

User not getting external emails - Microsoft Exchange

User not getting external emails - Microsoft Exchange

User not getting external emails

Posted: 23 Jun 2008 09:29 AM PDT


Thanks for the reply, but I have already done that twice now and I do not
see any messages I sent (externally) in the message tracking center.

I sent an external message to another user and they replied to say they got
it just fine.

Still confused by this one, so anything you got let me know.

I am at the point of restarting Exchange or the whole server tonight.


"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

OWA & Exchange ActiveSync unavailable after reboot

Posted: 22 Jun 2008 08:32 AM PDT

We ended up deleting and recreating the Virtual directories. This corrected
the issue.

"Rich Hess" <com> wrote in message

Dcpromo a dc to a member server with Exchange installed

Posted: 21 Jun 2008 10:18 PM PDT

To demote the DC running Exchange you are going to need to move / remove
Exchange first, then demote it.
At that point you could rebuild it from scratch, make it a member server,
then install Exchange and move everything back.
But bottom line is you cannot demote a DC that has Exchange on it. It has to
be removed first.

"Michael" <> wrote in message

Log files filling hard drive

Posted: 20 Jun 2008 01:47 PM PDT

If you like.
Run the backup now and see if the logs flush. If they do, you got it right.

"Dale" <> wrote in message

Exchange SAN/NAS

Posted: 20 Jun 2008 07:38 AM PDT

As an added point, a lot of devices can do both. SAN accesses LUNs via
block level protocols (SCSI or SCSI encapsulated in something else, ie iSCSI
for instance), while NAS accesses files via file level protocols like CIFS
or NFS. As an example the IBM N series, marketed as NAS, in fact does both;
it can present LUNs via iSCSI or FCP and it can also present file shares via
CIFS and NFS. For Exchange, you want to connect to LUNs via block level
protocols. For the MS stance on iSCSI and Exchange, see

It's definitely worth your time to sit down and have a discussion with your
storage partner.


"Rafavic" <> wrote in message

exchange DC enumeration

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 10:47 PM PDT

Fifteen minutes is about right for Exchange to try to switch DCs. Are your
DCs also providing DNS services? That would also complicate matters in the
scenario you are describing.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

<com> wrote in message 

Public folder repliaction remove problem

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 12:41 PM PDT

On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 18:33:02 -0700 (PDT), Tushar Shah
<com> wrote:

[ snip ]


Before you do that, have a look at this:

The "dangling " is pretty common, but it may be that you have a
more general problem with PF tion.

IMF and network performances

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 11:47 AM PDT

Please contact Microsoft Support and open a case.
Bharat Suneja
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for
newsgroup purposes only.

"r14edge" <> wrote in message

Restoring mailbox store from previous exchange version

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 10:35 AM PDT


Thanks for your response.

I thought so too about the installation of exchange 2000, etc..


"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange IMAP

Posted: 18 Jun 2008 05:44 AM PDT

I haven't used Entourage with IMAP, only As Martin said, Entourage
2008 doesn't require IMAP.

"Martin Blackstone" <com> wrote in message

Exchange 2003/2007 Setup

Posted: 17 Jun 2008 05:33 AM PDT

Thanks Leif

Now will you need Exchange 07 cals as well?

"Leif Pedersen [ MVP]" wrote:

Outlook sends old Out of Office message

Posted: 12 Jun 2008 12:54 PM PDT

We are using Exchange 2007 SP1 with rollup 1. This happens to users who have
Blackberries and those who do not.

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Document created differs from template

Microsoft Word - Document created differs from template

Document created differs from template

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 02:04 PM PST

I have a template

which is set up to print the file name and path in the footer on page two and later (you'll have to create a page two to see).

On page two and later the document footer only contains the file name.  The path is missing.



I cannot insert a picture from in Word 2013

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 01:56 PM PST

When I click insert, I don't get the option of searching, only bing? How can I fix this?


Cannot get all the theme colors in word and powerpoint 2013?

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 01:52 PM PST

I downloaded a trial version of office 365 for school.  In word and now power point, when I click on themes, I don't get all the color choices. I only get 9 and there's many more that. How come I don't have them? I'm suppose to do some projects for school and I don't have the themes that are required.


