

Out of the office and Exchange 2003 - Microsoft Exchange

Out of the office and Exchange 2003 - Microsoft Exchange

Out of the office and Exchange 2003

Posted: 21 May 2004 11:08 PM PDT

Got it, thank you very much! What are you doing up so late? :)


"Mark Fugatt [MVP]" <com> wrote in message

Exporting Exchange 5.5 Personal Data to PST Files: How Do I?

Posted: 21 May 2004 06:39 PM PDT

On Sat, 22 May 2004 01:44:46 GMT, Andy David - Exchange MVP
<com> wrote:
Thank You!

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Want to use Exchange Server

Posted: 21 May 2004 08:31 AM PDT

If you don't need a full exchange server and don't have the money to dole
out for one, you might want to check out WorkgroupShare: . It'll let you share contacts, calendars,
notes, etc. and can be set up on any of your workstations, or on a dedicated

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

What SP am I on?

Posted: 21 May 2004 03:41 AM PDT

Within Exchange Administrator drill down to the server and view the
properties of the server. The general tab of the server properties includes
details of which SP is installed.

Linda Wickes [MSFT]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
rights.ed "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Exchange Server Object

Posted: 20 May 2004 05:07 PM PDT

Thanks for the reply.

Since i'm a newbie to all this, could you send me some links on how to
do this and to some useful background reading??

What functions/objects would i use?

Thank you,


"Joe Kaplan \(MVP - ADSI\)" <> wrote in message news:<eF3G$phx.gbl>... 

Notes in Public Folders

Posted: 20 May 2004 02:26 PM PDT

Tim, To help on this issue we need more information. What version of the
Exchange server are you working with? How about the client? Happen all of
the time?
I see several articles that deal with Post vs. Note and OWA.
Let us know what you have so we can help out.

Look forward to hearing from you.


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Note: Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for
newsgroup purposes only.
"Tim Kowal" <com> wrote in message

Can you dynamically change Reply To: address?

Posted: 20 May 2004 11:48 AM PDT

Thanks Victor. That looks like it will accomplish almost exactly what I
want. To top it off, it looks like you've gotten several decent reviews at
various sites.

The only problem is that I'm looking for something for my family's use, not
a business environment, and the cost is prohibitive for the situation. I'll
test it out and will definitely keep it in mind for future customers,

"Victor Ivanidze" <please> wrote in message

Free/busy information

Posted: 20 May 2004 11:31 AM PDT

The Clients are set up for that. There is no free/busy
information folder in the system manger under public
folders. Is there something I have to set up to get that
to show up? 
configured to publish this. 
Publish x months 
Choice Awards 2004 

MS Exchange Forms Designer

Posted: 20 May 2004 08:27 AM PDT

You can use the Design Form feature in Outlook then.

Mark Fugatt
Exchange MVP
"Ron" <> wrote in message

Server shutdown/malformed message (KB article 325939)

Posted: 19 May 2004 12:35 PM PDT

wrote in

And this patch has since been superceded by a new update.

Go to, select Exchange as the
"technology" and use 5.5 as keyword. You'll find a newer patch for the
Ex5.5 information store version 5.5.2657.74 published on Oct 13, 2003.


Adc is working, but not as expected

Posted: 19 May 2004 11:35 AM PDT


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"hrios" <> wrote in message

Force Connection - how to do this via batch or script?

Posted: 19 May 2004 11:01 AM PDT

It seems that my "Messages awaiting directory lookup"
queue will just randomly go into retry mode (usually about
once every couple hours) then when it hits it's retry
interval (60 minutes) it will then send out all the mail
that it has queued.
The network guy says all the right ports are open between
the DMZ Front End server and the backend server and domain
controller; but there are instances where he's seeing that
the firewall is a stateful device and it says that it's
ending it's session, so it ends it's session then retries
to communicate, but can't because it just said that it's
done with it's communication.
Why it's doing this, I have no idea but if you know of
ANYTHING that I can try to change; I would SURELY
appreciate it.

there are networking or 
troubleshooting WHY 
Are Not Delivered 
alias is for newsgroup 
warranties, and 

Strange screen cause the system to hang during boot - Forums Linux

Strange screen cause the system to hang during boot - Forums Linux

Strange screen cause the system to hang during boot

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 02:04 PM PDT (Rod Smith) wrote in message news:<>... 

