

Microsoft Word - when typing in any program my lead cursor jumps randomly to other sentences for no reason

Microsoft Word - when typing in any program my lead cursor jumps randomly to other sentences for no reason

when typing in any program my lead cursor jumps randomly to other sentences for no reason

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 09:43 AM PDT

my lead point that is being typed always jumps to another section of what I am typing regardless of the format or email. It will without reason move  backward in mid sentence.

windows 7 computer crashed cannot find product ky# to reinstall pgm. I purchased and installed on line

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 08:10 AM PDT

I purchased and installed  Microsoft Windows online My computer crashed and I need to reinstall Windows, I DO NOT have the product key # to get back into the software.  PLEASE HELP  Barbara

recovering unsaved documents after restart

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 08:27 PM PDT

My baby sister's computer restarted randomly while she was working on a report for school. She hadn't saved it at all when it happened so we've got nothing left. I tried the recovering saved document thing that word has but there's not there. She's using Word 2010 and she started another document right after it happened and saved it under the default name it chooses. I'm wondering if this new saved document saved over the unsaved back up or if there is something we've just missed. any help is appreciated.

Microsoft Office 2010 Word & Excel Fail to Open

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 06:32 PM PDT



Periodically when I attempt to open MS Office Professional 2010 Word mostly and at times Excel, the initial splasm screen appears and then nothing more.  There is activity, however the program(s) will not open.  To resolve the problem I open C/P and select the Repair option.  Following completion of the "Repairing Microsoft Office Professional 2010" Configuration Process, the programs once again spawn as expected.


I have no idea why the fault occurs and if anyone has any cause or permanent resolution, I would appreciate your input.


Thank You,



Lost WDB in vista

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 09:08 AM PDT

I have WDB files which I can not now open. I did have in Vista, but not now in Windows 8, how to I access or convert to "Word 2007"?


Please make any answers for simple for this novice.


Many thanks in advance.

I only need Word...all other office will go unused...we are very small....2 people....will you allow?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 07:12 PM PDT

We are a very small business.  My husband and I.  We only need Word maybe 6 times a year.  All other office programs will go unused.  Is that possible, just to purchase Word, alone?


Random order selected paragraphs

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 10:29 PM PDT

Hi guys,

Was wondering if there is a VB Script or other solution out there for Microsoft Word 2010, that will allow me to randomly order selected paragraphs?

Thanks heaps,


Numbering in multilevel lists

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 04:17 PM PDT

I have been following Shauna Kelly's excellent article 'How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Word 2007' and it all works well except I had some difficulty setting up the heading styles and numbering. To see what I was doing I got heading 1 to start at  1 heading 2 at 2 heading 5 at 5. And that helped get them all in order. But I forgot to set them all back to starting at 1. Now if I try to reset the numbering in any level it messes up the other levels. I can't get back to the 'modify multi level list' window.  can you help me?

The vertical ruler in word does not appear

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 02:52 PM PDT

The rulers in MS word appears only in the horizontal position it is the vertical ruler I am trying to get. It show about 1/8 of an inch but I unable to get it to move down or up.  

Printing Reports... Microsoft Project

Printing Reports... Microsoft Project

Printing Reports...

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 03:10 AM PDT

You may want to check out this web site. I haven't used
it yet, but hopefully it will give you what you need.
example the "to-do lists" and the "who does what when
reports" - which my project team like to receive... 
hard copies I would like to export the reports to PDF... 

Changing resource units and levelling

Posted: 07 Jul 2004 02:56 AM PDT


Thanks ever so much, great!

schreef in bericht 
the units a resource 
assignment level for 
a cutoff level above 
overallocated. If you have 
and they already 
manually adjust each 
tasks using that 
selecting both the 
to 50% in the 
and save you some time 

Open Office - [discuss] extract font of document

Open Office - [discuss] extract font of document

[discuss] extract font of document

Posted: 25 Mar 2007 12:17 PM PDT

Hi Fabian

Yes - depending on what you mean.

Linux users can have their own fonts which won't be accessible to other
users of the system. Just copy the font into the .fonts folder of your
home directory. If the folder isn't there, create it. (The dot in front of
the word fonts means that it is a hidden directory, so you need to make
sure you can see hidden files and folders to do this.)

