

Microsoft Word - Can't open multiple Word documents

Microsoft Word - Can't open multiple Word documents

Can't open multiple Word documents

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 03:08 PM PST

I have a user who occasionally can't open a Word document if he already has one open:

- If he has a Word document open and tries to open another existing document, he will get a second Word window, but it will be blank. Not a blank document, but just a blank instance of Word. 

- This is very inconsistent. It doesn't happen all the time, and doesn't even happen consistently with the same documents. Sometimes a document will open fine if something else is open, sometimes it won't. 

- It's also inconsistent in terms of where the documents come from. He's had it happen while opening documents from the shared drive, from an email, or even from the internet. 

- If this happens to him (and again, this happens only occasionally and inconsistently), he can close out of Word completely and try again and it almost always works the next time. 

As you can see, it's a tough one because it can't be replicated and it's somewhat vague. If anyone has any troubleshooting tips, please pass them along. 

Thank you, 


Default paragraph marker

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 02:23 PM PST

Why does the first line/hanging indent marker shift to a decimal place where I have a marked tab position, and not stay in its default position on the ruler?

Multiple Bibliographies in a single word document

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 02:16 PM PST

I am trying to add in an reference list at the end of each chapter in a document that I am writing. I have added in appropriate section breaks but the reference list in the second chapter continues to pull in all the references that were used in the first chapter as well as the ones used in the second chapter. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. 

MS WORD 2013 Pro-Windows 7 Pro - Cannot edit document says it is locked and will not let me unlock.

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 01:40 PM PST

I created a document a few months ago to use as a sort of template . I have used it several times with out a hitch.  I went back in today and it shows the document locked.  I have tried to unlock it, but even though it shows unlocked every option to edit document is greyed out.  I have saved under a different name, same thing.  I have looked for any 1KB ~$ files and there are none.  I am usually the one that answers MS Office questions at my work and I am completely stumped on this one.  Any ideas?

Create New Theme Colors

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 11:42 AM PST

Office 2013

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

I am having trouble understanding the relationship between the Create New Theme Colors and the Samples.


Bring up the Create New Theme Colors dialog.

Design tab | Document Formatting | Colors | Customize Colors | Create New Theme Colors dialog | Theme Colors group

Text/Background - Dark 1
Text/Background - Light 1
Text/Background - Dark 2
Text/Background - Light 2
Accent 1
Accent 2
Accent 3
Accent 4
Accent 5
Accent 6
Followed Hyperlink


Does "Text/Background - Dark 1" effect Text 1 or the Background 1?

Why the ambiguous wording?

Either it effects Text or Background, but not both.


If you change "Text/Background - Dark 1", it changes the Text color of the second sample.

This seems illogical. Why not change the Text of the first sample?


Bring up the Create New Theme Colors dialog.

Home | Font | Font Color


The Themes Colors are

Background 1

Text 1

Background 1

Text 1

Accent 1
Accent 2
Accent 3
Accent 4
Accent 5
Accent 6

These make logical sense unlike the Create New Theme Colors dialog.


Thanks in advance.

Unable to edit a Word 2010 document in Word 2013

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 09:06 AM PST

I have Word 2013 on my computer and I need to edit a template that was created in an earlier version of Word, but I am not able to. The document I need to edit is a semi-protected document that only allows certain sections to be edited. When I open the document on my computer it says "compatibility mode" at the top. When I click a section to start typing I am not able to, and at the bottom of the window it says "This modification is not allowed because the document is opened for viewing only". I tried saving the document on another computer as a .docx, .doc, and tried opening them on my computer, but no luck. Others in my office still have Word 2010 and they have no trouble opening the same document and editing. Not sure what to do?

Thank you!

Word 2010 - wrong font size shown on ribbon

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 09:00 AM PST

I am having a problem with the font size shown in the indicator on the ribbon in Word 2010. For example, when I highlight some text and go to the ribbon and change the font size to 18, the indicator on the ribbon says 18. Then when I click on or highlight some other text that is a different font size (say 12 for example) the indicator on the ribbon still says 18. That number doesn't change, no matter what size of font I highlight. It always shows the last font size that I changed. So, I can't use it to tell what font size any of my text is unless I change the size. 

Anyone else having this problem? Any ideas on how to correct it? I am not seeing it on other computers with Word 2010.

Can I generate cross-references from styles based on H1, H2 etc.?

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 08:41 AM PST

I have a Word 2013 document where I defined my own heading styles (such as 'My H1' based on 'H1', etc.).

When I try to insert a cross-reference from a heading, the selection pane is empty.

The odd thing is that the Navigation pane to the left of the screen populates just fine, as does the Table of Contents.

What's the easiest way of being able to add cross-references without changing the global heading styles (H1, H2, etc.).

Having problems with colouring activex option/radio button

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 08:05 AM PST

I prepared a form using Microsoft Word 2013 and after adding option/radio buttons i cant seem to change the color of the buttons to match the color of my text. The color shown on the screen is significantly different from that which appears on the printed form than that on the screen. I'd really appreciate if anyone can help out.

Appendix Page Numbering Word 2013

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 07:29 AM PST

I am trying to edit a document in Word 2013. It has several sections, including Appendixes. I believe the original document was created in Word 2010, which could be contributing to the problem.

