

Microsoft Word - This macro works fine in Word 2007 using Vista on a desktop, but not in Word 2013 running Windows 8.1 on a Surface Pro. Any sugestions?

Microsoft Word - This macro works fine in Word 2007 using Vista on a desktop, but not in Word 2013 running Windows 8.1 on a Surface Pro. Any sugestions?

This macro works fine in Word 2007 using Vista on a desktop, but not in Word 2013 running Windows 8.1 on a Surface Pro. Any sugestions?

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 02:24 PM PDT

I am using a simple macro in a Word template I created in Word 2007 to add a unique sequential number at the bottom of a one page document and it works great on my desktop computer running Windows Vista.  When I use the same template with Word 2013 on a Surface Pro running Windows 8.1, I get a VBA error stating: "Method 'PrivateProfileString' of object 'System' failed".  I have attached some images for clarification.  I hope they are legible.  If not, I can email them in a Word document.  The settings.txt file is indeed in the root of C:\.  Any ideas would be appreciated as I am new to both Windows 8.x and Word 2013 and I am not sure which might be giving me the grief.



Printing in Word for iPad

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 02:17 PM PDT

How do I print from my iPad version of Word?  This is a basic function that should be easy to find.

thank you,

Error 30033-27 opening Word documents

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 01:50 PM PDT

I keep getting an error message which is preventing me from opening documents in 2013 Office. This is a recently purchased computer 2013 edition with Windows 8. When I tried to upgrade to 8.1 I began getting this error message. The error message is 30033-27

[Original title: Micosoft Office]

printing outline view in Word 2010

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 01:37 PM PDT

I want to print an outline and have read all the advice on this board and elsewhere, but unsuccessfully. I have the Quick Print button on my toolbar and and have followed the instructions offered in all the various answers about how to do this, and none of them work. The document always prints out in print view.

The only thing I can think of at this point is to do a screen clipping using OneNote and paste it into Word as a graphic--not very satisfactory.

Am I missing something?

Microsoft Word Disconnecting From My Printer

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 12:29 PM PDT

I've been trying to print a two-page document from MS Word.  When I click print, it shows that its sending information, but then disconnects from my printer without printing anything.  I went to Devices and Printers in Control Panel and ran the troubleshooter for my printer.  Apparently, the Spooler service wasn't running.  The troubleshooter fixed that.  Click print again, and the problem repeats.

I hope someone can help me fix this.  I need to have this ready.


Word has deleted a3 paper size

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 12:10 PM PDT

on Microsoft word I can't turn paper size to a3 and I have gone through all of the settings

go to end of document doesn't work in word 2013

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:49 AM PDT

Control -end doesn't get me to the end of the document.  control -end just advances one word, and control home goes back one word.   Just installed on a windows 8.1 system.  any ideas?


Formatting index page numbers in Word

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:34 AM PDT

My client uses the section-page number format in his Word document (e.g., section 5 pages are numbered 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, etc.) and also wants that same format in the index for the entries I've marked. Any idea how to do this?

VBA Paste Word Table to Excel

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:27 AM PDT

I have a Word file that contains bookmarked tables. These correspond with Excel worksheet names.

I need to copy the Word tables back into the Excel file on a newly created sheet.

There is no problem until I try to paste into Excel. At that point, the Word table pastes beneath the copied Word table.

Here is the relevant code:

  For Each ws In Worksheets
             If ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
             'Name of Word bookmark
             oSh = Replace(ActiveSheet.Name, " ", "_")

Dim sCell As Excel.Range

    Set nWs = Sheets.Add(After:=ws)
    nWs.Name = oSh & "N"
Set wTable = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(oSh).Range.Tables(1)

THIS IS WHERE IT DOESN'T SWITCH TO EXCEL. I have tried many different ways of doing this.
AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"



End If
Next ws

How to easily create "small fractions" in Word 2010 Equations

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:09 AM PDT

In the Word 2010 Equation Tools -> Design toolbar two of the options under fraction are "Stacked Fraction" and "Small Fraction". The default behavior when I write an equation inline (e.g a/b<space>) seems to be to use the "Stacked Fraction". However, sometimes the small fraction looks better and I would prefer to do that. 

