

Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 - Microsoft Exchange

Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 - Microsoft Exchange

Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 04:48 AM PST


"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

Internal relay domain issue

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 05:42 AM PST

OK, have now gotten this figured out. My other collegue opened a case with
MS but was able to figure this out and the MS rep. stated this was an unknown
bug that will soon be publicly listed.

When in an existing email address policy there are two of the same domain
and in this case the one to be changed from authoritative to internal relay,
if the SMTP domain name are not identical it will cause this problem. So say
you have an email address policy where you have %com and a secondary
of %com it will cause the change of the accepted domain to show a
“The value ‘’ is already present in the collection” error

If you simply go in and make sure all the domains are exactly the same in
the email address policy then this error will not occur. Appears it is case

"Oliver Moazzezi [MVP]" wrote:

Exch 2003 re-enable disabled user account

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 01:04 AM PST

Hi FD,

Thanks fro your response.

When the Exchange server and AD sync has not been performed, which means if
the mchUserAccountControl attribute has not been set by the Recipient
Update Service, in this case, the information store treats this mailbox
still as disabled and all local delivery attempts fail with error message.
This process may take several hours as it depends upon the size of the
domain. However, for the Recipient Update Service, we may manually modify
the update interval to "Always run". You may try "Update Now" or "Rebuild"
to update the RUS sync with AD. However, if you run the Recipient Update
Service, and the mchUserAccountControl attribute is still not set, there
may be an issue with the Recipient Update Service.

Please see if the following articles helps:

Non-Delivery Report Is Generated When You Send a Message to an Exchange

You receive a non-delivery report when you send a message to a disabled

Thank you.

Best regards,
Robbin Meng(MSFT)

Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support

imaging or cloning exchange os drive

Posted: 30 Nov 2008 09:19 PM PST

Goku 316 <com> wrote: 

I have to agree with Goku's suggestion here. Either use something that is
designed to work with image-based backups/restores of Exchange, or ditch the
idea and just go with disaster recovery. Your company is going to have to
spend money somewhere!

After move to 2007, need help with last step

Posted: 30 Nov 2008 07:07 PM PST

Glad I could be of help.


Unable to uninstall EMC (Exchange 2007) from PC

Posted: 30 Nov 2008 12:18 AM PST


Thanks for your post and Andy's input.

Based on my test, I installed EMC management tool 32 bit on one Windows XP
SP3 domain client. After that you can find it in Add/Remove as "Microsoft
Exchange server 2007". If it is corrected installed, there should be
"Change" and "Remove" two buttons, please make sure you click the Remove
button so that the EMC console (Management tool) is listed and you can
uncheck it to remove it from your Windows XP client. Please don't choose
the Change button, it is for users to add server roles.

Hope it helps.

Best regards,
Robbin Meng(MSFT)

Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support

External use of Exchange distribution lists.

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 12:45 PM PST

That's what I suspected. Thanks Lanwench.


"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

Issues replicating public folders from 2003 to 2007

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 11:45 AM PST

I remembered that we have an Exchange EDB file recovery tool made by Nucleus
Technologies. So what I did was dismount the old public folder database, run
the tool to create a PST file, opened the file in Outlook, and copied the
folders into the Public Folders area.

It would have been nice to get it working, but oh well.


"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

OL looks for GAL Server outside its site - [WP]

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 06:37 AM PST

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Dgoldman [MSFT]:
Download OABInteg:
"WildPacket" <> wrote in message

Prepopulate New Users Mailbox

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 02:36 AM PST

Thank you for the reply, will repost accordingly.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Internet Email Retry Timeout interval?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008 05:25 PM PST

"James Yeomans BSc, MCSE" <>
wrote in message news:com... 


Blackberry Desktop Redirector messages marked as Junk Email

Posted: 26 Nov 2008 02:46 PM PST

Oh yea, Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

"Martin Blackstone [MVP]" <com> wrote in message

Can NTBackup capture a live state of the Exchange mail store while the Store is running?

Posted: 25 Nov 2008 04:42 PM PST

NTBackup can and will do an online backup.
Check this out

"Spin" <com> wrote in message 

Office 2003 Product ID - Correct amount of numbers in it? - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 Product ID - Correct amount of numbers in it? - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 Product ID - Correct amount of numbers in it?