The problem is:

when I try to insert the page number, including chapter number, in the heading for the Appendix A, it appears as 7-1 instead of A-1. 

Page 2 of Appendix A reads 7-2. Page 1 of Appendix B also reads 7-2, despite it being on a new page after 7-2.

I am using section breaks, I've tried both section break next page and section break even page.

How do I get it to recognize the Appendixes as separate from the last section and the chapter number to appear as A/B in the page number?

I created the sections using Heading 1, subsections with Heading 2 and Sub-subsections with Heading 3. The Appendixes headings came from the existing heading style "Annex" and the Appendix subheadings came from the existing heading style "Annex2"

In the navigation panel it shows up correctly, the heading auto numbers the second appendix as B. It's the page numbers and subsequently their indexing in the TOC that doesn't show up correctly.

I've tried using, but it doesn't include 2013 and following her advice for assigning Heading Styles 6-9 doesn't work because those are allotted for subsections #. - #. Modifying them leaves the Appendix as a subsection of section 7.

I appreciate any help with this.

Microsoft Word crashing when closing after installing Endnote

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 07:29 AM PST

I have recently installed EndnoteX7 onto my laptop and every time I close a word document I am working in, the word document crashes and then reloads word asking if I would like to reload the last recovered session. Does anyone have any ideas? This is with Microsoft Word 2013. 

Word will not start after loading Office Home and Student 2013 software?

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 07:15 AM PST

I just loaded a new version of Office Home & Student 2013 on my PC running Windows 7.  I previously had an older version of MS Word 2000 running on this same PC.  After the installation Excel and Power point seem to run fine.  

When I launch Word 2013 the application starts but then as soon as I try to open an existing document or click on blank document to start a new document I get an immediate error that says Microsoft Word has stopped working

Then a second error comes up that says a problem caused the program to stop working correctly.  Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available

At that point I cannot go any further or do anything without closing Word.  I cannot open old files and I cannot create new ones.

I've fully uninstalled Office 2013 and re installed it but the problem still exists.

Table of Contents bolds Level 3 - Word 2010

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 07:07 AM PST

We use Word 2010 on a Windows 7 operating system.   Every time we create a Table of Contents, regardless of the settings we choose, Level 3, the numbers of it, are always bold.  and it's the type of fix that we can only change by highlighting the actual number itself (each and every one singly) and changing the format of the font. 

It's not something that we can fix by any other means and it changes them back to bold every single time we update the TOC.  There has GOT to be a way to fix this.  Anyone?

Thanks -

Footer problems, Microsoft Word 2010

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 05:00 AM PST


I have created a document and inserted a footer, which I can see on print preview very well. However, it prints only on selected pages (2-3 and 11-13) and is partially cut out from the other pages. I do not see any section breaks at the places where the footer is cut out, and the margins are identical throughout the document. Please let me know how to resolve this issue. Thank you

Mail Merge in Word 2013

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 04:08 AM PST

I want to be able to send Word 2013 mail merged e-mails from a secondary POP/SMTP account in Outlook 2013. Outlook defaults to an IMAP/SMTP account and I have been unable to change this behaviour. i.e. changing Outlook default account.

I applied the Registry change:

Registry key to force account selection every time:

Value Name: ForceAccountSelection
Value type: REG_DWORD: 1 for force, 0 to disable

to force an Outlook Account Choice, however, with this Registry entry in place, at the end of the Word Mail Merge a Warning Dialog Box appears saying

'You must select an Outlook Account'. On opening Outlook the mail merged e-mails, all 450 of them, are sitting in the Outbox of the IMAP/SMTP Account

i.e. the wrong account.

Is there any way to change this behaviour and, preferably, select the Outlook Account to use for the send from the Word Mail Merge?


Insert picture into a text box in Word 2010

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 03:46 AM PST

I am trying to insert a picture into a textbox in Word 2010 but every time I paste it from a Powerpoint slide into the textbox it just shows as a clear white box within the textbox that I can select and change in size but not actually see. I've tried Insert>Picture>From File to see if that works. I've also checked File>Options>Advanced>Show document content>Show drawings and text boxes on screen and I've unchecked Show picture placeholders. I've also checked File>Options>Display>Printing Options> Print drawings created in Word and still no luck.

Has anybody else got any ideas on how to fix this? I've been stuck on it for a couple of days now and really can't seem to work it out!

Tool to compare all the files in a directory

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 02:03 AM PST


I have thopusands of .doc files which have been migrated to .docx files.

I need to compare all the filed in the source (.doc) with the destination (.docx) folder.

Is there any tool available to perform this task in a single step.


MicroSoft Office 2010 profesional plus

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 02:00 AM PST


I have installed the MicroSoft Office 2010 profesional plus and the instalation passed perfectlly.

While working with it I have found that the font color isn't working properly.

I can select any kind of color but can't see it in my computer.

If I set a color, even though I can't see it in my computer, it can be seen in any other compurer (by sending it to any other).

Please help me to solve this issue.



Why can't I save modified Word07 templates?

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 12:40 AM PST

If I modify a Word07 template it will not save.  Error message says file is read-only.

I can't find a way to make it writeable.

How do I do that?


Is it possible in Word 2013 (Office 365) to lock Header and Footer from being edited, whilst keeping Track Changes functionality?

