

Microsoft Works - no spacing between letters

Microsoft Works - no spacing between letters

no spacing between letters

Posted: 26 Aug 2004 03:24 AM PDT

Microsoft Word 2000

On the Format menu, click Font, and then click the Character Spacing tab.


"melissa" <> wrote in message
all of a sudden i went to type a document in word and the
letters are all scrunched up together. i searched the
database and the help in works and cannot find a single
resource to help me. there is basically no spacing in
between each letter so the words are not legible.
someone please help me turn off whatever it is that i
have turne on.

calendar for internet options

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 12:12 PM PDT

I believe the question may be related to how Works Calendar
can become the default Calendar?

See Internet Explorer>Tools>Internet Options>Programs>Calendar.

I also believe that Works Calendar has to be disassociated from
the .ics filetype for the question to be asked when Calendar is run.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Pedestrian" <> wrote in message

tables - works 7.0

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 08:55 AM PDT

Software to merge cells.
Word can do a pretty good job for you.

I have One trick that you have use to solve the problem.

Copy the row in the table.( Select the entire row and
copy it).
To paste follow this step.
Edit -> Paste special -> As ( Choose Unformatted text in
the list of options)
Click Ok.

Since you chose that option the formatting of the table
is removed. Thus you get only the content.

Does this help you solve the issue?


Alternating colors in Works 8.0

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 10:00 PM PDT

Frank Mahala wrote:
|| If Works v8 can follow a color theme why can't we pick and
|| choose what color theme we as users want?

I agree. I prefer the brown colour scheme for the Task Launcher and
Calendar. I don't like the default blue colour scheme for XP. Guess I'm
stuck with the purple Works colour scheme.

||| -----Original Message-----
||| Yes, The Task Launcher and Calendar will respond to
||| Windows color scheme.
||| Hopefully someday the other applications will too, but
||| its a start

"Adults are obsolete children."

Dr. Seuss

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Getting Office 2000 Professional off my computer

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 03:40 PM PDT

Sorry, not sure if this is a Works or Office question.

Does Works 8 fix this Works 6 WP lock-up?

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 11:20 AM PDT

Hi Neil,

It's no longer latent :-)

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Phideaux" <com> wrote in message

attached documents from Works 7.0

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 06:07 AM PDT

How do you attach them? Email? Or Media?

and what is the recepient doing to open them?

Good luck. 


Posted: 24 Aug 2004 04:37 AM PDT

Their's also a Server Newsgroup.

Should Works be Skinable?

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 11:19 PM PDT


Perhaps this helps:

A file that is named "~" appears on the desktop or in another location
on the hard disk;EN-US;830921

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"The Six Million Dollar Man" <$$$$$$> wrote in message

Deleting page breaks

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 05:03 PM PDT

Hi Rex,

Sometimes, it is a problem with the latest driver that causes this.

In such a situation a search can be made for an older or
compatible printer driver.

If you care to email the file to me I shall investigate for you.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

<> wrote in message

Many Mail Merge Under Tools

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 02:34 PM PDT

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message
I'll try that and let you know how it worked. 
avail. I 

Missing ID #

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 11:58 AM PDT

If Works Suite 2001 is install try this is
a free download. It give you product keys for all your
installed software and other system info like processor
speed how much ram ect. Or call Microsoft or your PC
Maker which everone of those provided you with the CD.

upgrading from Wks 2.0

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 02:51 AM PDT

Seemingly the £20 deal is a genuine CD ROM (Works only) in basic packaging
and no handbook, as opposed to Works Suite which is about £90.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Remove NOJUNK to email


<> wrote in message
You might be carefull with OEM versions. Some only work
with the PC their designed for. For $20 - $30 you can
just get a full version. That's in U.S. Dollars not sure
if its the same in the UK.
like to upgrade to 
sure if it's 

Works 7.0 Toolbar Customization

Posted: 22 Aug 2004 01:53 PM PDT

No, you can't customize the Spreadsheet toolbar, but in Works 7, I was able
to customize Work's database toolbar only.
"Bob Kolvick" <org> wrote in message

Microsoft Task Launcher-Inserting Address from Address Book

Posted: 22 Aug 2004 01:09 PM PDT

Hi lojo

Perhaps these help:

WD2000: Cannot Insert Addresses from Works Suite Address Book
into Word Envelopes and Labels

HOW TO: Use the Outlook Express Address Book in a Mail Merge in Word 2002

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"com" <> wrote in message

Works 8 mailmerge

Posted: 22 Aug 2004 12:39 PM PDT


Thanks for the help. I think I heard that process before but forgot when I needed it.
I just tried it and it worked OK.

