

Microsoft Word - Outline indented and formatted - but levels are wrong

Microsoft Word - Outline indented and formatted - but levels are wrong

Outline indented and formatted - but levels are wrong

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:58 PM PDT

We are experiencing problems with our custom multi-level outline lists.  We suspect it may be due to some inadvertent setting in the outline definition.  The outline has 9 levels and the numbering formats are set as 1, a, i, 1), a), i), (1), (a), (i).  However, we occasionally observe the following problems:


  1. When we select this outline style and type an outline, it doesn't always appear to have levels - only body text.  The indented levels are being properly formatted, but the indented item doesn't appear to be automatically assigned the proper level as defined in the custom outline.
  2. When inserting items in the outline, they sometimes indent to different positions than expected.  They don't align with similar outline numbers on the same level.  They are slighly 'OFF' as if being indented to a different tab position.  We can often fix this problem after fiddling with the tab settings or indents.  How do tab settings interact with the indents defined in the custom outline?
  3. Some items appear to be indented, but their number format does not match the number formating of that indented level.

What is the relationship between outlines, levels, and formats or styles?  Why would our custom outline definition appear to properly indent and format outline numbers, but not assign them the proper outline level?


We are also intriqued by the fact that bullet and number lists also appear to be multi-level lists (at least they indent and change numbering style as if they were multi-level) if the user promotes or demotes an item with the tab or shift-tab keys.  How do number list definitions compare to multi-level outline definitions?


Thank you for any help, we are obviously missing some underlying principle of how outlines and levels inter-relate.

two users on computer Word only appears for one user

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 01:56 PM PDT

I have Office Home and Business 2010. My computer has two users. Word only appears and works with one user. When I look under my programs it shows Office 2010 but does not show Word. How do I get Word on my side. It used to appear before but I have no idea how I lost it. Can I some how copy the shortcut for word from one user to the next?

windows not working need help

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 01:52 PM PDT

I just got the surface rt and none of my microsoft apps are working. They wont open and im trying to do my homework. Should I return it?

Can the File>Open menu be configured to include folders?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 01:41 PM PDT

Is it possible to change which items appear at the top level of the "Open" menu?

Office 2013 really seems to be pushing users in the direction of cloud storage. When I click on File>Open, I get four options:

Recent Documents
Add a [cloud-based] Place

I have no interest in SkyDrive. If I want to get to My Documents, which is my default location, I have to click on My Computer. An extra click, every time.

Is there any way to add local folders to the Open menu?

Even better, is there a way to take SkyDrive off it?

Could not add page numbers, headers and footers. Pls i really need this help.Anybody please?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 01:33 PM PDT

I have had Office 2010 for a year now. Recently, I needed to insert page numbers. Instead of a regular set of options (right corner, middle, left corner), I get a line "More Page Numbers from" When I try to click on that, it says "No online content is available"  I could not add page numbers anymore. I noticed same problems with Headers, and Footers. Please, HELP!!! I need to turn in these documents this weekend... thanx so much!

Faulting application winword.exe, faulting module hpcbr117.dll

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 12:55 PM PDT


I'm supporting a client, which receives the following error when closing Word:
"Faulting application winword.exe, version 12.0.4518.1014, stamp 45428028, faulting module hpcbr117.dll, version 0.3.1550.11493, stamp 4e833e8f, debug? 0, fault address 0x00005ec9."

Beside the annoying message shown at closure, no other sympthon appear.  I've tried a few tweaks found on the web ("office" folders renamed, "" file renamed), and clean reinstall of the application. Also applied SP3 after new fresh installation. But the problem keeps arising.  Any thoughts on what it could be causing it?

When I have a document over 600 pages long it starts to get errors in the formatting. Any solutions besides subdocs?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 11:52 AM PDT

When I have a document over 600 pages long (212000 words 738 kilobites) it starts to get errors in the formatting.


I use window 7 office word 2010


The computer has intel core 2 quad processor and 8 dd3 memory


What is the maximum size where you can rest assured that the document won't lose anything?


Is there anything I can do so be sure that my document won't lose anything. Sometimes I do not realize something has been changed or lost until after I have done much editing


I do not want to use Subdocs and I would like to keep the long doc rather than split it up



Can Restrict Editing be applied to a mail-merge document?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 11:34 AM PDT

I am using  MS Word 2010.  I would like to apply "Restrict Editing" to a mail-merge document, however, that feature is does not enable when I select it.  What am I doing wrong?

How do I keep two lists separate in the same Word 2010 Doc?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 11:11 AM PDT

I have a document that has two sections (I mean in the formal, Word-formatting "section break" manner). In the first section, I have a list that I want to have with the Formatting A. ,  B.,  C.,  etc.


After some non-list text and then a section break, in the next part of the document I want to begin a separate list with the format 1.,  2.,  3.,  etc. It's important for the organization of the document and clarity to the reader to have the two lists keep a separate formatting.