Merged field in header does not replicate on subesequent pages

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 01:02 PM PST

I have created a document with merge fields in the header. The document is two pages long, and the first page header is different than the second page. After executing the merge, I add more text to the final merged document, and now the document is three pages long. Instead of the field in my header on third page duplicating the merged text that appears on the second page, it shows the field name.

Merged document - 2nd Page

Ronald Smith M.D.| Snapshot Profile | Page 2 of 3

Merged document - 3rd Page

«PREF_MAIL_NAME»| Snapshot Profile | Page 3 of 3

Any way around this? Thank you!

Word 2013 saving local document, asks to change the document name or path.

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 12:26 PM PST

We received the error: "We can't save this file because it's read Only. To keep your changes, you'll need to save the document with new name or in a different location."

* This is not a shared drive or folder

* Document is a local document

* In the security tab for the document the is full control

* Admin for the system

* Word do not have any Add in enable

* It happens for the existing and new documents

* There are not event generated in the Eventvwr

* Architecture: Windows 7 in 64bit with Office 2013 32bit

* If I save the document in a different path and tried to open the document in the new path is doing the same <rename or change the path to apply change>

* Also notice that we are not able to remove it once is saved in the new path

Restrict editing- create a read-only document that others can save as and then edit

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 11:43 AM PST

My goal- Have a protected legal document that only I can edit with a password.  Yet others can open it and view it.  If they want to then create a new document based on mine (using Save As), they should be able to do that without having to enter my password.

The problem- I have protected my document using the restrict editing function.  When I want to edit it any part of it I have to enter the password to unprotect.  That is fine.  However, when someone else opens it, saves it as a new document, then tries to use it as a template (edit it), they also need my password to do so.  This defeats the purpose.

Is there a way around this?

How to insert organized and good looking photos?

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 10:57 AM PST


Years ago I was adviced to use tables to help organize the photos I add to my Word documents and so I've done since then, usually in 2 columns. The problem I have is that the cells on the table tend to distort when I add a photo, they extend and contract and seem to leave some empty spaces on the borders of the photos.

So is there a way I can have the size of the cells fixed? Other advice regarding margins, etc is also welcome.

Thanks in advance.

How to create a macro in a word 2010 document that uses content controls and grouping instead of protecting it

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 10:20 AM PST

I have a form where I created a macro button in the Quick Access toolbar that will delete whatever section the cursor is in. It unlocked and ungroups the content controls in that section and then deletes it and the form goes back out of developer mode. I need to do this unlocking in order to insert a section that I saved as an AutoText so the user can re-insert certain sections if needed. I just don't know the code to be able to make it work. Right now, all it does is switch the form into developer mode. It won't insert my AutoText and go out of developer mode. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

This is my code I got when recording the steps that I want to do. It just isn't working.

Sub InsertConfExclNonSup()
' InsertConfExclNonSup Macro
    Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakNextPage
    If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
    End If
    If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView Or ActiveWindow. _
        ActivePane.View.Type = wdOutlineView Then
        ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
    End If
    ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
    Selection.HeaderFooter.LinkToPrevious = Not Selection.HeaderFooter. _
    Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
    Selection.Font.Size = 8
    Selection.TypeText Text:="State of Wisconsin"
    Selection.ParagraphFormat.TabStops(InchesToPoints(6.5)).Position = _
    Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab & "Wisconsin Human Resources Handbook"
    Windows("PD 01 15 Draft 1.dotm").Activate
    Windows("PD 01 15 Draft 3.dotm").Activate
    Selection.TypeText Text:="Office of State Employment Relations" & vbTab & _
        "Ch. 324"
    Selection.TypeText Text:="Division of Compensation and Labor Relations"
    Selection.HeaderFooter.LinkToPrevious = Not Selection.HeaderFooter. _
    Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
    Selection.TypeText Text:="OSER-DCLR-86 (Rev. 02/2013)" & vbTab
    Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
    Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab & "Compensation and Labor Relations"
    Selection.TypeText Text:="Section 230.09 Wis. Stats." & vbTab
    Selection.TypeText Text:="Issue Date: March 1998"
    Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
    Selection.TypeText Text:="Revised: February 2013"
    Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, Count:=2, Extend:=wdExtend
    Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
    With Selection.ParagraphFormat
        .LeftIndent = InchesToPoints(0)
        .RightIndent = InchesToPoints(0)
        .SpaceBefore = 0
        .SpaceBeforeAuto = False
        .SpaceAfter = 0
        .SpaceAfterAuto = False
        .LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
        .WidowControl = True
        .KeepWithNext = False
        .KeepTogether = False
        .PageBreakBefore = False
        .NoLineNumber = False
        .Hyphenation = True
        .FirstLineIndent = InchesToPoints(0)
        .OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
        .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
        .CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0
        .CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0
        .LineUnitBefore = 0
        .LineUnitAfter = 0
        .MirrorIndents = False
        .TextboxTightWrap = wdTightNone
    End With
    ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument
    Application.Templates( _
        "L:\FormsRecords\FormFiles\DES-EXEC-Dept\Forms\PD forms\PD 01 15 Draft 3.dotm" _
        ).BuildingBlockEntries("ConfExclNonSup").Insert Where:=Selection.Range, _
    Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, Count:=16
End Sub

