

Microsoft Word - send to mail recipient icon not responsive

Microsoft Word - send to mail recipient icon not responsive

send to mail recipient icon not responsive

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 03:28 PM PST

As far as I'm aware i have followed every step to ensure my version of Microsoft word can send emails directly. However, the reality I face is that after adding the "send to mail Recipient" icon to the toolbar, it remains unresponsive. Every time I search online for a solution to this, it talks about outlook, which is unavailable on windows 8.1 (which I am currently using), and no where does it mention the mail app.

        Since I am a complete novice to windows 8.1, i may be missing something simple, but i have exhausted the length and breadth of this forum and found no solace in any answer provided. I am using Microsoft office home and student 2013 and i would appreciate anyone who could attempt to answer my prayers.


Saving a Word document.

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 03:25 PM PST

When i save a Word document, it shows the document saved. However, about a third of the time it failed to save the latest changes. The problem seems systemic.

By that i mean, I save my documents to the hard drive and then to a smart stick. It happens on both devices. My documents are quite long, 60 to 90,000 words.

Data linked from Excel to Word (office 2010) won't stay linked.

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 02:30 PM PST

I have information stored in an excel 2010 file that I need to link to a word doc. I've done this thousands of times before with no problem. I recently got a new computer (Windows 7) and suddenly my links won't stay linked. As soon as I close the word doc, the link breaks. Is there a setting I forgot to change or something? I don't understand why my links break as soon as I close the doc.

Form controls no longer working

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 01:46 PM PST

The controls within a previously created form in Word 2010 are no longer working.  I don't use the form frequently.  The last known date it worked was in Nov 2014 (it is now Feb 2015).  Is this a known issue?

How do I remove worthless save screen and use explorer directly with default directory.

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 01:23 PM PST

Just wondering.Every time I go to save a document I get a screen where I have to manually pick the directory to save the file in.

How do I configure the software to go to a default directory and skip the worthless screen in the middle?

I bet I go through this more that 70+ times every day. Incredible annoying.

Tried to add a screen shot but no go. I am talking about the "Save" screen.

Why do programers add all the fofo, it serves no purpose other then looks. I need speed not fofo.

Thanks for any help.

Cant get heading panel in Word for mobile device to work properly

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 01:20 PM PST


I am struggling in through Word for Mobile devices. I cant get the navigation (heading) panel to work properly. I assume there is a bug but I am not 100% shure.

The problem is the the heading panel is displaying not only the heading but also other text in document. I have a word document that works fine in desktop PC version (the navigation panel is displaying proper headings), but when I open it in word for mobile devices the headings in heading panel are mixed, the other text in the documents is also displaying there. Can you help me somebody? I also have example but cant post it along this post.

Macro to hide if 0.00

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 12:59 PM PST

Is there a macro or a way to hide the amounts on a document if it is 0? We need to keep everything else on that row, just hide the 0.00's. (see circled) We use this with Microsoft Dynamics GP, GP uses its report writer to generate reports and send XML data to Word to render the report.  Example of the document below. 

Microsoft Word integrated CRM, using MS Word 2013, Merging to a PDF Printer Driver

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 12:35 PM PST

We are using Maximizer CRM Live, which integrates with MS Word and is an Add-on to MS Word, for creating personalized letters containing User Defined Fields from the CRM that are embedded in MS Word documents. If we run a merge with a selected list of entries in our CRM, and select a network printer for the output, all of the entries will print to the network printer without any interruption.


The issue we are having is that we need to have a multiple entry merge from our CRM output as a single PDF file using a PDF Printer driver as the printer. When we select a PDF Printer (and we have tried at least a 6 so far including Adobe PDF Printer), we receive an on-screen message indicating the correct number of entries will be merged. Next, the Save As dialog appears and a file name and location is requested. All good so far.  The first entry will merge, but for the subsequent entries, the Save As dialog appears for each subsequent entry in the merge, requiring the User to enter a different name, otherwise overwriting the file. As our entries for the merge may sometimes include 50 or more entries, we need a way to append the balance of the entries to the first entry without having the User having to interact.