Adrian Try
Try Another Angle
Computer software should be affordable, effective and safe.

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[discuss] .msi format

Posted: 23 Mar 2007 05:53 PM PDT


if you understand German, I've written a howto regarding MSI setup at


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[discuss] latex

Posted: 21 Mar 2007 11:26 AM PDT

OOo Writer DOES export (& should also read) latex files .tex
It's a ne feature from version 2.1

soy Jesús wrote: 

[discuss] Ultimate manager tools....

Posted: 20 Mar 2007 10:37 AM PDT

Hi Carlo

No! ;-)


These have been around for many, many years in different forms. I'm glad=

Microsoft are finally catching up in this area.

Here are the alternatives:

For Windows, Google Desktop Search comes with a sidebar and "gadgets". =

They're probably just what you're looking for! (I'm sure there are lots =
of =

other alternatives, too.) Find them at
And check out Yahoo's widgets at

Apple have a dashboard and widgets. Have a look at

In Linux, the KDE desktop environment has "Superkaramba" with themes and=

widgets. Have a look at
And you can check out some themes at

And not to be outdone, the Linux Gnome desktop environment has Widgets. =

Check them out at

-- =

Adrian Try
Try Another Angle
Computer software should be affordable, effective and safe.

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[discuss] Requested addition

Posted: 20 Mar 2007 01:56 AM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


such as?

This is a serious question. I strongly believe that OOo can be more
tightly integrated with Mozilla products. Given the both have quite good
extension APIs I even doubt core changes need to be done.

Instead of reoccuring requests for "just another" PIM suite, I'd
actually like to get a list of things sorted, that would make
integration between an Office Suite and a PIM suite plausible.

To start with, i can think of...

- addressbook integration (to my understanding present in OOo)
- integrating appointments in documents (calendar integration)

What else?


Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)



[discuss] A idea to improve impress

Posted: 19 Mar 2007 04:44 PM PDT

It looks like you are referring to printing multiple slides per page.
Is this different to your request?


On 20/03/2007, at 11:47 AM, Alex Huckabay wrote:

Jonathon Coombes
OOo Knowledgebase:-

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[discuss] OOo Suggestion

Posted: 19 Mar 2007 12:24 PM PDT

Rob Marriner wrote:

Do you mean something like the following:

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] Office add-on

Posted: 19 Mar 2007 04:00 AM PDT

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
Content-ID: <>

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, Mathias Bauer wrote: 

I would be too. I have no contacts (that I know of) with the Foundation=20
and read about the plug-in through news and press releases. Last autumn,=
several sources were reporting that the plug-in was being tested.

I expect that the reason is to keep M$ from moving the goal posts as the=20
project nears completion. That's a common risk for many projects, even=20
those that present less of a threat to M$ continued profitability than=20
data format independence. However, that's just speculation.


Lars Nood=C3=A9n (org)
Ensure access to your data now and in the future

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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[discuss] What do you think about following proposal?

Posted: 19 Mar 2007 12:49 AM PDT


As a second thought: If nobody helps, I might not put everything under LGPL.

But at least the single user version will be.

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[discuss] Please Help! - Editing HTML in OOo Writer/Web.

Posted: 14 Mar 2007 10:46 AM PDT

>I hope this is the correct LIST.

since you asked, this being the discuss list you will probably get a
better response to help issues from org

Although here is the right place to go for suggestions such as
allowing writer/web to handle CSS :D
Chris Monahan

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Where is SaveAs on the toolbar Word2007 Microsoft Office for Mac

Where is SaveAs on the toolbar Word2007 Microsoft Office for Mac

Where is SaveAs on the toolbar Word2007

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 07:35 AM PDT

No problem - glad to help.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

"JoanOC" <> wrote in message

Lost original Office CD

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 10:35 PM PDT

On Oct 24, 2:35 am, com wrote: 

If you have a upgrade of Office and you purchase Office 2004 upgrade,
you can still install Office 2004 from this upgrade.
You insert the Office 2004 Cd and drag the Office 2004 folder to the
desktop and when you launch an Office application you will receive an
upgrade verification to browse to a earlier version, this is when you
can insert your earlier version of the upgrade into the drive and just
browse to the earlier version folder and it will verify successfully.



