

Microsoft Works - Create PDF File From Works Data Base

Microsoft Works - Create PDF File From Works Data Base

Create PDF File From Works Data Base

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 05:34 PM PDT

Thanks so much. That program worked like a charm.

"The Six Million Dollar Man" <$$$$$$> wrote in message

outlook express HELP

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 06:35 AM PDT

G'day Michael,
What does POP3 stand for? Please

| Your mail service may offer a web interface that would allow you to read your mail via a
| web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) on any PC with an Internet connection.
| If not, you might be able to use or or
| similar service for this function (if your ISP allows outside access to their POP3 mail
| server).
| --
| Mike -
| "kat" <> wrote in message
| news:15b101c49b28$ced5ed20$gbl...
| > HI,
| > im just wondering how i go about accessing my outlook
| > express from a computer other than my own at home. Please
| > provide a website if you have one
| > THANKS!!!

Office XP and Works Suite upgrade

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 08:06 PM PDT

Do a custom install and choose only the programs you need.

Paul Ballou
MVP Office

Control the things you can and Don't Worry about the things you can't

"Bob" <> wrote in message

Installing Dictionary

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 05:37 PM PDT

This occurs because Works 7 and Works 8 do not share their
proofing files with other applications.

Perhaps this help:

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"pedestrian" <> wrote in message

Shared files

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 06:57 PM PDT

Success ... worked like a charm! Thank you.

Next time I won't snooze when it says, "Do you want to
delete shared files?"

before you 

print screen key doesn't work?

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 06:16 PM PDT

Works: Cannot Paste Object from Clipboard into a Word 2000 Document;en-us;265930&Product=wrk


When you try to paste an object from the clipboard into a Microsoft Word
2000 document, the selection may be unavailable.


This issue may occur if all of the following conditions are true:
You installed Microsoft Word 2000 from the Microsoft Works Suite 2001 CD-ROM
The object on the clipboard is from a source other than Word 2000.
You started Word 2000 after you copied the object to the clipboard.

Note When you start Word 2000, the clipboard is cleared of all of its


To resolve this issue, open Word 2000 before you copy an object to the

To work around this issue, remove the Word in Works Suite Add-in. To do
this, follow the steps below.

Note If you remove this Add-in, you remove Works Suite Task Launcher's
ability to see any Word 2000 tasks. You will need to do any word processing
functions outside Works Suite Task Launcher.

Uninstall Word in Works Suite Add-in

1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Add/Remove Programs.
2. Double-click Microsoft Works Suite Add-in for Microsoft Word.
3. Follow the prompts for the removal.

"Ken" <ne> wrote in message
Hi Di,

Open Microsoft Word before print screen key is used.

You will find copying and pasting anything into Word requires it to be open
before the copy is made.

Works Word processor is also included with Works Suite. Works Word
processor does not have to be open before copy is made.

Because Microsoft Word is included with Works Suite, Works Word processor is
hidden. To use the Works Word processor, search for WksWP.exe , right
click, select Send To, click Desktop (create shortcut). Open Works Word
processor from Desktop.

Hope this helps,

"Di" <> wrote in message
I have XP, Works 7.0. My old Works 4.5 allowed me to hit
the print screen key, and then paste that picture into
the Works 4.5 word processor. I mainly used this to print
a list of the files in a particular folder.

Word 2002 in my new Works 7.0 won't allow me to paste
into the word doc.

How can I print a list of folder contents?

Charting data in works???

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 03:16 PM PDT

Further to Paul's response,
In 4.5a

In a spreadsheet, have two adjacent lines of data
eg: have I column with six dates,
then alongside in another column enter 6 random numbers.

Mark the block, so the dates and numbers are black,
click....create new chart
remove "first time help"
click the chart you want........finished

You can fumble around after that, to get the matrix you desire
and to get a feel of what happens, each time you close
it will save the chart as "Chart 1, 2 etc, so you may
have to remove some after each try you make.
(It's good fun, charting)

(Remove gum to reply)

"deb" <> wrote in message news:198701c499df$61802000$gbl...
| How do we make a data source & then chart it? Please keep
| it simple - for 3rd grade assignment.
| Thanks!

Apple to MS - Data Base w labels

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 03:14 PM PDT

It sounds like you have Microsoft Office. Word can do

Spanish Dictionary for Works 7.0

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 04:33 PM PDT

Sorry you're having a problem. I have no problem
accessing it. Perhaps try an alternate browser?


Works Calendar-How do you back it up?

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 02:45 PM PDT

This folder is often hidden and must be enabled, for view or search.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"pedestrian" <> wrote in message

Need diacritical marks in database in Works Suite 2004

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 10:15 AM PDT

Hi Di,

Both Excel and Access support Unicode (& diacritical) characters.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Di" <> wrote in message

Did You Know - 2

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 02:07 AM PDT

Sorry, no disrespect meant,
must have been a Freudian slip.

So if MS <gets> overun with orders...............:) was my intention.

| So if MS gates overun with orders..................:)