

Microsoft Word - opening microsoft word starter 2010

Microsoft Word - opening microsoft word starter 2010

opening microsoft word starter 2010

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 10:44 AM PST

try to open microsoft word starter 2010 get message [cannot be opened, tru again or repair the product in control panel]  what do I do?

Print Preview

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 07:47 AM PST

In the first panel in print preview appears a list of the last 25 documents I have opened. How do I make the list to disappear. 

Automatically Opening Images in WORD from Another File

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 06:53 AM PST

I have a large WORD document - a book manuscript - that has some 250 illustrations.  I originally inserted these images into the WORD document, but it became too large for WORD to open.  I saved it but could not open it.  I solved this problem by removing many images and placing them in a separate file.

I can create a hyperlink to the images in this file but it shows as underlined blue text.  When I click on this hyperlink, it opens the file with Adobe Fireworks.

How can I code the hyperlink so that it opens in the document as I open a page and then disappears when I go to the next page.  I need to be able to see the illustration when I am looking at the particular page, but want only the hyperlink in the WORD document to keep the size small enough to save and open in WORD.

Thanks very much!

Don Hoke
Virtual Steam Car Museum

Word 2013, Use and purpose of "Show Comments?"

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 08:24 PM PST

In Word 2013 on the Review Tab>Comments Group, there is a contol labled "Show Comments."  On my PC it is dimmend and I've tried everything that I can think of to enable this contol and (I guess) toggle contents between shown and hidden comments.


When I insert a comment, they are either shown in a ballon on the right side of the document or inline depending on my setting in Review>Tracking>Show Mark-up>Balloons.

What is the purpose of this control?  How is it activated?  What determines when it is active or disabled?


how do I change footnote-reference font without changing footnote font

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 06:46 PM PST

When I did a "select-all" inside the footer containing footnotes, it selected all footnotes plus all of the footnote reference numbers. Thus when I modified the font for footnotes, it also changed the footnote-reference which I did not want to do. How can I modify just footnote-reference numbers without effecting footnote fonts?

word 2010 freezes and crashes while saving

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 08:41 AM PST

After I have been working on a document in Word 2010, the program simply freezes up, and the computer will not respond at all.  Then I have to turn off the computer manually and pray that AutoSave will have done its job.  WHY???

Working on Word documents, if I try various tasks, Word crashes with "win32 exception" message

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 01:53 AM PST

While working on any Word document, if I try various tasks like setting margins, printing the document, or saving it as a pdf, Word crashes and I get a message: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in WINWORD.EXE[--number--]. No installed debugger has Just-in-Time debugging enabled. In Visual Sudio, Just-In-Time debugging can be enabled from Tools/Options/Debugging/Just-In-Time".
I don't have Visual Studio.
I have tried scanning with Windows Defender and my Panda anti-virus software; found two viruses, one a Trojan, removed them, but the problem has not gone away.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Microsoft Office (I am using a trial version of Office Professional Plus), I have tried a repair of Office 2013 from "Programmes and Features". I have used "CCleaner". Nothing helps!

Templates in Word

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 08:45 PM PST

Hi all,

I'm using Word 2010 with Windows 7, 64-bit. One year ago I wrote a manual in Word 2007 for a company. Last week, they needed to re-purpose the manual, that is, make a copy of it, edit it, and then send it to me for a final edit. So here's the document's path in the past year:

1- Designed on my computer using Windows XP, Word 2007, and the Normal template. (Clarification -- I just upgraded my system to the one mentioned earlier back in the fall.)

2- The document (written in Windows XP, Word 2007, and the Normal template) is sent to my client, edited, and then sent back to me.

3- The client loads it on their computers and performs their edits. They use Word 2010 and three engineers add coments.

4- They save it as a .docx file (the same as the orginal), and then send it back.

5- I make a copy to work on. (I never work on orginal docs, just in case of a major error.)

6- The copied document is loaded on my new computer (Word 2010 with Windows 7 64-bit) for editing.


Problem -- When I scroll through the document, the pictures and tables become segmented, that is, table rows split up and "hang" on the display appearing as though they've been duplicated. It gets worse the more I scroll. When I close the document and re-open it, all's well. The data is intact, but the same thing happens. The document is not workable.


My solution -- I opened the copied document (remember -- this is the one the client edited) but saved it as an .rtf file. Now when I open the .rtf file, it's workable and the problem has pretty much gone away.


My thoughts --  Did my document pick up some template anomaly from the client's Word versions? Can shared documents between several computers undergo template layering, that is, where two or more templates combine?


Between this problem and Microsoft's pathetic bullet and numbered list style issues, I'm ready to tear out my hair! The whole world needs to move over to FrameMaker! End of rant. Many thanks in advance.


- Lee





How do I recover my last work done in microsft office.

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 01:38 PM PST

I was wondering How I recover my last work saved automatically in microsoft word starter?

Can not locate original Microsoft Office Starter

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 08:52 AM PST

My Home Student trial version has expired but now I can't use my Office Starter. I get a click-2-run error and I can't find Microsoft  Office Starter Edition 2010 in programs and features to even change it.

blue spinning circle spins indefinately

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 08:22 AM PST

When using Word, blue circle spins making it difficult to work.  Just started after using Word for 2 years.

Also, Excel spreadsheet bounces (bizarre)

Office 2010 vs OFFICE 2013?

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 11:42 PM PST

i want to know the new important features of office 2013 not included in office 2010? also will office 2013 take large diskspace and reduce pc performance..????

tnks in advance....:)