The screen display: "Localhost login" in textmode. It clears and comes
up again 3 times and clears and then I get the strange text mode
window with a light blue background. and a dark blue smaller window.
In the darkblue rectangel there is two smaller rectangels with text
gibberish on black bakground inside. (What I called buttons).
It's my first try with Linux so I dont know how the graphical login
window is supposed to look?

I did some google and by means of adding a 3 in the startup sequency I
managed to boot up linux in text mode. Then the computer stopped at
the text "localhost login:" and after that it's not possible to do
nothing. I tried the Ctrl-Alt-F1 hovever nothing happens. Maybe as you
say it's problem with the keyboard?

Since the computer doesn't have any original USB card there is a PCI
usb card installed. Maybe this causing problem for linux? During boot
sequensy linux say that it's installing USB keyboard and USB mouse, so
therefore it causing the system to hang or maybe not only takes
command from the keyboard at the login prompt?

Thanks in advance for any help. This is my first try with Linux.
Everybody say it's great! However I got problem so therefore I doubt
that? Shall I restore good old Windows 98 again? ;-) But normally I
never give up when it comes to computers and since I still think that
Linux is the future.

Importing WingDings font into Open Office

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 12:08 PM PDT

In article <>,
Maurice Batey <> writes: 

The easiest ways to do it is to copy the font from a Windows
installation. For instance, if you dual- boot Windows, and if Windows is
accessible as /mnt/c, and if the fonts are in
/opt/, then you could copy the font
by typing "cp /mnt/c/windows/fonts/wingding.ttf
/opt/". Alternatively, you can use the
oopadmin utility to install the font by selecting it in a file selector.

My guess is that is able to fall back on X core fonts for
display purposes, and you've got Dingbats installed as an X core font.
When printing, though, it can't do that, so you get the wrong font.
Another possibility is a bug related to non-alphabetic fonts specifically.
These are both just guesses, though. Ultimately, the best solution is to
install the font(s) you want in the OpenOffice font directory.

Rod Smith, com
Author of books on Linux, FreeBSD, and networking

I have re-installed my Windows. Where is my Linux?!

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 07:18 AM PDT

Massoud B. Zadeh wrote:

.... windows OSes are MBR-destructive - it will replace
whatever is there. simply boot with your CD#1 (Linux)
and 'boot installed system', then reinstall the boot
manager (lilo or grub)
<< >>
Old age is the most unexpected of things that can happen to a man.
-- Trotsky

Partitioned following Linux Administrators Security Guide - Debianwon't boot

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 05:56 AM PDT


Tim Kaufmann (<de>) wrote:

Normally you (at least I) would leave that stuff on the root file system
that I need to boot into single user mode. /dev and /lib are part of
that stuff. Maybe you want to take a look at the Securing Debian
Manual, which has a lot of useful information on hardening, including
partitioning. It also explains advantages and disadvantages of some
partition layouts and mount options:


best regards
Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <com>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674
Registered Linux User #267976

Fedora installation and J2SDK1.4

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 03:55 AM PDT

This is the installation description I refer to.
It is a bit unclear and informal.
By the way, it suggests to configure the environment variable before the
first start of the server.
How can I do it under windows environment?

"Lenard" <0.0.1>

fdisk/sfdisk/Disk Management problems + unallocated sectors

Posted: 04 Apr 2004 01:45 AM PST

In article <c4q025$f0$>,
sberlusconi)" <"(sberlusconi <"(sberlusconi)"> wrote:
:I don't mind blowing away the existing hda4. Yeah I can setup
:everything again from scratch, but as long as I don't understand
:what is happening and why I'm afraid that's not going to help. Plus,
:I hate wasting a lot of time doing dumb stuff when I MIGHT
:instead PERHAPS learn something and do it quick and smart :-)
:So... how do I move the last cylinder in hda4 to the last cylinder
:of the disk...???

As it stands, hda4 is sitting on cylinder 4852 and acts as a wall
preventing you from extending your hda3 (Ext'd) partition beyond that
point. If you don't mind blowing away hda4 and are sure there's nothing
in there that needs to be saved, do it. Then delete and re-create your
Extended partition (hda3) and its contents, leaving the last cylinder
for the new hda4.

It strikes me as a lot of work to gain less than 1/4 of 1% of your total
disk capacity. If it were my system, I certainly wouldn't bother.