Now I only wonder why Works crashes if I try to rearrange the fields in the document being merged.

Thanks again,

Ken wrote: 

Works Documents Not Opening!

Posted: 22 Aug 2004 10:49 AM PDT

The only other thing might be maybe using the Works Clean
Up Utility? I forget where that is or reinstall Works?
Also their is a new version of Works out, Works 8.0. You
might try reposting this again, Other than that I don't
think I can help, sorry.

Word with Works?

Posted: 21 Aug 2004 04:58 PM PDT


CD. If you can't 
security and feature 
wait until I get the disc and see what the reg. info. is.
No point in the update until I'm sure I can use the CD,
right? George 

Locking In Fonts

Posted: 21 Aug 2004 12:23 PM PDT

Ken, thanks, I've tried that. Only problem is
my "special character pop-up" dosn't have as many symbols
as the character map. One is use all the time is the
section symbol, and hat's not on the pop-up. Maybe the
trick is to get a separate numeric keypad and use the
keyboard letter + numbers for the characters I use most
often. George 
special characters 
6.0, clicking Insert on 
as "character map". 
in message 

Spell Check with Veizon with MSN explorer Email

Posted: 21 Aug 2004 08:51 AM PDT


Are you using Outlook Express as your email program? If
so, I had the exact same problem. All you need to do is
downloaded a free spell checker and it works fine. Try 

Spreadsheet Functions

Posted: 20 Aug 2004 02:16 AM PDT

Silly old me, I hadn't thought of visiting your site.
(Message to self........Focus Rodney!)


| Hi Rodney,
| There is an (old) example of the INDEX function on my website:
| I have attached one I created earlier, for you to explore (1.66 KB).
| HTH,
| --
| Kevin James.
| Tua'r Goleuni
| Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
| Website & FAQ for Works:
| "Rodney" <> wrote in message
| news:phx.gbl...
| > Thank you very much Kevin.
| > I'll pop your numbers into a SS and play around.
| > Thanks for your time.
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | Hi Rodney,
| > |
| > | For INDEX, think of moving into a range of data using
| > | the directions
| > | Across and Down, beginning top left at 0,0 ( ala
| > | Battleships game ).
| > | There is no pre-condition of a matching entry.
| > |
| > | Useful for references of the kind Year 2, Month 2 in a
| > | data table.
| > |
| > | Used as =INDEX(Range,Column,Row) with oringin
| > | 0,0 that
| > | allows for column and row titles.
| > |
| > | For instance if a data block occupied cells A1:E5 with
| > | contents as shown
| > |
| > | A1="Year" B1 = 1 C1 = 2 D1 =
| > | 3 E1 = 4
| > | A2="Q1" B2 = Y1Q1 C2 = Y2Q1 D2 = Y3Q1 E2 =
| > | Y4Q1
| > | A3="Q2" B3 = Y1Q2 C3 = Y2Q2 D3 = Y3Q2 E3 =
| > | Y4Q2
| > | A4="Q3" B4 = Y1Q3 C4 = Y2Q3 D4 = Y3Q3 E4 =
| > | Y4Q3
| > | A5="Q4" B5 = Y1Q4 C5 = Y2Q4 D5 = Y3Q4 E5 =
| > | Y4Q4
| > |
| > | You could access the cell C3, Year 2 Qtr 2, using:
| > | INDEX(A1:E5, 2, 2)
| > |
| > | For VLOOKUP think of a filing cabinet. Perhaps down to
| > | a drawer
| > | referenced with particular city name. Then across
| > | (inside) a specified
| > | number of dividers to return the contents found.
| > | e.g. to locate the 5th district for Sydney you would
| > | match the name
| > | Sydney with the particluar drawer label and go in 5
| > | districts.
| > |
| > | HTH,
| > | --
| > | Kevin James.
| > | Tua'r Goleuni
| > | Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
| > | Website & FAQ for Works:
| > |
| > |
| > | >-----Original Message-----
| > | >I would like to know more about INDEX
| > | >
| > | >How does INDEX differ from VLOOKUP?
| > | >are you able to show examples please?
| > | >
| > | >Many Thanks
| > | >Rodney
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >| After playing with your formula;
| > | >|
| > | >| =INDEX(A1:A150,0,COUNT(A1:A150)-1)
| > | >|
| > | >| I saw what you meant about the save and reopen, it seems
| > | >| as though the index function requires a non calculated
| > | >| number in the formula and then when reopened it
| > | >| recalculates it, go figure, but...
| > | >|
| > | >| =VLOOKUP(10000000,A1:A150,0)
| > | >|
| > | >| should do what your looking for. The '10000000' is just
| > | a
| > | >| numeric value (again numeric required, make it something
| > | >| that you will never enter into the A1:A150 range) and
| > | when
| > | >| the vlookup function does not find it, it returns the
| > | cell
| > | >| contents of the last cell that had a value and shows it.
| > | >|
| > | >| Hope this helps.
| > | >|
| > | >| Frank Mahala
| > | >|
| > | >| com
| > | >| <erase works to reply>
| > | >|
| > | >| >-----Original Message-----
| > | >| > I have MS Works 7. I am using the following formula
| > | >| >using nested functions in a spread sheet =(INDEX
| > | >| >(A1:A150,0,COUNT(A1:A150)-1)) so that I can add to
| > | a
| > | >| >list of prices and the formula will always look at the
| > | >| >last price added. When I save this formula, the next
| > | >| time
| > | >| >I re-open the spreadsheet the formula appears as =
| > | (INDEX
| > | >| >(A1:A20,0,COUNT(A1:A20)-1+1-1)). and the next time I do
| > | >| >it the formula appears as =(INDEX(A1:A20,0,COUNT
| > | (A1:A20)-
| > | >| >1+1-1+1-1)) and so on. It appears as if there is some
| > | >| >sort of bug in the system. Has anyone any idea why
| > | this
| > | >| >should happen and how I can prevent it?
| > | >| >
| > | >| >.
| > | >| >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >.
| > | >
| >
| >

