

Enterprise Flag1 Microsoft Project

Enterprise Flag1 Microsoft Project

Enterprise Flag1

Posted: 14 Apr 2005 04:42 PM PDT

Darrell --

When you create a new custom enterprise task or project field and then open
an existing project, you need to press the F9 key to recalculate the
project. Your action in removing a task from the critical path caused a
recalculation, which then forced the new field's formula to recalculate as
well. Open each of your projects and press the F9 key and then republish
your project. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Darrell" <> wrote in message

Width of Weeks on Gantt Chart

Posted: 14 Apr 2005 01:26 PM PDT

You need to go fiddle with File Menu/Page Setup. It does not always behave
rationally so you might try changing things around and see what happens.
There is also a timescale setting in FileMenu/Print. When you get it close
to what you want it is best to stop while you are ahead!

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit
"Cloudburst99" <> wrote in message

Gantt Chart Timeline Wrong

Posted: 14 Apr 2005 11:20 AM PDT

Hi Cloudburst99,

From viewing some of your other posts it appears as though there is
something odd going on with your printing of Gantt charts. Take a look at
FAQ #44 "Printing Problems" at:

What version of Project are you using?

"Cloudburst99" <> wrote in message

Gantt Chart - Blue Bars

Posted: 14 Apr 2005 07:50 AM PDT

If you can't see them because they are off-screen, simply select the
task in the list, then click on the "GoTo Selected Task" button near
the right end of the standard toolbar.

Keeping your Project leveled as you update it

Posted: 13 Apr 2005 11:29 PM PDT

Hi Scott,

Once again instea of describing what happens you say the thing goes crazy.
That makes it a bit difficult to explain because it is not crazy at all, it
just shows wht you entered.
When you put in actual work, Project will not change that. Actual is
supposed to reflect the reality as it happened, and Project is designed to
calculate plans, not mo modify the reality as it happens.

Re-writing history is best left to politicians :-))

And having one task with multiple resoruces is to me not teh best way to use
project. Best is to describe each task separately; ideal is tio have only
one resource per task.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
<> schreef in bericht


Critical Paths in Gantt chart

Posted: 13 Apr 2005 08:02 PM PDT

Hi Babu,

Have a look at this site:

When you've followed it through, have a look at the final network diagram
which shows the ciritical path. If, however, the Machine task, which has a
duration of 3 and a slack of 8, had a duration of 11, it would have no slack
and thus also be critical. Thus the critical path would go through the
Machine task as well.

For another example, if we were to add a project management task which
lasted the whole project's duration, it would also be critical.

We would now have 3 critical paths :)

Hop this helps,

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Babu wrote: 

Looking for Macintosh software that works with MS Project. Entoura

Posted: 13 Apr 2005 01:22 PM PDT

"John" <com> wrote in message 

For some activities (like wearing pajamas) the traditional advice should be
reversed "Don't try this at work".


Tracking Gantt II

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 10:00 PM PDT

Use the filter "Tasks with Fixed dates" : it'll show all the tasks with Date
Constraint and with Actual Start.

Gérard Ducouret

"pratta" <> a écrit dans le message de

scheduled to 

Tracking Gantt I

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 09:28 PM PDT

Hi KT,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

My first article includes an explanation of Critical Tasks: you might like
to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the TechTrax ezine,
particularly #1, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

KT wrote: 

multiple baselines gantt

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 05:23 PM PDT

True :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

JulieS wrote: 

pros and cons of Primavera

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 05:06 PM PDT

That link is to information about Primavera's legacy tool Primavera Project
Planner ("P3"). This has had very little development in the past 5+ years.
While there are still many P3 users, many have already converted to
alternative solutions that first emerged almost six years ago.

In any event, I suggest that this NG is not the best place to get up-to-date
information on Primavera.

"MS Expert" <com> wrote in message
news:com... |

How do I save a GANTT chart in either GIF or JPG format?

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 02:40 PM PDT

Thanks everyone, you guys rock! I knew I used to do it, but I forgot about
the camera. It's so stupid that they make it hard to find (ie: no cross
index for "gif").

Thanks again,



Posted: 12 Apr 2005 12:32 PM PDT

Yes, but only .mpx format, although Primavera (and others) has a utility
that will convert .mpp to ,mpx. Most of the other Primavera solutions
support .mpp, and even allow MS-P data to reside within a Primavera

"pdel" <> wrote in message

Compare Utility with External Tasks

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 12:32 PM PDT

In article <com>,
"ET902" <> wrote:

I don't like the sound of, "links to links to links". If it is what it
sounds like, you are courting file corruption. I can see a big
complicated mess with tons of links on some very large files (I worked
with such a beast last week), but if you only have 36 links and less
than 200 tasks, your file should be pretty clean (at least in theory).

I guarantee you will have the same UIDs in different files but that is
not a problem because they are not duplicate. The link address not only
includes the UID but it also includes the file name.