Posted: 23 Oct 2007 04:37 PM PDT


Those who know won't say.

My recommendations for a happy Leopard install:

1. Run DiskWarrior - fix all problems before proceding
2. Make a disc image of your hard drive
3. Use Archive and Install option of the Leopard installer


Quoting from "John McGhie" <name>, in article
C346B113.AAC2%name, on [DATE:

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

LaTex-like editor in Office 2008

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 03:11 PM PDT

(I realize this is a Mac newsgroup, but bear with me and read

This is a good opportunity for me to point out that MathType 6,
which is compatible with Windows Vista and integrates with Office
2007, has TeX/LaTeX input and output (which I'll refer to simply
as TeX). You can type TeX directly into the MathType window, or
you can copy a TeX equation from an existing document and paste
it into MathType. This works in both Word and PowerPoint, which
the OMML equation editor (i.e., the new one in Word 2007) does
not. (It's Word-only.) MathType 6 can also accept equations that
you copy from websites like Wikepedia and PlanetMath, and you can
author equations for these sites.

While all of the above applies specifically to Windows at the
moment, the TeX features I mentioned above will be present in the
next version of MathType for Macintosh, which will be released
sometime after Office 2008 ships. Note that MathType has the
advantage of allowing collaboration between Mac and Windows, thus
it has a huge advantage over the OMML equation editor when it
comes to collaboration since OMML equations can't be created on a
Mac nor can OMML equations created in WinWord be edited on a Mac.
MathType equations are editable on both platforms and
transportable between both platforms. Further, you don't have to
wait for the new version -- MathType 6 equations created on a
Windows machine can be edited with MathType 5.1 on a Mac (and
vice versa).

For a free 30-day evaluation of MathType, see our website (link
in my signature).

Bob Mathews
Director of Training
Design Science, Inc.
bobm at
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType 5
MathType, WebEQ, MathPlayer, MathFlow, Equation Editor, TeXaide

On 23-Oct-2007, com wrote:

Reinstalling w/ new product key

Posted: 22 Oct 2007 05:14 PM PDT

In article <>,
Darlene <com> wrote:

99% of the time? Hmm...

I've *never* had the Remove licensing information option in the Remove
Office application fail.

Perhaps you have permissions problems or had corruption in your
preferences folder.

In any case, blowing away *all* your Office preferences is hardly the
"best" way, IMO. Instead, if you want to manually delete the licensing
info, and as indicated on the web page I referenced, you could choose to
remove the one preference file that contains the license info (Microsoft
Office Settings (11)).

But in my experience, Remove Office has done the job.

Linking from Word to Powerpoint

Posted: 22 Oct 2007 08:57 AM PDT

You have a space in "Slide 2".

Word takes a very literal view of HTML: spaces and case are significant.


On 23/10/07 2:25 AM, in article, "greencode"
<com> wrote:

I have added the link as you suggested but I can't get it to open a
specific slide - it simply opens from the beginning. I have added two
slides to the PPT; one called Slide 1 and the other Slide 2. I have
then added the link which looks like this "test.ppt#Slide%202"

Also, if I can get this to work is there any way to open that slide in
"Normal View" as it seems to be opening it in a window but in
slideshow view.

Basically I'm trying to create a document in Word which references
slides in PPT so I can hand to website developers so they can quickly
reference screens.

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

Word and Excel and Power Point will not load

Posted: 22 Oct 2007 08:37 AM PDT

On Oct 22, 1:18 pm, Mike H <com> wrote: 

Hello Mike,

It seems you have a corrupt font or fonts on your Operating System, if
it was a quicktime issue none of the Office applications will load.
All of your Office applications loads the fonts from your font book
before it opens the applications except for Entourage. What you would
need to do is rename all the font folders to find out what font folder
it is and then once you find what folder it is in you have to do the
process of elimination to find out what font or fonts are causing the


Installing Office 2004 on a Mac

Posted: 21 Oct 2007 10:45 PM PDT

On Oct 22, 7:19 am, John McGhie <name> wrote: 

If the CD works on other Mac OS and it is ejecting on this Mac, there
may be a issue with the drive, please contact Apple Support at


Microsoft Word - Undesirable squiggly lines underneath words in Word 2010 documents

Microsoft Word - Undesirable squiggly lines underneath words in Word 2010 documents

Undesirable squiggly lines underneath words in Word 2010 documents

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 01:02 AM PDT

Why do certain words in my Word 2010 documents have squiggly lines underneath them when I type them, and how can I get rid of them? They're not misspelled or anything.  Also: Will the squiggly lines appear in a document that I send by email in an attachment? I don't want that.

how do I restore "new folder" menu option in Word... it has disappeared.

