

Microsoft CRM - Office 2003 Support

Microsoft CRM - Office 2003 Support

Office 2003 Support

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 03:28 PM PST

Hi all,

The MS Outlook requirements for MS CRM Sales for OutLook v.1.2 are:

Microsoft Office 2003 Editions
Microsoft Office XP (2002) with Service Pack2
Microsoft Office 2000 with the following additional requirements:

Microsoft Office 2000 SR1 (Available at\downloads)
Microsoft Office 2000 SP3 (Available at\downloads)
Microsoft OutLook 2000 Post-SP3 Hotfix (228512) (Available at\downloads)

Thank you, Jose Luis Alvarez,
Microsoft Business Solutions Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
You assume all risk for your use. © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights

Usage Monitoring

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 11:04 AM PST

you'll probably find the IIS logs are turned on by default.
you can find the logs in this directory


Typically the web server creates a new log file each day.
In my case i had over a years worth of log files so how the heck to analyse

Easy..I wrote a 30 line excel vba macro that opens up each logfile and then
reads each line and updates a spreadsheet. The end result is that I have a
list of users and the number of times they have access and also the date of
their last access.

Note the count of user accesses is telling me that they connected to crm for
count one, then opened an opportunity form then opened a lead form. In this
case this would equal 3 accesses.

<> wrote in message

Our MSCRM left and I cant get in

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 10:31 AM PST


there is an issue where the crmsecurityservice relies on SQL and needs to
wait for SQL to start before starting itself

to stop this happening open a command prompt on the crm server and go into
the directory

c:\program files\microsoft crm\server\bin
then run this command line

crmsecurityservice -r s

"Brad" <> wrote in message


Posted: 25 Feb 2004 08:48 AM PST

Hi Karen,
Just thought I'd add my bit of experience here, as an end user who has
bought and installed MSCRM without any assistance from a 3rd party
consultant. We are in Zurich Switzerland and desperately needed to replace
ACT as our contact management application. We needed something scalable,
robust and that integrated with Outlook.
After a couple of months of research and testing of other solutions, both
cheap and very expensive, I decided to opt for Microsoft's offering. Being a
Microsoft house in terms of end user and recently having upgraded our
infrastructure to Server 2003, Exchange 2003 and Office 2003, it seemed the
obvious choice.
I was able to download CRM 1.2 through our license agreement with Microsoft
and set it up in a test environment.
Many of the dealers in Switzerland were unable to give me any useful
information so doing this myself was the only answer and it was definitely a
useful experience.
Providing you have all the prerequisites done (follow the deployment manual
and you can't go wrong) installing the server was fairly straight forward
and took just over an hour including SQL Server.
I had to do this very quickly indeed and we had our production server
installed and ACT data migrated in just one weekend. Ok, I only have 15
users, but these users are all Marketing people who have very specific (so
they tell me) needs and being able to customise CRM on the fly is of great
help. I don't need to shut everything down each time I change a form or
create a view. We also have users who are spread out globally (Geneva,
Stockholm and New York), who connect via VPN and we will be including some
of our Partners giving them access via the Internet. This requires something
very robust and secure MS CRM can meet these needs with ease.

Having said that however, there are 2 major shortcomings that our users have
found particularly annoying about MSCRM, this is from users used to the
openness and ease of use of ACT.
1. No facility to include an attachment in a Direct Mail message. Creating a
normal email activity means you cannot send an email with an attachment to a
list with more than 100 contacts, you have to do this 100 contacts at a
2. You cannot customise any of the Activities views. I'm sure this is
possible through the SDK but no one has yet to tell me how.

Version 2.0 is slated to be coming towards the end of the year and as a
customer we are in a position to suggest what can be included in the new
version, but for now we are making do.

Being .NET and reasonably open MSCRM can easily be integrated into other
systems and we will be looking at how Web Services can be used to allow us
to copy contact data into our Oracle system, whilst using Oracle Web
Services to be able to view our product performance data from within CRM.

Another very positive note, is that when you purchase MS CRM, you get an
excellent support package directly from Microsoft and I have been making
full use of this. It includes access to an extensive and very useful
Knowledge base.

I hope this helps and enlightens you.



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"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:%23lbvDdC$phx.gbl... 