Tasks and Subtasks

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 09:37 AM PDT

Hi Cloudburst99,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #2 - Entering Tasks, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Cloudburst99 wrote: 

Confirm which Project products are necessary

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 08:47 AM PDT

I understand your intent, but I think you are forgetting that software is
perishable. Microsoft has something like a five year support lifecycle for
Project. That means that Proj2003 has only about three years left. In
addition they seem to be releasing new versions every 2 - 3 years. Since it
has been two years since Proj2003 was released, the clock is certainly
ticking... If they are planning to move to Project Pro sometime soon then it
is a good idea, but if they are thinking about a year or two from now then
they may be better off waiting and upgrading when and if project200x comes

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"Tammy" <> wrote in message

How do I add a custom column to a resource report?

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 07:13 AM PDT

Hi Rich,

To add to JulieD's suggestion, if you added the [Text1] column to a task
view, depending upon which resource report you are printing, the data may
still not appear. There are three different sets of custom fields, one for
tasks, one for assignments, and one for resources. So if you added the
data to the task [Text1] field and print a report that is based upon the
resource table, even if you include the [Text1] field, you will not see your
data as you are adding the [Text1] field from the resource side.

Take a look at FAQ #37 at:

for some additional information and a piece of VBA code to transfer data
from a text field to an assignment field.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Rich in Westminster" <Rich in> wrote
in message news:com... 

Timesheet warning message

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 02:19 AM PDT

Hi Paul,

Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Paul Linscott wrote: 

Gantt chart with two critical paths?

Posted: 11 Apr 2005 10:30 PM PDT

In article <com>,
"Bill gates" <Bill> wrote:

Let me expand on Gerard's comment. When I think of Critical Path I don't
think just in terms of THE main Critical Path. It is very likely
(probably most likely) that in any given project, multiple logic paths
lead to some end milestone. Each path may be from a particular
functional organization's tasks necessary to complete the project. One
organization's activities may or may not interact with other
organizations. Even though there may be only one (but possibly more for
the reason Gerard noted) primary Critical Path, there is also a
secondary, a tertiary, etc. path. For good project management it isn't
always sufficient to just look at the worst case scenario but to also
look at the "next up" problems. It's kinda like a Prateo (sorry if I got
the spelling wrong) analysis where you not only look for the immediate
issues but also get a "heads up" look at the next group of problems that
are ready to appear.

One way to look at more than just the top layer of issues is to set the
Critical Path threshold to a value greater than "0"
(Tools/Options/Calculation tab). Then do a sort to look first at Start
Date and next at Total Slack.

There is also an option for having Project calculate multiple Critical
Paths. It is located at: Tools/Options/Calculation tab.

Maybe this is more than you wanted to know but hope this helps.
Project MVP

Status Field

Posted: 11 Apr 2005 08:06 PM PDT

You are welcome !

Gérard Ducouret

"Karen M" <> a écrit dans le message de

Can't reinstall upgrade

Posted: 11 Apr 2005 04:25 PM PDT

Phxdame Wrote: 
I dont find a way if you will be able to get the old version back, tr
contacting microsoft sales in your local area

MS Exper
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Microsoft Word - iPad Templates from OSX Word

Microsoft Word - iPad Templates from OSX Word

iPad Templates from OSX Word

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 02:52 PM PDT

Hi all,

I have noticed that my templates from Word -- created on a Mac -- are somewhat bizarre when using on an ipad. Footers are appearing in the middle of a document instead of in the footer when you open it on an ipad or send it as an attachment. Anyone experience this or have a work around? 

Headers seem to be fine. Footers, not so much. 

Can't access my citations on Word 2010

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 02:44 PM PDT

I've been working on my thesis and I went to check my citations, but the screen where the citations icon is at is grey.  It won't let me access any of the citations that I had added nor will it let me add new ones.

Why Outline format works in Outlook but not Word

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:44 PM PDT

I have posted this question about Outline formatting in Word and gotten links that pretend to address the issue; but don't. Oh, they provide lots of complicated workarounds but they don't address the issue: why, when you click the Outline icon in Word you enter a world of chaos, where nothing works as it should.

I know how Outline should work because when I am in Outlook, and click the same Outline Icon, I experience exactly what is expected.  The tab key indents; in as well as out, just as expected, the numbering system works just as expected and everything moves smoothly and without a hitch. 

But when I try to do the same thing in Word I end up with a mess of confusing issues; and nothing seems to work as expected!

So why does Outline in MS Outlook work perfectly while Outline in MS Word not work at all; unless you jump through a whole lot of hoops that you learn about from a long article; with an interesting horn players vs director analogy?

VB codes for formmatting in word 2010

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:31 PM PDT

Need to determine the VB Codes to turn on an off the following items under the show markup drop down



insertions and deletions


Page Deleting

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:29 PM PDT

Dear, Microsoft software writers can you please, give us easy accessibility to your product? Why is there not a delete button or link to be made simple for unwanted pages in and document? One suggestion could be under your page layout tab; click it then scroll to page break, select  or push delete extra pages. 