Posted: 05 Nov 2008 11:35 AM PST

Thank you for your help.

"DL" wrote:

Microsoft Office Compatability Pack uninstall

Posted: 05 Nov 2008 10:50 AM PST

Best of luck finding a resolution.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"Patrick Jackman" <com> wrote in message

Installing 2007 Office H&S over 2003 Pro

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 08:45 PM PST

"Wickiup" <com> wrote in message

I noticed one thing in your post -- "I can use the 3 installs....." You
have used one of the installs for the machine that has the upgraded programs
(the current install.) You only have two additional machines to install on
left as you can't split part of the suite on one machine and part on another
according to the EULA.

Outlook 2003 and Office 2007

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 12:48 PM PST

You might also try, in explorer, locating outlook.exe, rt click>run as

"jrs" <net> wrote in message

Office Ultimate 2007 Product ID

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 09:59 PM PDT


This question is still unresolved.

"Peter Foldes" <com> wrote in message
Multiposted and answered


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"Erik" <net> wrote in message

Thank you for your help.

Finding Product Key

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 06:52 PM PDT

Presumably you purchased on line via Digital River, thats the place to look.
Its also the case that you would have been sent an email confirmation

"PhillyPhan" <> wrote in message

I've lost my COA. is there any way to replace it?

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 05:04 PM PDT

"psychobilly" <> wrote in message

You took the DVD out of the case and then threw away the case? If not, the
product key is on the case. If the case is gone use the link that Milly
gave you.

If purchased online and downloaded the key is on the email you received from
Digital Locker for the purchase.

If the product is still installed on a computer you can use the newest
version of Keyfinder from or Belarc Advisor to
retrieve the key prior to clearing the program.

Determining number of uses

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 10:04 PM PDT

The only version of Office that allows for more than 2 installations (3 to
be exact) is the Student version of Office, either Student and Teachers'
Edition for and 2003, or Home and Student for 2007.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Les asked:

| Maybe I'm thinking of a different version but I believe it states on
| Microsoft website that you can use for home use on up to 5 computers.
| I would have to look again but I think I saw that earlier tonight & I
| could have sworn that we used this on more than just the 2 computers
| but maybe I need to look at the other computers again & see if they
| already had Office from a different source. Obviously since it is
| 2003 it is a few years ago & I could be losing it but I didn't think
| I was quite yet. :)
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| Office Professional allows installation on 2 computers, one desktop
|| and one portable. Where did you get the idea you can use it on 5?
|| For exact details, read the EULA available from any Office Program
|| Help menu.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| How to ask a question:
|| After furious head scratching, Les asked:
||| I have Office Pro 2003 which I purchased separately & have used it
||| on a couple home computers (since you can use it on up to 5). I am
||| not sure if I used it on 4 or 5. One computer is now out of service
||| so if possible it could be removed from that one and the usage
||| reused on another. Is there a way to tell how many times I have
||| used it? I need to send the software to my daughter who is in
||| college and want to be sure there is a license remaining before I
||| do so.

Installing office professional 2007 trial

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 07:31 PM PDT

I am having the same problem - i "supposedly" downloaded the free trial (by
supposedly, i mean i clicked on download now, registered, and then nothing)
and was emailed a key, but there's no program/free trial anywhere to be
found. I think MS is having a problem. And I'd like to know how to fix it
so i can get my homework done on my new computer! ugh.

"DL" wrote:

Office 2007 Professional (Trial)

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 05:22 PM PDT

If you have a previous version of Outlook installed, you need to uninstall
it and then run the setup again for Office 2007, do a custom installation,
and make Outlook available.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Ham Floyd asked:

| After downloading the program, I discoved Outlook was not there. I
| went back to reinstall the progam and "Add" it in, It said "Not
| available". The primary purpose for having office is to use Outlook.
| I am working with Windows XP 2002, service pack 3. If outlook is not
| going to come with the trial, I don't want it.

Activating Office 2007 Problems

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 03:33 PM PDT

Nuthin, doesn't say it is, or isn't activated, just nuthin....

