

Open Office - [discuss] i can not install new version

Open Office - [discuss] i can not install new version

[discuss] i can not install new version

Posted: 26 Dec 2006 10:56 AM PST

Thanks for your answer.
My old version is 2.0.4 and i also want to install version 2.1
The problem is, i can not find the 2.0.4 version again on the internet
anywhere ????
Maybe you still have the OpenOffice20.msi file on your computer, if so could
you send it to me ???


Hary Van Roy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Frayer" <com>
To: <org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [discuss] i can not install new version


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[discuss] Multiple layer Writer

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 05:32 PM PST

Couldn't you use a Macro for this?

I haven't put much thought into it or looked into "Section" =
functionality, but if you can ID a Section, say General1, Manager1, =
Tech1, General2, Manager2, General3, Manager3, Tech2, etc. and then =
write a show/hide macro for each defined type: "Show/Hide General" =
(shows General1, General2, General3) "Show/Hide Manager" (shows =
Manager1, Manager2, Manager3) "Show/Hide Tech" (shows Tech1, Tech2) and =
"Show/Hide All".

Would this solve the requirements?

Andrew Robertson
Export Manager
derma e=C2=AE Natural Bodycare
ph. 805-582-2710 xt. 244
fx. 805-582-2730

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandro Colorado [mailto:org]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 12:18 AM
To: org
Subject: Re: [discuss] Multiple layer Writer

You are pretty much talking about sections, this can be done by going to =
the Insert > Sections which encapsulate the content and you are able to =

either show it or hide it. However, the automatization process might =
need =20
to be developed. Have you though on what would trigger the content to =20
become a summary or it's extended version?

On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 06:59:21 -0600, OdysSloot <com> =
out =20 

Alexandro Colorado
Grupo de Usuarios Linux Tabasco
Community Contact // Mexico

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[discuss] Good Idea For Open Office

Posted: 17 Dec 2006 12:32 AM PST

On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 20:31:05 -0600, Terry <> wrote:=

nd =
AR =

I did a sample app where the ID was pulled out from a database this will=

make all your data come from a registration/report model.

-- =

Alexandro Colorado
Grupo de Usuarios Linux Tabasco
Community Contact // Mexico

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[discuss] Update feature

Posted: 16 Dec 2006 02:25 AM PST

Hi Neil, Guy,

Am Sat, 16 Dec 2006 19:31:45 +0100
schrieb "Guy Voets" <com>:

I'm not very helpful. :) I just can tell you, that this menu entry
works for me. There's only one thing, that I could imagine, that can
cause your disfunction: Are you using a firewall? And, if yes, have you
allowed OOo to connect to the internet? Maybe OOo couldn't connect to
the internet and instead of saying so, it just tells you, that there is
no newer version available.


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[discuss] mono calendar for Open Office

Posted: 15 Dec 2006 05:22 PM PST

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

Sure, probably, but your sentence

is very easily (mis)understood that way.
OOoCon because some people communicated too sloppy I learned that it is
necessary to be very exact in everything related to OOo and Mozilla,
especially if you talk to non-developers (the majority of members on
this list are no developers, I assume).

So I just mentioned that there wasn't any proposal to migrate from VCL
to XUL. Some developers evaluated XUL for dialogs but even this was
discarded for several reasons.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] Forward directions

Posted: 13 Dec 2006 09:15 AM PST

Robin Laing wrote: 

This is about more than grammar checkers. Irrational claims have been
made about the existence of grammar checkers for Writer but only one
person (?) on the planet knows their location.

There is software designed specifically for authors, such as Writer's


Xfce on PCLinuxOS, OOo 2.0.2 (en_GB).
Direct mail to "teaman" is not opened; if necessary, email "realmail"
I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once (Ashleigh Brilliant)

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[discuss] 2.1 Is Here

Posted: 12 Dec 2006 04:26 AM PST

Martin Hauge wrote: 

See (and
duplicate 34646).