I am just wondering it has been hard especially when I am in a hurry to create or send a document. Love your products just little concerned with the length of time and steps it takes just delete unwanted pages. SMH! :/

BUG or wanted feature in the citation/references updatin in Word (2013 and before)

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:07 PM PDT

I'm having some trouble with the citation feature in word and this is happening to a lot of other people in many different word versions so I'm starting to think that it's a wanted feature. The image is much more clear than me explaining so here it is:

As you can see I'm not using in the text the citation [9] and word knows it since in the source manager is not marked as used but when I update the reference field the unused references appear at the end even when are not used. When I remove them from the current list in the manager the problem disappears. Is it the way word handle references or is it a bug unsolved since at least word 2007? Because I my view this way of working it's rather unlogical. 

Word 2013 Envelopes and Labels - Freezes

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:06 PM PDT

In Word 2013-Envelopes and Labels- when I try to type a recipient's address, the typing freezes and lags badly- up to 20 or 30 seconds depending on how much I type in at once. I only have the one Word doc open, and very few windows open on the browser. Hardware should be fine- this is the only time something like this happens.


Help please!!!

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:05 PM PDT


      I am trying to send a copy of my CV to other email addresses and they are not able open them.

The CV has been done on Word 2003.

What is wrong with the file and how can I resolve this issue?

Thank you.

Can I turn off the sound that plays whenever I hit "replace all" in Word 2010?

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:03 PM PDT

So, I've already unchecked the "provide feedback with sound" box in the Word Options: Advanced menu. But whenever I click "replace all," my computer still plays the "Windows Exclamation" chime with the notification box that pops up to say how many replacements it made. Is there any way to turn that off?

I assume that it's not a good idea just the make the exclamation sound silent for Windows in general. It's probably important in some circumstances? Or is it?  

Word 2013 Hangs on Find/Replace and Review Pane

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:46 AM PDT

After the March Office update was pushed out, Word 2013 hangs when attempting to open the Reviewing Pane, and when doing a Find/Replace (Ctl-H).

It works properly in Safe mode, but when I check for Add-ins, there are no Active add-ins running (i.e., all add-ins are in the "Inactive Application Add-ins" section of File>Options>Add-ins ).

Any suggestions for how to fix or work-around this?

Problem with Theme Colours in Word Tables

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:09 AM PDT


I have changed the Theme colours in Word 2010 and saved them as custom colours and a custom Theme, however, when I create a table it is onlz giving me the option of using one of my new colours.

Could you please let me know why as I have an urgent job to do for work and it is holding me up.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Need a macro to find "present" letters of alphabet and report "missing" letters of the alphabet

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 10:57 AM PDT

Back when I was using Word 2003, someone was kind enough to write a macro for me that checked a Word document to verify which letters of the alphabet were NOT included in the document. The macro  is below. I need another macro that will report to me the opposite--which letters of the alphabet ARE present rather than which ones are missing. if anyone can help, I would be so very grateful. I have no idea where to begin, but figured this macro could be modified to make the opposite happen.

Also, if there's a way to select text in a larger document so that the macro reviews only selected text, that would be unbelievably helpful in terms of saving me time. Thanks so much in advance for any help.

Sub AtoZ()


' AtoZ Macro

' Checks for the presence of all letters of alphabet and reports missing ones.


Dim missing As String, i As Integer

missing = ""

For i = 1 To 27


With Selection.Find

    If Not .Execute(FindText:=Chr(64 + i), MatchCase:=False, Wrap:=wdFindContinue, Forward:=True) = True Then

        missing = missing & Chr(64 + i) & ","

    End If

End With

Next i

If Len(missing) > 1 Then

    missing = "The following letters are not included in the text: " & Left(missing, Len(missing) - 2) & "."


    missing = "All of the letters of the alphabet are included in the text."

End If

MsgBox missing

End Sub

Microsoft Word Equation -- View Unaltered (Raw) Format

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 10:29 AM PDT


I've written a couple of complex equations in Microsoft Word 2013.  However, I'd like to see the UNALTERED, or raw, format that Word has used for the AutoCorrect.  Is it possible to see the equations in their raw formats?


If in Word, I would see something similar to Area = \pi * r^2

Thank you.



Posted: 31 Mar 2014 10:01 AM PDT

Hello, I am creating a template for our engineering team to use. Creating the template is easy enough, but I have a few questions that I hope you can advise me on. After creating a template does all the custom numbered headings, custom styles, custom tables save with that template? Is this the best way to get the consistency for our proposals is by using a template? If this is the best way would I simple post the Template on our server for our engineers to use?

How/where would you save a custom table that could be used for any document? When I save it there are many options that I don't understand, what gallery, category, option etc.

Thank you for your assistance...

Word for iPad Save As PDF

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 08:42 AM PDT

As far as I can tell, there is no way to save a word document (accessed via onedrive) as a PDF from my iPad. I have looked into third party programs to convert onedrive word documents to PDFs, but they mess up our header.

It is important for us to be able to work on word documents on the go, and email out a pdf of the document once complete. When will we be able to save as a PDF?

Thanks, everything else is great so far!

IBM Text 5

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:55 AM PDT

I have some very old (1989-1991) 3.5" diskettes with IBM Text 4 and 5. Is it possible to convert them to Word 2007 or 2013? 

Thanks Finnski

Automatizing repeated Steps Word 2007 ?

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:40 AM PDT

Automatizing repeated Steps Word 2007 ?

am doing these repeated steps over and over again.

suggestions ?

uninterested in the usual suggestions which change the job at hand. what is described here creates the outcome which is necessary.

