

Microsoft Word - Get rid of styles

Microsoft Word - Get rid of styles

Get rid of styles

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 03:04 PM PDT

Split from this thread.

Thanks everyone for all the great information but I tried several macros offered here in WORD 2010 and not one of them did anything at all.  I think it was 4 macros that I tried in total.

I also copied and used the macro Sub NukeStyleNotInDocument() but I got an error message:

"Compile error:  Syntax error.  OK Help"

Also in Word 2010 I can only see the Char or Corrupt Styles in the Find What, Find Styles window and nowhere else can I see them and I mean nowhere else?  In Word 2003 Char styles or Corrupt Styles used to appear in a different place and so it is like the corrupt styles are still there but now hidden under the Find What, Find Styles window but I do not know why it is like this either?

I used to have this problem all fixed with two great macros in Word 2003 but they no longer work in Word 2010 and so I feel that this problem has not yet been resolved for me in Word 2010.

Has anyone else tried the macros in a corrupt styles Word 2010 document?  If so, which macro or steps worked for you in Word 2010?

Can't Keep Endnotes from Starting on Next Page

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 03:02 PM PDT

I have a 321 page document with 22 chapters.  Each chapter is set up to be its own section.  The chapters end with an Odd Page Section Break.  The Endnotes are set to "End of Section."  For many but not all of the chapters/sections, the Endnotes start on the next page, even though there is more than enough space to have the endnotes begin immediately after the text (as opposed to on the next page).

This is adding two, mostly blank pages to the end of the chapters this is happening in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Unwanted page break in mail merge

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 02:32 PM PDT

Split from this thread.

See, especially the part titled "If you really want to delete the temporary section break ...".

First of all sorry for my English. In my word document I insert the list of items from Mail Merge code. For example i have 35 items which can be listed on a single page through Mail Merge code. When I reach 35th item, automatically page break applies and add a blank page. Although it should go to next page when the items list exceeded the page limit. How can I remove the hidden Break which I didnt insert and coming when the Mail Merge code insert the data. Any help will be appreciated.

Word 2013 Header Questions

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 02:06 PM PDT

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my post.  I'm trying to figure out how to manipulate some data.  Hopefully these screenshots will highlight what I want to do.

In the screenshot above you will see what things look like:

1:  This is the header.  I just applied a shading color so you could see it stand out.

2:  This is the actual header.

3:  A textbox over the header.

I'm trying to do exactly what you see in the screenshot.  I have no idea how the background is colored and filled like that in #2.  When I create the header, I can use a shade to color it and stretch it to where I want it.  However, I can't drag the textbox over the header.  Word won't let me.  It will only let me place the textbox below the header.

Problems with page numbering

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 01:51 PM PDT

Split from this thread.

I totally agree. It's ridiculous how terribly difficult Word is to use. I don't want to just rant about it; I've been using Word for as long as I can remember, but it's so much more trouble than it's worth. I sincerely wish that there was another program I could use that could do what I want it to and also be compatible in my line of work.

So I have a document that is upward from 300 pages. I'm having trouble with the page numbers. I've been scrolling through page after page online. Asked tech support. Even called Microsoft for assistance--they did the remote access and all of that... the guy I spoke to spewed a bunch of tech jargon and basically told me he couldn't fix the page numbers unless I paid whatever sum he asked for.

I've followed everyone's advice. I've done the paragraph thing to check for page breaks. There were none. No page breaks were inserted in the document. Spaces and paragraphs and tabs... I even ran the macros to check... None. I did the Alt, Shift, P... I did the Alt F9... There are no new sections, but I tried them anyway. When I did this I was really excited because I thought it was working. I got down to about an 8th of the document before the pages started messing up again. It was just one page off so I thought it'd be simple to correct. I followed the instructions just like I had before and instead of working, it sent me back to the top of the document and all of the numbers were off again! Imagine my frustration! I'm sure you can't. I actually tried this about seven times, trying different variations. Trying to do the same thing slightly different each time. Nothing.

I have a deadline. I really have to finish this document. I really can't fathom why it wouldn't work. Honestly. It is one document. No page breaks, no sections. Page one to page 300whatever and yet the page numbers do not work.

I really sincerely hope someone here can help me because I am going grey here. No one seems to understand why it is not working.