Office 2013 themes missing

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 09:04 AM PST

I now have a total of only 9 themes in Office 2013.  In the past there were dozens.  I teach a class on Microsoft Office and when students are asked to use a certain theme, they aren't finding them.  What happened?

Default Personal Templates vs. User Templates

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 08:09 AM PST

Someone wrote to me about the "Default Personal Templates" designation vs. the "User Templates" location. This was after reading Templates in Microsoft Word .

"The whole reason I'm reading your tutorial (and searching the web, unsuccessfully), is to learn what the difference/relationship is between File/Options/Save/'Default personal templates location:' and File/Options/Advanced/File Locations/'User Templates'"

The Default Personal Templates location was introduced with Word 2013 / 365 to cure what I feel was a defect in Word 2007-2010 where the default save location for new templates was the document save location.

I believe that the former is, under the Options > Save dialog, a default location to save new user templates. The second is the location that is where the normal.dotm template is stored/created.

My general preference would be to have these be the same location.

Anyone else have thoughts?

Here are the option screens involved.

Error Message RE: Normal.dotm global template

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 07:59 AM PST

I have an HP Pavilion DM4-3050us laptop which is running Windows 7.  Whenever I create a document in Word 2010, save the document, and try to close Word, I get the following message:  Changes have been made that affect the global template Normal.dotm.  Do you want to save those messages.  I then have a Save, Don't Save, or Cancel button to click on.  How do  resolve this issue?

Thank you,

P. Freeman

Character Space Miss-up

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 07:57 AM PST

I have a word document typed in office 07 with .docx ext., when i open in office 13 and do some correction and then save again.

After that i open that document in office 07, the documentation text be altered/mixedup.

I thought that re-opening that document in office 13 and problem may be solved but problem can't remein unsolved.

What is solution of this problem?

Please reply soon.

Samir Kadakiay

email : *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Save a Document with Collapsed Headings

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 07:52 AM PST


I have created a Word document that contains collapsible headings. I want all of the headings to be collapsed when opening the document, but I can't seem to save the document this way. No matter how I save, all of the sections are expanded when I first open the document.

Is there a setting where I can change the default to "Collapse All Headers on Open"?

Thanks for your help!

Repeating section, content controls, and restrict editing not working as expected in Office 2013

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 07:50 AM PST

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Create a table with multiple columns and rows containing content controls (the mix of controls doesn't matter--my example uses text boxes and combo boxes).
  2. Select the table and make it a repeating section.
  3. Restrict editing to Filling in forms.
  4. Save the file as a template (dotx).
  5. Open an instance and attempt to select any of the content controls for editing. You will be unable to.
  6. Select a non-content control item, for example, the ITEM TYPE label shown above. You will be able to edit the text.
  7. Open the template for editing and turn off Restrict Editing.
  8. Open an instance performing the same test as above. Everything works as expected.

This is a fairly high priority issue. We (and many other corporations I am personally aware of) are in the midst of replacing all of our InfoPath forms (with it being deprecated in the future) with Word forms. Obviously, repeating sections as well as working document protections are key. Currently, I have a programmatic work-around but would prefer not to go that route as it adds substantially to form maintenance costs over time.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!


How to change DISPLAY LANGUAGE???

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 06:48 AM PST

Please see the above.