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 12:23 AM PST

Hi there,

I am trying to lock down our header and footers for our company templates ( i have used the continuous break, protect document method) but as these are company documents we require track changes to be enabled so multiple users can edit a document efficiently.

I have read that Word disables the Track Changes button (and all other means of turning it on) as soon as you start the protection - which I need to do to lock the header and footer.

I have been experiencing that when headers and footers are locked - track changes wont work.


A - is this true? Does word disable track changes like in my statement above - Because i think this is what i am experiencing

B - is there another way to achieve what I want to do?

Please note Macros are not feasible for our work site as they are local to PC's and i want a global fix.


Incorrect Icons for Files Associated with Word 2013

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 12:19 AM PST

Something strange has happened that I've just noticed. File types associated with Word 2013 have the wrong icon. Instead of the square W icon, I'm getting a page with the top right folded over and three lines in the middle. Extensions associated with other applications and other versions of Word are fine. As far as I can tell, this has happened today, but I can't be certain.

I've tried using Default Programs to sort it out, but Word 2013 isn't even in the list of available applications to assign to a file extension. I knew how to select a specific icon from an exe in earlier versions of Windows, but not in 8.

Not sure if it's relevant, but today I had several messages pop up telling me my C: drive was full and I should make some space. When I checked, there was 42 GB free, which I wouldn't call full.

Can anyone assist with this?



Unable to activate Office

Posted: 20 Jan 2015 08:10 PM PST

Original title: Microsoft Office issues

My microsoft office is asking for my product activation code again, which I cant find and it wont allow me to sign in with my user ID. An error sign pops up. Is there any other way around this?

Equation editor proble in index

Posted: 20 Jan 2015 07:34 PM PST

Hi ,

I am facing a problem regarding equation editor. while writing my report I have used it to write report.Everything works fine.But When I try to put all equations in index showing list of equation all equation changes format form professional to linear automatically and even if I change it in index it remains same.

Please solve it as ap.



More page header trouble

Posted: 20 Jan 2015 07:08 PM PST

   This is not quite the same as other similar questions. When I switch between Header/Footer mode and Text mode (not their official names), things change drastically. Extra pages may appear or disappear, the cursor jumps to some arbitrary-seeming place, and when I put a header in and go to Text mode, the header changes to a previously used one. These behaviors make it difficult - in fact almost impossible - to get the headers right. Altogether, Headers are probably the worst thing about Word (and that's saying a lot). If I could, I would not use the Header/Footer mode at all, but manually put headers (and page numbers) in as part of the regular text. Even worse, the problem appears only in parts of the docx.

  I could put the whole book up for inspection but it's about 1200 pages (6-7 MB).

   I've been working on it for seven years and thought I was almost done. I'm desperate. Can anyone give me some guidance?


something strange happened with proofing tools

Posted: 20 Jan 2015 03:46 PM PST


I was typing in a word document this morning and a window popped up as I was closing it. It said something about Windows proofing tools and, to my surprise, it contained apiece of text that I had typed in a different word document several days ago. The window said that we could "help improve proofing tools" by sending this text to Windows, and it also said that we could delete some parts of the text that we don't want to be sent. I just clicked X and exited at once.


But I've been worried… I've been using Word for years and I've never seen this before. Does it affect my privacy?  And is that something that's supposed to happen to everyone from time to time, or was  that thing a virus/ fake message?

By the way, in case you need to know... I use Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010.

And another thing is that my computer had broken down a few weeks ago and a family member had helped me fix it, but apparently the windows activation key hadn't been done yet. (I was prompted to enter the activation at startup.) I entered it just today and got the message that this copy of Windows is  verified to be genuine. But I just thought I'd bring this up because I was wondering if that weird message about proofing tools  might have had anything to do with this.

Sorry, but I'm hardly computer savvy and I'd be so grateful if someone could help resolve my worries.

how to automatically reset linux server on hard disk failure? - Forums Linux

how to automatically reset linux server on hard disk failure? - Forums Linux

how to automatically reset linux server on hard disk failure?

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 01:47 AM PDT

> What you actually need is a custom modified kernel, with a disk driver 

Sounds good. But how to get such a driver, because I can not write it on
my own. :-) I'm hoping that I might not be the first one asking for such
a functionality. 

That's not the background of my problem. The server is fine and runs
well. But I want it to be prepared for the worst case, which means the
customer is running the server until both hard disks of its RAID1 are
defective. In this case the other cluster node has to migrate all
resources to itself, but right now the failed node is still alive enough
to make the cluster think that everything is ok.

Please don't let us argue about the fact, that no reasonable IT
department or service personal would let it come so far. Agreed. But
reality showed us more than once, that some people in fact wait until
the system is broken completely, before taking actions. Therefor I want
to harden the cluster for such cirstances.

Upgrading from CentOS 5.2 to 5.3 on a *live* system?