"JoAnn Paules" wrote:

Upgrading Office Home and Student 2007 to Office Standard 2007

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 10:50 AM PDT

You're going to need something but I'm not sure what in your case. (I don't
use OEM software.) Maybe someone else can give you that answer.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"KC NY" <> wrote in message

Office 2000 setup doesn't install license/reg info

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 05:14 PM PDT

If you mean spec. MS registry files, I haven't seen any recognizable ones in
my Office folder, no...all other files seem to be intact, incl. winword.exe.

"DL" wrote:

Installing both 2003 and 2007 on Vista 64bit

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 09:10 AM PDT

It's possible and easy.

Install office 2003 first obviously, update it and what not.

Then when you install Office 2007 just choose custom and Keep all previous
versions and you're set. (I wouldn't recommend keeping Outlook 2003 though).

"AndyC812" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Need to modify a Macro that uses a loop to find text in Word documents

Microsoft Word - Need to modify a Macro that uses a loop to find text in Word documents

Need to modify a Macro that uses a loop to find text in Word documents

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 01:53 PM PDT

Microsoft created the following macro that uses a loop to find text in Word documents. In this instance I've modified it to find "word1" and insert "NOTE=" for every instance of "word1" in the document. I have many different words to find, for example, "word2", "word3", "word4" etc. but would prefer to reference a list of words rather then create a separate macro for each word. Possible?

Sub FindWord()
    With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
        .Text = "word1"
        Do While .Execute(Forward:=True, Format:=True) = True
                With .Parent
                    If .End = ActiveDocument.Content.End Then
                        .StartOf Unit:=wdParagraph, Extend:=wdMove
                        .InsertAfter "NOTE="
                        Exit Do
                        .StartOf Unit:=wdParagraph, Extend:=wdMove
                        .InsertAfter "NOTE="
                        .Move Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
                    End If
                End With
    End With

End Sub

Original source found at this location:

Removing graphical artifacts from bulk scanned documents -- any best way with Office?

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 11:19 AM PDT

I'm currently involved with a batch file book-scanning project.  The scanner we're using does a great job of converting scanned documents to formatted RTF files save for one problem -- numerous graphical artifacts.  If a page isn't aligned perfectly, you can get a black triangle at one corner, for instance.  If you eliminate the artifacts manually, you're left with EXACTLY what you want (there are no graphics with the pages I'm scanning).

Naturally, I'd like to automate this process.  I've tried doing a search and replace on graphics (^g), but it only gets rid of some of them -- there's still plenty left.  You can FIND the remaining ones using the search pane and selecting graphics from the pulldown list, but you can't delete them.  I've also had no luck deleting them all using a macro to step through the shapes in the document.

I also can't seem to find any straightforward how-to after a lot of web searching.  I suppose what I'm asking is, "is there an easy way to purge graphics from an RTF file using Word 2013?"

text from a file in word 2007

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 11:18 AM PDT

Hi all

i have a project were i need to be able to replace data from were the cursor is with the contents of a file. i have found the insert text from a file but i can't seem to be able to overwrite instead of insert.

Printer settings versus document settings

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 11:10 AM PDT


Would I be right in saying that Page Layout settings in a Word 2010 document will automatically be changed depending on what printer you are using? i.e. you would have to re-configure each document to suit the printer even if the paper trays are in the same place e.e. Tray1 plain Tray 2 Letterhead...

This seems bizarre when the Microsoft site seems to suggest the opposite - that the document settings will supercede the printer settings!

Would be grateful for any help with this as we have 2 teams each with a different make of network printer accessing the same lot of template letters and forms  day in day out. 



Is there a way to find multiple letters sent to multiple people without knowing their names?

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 09:32 AM PDT

I work for a non-profit and I've been asked to find letters sent to donors over the past couple of years with the goal of discovering how many donors received the same letter over and over again, no matter how often/how much they donated.  Unfortunately I do not know any of the donor's names that may have received the same letter over and over, and most likely, this will apply to numerous donors.  All the letters sent are in a file on a shared drive.

I'm probably asking for something that is impossible, but thought I would post this just in case someone could help me.