Question 1. Is there are short-cut method to insert a "small fraction" instead of a "stacked fraction"? I haven't been able to find it.

Question 2. If I create a small fraction by inserting it from the toolbar, but then copy and paste that equation, the small fraction sometimes gets converted to a stacked fraction. Why? How do I prevent that from happening?

Thanks in advance.

Rob Wilson.

How do I easily add a multiple line textbox to a MS word form? See the problems I am having.

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 10:55 AM PDT

I have a question for you. I am also trying to make a form using MS Word.

The issue I am having is that I want to have a multiline text box for my customers to add additional information to the form. There are 4 different spots for this in my form. 

When I use the legacy "text form field". The grey shaded area disappears after someone types in it. Also, I would like the customer to be able to add multiple lines of information if necessary. However, when I test it. It will limit the text characters on the first line (as I wanted ) and then when it goes to the text line, it just continues without any limitations. I want to limit how much text a customer can enter as a whole so as they don't mess up the format of my form.

I also tried another option, the "Text Box ActiveX" It looks pretty when I create the box. I shaped it the size I needed. (See picture) But it only types text on the first line and I don't know how to limit the text on one line and then make it go to the next by hitting return. Standard keyboarding use doesn't seem to apply on this text box. 

If you can help me with this, I may have one more question. But this is the one real frustrating part right now. Please help. 

How can I define a new multilevel list and auto-increments.

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 10:10 AM PDT

I have figured out how to define a new multilevel list and have encountered a glitch after the first level.  When I start a new paragraph the same number coincides instead of an incremental number. Any advice?  Thank you...

Word 2013 Startup

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 09:53 AM PDT

I have pinned a password protected document to the task bar. If Word 2013 is closed and I right-click on the Word icon, the list of documents appears correctly. However if I select the pinned and password protected document word opens, the box to enter the password appears, and then another box opens with the following text: "Word can't do this because a dialog box is open. Please close the dialog box to continue." It does not give me this error if word is already open.

Any suggestions????

How do I open a Template file in Word 2007 so that I can save changes to the template?

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 09:48 AM PDT

I believe that there used to be a keystroke used to open a template to modify the design and then use the Save option to really save the changes to the template itself. 

Now I have a template and when I open it and modify the design, saving it throws me to a Save As dialog box, as it should.

Please help.

Auto Completion in Word 2013 (Office365)

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 08:30 AM PDT

I am running Word on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine and the software operates fine except for auto-completion which does not work at all. I have ensured that it is enabled via the File menu, but get no completion prompts. I use a lot of lengthy terms when I write, and not having auto-completion is a real disadvantage. Am I alone out there?

Delete button on bluetooth keyboard performs as backspace on

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 07:49 AM PDT

Hi - I suspect it is probably to do with the fact that the internal keyboard on the iPad doesn't have a normal delete button but a backspace instead. But when using my Anker Keyboard to work in word if I press delete it does backspace. I know it isn't the keyboard in itself as it is able to work with other iPad apps just fine. Does anyone else find this happens with a remote keyboard? It isn't a big issue but is a little bit frustrating. 

Word 2013 Spellchecker

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 07:46 AM PDT

Hi all,

Although I like that the spellchecker dialog box no longer jumps all over the screen, I really don't like how the new version behaves.

It is worse than its predecessor in 2 ways :-

1)  The "undo last" feature has disappeared, so now you have to select undo from the ribbon - which takes you way from the dialog box and is less efficient.

2) If spell checker cannot provide a suggestion, previously you could edit the word in the dialog box - now you have to jump out to the document.

Again, more movement - less efficiency.

Sometimes it puts you automatically into the document, sometimes it doesn't.

So, a bit nicer to look at (perhaps), but less useful.