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MI5 Persecution: their methods and tactics

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 07:51 AM PST

-= MI5: methods and tactics -=

They deliberately set out to harass in a way that would resemble the
symptoms of schizophrenia, so that any report of the harassment would be
taken as indicating mental illness and "treated" accordingly. They never
show their own faces; they only work through proxies, in the media, among
the public, and by manipulating people in the workplace. Since they do not
declare their identity there is no evidence to initiate legal action
against the security services or anyone else. The only people you can
prosecute are the proxies and they will deny knowledge of any conspiracy.

By repeatedly humiliating and abusing the victim, they induced mental
illness. This is the worst form of human rights violation: making any
statement of the harassment appear to be symptomatic of the illness which
they cause through the harassment. That this can happen, and people collude
by silence, is absolutely horrifying.

From the beginning in June 1990 they set a pattern of harassment which they
have followed without change for the last six years. They paint me as a
"threat" to which people must "react" (shades of Nazi persecution methods),
while simultaneously portraying their hate campaign on which they have
spent over a million pounds of taxpayers' money as a "joke".

The MI5 that breaks the law with the silent complicity of the police is the
same agency that is now seeking a role in the fight against crime. Perhaps
the real joke is the proposed involvement in the implementation of justice
of an organisation which commits criminal acts with secrecy and disinterest
for the legal process.


Posted via a free Usenet account from

MI5 Persecution: Bernard Levin expresses his views

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 07:18 AM PST

The article of which part is reproduced below was penned by Bernard Levin
for the Features section of the Times on 21 September 1991. To my mind, it
described the situation at the time and in particular a recent meeting with
a friend, during which I for the first time admitted to someone other than
my GP that I had been subjected to a conspiracy of harassment over the
previous year and a half.

At the time this article was written I had believed for some time that
columnists in the Times and other journalists had been making references to
my situation. Nothing unusual about this you may think, plenty of people
have the same sort of ideas and obviously the papers aren't writing about
them, so why should my beliefs not be as false as those of others?

What makes this article so extraordinary is that three or four days
immediately preceding its publication, I had a meeting with a friend,
during the course of which we discussed the media persecution, and in
particular that by Times columnists. It seemed to me, reading the article
by Levin in Saturday's paper, that he was describing in some detail his
"artist's impression" of that meeting. Most telling are the final
sentences, when he writes, "The madman bursts into tears, and swears it is
all true. And it is." Although I did not "burst into tears" (he seems to be
using a bit of poetic licence and exaggerating) I did try hard to convince
my friend that it was all true; and I am able to concur with Mr Levin,
because, of course, it is.

At the beginning of the piece Levin reveals a fear of being attacked by the
"irrational" subject of his story, saying "I have no reason to believe that
he is violent, but he should certainly be approached with caution". This
goes back to the xenophobic propaganda of "defence" against a "threat"
which was seen at the very beginning of the harassment. The impression of a
"madman running loose" who needs to be controlled through an agency which
assigns to itself the mantle of the "police" is also one which had been
expressed elsewhere.

In the final paragraph of this extract, his reference to Everyman's Library
as having "died a lingering and shameful death a decade or so ago" shows
clearly what sort of conclusion they wish to their campaign. They want a
permanent solution, and as they are prevented from achieving that solution
directly, they waste significant resources on methods which have been
repeatedly shown to be ineffective for such a purpose.


Posted via a free Usenet account from

office 2007 professional in compatibility Microsoft Office for Mac

office 2007 professional in compatibility Microsoft Office for Mac

office 2007 professional in compatibility

Posted: 04 Sep 2007 06:40 PM PDT

Winmail.dat files are *not* what they may seem to be. They are generated by
Exchange Server and are not the document files themselves. You can Google
for winmail.dat & get about 600,000 hits, but this is a good place to start:

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/07 9:40 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Gosht email in MS Entourage for Mac

Posted: 04 Sep 2007 03:32 PM PDT

On Sep 4, 7:27 pm, Diane Ross <>

Thanks Diane,
I'm using the Entourage that comes with the Office v.x not Office
2004. Anyway I have set up so automatically downloads the emails from
the server so the server is empty. The emails keep coming but I can't
access the Inbox folder or any other folder. As soon as I click on any
of them the application crashes. Is there anyway I can get to the
downloaded emails in my computer so I can check for corrupted emails?
Thanks so much,

MS Office 2004 applications do not start

Posted: 03 Sep 2007 04:04 PM PDT

On 9/3/07 5:22 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Your data is not supposed to be touched, but Apple advises you to backup
important data.

