

Microsoft Word - How to avoid importing templates when copying text from other documents?

Microsoft Word - How to avoid importing templates when copying text from other documents?

How to avoid importing templates when copying text from other documents?

Posted: 28 Mar 2015 08:44 AM PDT


I have tried to consolidate all my texts for my thesis into one word document. The destination document uses a predefined set of templates (see ). When I started to copy happily from different source documents into the destination document, I apparently have copied all the different templates as well. The destination document is now a mess with many random templates. What can I do to rectify this situation?

I think the following action might help but I don't know how to perform them.

I there a way to re-apply the DOTX Format Word Template to the document and override the templates within it?

Is there a way to avoid unwillingly copying source templates into the destination document?

Thanks for your help.

Writing color in Word 2010

Posted: 28 Mar 2015 04:53 AM PDT


I would like to know if there is any way of changing the color in which you are writing in Word. I'm not interested in selecting the text and then changing the color, i would like to write directly in the color of my choice.

Thank you,

Gabriel Z.

Line numbers for code in MS Word

Posted: 27 Mar 2015 11:45 PM PDT

Good evening folks,

I am in need of some support, regarding a bunch of codes I have to document in MS Word. As I see screen caps as a last result, I tried some of the solutions on stack overflow. After opening my code in Notepad++, I copied it to clipboard as RTF and pasted it into a text box. For some reason, the background became all yellow, so I removed that. Then I tried to add some line numbers, removed the dots and changed the font and size to match the code. It looked really nice, until I tried some code with indentation. Well, as you can see, it didn't work out too well. Is there anything I can do, besides replacing the tabulator with some spaces? And in that case, how many?

Answers are appreciated!

As you can clearly see, I failed at line three.

Extract only certain specific lines from differnet parts of Word document

Posted: 27 Mar 2015 11:14 PM PDT

Hi guys,

I'm in a strange position.. I've my college administration work to be done.. 

The files look something like this 

Student details 

Sl No.:

Enrol_no :

Student Name:

DoB :



Sl No.:

Enrol_no :

Student Name:

DoB :



and goes on..

Now I wanna make a separate list (Excel doc) which only contains the student name and the mobile number..

I did some search.. it seems that I've to use Macros on excel but I've no clue how to use them.. 

also I found another answer similar to this one HERE

But Idk how to implement it in my situation.. I hope someone will be kind enough to find me a solution.. Thank you.

Office 2013 - Themes with color?

Posted: 27 Mar 2015 08:23 PM PDT


I recently upgraded to Office 2013.  To my horror, there are only three window theme colours: white, grey, and dark grey. 

You would have heard this complaint before.  It appears there have been thousands of complaints about this.

Yet, the only response from Microsoft seems to have been to introduce dark grey as an option. 

That addition does not change the intolerable, nauseating monotony of using the Office suite.

The Office 2010 light blue ribbon was, by comparison, so much more pleasant on the eyes.  I now find myself looking for work-arounds to try to return to an old version.  This is patently ridiculous, since all Microsoft needs to do is introduce a customisable color palette. 

So, my question is: after over 2 years of complaints from users after the initial release of Office 2013 in January 2013, are there any plans to add new colors or a customisable color palette for Office 2013?   If not, why not? 

Sadly, I expect a standardised reply will come from the support staff to this post - "We understand your concerns and we try to develop our products with users in mind, etc."  Well, I'm posting this anyway.  How Microsoft can continue to ignore the requests of its users is beyond me.  The fact that Office 2015 is being worked on is no excuse for neglecting its users.  For such a gigantic business it is totally unacceptable. 

Drawing Tools format

Posted: 27 Mar 2015 06:34 PM PDT

I have Word 2013.  Several icons are greyed out on my ribbon:  position wrap, bring forward - back, group, rotate.  Can't find  a drawing tools format.  Accidently got a pictures tool format but lost it.  Right now I want to group for shapes.   The MS help says that these buttons may not be available but there is an easy fix.  Can't locate it.

saving files

Posted: 27 Mar 2015 04:02 PM PDT

Asking a question on saving files, I want to always save or open to the same folder, can someone advise how i set this up, tried to contact help, but not open.