I bought win office 10 after buying a new comp. During installation, I saw some different language than English in installation progress.After installation, I saw everything in the that language. I searched Extensively on the topic and learnt that in my case I can't select a different language than Portuguese :(

Apparently as you can see I have language pack of US ENGLISH installed(its written instalada :P) PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME I DONT WANNA PAY AGAIN FOR LANG INTERFACE PACK PLZZ HAALPP

Cant open MS word 97 with office xp professional 2002 in windows 8.1

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 06:40 AM PST

Just bought a Lenovo laptop with windows 8.1. I have installed MS office xp professional version 2002 (which Im told is compatible) but whenever I receive a MS word 2007 document it converts to docx and only opens as symbols. As I have quite a few folk who email me documents in this format it is becoming a problem. Any ideas?

Proofing tools not working on freshly installed Win 7 and Office 365

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 06:18 AM PST

OK, so I have a really strange problem with the proofing tools so I'll try to describe what happened it in detail.

1) Running Windows 7 and Office 365 proofing tools suddenly stopped working. Later - for other reasons - I did a clean reinstall of Windows. (I'm not sure how relevant this information is.)

2) On the freshly installed Win 7 SP1 64-bit I installed the en-us version of Office 365 ProPlus 64-bit. I have downloaded the 64-bit proofing tools for German, Hungarian and Italian but none of them worked. (Symptoms: in language preferences the spell check is "not installed". However, in the language selection window e.g. in Word the little abc tick is present next to these languages.)

3) Probably this was a real bad idea but I tried installing the 32-bit proofing tools for German. No changes.

4)  Completely uninstalled each proofing tool and Office. Reinstalled Office 32-bit and 32-bit proofing tools. They still didn't work. 

5) Removed proofing tools and installed the German, Hungarian and Italian versions of Office 32-bit. Spell checking was alright for all of these languages, except for German.

6) The registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\ProofingTools\1.0\Override\de-de is not present. I uninstalled everything and deleted all registry keys I could find for the proofing in hu, de and it. 

7) Reinstalled Office 64-bit en-us, de and hu. Proofing tools worked only for the languages included in the English language pack. Uninstalled everything.

8) Reinstalled Office 32-bit. en-us, de and hu. Proofing tools work fine, except for the German one, again.

Notes: Neither online repair nor quick repair fixed the problems. Uninstalls ran with either Iobit Uninstaller or this Fixit:

I googled this issue for days but I couldn't find any solution. My only guess is that the previously installed proofing tools interfere with the Office suites in some way but I can't figure out what's wrong. I would be also quite pleased if the simple proofing tools worked, I don't really need Office in three languages. The strange thing is that they actually stopped working before I reinstalled the whole Windows so maybe some corrupt files are being synchronized with my account. I looked at the Office files in AppData/Roaming but they seem normal to me. 

I would be really thankful if you could provide me some help with this problem because the German spell check is actually the one I need the most. 

Thank you!

End tag error in Word

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 05:23 AM PST

I'm having the problem relating to an error in Word 2007 "The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start key". I see that someone has offered to help if I send the file. Can anyone help and, if so, tell me how to send the file? Help appreciated as always.

Filenames have changed

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 03:05 AM PST

Dear Sir, 

My .docx and xls files is convert 

Example jhone.docx , jhone.xlsx

convert  file name is jhone .XLSX.iacwiwc  and jhone.docx.iacwiwc 

Please  how to repair 

[Moderator note: Changed title from "Mr Jagat"]

How to format sample code in Microsoft Word 2013 so that when exported to .mht HTML, it will copy-and-paste nicely into a Unix terminal session

Posted: 23 Jan 2015 02:04 AM PST

I'm working on tidying up some hands-on instructions for an internal class in how to use my company's software. The instructions are written by number of authors, in Microsoft Word 2013, and are then exported to HTML or Microsoft 'Single File Web Page (*.mht;*.mhtml)' format. It's horrible, ugly HTML, but it is very easy for the authors (who are technical but not primarily web developers!) to create richly formatted, non-editable documents for the hands-on instructions.