See these Apple Kbs:



Regardless, I would buy an external drive for backup. I can also suggest
SuperDuper!, a favorite for many users, backup software.


Just a fan of SuperDuper!
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Unable to see files in folders

Posted: 03 Sep 2007 11:00 AM PDT

Hi Dick:

Yeah, I have Vista here, but I have no idea what would cause that one...

As the others have suggested, you would be better off asking in a Vista
group where the specialists live...


On 5/09/07 12:18 AM, in article
com, "Dick"
<> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

New license for Office 2004

Posted: 01 Sep 2007 10:55 AM PDT

Another voice in the choir here:-0

Technically, No - the assumption in the EULA being that *you* aren't using
both systems simultaneously. Also, if the two units are networked the second
iteration will be denied if the same keyed copy is already in use by the
other. Obviously, however, if there is no connection between the two systems
the one can't detect what the other is running.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/1/07 11:02 PM, in article, ""
<> wrote:

SP2 installation woes

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 09:29 PM PDT

On 8/31/07 10:24 PM, in article, "JE McGimpsey"
<org> wrote:

All Office applications include Microsoft Messenger for Mac and Office

Options to quit:

1. In Entourage Menu select "Turn off Office Notifications"

2. Double-click the Office Notifications program, located in the Microsoft
Office 2004/Office folder. On the Office Notifications menu, click Turn Off
Office Notifications.

3. Fire up Activity Monitor, look for 'database daemon' and choose 'quit
process' from the processes menu (just do a normal quit, not a forced quit).

4. Easiest way.....use this script:

tell application "Microsoft Database daemon" to quit

(or download script here)


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

multiple MS Office accounts on 1 iMac

Posted: 30 Aug 2007 07:46 PM PDT

On Aug 31, 12:04 am, Diane Ross <>

Tnx, Diane!
I appreciate it!

Office failing

Posted: 29 Aug 2007 03:31 PM PDT

On 8/30/07 2:07 PM, in article,
"" <> wrote:

Just be sure to check Preserve Users and Network Settings when you select
Archive & Install.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

iPhoto Sharing Problem

Posted: 27 Aug 2007 09:50 PM PDT

For Apple/Mac-specific issues point your browser here:

I can't help you 'cause I haven't upgraded since Apple decided they wanted
to start charging for it:-) But even in my antiquated (2.0.1) version Export
is located in the File menu & works like a charm.

Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 8/28/07 12:50 AM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Every time I run the spellcheck in Office 2004 for mac it quits.

Posted: 27 Aug 2007 08:14 AM PDT

That was an early bug caused by the presence of Unicode characters in the
custom dictionary.

I would be surprised if it has come back again, but to prove it, try the

1) Locate your custom dictionary and change the name of it (all Office
applications must be quit when you do this).

2) Create a new file named the same name as your custom dictionary in
TextEdit. Make sure you convert the file to Plain Text before you save it.

It doesn't matter whether the file has anything in it or not, so long as it
IS plain text and it has no Unicode characters in it. For the purposes of
this test, I would leave it blank.

Now try again: if this is the problem, Word will not crash. You can copy
the content of your previous custom dictionary into the new one, making sure
you do not have any characters other than the ANSI character set in it.

And if this is the problem, try re-applying the last three Office Updates:
this bug was fixed early in the life of the product...


