

Open Office - [discuss] i can not install new version

Open Office - [discuss] i can not install new version

[discuss] i can not install new version

Posted: 26 Dec 2006 10:56 AM PST

Thanks for your answer.
My old version is 2.0.4 and i also want to install version 2.1
The problem is, i can not find the 2.0.4 version again on the internet
anywhere ????
Maybe you still have the OpenOffice20.msi file on your computer, if so could
you send it to me ???


Hary Van Roy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Frayer" <com>
To: <org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [discuss] i can not install new version


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[discuss] Multiple layer Writer

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 05:32 PM PST

Couldn't you use a Macro for this?

I haven't put much thought into it or looked into "Section" =
functionality, but if you can ID a Section, say General1, Manager1, =
Tech1, General2, Manager2, General3, Manager3, Tech2, etc. and then =
write a show/hide macro for each defined type: "Show/Hide General" =
(shows General1, General2, General3) "Show/Hide Manager" (shows =
Manager1, Manager2, Manager3) "Show/Hide Tech" (shows Tech1, Tech2) and =
"Show/Hide All".

Would this solve the requirements?

Andrew Robertson
Export Manager
derma e=C2=AE Natural Bodycare
ph. 805-582-2710 xt. 244
fx. 805-582-2730

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandro Colorado [mailto:org]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 12:18 AM
To: org
Subject: Re: [discuss] Multiple layer Writer

You are pretty much talking about sections, this can be done by going to =
the Insert > Sections which encapsulate the content and you are able to =

either show it or hide it. However, the automatization process might =
need =20
to be developed. Have you though on what would trigger the content to =20
become a summary or it's extended version?

On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 06:59:21 -0600, OdysSloot <com> =
out =20 

Alexandro Colorado
Grupo de Usuarios Linux Tabasco
Community Contact // Mexico

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[discuss] Good Idea For Open Office

Posted: 17 Dec 2006 12:32 AM PST

On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 20:31:05 -0600, Terry <> wrote:=

nd =
AR =

I did a sample app where the ID was pulled out from a database this will=

make all your data come from a registration/report model.

-- =

Alexandro Colorado
Grupo de Usuarios Linux Tabasco
Community Contact // Mexico

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[discuss] Update feature

Posted: 16 Dec 2006 02:25 AM PST

Hi Neil, Guy,

Am Sat, 16 Dec 2006 19:31:45 +0100
schrieb "Guy Voets" <com>:

I'm not very helpful. :) I just can tell you, that this menu entry
works for me. There's only one thing, that I could imagine, that can
cause your disfunction: Are you using a firewall? And, if yes, have you
allowed OOo to connect to the internet? Maybe OOo couldn't connect to
the internet and instead of saying so, it just tells you, that there is
no newer version available.


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[discuss] mono calendar for Open Office

Posted: 15 Dec 2006 05:22 PM PST

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

Sure, probably, but your sentence

is very easily (mis)understood that way.
OOoCon because some people communicated too sloppy I learned that it is
necessary to be very exact in everything related to OOo and Mozilla,
especially if you talk to non-developers (the majority of members on
this list are no developers, I assume).

So I just mentioned that there wasn't any proposal to migrate from VCL
to XUL. Some developers evaluated XUL for dialogs but even this was
discarded for several reasons.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
Please don't reply to "de".
I use it for the OOo lists and only rarely read other mails sent to it.

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[discuss] Forward directions

Posted: 13 Dec 2006 09:15 AM PST

Robin Laing wrote: 

This is about more than grammar checkers. Irrational claims have been
made about the existence of grammar checkers for Writer but only one
person (?) on the planet knows their location.

There is software designed specifically for authors, such as Writer's


Xfce on PCLinuxOS, OOo 2.0.2 (en_GB).
Direct mail to "teaman" is not opened; if necessary, email "realmail"
I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once (Ashleigh Brilliant)

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[discuss] 2.1 Is Here

Posted: 12 Dec 2006 04:26 AM PST

Martin Hauge wrote: 

See (and
duplicate 34646).


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MI5 Persecution: their methods and tactics

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 07:51 AM PST

-= MI5: methods and tactics -=

They deliberately set out to harass in a way that would resemble the
symptoms of schizophrenia, so that any report of the harassment would be
taken as indicating mental illness and "treated" accordingly. They never
show their own faces; they only work through proxies, in the media, among
the public, and by manipulating people in the workplace. Since they do not
declare their identity there is no evidence to initiate legal action
against the security services or anyone else. The only people you can
prosecute are the proxies and they will deny knowledge of any conspiracy.

By repeatedly humiliating and abusing the victim, they induced mental
illness. This is the worst form of human rights violation: making any
statement of the harassment appear to be symptomatic of the illness which
they cause through the harassment. That this can happen, and people collude
by silence, is absolutely horrifying.

From the beginning in June 1990 they set a pattern of harassment which they
have followed without change for the last six years. They paint me as a
"threat" to which people must "react" (shades of Nazi persecution methods),
while simultaneously portraying their hate campaign on which they have
spent over a million pounds of taxpayers' money as a "joke".

The MI5 that breaks the law with the silent complicity of the police is the
same agency that is now seeking a role in the fight against crime. Perhaps
the real joke is the proposed involvement in the implementation of justice
of an organisation which commits criminal acts with secrecy and disinterest
for the legal process.


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MI5 Persecution: Bernard Levin expresses his views

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 07:18 AM PST

The article of which part is reproduced below was penned by Bernard Levin
for the Features section of the Times on 21 September 1991. To my mind, it
described the situation at the time and in particular a recent meeting with
a friend, during which I for the first time admitted to someone other than
my GP that I had been subjected to a conspiracy of harassment over the
previous year and a half.

At the time this article was written I had believed for some time that
columnists in the Times and other journalists had been making references to
my situation. Nothing unusual about this you may think, plenty of people
have the same sort of ideas and obviously the papers aren't writing about
them, so why should my beliefs not be as false as those of others?

What makes this article so extraordinary is that three or four days
immediately preceding its publication, I had a meeting with a friend,
during the course of which we discussed the media persecution, and in
particular that by Times columnists. It seemed to me, reading the article
by Levin in Saturday's paper, that he was describing in some detail his
"artist's impression" of that meeting. Most telling are the final
sentences, when he writes, "The madman bursts into tears, and swears it is
all true. And it is." Although I did not "burst into tears" (he seems to be
using a bit of poetic licence and exaggerating) I did try hard to convince
my friend that it was all true; and I am able to concur with Mr Levin,
because, of course, it is.

At the beginning of the piece Levin reveals a fear of being attacked by the
"irrational" subject of his story, saying "I have no reason to believe that
he is violent, but he should certainly be approached with caution". This
goes back to the xenophobic propaganda of "defence" against a "threat"
which was seen at the very beginning of the harassment. The impression of a
"madman running loose" who needs to be controlled through an agency which
assigns to itself the mantle of the "police" is also one which had been
expressed elsewhere.

In the final paragraph of this extract, his reference to Everyman's Library
as having "died a lingering and shameful death a decade or so ago" shows
clearly what sort of conclusion they wish to their campaign. They want a
permanent solution, and as they are prevented from achieving that solution
directly, they waste significant resources on methods which have been
repeatedly shown to be ineffective for such a purpose.


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