Posted: 28 Jun 2009 08:42 PM PDT

On Sun, 28 Jun 2009, Carlos Moreno wrote:

I actually tried this on several non-critical systems to see what would
happen after doing the update without rebooting. Everything went smoothly,
and there was no fallout. There is a kernel update, which of course won't
take effect until a reboot (but I did that too, several days later, with
no ill effects). From the release notes, you may need to upgrade glibc
first; the procedure that I actually used was:

yum clean all
yum update glibc\*
yum update yum\* rpm\* python\*
yum clean all
yum update kernel\*
yum update


RH6 Kernel 2.2.5-15 no input device after bootup

Posted: 25 Jun 2009 12:41 PM PDT

Thank you for your advice! But I tried to change mouse and keyboard,
checked the plugs. Everything the same.

I have to admit I was away a few days. I exported the display to another
machine running SuSE, so I can use the devices.

Unfortunately three weeks ago I bought a new Windoze laptop, a cheap
one, because my daughter wanted to play chess. I wiped the HD, so she
can not connect to the Internet and only installed a chess program.
There was a running Cygwin on it I used for accessing my private network
from far away. I used it in my days of C-programming... and felt I don't
need in any more...

Until now I didn't try Moe's diagnostic, but it seems most promising to
me. As soon as I have results I will report.

Any hints welcome. Thank you so much so far.


Matt Giwer schrieb: 

Installing Google Chrome on Slackware

Posted: 25 Jun 2009 06:50 AM PDT

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 03:34:28 +0200, Sidney Lambe wrote:


And a major source of email addresses for spammers.

Great advances in Debian Linux; post a bug report and get spam in three

Great advances in Debian Linux; post a bug report and get spam in three

Very strange thing.. I'm puzzled.

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 06:35 AM PDT

Zibri writes: 

And that's your problem. While Ghost claims to "copy the disk",
it doesn't. It tries to be "smart" and not copy things that "don't
matter" (don't matter to Windows, that is). In general Linux tools do a
better job of handling Windows installations than Windows tools do with
Linux installations.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI USA

eth0 not found on Optiplex 760 after FC9 install

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 12:42 PM PDT

The Natural Philosopher wrote: 

See if there's an eth0 in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.

udev shouldn't skip eth0 unless it thinks there already is an eth0.

New installation error

Posted: 20 Jun 2009 09:13 AM PDT

On Monday 29 June 2009 20:50, someone identifying as *erziggy* wrote
in /comp.os.linux.setup:/

In recent kernels, the */dev/hd?* nomenclature has been replaced with
SCSI nomenclature, and so the device special file for the CD-ROM would
now probably be */dev/sr0* or */dev/scd0* - the distinction between the
latter two is distro-specific, as far as I know, as it depends on
the /udev/ rules. This is customizable, though.

Newer distributions all make use of /udev,/ which uses a /tmpfs/ mounted
over */dev* by the init scripts at boot time. Previously a similar
thing existed with /devfs/ but this was proper to kernels prior to 2.6
and is no longer being maintained. /devfs/ used non-standard filenames
for the device special files and ran in kernelspace, whereas /udev/
creates the device special files via userspace tools, based upon the
information exported by the kernel to */sys,* which is now a separate
mountpoint in the root directory, as opposed to a subdirectory of
*/proc* as it used to be.

Distributions that shipped with /devfs/ typically still had the on-disk
*/dev* directory populated with device special files, but in /udev/
systems this is most often no longer the case, and thus */dev* would be
empty until /udevd/ is started by the init scripts. /udev/ can then
populate */dev* in two ways, i.e. either by total autodetection for all
hardware or by untarring an archive of device special files of which it
is generally assumed that they are needed on every system and only
creating the extra device special files as more hardware is detected
and/or hotplugged into the system. Likewise, hardware that is removed
from the system through hot-unplugging gets its device special files

In my humble opinion, /udev/ is mainly an effort to make GNU/Linux look
more like Windows, and in the process, it then also comes with all the
same kinds of Windows-like quirks. Officially, /udev/ was developed to
avoid the clutter of device special files typically found in on-disk
*/dev* filesystems and to facilitate hotplugging and hot-unplugging.

That might be a matter of loading the correct driver for that device. I
don't really have any experience with tapedrives, though.

Hmm... Taking a wild guess here, but I presume this has to do with
certain settings in the BIOS, preventing read access, write access or
perhaps both to a given region of memory. Something to do with caching

(registered GNU/Linux user #223157)

When to update RHEL kernels?

Posted: 19 Jun 2009 04:54 AM PDT

On Jun 19, 11:30am, Doug Freyburger <com> wrote: 

Besides using MySQL instead, or maybe SQLite for lighter databases? If
you're stuck with it, though, I'd link the kernel upgrades to OCFS2
RPM updates directly. There are some good yum utilities for doing
precisely this and blocking surprise updates.

changing partition size.

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 01:26 AM PDT

On Jun 19, 7:57pm, Nico Kadel-Garcia <com> wrote: 

Thanks everyone. resize2fs worked perfectly. The reason I used dd is
because there is some data on the disk that is not partition/file-
system specific. In fact I had tried using Acronis to clone the
partition but it didn't work. It didn't copy that data over. dd copies
everything sector by sector which is good for my purpose.

Triple booting a Macbook w/ 2 Linux systems.