On 28/8/07 1:14 AM, in article
com, "Sianie"
<> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name


Posted: 27 Aug 2007 06:27 AM PDT

On 27/08/2007 2:27 pm, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:
Get them to send it as a .rtf file - which Word & Preview can both read.
Reply via Newsgroup

PowerPoint PC files a Mac

Posted: 26 Aug 2007 11:22 AM PDT


Please check this link for further information:

Sounds/Movies don't play, images disappear or links break when I move or
email a presentation



Quoting from "aRKay" <net>, in article, on [DATE:

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Uninstalling Office 2004

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 02:12 PM PDT

On 8/27/07 9:08 AM, in article, "dongess"
<com> wrote:

This sounds like a system level problem. One of the quickest and easiest
ways to solve system wide problems is to run the latest Apple combo updater.
Doing so overwrites potentially problem-causing files. Combo updaters will
install on the same version as they¹re applying‹no need to roll back or do a
clean install.

You mentioned you had a MacPro so you'll need this combo updater:

Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update (Intel)


Be sure to restart and run Repair Permissions after running the combo

Using Repair Permissions after installing MS Office or any application that
uses an installer is often advised. To use Repair Permissions:

1. Open Disk Utility in your Applications/Utility folder.
2. Click on the First Aid tab and select Repair Permissions
3. Click on the icon for your boot volume.
4. Click the repair permissions button.

Don't run from CD. Updates contain a newer versions of the application's

If you can't run "Remove Office" from the CD after this, you'll need to do
an "Archive & Install". We'll help you with that if needed.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>


Posted: 25 Aug 2007 01:28 PM PDT

Thanks for the info on Groove and Office 2008
Will Office 2008 support Sharepoint?


On Aug 26, 9:30 am, Jim Gordon MVP <com>

MI5 Persecution: Neil Fox (March/1998) (5953)

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 05:29 AM PDT

In article <>,
Admin <com> wrote:

Notice that com is not even accepted. You have to fill
out form on their site.

To reply by email, remove the word "space"

Importing mail from Windows/Outlook 2003

Posted: 23 Aug 2007 09:23 PM PDT

This page has a pretty clear tutorial for moving mail from Outlook to

Outlook2Mac advertises that it can automate the same procedure. However,
some users have noted that contacts, calendar events, and tasks don't always
transfer properly.

On 8/23/07 11:23 PM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:

Mickey Stevens (Microsoft MVP for Office:mac)
Office & Mac Resources: <>

Need Help with Making Address Labels with Data Merge

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 06:45 PM PDT

late addendum--cc'ing to the poster's email (maybe--if Thunderbird behaves).

on the Data Merge Manager palette, when you hit the Preview button, it
will show the first page of labels. But you have to hit a Merge button
(Merge to New Document preferred over Merge to Printer) to get all the
data used, and actually get your 24 pages of labels with different
addresses on every label.

The Preview button is a big trickster--many people have been trapped in
this way, because it looks like you are all done when you get that first
sheet of merged labels.


CyberTaz wrote: 

Microsoft Word - where is autosave?

Microsoft Word - where is autosave?

where is autosave?

Posted: 17 Mar 2013 10:52 AM PDT

I can't find this function in Office 2007.

arrows on vertical scroll bar in word 2013 are not working consistently

Posted: 17 Mar 2013 10:45 AM PDT

Please help.  When using word 2013, the arrows on the vertical scroll bar on right of page are not working well.  They work a couple of times then seize up.  I use them when slowly reading through or altering a document and hate that they are not functioning properly!!  Can anyone please help? 

Word 2010: Edit Pages Document?

Posted: 17 Mar 2013 06:17 AM PDT

Word (Office) 2010 on Win 7.
I am trying to work on a document with my wife on her iPad. She has the Pages for iOS.
Pages will open a .dotx document. But most of the formatting is lost. Table of Contents, etc.
So I thought I might try the other way around. Before I try it I thought I'd check here.
Is it possible for Word 2010 to open a Pages created document, retain all the formatting, then return it to the iOS device
for more editing in Pages?

Bullets, Font size, Table of Contents, Headers, Footers, Page Numbering, Tables, maybe a jpeg imbed?

Thanks for any thoughts or advice.

