

Microsoft Word - 2013 Calendar Templates in MS Word 2013

Microsoft Word - 2013 Calendar Templates in MS Word 2013

2013 Calendar Templates in MS Word 2013

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 02:54 PM PST

Since the year 2014 will be upon us soon, is there a way to edit Word templates with the 2013 Monthly calendars, to reflect the year 2014? Most of the Calendar Templates are for 2013. I want to be able to change them to reflect the upcoming year 2014. I would appreciate any and all assistance with this minor problem.
Thank You.

Word 2003 and Default Email

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 02:52 PM PST

I have recently gone to Windows 8.  For my email program I use Incredimail.  I have been trying to make Incredimail the default when I try to send a document from Word.  The program is defaulting to something else.  I assume that it is Outlook.  Is there a fix for this problem?


printing problem with microsoft word

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 12:49 PM PST

After using Microsoft Word 2010 for several years I cannot print any word documents today.  Excel prints fine, Adobe prints fine.  I have unistalled and re-installed the printer, ran updates and tried scan doctor.  The printer does not seem to be the problem.  Any suggestions to fix the problem?  The microsoft website suggests deleting a word data key but says it could cause serious problems.  I am not very computer smart and scared to try this proceedure.  Any suggestions?

Word Mail Merge - adding one more merge fields for my Mail Merge

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 12:00 PM PST

The below structure is all most complete. But I am unable to add one more field.

Before the "Class_Description" field I need the "Class_Name" field then a space.

I have tried a number of ways to insert the "Class_Name" but nothing I do seems to get it to work. I get errors or data is missing when the merge is over.

This merge routine works without the "Class_Name".

Here is what it looks like after I run the Mail Merge.

This is great except I need my "class_name" a space then my Class_Description.

Any help would be Greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Jesseb

Macro with assign key doesn't work.

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 09:26 AM PST


I have simple macro that shifts two wrong-typed letters. Like: form to from.
I have assign the key ALT+Z to the macro.

Sub Shift()
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End Sub

When I execute it from the macro meny it works OK, but when I try to use the assign key I get an error on Selection.Cut
Is there an explanation? What can I do?
I have other macros assigned to keys that works fine.

The macro is simple, but very useful.

Regards / Bengt

Jump lists not updating to show most recent/pinned

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 02:19 AM PST

This is a minor bug but I've got Word pinned in the superbar but when I right-click the icon to view the jump list with most recent documents and pinned recent documents it shows some older document I haven't worked on for a while (under Recent) but not the latest. Is there an easy fix for this? As I said it's minor but it slightly slows down the process of opening the recent files I'm after. I also tried pinning documents to no effect.

The result is the same in the jump list of the program pinned to the Start menu



Posted: 29 Dec 2013 01:04 AM PST

I use Word 2013 with Win 8.1
Here is my issue:
I have Auto Scroll in my Quick Access bar
Clicking the Auto Scroll works fine
However, after I delete something, scrolling becomes jumpy until I close a document and then reopen it
This happens with my 2 computers

Any suggestions for a resolution

Thank you

Macro Icon on the ribbon in Word 2013

Posted: 28 Dec 2013 06:36 PM PST

After creating many macro's in a Macro Tab, I see only the icons and not the text of the macro. Is there a  way to change it to text/name of the macro?

Microsoft Excel and Office

Posted: 28 Dec 2013 06:00 PM PST

HELP HELP HELP!!! I purchased Office 2013 back in November.  After download and installing, every time  I attempted to open either or these programs I would receive a pop-up indicating "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.  Windows will close the program and notify if a solution is available." with only options to "Close program".  So after numerous efforts to run a repair (both Quick and Online) I decided to uninstall and reinstall.  After these steps, I tried to reopen the Office program and my error message is to run the repair.  Following this process, I am not being informed I need a new version of Windows for compatibility (7 or higher).  This is a new desktop and Windows Version 8.

hi, i need help with home and student 365...

Posted: 28 Dec 2013 04:53 PM PST

hi, i need help with home and student 365... its beyond desaster, when i try to open it it freezes and i have to shot the pc of to get it closed

Microsoft Word 2010, Templates, Function Keys and place holders

Posted: 28 Dec 2013 03:50 PM PST

I trying to recreate a feature with Microsoft Word 2010 that I have with another software which is Word based.  I and using a template to create a report 6 x per day. Where I need to input information I have marked with XX.  Currently, I go through the  template and highlight with my mouse each XX and then type in the appropriate information.  For example  

The claimant is a xx xx xx who sustained a work-related injury on xx  to the xx. This occurred as a result of xx. The claimant underwent xx.  The submitted diagnosis for this request was xx and Dr. xx is requesting xx.

I am requesting a feature that allows me to move to each xx with it high lighted by pressing a function key.  In the other software where this works, the F11 and F12 buttons are used to move forward and back in that case using the @ signs,   This will allow me to fill in the information faster.  Does anyone know how I could accomplish this feat.  Jeff Bogosian, M.D. for those with back pain after sitting:3-Step Relief in 5 minutes