

Microsoft Word - How do you change the style of the quotation marks universally in a Word document?

Microsoft Word - How do you change the style of the quotation marks universally in a Word document?

How do you change the style of the quotation marks universally in a Word document?

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 07:32 AM PDT

We have lengthy legal submissions (Word documents - 100-plus pages) containing many double and single quotation marks. We receive input into these documents from many sources; some of the input comes with smart quotation marks, some with straight. We are not in a position to ask all the sources to change their computer settings to produce straight quotation marks. In the past, we have always (successfully) made the marks consistent when finalizing the document using the Search and Replace function (i.e. search for double quotation marks, replace with ZZZZ, search for ZZZZ, replace with double quotation marks). The last two times I did this, most, but not all, of the quotation marks were removed when doing the second Replace. In the first document where there was a problem, when I replaced the ZZZZ with double quotation marks, about 75% of the quotation marks disappeared. The approx. 25% left were a mixture of straight and smart. In the most recent document using the same method, I first replaced the double quotation marks, of which there were over 750, and this seemed to work okay. I then replaced the single quotation marks, of which there were close to 500, and most of these were removed, as was the space they took up (so that, for example, "client's" became "clients"). How do we prevent this from happening? Is there a better way to make the universal change to the style of quotation marks/apostrophes, which I have to do when I am finalizing the document? As I said, starting out with them all in the same style is not an option. I do hope someone can come up with a solution as this is giving us quite a headache!



My Word setting is to straight quotes. When I copy text from outside sources into the master document that has smart quotes, these are not automatically changed to straight quotes (i.e. my setting); they remain as smart. I also cannot do a search on smart quotes, I can only do a search on quotes in general, regardless of whether they are smart or straight. Changing the style of quotation marks in sections before pasting them into the master document would not solve the problem, as edits can be made by outside sources right up until the last minute. There is not time then to click through every quotation mark to see if there are still any smart ones left. I really need a fix to this!

Search Tabs to Find Small Case Words

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Greetings again!

This should be a snap for the MS Word gurus on this forum.

It would be helpful to have a macro that will start at the top and go down column 4 (there are three tabs before it) to find small case words or letters. Everything in this column should be in caps (there are commas and punctuation, though), but if there is an anomaly (small letters, say), the macro could stop while I have a look at the problem, then be able to run again from the cursor position.

I would deeply appreciate your help in this matter.

blah     blah     blah   BLAH     blah etc.
blah     blah     blah   BLAH     blah
blah     blah     blah   BLAH     blah
blah     blah     blah   BLAH     blah
blah     blah     blah   blah      blah (The macro would stop here; it would also stop at Blah or bLAh or blaH)

Problem with the inverted comma and apostrophe " '

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 10:35 PM PDT

I have an issue with keyboard.  The Inverted commas and apostrophe (  "  ')do not show until I have actually hit the space bar or typed the next character, when I used the Word or Outlook applications.  .  I have been avdvised by HP that it is not a problem with the keyboard as those keys work correctly in Notepad and the sticky notes.  Can you please advise how I can fix this problem.  It is very frustrating that I have to keep using the spacebar or hit the next character for it to work correctly


Thank you



by he way I have windows 7 computer and Microsoft 2010 installed on my computer

how to run word macro on multiple files

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 09:30 PM PDT

I have a macro (see below) saved as a macro.txt which I have used in the past with word'03 to change text in multiple word files in a given folder.

However, I can not remember how to run the macro!  

I tried running it within Word'07 but no success 'run time error 5111, command 'With Application.FileSearch' not available on this platform'.

Where can I run it, or is there an alternative method I now need to use?


Sub FindReplaceAllDocsInFolder( )
Dim i As Integer
Dim doc As Document
Dim rng As Range

With Application.FileSearch
    .LookIn = "B:\Attachments\"
    .SearchSubFolders = False
    .FileType = msoFileTypeWordDocuments
    If Not .Execute( ) = 0 Then
        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
             Set doc = Documents.Open(.FoundFiles(i))
             Set rng = doc.Range
              With rng.Find
                .Text = "Andy"
                .Replacement.Text = "Matt"
                .Forward = True
                .Wrap = wdFindContinue
                .Format = False
                .MatchCase = False
                .MatchWholeWord = False
                .MatchWildcards = False
                .MatchSoundsLike = False
                .MatchAllWordForms = False
                .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
               End With


             Set rng = Nothing
             Set doc = Nothing
        Next i
        MsgBox "No files matched " & .FileName
    End If
End With
End Sub