01.    Am starting Word (by clicking a Word-document (with contents) in a filelist)

02.    clicking "Page Layout", "Margins"

03.     clicking "Custom Margins"

04.    entering 4 times "0" separated by clicks of "Tab"

05.    clicking "Paper", selecting "A4"

06.    clicking "Layout", selection "Header", entering "0", tab, and another "0"

07.    clicking "ok".

08.    clicking "ignore"

09.    hitting Ctrl-Home, then ctrl-A

10.    clicking "Home", then "No Spacing"

11.    entering "Font" "Cour", then tab, then clicking "B" (for Bold)

12.    hitting Ctrl-S, then Ctrl-A, selection Word97-2003 document

13.    hitting Alt-F4

how can I automatize all or part of this ?

the Word-program is running in a Client-Server configuration. Clients are often rebooted, at which time settings are lost.



Can this Macro be Improve

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 03:57 AM PDT


Please can you have a look at the Macro below for Word 2010.

Can this be done using Ranges to make it quicker and better?

What it does is it selects the only Table I have in the Document,

Then goes to the last Row, last Column.

Then using Tab to add a new Row at the bottom.

Then it Adds Default Text to the required Columns,

Then as it Adds each Text item it formats it with the following:

     Hidden Text

     SuperScript Text

Sub AddNewGame()
    'Add the New Game to the bottom of the List

    'UnHide Hidden Text
    With ActiveWindow.View
            .ShowAll = False
            .ShowHiddenText = True
        End With

    'Selecting the Table & Add New Game
    With Selection
        .HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
        .MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, _
        .End = .Tables(1).Range.End
        .InsertRowsBelow 1
    End With

    'Setting Shading & Borders
    With Selection.Cells

        'ReMoving Shading
        With .Shading
            .Texture = wdTextureNone
            .ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
            .BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
        End With

        'Setting Top & Bottom Borders
        With .Borders(wdBorderTop)
            .LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
            .LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
            .Color = wdColorAutomatic
        End With
        With .Borders(wdBorderBottom)
            .LineStyle = wdLineStyleDouble
            .LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
            .Color = wdColorAutomatic
        End With
    End With

    'Setting Information to be entered into New Row
    With Selection
        .Font.Hidden = False
        .MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        .TypeText Text:="title"
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
        .TypeText Text:="PC" & Chr(11) & "PS1" & Chr(11) & "PS2" & Chr(11) & "PS3" _
            & Chr(11) & "PS4" & Chr(11) & "PSP" & Chr(11) & "PSVita" & Chr(11) & "Wii"
        .TypeText Text:="WiiU"
        .MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
        .Font.Superscript = wdToggle
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        .Font.Superscript = wdToggle
        .TypeText Text:="DSXL"
        .MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=2, Extend:=wdExtend
        .Font.Superscript = wdToggle
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        .Font.Superscript = wdToggle
        .TypeText Text:="3DSXL"
        .MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=2, Extend:=wdExtend
        .Font.Superscript = wdToggle
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        .Font.Superscript = wdToggle
        .TypeText Text:="Xbox" & Chr(11) & "Xbox 360" & Chr(11) & "Xbox One"
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
        .TypeText Text:="00000000"
        .HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
        .Font.Hidden = True
        .EndKey Unit:=wdLine
        .Font.Hidden = False
        .TypeText Text:="1st"
        .MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=2, Extend:=wdExtend
        .Font.Superscript = True
        .EndKey Unit:=wdLine
        .Font.Superscript = False
        .TypeText Text:=" January 0000"
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
        .TypeText Text:=txtASDA
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
        .TypeText Text:=txtTesco
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
        .TypeText Text:=txtGame
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
        .TypeText Text:=txtebay
        .MoveLeft Unit:=wdCell, Count:=7
    End With

    'Hide All Checking Symbols
    With ActiveWindow.View
        .ShowTabs = False
        .ShowSpaces = False
        .ShowParagraphs = False
        .ShowHyphens = False
        .ShowAll = False
        .ShowHiddenText = False
        .ShowObjectAnchors = False
    End With
End Sub

Thank you in advance,


Spacing book subtitles to equal a fixed number of lines

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 02:29 AM PDT

I am laying out the inside pages of a book in body text of 11/13 points (which is 13 point line spacing of course) and I therefore want the subheadings to take up exactly 26 points, which is two lines, so that the number of lines on facing pages is always the same.  When I modify the "Heading 3" style, it informs me that the heading has "6 points before and 0 points after," but when I try to adjust those spaces, it will only accept multiples of 6 points. So, I set the line spacing at EXACTLY 22 points, and this does make the heading take up about two lines of space. But the figures do not make sense. Is there any way to adjust the space before and after a title accurately?



Refering to the same endnote more than once

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 01:11 AM PDT


I used the cross reference feature to insert a refernce to an existing endnote ( Insert>Reference>Cross-Reference). However, when I click it, it takes me to the first reference within the document and not to the bottom of the document where the actual list of endnotes is. Is there a way to make the click take me to the actual endnote in the list of endnotes?

