

Microsoft Word - Word template with different margins on first page?

Microsoft Word - Word template with different margins on first page?

Word template with different margins on first page?

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 12:35 PM PDT

We have a printed letterhead and continuation paper for letters and I am trying to set up an MS Word template that has appropriate margins.

The first page is easy, I need a 6cm margin top and a 5cm margin bottom and that works fine.  However, on the second page I'd like the margins to be 'normal' as we have continuation paper where normal margins will be fine.  If I set the margins the same it looks odd, like I'm wasting a lot of space.

How can I create a template with the margins set appropriately on the page but where when writing a letter and it naturally flows onto page 2, the margins become normal?  Is that possible?

How do I open the Normal.dotm file?

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 11:09 AM PDT

Hi. I want to stop the Navigation pane opening by default and see in someone's reply that I can do this in the Normal.dotm file. Where do I open the Normal.dotm file from? thanks, Dollo

Problem: "Microsoft Word has stopped working"

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 10:05 AM PDT

"Microsoft Word has stopped working"

1. When the Word document, I click the "View" and "Macros" and "View Macros" I get the message "Microsoft Word has stopped working" - followed by the message "Close the program".
So, I can not open the macros!

2. When the Excel document, I click the "View" and "Macros" and "View Macros" I get a blank "Macro" table.
So, I can not open the macros!

How to regain pre-made macros?

thank you

Converting linked document objects to INCLUDETEXT fields

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 08:27 AM PDT

I have hundreds of small Word 2010 documents (i.e. one sentence in length) inserted in a larger "container" document. I inserted them using the command Insert | Object | Create From File. They are considered as "Linked Document Objects" when I right-click them.


For various reasons, a decision was subsequently made to replace all these linked document objects with INCLUDETEXT fields. Is there a way to convert the existing objects programmatically instead of deleting them and inserting the INCLUDETEXT fields one by one?

Thank you for any help you can provide!

Hiding date stamp in track changes, Word 2013

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 07:37 AM PDT

Hi there,

Is there any way I can hide the date/time stamp that appears in the balloons/comments/changes I make in Track Changes in Word 2013? 


How to create a new tab position in Word Web App

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 07:24 AM PDT


How to create a new tab position in a Word Web App document in order to use the tab key? (Now nothing is happening when I click on the tab key.) Or is not possible?


"Keep with Next" and "Keep Lines Together" -- What's the General Rule?

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 07:11 AM PDT

I'm back.

So, I've got my document formatted using a mutli-level list linked to Header styles.

All of my Header styles have "Keep with Next" and "Keep Lines Together" checked -- I assume that is the default.

I find that I keep getting large empty spaces in my pages which I can only avoid by un-clicking "Keep with Next" or "Keep Lines Together" in the trailing paragraph.

This is simple enough, but I'm curious whether most people leave these boxes unchecked when the create a new template or document?   Or does it just depend on the document?

Is there an easier way to avoid the empty spaces that I'm not finding?

Thank you.

markup in microsoft word page 2007

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 07:07 AM PDT

markup error on right side

Form Protection

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 06:09 AM PDT

How do I add "LOCK" and "UNLOCK" buttons to my MS Word toolbar. As of now, I have to go through eight steps to change the dates on forms that I send to clients. I want to unlock to change info on the forms then lock to protect the form from being changed.

Can't manipulate inserted call-out due to 'Layout Options' box covering an edit point

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 05:50 AM PDT

In Word, I've inserted a callout.  It's a box with a line coming from it.

I need to move one of the edit points of the line, but this "Layout Options" box is covering it.

I've already formatted the object yet this box will not go away.

The box does not give me an option to ignore it.

Hidden Section Break??

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 05:21 AM PDT

Good morning All,

I was asked to resolve an issue with a Word 2010 document, as follows:

Originally the document had a next page section break at the end of each and every page.  I removed them all, replacing them with page breaks using Find and Replace.  I then put a section break at the end of page 2, the back of the cover page and set up different odd and even pages, so I could alternate the page number to the outside of each page, on the left of even pages and the right on odd pages in the footer.  As I was moving through the document applying styles as I went I notice that I was in section 3 and the page numbering had gotten messed up.  There should only be 2 sections.  Lo and behold, between page 46 and 47 is a change of section and the misnumbering of pages begins.  It goes from page 46 to page 19.  Show hide button on, show hide button off, I do not see the section break and Find does not detect it either. The Hidden check box in the Font dialog box is unchecked.

 Any suggestions on how to correct this will be appreciated.