I have a problem with blocks of sample code in the resulting .mht documents. The authors format these blocks of code (in Word) to look like code at a Unix command prompt, or in a UNIX script. When saved to .mht, they retain their formatting (at the expense of rather bloated HTML), and students attending the class are meant to copy fragments of code from the resulting .mht doc, and paste it into a Unix terminal window, either at a command prompt, or into a text editor such as vi.

But most of the time, for every line of text/sample code in the Word/.mht doc, they get two lines - *that line plus one extra blank line* - in the pasted text in the terminal window. For example, some code which is shown in the Word doc like this:

    some command
    another command

...ends up looking like this:

    some command
    another command

It's no big deal for 3-line code fragments, but it's a major pain in the proverbial for anything much over 10 lines - the students can only see half the usual amount of code on screen at a time, and it's all interspersed with pointless blank lines!

The cause seems to be related to the way Word converts text to HTML in the .mht file. (If you copy-and-paste the text direct from the Word doc into a Unix prompt, it pastes just fine, without gaining unwanted blank lines). However, in the .mht file, every line in the original Word doc ends up as a separate paragraph tag (<p>line</p>) in the .mht HTML, and Word seems to add an extra <o:p></o:p> pair of tags after each, which I'm pretty sure is the bit responsible for the extra, unwanted blank line after each original line.

I've tried editing the original text block in Word, replacing the Paragraph character (¶) at the end of each 'line' (so, each line is really a paragraph in Word's view of the doc) with a 'Manual Line Break'. When copied-and-pasted directly from the Word doc into the Unix terminal window, this still pastes nicely (as it did with a Paragraph Mark ¶ at the end of each line), but when the doc is saved as .mht, the resulting HTML in that format still has each line as a separate paragraph (<p>line</p>), still with an extra <o:p></o:p> pair of tags after each one. When this is copied and pasted into the terminal window, the student still gets blank lines.

Any suggestions as to how I can format the text in word to:
a.) still look approximately like code in a terminal window (font, background color, indent formatting applied)
b.) when exported to .mht, be represented with something like <span>line</span> tags, and without the extra <o:p></o:p> pair of tags after each line so that one line of text in the doc results in one line of text in the terminal window?

Any suggestions much appreciated!

word 2013 will not document files

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 08:02 PM PST

Each time I open my word documents, it opens a new window with this message: we're sorry, but word has run into an error that is presenting it from working correctly, word will need to close as a result, and when I click on repair button , I get no response

Importing my Word 2007 Styles into Word 2013.

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 05:31 PM PST

Migrating as indicated.  Have many (25+) Word 2007 styles that I use all the time.  Got nowhere on the Word "Help" site, and came up blank on G**gle.  Maybe I'm asking wrong.  Would appreciate a link or sequence. 

Thanks in advance,

Address block order

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 04:42 PM PST

When I create a mail merge it uses my title field in excel as the field before the name where Mr. Or Ms. would go. Instead I want the title to go after the name as in Richard Jones, CFO.  I select the field and match it to Job Title but it does not display in the merged results a. Where am I going wrong here?

Disable printing of an picture with picture content controls (switching the picture)

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 03:40 PM PST


in a letter with an logo I want to disable the printing of that logo sometimes.
The only way I have found so far is using picture content controls. One with the logo and an empty one. What is the simplest way to switch between the two overlaid content controls?

Should be simple for the user (not just "send to background/foreground" via the context menu) - e. g. a button. Any hints are highly appreciated.

Many thanks and greetings

I can no longer use custom margins

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 12:41 PM PST

I have Windows 8.1 - Word 2013

I can no longer use 'custom margins';

sometimes a dialog box comes up with no dialog, just 'yes' or 'no' boxes;

today there is no Ribbon with my Word documents.



[Moderator note: Changed title from "Judy"]

How to recover an earlier version Word document

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 11:04 AM PST

Original title: Office Question

I saved and closed a paper I was working on and when i went to reopen it said Keep my version-keep server version. I chose keep my version and I only had 600 of the 1000 I typed. I tried looking in auto recover and ondrive and it doesn't show my work. Any way I can recover it? 