Bob Nichols AT I am "rnichols"

Linux on SGI O2 ?

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 01:27 PM PST

Jason Byrne wrote:

I thought the O2's debuted with R10K procs; but I could be wrong. I've
seen ancient Challenge S machines with r5K procs @ 200 mhz and these
_have_ to predate the O2 by a far margin.


The problem with the Ebay route is that it's not technically "ok" as far
as SGI's license is concerned. And while I think the O2 had some pretty
good graphics capability, you do not get that without forking over the
cash. Plain and simple, if you're going to run Irix you're going to pay
even if you're just goofing around to learn it.

Which, I guess makes as good a case for installing Linux on it than
anything else.

Resolution problem on a wide screen laptop monitor

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 03:37 AM PST

Euripides J. Sellountos wrote:

.... i run xandros on a laptop at 1400 with no issues.
have you tried using 'xf86config' for configuration?
<< >>
The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.
-- Lewis Carroll

dual boot Fedora / Mandrake

Posted: 02 Apr 2004 03:22 AM PST

On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 13:22:08 +0200, Patrick Guio wrote:

Sharing swap is no problem at all. Sharing /tmp is cool, too, though I
recommend setting both fedora and mandrake to clear out /tmp on boot just
as a precaution.

As for sharing /home, I don't like doing it when I dual- or multi-boot.
Here's why: /home/username/ contains a bunch of hidden files (files
prefixed with '.' type ps -a in the directory to see them) with
configuration and customization info for many of the apps you use. If
Mandrake and Fedora use different versions of some apps, the hidden file
for that app may need to be different for each. If this is the case, and
you use the same partition for /home on both OSes, then your configuration
files for several apps could be all messed up.

Some apps like gimp are very good about seperating such things. My home
directory currently has a .gimp-1.2 directory and a .gimp-2.0 directory.
If you aren't sure that both fedora and mandrake will use the same version
of everything, or that all the apps you plan to use are as good as gimp in
this respect, then I wouldn't use the same /home on both. What I would do,
so that you don't need 2 copies of every file you may want to use, is to
mount fedora's /home to some other arbitrary mount point like /otherhome
on mandrake and vice versa.

In order for this to work properly (or if you intend to use the same /home
in both) you need to make sure that each user has the exact same number on
each OS. This is because GNU/Linux only gives users names to make life
easier for us humans. GNU/Linux really only uses the numbers to keep
track of users, then uses the names when communicating with humans. So,
if illecebra is user 501 on Mandrake, but user 1001 on Fedora, then any
files I make on Fedora won't be accessible to me from Mandrake (unless
set so all can rwx). 501 is a different person than 1001 as far as
GNU/Linux is concerned, even if they have the same name.

Hope that helps,


Strange bootup problem

Posted: 01 Apr 2004 09:13 PM PST

Inline reply...


Doug Laidlaw wrote: 

# man sfdisk

Parts of original message omitted when
not needed - see thread.

10 20 30 40

New USB memory-stick howto: Flash-Memory-HOWTO

Posted: 01 Apr 2004 03:29 PM PST

Error BR-549: MS DRM 1.0 rejects the following post from Kenny McCormack:

I've had very little trouble with Linux on my Dell Inspiron. I am going to
replace it's RedHat install with Debian someday soon, however.

The general public is like my old neighbor who called me to ask what specs he
should look for in a new computer.

Why was he buying a new computer? His old one "always freezes up." Sigh.
Do I help him unfreeze his computer, or should I just offer to buy the old one
so I can have another box?

Windows XP: the OS with a load in its pants

Microsoft Word - I try to save a word or publisher doc and I receive a fatal error and the program shuts down - Word 2007

Microsoft Word - I try to save a word or publisher doc and I receive a fatal error and the program shuts down - Word 2007

I try to save a word or publisher doc and I receive a fatal error and the program shuts down - Word 2007

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 04:20 AM PST

I try to save a word or publisher doc and I receive a fatal error and the program shuts down - Word 2007

Configuration runs when word 2007 opens

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 07:55 PM PST

Every time I click to open any Word doc 2007, a window opens and says it will configure word. This freezes the screen. I click X about 20 times, it finally closes and Word opens. How can I stop this. It just started happening and I've this computer for years

Word 2010 in Win XP-removing an unwanted template at startup of Word.