However, no power on earth seems to keep the 2nd list from adopting whatever style is in the first list. I've created separate styles for each list; I've made each style based on "No Style" rather than the other style or "Normal". I've reformatted the first list, and then the second. When that didn't work, I've reformatted the second list, and then the first. Absolutely nothing stops the two lists from mating like magnets, and using the same format.


Any way to make my document look the way I want it to?

Same user is not allowed to make changes to reviewed document after storing it on Skydrive

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 10:50 AM PDT



When I save my working copy of a document that I am reviewing on SkyDrive, I am not allowed to change my own corrections the next time I open it to continue my work.


When storing it locally and reopening it, there is no problem.


Does anyone know how to fix this?


Thank you in advance.





Cursor jumps to end of document when adding new comment

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 10:25 AM PDT

I had already added several comments to my document and had a sentence highlighted.  I clicked on new comment and instead of the bubble opening in the right margin, the curson and bubble jumped to the end of the document.  I deleted the bubble, went back to the sentence I wanted to comment and it keeps jumping now to the bottom of the document.  I am in Print View (Office 2010) and have "Comments" selected under "Show Markup" as well as "Show only Comments and Formatting in baloons selected under "Balloons".  Is this a glitch or bug in 2010?  How can I get my comments showing in the right sidebar again. 


Regards - Lenny33

Changing the Normal.dotm template for ALL documents

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 10:18 AM PDT

I want to change the Normal.dotm template, but I want to set it up for every document I open or create (old and new) it uses this template. Is there any way to set it so all the previously saved documents will use the new Normal.dotm template? Thanks.


Posted: 27 Aug 2013 10:18 AM PDT


winword.exe no longer brings up Word in Win8

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 07:15 AM PDT

I am used to launching MIcrosoft Word from my Win7 machines by typing winword in the search field.  However, this is not working on my Win8 machine with Word 2013.  Isn't this still supposed to work?

Numbered list changes from number to letter

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 06:53 AM PDT

I am moving content from one document to another, when I brought the content into the "new" document (currently formatted 1.0, next level 1.1, next level 1.1.1, next level A), the second level (1.1) becomes a letter.  When I go to change the letter to a number, the dialog box comes up to let me change it but when I say "OK" it doesn't make the change.


I thought I'd outfox it by advancing the list above (which is properly numbered) and just backing the text into it.  No such luck ... the text backs up only to the left margin, and then changes back to a letter and won't back up onto the previous line.  When I try to change the level format, it won't give me an option for, say, a 1.1 level.  That's listed as A and I can't get a 1.1.


Help!!  And thanks.

Multi Level List is applying to Table of Contents?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 06:44 AM PDT

I have created a document using a custom multi level list. Level 1 uses Heading 2 and Level 2 uses normal so the document looks like this:


1. How to use the database (Heading 1 style)

1.1 Click on the Icon (normal style)

1.2 Enter your password (normal Style)

2. Entering an address (Heading 2 style)

2.1 Add address line 1 (normal style)



I now want to add a Table of Contents (option 1 on the standard list). The problem is that the multi level list is also being applied to the contents and I can't stop it. I have tried putting it at the beginning and end of document and trying to turn off the numbering but nothing works?

So it looks like this:


3.1..................................................How to use the Database 1

3.2..................................................Entering an address 1


It should look like this:


How to use the database.........................................1

Entering an address....................................................2


Please can someone tell me how to stop the numbering applying to the TOC.


Many thanks

Why am I unable to run a word document, created in Office 1997-2003 in Office 365.

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 06:42 AM PDT

Every time I try to open up a word document created in Office 2003, I get little squares instead of words. I have Office 365 currently running on windows 8. Can anybody help me, I've tried to run the compatibility wizard all to no avail?

How do I turn off automatic hyperlinks in Word 2013?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 05:54 AM PDT

Following the KB article does not disable automatic hyperlinking.  see


microsoft word2010

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 05:47 AM PDT

I have been trying without any resolve to fix my Microsoft word 2010 program I have had for a number of years. I have researched and tried everything to fix the click to run corruption issue. I have contacted Microsoft by phone and they wanted $60 to fix, and I declined. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated.

word 2002 tool bar issue

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 05:47 AM PDT

Hi Im using word 2002, (I do not see a forum for this)


Today I was writing a document and then I realised that the web option was ticked in the toolbar from the view link.


Normally I only have 'standard' and 'format' ticked, but sometime during the typing of the document the 'web' option was ticked, but not by me. How could this have happened?


For it to have happened I would have had to have got to view.tool bar, then go down and tick 'web', which I didn't do. Is there some sort of short cut that I may have unknowingly typed?


I did notice during the typing of the document that when I pasted something in, (just text) the whole webpage address was also pasted, even though I didn't click it, I just pasted a few lines from a text, but somehow the weblink also pasted. Could this be the issue that automatically triggerd the 'web' option to be clicked.



