

Microsoft CRM - Spell check for CRM Activities

Microsoft CRM - Spell check for CRM Activities

Spell check for CRM Activities

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 04:45 AM PST

Try c360 - I think they have one

"roig" <> wrote in message 

CRM and SBF (8.0) Integration???

Posted: 22 Jan 2005 02:35 PM PST

Will be using SQL 2000

"Curt Spanburgh" wrote:

Why does IE shut down when I try and access CRM?

Posted: 21 Jan 2005 03:47 PM PST

Thanks, Matt. I have Google for a pop-up blocker. I had told it to
allow pop-ups from the CRM but that didn't work. I disabled it and it
works. I guess I will have to see what's up with google but for now
it works. Thanks for your help.
"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message
| Disable any popup blockers you may have or configure them to allow
popups from
| the CRM server.
| Matt Parks
| MVP - Microsoft CRM
| ----------------------------------------
| ----------------------------------------
| On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 23:47:26 GMT, "Who Cares!"
<org> wrote:
| We have CRM set up on our servers in the office. When I attempt to
| access it via the net from home it shuts down IE after I put in the
| user name/password. No error messages, nothing. I have put the
| address in my Trusted Sites. Our IT guy can access fine from off
| site. I am using Windows 98 SE and IE 6.0 SP2. Help?
| Dave

Default View in accounts

Posted: 21 Jan 2005 07:43 AM PST

You can create new views that have custom filters.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 07:43:21 -0800, "Simon" <com> wrote:


Is there any way you can sort accounts by their
relationship type so you only see certain ones when you
look in the accounts. If i wanted to seperate customers
from suppliers and create 2 selections in the account view
i see the same data on both pages. how can i change this
so i only see the accounts that apply to the view?



Workflow error - no attribute

Posted: 21 Jan 2005 04:05 AM PST

Try stopping/starting the Workflow Service. It may be working with a cahced
version of the metadata.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 04:05:03 -0800, "Datapac"
<> wrote:

I've added a new field to the Contact form, LFM_Mailer. I've created a
Workflow Manual Rule that is set to update this attribute. When I apply the
rule to a Contact or list of Contacts I get a "No Attribute" error.

I've published and run iisreset.

I've checked the Workflow Monitor and it shows the following detail for the
The specified attribute does not exist on this entity
The attribute CFBLFM_Mailer is not an attribute of the entity "Contact"

This doesn't make sense as I can see the attribute in Schema manager and I
can add it to the Contact form. If I change the workflow to update some
standard fields it works fine.

Any ideas?

SFO Accounts offline

Posted: 21 Jan 2005 03:33 AM PST

Have you tried clearing the Outlook Forms cache?

Is there an error that is produced?

"Jack Nielsen" <dk (Fjern nospam)> wrote in message

one question about using Exchange 2003

Posted: 20 Jan 2005 04:51 PM PST

For two years now there has been no problem with the CRM connector under
Exchange 2000. We implemented the connector to MSCRM 1.2 with Exchange 2003
without incident. But, we did run into a problem with a spam filter that
would filter some mail sent via MSCRM. The emails were in quaritine, but no
virus was noted. Only that it violated the heristic rule. Be aware of odd
behavior like this.

"Karolina" wrote:

Why are we prompted for login?

Posted: 20 Jan 2005 04:43 PM PST

Also, check the IE settings of the client where this is happening. Is it
showing that it's in the Loacl intranet zone? If not, you may need ot add the
CRM erver name to that. Then you may also need to verify that the IE settings
for that zone are set to allow integrated login (via the advanced settings for
the zone).

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 08:16:05 -0800, "Gary" <> wrote:

Is the client machine properly setup in the domain? How are you logging into
the client machine?

Make sure the client is in the domain that the crm system is in,....also
check that DNS is working. Try pinging the crm name (not ip).....


"Pradeep Tapadiya" <> wrote in
message news:com... 

CRM Security Service Will Not Start Automatically (But Will Manual

Posted: 20 Jan 2005 02:25 PM PST

to reregister the securityservice to be dependant on SQL , run the following

crmsecurityservice.exe -r -s

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 00:12:08 -0600, "Laz" <askme> wrote:

By default, the CRM installation does not set a dependency on SQL server for
the security service. You can set the Security Service to be dependent on
the SQL server only if both applications are running on the same server.


"pittpanther" <> wrote in message

CRM Installation Test Takers

Posted: 20 Jan 2005 02:03 PM PST


<us> wrote in message 

Viewing only contact I'M owner

Posted: 20 Jan 2005 11:22 AM PST

You are probably right, it seems to have "updated" through the night as
it seems to enforce the new rules this morning!

thanks guys

difference between "Append" and "Append to"

Posted: 19 Jan 2005 01:51 AM PST

Thanks Matt!!!

Connecting without using deafault credential

Posted: 18 Jan 2005 06:44 PM PST

The 2 issues could be related. Are you using a DNS name or an IP to access CRM?
If you are using an IP, then it assumes the machine is in the Internet zone and
you will most likely be prompted for credentials. You may need to add the
machine to your Local Intranet zone in IE. Does this same thing happen from
other client machines or just yours?

The 401 could be coming from the above issue or it could be a number of other
issues. Where is the code deployed? on the CRM erver or another machine? If
it's on a nother machine, try putting it on the CRM server. Web apps have
trouble passing the credentials through properly. Make sure your virtual
directory is configured to run with the same auth reqs as the CRM site. Also,
try passing in explicit creditisla vs default credentials to see if it's an
integrated security issue or not.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 19:14:58 -0800, "Sansanee" <com> wrote:

Hello Matt,

Thank you for your help.

I actually have a slightly different problem. I try to connect to the CRM
system using the default credentials, as follows:

// BizUser proxy object
Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser oBizUser = new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser ();
oBizUser.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
oBizUser.Url = strDir + "BizUser.srf";

Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CUserAuth oUserAuth = oBizUser.WhoAmI();

The call to WhoAmI fails with HTTP 401 (Unauthorized access). This is
strange as I do have a user account on the machine.

There is another thing that is strange. When I go into IE and try to connect
to the CRM system, it asks me for the login information. I don't understand
why it does that. IIS is set up for integrated Windows authentication. I
never have this problem when I connect to Exchange Server using Outlook Web

I appreciate your help.


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message
option is 