File tab menu options different for users in Office 365/2013

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 08:37 AM PDT

We've noticed that users are seeing different options when they click on the File tab in Office 365/2013. More specifically, when they go to Open or Save As

When clicking on "Open" or "Save As" some people see SharePoint as an option where as other people do not see the SharePoint option.

We have some people that are trying to Open and Save OneNote files to a SharePoint site, but since they do not see this option, they are not able to.

This is very random where some people see it and some do not. All of them have MySites content personal sites.

In troubleshooting I installed Office 365/2013 on a new computer and the first time I launched Excel it said "loading services". I am not able to determine where these services were loaded and what variable is different for the users missing the SharePoint option in the File tab.

Thank you.

Windows 7 Pro 64 - Won't print MS Office and other files

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 08:11 AM PDT

I have a computer running Windows 7 Pro, with Office 2010. When trying to print from Office or Adobe, the job gets stuck in a status of "spooling" and will not print. I have one printer directly hooked up (Brother HL-2270DW), and I've tried it with the same brand of printer, but over the network using a print server. It will print from Notepad, but not Office or Adobe.

I have run all the updates, gotten the latest print drivers, tried all of the other suggestions I could find... stopping/starting print spooler service, deleting all the files in the system32\spool\printers folder, taken ownership of spoolsv.exe, removed the printers, uninstalled the drivers, reinstalled the drivers, re-added the printers, used the troubleshooter in the control panel... you name it, I've tried it. It's still not working. Every other pc on my network with an identical platform has no problem printing anywhere.

I've noticed other people that have had this issue, but none of the solutions given were of any help in my situation. Any information is appreciated. Thanks.

table of contents right tab with indent not working with A4 paper

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 07:11 AM PDT

This only seems to be a problem with non-standard paper, like A4. We set up our table of contents to have a right-tab, dot-leader indent and text with a right indent of .5" so it doesn't go all the way to the number. With A4 paper, it will not set the tab beyond the indent marker. It cannot be set with the ruler or in style settings and stay as set. With standard paper, we have to set it in settings--it won't work if you try to slide the indent to the left of the tab--the tab jumps to the indent marker.

The only thing I've found to work, but only sometimes, is to change the paper size to standard 8.5x11 and then back to A4. But that only works some of the time. Some of our documents are very large so it's a loss of productive time trying to get this to work or manually fix the lines.


Word 2010 In Word Highlight a number in a range then highlight with Turquoise

Posted: 09 Mar 2015 02:43 AM PDT

Hello from Steved

Ok in "Word" why will the below not find the number "7" in a range that I've chosen by highliting it, then highlight with Turquoise. Thank you

Sub testing()
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "Ch1"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = False
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = True
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With
    Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
    Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "[0-9]{1,} - [0-9]{1,}"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchWildcards = True
    End With
    Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=2, Extend:=wdExtend
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "7"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContine
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With
    Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdTurquoise
    Selection.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdTurquoise
End Sub

Sign in message in Word

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 07:23 PM PDT

Hello...I recently purchased MSOffice and have been using Word for a writing project.  With my new laptop, I keep getting a message at the top of my document: "UPLOAD FAILED: You are required to sign in to upload your changes to this document."

There is a small box that says "Sign In" that seems to be a link, but when I sign in, nothing happens.

I know I am signed into MS with my account. I can get to OneDrive and see the documents I have stored there, but I cannot seem to do the reverse: save a document to OneDrive because it thinks I'm not logged in.

Unless there's a step I don't know about when it comes to logging in here? 

When I go to the Word screen that lists my recent documents, it says my changes were saved but could not be uploaded because I'm not signed in to the server. The "Resolve" box doesn't help; it also gives me the sign in option, but when I click on that, nothing opens.

I have looked on Microsoft's OneDrive help pages but I cannot see this addressed anywhere.

Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to provide.

Word and Excel (and possibly other apps) do not open - BEX error

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 06:23 PM PDT

The template screen will appear, but if I try to open a new document or even an old one I get the following error:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: WINWORD.EXE
Application Version: 15.0.4691.1000
Application Timestamp: 54ab960b
Fault Module Name: unknown
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: 0040d3fc
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
LCID: 1033
skulcid: 1033

I have uninstalled, deactivated, reactivated, reinstalled, and restarted.  I do not have this problem on any other system.  I am running Windows 7 SP1, fully updated.  Any thoughts?

