

how to edit grub.conf to boot another partition - Forums Linux

how to edit grub.conf to boot another partition - Forums Linux

how to edit grub.conf to boot another partition

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 03:53 PM PDT

michelle wrote:

This last entry is full of errors.
How could you imagine you were copying the previous entry?
Just copy it exactly,
but substituting vmlinux-<version> and initrd-<version>
where <version> is the version you want to use,
eg <version> = 2.4.26, or whatever.

Timothy Murphy
e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

pppd is not accepting active filters!!!!

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 12:58 PM PDT

Dear Clifford,

Yes my kernel has support for ppp_filtering.
I do not know what really is going on.
would you be kind enough to e-mail me the file needed (bpf.h)


Would you be kind enough to e-mail the
"Clifford Kite" <> wrote in message

Failed attempt to install Suse

Posted: 02 Jun 2004 01:06 PM PDT

Russ wrote:

.... dont let suse installer do it - YOU do it manually
<< >>
Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote
programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

Mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device

Posted: 02 Jun 2004 06:30 AM PDT

It looks like the missing usb-storage and sg modules were the cause of
my troubles. Today, the same disk did not want to mount - same error
- /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device. Doing 'lsmod' showed that
usb-storage and sg modules were NOT loaded, so I loaded them with
insmod usb-storage and insmod sg.

Now, I wonder - why were these modules not loaded automatically this
I had the disk plugged in and powered while my computer was booting,
so it had the chance to detect the attached USB mass storage device...

Any ideas?
I can always add insmod lines to my rc.local, but that should not be

Thank you again!

net (Gernot Fink) wrote in message news:<de>... 

X fonts in konqueror and OpenOffice too large

Posted: 02 Jun 2004 06:26 AM PDT

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 09:26:57 -0400, Pete LaGrange wrote:

Open a console and issue the command...

xlsfonts |less

To see what you have. You should have a LOT. That tells you what fonts
are available to X (Assuming it's XFree - I know nothing about the other

Then go here for a collection of notes and links on setting up X fonts.
It starts off discussing this in the Mandrake context but the
instructions are generic and actually learned from working with

change computer name

Posted: 01 Jun 2004 09:08 PM PDT

In article <>, TCMa wrote: 
Yes - its name and all aliases usually are in /etc/hosts, but usually
not just there, so (as root):
find /etc [/usr/etc ...] -type f \
-exec fgrep -l <your host name here]

All $HOME/.* files are also candidates:
find /home/[A-Za-z]*/.* -maxdepth 0 -type f \
-exec fgrep -l <your host name here>

I'd to change my machine's name several times due to changing countries
and so providers -- it may seem more troublesome than it really is.


\ Real name : Juergen Heinzl \ no flames /
\ Email private : org \ send money instead /
\ Photo gallery : \ /

GRUB can't find Windows 98

Posted: 01 Jun 2004 04:14 PM PDT

On Tue, 01 Jun 2004 23:14:20 GMT,
Wayne Vinson <cam> posted:

Add something like the following to the /boot/grub/grub.conf file:

title Windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

Read the grub info file, it's far more detailed than the man file.

i.e. type: info grub

If you're not familiar with using info, it's a bit like a plain text web
browser. You can cursor around and hit enter on some "* keywords:" to go
to other pages.

If you insist on e-mailing me, use the reply-to address (it's real but
temporary). But please reply to the group, like you're supposed to.

This message was sent without a virus, please delete some files yourself.

GRUB loader problem

Posted: 01 Jun 2004 12:10 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup, John H uttered these immortal words:

Can you boot RH9 from a rescue option on the CD? If so add something like:

title=Windows 2000
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

to the bottom of /boot/grub/grub.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst (whichever
you're using) and run "grub-install /dev/hda" as root to install GRUB to
the MBR.

The above GRUB stanza assumes Windows is on the frist partition of the first

If you can boot RH9 from the CD you may have to type:

# chroot /mnt/sysimage /bin/bash

or similar to get into the RH environment. It's been a long time since I
used Red Hat so maybe a search of their web site or Google is in order.


2.4.18 doesn't boot with 2GB ram and CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G set to Y

Posted: 01 Jun 2004 01:47 AM PDT

Davide Bianchi <net> wrote in message news:<de>... 

ram is exactly the same I am using now; 2 x 512MB card 266MHZ no ECC.
I am about to try each slot with each card to be more than sure that
it's not an hardware memory troubleshooting.
In case the 2 new cards will work I will try to test them with memtest
Marco Marabelli