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 12:57 PM PDT

piscesboy wrote:

The linux kernel understands MBR (DOS/MSW; PC-BIOS)
and GPT (EFI). Unfortunately, the two main boot loaders, lilo
and grub don't. There are, however, two ways to install grub
on a GPT volume. The dirty one uses the fact that GPT allows
'hidden' blocks between the partition table and the first user
LBA (stage 1_5 of grub is written in those blocks with dd(1));
grub uses the legacy MBR (LBA 0; should, according to GPT
specs, contain only one, fake entry, but linux will ignore extra
enries and use the real GPT partition table) to locate the /boot
file system. The cleaner way is to dl and aplly a set of patches
to grub, that make grub more or less GPT aware.

The MBR partition format is crap, if you don't mind the extra
effort with grub, go for GPT.

printf -v email $(echo \ 155 141 162 143 145 154 155 141 162 \
143 145 154 100 157 156 154 151 156 145 56 156 154 | tr \ \\)
# O Herr, lass Hirn vom Himmel fallen! #

problems with modem (ttyS0 and wvdial)

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 05:43 AM PDT

François Patte wrote: 
I dont.

Not even using wvdial.,

User cannot mount DVD, USB and other drives

Posted: 05 Jun 2009 11:12 PM PDT

On Sat, 6 Jun 2009, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Mount the device, then change permission. Or more likely ownership. That
"sticks" ie the device will keep what you apply even after unmounting.
The mount point will stay as it was before you did this, so you'd
see /mnt/hd as being owned by root, but then when you mount the properly
set up drive to /mnt/hd, ownership becomes whoever you set it to.


installing jesred but getting remove kernel image

Posted: 05 Jun 2009 05:50 AM PDT

On 5 Giu, 16:49, Bill Mar <net> wrote: 

I installed Debian Lenny with Linux-image-2.6-686.
If run "apt-cache depends jesred", I got:

Depends: libc6
|Depends: squid
Depends: squid3
|Recommends: dhttpd
Recommends: <httpd>

while if I run "dpkg -l | grep linux-image", I got:

ii linux-image-2.6-686 2.6.26+17+lenny1 Linux
2.6 image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4
ii linux-image-2.6.26-2-686 2.6.26-15lenny2 Linux
2.6.26 image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4

If I try to install jesred by aptitude I got:

Packages being deleted due to unsatisfied dependencies: id linux-
Packages to be removed: idA linux-image-2.6.26-2-686

glibcxx_3.4.9 not found - how to fix?

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 04:42 PM PDT

In article <invalid>, invalid
(Charlie Gibbs) writes:

I've tracked down and corrected down a couple of other glitches too,
and now my box not only seems to be fully operational, when I tried to
run fgrun (which got me into this mess in the first place) it came up.

And in the end, I've probably come up with the answer to my general
troubleshooting question too. Examine dmesg for error messages -
scan all of /var/log/messages if necessary. (If the system can't
boot far enough to get to a root login, boot from the installation
CD, mount the hard drive, then scan /var/log/messages.) Once you've
found a suspicious error message, type its exact text into google.
It might take some wading through results, but it's amazing what
you can find.

I'll remember that for next time.

/~\ invalid (Charlie Gibbs)
\ / I'm really at ac.dekanfrus if you read it the right way.
X Top-posted messages will probably be ignored. See RFC1855.
/ \ HTML will DEFINITELY be ignored. Join the ASCII ribbon campaign!

pre-allocate disk space within a folder

Posted: 29 May 2009 01:53 AM PDT

On Fri, 29 May 2009 01:53:43 -0700, com wrote:
Disk space problems are pretty much cured by Moore's law and just throwing
more hardware at the problem. However, here is one idea for implementing
a preallocated block. The block will be user writable at a specific
mount point under tmp. Perhaps, the compiler can be set to use that
subdirectory, etc.

This example uses a loopback allocation. The example below shows a
1G preallocation.

dd if=/dev/zero of=~/prealloc bs=512 count=2000000
losetup /dev/loop0 ~/prealloc
mke2fs /dev/loop0
mkdir /tmp/user_x
mount /dev/loop0 /tmp/user_x
chown user_x:users /tmp/user_x

Note: some of the above commands need root priviledges (su or sudo). If
working as root, add a chown to reset ownership, or use another method to
allow user access.

Caution: verify all commands work as expected and are appropriate for your
specific situation.

Douglas Mayne

Grub is hanging and won't reinstall after use of GParted

Posted: 28 May 2009 05:38 PM PDT

On May 29, 9:55pm, RyanMcCoskrie <com> wrote: 

Buy some Fedora disks, just to save trouble. You can also use them to
set up a local website installer for PXE installation. Seriously. should also
list some local vendors.

Debian limits HD to 8.45GB

Posted: 25 May 2009 09:01 AM PDT

"Bryce" <invalid> wrote in message

Sure thing, FWIW: I have seen a situation similar to yours before
and it did end up being a flaky HD...
so you may want to try another drive just to see how it reacts 

Why does it work

Posted: 19 May 2009 03:10 PM PDT

frankjg wrote: 

Funny stuff. I am technically inept but still with a little
help from my friends manage to use Linux for everything but the
digital rights monopoly protected stuff.