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 11:39 PM PDT

after i right-click, my option to make a new folder in "My Documents" in Word has disappeared. does anyone know how to restore it?  I have Microsoft 2010 home version.  The option suddenly went missing a few days ago... I have tried to run anti-viral program in case that was the issue without any success in restoring that menu item.

The menu pulldown now only has the "shortcut" menu selection at the top of the pull down menu after I right-click.  Furthermore, the "new folder" button across the top of the documents area does not work either as I no longer see a new folder created when I click it.

Thank you for your time and help.

Office Word 2007 Can't get line across page.

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 08:11 PM PDT

Re: Office Word 2007 - type 3 hyphens and enter to automatically get a straight line across page : I can't get this to happen.  Tried "Autoformat" options menu etc already.  In Office Word 2003 it was a breeze.  Checked all support forums, and they all say it can be done.


How do I creat a permanent macro as in previous word versions?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 04:01 PM PDT

I write a lot of documents that include symbols (Club, Heart, Diamond and Spade playing card symbols)


For a decade or more, I've simply created a key-driven macro in each new version of Word, and that's that.


I can't do that in Office 365 / Word 2013.  I can create macros as I have before, but as soon as I save it, open a new page, and they're gone, or I get an error message forbidding them.


Thankfully I still have Word 2010 installed. Do I have to revert to it?


If so, how can I cancel Office 365?

Information Rights Management" and ".Net Passport

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 12:24 PM PDT

I have just come across"Information Rights Management" and ".Net Passport", anyone have a clue what this is; I was in Microsoft Office 2003 at the time and had just copied and pasted an article from facebook which belongs to my sister. Thank you.

How do I insert a scan from my scanner into a Word 2010 document please. Scanner is HP photosmart C4580

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 12:17 PM PDT

Have tried to insert but cannot find anything under the insert tab related to a document.

Can do pictures but unable to insert a 3-4 page document into Word. Help please

Teazel 41

Force Save As when filling in a form

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 10:12 AM PDT

I have designed a form that will be used over and over in an office.   How can I ensure that each time it is filled in, the user saves it under a different name instead of overwriting the original?  (I have protected the form itself so that only the fill-ins can be changed.)

Word 2013 paragraph spacing defaults to 19.2 spacing after

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 09:00 AM PDT

In Word 2013, from the Home tab, Paragraph group, dialog box launcher, Paragraph window, Indents and Spacing tab, I click Spacing, After box and replace 19.2 pt with 8 pt by typing an 8. I click OK and the dialogs close. Then I reopen them and the 8 pt is still there. I then click Set as Default a the bottom of the Font tab, All documents based on the Normal.dotm template, OK. I close and reopen Word and the 19.2 is back.


Does anyone know why the 8 pt will not hold?

I cannot activate the passive sentence detection in Word 2007 because the "Settings" box in the Word Options is grayed ou How can I fix this?t

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 04:20 PM PDT

I cannot activate the passive sentence detection in Word 2007 because the "Settings" box in the Word Options is grayed out.
 How can I fix this?

Can someone fix this end tag/start tag mismatch error?

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 03:29 PM PDT

From the looks of a Google search, it seems this is a common problem, and one that's resolvable, so I hope someone can help.

This file is very important to me, so imagine my disdain when I got a message that said:

The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag.
Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line 2, Column 2420298

I've already done a good bit of research, but all I get is massive confusion. I don't know how to create/open a ZIP file extension or do the XML process manually. The instructions I find are too choppy or have holes in the them.

So, I implore someone to help me. Either explain the fixing process thoroughly and understandably or tell me where I can upload the file so an expert can fix it for me. Thanks in advance.

Where can I find a curved bracket?