Thanks a lot,


automatic highlighting without wanting it in WORD 2013

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:31 AM PDT

Hi everyone, please help before I need blood pressure tablets!

In any word document (2013 version), old or new document, the whole text will automatically highlight in a grey colour without us doing anything. It cant be un-highlighted either and will not allow us to work on the document as any attempt to do so results in either freezing of all keys or further randon highlighting or unhighlighting wherever the cursor goes.

Tve looked at all sorts of forums for answers without success. The microsoft troubleshooting pages didn't help.



Support for custom fonts in Word for iPad

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:15 AM PDT

We use a custom font in our company which is not available on the iPad by default. We have therefore installed it using a configuration profile and can use it now in Apple's Pages app. This is possible since iOS 7 (more information here:

There is also an app on the App Store called "AnyFont" which lets you install new fonts directly from the device, and the installed font shows up perfectly in Apple's Pages but it does not appear in Word for iPad. We desperately need that font for our work, so please add support for custom installed fonts soon! Are there any plans to do so or am I missing something?

microsoft office 13

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:02 AM PDT

I am unable to open microsoft word 13 in safe mode or safe mode with networking.. It tells me the bootstrapper service does not work.

What can i do about this?

unable to open office 2013 apps. non responsive.

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:00 AM PDT

we are using office 2013 on win7 platform for a few of our new PC in the office. It's work fine at the but 2 of them suddenly unable to open starting last week. when we click at the office icon, word, excel or outlook nothing happen it's just unresponsive. no message or anything pop out.

thing that I had tried.

  1.   winword /safe - still the same unresponsive. when click ok nothing happen.
  2. restore to earlier point. - restore to the date which the apps last can be use.  - lasting about half a day. thought that the problem came from the auto update. Restore back again to before the update & get the auto update off. Lasting about two days and after that still unresponsive. Further check there's no update installed.
  3. uninstalled and reinstalled office 2013. - can open but the next day it's happen again.

Need anybody who can help us to solve this problem. We cant identify what are the problem is.

thank you.

Vertical line / vertical dash formatting mark in MS Word; what does it mean? How to get rid of them?

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 09:32 PM PDT

My MS word document is full of sentences that begin with a vertical line formatting mark. I have scoured the internet and cannot figure out what this mark is supposed to mean. I know that a dot is a space, an arrow is a tab, etc., but I have found no mention of this mark. It does disappear/reappear when I hit the formatting marks button, however.

Whatever it is, I believe it is screwing up the formatting for this document when I try to export it to another program, so I need to remove them. Doing so manually would take hours. Can ayone explain what the marks are and how to remove them in mass? Of course I could just paste all the text into notepad and back into Word, but that would remove all my italics as well, and I don't want that. 

Here is an image of the issue. Note that all but the first two lines have the mark; it is the very first thing on most of the lines.

Office 2013 cannot locate safe mode files

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 07:41 PM PDT

We've had issues with add-ons causing our Office 2013 products to crash upon opening.  The solution has always been to start Word or Excel in safe mode and disable the add-ons.

This time I tried to do that and got an error message that says "Sorry we couldn't find your file.  Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted? (C:\Users\Erin\safe.doc)"

I uninstalled the entire program and reinstalled it, and am still getting the same error.  I don't think we moved or deleted any program files recently - what could have happened?  We have had virus problems before and the fact that the error message has a conjunction is throwing me off.  Any advice is appreciated.

Includetext field changing formats

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 07:25 PM PDT

Hi Team,

This may seem the same as other posts, but I feel it is slightly different as I have tried a myriad of things. Including styles, anchoring text boxes etc.

Basically, I am using the Includetext field, but when I update the donor document and refresh the recipient document the heading numbers change.

The donor document has text boxes (which I think I've anchored to the paragraph), different style headings to the recipient document and bullet points.

When I delete a heading, including the text box, in the donor document and refresh the recipient document the the numbering below the deletion changes (in the recipient document).

Second level headings are removed and added. Bullet points are changing to level 3 headings. But it all below the heading and text box I removed.

I have been racking my brains and desperately trying a number of things and finally thought I should ask the experts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


How do I get my key code? I'mn pretty sure I registered then. It's for microsoft office 2010

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 05:24 PM PDT

     I recently moved and can't find my microsoft office 2010 cd. I thought I installed in on my laptop but when I restored it I think I erased it.  I need it for school. How can I recover it? Am trying to restore to previous date.

Font change for document DD9D29 basic manual template

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 05:12 PM PDT

Caps or upper case letters appeared when I started to input into this template. So all words are in caps with a bigger cap at the start of a sentence.

Then halfway through, sentence structure option appeared ie caps at beg of sentence and lower case after the cap.

So now I have a document ie manual with two types of font.

I have tried changing the font but nothing works. 

Any suggestions to resolve this problem??


Creating a data chart APA style (flipped) in Word 2010

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 05:10 PM PDT


I have a data sheet that cannot be landscape, needs to be top to bottom. How do you flip a data sheet in Word?

something went wrong

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 04:13 PM PDT

Something went wrong. We couldn't start your program. Please try starting it again.

If it won't start, try repairing Office from 'Programs and Features' in the Control Panel.