Is there a way to achieve the appending of the entries to one PDF file without interaction from the User?

Thanks in advance,


Macro for spell check doesn't always work.

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 12:22 PM PST

I wrote a macro that I assigned to a button that turns on "check spelling as you type", but it doesn't always work because the spelling errors do not get highlighted.  Here's the macro:

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
    Options.CheckSpellingAsYouType = True
End Sub

I emphasize that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.  When it doesn't work I go to the Review tab>Spelling & Grammar>Options, and under the "Exceptions for:" heading I see that "Hide spelling errors in this document only" option is checked.  My macro doesn't have a command in it that checks this option.  How does this sometimes get checked, and how do I make it so it's never checked unless I check it myself?  Thank you.

Legal Pleading Template does not work

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 12:18 PM PST

I have Windows 8.1, Office 365 Home, with MS Word 2013.  If I try to use the pleading paper template, the numbering and lines along the left side of the paper do not show in Print View, do not print, and do not convert to pdf.  How can I get the legal pleading template to actually work?  

Office 365 Word unstable

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 11:37 AM PST


I have a problem using Word, the cursor shows as a circle (like a 'wait' symbol) and continuously flashes, sometimes over where the typing point is, it makes it almost impossible to use and this could be a big problem as I bought this la[top and Windows 8.1 specifically for a project writing a book for the big screen.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.

thank you


MIcrosoft chat support only wants to sell products

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 11:18 AM PST

Yesterday I had a situation with my Office 2010 product.  A unexpected and unsolicited Microsoft download apparently changed a printer setting unbeknownst to me.  After that download, I was working in Word and could not print a document.  I called the chat line for help.  They indicated that they needed a product key to look at the problem.  I mentioned it had been 4 years since purchasing Office 2010 and had no idea where the product key was.  Their only solution was for me to purchase Office 2013.  They didn't offer any solution other than a new sale for Microsoft.  That's great Support, don't even try to fix the problem, just sell new products.

The final solution came when I purchased Office 2013, uninstalled 2010 and installed 2013 and I still could not print.  I called Tech Support and this time spoke to someone who suggested checking the default on my printer.  Sure enough, the default setting had mysteriously changed.  The problem was solved in under 5 minutes.  And I, for better or worse, was taken for the price of Office 2013 by the Chat room.

Shortcuts for frequently used phrases?

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 10:57 AM PST

Hi, and thanks for reading --

I have started transcription work, and verbatim transcriptions require you to type all of the "you know"s and the "so, like"s.  Does anyone know a way I can create a shortcut key to type a phrase like "you know"?

Custom Bibliography Style

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 10:38 AM PST

I have created a custom bibliography style as per this link: "". Yet the style does not show up in the "Styles" drop-down list under the "Referencing" tab in Word 2013. Why is it not showing up in the drop-down menu? The XSL file is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\Bibliography\Style. Please note that I am using "English Canada" as my default language (LCID 4105). 

Here is the code: 

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 

<!--List of the external resources that we are referencing-->
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:b="">
<!--When the bibliography or citation is in your document, it's just HTML-->
<xsl:output method="html" encoding="us-ascii"/>
<!--Match the root element, and dispatch to its children-->
<xsl:template match="/">

<xsl:apply-templates select="*" />


<!--Set an optional version number for this style--> 

<xsl:template match="b:version"> 



<xsl:when test="b:StyleNameLocalized/b:Lcid='4105'">


<!--Defines the name of the style in the References dropdown list-->
<xsl:when test="b:StyleNameLocalized"> 
      <xsl:when test="b:StyleNameLocalized/b:Lcid='4105'"> 

<!--Specifies which fields should appear in the Create Source dialog box when in a collapsed state (The Show All Bibliography Fields check box is cleared)-->

<xsl:template match="b:GetImportantFields[b:SourceType = 'Book']"> 

<!--Defines the output format for a simple Book (in the Bibliography) with important fields defined-->

