

Configuring two Ubuntus to share a swap partition? - Forums Linux

Configuring two Ubuntus to share a swap partition? - Forums Linux

Configuring two Ubuntus to share a swap partition?

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 08:46 PM PDT

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FC5 printer problem

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 10:29 AM PDT

In message <>
metoo <net> wrote:

From the front panel, or the web-based tool, of most HP PostScript
printers it is possible to turn on "print postscript errors". This
might help.

On at least one (HP 5M) printing beyond the bottom of the printable
area causes the job to be silently discarded. Are your paper
definitions correct?

Alan Adams, from Northamptonshire

SATA Controller (ICH5) drivers for Ubuntu Linux

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 03:09 AM PDT

On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 03:09:52 -0700, Sameer wrote:

That's interesting. I had a problem with my Toshiba laptop that has a
SATA drive, but in my case it was Knoppix 5.0.1 and Mandriva 2007 that
would not install, and 6.06 LTS Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xbuntu that would!

Maurice Batey
(Remove 'removethis.' to reply by email)

Told FC6 to install everything, but it didn't, now what?

Posted: 29 Apr 2007 11:12 AM PDT

Eric wrote: 

There is no "install everything" option in FC6 The system installed what
you selected. If you are certain that you selected a specific package
during the install and it didn't get installed, file a bug report in
the Red Hat Bugzilla:

Use "yum list available".

Markku Kolkka

ctrl-alt-fkey combination not working in Xorg

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:08 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup Mark Hobley <> wrote: 

For information, my keyboard is a PC102 Keyboard (British Layout) AT / 5 pin DIN

It appears to be a bug in Xorg. I found some notes on the Debian Wiki:

If Ctrl-Alt-Function keys stop working, try removing the keyboard variant
option from xorg.conf if it's there. (option "XkbVariant") dpkg-reconfigure
xserver-xorg and leave the keyboard variant field empty.

If this doesn't work, chvt 1 from a root shell will.


Mark Hobley
393 Quinton Road West
B32 1QE

Telephone: (0121) 247 1596
International: 0044 121 247 1596

Email: markhobley at hotpop dot donottypethisbit com

How do I get my onboard midi synthesis to work?

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 08:08 AM PDT

I demand that Mark Hobley may or may not have written...

Then, presumably, the OSS module for it is loaded.

| Darren Salt | linux or ds at | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Buy less and make it last longer. INDUSTRY CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING.

In the stairway of life, you'd best take the lift.

understanding reverse proxy using squid

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 08:39 PM PDT

Thanks , I got it. From next time I will take care.

newbie double boot install issues

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 02:26 PM PDT

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007 15:56:39 -0700, Gremnebulin wrote:
You are right. Both is best. One links to the other. The available space
(<512 bytes) in the MBR is not sufficient to "learn" all of the possible
filesystems, etc.

Here is an example of why what you say is true. Without help from the
code in MBR, grub cannot be installed on some filesystems:

And if you cannot install to both the MBR and partition, you are better
off using an external boot media (cdrom or floppy). This leaves the BPB
of the partition unchanged, and avoids possible damage. The benefit of
external media is that once grub "learns" how to read filesystems and
displays the menu or prompt, grub is fully functional. It can read the
kernel and initrd from any partition with a filesystem that it "knows" how
to read.

Douglas Mayne

Linux machine backup

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 12:02 PM PDT

On 26 Apr, 22:42, Robin T Cox <net> wrote: 

Welcome to rsnapshot, to push it to another drive efficiently, and
tarballs to store it on DVD's.

Help for FTP setup??

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 08:59 AM PDT

On 26 Apr, 18:25, Keith Keller <san-> wrote: 

Or better yet, to avoid the security and proxy problems of FTP and its
passwords sent in the clear, use WebDAV over HTTPS to keep people in a
restricted directory, or SSH if your friends need accounts on your

newbie install problems

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 03:45 PM PDT

Partitioning software at this point for your purposes is INDEPENDENT
of the problem (OS). If XP is already installed on the machine and you just
want to partition/repartition the second physical drive just use XP to do
it. Most Linux installs make at least two partitions one for boot/root and
one for swap. If however you ACTUALLY have one hard drive that has
two partitions, that is a different story.


"Rubyxx" <> wrote in message

FC5 on a Laptop --- disabling hardware

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 10:56 AM PDT

On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:56:06 -0700, Carlos Moreno wrote:

Besides ensuring your FC5 OS is fully patched/updated & that you are
running the most current BIOS version for your laptop, also check your

With FC5 on my laptop, I had issues with all of these, which caused my
laptop to randomly freeze the GUI, which required a hard shutdown/reboot.

Once I upgraded the BIOS, some of my issues went away. Keeping the OS
updated also fixed some more of the random freezing issues. However it
was not until I swapped out the RAM with some known good RAM, did my
laptop stability issues fully go away. Since then, I replaced all the
RAM with new chips & things are rock solid. Upgrading to FC6 also showed
to be stable, once the BIOS & RAM issues were resolved.

Hope this helps...

Just when you think you have seen them all ...

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 06:20 PM PDT

On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 21:20:23 -0400, Matt Giwer wrote:

Perhaps X is angry that you're calling it XWindows.

Cannot find pid in top using ps on Linux box

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 02:07 PM PDT

On 25 Apr 2007 06:30:22 -0700, ss-sandsideoaks
<com> wrote: 
What duplicate pids? Every running process has a unique pid. Maybe you
are looking for threads?

The meta-Turing test counts a thing as intelligent if it seeks to
devise and apply Turing tests to objects of its own creation.
-- Lew Mammel, Jr.

/dev/pts and CONFIG_UNIX98_PTY etc

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 01:40 PM PDT

On Apr 25, 12:11 pm, elsiddik <com> wrote: 

This is the part where I have to be careful. Do you know of the lines
in MAKEDEV which are responsible for /dev/pts creation?
I'd rather go for the right MAKEDEV file than run the commands
manually. The complaints about /dev/pts start during the boot process
and I'd to have it setup before all the other process that depend on
it start.

Is there a way of finding out where CONFIG_UNIX98_ are configured -
if it is supposed to be compiled into the kernel?

How to install FC5 on an external USB Harddisk?

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 12:48 PM PDT

On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:30:47 GMT, The Doctor <com>

Better reinstall. Look here:


how to achieve high speed rate in file transfer

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 11:21 PM PDT

Matt Giwer wrote: 

I would have said FTP is as primitive as it gets actyally.

I m wondering if the 100MBps link really is what it says it is, or if
its dropped back to 10Mbps for some reason.

Or if the OP is confusing 100Mbps with 100mega Bytes oper second.

i.e. a transfer rate of 10Mbytes/sec is about right for a 100Mbps line,
with framing overheads etc.