Wanna run 2 versions - Microsoft Office forums

Wanna run 2 versions - Microsoft Office forums

Wanna run 2 versions

Posted: 07 Jun 2004 09:30 PM PDT

install 97 first, then 2003 - however, you will only be able to use outlook
2003. The other office apps should work just fine, save for the default
shortcuts. You'll need to create ones for 97 yourself... double clicking
files will open in 2003.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

Outlook Tips:
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center:
Join OneNote Tips mailing list:

Vote for your favorite Outlook and Exchange utilities in the
Slipstick Ratings Raffle at

"melissa g" <> wrote in message

Pull up Office

Posted: 07 Jun 2004 08:32 AM PDT

Yes, if you let the installer run it should fix it.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

Outlook Tips:
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center:
Join OneNote Tips mailing list:

Vote for your favorite Outlook and Exchange utilities in the
Slipstick Ratings Raffle at

"Reader" <> wrote in message

Installation of Office 97 on Windows 2003 Terminal Services

Posted: 06 Jun 2004 07:16 PM PDT

Many thanks for you time Bob

I will try the Windows Terminal Server Newsgroup


Office 2000 Windows Installer 'Patch Package' Problem

Posted: 05 Jun 2004 03:26 AM PDT

Your welcome

----- ed wrote: ----

thanks for your advice Chris

Office 97 disks

Posted: 04 Jun 2004 07:01 AM PDT


Are you likley to do any serious computing tasks such as Backups and all
that? If so then your $60 or so would be better spent buying an external
CDRW which can be run from your USB and/or Parallel port. USB versions
are quite cheap these days and buying one of these would not make a big
dent in your bank balance.

If your machine hasn't got a USB port then you need to get one which can
be connected to your Parallel port. Micro-Solutions have backpack
versions. Try this link:

Unfortunately, Office97 is not used widely never mind using floppy disks
to install modern programs!


Corinne wrote:

Transfer from laptop to desktop

Posted: 02 Jun 2004 01:16 PM PDT

You might also need a better cable, such as one of the "smart" parallel
cables. When I first attempted what you're trying to do, that was the only
cable that would work for me.