Email button

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 08:44 AM PST

Hi Rich, either users can use the "Regarding" field to associate the email
with the case, or, instead of having your form redirect right away, do this:

1) Have your form create a new email, using the CRM SDK, and associated the
email with the Case ID that is passed to your form from the case form.
2) After your form has created the email, bave your form redirect to the CRM
email form, passing the ID of the new email.

The user will then be able to edit and send the newly created email.


"Rich" <> wrote in message

Error login with user distinct to Administrator

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 07:34 AM PST

Hi Mike, thank you for your quick answer.

Well, in the System event log appears (it is in spanish):
Error KDC
"Hay múltples cuentas con el nombre HTTP/ de

In english it sounds like (I think so...)
KDC Error
"There are several acounts with the name HTTP/

I'm thinking about a error related with DNS, but I'm not sure and I
don't know how I can test it.


"GreaterThanTwo Media" <com> wrote in message news:<OpVvsB8#phx.gbl>... 

Extend limited functionality Workflow manager

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 05:41 AM PST

Can you explain further and give us more details why you are trying to do

John O'Donnell
Avanade Inc

"Edwin Jongsma" <nl> wrote in message
changing the status or manually. I would like to know if there is a
possibillity to extend this functionality. In my application I would like to
trigger the workflow manager when an account is modified. 

Server installation strategy, RAID and tuning etc

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 05:20 AM PST


The two servers is to secure our business to grow in the future.

Thank you for your Reply !!

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:e#ynBF8#phx.gbl... 

How to delete (not disable, but DELETE) a user from the user list?

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 05:03 AM PST

That's because the system does not allow you to delete a user. It
would be nice to have this ability for a user that does not own any
data, but for now, you are forced to disable.

You could try to manually delete the appropriate record out of the
SystemUserBase table, but this could cause you problems down the road
that are unforseen (and is not supported). If you try this route,
first remove the license & roles from the user from with MSCRM.


On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 08:03:43 -0500, "Keith Dorken"
<ca> wrote:

I seem to be unable to figure this out. The help seems to not use the
'delete' in conjunction with 'user' and I cannot see a menu item to do

XSL feed-- Metadata -Deployement Mgr

Posted: 25 Feb 2004 01:11 AM PST

thanks mike

"GreaterThanTwo Media" <com> wrote in message

Server Components

Posted: 24 Feb 2004 05:56 PM PST

Based on my experience, the only way to get around this is to create users in the AD of the domain where CRM is installed and force them to login using the DOMAIN\User method. This is how our people connect from afar or when they are on their home machines.

Web eSupport

Posted: 24 Feb 2004 05:04 PM PST


We have a possible solution for you. I would like to understand your
needs more fully. Service Portal for Microsoft CRM is one of our add
on products. Please visit our website or contact me directly for more


PS. Also check out our award-winning PDA solution. Mobile Portal for
Microsoft CRM. Works with Palm, Pocket PC, Smartphone, and Blackberry

"Tom" <> wrote in message news:<0f2401c3fb3b$4cdc15c0$gbl>... 

Problem Refreshing Contact Form from External .NET App

Posted: 24 Feb 2004 04:27 PM PST

You may need to play with the syntax a little, but it is possible.


<> wrote in message

Sales for Outlook 1.2 Install

Posted: 24 Feb 2004 02:58 PM PST


I just noticed a prior post that I didn't try.... when specifying the
crmIsapi.dll, copy that dll to your C:\ root, regsvr32 it, then map to
c:\crmIsapi.dll and it worked for me!!! Fixed a few problems too!! I wasn't
sure if I needed the SRF mapping in anything other than MSCRMServices, so I
set it for the Microsoft CRM 1.2 Site Properties, and it made the change in
MSCRMServices too....

Hope you get it resolved.

"Jim Scavuzzo" <com> wrote in message


Posted: 24 Feb 2004 07:14 AM PST

Technically, yes I could probably do that, but it wouldn't do much for
solving my problem... I'm trying to get it running in a frame so that
CRM is just one component of a suite of components that can be loaded
into the main frame from my app. My app has a toolbar always on top,
loading original and 3rd party web-based apps into the main frame.
I've gone through all the accessible Javascript and modified it to run
the my frame... unfortunatly, some of the CRM buttons and such are
..NET controls that are already compiled, so I cant change the
Javascript for those. Its too bad, because I was so close to getting
this done. Anybody have the source code to MS CRM? :)

"GreaterThanTwo Media" <com> wrote in message news:<u5n1iuv#phx.gbl>...