Office 2003 to Office 2007 - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 to Office 2007 - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 to Office 2007

Posted: 11 Jun 2008 05:48 AM PDT

BTW - only one version of Outlook can be installed. If he leaves Outlook
2003 installed, Outlook 2007 will not be installed.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"C C" <net> wrote in message


Posted: 10 Jun 2008 07:55 PM PDT

Hi Bob, Thank you for your reply. When I put my office disk in the drive, it
gives me no options other than install. It does not say where do you want the
program installed, it simply wanders off and does its thing.... I am happy
all parts of office live together, but I want them in a partition on my hard
drive where I keep all my general software. Is there a way I can get to a
custom install, eg, load manually from the run command?



"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Office Enterprise

Posted: 09 Jun 2008 05:14 PM PDT

For Office 2007 Enterprise purchased from your employer through the Home program, then you need to contact the IT person at the employer of your husband since they hold the full license and they have the address and the way to download it


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"mom" <> wrote in message news:com... 

Can U install Office Enterprise 2007 when U have 2003 Professional

Posted: 08 Jun 2008 12:28 AM PDT

The Microsoft Windows XP that the error message is pointing to is your
Operating system that "runs" all of the production software such as Office.

On your desktop right click My Computer then left click on properties. If
it does not say in the box that opens:

Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition (or Pro Edition)
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

or if it doesn't say Microsoft Vista instead of Microsoft Windows XP, you
can not install or run Office 2007.

If it says Service Pack 1 with XP above it you need to update your computer
by using Windows Update (Click Start, Windows Update and run at least the
Recommended updates.

Office 2003 professional that you have installed will run on earlier
versions of Windows such as Windows XP SP 1 or even Windows 2000.

"E Seoane" <> wrote in message

How do I uninstall Office 2007 if 2003 & 2007 both installed now

Posted: 07 Jun 2008 04:54 PM PDT

Thanks DL
I will give it a go

"DL" wrote:

Installing Retail Version of Home & Student Over OEM Version

Posted: 07 Jun 2008 08:29 AM PDT

Did exactly that last night. Thanks!

"JoAnn Paules" wrote:

How do I re-install Office 2003 without CD, I have only prdct key

Posted: 07 Jun 2008 06:16 AM PDT

No, it shouldn't. I had to pay the price about three years ago. I was
grateful that it only cost me $30 to replace my lost disks. At least they
*could* be replaced. $30 is a small price to pay for my negligence.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"Howard Kaikow" <com> wrote in message

Office 2007 on XP Embedded

Posted: 06 Jun 2008 11:29 AM PDT

Thanks Bob,

So is there another solution to this? Perhaps a network install of Office
might work?



"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Product key for trial version Enterprise 2007

Posted: 05 Jun 2008 09:03 PM PDT

And useless


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"Peter Foldes" <com> wrote in message


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"Srikanth" <i> wrote in message

how big is sp1

Posted: 05 Jun 2008 01:46 PM PDT

<> wrote in message 

Is your broadband wireless? If so is it possible that someone has hacked

Microsoft Word - Word 2010 Multi-level lists

Microsoft Word - Word 2010 Multi-level lists

Word 2010 Multi-level lists

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 03:05 PM PST

I am formatting a large document, 95-100 pages.  I have set up styles for headers.

Header 1 = 1 Title

Heading 2 = 1.2 Title

Heading 3 = 1.2.1 Title

I was able to get to heading 3 without any problems, when I got to 3 it wouldn't continue numbering, and took 3 to be like 8, so then I tried to change the list level manually and it changed all the headings to 3, 3.1 3.1.1. etc... I removed all formatting from heading 1 and tried to just use bullets multilevels but it still doesn't recognize the change in level 3. 

How do I fix this?  

^g graphic wildcard is not recognized

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 02:29 PM PST

I have a problem with the ^g wildcard in the search engine: when I try to use it in my query, it says that it isn't a valid wildcard. This even though when I select "graphic" from the "special" menu, it put exactly ^g into my string. Someone knows how to solve this problem (or the right wildcard to search graphic elements)?

Bug in Word 1.5

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 02:07 PM PST

I received a document in my email. When trying to open in my iPad (with Word 1.4) everything went smoothly. But when opening in my iPhone (Word 1.5) I received and error.

Since then I tried a number of combinations: uninstalled 1.5 and installed version 1.4 in the iPhone, everything worked great. Updated iPad to version 1.5, no more opening this specific file.

After the file is opened in 1.4 and saved inside IOS Word, it opens in 1.5 too.