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 07:02 PM PST

When running Word 2010 under Win XP, every time I open Word, a template opens with Japanese selected as the default language and I can't change it. How can i COMPLETELY disable this templte so Word will open to a blank page?

Selecting gradient fill for text of certain fonts makes the text disappear

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 11:50 AM PST

Suddenly I've noticed that the text of certain fonts has stopped working in my Word 2010.

The text of these fonts (Helvetica and Proxima Nova) suddenly disappear after I change their colour fill to gradient. I can see the text sometimes when resizing, but then when I select the size, they disappear again. I can select text, but can't actually see it. It happens in both text boxes and when I type to the actual document itself.

Does anyone know what I could do to fix this? The problem has just suddenly happened when it was working fine for years before.

I've tried the repair function in control panel, but the bar gets so far (about 50%) and won't go any further. I've left it for a few hours and the bar hasn't progressed any further.

I would appreciate any assistance give to me to fix this problem I have.

Thank you.

word starter says there is no email account associated with it

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 11:03 AM PST

word starter says there is no email account associated with it. I have windows live mail, how do I associate it with word starter.

Skydrive subdocuments

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 11:00 AM PST

Is it possible to add subdocuments to a master document, when the subdocuments exist in SkyDrive and not on the local computer?

I can't set the top and bottom margins in Word 2010

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 02:48 AM PST

I can't set the top and bottom margins in Word 2010.  I have tried everything but it is impossible.  The format has no top and bottom margins.  Please tell me how to fix it.  Thank you very much!

I can't set my margins in Word 2010

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 02:38 AM PST

The format has not top and bottom margins. , I have tried to personalize and set them with 3.0 cm at the top and 2.5 cm. at the bottom, and want to set it as predetermined, but it is impossible.   Please help me! 

Every time I press the spacebar in a Word document it opens the "Save as" dialogue box.

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 06:33 PM PST

Any idea what is happening here?

Outlook start problem - Microsoft Office forums

Outlook start problem - Microsoft Office forums

Outlook start problem

Posted: 15 May 2004 03:29 PM PDT

Is your .pst password protected? fixmapi.exe does not require a password,
unless you not logged in as admin or local admin.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, Rich asked:

| Hi Diane
| I tried to create a new profile.
| That didn't work.
| In order to run fixmapi.exe I must know the password.
| I called the seller and he could not help.
| Anything else you can think of.
| Thanks again
| Rich
| '"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" <com> wrote in message
| news:com...
|| Did you attempt to create a new profile using Control panel, mail
|| applet? Did you run fixmapi.exe? (Use search to locate it)
|| On 15 May 2004 18:29, "Rich" wrote:
||| Hi
||| I bought a used computer that had Office 2002 installed. I saw it
||| work and it ran fine.
||| The seller did not want me to use his copy so he properly
||| uninstalled it. When I tried to install my copy of Office 2000,
||| Word, Excel and PowerPoint run fine, but Outlook will not open.
||| I get a message that says "required services can not be located"
||| Can anyone explain what is wrong?
||| Thanks in advance
||| Rich
|| --
|| Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
|| Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
|| Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
|| Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)
|| Outlook Tips:
|| Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center:
|| [Posted using NewsLook NNTP add-in for Outlook]

Install Media Content CD to Original Installation

Posted: 15 May 2004 06:47 AM PDT

I don't have a server. These are 25 standalone
installations. What is the Office Resource kit?
it has all of the  
installation of the software. 
intact. Due to 
to my personal 

Installing Office Prof. Edition 2003?

Posted: 14 May 2004 10:46 PM PDT

Do you have any disks for the Office installations on your other computers?
The OEMs should have provided you with the installation disks - when you try
to install Office 2003 and it asks for your previous qualifying version,
just plop in the old disk, point the installation to it, and you should be
good to go.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, SENimmo asked:

| Last week my computer mysteriously crashed - no viruses - no hardware
| issues - xp just went hay wire! After spending about 20 hours on the
| phone with 5 microsoft techs - both they and I were still left
| dumbfounded.
| I was working on this huge new website for my organization that is
| scheduled for launch on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 at 10 am. As soon as
| I was about to back-up the new changes... it just froze and died
| after a frustrating 10 mintues of it not letting me sign in as myself
| and then not booting to windows any longer. Because of the
| importance of the data I sent my laptop in for data recovery to a
| Independant Computer Technician, after days and days of no stop
| trying, he was unable to find any of my files. So he just
| reinstalled windows.
| I purchased Office Pro. Edition 2003 about 4 weeks ago - the upgrade
| version as my laptop and the other two computers in my personal
| office at work already had Office XP on them from the time of
| purchase.
| Well now when I try to re-install Office Pro. on my laptop it tells
| me "this is an upgrade version a full version of MS Office 97, 2003,
| XP, etc., must be on the system to install this upgrade. What I am
| supposed to do... the software was already on the laptop when I
| purchased it, I don't have the MS Office Disk. I am going to have to
| go buy the full version, when I already paid for the upgrade. And if
| I go buy the full one... then I should get one licsence back for the
| upgrade... since I can't re-install it on my laptop.
| If anyone can offer any suggestions, please - please - please help me.


Posted: 14 May 2004 03:09 PM PDT

"BILLY BLANKENSHIP" <COM> wrote in message

Why do you need a manual that tells you how to click on setup.exe?

Error 2711

Posted: 14 May 2004 02:40 PM PDT

Hello,;EN-US;290301 - You can make use of the utility; don't worry.

Jagadeesh Parameswaran,

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
systems where Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0 or later is installed, including Microsoft Windows XP. " 

Recently used file list not available in Word 2003 and Excel 2003

Posted: 14 May 2004 12:02 PM PDT

Thanks...that did the job!!

Can't uninstall Office

Posted: 14 May 2004 11:26 AM PDT

I found another one on the KB for use with ZP. It is file name: msicuu2.exe

Office 2003 Setup problems

Posted: 14 May 2004 07:28 AM PDT

Try logging in windows as administrator. My have to log
on in safe mode to get administrator option. Press F8 on
after you do, give yourself (your usual logon user ID)
administrator control (Control panel / user accounts)
cache...sometimes you need to install a driver for your
HDD cache to work normally, without it, it's just pretty

Office 2000 setup failure

Posted: 14 May 2004 05:43 AM PDT

Hello Tonyo,

The issue may cause if
1. The CD is not clean OR
2. It is corrupted.

So, the options to resolve the issue are:

1. Clean the CD and try the installation again. OR
2. Copy all the files from the CD to a folder on the Hard disk and try the installation from there OR
3. Run the installation from another Office 2000 setup CD.

Jagadeesh Parameswaran,

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Mystery re PhotoDraw & Works 2000

Posted: 14 May 2004 03:17 AM PDT

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
<org> wrote:

Well, that's what effectively happened. I had no options. But it
wasn't properly installed. Do you know of any connection?

Terry, West Sussex, UK

Cannot launch Outlook XP after installation

Posted: 13 May 2004 07:51 PM PDT

Glad you got it fixed!

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, Mitch asked:

| Hi Milly,
| Thanks for the advice. Before getting it, I did a rename
| on vbscript.dll then ran detect and repair in Word. Then
| I went to file 1033 and rename to old like the vbsript.
| This solved the problem.
| Thanks,
| Mitch
|| -----Original Message-----
|| Try creating a new mail profile here: Control Panel-
|| Mail Icon->Show
|| Profiles.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
|| the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|| After searching and finding no answer, Mitch asked:
||| Milly,
||| Thanks for the advice and I tried it and it works. The problem is I
||| still keep getting that error message. Any ideas? Thanks,
||| Mitch
||| ----- Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] wrote: -----
||| Try this:
||| Start->Run-> regsvr32 vbscript.dll ->Enter.
||| --
||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||| Due to the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent
||| to my personal account will be deleted without reading.
||| After searching and finding no answer, Mitch
||| asked:
||| | After installing office xp, I am unable to launch the
||| | Outlook application. I get the message 'failed to
||| | registera VB Script. DLL. Reinstall or run Regsvr32.exe
||| | Vbscript.dll to self register. The
| Key 'DisplayName' is
||| | either missing or has an incorrect value. [File
||| | C:\Program files\microsoft office\office10 \forms\1033
||| | \SECREC(2).CFG, Section Description'.
||| | I have tried repairing and reinstalling but no change. I
||| | have also tried using regsvr32vbscript.dll in dos but get
||| | the message that it is not an internal or external
||| | command. I am not that familiar with dos so I don't know
||| | what else to do.
||| | I have 3 different profiles set up and outlook works only
||| | in one. The other parts of office xp is fine.
||| | Please help me.
||| | Mitch
|| .