How to change default spacing between a bullet and text in a table in microsoft word 2010

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 04:55 PM PDT

Hi all........I'd like to do two things:

1. In a Table, change the default space between a bullet (or number) and the text. I'd like to make it smaller........the extra spacing wastes space in my table.

In other words, the default bullet spacing

Default table bullet spacing looks like this

  1.     1st level

                      2.      second level

I'd like it to look more like this

1.  1st level

     2.  Second level

ie starts like this

  •    text
  • I'd like it to look more like this (less space between the bullet and the text, but saved as a default for the document I'm working on and all documents.

2. Change the Default setting on all my Word 2010 documents for bullet spacing

it looks like this now

  1.     Text
               a)       second level

                                     b)  third level

And I'd like it to default to something like this

1. Text

    a)  second level

         b)  third level

Can you help?


Office Word 2013 Will Not Open

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 04:19 PM PDT

I just Downloaded Office 2013 to my computer Thursday. Now none of the apps will open. I don get a message or anything. Every time I click on an to open it, It just takes me to my desktop screen. I have tried doing it in "Safe" mode and still nothing.

Proofing tool (spanish) isn't recognized by Word 2013 after installation

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 11:04 AM PDT

I'm writing a spanish text and I wanted to use the Spanish spellchecker from Word.

So I downloaded the Spanish proofing tool. The installation was successful, but in Word I still get the message that Word can't check the spelling.

When I check the options in Word and go to Language, I see that the language Spanish (Spain) isn't installed even after I just installed it.

The things that I already tried:

  • Restarted Word
  • Restarted computer
  • Installed the proofing tools as an administrator

Can someone please help me solve this problem?

partition structure/layout - Forums Linux

partition structure/layout - Forums Linux

partition structure/layout

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 07:43 PM PST

Wanna-Be Sys Admin wrote: 

He is a well know troll
kill-filed by most here

Packet.dll and which wpcap.dll

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 08:24 AM PST

karthikbalaguru wrote:


So, you knew, but didn't care? I saw after I posted this, that you had
several Windows OS related questions posted in a few Linux groups.
Anyway, I guess you know better for the future. Thanks.
Not really a wanna-be, but I don't know everything.

Ethereal on cygwin - 'which Packet.dll' and 'which wpcap.dll' ??

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 08:12 AM PST

On Dec 26, 3:27pm, Jens Stuckelberger
<net> wrote: 

But how else will he find someone with an actual clue?

Admittedly, the cross-posting is excessive, and a Followup-To: should
be set. But I've often found that the Linux support groups are much
better for network, cross-platform, or GNU toolchain issues than pure
Microsoft groups where they may not even know how to build things with
gcc and a real autoconf setup.

Scanning windows from linux

Posted: 24 Dec 2009 11:53 PM PST

On Monday 28 December 2009 19:09 in comp.os.linux.setup, somebody
identifying as karthikbalaguru wrote...

Of course not - last thing I heard nobody was giving away USB sticks for
free yet. ;-)

You are not going to find one, since USB sticks cost money. Most
distributions do however have the necessary tools for creating a
USB-stick-based GNU/Linux distribution, and some may even have
preconfigured and automated utilities to do such a thing for you.

Google is your friend.

Then you didn't look well enough. ;-)

Well, good luck with that then. The 2.6 kernel doesn't even fit on a
floppy anymore, so you'd be stuck with an old kernel, which may not
support all of your hardware. For instance, I don't even know whether
2.4 supports SATA hard disks.

If they are floppy-based, then they will certainly not hold any decent
antivirus software, given the size of such software suits.

Then why even consider it? ;-)

That is not what it was designed for, but in theory, you should be able
to make a bootable USB stick with the contents of that CD, yes. On the
other hand, you'd be far better off with a more complete distribution,
e.g. Knoppix.

I can't really help you with that. I've only used it once or twice, in
order to detect hardware errors on one of my machines.