Corruption of word document

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 03:42 AM PDT

When I change the name of the new Microsoft word document the file gets corrupted. If the original name is kept it is ok. After changing the name a new image of sign like ( ~ S)is created.  How to solve the problem.

None of the microsoft office programs will open?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:22 AM PDT

when I go to open a microsoft program, I get the circle thing next to the mouse for a couple of seconds, then it disappears like nothing happened. I did delete something my computer told me was a virus recently, could that have anything to do with it? please help.

Keeping text and graphics together

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 01:27 AM PDT

Hi, I'm a very occasional user of MS Word (2010) and I'm trying to write a user guide for the Access database I've developed. My problem is that the graphics elements (arrows from words in my text to screen prints) are sometimes dissociating themselves when I 'print' - as opposed to typing away in Print Layout. Is there a way of keeping certain lines or text and graphical elements together on one page? Or perhaps there's another more 'in tune with MS Word' way of pointing from comments in my text to screen shots? Any help for a naive user will be much appreciated.

justify text feature doesnt work Word 2010

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 11:12 PM PDT

Hello to all:) I have Office 2010 and tryin to create Word document, but the spacing (justifying) to fit the whole width of the page doesnt work. The text (when i highlight it and click justify) only slightly moves to the right, but like 95% of text remains kind of in the middle of the page with lots of sentences shifted to the lower lines...please help, thanks

Restricting permissions disappears when the file is downloaded

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 09:49 PM PDT

I have a large Word fillable form that needs to be uploaded to our University's Online Course Content website for students to download and complete.  It's quite a bulky document with frames, pictures, tables etc.  I want students to be able to fill in the answers but not to be able to change any of the formatting.   I've restricted the permissions so that only the fillable form fields can be filled in.  

However, when students download this file, these restrictions disappear as soon as they click 'enable editing'., and they can 'edit away'.  
Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance. 

Page Numbers

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 09:32 PM PDT

Hello, how do you have one page having different page numbers set up? I mean at the beginning of a chapter of a book I am writing, I want the page numbers to be at the bottom of the page, but for the rest of the chapter, I want them at the top of the page. I'm having trouble getting it all to work together. It either does it like that every odd and even pages or keeps it all the same with a number at the top and the bottom, but not one or the other.

One more confusing thing I have come across, is starting the page numbers wherever I want in the document rather than starting it at 0 and hiding the first page, so it doesn't appear on my title page, without using the cover page option.

This is with Microsoft Word 2010.

page numbering a mail merge document with an envelope

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 08:33 PM PDT

I am working with MS Word 2010, when I create a new or even work with an existing mail merge document that includes an envelope, also mail merged naturally, the envelope in previous editions was 'page 0' but in Word 2010 it is now 'page 1' that makes the first page of my document 'page 2' and the 2nd page of my document 'page 3' which is how the page numbering comes out.  How can I revert back to the old Word 7 page numbering format?

Spell checker not working in MS Word!

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 08:29 PM PDT

I have a Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium subscription and recently I have noticed that none of my misspelled words in MS Word are noticed as being misspelled. I have tried all sorts of forums, blogs, threads, etc. and have not been able to solve this very annoying issue. I have been to and tried all the options there as well (with the exception of deleting the key in the registry because that key, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\1.0\Override", does not exist in mine). I am running Windows 7, if that makes any difference. 

***As a side note, the spell checker worked in PowerPoint and Excel, so I'm assuming that Word is the only trouble maker here.

Any help would be great! THANKS!


windows 365 problem with older version of office in excel and word

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 08:10 PM PDT

I have  Office 365 and windows 8, and every time i try to open a word or excel of an older version i can not do it, the message just said opening in protected view but ever opened up, I already set the 365 as a default and able to read all the documents from older version but still did not work.

if some one can help me I will appreciate it



can not sign in to office 2013

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 06:44 PM PDT

Hello All,
I have Office 2013 installed, but every time I try to sign in, I get "Sorry, we are having some temporary server issues" and I get the two choices of Try Again, or Cancel.  This has been going on for a week now, so I don't really know if I am registered, and I can not use Word's Dictionary.

Help Please
Windows 7 64bit

clip art organizer ERROR Class Not Registered 80040154

Posted: 26 Aug 2013 06:43 PM PDT

I keep getting Error code 80040154, class not registered, when trying to insert clip art in Office.  I have tried reregistering dlls, did a sfc /scannow, a chkdsk and no solution yet.  What complicated matters is that I am using Windows 7 64 bit.  All the working solutions out there on the internet are meant only for XP!  Apparently clip art organizer works differently in Win 7.  There has to be a workaround for this somewhere.

Has anyone found a solution other than reinstalling the whole Win 7 operating system anew.  For me it is too much of a hassle and I refuse to do it over a feature that is not a necessity.