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 08:09 PM PDT

I want to use a bracket that is curved, not straight like the one in Shapes.  I also want to be able to size it.  Does anybody know where I can get a curved bracket?

Task scheduling question Microsoft Project

Task scheduling question Microsoft Project

Task scheduling question

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 11:19 AM PDT

That is what I was going to recommend. Glad you worked it out.


"Rob S." <> wrote in message
"change working time" then set construction activities to that calendar. 
construction. For example, a project may entail preliminary design, final
design, permitting, purchasing and construction (generic project phases, but
you get the idea). The first four tasks can take place any time of the year,
it's only construction that must stop come nov 1st, and restart april 1st.
Is there a way to set working time for each task individually, not the
project as a whole? 
we have 

Project Plan Start Dates

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 09:57 AM PDT

thanks for the feed back - glad its solved :)

"RPStarbuck" <> wrote in message
tasks had been marked as 100% completed. 

Resource name-what does this mean [50%]?

Posted: 06 Jul 2004 04:26 AM PDT


Just two ideas to help you understand.

Task duration 0.5 days duration, secretary [50%] does not mean the task
lasts for 1 day, it lasts for 0.5 days, full stop. The WORK on it is 0.25

Resources can indeed be overloaded without Project reacting. To make project
recalculate task as a functions of respourxce load use Resource Leveling.

And finally... a basic course or at least some reading of the principles
will help you greatly... if you have to discover Project by guessing every
figure it may take you months.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Rahima" <> schreef in bericht
(half of their time)therefore 1 day to complete. 
secretary spends the whole of her time doing both task? 
secretary spends half of her time, during the time she is working for task 1
and 2. And the other half for task 3? yes? 
time on that particular task. I was wondering why you would need to do this
and not just play around with the dates. 
work on 

How Does Project calculate

Posted: 05 Jul 2004 04:46 PM PDT


Perhaps I am using Project incorrectly. I am managing a software team. I set precedences for the tasks in order to try to set the sequential order of tasks to be completed by any given resource - this is how the resource knows what to tackle next. There are linkages in there that are strict, by this I mean that the preceeding tasks absolutely need to complete before the succeeding tasks can occur. However, most of the tasks are linked to determine the sequence of events to occur. The linkage also allows me to figure out when the project would complete. using this method, the resource can easily move around on the tasks since they're weakly linked. If the resource feels that they want to complete the tasks out of order, I just re-order it the way they need to get it done. This is almost as if you would start working on assembling the roof while you wait for more woods to arrive for the completion of the wall, once you complete the wall, you can finish up on the roof and assemble the house... :-)

If you can suggest how I can make sure the resources are utilized correctly without linking sequential tasks, please let me know. I am anxious to learn any new concepts.


"Steve House" wrote:

Project Compare

Posted: 05 Jul 2004 04:36 PM PDT

Thanks John. I am currently running MSP2003 - the Compare Project is in the toolbar.

Perhaps full history is a wrong choice of words. What I really need is a list of all tasks assigned to the resource in V1 and V2. The union of the tasks in V1 & V2, filtered by the resource. Is there a specific table I should select that would enable me to see all of this?

"John" wrote:

MS Project on a PDA

Posted: 05 Jul 2004 04:29 AM PDT


Here's a list I've been keeping of 3rd Party Project-esq
PDA software. Most have a free demo. I don't use any of
these myself, so I can't recommend one over another.
Also, I haven't visited these websites for a while, so I'm
just assuming all the links are still okay.

Project software for PDAs
Project Professional 1.06 By: GRN Consulting
CyProject By: Crwern

Project@Hand By: Natara
L3PX: Project eXtender 1.2 By: L3Solutions
Project Manager for Palm 1.19 By: ITOS

on it. Can I also install MS Project to use in conjunction
with the full version of Project running on my desktop? 

Microsoft Word - why when e-mailing word 2010 document to recipient with XP they cannot load it?

Microsoft Word - why when e-mailing word 2010 document to recipient with XP they cannot load it?

why when e-mailing word 2010 document to recipient with XP they cannot load it?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 09:25 AM PDT

I have windows 8 and Office 2010 word.  When I e-mail a document to a computer without 2010, they cannot unload it.