 I Tried the solution posted in this link, it didn't work:

PS: this form is NOT mobile friendly

i tried


Posted: 22 Jan 2015 12:41 PM PST

I have Windows 8.1 - Word 2013

I can no longer use 'custom margins';

sometimes a dialog box comes up with no dialog, just 'yes' or 'no' boxes;

today there is no Ribbon with my Word documents.



.Word in windows 7

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 12:40 PM PST

I have read how to wrap text, yet when I go to lon on to icon it's grayed out.  What can I do?

Office Question

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 11:04 AM PST

I saved and closed a paper I was working on and when i went to reopen it said Keep my version-keep server version. I chose keep my version and I only had 600 of the 1000 I typed. I tried looking in auto recover and ondrive and it doesn't show my work. Any way I can recover it? 

Character Style - Change font back to blank

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 10:16 AM PST

Office 2013

Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1

The built-in character styles have

Style based on: Default Paragraph Font

Formatting group has Font and Font Size blank.

Modify the Emphasis character style, change the Formatting to

Font: Arial

and click OK.

Modify the Emphasis character style again.

In the Formatting group, how do you change the font back to blank?

Thanks in advance.

How to enable the Find feature in a Locked MS Word Form

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 10:00 AM PST


I have created a long locked Word form.

The users of the Form are asking me if it is possible to use the MS Word Find feature to locate both text they have typed in form fields as well as text that is outside the form fields.

Is this possible?

Thank you


Wrap Text in word with Windows 7

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 09:37 AM PST

<Moved from Windows 7 > Programs>

<Please specify what version of Word you have>

I read how to wrap text around an object, yet the icon is grayed out so no response.  How do I do it?

MS Word Wingding for Center of Gravity

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 08:00 AM PST

As an engineer, I use MS word to document various analysis. Why isn't there a standard wingding for Center of Gravity? CG image

Someone could also probably use one for the center of pressure.

Word 2010 form objects out of sync with VBA objects

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 07:55 AM PST

I have a Word 2010 template with VBA code to populate the form fields. Word 2010 is installed on blade servers in a Terminal Services environment. Here is my problem.

My template with the object names in the text boxes:

Here is my VBA code:

Private Sub Document_New()

    DateTextBox.Text = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyy")

End Sub

Here is what happen when the template is opened:

The ClientID text box is populated instead of the Date text box.

How do I fix this issues in my templates?

Word 2013 inserts page 3 in header

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 07:49 AM PST

When I paste a document to a new document, word starts the page number from 3 although it is just the 2nd page.

Please advise.


Is it possible to create a TOC using Section Numbers rather than Page Numbers?

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 07:34 AM PST

I'm familiar with creating TOCs and use of styles, but a colleague has asked if it's possible to create a TOC that displays the section number, rather than the usual page numbering. Their document consists of a large number of sections, each with their own header & footer and each one restarting page numbering at 1. It doesn't then make sense to create a "normal" TOC to refer to, as every page number is 1!

The heading styles used in each section don't necessarily contain numbered lists. Would it be possible to create a TOC style that contains section numbering for example...?



Set Max Length of Text Field in Word 2013 Fill-able Form

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 07:31 AM PST

The legacy fields allowed a way to set the max length (Example: if I did state  - I could set it to 2 and they could only put in CT - not Connecticut or Conn, etc)

The legacy fields are no longer there and I cannot see a way to do it with the new fields.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you. 

Memorize Repeated Text

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 07:15 AM PST

I use certain abbreviations repeatedly in my work.  I want to cut down the number of times I have to type them during the day.  In other word processing software, I could "memorize" the text and assign it to a particular keystroke.  How do I do it in Word 365?

Sharing address book in Outlook 365

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 06:53 AM PST



Secretary has Access (read/write/change) to boss' Mailbox, including contacts. She sees contacts in her Outlook Client and can Change, add delete them.

Sometimes she has to write letters to the boss' contacts with word. In Word there is the function to insert addresses right out of the address book into documents or envelops (in the Mailing section).

But when using this feature the secretary only sees her own and the global address book, not the address book of her boss.

I already tried to set the boss' address book as e-mail address book in properties, but there is no such option for this item.

I also recognized that the Email Button that is visible in the ribbon when I see the personal contacts disappears when clicking on the boss' address book.