Tired of saying I accept

Posted: 16 Mar 2013 01:37 PM PDT

Following a hard disc crash, I reinstalled my Microsoft Word 2003. Now, however, every time I open a new session I am prompted to accept the conditions of use. After clicking on "accept" I can do my business, but once I log out and return I have to do it all over again. Any suggestions how to convince the application that I accept. Thanks.

pointer over endnote # in main document--no preview of text

Posted: 16 Mar 2013 10:37 AM PDT

In Office Word 2003 I used to be able to position my pointer over an endnote number in the main document and a little box would appear with the text of the endnote inside the box. For some reason I am no longer able to do that. How can I fix this problem?

Trying to install office 350 on windows vistacomputer, but i hear its not compatiable. What are my options? What I really need is microsoft word which is in office 350.

Posted: 16 Mar 2013 09:49 AM PDT

Trying to install office 350 on Windows vista home premium.  Having problems.  Any help.

Why does Word have to go thyrough a configuration every time it is restarted?

Posted: 16 Mar 2013 04:35 AM PDT

Every time I have to restart Microsoft Word it goes through the configuration process.  I am using Windows 7 and this is the only computer where this occurs.


Posted: 15 Mar 2013 10:04 PM PDT

For the past few weeks, anytime I try to use the thesaurus, it searches for the longest time, then I get an error message that it's not responding.  I've tried in older documents and it works fine.  When I save the older documents with a new name, the same problem happens.  This is driving me mad.  Please help.  I'm using 7, 32 bit. Thank you in advance.

Help!! Spelling check Ignore options are not working correctly. Or am I losing my mind?

Posted: 15 Mar 2013 10:41 AM PDT



I am finding that the "Ignore" and the "Ignore All" functions are not working as I expect them to, AND also as I believe they used to. But I am beginning to wonder if I'm just remembering incorrectly, even though I have used this function for years.


As I recall (and as would make sense), if you used one of the those options on a word that is flagged as misspelled, then either that single instance of the word would no longer be flagged (the "Ignore" option), or ALL instances of the word in that document would no longer be flagged (the "Ignore All" option.) Additionally, these choices would stick even AFTER the doc had been closed and reopened.


In other words, both Ignore and Ignore All are both document-specific, but are NOT session-specific.


That had been my experience for years starting with Word 97 and up through every version INCLUDING the Word 2007 that I'm currently using.


This is no longer working. Words that I have set to be ignored, using EITHER the Ignore or Ignore All options are reverting back to being flagged, sometimes as soon as I type elsewhere in the doc, or after some indeterminate period of time after.


These are all standard Word docx files, nothing fancy. Nor are they long -- it happens regardless of the doc length.


I have searched for information on this but haven't found anything helpful.


Am I incorrect about how this is supposed to work? Am I losing my mind, given that I believe it used to work that way? It's hard to imagine that I am just discovering this after so many years of daily, heavy Word use.


I'm hoping for a solution as this is EXTREMELY frustrating, as the only workaround I've found is to *add* these words to my custom dictionary file, which I would rather not do for any number of reasons, including that I some of the words I want to ignore are being irregularly spelled intentionally for THAT document only, so adding them to the would be undesirable.


Anyone? Please??


Thank you!!!

Word 2010: Can I have a Background Color for viewing only?

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 07:54 PM PDT

Word (Office) 2010 on Win 7.
Is there any way that I can have a background color when viewing/editing a document?
But not use that color when I want to Print the document?


Different page number types for different pages

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 07:18 AM PDT

I have a document which has: a cover page (from the office icon) , a 1 page Table of contents created by Word and about 20 pages of main text typed in. Presently there are no page numbers.  I would like to: have no page number on the cover page, a small i on the table of contents page and the main text start with page 1 of 20 and continue 2 of 20 ,3 of 20 ,etc.  I have tried making section breaks at the end of the first two types of pages but it doesn't seem to work. Can you help me?



IMAP and POP3 over SSL? - Microsoft Exchange

IMAP and POP3 over SSL? - Microsoft Exchange

IMAP and POP3 over SSL?

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 04:26 PM PDT

Thanks Gordon,
Yeah I have read this article as well.
Found the reason, though. Can share if it interests anybody.

The "Certificate" button initializes certificate installation process, hence
it is only available when you run Exchange system manager *locally*. It is
grayed out when you run ESM from a remote server/workstation.