How do I set page numbers book style? (odd pages one corner, even pages the other)

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 10:20 AM PDT

Split from this thread.

The article on Headers and Footers is no longer available and I am sure it isn't up to date for Word 2013.  Any advice? 


Posted: 20 Mar 2015 09:51 AM PDT

      How do you get straight left merginal

      and straight right margin in 

      Microsoft Office Word?

E-Mail Form in Word 2013

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 09:30 AM PDT

I have a company I work with that will send me quotes from time to time. EVERY time I receive their "Word" quote, it appears to be in e-mail editing mode. The "To", "cc", & subject lines are at the top just below the ribbon. It gets VERY irritating because it eats up so much window space. I cannot find how to get rid of this.

It will not let me right click, drag, or anything.


Word tables - Overlapping footer and strange compression

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 09:08 AM PDT

Hi there - I hope you will be able to help me

I use Office 2010 - I have a word table that is misbehaving.

It is doing two strange things:

at the bottom of the page, it overlaps the footer

when editing and I add extra lines, instead of funding webpage break it is automatically, it compresses the table lines over each other. See below.

Extract all acronyms within parentheses, and paste into new document.

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 08:21 AM PDT

Hello! I'm fairly new to macros, and I've spent the better part of this morning trying to find a solution to my problem. I work with documents that range between 20 to 500+ pages in Word 2010. I've been trying to make a macro that will find all 2 or more alphanumeric text between parentheses, and then paste them into a new document. I've tried recording my steps, while using the Advanced Find feature, but when I run the macro, a window pops up and tells me "This method or property is not available because no text is selected." For some reason, manually doing the steps while recording allowed for the results that I needed, just not as a macro.

I'd like to add that I work on a very limited system, or at least limited capability even though I'm using Word 2010 on Windows 7. We are restricted from doing/viewing many things while here at work, so I had to type in my code manually below; I couldn't paste it in or use (or even see) any options to insert my code separately.


Sub acro4()

' acro4 Macro



          .Text = "\([A-Z]{2,}\)"

          .Replacement.Text = ""

          .Forward = True

          .Wrap = wdFindContinue

          .Format = False

          .MatchCase = False

          .MatchWholeWorld = False

          .MatchAllWordForms = False

          .MatchSoundsLike = False

          .MatchWildcards = True

     End With


     Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument

     Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdPasteDefault)

End Sub 

Thank you for your time and assistance!


Seeing word documents on another iPad

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 08:17 AM PDT

my wife's iPad was stolen. We are trying to recover documents and we use the same word for iPad but I can only see my docs and not hers.

how can I see her docs.

Read Only File (I created them)

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 08:02 AM PDT

I have followed the discussions, but they address files that have been on OneDrive. Mine are simply random Word files. Arbitrarily, Word decides that a file has to be protected (I changed none of the settings) and I cannot edit and save the file.

Yes, I know I can give it a different name, but it is very annoying to be locked out of a file that you created on this computer...and now you cannot edit it.

Track changes, but not text highlights. Possible?

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 07:19 AM PDT


I wouldn't like to track the changes in text highlights. 

Does Word provide any setting I can remove text highlights in order it won't be tracked?



Auto capitalization in table in Word for iPad

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 05:16 AM PDT


does anyone know how to switch off auto caps in tables created in word for iPad? Even tables created in Word for PC with deactivated auto caps are ignored in word for iPad everting will apear with an inital capital letter. iOS settings fir capitalization are off too.

Thank you


The document cannot be opened because there are problems with the content

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 03:49 AM PDT

Hi all,

I new to office 2010. I open a document but cannot copy, paste or do anything in it because of the above error message. clicking 'ok' does not exit the error or suggest what else one can do, clicking 'details' shows 'unexpected end of input', 'location: line 1, column 1'. To worsen it, I cannot close the document or  work on any other document that is microsoft word until  I shut the system. What do I do

Changing the author name of comments while reviewing

Posted: 19 Mar 2015 09:38 PM PDT

While revieweimg a documen in Word, the aithor name of my comment/corrections is identified by my full name which is too long.mHow do I chNge it to a short name?

ruby text : how do you get ruby text to work

Posted: 19 Mar 2015 06:32 AM PDT

how do you get ruby text to work