I write business letters and deal with my e-mail and
am able to see most sites, I make DVDs and CDs from isos. So
Linux is desktop ready in my humble opinion. Oh and I do it
on an old Dell with a 700 MHz Pentium III, running Mandriva
2008.1 and KDE 3.5.9.


debian kde 3.5 EN/DE keyboard Q

Posted: 16 May 2009 10:09 AM PDT

com wrote:

I've just seen your self-answer :)
"All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
Ernest Rutherford.
"All science is either physics AND stamp collecting".
Somewhere on the net

pxeboot kickstart with 1000 clients

Posted: 13 May 2009 10:17 PM PDT

On May 16, 12:18pm, Nico Kadel-Garcia <com> wrote:

I forgot to mention. There are two tricky bits to do in a '%post --
nochroot' script.

1: cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf

This sets up the missing network bit so that any network based
operations, such as 'yum update' or other downloading you want to do
in the '%post' step, work correctly.

2: cp /tmp/ks.cfg /mnt/sysimage/root/ks.cfg

This gets the *actual* kickstart file you used into the installed OS,
because that piece of misinterpreted output that anaconda puts out
called /root/anaconda-ks.cfg is fine fir recording special setups such
as X windows configurations or manual network setups or partition
setups, but it throws out a lot of the useful scripting steps and much
of the package information that you may have had in your actual
kickstart script.

And there's also some very useful final steps to do in their own
'%post' scripts.

* Start sshd. That way, if the kickstart gets stuck, you can still
access the machine remotely and fix things. It's worth the slight,
slight risk of SSH having a security flaw before being updated.

* Run 'yum -y update'. This takes a while and doesn't always work due
to conflicts that have to be resolved manually, but it's awfully

* Set up email so that it works, and send yourself a note that the
installation is complete.

Configuring CPU frequency scaling

Posted: 12 May 2009 01:49 PM PDT

Allen Kistler <moc> wrote:
2.6.28-12-generic, which is installed with Ubuntu 9.04
Richard Kimber

Can I update libc without hassle?

Posted: 11 May 2009 05:04 AM PDT

Michael Mauch <de> wrote: 

OK. First time I tried chroot I got the error message "FATAL: kernel too
old", so I created another boot system with a newer kernel, otherwise
everything the same. I then did

chroot /mnt/hde8

, followed by

su acm

.. I was then able to start GHC and run a "hello world" command in it. :-)

Only trouble, a minor one, my console keyboard layout and character set
didn't load in the newer kernel. I can surely sort this out.

Thanks muchly!

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

Squirrelmail anyone?

Posted: 10 May 2009 12:25 PM PDT

On 05/13/09 04:03 AM, com wrote: 

I saw the name was, but you figured it out....

Well, your alias /webmail seems to work, and you get no permission error
for config.php, so the only thing I can guess is that the apache user
has no right to read the config directory.


How do I find out what chipset I have?

Posted: 09 May 2009 11:04 AM PDT

On May 9, 7:13pm, John Reiser <net> wrote: 

Reboot, and read the motherboard's model number from the boot screen,
or check your receipts. (Dell has a fabulous website with their
service tags giving you details of your original hardware order, woo-

Filtering for Non-Summary Tasks Microsoft Project

Filtering for Non-Summary Tasks Microsoft Project

Filtering for Non-Summary Tasks

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 08:13 PM PST

Dale's suggestion is the best one (although I don't understand why he
filters out milestones? Dale??) but Tools, Options, View, Check out "Show
Summary Tasks" gives the result you want as well.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Just Fun" <net> schreef in bericht

Match timescale with duration

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 07:16 PM PST

Hi Michael,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

To add to David's comment, the 20 days per month is 20 WORKING days. You
might also care to see FAQ Item: 5. Default Working Hours.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP
DavidC wrote: 

Hiding some subtasks, not all

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 01:10 PM PST

Hi Bella,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You can use a flag field and mark those you want to see, then filter on that

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Bella wrote: 

cannot open .mpd files in Project 2002

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 12:07 PM PST

Hi Rod,

I uninstalled MSP 2002 and then re - installed. No change. Then I
installed MSP 2003 ... same problem. All this is on my laptop.

I also own a desktop ... about a month ago i had backed up all my laptop to
the HD of the desktop. So I opened MSP 2002 on my desktop tried to open .mpd
files on my desktop only ... same problem !

So then i started thinking what in the world have i done to damage two
machines. Since i really don't use the desktop for much of anything the only
answer is that i installed Norton Anti - Virus 2006 brand new copy. I
uninstalled Norton AV 2006. Problem is still there.

So that leaves only one other thing i can think of ... an MS Update of some
kind to Office or Windows XP that is causing the problem. I have installed
absolutely nothing else to the desktop than Norton AV 2006 and MS Updates to
my Laptop and my Desktop.

Clarity please on your last E Mail : What is MDAC ? As i understand my
problem however its every .mpd that will not open. Am i missing your point
about repairing Project ? I did do a repair on Project originally - no luck.
Then as i said above i uninstalled it ... reinstalled it ... then I
uninstalled it and installed MSP 2003 in its place.

This is really getting me down now. I have run out of options. Any other
suggestions ?