Installation Point Question

Posted: 13 May 2004 12:43 PM PDT

Hi Ian,

Thanks for the information. I seem to remember this syntax and will read
the MS article.

Again, thanks, and have a great day.


"Ian Baird [MS]" <> wrote in message

error when installing Office 2000

Posted: 13 May 2004 04:48 AM PDT

Hello Dale,

Check this KB 314812 to fix this issue.

314812 "Error 1933" when you try to install Office 2000 Professional



Problem installing MS 2000 in Microsoft 98 Operating system

Posted: 12 May 2004 05:39 PM PDT

Hi Denise,

I was just looking at the Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles, i found an
article that would help you...Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 228677;en-us;228677

To resolve this problem, perform the Office 2000 administrative
installation into an empty folder.

If you want to retain the administrative installation of your earlier
Office product, move the files in the administrative folder into another
location, and reperform the administrative installation to install the
earlier Office product back into the same folder.

For more information about creating an administrative installation point
for Office 2000, please see the following page on the Microsoft World Wide
Web site:

Please let me know if i can of further assistance...
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Office Professional for Windows 95

Posted: 11 May 2004 10:14 PM PDT

If you have MS Office v7/95 then the yellow sticker should show 11 digits along with the "CD Key" words and there wouldn't be any
product activation.

If you have Office 2000 or later you're installing you would have 25 digits.

Are you sure that the CD you're using and the program that's popping up are all from the same version? Check in Add/Remove Programs
in the Windows control panel to see what Microsoft Office applications and versions are listed.

<<<> wrote in message news:bb8d01c437e0$01e51990$gbl...
When I try to load this software on my new computer which
run XP Home edition, when I try to type in the Product
key, I get an error.

My question is that where is the "product key" ?
On the CD case, there is a yellow sticker that
only has 10 digits 070-8xxxxxx. However, when
I try to load one of the applications, I get asked to
type in the "product key" number into the form. On the
form there are 25 numbers separated by a dash after each
5 numbers. so I seem to be stuck in trying enter a valid
product key number . Need help! >>
Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Re-installing Office 2000 Premium

Posted: 11 May 2004 02:31 PM PDT

Hello Dave,

Open Windows Explorer; select TOOLS - OPTIONS - VIEW tab - select SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS - click OK
which will display all the hidden folders and you can find the required folder(s).

Jagadeesh Parameswaran,

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Forced to reactivate for no good reason

Posted: 11 May 2004 05:59 AM PDT

That makes sense.

"Eric Lawrence [MSFT]" <com> wrote in message

How remove Getting Started toolbar

Posted: 10 May 2004 06:29 AM PDT

Thanks, hadn't noticed that opton before!

"dOinK" <no> wrote in message

De-Activate MS Office XP

Posted: 10 May 2004 05:37 AM PDT

of course if it is OEM it must go with the laptop

"Eric Lawrence [MSFT]" <com> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 
the disk. 
confers no rights. 

copy setup files from CD

Posted: 09 May 2004 02:40 PM PDT

Thank you very much, this is very helpful and clear.

Microsoft Word - opening microsoft word starter 2010

Microsoft Word - opening microsoft word starter 2010

opening microsoft word starter 2010

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 10:44 AM PST

try to open microsoft word starter 2010 get message [cannot be opened, tru again or repair the product in control panel]  what do I do?

Print Preview

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 07:47 AM PST

In the first panel in print preview appears a list of the last 25 documents I have opened. How do I make the list to disappear. 

Automatically Opening Images in WORD from Another File

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 06:53 AM PST

I have a large WORD document - a book manuscript - that has some 250 illustrations.  I originally inserted these images into the WORD document, but it became too large for WORD to open.  I saved it but could not open it.  I solved this problem by removing many images and placing them in a separate file.

I can create a hyperlink to the images in this file but it shows as underlined blue text.  When I click on this hyperlink, it opens the file with Adobe Fireworks.

How can I code the hyperlink so that it opens in the document as I open a page and then disappears when I go to the next page.  I need to be able to see the illustration when I am looking at the particular page, but want only the hyperlink in the WORD document to keep the size small enough to save and open in WORD.

Thanks very much!

Don Hoke
Virtual Steam Car Museum

Word 2013, Use and purpose of "Show Comments?"