<xsl:template match="b:Source[b:SourceType = 'Book']"> 

<!--Label the paragraph as an Office Bibliography paragraph-->

      <xsl:value-of select="b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList/b:Person/b:Last"/> 
      <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> 
      <xsl:value-of select="b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList/b:Person/b:First"/> 
      <xsl:text>. (</xsl:text> 
      <xsl:value-of select="b:Year"/> 
      <xsl:text>). </xsl:text> 
         <xsl:value-of select="b:Title"/> 
         <xsl:text>. </xsl:text> 
      <xsl:value-of select="b:City"/> 
      <xsl:text>: </xsl:text> 
      <xsl:value-of select="b:Publisher"/> 

<!--Defines the output of the entire Bibliography-->
<xsl:template match="b:Bibliography"> 

   <html xmlns=""> 

         <xsl:apply-templates select ="b:Source[b:SourceType = 'Book']"> 



<!--Defines the output of the Citation-->
<xsl:template match="b:Citation/b:Source[b:SourceType = 'Book']"> 
   <html xmlns=""> 
         <!-- Defines the output format as (Author, Year)--> 
            <xsl:value-of select="b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList/b:Person/b:Last"/> 
         <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> 
         <xsl:value-of select="b:Year"/> 

<xsl:template match="text()" /> </xsl:stylesheet>

MS Word 2010 - add style to toolbar

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 10:08 AM PST

I have many custome styles, in a template.  How can I add the styles to a tab in the ribbon?

Uncooperative Page Numbering

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 09:29 AM PST


I've been working away for weeks now trying to get the page numbers to count properly in a book that I'm writing, but I'm getting sick and tired of solving one problem only to be confronted by another. So at the moment, I have a number of problems which I need help working out what to do with. The initial problem was that the numbering kept re-starting because word had inserted random section breaks all over the place.

1. I'm trying to keep the first few pages free from numbering, but every time I try to delete them, (almost) every other page number in the fifty-page long document also gets deleted. I've made sure the ones I want to keep are set to 'start with', but this doesn't help anything.

2. I wanted the next few pages to be of the system i, ii, iii, which is working perfectly, but for the fact that every time I try to set the numbers below to 'start from' a number, it turns the last page of the i, ii, iii format into 1, 2, 3 format. Completely bizarre. Completely stupid.

3. I mentioned above that I was trying to get the main bulk of the pages to start from 1 - this doesn't work. These pages are still inexplicably linked to the first few pages which I don't want numbered (see my first point), and whenever I try, the page I set to 'start from' actually starts at 6. It also seems to follow no logical counting order.

Any help would be very much appreciated. The sooner I can get this sorted, the sooner I can get back to actually writing to book. Either that or I'll have to find a pdf editor.

Thank you

Office 2013 (Word) Illegal XML character

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 07:55 AM PST

The Issue

I have experienced this problem twice now.  First time months ago when I was working with Master documents.  I paid little attention then believing the document corruption error was directly associated with Master Document issues.

The source file resides on OneDrive.  The file is accessed regularly from office 2013 (win8.1)


and from Office Mobile (Android device) version 15.0.3722.2000. 

When I attempt to open the file from either office product the following error occurs.   The file contains 26182 bytes all readable from a simple Visual Studio binary reader I put together.  I have no idea what the 100960 column number means.   Also, I do not believe the file format is true XML - some derivative form.

The Error

The Questions

  1. Is the file recoverable by any means?
  2. If the file can not be recovered, how can I acquire the first 100959 columns successfully read?

Thanks now to all that respond

How to best perform a mass font changeover

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 06:56 AM PST

I'm working with a large Sharepoint database of MS Word documents (1000+), across various folders and all documents have a custom font. I want to change every document over to a standard MS Word font, to avoid the documents looking bad on external computers. What would be the best way to do this?

when sending a word mail merge as an email attachment how do we type in body of email

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 06:45 AM PST

I have a mail merge from Excel to word that I want to send as an individualized attachment.  Is there anyway to include text in the body of the email that is sent?

Open Excel tables or workbooks in Microsoft Word

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 06:29 AM PST

How do  I import an Excel table or spreadsheet into Microsoft Word 2013? Used to be able to do that in older versions of Word.

