

Can't see daily hours in resource usage view - only total hrs Microsoft Project

Can't see daily hours in resource usage view - only total hrs Microsoft Project

Can't see daily hours in resource usage view - only total hrs

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 04:36 AM PST

You're welcome Jon and thanks for the feedback.


"Jon Bento" <> wrote in message

Email assignments without project server?

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 09:54 AM PST

You're welcome Waffler and thanks for the feedback.

"Waffler" <> wrote in message

Project data exported to Excel

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 08:06 AM PST

In article <com>,
"JB" <> wrote:

Tell ya what. I may have a little time to run some tests to see what's
happening (I don't guarantee I'll find the answer) but it would be very
helpful to have at least a part of your Project file with the export map
so I can try it myself. If you don't mind sending me the file via
e-mail, I'll take a look after I run some errands.

remove obvious redundancies

Problem Tracking Progress using Percentages Complete

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 07:28 AM PST

Best method I have used is to zero out time remaining for task A therefore
driving task to 100%. Hope this helps!?

"Dougal" wrote:

Milestones and end-dates on the gant chart

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 07:27 AM PST

Try the right mouse button in the Gantt area where your milestones are
located. Select "Bar Style and change "Milestone" to Finish, Finish and then
go to the bottom of the "Bar Style" menu and update Text (to finish) and Bar
(to display Milestone at end). Hope this helps.

"Joe" wrote:

Microsoft Project Cannot open more than 50 windows

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 03:17 AM PST


Suppose the project you want to close (it closes with its window) is called
(when it is opened you use set proj09=activeproject)
When you want to close it
FileClose (pjsave or PJdonotsave, your choice)


Jan De Messemaeker, Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
For FAQs:
"Baji" <> schreef in bericht

How can I navigate between linked tasks?

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 02:32 AM PST

Sounds like you have your task list set up closer to a bill of materials
doent. You might try regrouping it into an arrangment closer to a true
work breakdown structure. The task structure is a doent describing
deliverables and the work activities that create them - dig the hole, paint
the wall, write the program, etc - not one about tangible items and their
various components. Sometimes a re-think of the structure can help resolve
"spagetti links."
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Alexei" <> wrote in message

How do I link dates from one file to another?

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 03:31 PM PST

Thank you for the help. I also found out that I need to open the source file
first, then the file I am linking to, then save and close the file I am
linking to before I save and close the source file. Otherwise, the links get
all ed up and don't know where to go. This may be simple, but I didn't
know. Thanks for your input!

"Rick" wrote:

customized Resource Graph

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 01:49 PM PST

Thanks for responding,
this is becoming very painful now, Can you direct me on how can I draw this
info into excel.

what I am trying to do is the following
trying to creat a stacked bar chart by resource name. The x-axis is months
and they y-axix represent %. it tells us how much much total work each
resource is doing by month. Now the problem is, within these bar charts by
resources I want to stack the % of projects these resources are working
in....Ex. john is working 65% in Feb06, out of which 30% of the work is
project A and 25% is project B and 10% is project C. Can you tell me how can
i graph the project distribution within the resources.

I have tried many ways but can't get the answer. All your help and time are
greatly appreciated.


"Pooja" wrote:

custom input form to modify existing tasks

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 10:08 AM PST

Hi Jan,

I stumbled upon it a while ago and have found it very useful for what kcrad
was seeking -- but it was purely accidental ;-)


"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote in message