Word 2013 - Macro - Automate replacing an image with another image, keeping the formating of the previous image it is replacing

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 04:52 AM PDT


I've been searching for a way to create a macro to do the following:

- Select the image(InlineShape) in the footer of a document and replace it with the image in 1 specific folder without needing to open 'inset picture' dialog.

- Keeping the previous image's formatting.

I'm not sure, but I feel like this should be fairly straightforward. It would be great if the macro would allow you to record a process like this.

I'm doing this across many files so a quick and easy process would be greatly appreciated.



Word Anchors

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 04:18 AM PDT

I really do not understand the whole idea of anchors in Word 2013. Could someone please suggest how I could get more information on this?

Skip records in mail merge

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 03:51 AM PDT

I'm creating a mail merge of place cards from an Excel file.  In the Excel file I have Attending Meal in one field and Partner in another.  Not everyone is taking a partner so in that field I have No.  I'm trying to create a merge so that if the Partner field is No it will not print "No" on my place card and skip to the next record. I've tried Skip Record if Partner Equals No but it doesn't work.  I get a message "Word could not merge the main document with the data source because the data records were empty or no data records matched your query options".  I've also tried Next Record If but that doesn't work either.  Where am I going wrong?  Any advice and help would be much appreciated. 

Word - create a template that when opens it aks a few questions and then populates part of a document

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 02:41 AM PDT


I am trying to create a word document that when you open it a form pop's up asking a few questions to be filled out. These values will then be input into a template.

Is this possible and if so how?


Word Forms - One drop down box that changes several parts of the document

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 02:40 AM PDT


I am trying to create a Word Form where people can select a value from a drop down box and it appears in three parts of the letter (rather than having to select the same thing 3 times). Is this possible?

Thanks for the help.

Macro stops writing after first protected table.

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 01:27 AM PDT


In our company we are encountering a macro template problem with several computers. We are using Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 with Microsoft Office 2010. There is also in use here IFS as an enterprise resource planning software. IFS server is running Windows server 2003 R2 Standard Edition SP2 and Microsoft Office 2010.

Problem itself is as follows. When opening .doc Word templates from IFS, Word stops macro writing to the first protected table. It writes fine to the first unprotected fields but after first protected table it stops writing even there would be unprotected macro fields. With most of the computers it is working fine so it is not compatibility problem or protection problem. When IFS is run from its server there is no problem. Problem occurs only in Windows 7 environment. 

What could cause the problem? 

content controls differentiate editable and locked(on screen without printing)

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 01:18 AM PDT

I would like to show the users which are the content controls locked and which are not in my template.

How can I do this? I dont want to show difference in font colours because I want users to print them without any noticeable difference. But they have to see on the screen which are editable and not.

Is it possible? Please someone help me as I am stuck for long time...

Word 2010 change colour of the text automatically when user change the default text

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 01:09 AM PDT

I am preparing a Word 2010 template using content control. There are few locked and few unlocked controls for users to edit/change. Unfortunately the formatting should be same for both these contents. I am trying to show the users which are locked and which are not. If I show using red colour fonts users can understand they are the one to be modified.but while printing the difference is seen. I have tried using macros NoMacro button but it did not allow me more than a line.

Is there anyway to show locked content controls by different colours or something without affecting the printout?

Or is there a way to change the color of the text if users change the default text using VBA code or something (ie. all red colour texts are for users to modify, once they modify turn back to black automatically)?

Thanks in advance.

Requesting HELP w-Printing Problem in Office 2007-Word - missing body of text-

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 09:09 PM PDT

My Word is suddenly having printing problem in where the body of text is missing (heading ok), & all other Office 2007 (enterprise level) products printing ok- as well as all programs including email & web-site info.   I searched everywhere without success.  apparently some file with printing instructions  in the normal template is missing or altered.      I have looked for   the template file.     normal.dotm   & can not locate it.      if this is the critical point.  how  or where can I get a fix?  

  I also tried uninstalling the full Office package & reinstalling.   No change.   Please Help!   This is important to me & my work.

Microsoft Word Bug

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 08:39 PM PDT

So this issue is a little hard to explain but whenever I shut down word a lot of little clipboards pop up all over the document screen. I don't know what they are doing or why they show up but it is weird and I have no idea why it does that. I assume it has something to do with the clipboard but it happens even when I haven't cut and pasted something into the document. 

