

Why does this *work*? (Using MST & autrun.inf on CD) - Microsoft Office forums

Why does this *work*? (Using MST & autrun.inf on CD) - Microsoft Office forums

Why does this *work*? (Using MST & autrun.inf on CD)

Posted: 21 May 2004 01:02 PM PDT

Now try to make you a custom setup.ini file with all the patches chained during install. Have the patches on the CD as well. See how well Microsoft's stuff just *works* (or not)!


A child of five could understand this! Fetch me a child of five!

John Straffin <edu> wrote: 

MSDN Library

Posted: 20 May 2004 01:28 PM PDT

You should find everything you need here:

You can also ask specific programming questions in the developer newsgroups.


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Hafeez" <com> wrote in message

error 1402 on office xp setup

Posted: 20 May 2004 12:43 PM PDT

But that is not the error i get. I get the error 1402. It
is trying to access a registry key.
Can anyone else help.



MSO2003 & speech recognition

Posted: 20 May 2004 04:51 AM PDT

Hi Vincas,

I don't have the list of all of the localised versions with me,
but the English language speech engine is not part of the Lithuanian
Office 2003 localized edition CDs as I understand it.

<<"Vincas Stepankevicius" <> wrote in message news:%phx.gbl...
Hi, Bob,
thanks for Your replay, but I must itemise my question - I'm not looking for
Lithuanian Speech Recognition, I just want to use English SR. Is it
positively impossible in localized MSO versions at all?
Vincas >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 explained

Installin Office 2003

Posted: 19 May 2004 05:39 PM PDT

YOu can install Office on both partitions but to have Outlook use the same
..pst file, move your current .pst file to the drive/location of your choice.
Open Outlook on each partition - then close it and delete the new .pst file
it creates. Open Outlook again and when it complains, point it to the .pst
file you saved. Open the other partition and and do the same for finding
the .pst file.

There, they now share the same .pst file.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, Richard Illingworth

| I have a partitioned hard drive with Win XP Pro on the C
| partition and Windows 2003 Server on the E partition. All
| my data is on the D partition. My question is what is the
| best way to install Office 2003 on both opperating
| systems?
| Is it best to just install Office on the C and the E
| drive in which case both vertions of OUtlook run
| separatly or can I install to a certain location where by
| Outlook when opened in eithr opperating system uses the
| same pst file for e-mail?

Office XP causes high cpu usage

Posted: 19 May 2004 12:46 PM PDT

Yes the CPU Usage drops when I close NAV. How do I stay
protected with NAV and solve the high cpu usage issue?

confers no rights. 

Office XP Complete Removal

Posted: 19 May 2004 07:15 AM PDT



MS OFFICE End-user License agreement won't go away.

Posted: 18 May 2004 06:48 AM PDT

That fixed it for me!
confers no rights. 
Pro system. When 
up. She accepts it 
and reopens it, the 
happening? I loaded 
is the only one 

2003 - how to remove the huge bar on the right?

Posted: 18 May 2004 12:13 AM PDT

Also, it should be noted that the "huge" bar is whatever width you leave it
at. You can make it more narrow or wide to suit your taste.


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"John Smith" <bg> wrote in message

cant launch ppt or office on xp

Posted: 17 May 2004 09:06 PM PDT

shadb wrote: 

Another moron who appears to think we're psychic!

Help us help you:

Otherwise, you might as well try here:

Psychic Friends Network
(800) 592-7827

Office 2003 Administrative Install

Posted: 17 May 2004 08:57 PM PDT

No the latest setup won't help you here...

Even though as you step through the CIW it would appear that it allows this, it doesn't. Microsoft has stated that to create a Local Installation Source requires that the installation source be in compressed form (i.e. from the CD), not uncompressed form of admin install point.

Like you I wanted the best of both worlds so to speak. I settled on copying the CD to disk and running CIW against the MSI there to create my custom transform. See:

I'm using the latest setup.exe from:

and using the new ENFORCECACHE in the setup.ini file. In addition to setting:

this "Sets the local installation source to NoCleanUp in the Windows registry, so that even when users run the Disk Cleanup Wizard, the local installation source is not removed. "

This all works fine for the install, but the problem I am having with this setup is that if I try to chain updates to office in the setup.ini file I get prompted for the installation media!!! At this point nothing satisfies that request and I have to abort the patch install. Even if I try to apply the "full" patch (which isn't supposed to require the install files) not the "binary" patch I get prompted for the media. I have way over the 2.5GB required to get the complete source cached local. I have verified it is there with the files present (although after the first failed patch a few files like are removed and later prompted for when you try to run that same patch again or another one) and that the permissions are correct for access to it. Also since I have CDCACHE=2 in the setup.ini (which I verified from looking at the setup logs is getting parsed correctly), the install should abort if it can not cache the source.