"Microsoft Preferred Customer" <com>
wrote in message news:com... 
properly!. What you need is first to decide which of the computers will be
the Host and which will be the Guest. The Host is one that will allow
incoming connection and the Guest is the one that will access the Host
computer. In 
your pictures. 
on the label "Create a new connection". Click Next to select the Connection
type from the screen. Select "Set up an advanced connection" and click
Next. Now choose the radio button labelled "Connect directly to another 
click Next. You will now be asked what device you wish to use to make
connection. In your case you will need to select the appropriate
Communications port i.e. the one you have connected your null serial cable.
The port should 
one from COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4. 
need to select Guest on it indicating you want the Guest to connect to this
"My Computer", Properties, Computer Name. Jot it down somewhere so that you
don't forget it as this will be needed at the next stage. 
except that you will select Guest at the appropriate stage. When you click
on Next button you will be asked for the connection name. Type the name of
Host computer which you noted above. 
desktop of Guest computer. Do this and double-click on this short cut to
activate the connection. When both computers recognise each other you may
be prompted for Username & Password. For Guest access just click connect 
indicate Host "name" is connected. Now use Network Neighbourhood to browse
the Network and/or share files. This should take a minute to transfer the
files; definitely not 17 hours as if flying to London and back!! 
"transfer wizard". i am using 9 pin serial cables for both. When I run it,
it tells me that it will take approx. 17 hours to transfer. The transfer
never completes. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be

Hotmail Accounts

Posted: 02 Jun 2004 09:47 AM PDT

Yes I have tried to delete and recreate the profile same problem. The error
message I get is "a connection to the server could not be established. It's
now offline or something of that nature."

Everything else works fine until you try to add more than one hotmail

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:%23$phx.gbl... 

Trying to figure out what I need Microsoft Project

Trying to figure out what I need Microsoft Project

Trying to figure out what I need

Posted: 18 May 2004 08:26 PM PDT

Hi Chris,
The Project 2003 Professional version includes one CAL
for access to the Project Server. So you should only
need to purchase 9 additional CALs for access to the
server. The Project Server is accessed through the CALs
and is Project Web Access.
Try the following link:
Hope this helps,
the Server license?) 


Posted: 18 May 2004 05:06 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

Tasks vs Activities

Posted: 18 May 2004 04:53 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

Global.mpt strategy for testing

Posted: 18 May 2004 03:31 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

Project 2003: "Start as soon as Possible" changes task to milestone!

Posted: 18 May 2004 01:26 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue.

Thank you,

Enterprise Project Consulting

open old files from project 98

Posted: 18 May 2004 12:40 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

text in a task bar

Posted: 18 May 2004 12:05 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

How to adapt Task Usage report to show summary information?

Posted: 18 May 2004 10:40 AM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue.

Thank you,

Enterprise Project Consulting

% complete and % work complete

Posted: 18 May 2004 10:07 AM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue.

Thank you,

Enterprise Project Consulting

changing barstyles

Posted: 18 May 2004 09:52 AM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

working days

Posted: 18 May 2004 09:06 AM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue.

Thank you,

Enterprise Project Consulting

Who does what when by month

Posted: 18 May 2004 07:56 AM PDT

Hi Tom:
Question 1:
Yes, it is possible to edit the standard Who Does What
When report to show the information by month:
View --> Reports
Click assignments...
Choose Who Does What When
Click the Edit... button.
Rename the report to "Monthly Who Does What When"
In the cross tab portion, change the column to show
Months instead of days.
Click OK.
Close the Assigments category dialog to return to the
Reports dialog.
Double click the Custom - category
The new custom report should appear in the list.
To print only a selected month(s):
When you click the Print button, set the Timescale to and
from dates for the date range you wish to see.

In answer to your second question:
When you say "header" information, I assume you mean the
summary task names - unfortunately, to the best of my
knowledge the answer is no. The Who Does What When
report only shows work for resources assigned to tasks.
Because you don't assign resources to summary tasks, they
don't show in the report.

Hope this helps.
when by month 
months just 
no idea what 

MSProject & Palm

Posted: 18 May 2004 06:38 AM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue.

Thank you,

Enterprise Project Consulting

Deleting task and linking to predecessor

Posted: 18 May 2004 06:02 AM PDT

Hi John,
That's the great thing about these newsgroups - the
collective brain power is wonderful! What one of us
misses, the others make up for. You have "bailed" me out
on several occasions and I am grateful!

Project Server Set-up

Posted: 18 May 2004 05:49 AM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

cancelling a project

Posted: 18 May 2004 05:25 AM PDT

Sometimes I think I ought not to be less loose with software!
Dale, you're my hero - mnay thanks

"Dale Howard [MVP]" <dale(dot)howard(at)msprojectexperts(dot)com> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

export plan to image

Posted: 18 May 2004 02:44 AM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

Deleting tasks

Posted: 17 May 2004 11:41 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

not even sure

Posted: 17 May 2004 04:41 PM PDT

I am from the MS Project / Project Server 2002/2003 support department at and we would be happy to assist you in resolving your issue

Thank you

Enterprise Project Consulting

Open Office - [discuss] Missing Product

Open Office - [discuss] Missing Product

[discuss] Missing Product

Posted: 14 Aug 2006 11:14 AM PDT

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=iso-8859-15; FORMAT=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
Content-ID: <>

Hi, Neil, Writer does have an HTML editor built in. Maybe that would=
meet the needs for a one-off class project. You can find it in the menu=20
Open -> New -> HTML Document

There are plenty of other tools available that won't break your bank=20

Nvu is one,
Mozilla Composer is simpler one built into the web browser, but good,

Don't worry that they're not part of OOo. They're good.