Thanks, Rodger

"Rod Gill" wrote:

Remove selected task bars from gantt chart legends

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 10:09 AM PST

In article <com>,
"JimB" <> wrote:

Your post isn't very specific but I think you might find an answer by
reading FAQ 33 - What the Gantt Chart Legend Shows on our MVP website at:

Project MVP

How do I resolve summary task dates

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 07:51 AM PST


Project's results are correct.
If you want it to show other results you indeed have a fight on your hand

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"graham" <> schreef in bericht
there a 

Multiple rates for resources across projects

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 06:38 AM PST

Hi Mark,

I don't have a server - try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ
Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful
Project information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

MarkH wrote: 

Updating the Actual Work / Task Complete on projects

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 06:31 AM PST

Karen --

The functionality you seek is in Microsoft Project Server 2003. Hope this

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Karen" <> wrote in message

Using the Resource Pool

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 05:41 AM PST


Put the pool in a directory that is read-only for them.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"tbeau" <> schreef in bericht

Resource Usage function

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 02:21 AM PST

Hi Jan

None of the tasks are overallocated, however I am making progress - it looks
like this has something to do with a combination of levelling requirement and
the resource pool retaining the version detail each time I save. Will let you
know if I solve the issue completely - in the meanwhile, thanks for the

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

Meaning of Duration

Posted: 29 Jan 2006 12:00 PM PST

Hi Michele,

Duration is always just that, the time taken to complete the task and
dependant on the resources used and calendars applied.

If the task is fixed duration and you specify 2 days, and you have one
person working on the task then any additional people working on the task
will simply changed the total value of work for the task.

If the task is fixed units then the duration will vary to ensure that as the
work changes so the duration will change comparably, as the number of people
assigned to the task has to remain consdtant. Adding resources to the task
will change the duration if the task and the value of the chnage will depend
on whether or not the task is effort driven.

The default is Fixed work. This presupposes that all time values entered
under duration defines the work directly based on the orgibnally assigned
resources. If the resources change then to ensure that the work remains
constant, the duration will need to change.

The start and finish dates are always calculated on the duration and the
calendar applied in the first instance to the task, and in the second
instance to the resource. If a resource only works four days a week, and the
task is a 5 day task on a 5 day calendar, then with a start on Monday the
finish will be the following Monday evening. The reason being that the
resource only works four days a week, so the fifth day is the start of the
next week. The duration though remains at five days.

Best thing is to draw up a basic plan with say five tasks each of 5 days
long and apply resources to each of them, where one resource only works
Monday to Thursday. set each task to a different setting, fixed work, fixed
units with effort driven, fixed units without effort driven and fixed
duration with and without effort driven. You will then see the different
effects on the programme.

Hope this helps a little.


"Michele" wrote:

A Fixed duration task changes duration

Posted: 28 Jan 2006 02:38 AM PST

INHMO perhaps the question should be "why are you changing the duration on a
fixed duration task?" By definition, it is then no longer a fixed duration
task. What is the outcome you are looking for?

The task type should be viewed as a dynamic setting for a task - based on
what change you are making to the task and what outcome you want, you set
it. By changing the finish date on a task, you are changing the duration.
Changing the duration on a fixed duration task will result in MS Project
recalculating the work (keeping assignment units fixed). I would simply set
the task to fixed units first, this way it is very clear to me that I am
changing duration, units is fixed, so MS Project will recalculate the work.
In both of the cases you list below, if you change the task to fixed units
even after going through all your steps, it will reset the task duration to
match the assignment duration.

I can honestly say that I don't find myself setting the start or finish
dates on tasks or assignments very often at all, as the former will set
constraints on tasks that I generally don't want imposed. Perhaps you
should review the process that you are using for planning and tracking work
plans (again reviewing the FAQ's and Mike Glen's series). I don't believe
you will be successful in trying to plan for every permutation of inputs
from the project managers. Choose a standard and ensure everybody is aware
of it.

Good luck.

John M.

"Michele" <> wrote in message


Posted: 27 Jan 2006 09:41 PM PST

thanx julie.

file keeps corrupting

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 01:23 PM PST

In article <com>,
"maryj" <> wrote:
First of all, you're welcome.

It is possible that the "new" version of Project was simply 2003 versus
2002 or maybe 2003 pro in place of 2003 standard. Nonetheless, neither
an updated version of Project nor switching from Windows 2K to Windows
XP should affect linking. Rather, as Rod and I both stated, the sheer
quantity of linked files is most likely what "did them in". With that
many links and without extremely diligent and disciplined users, it is
basically a matter of time before corruption creeps in. It looks like
they are at that point and jockying the files to new desktop PCs didn't

My suggestion still holds - combine files to achieve a more reasonable
number of links. A master can always be filtered and/or sorted to
display selected information. Filters are a whole lot more robust than

Project MVP 

Set the Project Name to be Task 0 (zero)?

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 12:15 PM PST

In article <com>,
"KookyQstn0" <> wrote:

The Task Name of the Project Summary task tracks with the entry in the
Title field under File/Properties/Summary tab, or you can manually enter
whatever name you like directly in the Task Name field os the Project
Summary Task.

Project MVP

Effort driven fixed duration task

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 10:31 AM PST

You're welcome, Michele :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Michele wrote: 

Dragging a task in Gantt view

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 06:22 PM PST

In article <>,
"Gershon" <com> wrote:

No option that I know of. However I do not have Project version 2002
installed and I am not familiar with its updates. The only advice I can
give is to check for updates on the microsoft website or hope that
someone else has a good answer - I'm stumped.