"Gordon Ryan" <> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl...;en-us;821603&Product=exch2003 


*** HOT --- NEW VIRUS ALERT ****

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 01:33 PM PDT

My exchange server has been detecting the following in
those .zip files

an email with a zip or 
price.html and a 
This thing has it's 

E-Mail Limits - Best Practice

Posted: 09 Aug 2004 10:00 AM PDT

even Exchange 2003 does not have these features. If you want I could code
you a tailormade application. Just send me an email to

This Server is protected by Aloaha

"sid" <net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Security Access Issues with Veritas 9.1

Posted: 08 Aug 2004 07:17 PM PDT


I had that problem as well.. It appeared out of
nowhere... I uninstalled veritas 9.1 and re-installed..
Then applied all the patches.. and connected again with
the remote agent to all the other computers.. and it now
works fine..
using Veritas 9.1 with 
information store and individual 
properly accesses the 
credentials. When checking 
logon credentials & 
having proper security 
a clue - it indicates 
Exchange and should be 
domain controller to 
that process went fine 
replicate AD info. However, 
the individual 
Check the 
backup account 
granted to 
documenatation to 

SMTP error; Please Help!!!!

Posted: 06 Aug 2004 11:23 AM PDT

Scott wrote: 

You shouldn't really even need to do this if your server itself has the
means to use DNS for resolution internally, via forwarders.

As for the forwarders, not sure how to do 

Not relevant. You need to specify your ISP's (or someone elses') DNS servers
as forwarders in your AD DNS server your DNS manager,
right click on the server, forwarders tab. 

IMF and Junk Email Folder

Posted: 06 Aug 2004 11:16 AM PDT

Naw, I had it set that way and for some reason some emails hit people's Junk
folders. I guessed the same thing. :-(

"Daniel" <> wrote in message

upgrade 2000 Microsoft Project

upgrade 2000 Microsoft Project

upgrade 2000

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 12:33 PM PDT

thanks for the post, thats what I'm doing
Proj 2000 

Help! Baseline costs losing values.

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 12:16 PM PDT

Thanks for the reply. I apologize for the term Master
Schedule. Our Master Schedule is the only schedule.
What I meant to say was it is our master format for all
projects. Our schedule has no other schedules inserted
into it. All of our projects use a baseline type
schedule. On a weekly basis, we update actuals to
compare to baseline. Our problem is that when we enter
dollar amounts either via dynamic linking to excel or by
manual input and say save baseline, the costs ($) show a
zero value in the schedule. Should we just save schedule
as baseline with no values, enter values then save file
(do not save as baseline)? We want to have those initial
values for comparison to actuals. How do we go about it?

inserted into it, the 
They all being in the 
all projects you need 
and Project VBA 

Link two project file

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 08:46 AM PDT

Thank you Rod
I will try to write the micro to copy the value from one
column file to the other. I have to clarify one thing
before doing this. I assume these two files does not have
to open together becasue both files are in the network
directory but it is password protected by two different
proeject managers therefore during editing one file may be
open and at the same time the other file might be closed?
Please advise 
However, if you do so, 
will corrupt the 
have a macro to copy 
and Project VBA 

Resources Showing Overallocated for work already complete!

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 07:13 AM PDT

Hi Brian

Give in the work before June as Actual Work, not as Work (that was my point,
maybe you didn't notice) even if necessary 150 hours on May 31, and Sue will
not appear as overallocated on resource lists (only for that day of course).


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Brian McCune" <> schreef in bericht
beginning of the project. Let me explain further, and maybe you can give me
some more insight. 
week to complete her tasks and remain on schedule. We start the project on
June 1st. Sue completes 150 hours of work within the 1st 2 weeks, and so it
appears as though she was overallocated by 70 hours (150 hours minus (-) 80
hours of allocated work). 
Sue did within the first 2 weeks that was not initially accounted for (she
completed it prior to June 1st)? 