I tried all it said, and none of my Office 365 programs will work. It was working fine a week ago and I cant find anything in the Control Panel to fix it

Microsoft Word - Issue when trying to open document in office 2007 on windows 8 laptop

Microsoft Word - Issue when trying to open document in office 2007 on windows 8 laptop

Issue when trying to open document in office 2007 on windows 8 laptop

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 03:22 PM PDT

so I have to download a doc and then open a new words doc, at which point I am asked if I will allow the program to make changes, then I have to open a doc through the blank doc I have opened.

Dialogue box is open error word 2013

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 03:18 PM PDT

When I open any Microsoft Word document, I get a dialogue box that reads: "Word can't do this because a dialogue box is open. Please close the dialogue box to continue." The problem is that there is only one dialogue box, the one that tells me to close the dialogue box. When I close the box the document loads normally. It isn't so much a problem as it is annoying. If anyone knows how to stop this box from popping up and pausing the loading of documents I would appreciate it.

How to center page numbers in ms word 2010?

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 02:47 PM PDT

Hi guys,

Can someone one help me with this one?

The page number is already centered yet it's still more to one side than actually sitting in the middle of the page.

Does it have to do with margins?

Thanks in advance.

Cannot insert jpeg picture. Message: picture created in Package.

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 02:30 PM PDT

Running Windows 8.1.  Suddenly Word won't accept jpegs, apparently created by "Package," that older versions accepted.  Do I add this app called Package?  How do I do that?  What picture formats will the new Word accept? 

Also, in this new system I have no idea how to find out what version was installed for me, so when I select "Office Products"  I have no idea what I am doing.

code erreur 30145-27

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 01:52 PM PDT

J'ai installé Office 2013 (pour famille et étudiants) le 18 mars 2014. Le 30 mars, après avoir voulu installer une mise à jour, je n'ai plus accès aux différentes applications de Office (code d'erreur 30145-27). J'ai effectué un nettoyage du disque, comme conseillé par certains, mais sans résultats. Que dois-je faire pour résoudre mon problème ? Merci de votre aide.

Paragraph spacing?

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 01:51 PM PDT

How can I adjust spacing between paragraphs?  All I see is a crude method of adjusting line spacing. 

microsoft not working

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 01:43 PM PDT

how can I speak to a live person

Page Numbering with Office 2007

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 01:27 PM PDT

How do I number a research paper page 2 with a Roman Numerial and page 3 with 1,2,3, etc

Microsoft Office not working - received error message

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 01:07 PM PDT

Something went wrong - couldn't start your program.  Please try starting it again, If it won't start, try repairing Office from "programs and features" in the control panel..

Did that and couldn't restart the program? Please assist.


Cannot save .doc as .docm

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 12:37 PM PDT

I have a Word document that was created in Word 2003 (or possibly Word 97).  It contains a VBA macro.  If I try to save it as a macro-enabled word document (.docm), I am unable.

After selecting Save As / Word Document, the Save As dialog box opens; I change the type to .docm; select Save, and an error message pops up:

Of course, I cannot save it as .docx since it contains a VBA project:

It seems to work properly as an Excel 97-2003 .doc document, but I'd like to figure out why I cannot save it in the .docm format.

Office Starter docs to full 2010 product

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 12:36 PM PDT

Have made a few documents in Word Starter. Now have full licensed product. How do I transfer the 'Starter' docs to the full version? 

I upgraded my computer from Vista Windows to windows 8. I am trying to send an email with an attachment. I am unable to do that? Can you help me with this

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 12:27 PM PDT

In reply to Richard Jordan_H's:

I upgraded about 6 weeks ago and I have not been able to send email with attachment. Why is it I can have so much trouble getting this fixed. I have been to send this email with the attachment for that length of time. Not all of us are business savvy or computer savvy. Why can't we have this fixed when those of us can't get this fix when needed. You want me to ask a question, well there is problem why I upgraded from Vista windows  to Window8  2010 about six weeks ago and I am unable to send an email with an attachment. I am unable to find what needs to be done to fix this. Is there anyone there that can help.

Microsoft WORD & Excel not working

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 11:33 AM PDT

I receive an error message when I try to open a previous word document or excel document created in Word 2013 & Excel 2013. The error message states, "Something went wrong with Word, word has run into an error that is preventing it from working properly.  Word will eed to close as aresult.  Would you want to repair?  When click on repair now nothing happens.  I need help fast because I have several projects that I am working on and need to submit.  Please HELP!!!! SHould I reinstall using my disk?

Blank spaces below text in table cells

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 11:04 AM PDT

After creating a table and filling a row of cells with information of varied length, I am often left with large empty spaces in cells below some shorter texts. This "wasted" space resists deletion.

My general impression is that Word lets me go to the cell with the most data in it, place cursor at end of it, and press delete.

Nothing I do erases the empty space between the end of the text and the bottom line of the cell.



My dictionary apps no longer work

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 10:38 AM PDT

My dictionary apps no longer work. When I click "Insert" "My Apps" and click on Bing Dictionary it tries to load but I come up with, "App Error" and a button to restart but nothing happens. It used to work fine. I have uninstalled WORD and reinstalled it but that didn't help. I'm online but it just won't load the App.