I've taught basic web design a few times with Mozilla Composer at the=20
university level for very non-technical staff and students. It was very=20
easy to use and learn, and produced nice output.

DreamWeaver is what many professionals use, if they use that kind of tool.=
XMetal is another very good one, which has additional advantages. If=20
there is reason to shell out good money, then these come with high=20
recommendations. However, also keep in mind, if the topic comes up again,=
that many more professionals don't use any of the above, but simply write=
using XHTML.

The person recommending MS Frontpage should be admonished not only for=20
wasting people's money on a dreadfully poor product, but also for=20
promoting a tool that encourages poor design and creates output with=20
severe technical limitations. It also produces further technical=20
dependencies on unrelated products from the same company, resulting in=20
further expenditures.

For a one-off course project, I'd recommend taking a look at what=20
either Mozilla or OOo Writer has.

Best of luck,
Lars Nood=E9n (org) Now ISO 26300 Standards Compliant !

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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[discuss] France says is not secure enough

Posted: 14 Aug 2006 07:35 AM PDT

On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 01:35 +0100, Sander Vesik wrote: 

It has been patched according to the above reference. Takes me myself
about 5 minutes to upgrade - well ok it takes a bit longer to download
the code but I can do other things while that is happening. My Ubuntu
distro provides me with security updates on a regular basis so I assume
that this is likely to include such things and in any case the number of
people that send me ODF documents at the moment is small and mostly
people who I do know and trust so again I think the chance of a disaster
is small. Ok there could be something similar in the future when ODF is
the preferred file format for exchanging documents but then that could
be true of any Office software based on the track record so far.

I have proof of concept of several theoretical ways of making a billion
dollars. I'm not that rich yet ;-)

In summary,

Fix security vulnerabilities and publicise them
Don't get over-paranoid about theory
Weigh up cost against benefit/risk

For me I don't see any compelling reason to stop using OOo in my
business on the grounds of security. I see no alternative that has an
objectively better track record on security and in general the overall
cost of keeping the alternatives secure seems significantly higher.
Theoretically there could be something a lot better, in practise I'm yet
to find it.


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[discuss] opening txt files in calc

Posted: 11 Aug 2006 09:35 AM PDT

Tomas Lanczos wrote: 

Another (Windows-centric) solution is to rename the file to .csv and
associate that file type with OOo.

Andy Luddy
"He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass."
... George Herbert (1593-1633)

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[discuss] Drag-and-drop saving

Posted: 11 Aug 2006 08:41 AM PDT

On Fri, 2006-08-11 at 16:29 +0100, Folderol wrote: 

So would I, but it might not be that easy since that facility was an
operating system feature not a feature of one application. It was easy
to make it a standard thing for all applications if its a set of OS
calls from any app. How would an application know if you dropped an icon
in its window from say a OOo Draw save? I guess the filing thing would
be doable but you would still have to have some mechanism for OOo draw
to know which Windows were open where in the filer and where the pointer
was etc. If its only a feature of OOo it loses a lot of the power.


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Microsoft Word - How do you get a start app in Windows 8 in the Desktop mode. This is for Word 2013, Excel, etc.

Microsoft Word - How do you get a start app in Windows 8 in the Desktop mode. This is for Word 2013, Excel, etc.

How do you get a start app in Windows 8 in the Desktop mode. This is for Word 2013, Excel, etc.

Posted: 31 Jan 2013 01:58 PM PST

I installed the updates via the internet and now would like to add them to my desktop. They are in the tile form in Metro mode.

Formatting in MS Project 98 Microsoft Project

Formatting in MS Project 98 Microsoft Project

Formatting in MS Project 98

Posted: 18 May 2004 06:19 AM PDT

"Bullets" in Word aren't just the character but also include some formatting
(indenting) information.

If you want to merely include the character then you might try this:

1. Click on the Task name that needs a bullet.
2. In the entry bar at the top click on the far left to set the cursor's
insert position.
3. Press and hold the Alt key.
4. In sequence, on the numeric keypad, press and release 0 1 4 9
5. Release the Alt key.