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 08:24 PM PST

In Word 2013 on the Review Tab>Comments Group, there is a contol labled "Show Comments."  On my PC it is dimmend and I've tried everything that I can think of to enable this contol and (I guess) toggle contents between shown and hidden comments.


When I insert a comment, they are either shown in a ballon on the right side of the document or inline depending on my setting in Review>Tracking>Show Mark-up>Balloons.

What is the purpose of this control?  How is it activated?  What determines when it is active or disabled?


how do I change footnote-reference font without changing footnote font

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 06:46 PM PST

When I did a "select-all" inside the footer containing footnotes, it selected all footnotes plus all of the footnote reference numbers. Thus when I modified the font for footnotes, it also changed the footnote-reference which I did not want to do. How can I modify just footnote-reference numbers without effecting footnote fonts?

word 2010 freezes and crashes while saving

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 08:41 AM PST

After I have been working on a document in Word 2010, the program simply freezes up, and the computer will not respond at all.  Then I have to turn off the computer manually and pray that AutoSave will have done its job.  WHY???

Working on Word documents, if I try various tasks, Word crashes with "win32 exception" message

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 01:53 AM PST

While working on any Word document, if I try various tasks like setting margins, printing the document, or saving it as a pdf, Word crashes and I get a message: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in WINWORD.EXE[--number--]. No installed debugger has Just-in-Time debugging enabled. In Visual Sudio, Just-In-Time debugging can be enabled from Tools/Options/Debugging/Just-In-Time".
I don't have Visual Studio.
I have tried scanning with Windows Defender and my Panda anti-virus software; found two viruses, one a Trojan, removed them, but the problem has not gone away.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Microsoft Office (I am using a trial version of Office Professional Plus), I have tried a repair of Office 2013 from "Programmes and Features". I have used "CCleaner". Nothing helps!

Templates in Word

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 08:45 PM PST

Hi all,

I'm using Word 2010 with Windows 7, 64-bit. One year ago I wrote a manual in Word 2007 for a company. Last week, they needed to re-purpose the manual, that is, make a copy of it, edit it, and then send it to me for a final edit. So here's the document's path in the past year:

1- Designed on my computer using Windows XP, Word 2007, and the Normal template. (Clarification -- I just upgraded my system to the one mentioned earlier back in the fall.)

2- The document (written in Windows XP, Word 2007, and the Normal template) is sent to my client, edited, and then sent back to me.

3- The client loads it on their computers and performs their edits. They use Word 2010 and three engineers add coments.

4- They save it as a .docx file (the same as the orginal), and then send it back.

5- I make a copy to work on. (I never work on orginal docs, just in case of a major error.)

6- The copied document is loaded on my new computer (Word 2010 with Windows 7 64-bit) for editing.


Problem -- When I scroll through the document, the pictures and tables become segmented, that is, table rows split up and "hang" on the display appearing as though they've been duplicated. It gets worse the more I scroll. When I close the document and re-open it, all's well. The data is intact, but the same thing happens. The document is not workable.


My solution -- I opened the copied document (remember -- this is the one the client edited) but saved it as an .rtf file. Now when I open the .rtf file, it's workable and the problem has pretty much gone away.


My thoughts --  Did my document pick up some template anomaly from the client's Word versions? Can shared documents between several computers undergo template layering, that is, where two or more templates combine?


Between this problem and Microsoft's pathetic bullet and numbered list style issues, I'm ready to tear out my hair! The whole world needs to move over to FrameMaker! End of rant. Many thanks in advance.


- Lee





How do I recover my last work done in microsft office.

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 01:38 PM PST

I was wondering How I recover my last work saved automatically in microsoft word starter?

Can not locate original Microsoft Office Starter

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 08:52 AM PST

My Home Student trial version has expired but now I can't use my Office Starter. I get a click-2-run error and I can't find Microsoft  Office Starter Edition 2010 in programs and features to even change it.

blue spinning circle spins indefinately

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 08:22 AM PST

When using Word, blue circle spins making it difficult to work.  Just started after using Word for 2 years.

Also, Excel spreadsheet bounces (bizarre)

Office 2010 vs OFFICE 2013?

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 11:42 PM PST

i want to know the new important features of office 2013 not included in office 2010? also will office 2013 take large diskspace and reduce pc performance..????

tnks in advance....:)