Yes, that is what I wrote higher up already. You'd be far better off
with a "real" distro. There are several live-CD based distros, and
other distros allow you to make a live-CD with a few simple
mouseclicks, or a bootable USB stick. Look here and see whether you
can find something to your liking:

They will probably not have such scanners "on board", so you'd have to
add them yourself. The simpler the base you start from, the more work
you'll have at producing a bootable USB stick with a working distro
*and* a virus scanner.

USB sticks and floppy disks are not "embedded Linux". Embedded
(GNU/)Linux is what you find in routers, cellphones and satnav systems,
i.e. the "system on a chip" approach. Such systems usually don't come
with antivirus software, and most of the time those devices are
configured to not work as if they are complete UNIX systems.

For instance, a Linksys WRT router has a Linux-based system in firmware,
but other than approaching it via a webbrowser to make a few changes to
the settings, you can't do much with it, since the device was never
designed for any other purposes than being a router. Alternative
firmware downloads do exist, but they really *are* alternative, i.e.
you'd have to install it yourself. And for your intended purposes, the
issue is moot.

(registered GNU/Linux user #223157)

Virtualization : Clarification needed on Xen Hypervisor

Posted: 23 Dec 2009 02:44 AM PST

On Wednesday 23 December 2009 11:44 in comp.os.linux.setup, somebody
identifying as bzaman wrote...

That's how Wikipedia describes it. :p However, I prefer using different
nomenclature myself. I call the above-mentioned "type 1"
a "hypervisor", and the "type 2" a "virtual machine monitor".

Okay. ;-)

This is no longer required. As of Linux 2.6.30, the kernel supports use
on the bare metal, as a privileged Xen guest (dom0) or as an
unprivileged Xen guest (domU), all in the same kernel image. The
kernel will detect in which cirstances it is being booted.

The "kernel-xen" packages are probably 2.6.18 kernels which have been
patched with Xen compatibility by themselves, because back at
the time of that kernel generation, Linux did not support
paravirtualization yet.

That's the actual hypervisor itself.

Not "host", but "privileged guest". The dom0 kernel runs on top of Xen
and is bootstrapped as a module to Xen when the machine boots, but it
too is virtualized. The bootloader actually loads Xen instead of
loading a Linux kernel, and Xen then loads and boots the dom0 kernel
via the "module" statement in "/boot/grub/menu.lst".

The unprivileged guest does not run on top of the dom0 kernel, but
*alongside* of it, on top of the Xen hypervisor itself. If it is a
paravirtualized guest, then its hardware access is relayed onto
back-end drivers in dom0, but under control of the hypervisor, as even
dom0 is a virtual machine and its operations are scheduled by Xen.

If the machine has hardware virtualization extensions, then the
unprivileged guest can be an unmodified operating system, and in that
case, Xen emulates certain hardware and traps the unmodified operating
system's hardware accesses with assistance from the virtualization

No, that is incorrect. That which you are running in the dom0 GNU/Linux
virtual machine is "xend", a daemon which hooks into the hypervisor and
allows you to boot domU virtual machines and resize their memory in
realtime, among other things. It also helps in live-migrating a
running virtual machine to another physical computer which also runs
Xen - provided that you're not trying to move a 64-bit virtual machine
to a 32-bit physical machine, of course.

Xen runs on the bare metal, and that which is quite often mistakingly
called "the host" is in fact a virtual machine in itself, but it is a
privileged virtual machine. It is privileged because it has access -
via the xentools package, not via its own operating system tools - to
the memory of the unprivileged virtual machines, i.e. it can start and
stop unprivileged virtual machines via the xentools, and it
can "inflate" the memory of the unprivileged virtual machine via the
so-called "balloon driver".

The privileged virtual machine is also the primary "driver domain". It
contains back-end drivers for all the hardware, and the unprivileged
paravirtual guests contain front-end drivers, which are an abstraction
layer and which relay the hardware access onto the back-end drivers in
dom0, via the hypervisor. It is however possible to hide certain
physical hardware from dom0 so that it can be directly accessed via a
real driver from within an unprivileged guest, making this unprivileged
guest into an additional "driver domain". Yet all virtual machines run
directly on top of Xen, including dom0 itself.

(registered GNU/Linux user #223157)

Fedora 12: Problem with software update using Yum.