Anyway sorry for stating my current problems in your thread, just wanted you to see some of the issues that might be in your future! :-) I will start another thread for this "chained updates" issue, but if anyone has successfully chained updates please let me know. I am following this:


"Frank Muk" <0.0.1> wrote in message news:196.105.134... 

1706 error on non-admin account on win xp

Posted: 17 May 2004 01:01 PM PDT

Hi Joel,

1706 error is: No valid source could be found for product X. There are a
few possible reasons for this.

1. Only Administrators have access to the Office Admin Point on the network
- Add appropriate permissions to source files.
2. There are some missing registry keys that need to be repared. Follow the
articles in Issue 2 to make sure the appropriate keys are there.

Related articles:
Issue 1
258847 OFF2000: Error Message: "The Feature You Are Trying to Use Is on a
network resource that is unavailable.
310777 OFF: Error Messages When You Try to Run Office Setup on Windows XP

Issue 2
265194 OFF2000: Windows Installer Appears Every Time a Program Is Started
274473 OFF2000: Windows Installer Runs Every Time Help Is Used on Windows

I hope this helps!

Mark Plantenberg
Microsoft Product Support

Errors 1904 and 1919 during XP setup

Posted: 17 May 2004 06:55 AM PDT


Thank you for the quick reply. However, I was able to fix
the problem before I received your solution. I did some
more digging at Microsoft's support area and ended up
downloading and installing the latest MS Jet 4.0 Database
engine. All is fine now.

Thanks again.

Msrclr40.dll file 
become corrupted. 
the Msrclr40.dll 
System folder on your 
do this, follow 
2000 Setup CD: 
CD to the 
operating system, copy 
then click OK. 
ENTER after each 
action did not 
latest updated 
that have become 
the latest 
article number to 
Microsoft Jet 4.0 
confers no rights. 

Two versions again-language issue

Posted: 17 May 2004 04:15 AM PDT

"vishal subramaniam (msft)" <com> wrote in message

Operating system considerations for a multilingual installation of
Office The Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows XP operating
systems both support international features of Microsoft Office 2003. In
some cases, you
may need to set a specific system locale for Office to support the
desired language.........

Thank you very much for your exhaustive description. I will study it and act

From my first reading, do I understand correctly that under WinXP, with MS
Office 2003, I will not need MS Office 2000 any more to provide me with
access to the Speller and Grammar in the second language (Czech), as well as
Menu and Help? Providing, of course, that I follow your instructions.

Thank you.


How does Detect & Repair work on Office2000 SR-1?

Posted: 16 May 2004 04:31 PM PDT

Um, but if it doesn't ask for the ***SR-1*** CD-ROM with the ORIGINAL SR-1
files, then it doesn't appear to really be doing what you're claiming, is

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:OsQef$phx.gbl... 

Lost .pst and deleted profile

Posted: 16 May 2004 12:27 PM PDT

Tried to find it using System Suite's recovery but to no avail. I'm out of
luck, aren't I?

"Jetro" <no.spam@internet> wrote in message

Office 2003 deployment w/o volume key

Posted: 16 May 2004 03:56 AM PDT

vishal subramaniam (msft) wrote: 

Thanks, but my problem is not how to do the deployment (I know the
setup.ini and MST methods), my problems are

1) how can I provide a unique product-ID for each computer

2) how can I automate the Office 2003 activation across the Internet.

I think, 1) is not a big deal since I can extract the correct key for
the computer that is currently installed and put it (PIDKEY=[string])
into the setup.ini by some VBS-Magic.
For 2) I found no solution. Windows XP activation can be automated by
using WMI (win32_WindowsProductActivation) but as far as I know there is
no corresponding method for Office 2003.


no office xp cd with new hard drive

Posted: 14 May 2004 10:49 PM PDT

Reactivating should not require the CD - just activate as you did before.

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <org>
wrote in message news:%phx.gbl...

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, John asked:

| I recently installed a new hard drive. When I tried to
| use excel it told me that I needed to reactivate since
| equipment had changed. I can't find my cd is there a work
| around this? thanks