"Shaw1" <> wrote in message

make resource name disappear

Posted: 18 May 2004 02:47 AM PDT

Format | Bar styles

In the top half select the bar type ("Task"); in the bottom half click on
the "Text" tab and clear the 'Resource Names' entry.

"Alain ROGER" <com> wrote in message

underallocated resource name show as red color

Posted: 18 May 2004 12:31 AM PDT

Hi Miao,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Peak units are the total units assigned to that resource during that time
period and will be red if the resource has been assigned a total of more
than the Maximum Units defined for that resource (see Max Units in the
Resource Sheet view), even for as little as one minute.

Please see FAQ #28 - Resource Levelling Does Not Remove Overallocation
and/or #34 - Overallocation Occurring In Less Than One Day.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP
miao jie wrote: 

Upgrade Advantage question (what products are covered?)

Posted: 17 May 2004 06:46 PM PDT

Hi Rob,

In the product description it just lists:

Project Win32 English UpgAdv OLP NL

I was assuming a lot of people had taken advantage of this (since it
represented a pretty good deal at the time) and would know what the
situation is.

I hope someone can help.

Thanks, -Pat

"Rob Schneider" <> wrote in message

Failed to find a valid qualifying product

Posted: 17 May 2004 05:26 PM PDT

This discussed in Microosft KB article at;en-us;310444

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Colin Campbell wrote: 

Level of Effort tasks

Posted: 17 May 2004 02:56 PM PDT

Oops! You're absolutely correct.

Thanks for catching that.

"James Griffiths" <> wrote in message

MS Project Leveling Algorithm

Posted: 17 May 2004 11:13 AM PDT

Hi All,

IMHO it is not a matter of "absolute" first, then second...
I'm convinced it makes a sort of weighted sum of all this and takes that
number or whatever.
For instance, "days already postponed" ("Start" if you like) takes over from
Totals slack if it is large enough and slack is small enough. That is one
you can check with reasonable small examples.

Not that I laie awake over it..


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Dale Howard [MVP]" <dale(dot)howard(at)> schreef in
bericht news:#phx.gbl... 

project start date in project 2000

Posted: 17 May 2004 09:15 AM PDT

Do the tasks have *any* actual info (Actual start date, Actual Work, Actual
finish date).
Are you sure the ASAP is set?


__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"tim" <> wrote in message

'Save As' with Resource Pool

Posted: 17 May 2004 06:58 AM PDT

Thanks John - this helps...The other reason I was
wondering about removing the links was a potential
performance hit, if the Pool is trying to maintain
references to multiple versions of the project schedule. 
As" is to a 
you need to 
to keep previous 
remain. However, if 
good idea), 
is no impact on 

Parallel work for one ressource

Posted: 17 May 2004 06:11 AM PDT

Hi Nils,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

As you are so new to Project, you might like to have a look at my series of
Microsoft Project lessons in the TechTrax ezine, at this site: (Perhaps you'd care to rate it before leaving the
site, :) Thanks.)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Nils Tekampe wrote: 

Task Bar colours

Posted: 17 May 2004 04:52 AM PDT

Format | Bar styles ... let's you customize the colour chosen for the
various Gantt bars. Orange is not one of the colour options available to

"Pat" <> wrote in message

MS Project 2002 and WBS better than Primavera???

Posted: 16 May 2004 06:41 PM PDT

Most macros and add-ins work just as well in 2003 as 2002.

For VBA posts, please use the public.project.developer group.
For any version of Project use public.project
For any version of Project Server use public. project.server

Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
development services
"Doug" <d@a.c> wrote in message

Diff between Custom dates

Posted: 15 May 2004 06:52 AM PDT

Thank you Julie and John,
The solution is saving me a great deal of time :) 
perform a conversion 
occuring. First, 
not working 
is "days" (default) and 
duration field 
divide by 480 
However, the "d" 
to days so a 
the result by 
field is that 
days, then the 
project calendar. 

Vertical Gride Line

Posted: 14 May 2004 01:48 PM PDT

Yes this helps. I was forced to use two vertical lines since a
vertical line cannot extend more than 22". I just told the next line
to start 22" below the first one.



"Gérard Ducouret" <fr> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

Help with "Save as Web Page" functionality

Posted: 13 May 2004 07:26 AM PDT

Thank you so much, Cheryl!

I reinstalled and copied the out of box map formats. I
really appreciate your help!