

Microsoft CRM - Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 causes CRM "Send Direct Email" Error.

Microsoft CRM - Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 causes CRM "Send Direct Email" Error.

Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 causes CRM "Send Direct Email" Error.

Posted: 12 Jul 2005 04:57 PM PDT

Thanks for the heads-up, Curt. Anyone else have issues to report on SP1 for
Matt Wittemann

"Curt Spanburgh" wrote:

CRM Activity

Posted: 12 Jul 2005 08:28 AM PDT

Having done this (aggregating web requests), I can tell you it is not
fun. I was able to, after many hours of importing web logs, day by
day, into Excel, and running through several macros to clean the data
and create such a report, that it is not something you'll want to do on
an ongoing basis. This in fact was one of the driving forces to build
VAST. As VAST track all changes saved by users in CRM, VAST can also
tell you what didn't happen - as in what users have not many any
changes lately. Now, until they add the pre-callout in CRM 3.0, it is
not possible in VAST to find what people may have just looked at, and
not made any changes to, but I can assure you, it can provide you with
better information a whole lot easier than aggregating those web logs.


David L. Carr, President
Visionary Software Consulting, Inc.
Main #: 971-327-6944

To download a fully functional trial version of VAST, (Visionary Audit
System Tools for Microsoft CRM), visit

CRM contacts in outlook

Posted: 12 Jul 2005 03:43 AM PDT

Hi Pete

Would it be possible for you to post the results of your work with MS on
this issue?



"Pete Stone" <> wrote in message

deleting a user in CRM

Posted: 12 Jul 2005 03:03 AM PDT

One more thing, I think you will need to first re-enable the user prior to
removing the license, then disabling it again.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 04:21:03 -0700, "Ronald Lemmen"
<> wrote:

Hi Anwar,

You can find the user by using the dropdownlist on the right top of the
users screen. One of the options there is 'disabled users'. You can find your
disabled user there. Then you should remove the license from that user.
Deleting the user from CRM is not possible. This would create the possibility
that items (contacts etc) contain links to users which are not there anymore.

Hope this helps,

Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands

"anwar adil" wrote:

Loads of problems thanks to Windows 2003 Server SP1

Posted: 12 Jul 2005 12:58 AM PDT

This is deinfately the case. They will void the call if all you need is a
hotfix. It's just a little weird as they will request billing info up front.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 01:35:55 -0700, "John O'Donnell"
<com-nospam> wrote:

my experience is that if you are calling MBS support to get a hotfix they
should not charge you for the call. I would contact then to discuss further.

CRM for a radio station

Posted: 11 Jul 2005 02:22 AM PDT

Are you aware of the various classifications for the products like Subject
manager, pricelists etc. You can also insert a custom field in the Product
form to further help you to classify your company slot's etc.
If U can explain the situation in details then we(community) can help you

Hope this post helps you to hink in the right direction

What's the relationship for the CRM database in SQL SERVER?

Posted: 10 Jul 2005 10:36 AM PDT

To add a comment on what Matt Parks wrote. When publishing (tion) has
been disabled on the SQL Server only 3 databases will remain. But 3 is
absolute minimum.

Rob Bakkers,
Avanade Netherlands

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Report consultation crashs

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 05:31 AM PDT

Yes I think it's what occurs. Many thanks for your help Matt.

Michael MARTIN
BrainSoft (France)

"MattNC" wrote: