

Microsoft Word - how to accept all Autocorrect suggestions in document?

Microsoft Word - how to accept all Autocorrect suggestions in document?

how to accept all Autocorrect suggestions in document?

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 07:11 AM PST

Is there a way in which I can accept ALL of the Autocorrect suggestions in Word 2003, rather than clicking on each 'red squiggle? The document is about 75 pages long, and I have about 25 'suggestions' per page, most due to formatting errors when I deleted extraneous paragraph marks. [Replacing 'Paragraph Mark' with 'Paragraph Mark Space' simply creates an extra space in other locations].

I'll appreciate any help.



Can I show stages of change with track changes?

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 04:01 PM PST

Here's the situation:


Contractual documents have been created, and then we were asked to make changes to them, using track changes. We did that, and it's all wonderful.


Now, they want us to make further changes, using track changes, but retain the original changes. So, somehow we need to make changes and use track changes to show a difference between the original changes, and the new changes.


Apparently this functionality is available in some legal document software (name unknown), and the lawyers assume that we can do a similar thing in Word 2007. I just can't seem to work out how it's done.



I bought a new all in one computer on 02/13/20013 and was told that I had a free 180 day trial of Microsoft Office 2013. I have been unable to try out any of the Office apps.

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 11:09 AM PST

When I go to WORD or EXCELL or POWER POINT it does not let me do any procedures on with the app. It only shows the red bar stating it is an unlicensed program.  How do I access the free trial of these apps?


Office 2013 Recommendation when word can't be found on WinXP

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 11:06 AM PST

On Windows XP, if you try to open a Word document and Word can't be found, you get a message saying that if you have no office at all, you can try office 2013 for free. There's nothing wrong with that, only the fact that you can't run Office 2013 on Windows XP as the system requirements say that you need to have Windows 7 and up.

It's not a terrible issue, but I recommend that the web app gives a different recommendation if it detects the browser's user agent is reporting the OS as Windows XP. I thought about Microsoft Offering Office 2010 for XP and Vista users only, and everyone else can use 2013.

Wdsendtoemail vs wdsendtonewdocument

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 09:07 AM PST

Word 2013 merge
I want to do a mail merge of orders to suppliers
Some have an email address and some don't
The merge should produce a form for all,suppliers and should email those with an email,address.
I've been in this for weeks.

Office 2013 Word crashes during selecton of page orientation and margins

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 08:32 AM PST

I installed Office 2013 from the cloud on a rather slow wired connection. The problem occurs in Word (and Excel) when, during the selection of page orientation, margins, etc, the software crashes. The green top bar states that "Microsoft Word is not responding." After waiting 30 minutes, the system was still not responding. I have attempted to repair the download and uninstall/reinstall to program several times, without success.

microsoft office word 2007

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 08:27 AM PST

microsoft office word 2007 yi indirmeye çalıştım ama pencerede bu üründen etkilenen bir ürün yok dedi nasıl düzeltebilirim?


Posted: 19 Feb 2013 06:14 PM PST

I'd like to suggest the addition of a vertical split option in MS Word. This way I could divide my view into two different and simultaneous pages in my screen.

How do I get Level 1 left-numbered TOC entries to allign right?

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 05:03 PM PST

My Level one TOC entries are numbered on the left:

7. blue...............
8. pink................
9. red...etc.

10. green...............

when double-digit numbers allign left, the section title line goes out of alignment. 
Is there a way to align the numbers right (so the zero in the ten is below the nine?)

Word 2013 error message error Word was unable to start (24).

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 02:42 PM PST

When I try to attach a document from Word 2013 any of my online email accounts (gmail, Hotmail, and yahoo), I get an error message, "Word was unable to start (24)"  It does not happen when I attach an email with Microsoft Outlook 2013


This has only recently started happening. 


If anyone has heard of this or has a fix, your help or input would be greatly appreciated. 




Neuinstallation von Office 2013 - Fehler bei Start von Word

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 02:13 PM PST

Ich benutze das Betriebssystem Windows 8. Nach der Installation von Office 2013 öffnet sich das Programm Word nicht. Es wird eine Reparatur angeboten. Zunächst startete ich eine Schnell-Reparatur. Danach eine weitere Reparatur über Internet. Diese Reparatur wurde mit folgendem Hinweis abgelehnt:

"Leider können wir Ihre Office-Produkte nicht installieren, weil Sie kein modernes Windows-Betriebssystem besitzen.
Für die Installation dieses Produkts benötigen Sie mindestens Microsoft Windows 7". 

Bevor ich Word öffnete starteten die anderen Office-Programme normal. Durch den Reparaturlauf aber sind sämtliche Office-Programme nicht mehr aufrufbar.

An was kann das liegen?