Posted: 22 Dec 2009 11:59 PM PST

I saw the same issue on a Fedora 12 update at the same lines. "yum
update" ran through the whole update process. Now the "software
update" process reports the machine is up to date.

Help needed for Lotus Notes on Ubuntu 9.04

Posted: 16 Dec 2009 12:33 AM PST

On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 00:33:41 -0800, kaari wrote:
Caveat: I am not running Ubuntu. However, I am running Notes 8.5.1 on
Slackware 12.2.

I think the answer is to get a registered version. The registered version
is obtained via IBM's passport advantage site, and must be paid for via
some method.

Douglas Mayne

virtualized redhat partioned

Posted: 14 Dec 2009 11:41 AM PST

On Saturday 19 December 2009 20:17 in comp.os.linux.setup, somebody
identifying as syd_p wrote...

Well, yes and no... It's a restriction of the legacy real mode BIOS
code and MS-DOS. Because of the required backward compatibility with
DOS and the DOS-based Windows versions - which were still being sold up
until the year 2000 - this is still being used today.

By design, any x86 processor - even x86-64 - default to the
DOS-compatible real mode at power up, and usually it's the
bootstrapping code in the operating system's kernel which sets up the
pagetables and descriptor tables and switches the processor in
protected mode.

On the other hand, machines with an EFI BIOS - such as the Intel-powered
MacIntosh - or a CoreBoot (a.k.a. LinuxBIOS) have a BIOS which switches
the processor into protected mode itself. Such systems then require a
special protected mode bootloader and a kernel without real mode
boostrapping code. Such machines can make use of a whole new
partitioning system which allows for up to 128 primary partitions per

Ehm, you are confusing a few things. An extended partition is not the
same thing as ext3, which is a *filesystem.* Also, Solaris - at least
on its native (Ultra)SPARC hardware - uses a kind of EFI BIOS, as do
MIPS machines with IRIX and machines with an Intel Itanium processor.

Not yet. ;-) The "no more than 4 primary partitions" is a limitation of
the x86 platform with a legacy BIOS. Non-x86 machines or x86 machines
with EFI or CoreBoot can use 128 primary partitions.

That said, there is an additional limitation for SAS/SCSI/SATA/USB hard
disks and PATA hard disks addressed via the new /libata/ drivers, i.e.
all disks that appear as "/dev/sd?". Such disks or even arrays of
disks can only make use of 15 partitions per disk, even if there are
more partitions than that - primary or extended is irrelevant. This
limitation exists because of programming confinements in the Linux
kernel SCSI midlayer, but it has nothing to do with the SCSI hardware
itself, whether used on x86 or on another hardware platform.

(registered GNU/Linux user #223157)

Limitation of partition's capacity with Fdisk ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2009 07:01 AM PST

On Dec 12, 4:29am, wrote: 

Well, fdisk might work well with the most venerable of controllers:
not everyone is going to have 2 TB disks to support yet! Not upgrading
such core utilities until you have to is a basic step to preserve
stability. And the friendly installers would have to be rewritten to
use parted instead of fdisk, which is a tricky bit of work. It
certainly seems worth doing, as gpt partition tables become more
reliable or even universally available.

Knoppix remastering. Where to configure keyboard layout?

Posted: 09 Dec 2009 06:29 AM PST

On 21 Dec, 08:30, Bengt T <com> wrote: 

Finally this issue was solved by putting "...xkeyboard=se..." into
relevant lines of the isolinux.cfg file during the remastering

There are probably more elegant ways to define the keyboard but I can
survive with this.

Thank you all who bothered to assist me.


KERNEL - Thermal, fan, processor and other modules built-in

Posted: 08 Dec 2009 02:55 AM PST

On Dec 8, 3:05pm, Stefan Patric <com> wrote: 

It's a bit more than that. ext2 has some serious problems with too
many files in one directory, that are significantly eased by ext3.

