile of
possibilities for me.

"Steve House" wrote:

Timescale Macro

Posted: 08 Aug 2004 07:07 PM PDT

I'd simply assign a cost of $1 for each hour of work, then use BCWS

"gbeav" <> wrote in message

Prj2002: Project more that 20yrs old?

Posted: 07 Aug 2004 08:29 PM PDT

I did a similar timeline, but I used Excel, partly because of the
reason you encountered.

"Mike" <reidrik_von(AT)> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

Calendar and Change Working Time (Use default)

Posted: 07 Aug 2004 10:15 AM PDT

Use set the "default" start and end times on the Tools, Options, Calendar
page. Those defaults do NOT change anything in the working times calendar
or modify its defaults. In fact, nothing on that entire page has any effect
on the working time calendar at all, contrary to what the names of the
fields appear to indicate.

Here's what it does do. First of all, make note that ALL date fields are
actually date/time fields. You may choose whether to display the times or
not but they're always going to be there. When you enter a task name and
duration, normally Project calculates its start and end date/time for you
based on the Project calendar, predecessor relationships, and resource
availability. But you may, for some particular reason, wish to set a
constraint on the task and one easy way to do it is to over-ride the
calculated start or end date with your own entry (and that's the only time
you should EVER enter something in those two columns). If you enter
something in the Start field, Project sets a Start No Earlier Than
constraint of the date you entered. But it also needs to know what time to
include in that entry as well. If you click in the Start field and select a
date from the little popup calendar, it uses your Project Calendar's working
hours to determine what time on the selected date to use. But if you
manually type in the date without explicitly including a time in your entry,
it uses whatever you've set as the "Default Start Time" on the calendar
options page.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Regis" <> wrote in message

Out of hours start and finish

Posted: 06 Aug 2004 09:59 PM PDT

You are very welcome Maureen. It is a puzzler about the
resource calendar though.
Glad to have helped.