Pretty much sums up Microsoft's current approach to Windows and Office.

Maybe Microsoft should be less infatuated with "design" and recognise that the majority of their users just have to use the stuff and don't care what it looks like as long as it is easy to use. 

Word stopped working on Office 2010 but Excel still does

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 06:53 AM PDT

I have Windows 7 on my computer.  I purchased Office 2010 at the end of 2011 when I bought by computer and it was working great.  However, Word has stopped working recently.  When I click on it nothing happens.  I can still use Excel but not Word.  How could I get Word to work again?  Thanks for any help.

Turn text upside down in a mail merge

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 02:41 AM PDT

I have created place cards in Word using a mail merge.  I would like one side of the card to show the name of the person and the other to show what they are having for their meal.  For this to be done the top side of the card (menu) requires to be inserted upside down so when it is folded it is up the correct way.  The text rotate function in the table function only lets you turn the text left or right and added a text box which I rotated upside down.  However, when I try to create the place cards I get the message "You cannot include DATA, NEXT, NEXTIF, or SKIPIF fields in comments, headers, footers, footnotes or endnotes".  Is there a way that this can done? 

Aligning images in ipad word

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 12:57 AM PDT

Will there ever be the option to align images and show the grid so pictures can be perfectly aligned along with the ability to multi select images and put a coloured border around images. The lack of this at the moment is a huge letdown. Obviously this can be done on the PC version.

What exactly IS Office 365? And WHERE is it?

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 12:38 AM PDT

I am pretty familiar with MS Office applications (Word, Excel, etc.), and needed them on a couple of new computers (and tablets) using Windows  7, Windows 8 (both 64 bit) and Android OS.  So I downloaded the trial of Office 365.  My understanding is that you don't have to be online to use it, which means it has to be on your local computer.  However, when I use Windows Explorer to search for "Word" or "Office" on the C:\ drive where I installed it, the .exe's are not to be found, only shortcuts.  I don't understand why not, if you can use the Office apps offline.

I have worked with PC's for years, so I'm not a complete novice, but I know in some ways technology has kinda left this old dinosaur in the dust.  I am used to every program I use being on my C:\ drive or another local drive.  Can someone please explain to me how MS Office 365 is set up?  Can I really use it offline, such as in a region that doesn't have internet accessibility?  If so, what files does it use to run (.exe, .com, etc.)?  I would love to buy the annual license for the program, but I'm not comfortable doing so until I understand it better.  Thanks for any help you can offer!

Word 2013 on a tablet device ignores the first shift-arrow in table

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 11:43 PM PDT

I'm using Word 2013 desktop version on Windows RT (1st-gen Surface tablet, with a relatively slow CPU compared to modern laptops). I'm editing a document using an external USB keyboard. The problem I am facing now is that, when the cursor is inside a table cell, using shift-left/shift-right key combinations to select characters does not work if I do it in the "normal" speed. I had to press shift, hold it for half a second, and then press left/right to select the character. This behavior only appears when the cursor is inside a table cell. When the cursor is in the body text, shift-left/shift-right works perfectly fine. Hope this can be improved in a future SP or future version. Thanks a lot!

Update: it seems the behavior occurs in the body text, too. I tried the same key combination in some other applications (such as Internet Explorer), and they don't have this problem.

Captilization in Word

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 11:23 PM PDT


Can someone tell me please how to make Word 2007 on Windows Vista capitlize the letter  " I " in a sentance, e.g.   where am i going??...

regards Cat

Second line of paragraph is being indented like a reference

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 09:29 PM PDT

I'm really really annoyed right now. I don't use Office products for this exact reason - I clicked nothing and now some massive issue has occured. I'm trying to write an essay but paragraphs are styling as a reference (APA). So, the first line in on the margin, then the second line indents. It's driving me NUTS. I even started a new document and copy + pasted the previous data but it's still happening. This is absolutely ridiculous. Please can someone help me reset whatever I need to reset so it stops styling my paragraphs as references? It's also putting a capital letter when I press "enter" (as that takes it back to the proper margin) as if it's a new sentence. I'm really really really really annoyed. Please help. :/

