

Excel Help Forum - Excel Formulas & Functions: IF(IFERROR(MATCH conversion for MS Excel 2002

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IF(IFERROR(MATCH conversion for MS Excel 2002
Hello Guys, I need help to convert below formula to smething readable by MS Excel 2002. =IF(IFERROR(MATCH($D7,'Post dated Checks'!$B:$B,0)>0,FALSE),"POSTDATED" Thanks in advance! :)

Excel Help Forum - Excel Programming / VBA / Macros: Remove rows with custom data in a column

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Remove rows with custom data in a column
Hi everyone, I found below code on the forum to find rows in a list of data that contain a certain value in the column D. I have 2 questions to ask to the forum and hope somebody can help ;-) 1.) Rather than hard-coding, I would like the "user" to have the possibility to insert the values he...

Excel Help Forum - Excel General: sort ascending not working

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sort ascending not working
hello all, i have a table with 5000 rows of data and im trying to filter it in ascending order according to date but its not working it keeps sorting a certain amount of it then doesnt sort the rest. any ideas? im using auto filter btw. Kind Regards Ricky

Excel Help Forum - Excel Formulas & Functions: MSE 2002 Alternative to Weeknum

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MSE 2002 Alternative to Weeknum
Hello, What can I use to replace Weeknum in 2002 which bases its result to a column of dates?

Excel Help Forum - Excel Programming / VBA / Macros: Match Headers, Copy from raw data and paste it horizontally

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Match Headers, Copy from raw data and paste it horizontally
Hi, Can someone please help me with this? I have attached a sample pic for this report. I am trying to create a macro to copy from raw data(first picture) according to the heading on the top(Name, Number, Subject) Attachment 188438...

Office IT Pro General Discussions Forum: Error when upgrading from Office 2003 to Office 2010 with a domain user

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Error when upgrading from Office 2003 to Office 2010 with a domain user

When upgrading users from office 2003 to 2010 when I open office I get error ID:1000 and it tries to open in safe mode but this also fails. The only way to solve the error is to remove the users profile and then log back in as the user then it works correctly. Any ideas why it doesnt allow Outlook to open unless I remove and log back in the users profile? We all use Windows XP.


Liam Earnshaw

Excel Help Forum - Excel General: in Vlookup/Index / match-how to update content in 2 or 3 row of different column

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in Vlookup/Index / match-how to update content in 2 or 3 row of different column
Hi, I have two tables. I want to update contents from one table to another table. I have tried to use vlookup, match, index, two way match/index, helper column But it update only contents in first row but skip second or any successive row even if it is in diffetnt colum. I have attached...