Problem when upgrading Debian from stable (lenny) to testing(squeeze)

Posted: 07 Dec 2009 11:02 AM PST

Wookai writes:
a) File a bug report against sysv-rc.
b) Post your question to

There is no file by that name. Please paste the exact command and the
exact result.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI USA

network doesnt start on bootup

Posted: 07 Dec 2009 03:53 AM PST

On Dec 8, 12:15pm, Allen Kistler <moc> wrote: 

Yes, in linux, chkconfig is very helpful and easy to use for
configuring the services.
The chkconfig command can be used to Enable/Disable certain services.
You can get the list of system services that are either Enabled/
Disabled by
using the chkconfig --list command. Here, you check whether the
network is ON/OFF.
If OFF, use chkconfig to enable network to be started in a specific

Checkout -

Karthik Balaguru

Help setting up sshd, please

Posted: 04 Dec 2009 02:40 PM PST

Hi, Nico!

Nico Kadel-Garcia <com> wrote: 


You're not short of choice, then. ;-) I have come to hat installers
that just ask a lot of questions, then do things behind your back. It's
great until something doesn't "quite" work. Particularly networking not
working. It never did for me, up until I got a broadband link with a
dhcp router.

The problem I stumbled over is just a bug in the gentoo installer. I'm
going to report it as such, and I expect they'll fix it.

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

Ubuntu 9.10: installation setup propaganda screen (reposted)

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 09:03 AM PST

* John Thompson <>: 

Sounds like you used the Alternate Install CD for Xubuntu rather than
the Live CD. However, I don't think that the graphical installer on the
Live CD has the same informational "ad" screens that are in the latest
Ubuntu installer.

James Michael Fultz <as.invalid>
Remove this part when replying ^^^^^^^^

yum - No module named yum

Posted: 01 Dec 2009 08:32 AM PST

Ok I think I solved it, believe it or not, relatively
painlessly. I installed something called 'smart'

I removed yum-utils via the smart tool,
then downloaded (seperately) the yum package rpm,
installed it, and wallah, it worked!

Automatic install

Posted: 21 Nov 2009 01:21 AM PST



Puppy Linux with windows manager style Xp

Posted: 19 Nov 2009 02:43 PM PST

news.tiscali wrote: 
have fun with it

Fedora Core 11: not booting

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 10:29 AM PST

John Goche wrote: 

Now I am confused. The "bubble" is what you get after the system is installed
and you are booting from the HD. Exactly what did you install or do before you
got this problem? Did you install the system?

When you boot the install disk you should get nothing but text messages which
are a no particular value. Then should come some questions on language,
keyboard type and such in ascii graphics.

If the world adopts Israel's view of the Goldstone report then the world
at least owes Milosevic a posthumous apology and possibly also to Hilter.
-- The Iron Webmaster, 4206 a3
Wed Nov 25 04:35:29 EST 2009

denyhosts is always denying

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 12:46 AM PST

On Mon, 23 Nov 2009, in the Usenet newsgroup comp.os.linux.setup, in article
<hedkdp$fg2$>, John Taylor wrote:

Whoops!!! That's certainly not going to help ;-)

I don't think I've ever seen that, so I'd have to say it's not the
default. The only "ALL:" line I expect to see there is for the
loopback addresses.

Keep an eye on the size of /etc/hosts.deny to make sure it isn't
growing out of control. If it does, you can be wasting more CPU
cycles checking libwrap for each and every connection than you
would letting the script kiddiez connect and continue to guess
wrong. That's the 'PURGE_DENY' value.

Old guy


Posted: 16 Nov 2009 05:26 PM PST

On Nov 18, 1:14am, Lew Pitcher <com> wrote: 

Thank you Very much Pitcher.
I have successfully connectd vista clients to the VPN using the note
you gave..

Thank you very much and I thankful to others too who have replied to


GDM freezes after Ubuntu upgrade

Posted: 15 Nov 2009 06:22 AM PST

I demand that Ian Briggs may or may not have written...

BIOS and/or kernel upgrade, perhaps?

| Darren Salt | linux at youmustbejoking | nr. Ashington, | Doon
| using Debian GNU/Linux | or ds ,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + &

programming: n. The process of putting bugs into a program.

alpine email client and yahoo

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 04:58 AM PST

Jon Solberg wrote:

Pardon, I figured I could have looked, but the question of how to
configure it to work with Yahoo! mail led me to believe it's unrelated
to this group (about Linux, rather than just settings on an application
that can run on Linux). Not a big deal though.
Not really a wanna-be, but I don't know everything.