Project MVP

Opening .mpp without Project

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 01:22 PM PST

Gerard Ducouret and Dale Howard -

Thank you both - we will look into these programs and see how well they
solve the problem!

"SharonW" wrote:

when exporting a project to a Web page, how to add current date?

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 12:28 PM PST

might help -- it is a custom exporter to HTML that I wrote because I
did not like MPP's default exports. You might find this useful.

Max # of Project Files Linked to a Project Master

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 09:41 AM PST

Hi Marty,

You are welcome and thanks for the feedback. I would only echo Rod's
warning -- 550 files is highly likely for corruption.

"MartyO" <> wrote in message

Row height is fixed, unchangable, and silly

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 09:02 AM PST

Hi Vic,

Yes, it sounds like that is the last trick to try.

Let us know how you get along.


"lcVic" <> wrote in message

Copy UserDefined Fields from Summary to subtask

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 08:51 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Hadi" <> wrote:

Uuuuh, I think you meant, "this is sweet". You're welcome.


Formula & Graphical Indicators

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 07:30 AM PST

Try replacing Now with [Current Date]:

IIf([% Complete]<100 And [Finish]<[Current Date],"RED",IIf([% Complete]>=80
And [% Complete]<100 And [Finish]>[Current Date]+10,"AMBER","GREEN"))

I don't think this does exactly what you want, but it's a start.


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"dave" <> wrote in message

Missing Project Rows MSProj2003

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 06:19 AM PST

duzby wrote: 

Earlier, you said it was a single file. Now you're saying it's using
shared resources. Those kinds of things happen most of the time, if not
all, when you share resources.

summary task % complete calulation when subtask link to Excel

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 05:32 AM PST

Thanks for your post.
No, there are only the 3 tasks. I did find that not linking the summary
task % complete to the excell spread sheet (even though that link was to a
blank cell) allowed Project to correctly calculate the % complete. I did
have to adjust the summary task manually, then change the 'feeder' cell, to
get the correct summary %. This just makes for more cut / paste special
steps, but it will work.

"John M." wrote:

Specifically Deny Outlook Versions to Exchange - Microsoft Exchange

Specifically Deny Outlook Versions to Exchange - Microsoft Exchange

Specifically Deny Outlook Versions to Exchange

Posted: 11 Jun 2008 10:41 AM PDT

Just what I needed - Thanks Andy!!!

I did see the recommended versions you posted as well..I think we are going
to deny the ones we know we don't use and work on updating the one's we do so
that I can get above O2000 SP3

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

5.7.1 - Sender IP Must Resolve

Posted: 11 Jun 2008 06:53 AM PDT

Well honestly everything looks OK to me.
If its critical you may need to contact the email admins on the other side
to see whats up.

"Kenny" <> wrote in message

SMTP spoofing

Posted: 10 Jun 2008 03:53 AM PDT

"Lee Derbyshire [MVP]" wrote: 

No third party plugins or applications that permit this enforcement?
Seems a very simple task... :)

Clustering Options

Posted: 09 Jun 2008 12:03 PM PDT

Thanks to both of you.

"com" wrote:

IIS Default Web Site STOPPING

Posted: 09 Jun 2008 09:32 AM PDT

No - it seems to be deleting the event log.

But yesterday there were 3 things in the log:

6/9/2008 8:34:31
AM WinHttpAutoProxySvc Information None 12517 N/A EXCHANGE The WinHTTP Web
Proxy Auto-Discovery Service suspended operation.
6/9/2008 8:34:31
AM WinHttpAutoProxySvc Information None 12503 N/A EXCHANGE The WinHTTP Web
Proxy Auto-Discovery Service has been idle for 15 minutes, it will be shut
6/8/2008 11:06:33 PM W3SVC Warning None 1013 N/A EXCHANGE A process serving
application pool 'ExchangeApplicationPool' exceeded time limits during shut
down. The process id was '832'.

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

Rapid database growth after installing archiving solution.

Posted: 08 Jun 2008 11:53 AM PDT

Sounds like a possibility. Know of any way to find out?


"Ben M. Schorr, MVP" wrote:

Exchange Offline Access

Posted: 07 Jun 2008 04:57 AM PDT

A very good option!

"Rafavic" <> wrote in message

free/busy info shows detail not just blocks

Posted: 06 Jun 2008 12:52 PM PDT

I downloaded it, but can't connect to anything on my exchange 2007 server. I
keep getting could not expand errors or could not connect errors even though
it will list all the mailboxes.

"Leif Pedersen [ MVP]" wrote:

SSL Certificate

Posted: 05 Jun 2008 06:11 PM PDT


"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

Exchange Server Roles

Posted: 05 Jun 2008 01:03 PM PDT

Thanks Andy

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

Strange idea

Posted: 05 Jun 2008 01:55 AM PDT


I would create a distribution list, grant the users send as on this group
and ask the users to select this group when sending (I don't think that
there is another automatic way).



"KF Thomas SHIU" <> skrev i meddelelsen 

exchange 2007 setup fails on new 2008 server

Posted: 04 Jun 2008 09:14 PM PDT

yup it sure did
enabled ip6 and setup finished

"Alexander Zammit [MVP]" <alex@respond_to_group> wrote in message