

Microsoft Word - Proofing tools problems

Microsoft Word - Proofing tools problems

Proofing tools problems

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 01:16 PM PDT

I've got a problem with my spell check and proofing tools on Office 365's latest build (1004). My version is installed in Dutch on my computer but I regularly use English UK spell check as I live and work in the UK. That had been working fine until I tried to spell check something today: I got an error message saying that this language (English UK) was not installed.

I thought this was very odd as it patently had been installed but to be sure, I clicked on the link provided and installed the English proofing tools again. But the error message still comes up, and in the Options > Language screen it says that English proofing tools are not installed. 

How can I fix this?

Kerning in WordArt?

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 11:29 AM PDT

I'm trying to create an alphanumeric logo in Word and want to use an outlined font.  Simply entering the text is fine, I can change the spacing between characters to get the effect I want, but Word's default font outline is too lightweight.  I can also enter the text in the chosen font in WordArt, using the outlined font utility, and can then go in and change the weight of the outline.  But I can't hand-kern the letters in WordArt, and whatever kerning utility is automatic in WordArt (if indeed there is one) does a pretty lame job.  Is there a workaround for this beside using WordArt to create each letter individually and then lining up the frames by eyeball?  Also, does the same apparent shortcoming apply in MS Publisher as well?  Thanks.

I can't get rid of these random boxes

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 11:05 AM PDT

There are random boxes at the top and bottom of the document that I can't get rid of, nor click. They appeared after I used the Microsoft Fix It program for Word 2007. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Posted: 10 Aug 2014 07:39 AM PDT

When I open my microsoft word it displays "there is insufficient memory or disk space. Word cannot display the requested font". All the fonts on my graphs have disappeared in word and excel on the other hand seem to be in a total mess. Could use some advice. Thanks.... I am running microsoft 365

When trying to use Chapter heading for inserting table caption, while in Chapter 1, it gives me a caption of 0.1 instead of 1.1.

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 06:41 AM PDT

I setup the multi level captioning style to have Heading 1, and I used that to setup Chapter 1 headings. Then in the first table that I have, when going to Insert Caption, I used "use numbering|, and although in the pop up dialog box it shows 1.1, when I close it, the caption in the Table label shows 0.1 instead of 1.1.

Figure caption and Table caption get mixed up

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 06:15 AM PDT

I have some figures and tables which I want to insert captions. So, I start with the fist table, and inset Table 1 of type Table. Then I go to the first Figure and insert Figure 1 of Figure type. I use Alt F9 and see that it's correct. Then I go to the 3rd figure, and I try to put Figure 2, but it puts Figure 3 automatically. And, Table 1 is now changed to Figure 1!!!


Office 365 Word Text Box

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 04:59 AM PDT


I've only been using this version of word for a day or 2 so still finding my way around. I've inserted a text box over a picture and want the box itself to be 'clear' so just the text is visible over the picture. Is this possible?

thank you,


Turning off footnotes and endnotes in wordcount by default

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 04:41 AM PDT

I have Office 365. I have looked around and a lot of answers seem to be that footnotes and endnotes are not included in the word count by default, but in my Word they are. It's really annoying. Is there a way to turn this off so it doesn't include footnotes and endnotes unless I tell it to? I use Word on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

I'd like a refund for my Microsoft Windows 2013 as it doesnt work!

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 03:48 AM PDT

I purchased this product in February and in July it stopped working.  I cannot access my documents without an orange window appearing.  this is extremely frustrating and I do not know what to do to get my money back because there is no Microsoft helpline.  The one online just connects to some other company.  I feel that as I cant use the package I purchased that I am entitled to a refund.  I tried doing a system restore but it didn't work and I have to read my documents in Open office in order to access them.  Most unsatisfactory service from Microsoft and it needs sorting!

MS Word 2010 importing a font

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 12:45 AM PDT

I wish to locate a downloaded font - Cloister Black - into MS word 2010 to be available in the fonts list displayed and to be included in themes.

Can you tell me where to find the appropriate fonts folder to import it to?