Please help,


Delete Hyperlink from Picture if One

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 09:25 AM PDT


I have a Macro in Word that Pastes an Image from the Clipboard, then Resizes it.

I would also like it to check if the Picture has a Hyperlink, and if it does then Delete the Hyperlink else just exit Macro.

I have a bit of code that I found Online that removes all Hyperlinks on Pictures {See BOLD}, but I need to change this so it only checks the Picture I have Selected.

Here's my Macro:

Sub InsertCoverPicture()
    'Insert the Cover Picture
    With Selection
        .PasteAndFormat (wdPasteDefault)
        .MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        .MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
        With .InlineShapes(1)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
            .Height = CentimetersToPoints(2)
        End With
    End With

    'Remove Hyperlink from Picture
    Dim oStory As Range
    Dim x As Long

    For Each oStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        With oStory
            For x = .Hyperlinks.Count To 1 Step -1
                If .Hyperlinks(x).Type = msoHyperlinkShape Then .Hyperlinks(x).Delete
        End With
End Sub

Thank you in advance,


Office for iPad - Word not having access privileges

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 08:28 AM PDT

Office for iPad - Word (but not Excel and Powerpoint) not having access privileges.

Error message: "Word cannot open the deocument: user does not have access privileges"

This message is completely inconsistent: about half of my Word files, WRITTEN BY MYSELF with Office 365 Home Premium, open without messaging anything.

Those which do NOT open (also written by myself), demand first logging in to Microsoft account EVERY time I try to load them, but EVERY time they show this error message, denying access.

I do not see any dependency with time and the contents of those simple Word files.

I have not seen this error message in any other Word version in any other device. It pops up only in Word for iPad (iOS 7.1).

Please, forum moderators, care to tell me again that you do not have a slightest clue about this?

Word 2007 doesn't load new documents using the or normal.dotm template

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 08:21 AM PDT

I've saved changes to both the and normal.dotm templates, in the designated file locations for those files within Word.   

But when I open a new document, it doesn't load the normal.dotm template formatting, but some other set of fonts and paragraphing designations.

How do I correct this?

I've used Word for nearly 20 years.  I'm using a new HP computer running Windows 7.   Thank you for your help.

Date field wrong day

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 05:11 AM PDT


Well, I have a template file where I created a date field with the structure "Monday, 10 October 2010". The question is that current day's name doesn't match with the actual day.

So, as an example, today, what is shown on this date field is "Monday, 30 March 2014" but it should be "Sunday, 30 March 2014".

What can be wrong? System date is well set.

Thanks for your help!=)

How to print a document with paper size 11x17 in 8.5x11 paper?

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 04:51 AM PDT

How would I be able to print 11x17 size document in Word 2010 to 8.5x11 paper without corrupting the design and without one-by-one adjusting the size of text & picture. Please help me. Thank you!

Error checking of language

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 04:23 AM PDT


In school, we have to learn a second Norwegian language, which is very similar to the one we use daily. There are however, an extensive list of words which are not allowed. To stop myself from making the same mistakes again, is it possible to somehow check for these words?

The spell checking in Word is quite poor for that particular language, as it is used by quite few people. Is there some way I can manually enter them and contribute to the spell checker? I can of course make a list and search for every individual word, but it is quite time consuming. Is it therefore possible to design a macro or use some other fancy ways of comparing two documents and locating the errors, where one of them contains a list of the taboo words?

All help is appreciated.

How to merge the end of two lines

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 02:00 AM PDT


I have two information gathered from same table. My problem looks like:

- Information 1 { gathered from ...

- Information 2 { gathered from ...

I would like to make one curly brackets that spans over two lines, instead of having two curly brackets. 

Thanks for the help

Percentage Signs in Charts Backwards (%89, %66, etc...)

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 11:51 PM PDT

Hello everyone,

I have Microsoft Word. Every time I open a document (or create one) all charts I create have the percent sign in the front.

As a work around I create a custom format, putting the % in front, therefore putting in the back on the screen. This is annoying workaround because I edit and review a lot of documents.

Can anyone help? I've never see this problem before and no one else has it.

ms word 365 on iPad

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 10:11 PM PDT

I have a MS Office 365 subscription and I want to use the new apps on my iPad.  My problem is in order to access my subscription i have to sign in through iTunes and my MS Office subscription is through a different email.  I've only used  3 of my 5 licenses for the product.  Why should I have to purchase your product again in order to use it on my iPad?  How can this be resolved?

Word 2013's in-text citation for mla format is inconsistent.

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 09:31 PM PDT

In MLA format the in-text citation is inconsistent. I really have no idea why it just randomly changed.... 

More info in the picture....

see on the top paragraph the citation is (last name and page number[edited by myself]), then it suddenly changed in the bottom paragraph showing (last first).... I don't get this... why is this even happening?

Office iPad and OneDrive Issues - Missing Folders

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 09:09 PM PDT

After trying out Office Word, Excel and Powerpoint on my iPad it seems to me that OneDrive integration is broken.

The main problem is that various folders do not show up in the Office Apps on the iPad. These missing folders though do show up in the OneDrive app for iPad.

