

Windows 7 - Comports not avaible on win 7

Windows 7 - Comports not avaible on win 7

Comports not avaible on win 7

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 06:10 AM PST

Thanks again for the suggestions. I bought a usb RS-232 serial adapter DB9
male that is win compatible. It is coming from Usbgear in Florida. Cost was
$18.09 plus postage. Hope it works. Thanks again


"Old Geaser" <net> wrote in message

hard drive final

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 06:02 AM PST

"Trev" <com invalid> wrote in

Depending on how Windows was installed, it may or may not change the
partition letters. There is a somewhat official standard (is it official?)
that states how partition should be lettered. Microsoft, in their infinite
wisdom, decided that they no longer need to follow it so when you boot to
different Microsoft operating systems, your drives may have different

Example: Install XP to c:. All drives will be lettered according to
standard. Then install Win7 to g:. If you start the Win7 install from XP,
then the drive lettering won't change. If you start the Win7 install from a
cd/dvd without booting to XP, then it re-letters g: to c:, and re-letters
the other drives accordingly.

Linux doesn't even support drive letters, so this problem doesn't exist
there - you simply mount your partitions where and how you want. You can do
that in Windows to some extant, in that you can change the lettering of
some of the drives, but not the system or boot partition.

Acer Aspire 4810TZG win 7 problem. Help ?

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 05:37 PM PST

On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 08:27:17 -0700, Dave Rudisill wrote:

I also like NumCapsScroll Indicator from

It can be configured to just have one normal size icon that looks like |||
in the system tray. The bars correspond to the lock keys; each lights up
when its key is on.

Gene E. Bloch letters0x40blochg0x2Ecom

Answering Machine

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 07:55 AM PST

"Dave-UK" <com> wrote:

Dave, thanks. I was following that forum but missed that. I'll see if I can
get a line on one of those in Canada.