Cannot get Word 2007 to display all the tool bars on startup

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 07:33 AM PDT

When I first start up Word document only the following toolbars appear HOME, INSERT, PAGE LAYOUT, REFERENCE, MAILING,REVIEW, REVIEW.
I would like to see all the toolbar displayed for clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, editing etc. and remain on.  It happened before and I was able to accidentally correct it  This happened recently when I tried to convert a document  sent by mail from word to PDF.  I am not sure if the problem is related to that.

Thanks for any help you can give
.[Moved from feedback]

why do I have to type a space after punctuation to see the character?

Posted: 27 Apr 2013 02:02 AM PDT

for instance when I type an opening quotation mark, the character does't appear until I type another character or a space.

the same is true of other quotation characters which normally appear in the superscript position such as "'" or "-"

This is such an annoying thing, I like to see the characters appear as I type, otherwise I loose concentration.

Margin on bottom of page get longer every page. And why does everything indent when I press tab for just one line?

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 01:52 PM PDT

I'm writing an essay for college and I noticed after I printed it that the bottom margin gets longer in every page. It'd be 1" on the first page then go to 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" and so on. Also when typing my works cited, how do you stop the whole thing from indenting after you press tab to indent the second line in a source?

Microsoft manual?

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 01:21 PM PDT

Can it really be true that Microsoft would develop such a wonderful and complex system as Word 2010, with all its abilities (I'm just getting into the finer points of templates and styles, having worked without them in the past), and not have produced an *official* manual or user guide? Surely it must be unheard of to produce a complex product and not issue a comprehensive manual for its users?

format mark/macro?

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 12:17 PM PDT

I have Word 2010 on a laptop running Windows 7.  I am looking for a way find and replace text involving numbers, letters and punctuation and have hit a road block.  A sample of the text would be:


With MC, ch 4.

1st row: (WS). 2 dc in 4th ch from hook (counts as 3 dc). Turn.

2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each dc across. Turn.

3rd row: Ch 3. 1 dc in first sc. 1 dc in next sc. 2 dc in last sc. Turn.

4th row: As 2nd row.

5th row: Ch 3. 1 dc in first sc. 1 dc in each of next 3 sc. 2 dc in last sc. Turn. 7 dc.

6th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each dc across. Turn.

I want to delete all text that begins with a number and ends with a colon. (1st row:  2nd row: etc) I don't want to replace the text with anything else.  I can't find the proper format marks or wildcards to do this.  I would love to know what to put into the find and replace dialog box as well as record a macro (I want to record it because I have no idea how to write it!).  I would like the macro to be available to all templates, not just the one I'm using right now.

Thanks in advance!


No tabs only windows available?

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 01:22 AM PDT

Is it true that you can't open a new document in the same window like tabs in firefox?  As near as I can tell there is no option to open a new tab, but only new windows.  I bought this two days ago at a store, and it was the only word processor program that they had.

I want to grab some docs off of the net, but it is annoying to have so many windows on the screen.

If exist the goto else goto

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 05:51 AM PDT

Hi all,


I am trying to create a Macro to sort a list, but within the Macro I want to delete the Styles "Hyperlink", if it exists or skip delete if it does not.

I have created the following Macro to do this, but I am newish to VBA and can not get it to work:


Sub Sort_List()
'Sort List

    ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = Not ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll
    Selection.Sort ExcludeHeader:=False, _
        FieldNumber:="Column 1", _
        SortFieldType:=wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, _
        SortOrder:=wdSortOrderAscending, _
        FieldNumber2:="", _
        SortFieldType2:=wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, _
        SortOrder2:=wdSortOrderAscending, _
        FieldNumber3:="", _
        SortFieldType3:=wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, _
        SortOrder3:=wdSortOrderAscending, _
        Separator:=wdSortSeparateByCommas, _
        SortColumn:=False, _
        CaseSensitive:=False, _
        LanguageID:=wdEnglishUK, _
        SubFieldNumber:="Paragraphs", _
        SubFieldNumber2:="Paragraphs", _
    ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = Not ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll
    Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory

    If ActiveDocument.Styles("Hyperlink") Then GoTo Delete Else GoTo Save


    CommandBars("Styles").Visible = False


End Sub

Please can you help me to fix the error from the If... part of my Macro.


Thank you in advance