

Microsoft Word - Mail merge edit receipents window size

Microsoft Word - Mail merge edit receipents window size

Mail merge edit receipents window size

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 06:01 AM PST

When I run a Mail Merge and open the Edit Recipients list to select what recipients to use I must always manually enlarge the pane so that I can see the 7th column that has the data that determines if I will sent them a letter. 
Is there any way to make the default size of this pane larger so that I can see the 7Th row?  

Are custom margins that are not default or templated possible?

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 12:02 PM PST

I would like a saved custom margin setting on the drop down menu but not have them as the default margins.

Save a watermark into local gallery

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 11:12 AM PST

I have created a watermark that I want save it. How do I save it as a watermark in the gallery?


Posted: 22 Feb 2013 02:29 PM PST

I get the following error message when I go into my Internet Explorer 10 and attach a Word 2013 document to my online email to in IE 10 Browser it says " Sorry something went wrong and word was unable to start" Also when I try to attach an Excel document I get another error message, "Not enough memory to run Excel, please close other programs and try again".  Neither of these issues happen in any of my other Browsers only with IE 10.  It seems to be related to Office 2013 and IE 10.  I tried disabling my IE add ins but I had no luck with that either.  I have been trying to troubleshoot this for weeks with no luck.


Any input about this would be very helpful.

Saving Word files to portable hard drive.

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 10:25 AM PST

I have been using my Iomega portable hard drive with my xp desktop for ages without a problem.  Last week I purchased a new lappy that had windows 8 installed and I downloaded microsoft office 365. Word will let me open the files on my  portable hard drive but it just refuses to allow me to save them back to it again.  It keeps saying I don't have permission to save to that location and tells me to get permission from the administrator.  Please help me with this, I wasted £500 quid on this lappy and now I'm stuck with it and it won't work properly.  I'm not a computer techie expert by the way so simple language please.

How disable text boxes that pop-up in the Style pane?

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 08:26 AM PST

How can I disable the (large) text boxes that pop-up when hovering over each Style in the Style pane?
(Those relatively large boxes cover adjacent styles and make it very difficult to use the Style pane in an efficient manner.)
I've searched through the Word options but found nothing that appears to address this. Is there some hack to do, e.g. in the Windows Registry or elsewhere?

Microsoft Word 2010 Error- help!

Posted: 21 Feb 2013 05:27 PM PST

I am running XP and I recently purchased Office 2010. When I try to open Word, I get this error message: An error has occured and this feature is no longer functioning properly. Please run set up and select repair to restore this application.  What do I do?

Extra special characters?

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 02:57 PM PST


I only have a limited set of special characters in word 2010... Why? I need to use Turkish characters on a regular basis. How can I get more characters?

No courser, just spinning circle

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 09:38 AM PST

I am having the same problem as Joe 152. You say in your reply "if it works fine in safe mode......" My version does not work fine in safe mode. What should I do next?


Split from:

Can anyone recommend some great tutorial videos for a beginner on VBA for Word 2010?

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 06:40 AM PST

I'm looking to learn some basics about how to use VBA. I prefer to learn via video. Any suggestions?

"There was a problem sending the command to the program"

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 05:51 AM PST

My word 2007 seems to be opening fine on my desktop as I fixed the problem there by changing the link and creating a new shortcut however as soon as I try open something that I've saved previously on my desktop and memory stick I get that message "There was a problem sending the command to the program" 

disable hanging indent on list styles

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 04:52 AM PST



The standard numbered and unnumbered list styles create a hanging indent. This is not how we do list styles in europe. How do I disable the automatic creation of hanging indents?



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Posted: 19 Feb 2013 04:23 AM PST

Bonjour, depuis quelques jours je n'arrive plus à ouvrir Word Starter 2010 ainsi que Excel Starter 2010. Alors que jusqu'à présent je n'ai eu aucun problème pour travailler avec ces logiciels, je ne peux à présent ouvrir mes fichiers enregistrés. Un icône apparaît quand je tente d'ouvrir un document il est écrit : Microsoft office télécharge les informations requises. Chaque tentative est un échec. Merci.