Many thanks


Word 2002 Crashes with Google Input Marathi

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 10:27 PM PDT


Word suddenly stops working when I type 'Marathi' with 'Google Input' tool.  I can type 1-2 words, then it crashes.

Here are the problem details.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
  Application Name: WINWORD.EXE
  Application Version: 10.0.2627.0
  Application Timestamp: 3a9cdbe7
  Fault Module Name: WINWORD.EXE
  Fault Module Version: 10.0.2627.0
  Fault Module Timestamp: 3a9cdbe7
  Exception Code: c0000005
  Exception Offset: 00446a6a
  OS Version: 6.0.6002.
  Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
  LCID: 1033

Read our privacy statement:

Can someone help me on this.

Creating sheets in Microsoft Word

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 09:52 PM PDT

Hi there

Is there any option to create multiple word sheets in Word similar to how you can have multiple excel spreadsheets in Excel?



"Problems with the contents" error opening Word 2007, line 2 column some crazy number

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 06:57 PM PDT

I do not have the savvy to do this manually on my own. This is a policy I worked very hard on and was told when I emailed the document to my boss that he couldnt open it-no problem I will re attached and send again. But first let me make sure there isn't a problem, and of course there is;it wont open due to a problem with the contents...

I did not modify the original file as I was afraid of messing it up since I was going to attempt to  fix myself with the making it into a zip file and going over the document.XML file opened on wordpad. OMG, what a mess of words. I have verified in that state that all of the contents are indeed there, but all the extra gobble gook is attached. That is as far as I can get-can someone please help me????

Macro to number not working

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 06:34 PM PDT

this macro is supposed to change every @ into a number but it's not doing it.  I can't figure out what's wrong.

    Selection.Find.Replacement.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("List Number")
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "@"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = True
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = True
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With

Fixing the "problem sending command to the program" problem

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 04:21 PM PDT

When I try to open a DOTX file by double-clicking on it in Windows Explorer I get this dialog:

Looking at back-postings on this problem I find Doug recommending:

"Go to and follow the instructions under "Delete the Word Data registry key". "

When I do that I get to:

Do I delete the folder "Data" and all its contents?

Forgive me being a bit wary but I do not like mucking around with things I do not understand, and I do not understand Regedit.

Lots of questions. Thanks for your patience.

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 03:42 PM PDT

a. Is there a way to prevent automatic unwanted format changes to  complex tables? Every time I open the document, a few tables are changed. They are too complex to be assigned one style. Is it possible that if a table has no Style, Word feels free to change its format?

b. Why does displaying the XE fields completely change the page numbering and page layout? Can this be prevented? If not, it was a horrible design decision. They should have handled it like the Review notices off to the right.

c. Why doesn't Advanced Find have a backwards search or a count of instances found?

d. I think I've noticed that Find does not work 100% of the time. True?

e. The lines of text differ in length between Draft and Print views. This is very inconvenient because Print view shows the final layout but repaginating is very slow.

f. Why does repaginating have to happen all the time in Print view even when I make a change that can't affect it? Very annoying.

g. My book has three levels of organization: Parts, Chapters, and Sections. When I go to update the page numbers for cross references or TOCs, doing it at the Part level does not work. It keeps asking whether I want to update everything or just the page numbers. Doing a Chapter or Section is OK.

h. I thought that the entries in a TOC were hyperlinked, so that if you click on one it goes there. Mine don't do that.

i. At seemingly random times, when I click Home > Paragraph > Numbering, Word hangs up for as much as ten minutes! Any ideas?

j. Why are the Quick Styles not in a sensible order?

k. Is there a way to find out what styles are actually used in my document? It would be nice to delete all those that are not used, in one quick step.

l. Is there an easy way to remove lots of the styles I never use? Deleting one at a time  is  very  slow.

m. Are any of these things improved in Office 2013? If not, why buy it?


Dialog Box colours in Microsoft Office 2013 programs

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 03:13 PM PDT


We are using the Dark Grey and Clouds theme in Word 2013.  A colleague who works for us from Canada has changed to these options but the outside of his dialog boxes are blue, ie the title bar and surrounding border.  Could you please let us know how he can change his to the same as ours, ie white interior and grey border and title bar.

Many thanks.