Does anyone have an idea to import occasionaly single addresses from a shared address book into word documents easily?




Specific documents will not print

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 06:14 AM PST


I have a client computer that is having print issues from Word 2010.  At her location they use two Toshiba eStudio 556 copier that are set to private print. When she sends a group of documents to the printer to be retrieved later, sometimes not all of the documents will be waiting for her at the printer to be retrieved.  According to windows, the job is sent and shows up in the queue but it is not at the printer.  When we recreate the document by copy and pasting the text to a new blank document, it prints fine.  Also, when the job is sent to the other copier, that is using the same driver and is the same model, it shows up just fine.

This is a confusing issue that I have encountered in the past but was only able to solve by reinstalling Windows and Office.  I am hoping that there is an easier fix that I am missing.  I have tried running a repair on Office, changing the print drivers, and changing the document template.  If anyone else has experienced this and has a different fix, help would be appreciated.



Posted: 22 Jan 2015 05:06 AM PST

I find the hidden scroll bar in office 2013 annoying.  I have to search for the scroll bar and then locate the slider every time I am working on documents.  When the scroll bar disappears it does not turn over that space to the document so in my opinion this is just a needless feature the included just to sell another version of office.  Anything the increases the work to do a task should never make it into the product.

So anyway, how can you disable the hiding scroll bars so they are always visible when working in office 2013.

Retaining the original format like italics,superscript, subscript, etc., in the merged document

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 04:28 AM PST


I am facing a problem while using mail merge. Original text format (of excel) cannot be retained in MS Word after document merged.

I am using Windows 10 & Office 365 proplus.

Screenshot may be helpful to understand the matter:

Muhammad Saqib,

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Office 2013 is not user friendly

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 04:05 AM PST

Hi there,

I tried the trail version of Office 2013 suite and very disappointed as it goes back to the horrible sharp/square look with no round edges, ie; no Aero features" it is way too hard on the eyes when you are on it all day at work for 8 to 10 hours Mon-Fri. On my personal computer is sooooooooooooooo much better with the aero features.

My question,

if I upgrade to Office 2013 from 2010, how do I (or can I) turn on the Aero feature on all my Office Suite??



Unspecified error while opening word documents with math equations

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 03:54 AM PST

Help! My file is corrupted! Unspecified error location part /word/document.xml

I've been working on a math assignment, but when I try to open it, Word staunchly refuses. The error message reads "We're sorry. We can't open mathass1.docx because we found a problem with it's contents."

Details read "Unspecified Error. Location: Part/word/document.xml Line 2, Column 0".

I've scoured the internet for a fix. Most involve unzipping the file, and editing the xml file. The fix has not worked for me.

I´ve also seen tried a fix which should edit the end and the beginning of the document, but that doesnt work either, since its not the problem.

It´s not the first time my users have experienced the problem so I really would apprecieate any working solutions.

Best Regards

Jan Overgaaard

Microsoft Office 2013 Arabic Proofing Tools

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 10:44 PM PST

Why there is NO Arabic proofing pack in Microsoft Office 2013?!

my ms office word 2003 has refused opening/ running any word document/ program. what is the solution to this problem?

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 08:29 PM PST

my ms office word 2003 has refused opening/ running any word document/ program. what is the solution to this problem?

Moved from Windows 7 Programs Forum.

Hidden Text and Bookmarks

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 06:40 PM PST

I'm working on a complex form that has many sections which are toggled between hidden and visible as the user completes questions. The questions are in Content Controls and the sections are defined as bookmarks.

The problem I'm having is with one of the sections. The bookmark for each section includes the Page Break before it, so when they are hidden, there are no blank pages. This works for all but one of the sections. The one that is not working happens to be the first one after the questions.

Whether I use VBA or simply hide the bookmarked text using the Font dialog, there is always a blank page when this section is hidden. As I can't find a way to display page breaks but not hidden text and the display of hidden text using the dotted underline doesn't display under the page breaks, I can't see whether there's one left or not.

Can anyone suggest where to look to resolve this. I've tried removing all the page breaks and bookmarks and recreating them with no success. I've tried changing the bookmarks to include the page break at the end of the section instead of the one at the start and it makes no difference.