Word 2013 - how to let the "split" feature keep the current view

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 08:18 PM PDT

In previous versions of Word (including Word 2010), when I use the "split view" feature to split the views horizontally, it keeps the current position of the upper and lower views. However, in Word 2013, firstly, the split box control is gone. I need to use the "View->Split" ribbon to split the view. Secondly, although I get the lower view via this ribbon item, I see the position of the lower view is far away from the upper view (at least in my case, where my document contains 100+ pages, my upper view stays at, say, page 95 but the lower view would go to page 1). Not sure if there is a way to keep it the same position? Thanks in advance.

Rendering of Equation Objects

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 07:44 PM PDT

I have been excited about the new release of Office for iPad, and look forward to its continued development.

i use Word equation objects heavily in scientific writing, where publishers require use of MathType 6.0 or MS Equation objects. Many documents I write or edit have tens to hundreds of such objects embedded in them. 

On the basis of my use of Word for iPad, I've had issues with rendering of such documents if I scroll from page to page too quickly (~30 page document) where the equation objects are replaced by boxes with red 'X' marks inside them. This may occur for equation objects later than what has been displayed (e.g. on pages 20+ of 30). I made the mistake of saving my work in such a state, and found that I had lost all of the content in the embedded objects when I opened the file on my PC.

1) Is this the intended behavior?

2) Is there a means of inserting or editing MS Equation objects in Word for iPad, or in a planned update?

3) A partial remedy can be through the use of a symbol browser. Is there such a feature in Word for iPad?

Something went wrong. We are not able to start your program

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 06:37 PM PDT

I am not able to start any Office 365 programs. I have tied both the quick and the online repair and nothings works. Please help as I have a lot of work to do tonight

Why are my templates not in English in word for iPad?

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 06:31 PM PDT

My templates in word for iPad are not showing up in English. Everything else in word is fine as well as all my temples in other office for iPad programs are fine.

Microsoft Word 2013 Didn't Save the Last Portion of the document

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 05:14 PM PDT

I had seven pages of the document written when my computer crashed last week, and I just got it back fixed today. So I opened the said document to continue working on it, but I noticed where the document end up was not where I remembered. Word says I only have three pages written. I checked to make sure AutoSave was working, it was, and says that it AutoSaves every ten minutes. Then I did a bit of research, and opened the 'Recover Unsaved Documents' file, and there appears to be no unsaved documents. I'm wonder if there was any other way to recover the lost pages because I'm freaking out enough over this? I know I should have backed it up, but there was no time when my computer suddenly shut down. So, anybody got any suggestions?

Word 2010: Repository of recent search terms? (Ctrl-F)

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 04:54 PM PDT

Hello Everyone,

Is there anyway to create a repository of the search terms that I use while searching documents in Word 2010?  The saved search terms would have to persist even when a document is closed and re-opened.  And I'd prefer a single repository of saved search terms; that is, a cross-document record of search terms, not document -specific.

Any ideas?



Microsoft Word - Table of Contents

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 02:38 PM PDT

I am formatting a 60 page report and have created a table of contents. I have linked all of my headings and subheadings appropriately (with styles) however only about 90% of the headings show up in the table of contents. For example It will show:

Chapter 1 :

As per the example above it will be missing some of the headings periodically! So strange. I have unlinked the headings and relinked, I have updated the table of contents, deleted it and reloaded it. I can't seem to figure out why some are missing. I have showed this issue to friends and family and no one can seem to find out what is wrong. I have also been on the phone with Microsoft tech support - and the person disconnected with me over the phone  and on the remote  computer help that they were giving me after they admitted they could not figure out what was wrong. Not sure why they disconnected. Maybe someone here has ran into this issue before? If anyone can help I would really love to hear from them!

Thank you!