I've also had the Office Apps lock up when trying to refresh a folder. Either the program locks up and I have to restart it or, the refresh icon just spins forever.

To troubleshoot the issue I've removed the Word app, reinstalled and reconnected my OneDrive account. I've done this a couple of times and each time when I try to view one of my folders, the app hangs. After restarting the app the folder I was trying to view has missing subfolders.

If I add a subfolder after I've viewed the folder in Word (for example) the new folder shows up. However, none of the folders that are missing will ever appear, no matter how many times I try to refresh the folder.

Oddly enough the missing folders are different between Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

My "Mac Docs" folder should have 25 folders. Word shows 16 folders, Excel shows 9 and PowerPoint shows all 25. However, PowerPoint also has trouble refreshing the folder, and after I've removed some folders, its still displaying the removed folders.

Office on iPad has great potential for me, especially with OneDrive integration, however, at this stage it appears to be quite buggy.

bug report - opening documents created on a network PC

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 09:00 PM PDT


I recently created a document at work, on a computer that uses network drives, ie. my documents is \\user\<employee number>\My Documents\

I then sent the document to my home PC and opened it with Office 2013. It freezes on the splash screen, as the program appears to be trying to retrieve something from the (non existant) network drive (i don't have a network drive on my home PC).

If this could be looked into and fixed it would be appreciated.

Something went wrong We couldn't start your program. Please try starting it again NO ERROR CODE

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 07:31 PM PDT

This happens when I click on any of the Microsoft office icons: Microsoft, Please put your **** together, I paid money for this software and I expect it to work when I click on the icon of the software, I do NOT have time to read hundreds of threads in forums or follow "workaround" instructions to fix this problem. TIME IS MONEY AND YOUR ARE COSTING ME MONEY.I NEED THIS FIXED OR REFUND MY MONEY BACK. Ivan

Add Acrobat XI ribbon to Word Starter 2010

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 07:09 PM PDT

Is it possible to add the Acrobat XI ribbon to Word Starter 2010, and if so, how?

Select a Printer in Word using VBA

Posted: 29 Mar 2014 05:51 PM PDT


I have  a Macro to update some DocVariables then for me to select which printer I wish to use from a list of 2.

I am using the procedure from an Excel Macro that I've set before, but it is not working in word.

My problem is that my Input Box is in a loop that I cannot leave unless I press CTRL+BREAK.

Please can you have a look at my Check Input section BOLD below...

Please note that I would like the input to be checked that it is a Number, and that the number is 1 or 2, and if Cancel is Clicked then Exit Macro.

Sub PrintCheckList()
    'PrintOut Time Change Check List

        Dim PlusMinus As String
        Dim ChangeHour As String
        Dim Default_Printer_Name As String
        Dim MyPrinter As String
        Dim Printer_Name As String
        Dim Printer_Name1 As String
        Dim Printer_Name2 As String
        Dim Printer_Name0 As Variant

        Default_Printer_Name = Application.ActivePrinter
        Printer_Name1 = "Kodak ESP+7 on Ne01:"
        Printer_Name2 = "HP Photosmart B110a Series on Ne02:"
        PlusMinus = ""
        ChangeHour = ""

    'Set Change Details
    If Month(Now()) = "3" Then
        PlusMinus = "+"
        ChangeHour = "1:00am"
        PlusMinus = "-"
        ChangeHour = "2:00pm"
    End If

    'Update the Document
    With ActiveDocument
        .Variables("PlusMinus").Value = PlusMinus
        .Variables("ChangeHour").Value = ChangeHour
    End With

    'Update all Field Codes
    For Each FCRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        For Each FCField In FCRange.Fields
        Next FCField
    Next FCRange

    'Question to Set the Printer to Use
    Printer_Name0 = InputBox("Please select the Printer you wish to use..." + Chr(10) _
        + Chr(10) _
        + "     Please enter the Number for the Printer..." + Chr(10) _
        + Chr(10) _
        + "          1. " + Left(Printer_Name1, Len(Printer_Name1) - 9) + "." + Chr(10) _
        + "          2. " + Left(Printer_Name2, Len(Printer_Name2) - 9) + "." + Chr(10) _
        + Chr(10) _
        + "   The Current Printer is " + Chr(147) + Default_Printer_Name _
        + Chr(148) + "." + Chr(10) _
        + Chr(10), "Print Video Tickets...", 1)

    'Check Input
    If Printer_Name0 = vbCancel Then
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Printer_Name0) Or Printer_Name0 < 1 Or _
        Printer_Name0 > 2 Then
        GoTo Question
    End If

    'Goto Printer from your Selection
    If Printer_Name0 = "1" Then
        GoTo Printer1
    ElseIf Printer_Name0 = "2" Then
        GoTo Printer2
    End If

    Printer_Name = Printer_Name1
    Application.ActivePrinter = Printer_Name
    GoTo Print_Out

    Printer_Name = Printer_Name2
    Application.ActivePrinter = Printer_Name

    ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.PrintOut _
        Range:=wdPrintFromTo, _
        From:="1", _

    Application.ActivePrinter = Default_Printer_Name
End Sub

Thank you in advance,