Word documents open from "Recent", but not "Open"

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 05:24 AM PST

From MS Word, I can open files using "Recent" but when I try "Open", some files don't show up in the folder. If I open a document from Recent and try "Save As", it tells me the file exists.

Also, when using "Open", the files that do show up aren't sorted like usual.

MS Word 2013 shows only one page

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 04:41 AM PST

I recieve one document in my e-mail. This document contains many pages, but my MS Word 2013 shows only first page from this document. Where is the problem?

Comments in Word 2013

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 03:13 AM PST

I would like to add notes regarding how to editing/update a periodic report in a word document. I have added comments, but when the section is updated the comment disappears. What is the best way to ensure the comments remain visible month on month?

Dutch proofing tool not working

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 01:46 AM PST


I installed 3 licenses of Office 365 on 3 different laptops using Windows 8.1 Professional.  All installations are in English.  I also downloaded, installed and enabled the Dutch language proofing tool on all 3 computers.  None of them are working.  See pictures below.  I tried the suggestion I saw on an earlier post about a similar issue (quick repair of the Office 365 installation), but to no avail.

Can you please help with this issue?


Fixed outline.

Posted: 12 Feb 2015 01:29 AM PST

Hello, first of all, sorry for my english, its not my main language.

I need to make cards in which people would write information, text in front which is same for all cards should not have underline, but underline is applied after that text like in this example:

Text _____________


Text _____________

Longer txt ______


All lines should be fillable, and should not move when text is beign written on them.

I could apply underline to paragraph, but it underlines everything, even text which should not be underlined like in example.

I tried to create table, but text does not go into next table row.

Is it possible to create such a card?

Applying data from Excel 2013 spreadsheet to a Word 2013 document

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 08:11 PM PST

When making contracts or writing letters to clients, I commonly address them to one of 50 - 80 clients, but my entire client list is in the hundreds.  I have them all in an Excel spreadsheet, with "FirmName", "Street1", "Street2", "Street3", "City", "State", and "Zip" as the column names.  When I create contracts, invoices, or letters, I would like to be able to select the "FirmName" from a drop down list in my Word document, and have the remaining information auto-filled in the layout:


Street1 Street2


City, State Zip

The city names in the "City" column do not have a comma after them, so I need to include this in the auto function.  Can anyone help me with this task?

I would also like the drop down menu in Word to make a fresh reference to the Excel spreadsheet each time I open the file, so that changes to the client list are automatically recognized.  Is this possible?

Thank you for any help.

Dependant drop down lists

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 07:49 PM PST

I am creating dependent drop down lists using the method shown at this link:

Following this example, I have currently entered 28 types of fruit in the value field for when "Fruit" is chosen as the "Food Group".  I seem to be limited to 256 characters.  My current needs are for 30 - 35 items, totaling a minimum of about 350 - 400 characters, including spaces, pipes, and all.  It would be ideal if I could have 40 - 50 items totaling 1,000 - 1,500 characters.

Question: Can I get around this limitation?  If so, please provide a reference or example I can follow for whichever method you suggest.  Thank you.

Microsoft Office 2010 - Templates

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 07:24 PM PST


Under File/New/Templates - this is where we store all our Word templates. 

Can you add a shortcut to your desktop for one of these templates? 



office 2013 not opening

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 06:15 PM PST

I just downloaded office and when I try to open word, excel or power point it says word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now. When I click repair nothing happens.


Print Applied Document Formatting (not real styles)

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 04:11 PM PST

You can print a list of documents styles, but can you print the formatting that has been applied?  In the styles pane you can see the "Direct formatting" if you check Style Pane Options "Select Formatting to show as styles".  I would like a print out of these.  One document has 12 real styles, and over 30 direct formatting "Styles".

Thanks in advance.

Links in Word don't work

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 03:05 PM PST

Office has just recently gone off the rails Outlook has stopped working and now I find that Word will not process links> I do the ctrl-click on a web link and word gives me this message...

"unable to open http// Cannot download the information you requested"

Of course the URL in the message is actually the URLL in the link I click on..

any chance of correcting this?