Resource Levelling problem

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 03:27 AM PDT

Hi Jan,
The problem is that, the execution of these groups of
tasks is dynamic, depending upon the availability of the
resource and the completion of its predecessor task.
let me take an example.
Suppose there is a group with 5 tasks with priority 250.
And there is a group with priority 300. The 300 priority
group could not be started because of its predecessor not
being completed. Meanwhile, the 250 priority group starts
off during this time. But after completing 3 of its 5
tasks, Project finds that the 300 priority group is
ready,because now it sees that its predecessor is
complete. So, Project stops the execution of the 250
priority group and jumps to the 300 priority group.
What i want is that, once a group has started, it should
run to completion before it moves to another group, even
if a higher priority group is ready for execution.
Can such a requirement be accomplished in Project ?
Hope i have made things clear.
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
tasks of an othe 
group to the first 
before One is 
under a 

MSP98 Problem

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 02:55 AM PDT

"John" <com> wrote in message 

I've done a lot of typing.


Retain outline formatting with Export

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 03:37 PM PDT

Thank you SO much......I don't know VB so you are a real lifesaver. annem

"JackD" wrote:

Email tasks to resources

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 12:20 PM PDT


If you install the wgsetup feature on each user's pc, they will be
able to open and respond to Workgroup messages sent from MS Project.
The wgsetup.exe file comes on the Project installation disk.


Inserted Project

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 11:14 AM PDT

Try the Subproject File field.

Hope this helps.

Resource Usage Filter for in progress tasks?

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 10:57 AM PDT

Thanks, Jack, that's it.

"JackD" <see sig for details> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

How to show Holidays on a Gnatt chart??

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 08:51 AM PDT


I have set the standard calendar and checked that is is
set in Format->Timescales.
One further option in there - do i set the Draw: options
to: Behind Task Bar or In front of taskbar?

(Note: i'm only using one tier - it's a bit odd that the
one tier is the middle tier??)

In Tools-->Change Working Time I've set the 2-week shut
down period in the standard calendar as non-working time.

But when i then view the project - nothing!
No greyed out 2-weeks in the Gantt chart.

Any ideas?


Viewer for MPP Files?

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 06:44 AM PDT

Try Housatonic's Project Viewers:

They have two viewers: a PC based and a Web Server viewer.

Hope this helps


Displaying holidays in the Gantt chart

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 03:20 AM PDT

There is a macro on my website as well; it groups consecutive holidays into
one task.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"candido Rodriguez" <> schreef in bericht

BCWP returns zero values

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 12:13 AM PDT

Hmmm, you've got me stumped on that one!

I am aware that MSP 2002 has the option of doing EV (BCWP) against the "Physical % Complete", but I'm not sure if there any additional options that have to be selected in order for it to start calculating. I presume that you have set the "Status Date"?

Sorry to be of absolutely no use to you on this one - but I just can't think of why BCWP would show zero values, when all the other EV data is there.

"Chris" wrote:

Create a Custom Field to Use Whose Value = % Complete of Another

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 05:04 PM PDT

Thanks ! Your VBA option sounds like the one I'll try first. annem

"John" wrote:

How to update milestones when using managed time periods

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 11:04 AM PDT

Gary --

Oops! I gave you the wrong KB number. Sorry.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Gary" <com> wrote in message 
message news:<OG#phx.gbl>... 

Should we used Project or Excel?

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 09:37 AM PDT

You might want to have a look at Task Manager 2005 ( too.
It can be 'dumbed down' for the 'average' users by graying out most menu
functions depending on their log-on name.


"Confused" <> wrote in message

Need Ticklers.

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 08:07 AM PDT

Just following up - if you are using the desktop version,
you can run a report showing items due to complete within
your specified horizon. Then run it every morning or
whenever you wish, and distribute as you see fit. This is
not the automated process you describe, but may help. You
can do some VB work as well to launch emails, but this is
not out-of-the-box functionality.

communication option is 
define the events 
Project managers can 
members to include 
capability is not 
however. Hope this 
project so that right 
of the task that 
reminders. Anyone? 

Traffic Lights

Posted: 13 Jun 2004 07:02 AM PDT

Excellent replies thank you very much

I will be working on this again over the next couple of days, so if I get
stuck I will come back to you

Thanks again

"Steve" <com> wrote in message