Office 365 Home Premium

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 08:33 PM PDT

I have a Toshiba Satellite running Windows 8.1 and using Office 365 Home Premium.  From the start I have had problems opening Word and Excel documents.  On every occasion I open documents they freeze and the "not responding " message comes up.  Most times it takes at least 6 or 7 attempts before it finally opens.  This is VERY frustrating so any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks


How do I change the default settings or create a template in Word 2013?

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 08:16 PM PDT

I downloaded Office 365.   In Word I will be doing a series of documents that require a specific font, font size and line spacing for each document.  Is there a way to make this my default or make a template that I can use over and over rather than changing for each separate document?  I also don't like that I can't just save, give my document a name and go to the next document.  I think I can work around this but the formatting is a pain in the neck.  The online version seems kind of limited.

Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Aren't Working Properly

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 06:16 PM PDT

After opening Microsfot Word or PowerPoint 2013 (im not sure about the other office applications) after opening them up, they work fine then a few minutes later BAM! It wont respond and I have to end the program. I have a Toshiba Satelite C55t-A5287. Thank you so much to whoever answers this! 

Edit an AddressBlock Field

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 05:53 PM PDT

How can one change an AddressBlock?  And why is it so hard to find such information?

I have an AddressBlock (was generated originally by the wizard):

{ADDRESSBLOCK \f "<<_TITLE0_ >><<_FIRST0_>><< _LAST0_>><< _SUFFIX0_>> <<_COMPANY_ >><<_STREET1_ >><<_STREET2_ >><<_CITY_>><<, _STATE_>><< _POSTAL_>><< _COUNTRY_>>" \l 1033 \c 1 \e "United States" \d }

Now I need to Add in #Unit after Street1, if there is a Unit value, otherwise leave it out.  How can I do this?

Word sporadically displays the Comments (Revisions) pane

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 04:57 PM PDT

Split from this thread.

I actually got a request from someone else who was working on an existing document and this was happening to him as well.  He also showed me a seperate document where the comments pane wouldn't open when they added a comment.  So, this is very sporadic.

As a test I created a new document and it started to do this in the new document as well. 

I have Final: Show Markup

Show Markup: Everything is selected with Balloons: Show all revisions inline

View is in Print Layout Mode.

This is pretty frustrating.  There has to be an option somewhere to turn off the comments pane for good.

Merge: 1. No empty records in output once data source records from input finish? 2. We must alwyas sort data as needed in Excel source doct and not from Word?

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 04:33 PM PDT

I've searched and searched but I obviously don't know what to call the 2 things I'm looking for as nothing comes up that is pertinent.

1.  I've been doing a merge but have run into the problem of having more "empty" records at the end of the merged document when the data source records run out.  What I mean by that is that, in this particular case, my Excel data source has 47 records.  The target Word document has 65 empty "labels" ready to receive the data.  The merged document has 47 filled "labels" and the balance are empty "labels" which I must then delete.

Is there a way to create, perhaps, just one page of "labels" (or target document that holds the merged data, in other words) so that when the records finish, the empty ones just won't appear and won't be populated?  I know how to do this in other applications but it's never been an issue with Word before, as far as I can remember.

2. The other question is, must we always pre-sort the data as we need it in the Excel source file?  There's no way to have that as is and have Word sort the records, as needed?  I know that sounds funny, but just want to make sure there's not a feature in Word mail merge that I may be unfamiliar with that perhaps sorts the data without the source document being affected?

Thank you!

Word 2013 Ribbon Completely Gone--Only old fashioned File and Window menus visible

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 04:19 PM PDT

I was editing a document which had an embedded Visio file as a figure. When I double clicked on the figure Visio, opened but then then immediately ended abnormally. Since then the document shows no ribbon, only the old fashioned File and Window menus. Other documents show the ribbon as expected, so the problem is localized to the settings for this particular document. The second image below is a screen capture of this document open in Word 2013. When I go to File => Word Options => Customize Ribbon, I see the first image. Everything is grayed out. How can I reset the document short of cutting and pasting 40+ pages into a new document.

2013 Word Keeps Crashing

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 04:02 PM PDT

So, I'm using an older document because it has a format my professor has been using for years. I just go in and add my own text to the document. However, when I get almost done, the document will crash. Every time I open it, it will work for maybe a few seconds, then when I try to do something, it crashes on me. Any ideas?

Mail Merge in Word 2013 only works in plain text

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 10:46 AM PDT


We recently upgraded to Office 2013 and I have found that the mail merge does not work in HTML format.  I can get it to work in plain text but it requires you to click Allow for each email recipient.  Is there a fix to this.  I am using google app sync with Outlook and do not have any issues in that regard.  It work with the previous version of Word.

Thank you in advance,
