

Grouping Tasks Microsoft Project

Grouping Tasks Microsoft Project

Grouping Tasks

Posted: 01 Nov 2005 06:10 AM PST

In article <com>,
Jim Jones <> wrote:

It sounds like the Grouping function is what you want. Look for
"Grouping" in the Project help file.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Hour control of how else ?

Posted: 01 Nov 2005 05:57 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Jan H-L" <> wrote:

First of all, you shouldn't be entering either the task Start or Finish,
that's Project's job. Except in a few isolated cases (e.g. a task starts
independently of all other tasks and does not start when the project
starts), the task information you should be entering are:
1. Task Name - performance tasks should be in action verb format
2. Task Duration - whether in minutes, hours, days, etc. (Note: Task
Duration is NOT the same as Work effort although if a resource is
assigned at 100% the values in those two fields will be the same.)
3. Linkages between tasks - this sets up the logical flow of the
activities - the default is finish-to-start
4. Resource assignments - the people or material necessary to complete
the task

Given the above information, Project calculates a schedule. That is, it
will set up all task start and finish dates (and times if the option to
display time is selected under Tools/Options/View tab). Project will
also calculate Cost based on the resource pay rate x Work hours plus any
Fixed Cost associated with the task.

The user "controls" resources and cost by developing a realistic plan
and good project management techniques (e.g. workarounds when things
don't go as originally planned).

For some good reference material, you might want to go to our MVP
website at:
and take a look at fellow MVP, Mike Glen's series on Project lessons and

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Creating a Project with VBA (MS Project 2003 Pro)?

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 03:19 PM PST

I copied it to the Developers Newsgroup for MS Project.

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Historic Resource Costs

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 01:36 PM PST

Hello. yes I posted that last question too. I was hoping someone could point
me in the right direction for coding advice as I cannot do this all by hand
with so many employees. Unfortunately, like many others I have inherited this
ms project file...
Do you know of any other places I can look for a little VBA/ MS project help
with this?
Thanks so much!

"Gérard Ducouret" wrote:

Why are tasks being assigned to non-working days?

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 11:57 AM PST

JodyC --

To which calendar did you add the holidays? Is this calendar set as the
Base Calendar for each resource listed in the Resource Sheet view of your
project? Let us know.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"JodyC" <> wrote in message

Vacation Schedules on Large Projects How do you handle them - Best

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 08:20 AM PST

We are not using server - they have ordered it along with SQL, so maybe in
the future it will be running for us but that will be to late as I need to
find something to manage now.

I do not want to manage it in excel as I want Proj to adjust dates to tasks
when people have vacation. WIth 80 people and 3 weeks vacation min. for
everyone, forgetting about all that time off would be a mistake.

Have any other thoughts? Maybe someone else will have some ideas for me?

"Michael Balda" wrote:

VB problem

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 08:10 AM PST

In article <com>,
"WD" <> wrote:

What exactly are you referring to when you say, "... the set ref command
...."? The only way I know to set references is via the "addfromfile" or
"addfromguid" and either of those must be set with an event macro prior
to attempting to run a macro where the reference is required. But I'm
always willing to learn new techniques.

Project MVP

VB offset error from Jack Dahgren's Code

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 08:06 AM PST

What does xlRow = at that time?
I just tried it with the Excel 11 (2003) object library and it works fine.
I developed it on excel 2000.

I suspect you are missing some of the code. Copy and paste the whole thing
again. The first 4 lines should be:

Option Explicit
Dim xlRow As Excel.Range
Dim xlCol As Excel.Range
Sub TaskHierarchy()

If you haven't defined xlRow then you will get an Object required error.

You can also get rid of the dwn and rgt functions if you like and just use
plain old offset within the code. This example is supposed to demonstrate
passing parameters (very simple ones) so that is the reason they are there
in the first place.

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"scott_hanebutt" <> wrote in message
cursor at 
idea. If 

Resource Calculations

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 06:17 AM PST

Hi Robert,

In that case, try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24.
Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project
information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Robert wrote: 

A new year

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 05:56 AM PST

You're welcome, Jim :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jim Jones wrote: 

How to hide inactive resources

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 05:46 AM PST

Hi Chris, 

Of course it is. It's always interesting to compare different points of


zooming in on task pane - not gantt chart

Posted: 30 Oct 2005 08:04 PM PST

You're welcome, Kimi :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Kimi Himi wrote: 

colour code milestones in calendar view?

Posted: 30 Oct 2005 06:14 PM PST


You might want to use a custom field (flag/text) to establish the difference
in the milestones or you can use a tag. It sounds like a custom field to
define the differences would be best route and then you can color code that.

"Benjiluck" wrote:

Constraint - Start no earlier than

Posted: 30 Oct 2005 11:21 AM PST

>That's very strange behaviour. Are you scheduling tasks to start ASAP?

Yes. If I enter a new task, it says “As Soon As Possible.”


Yes. I have several and they are all FS

was giving you problems should start on either the first working moment
after its predecessor finishes or the constraint date, whichever is later. 

I dunno. Maybe it’s just me I’ve always found Project to be a little quirky
like this. I can usually solve a problem but it seems to invariably involve
taking a task out and putting it back in.

"Steve House [Project MVP]" wrote:

Saving Reports to MS Word

Posted: 29 Oct 2005 05:33 AM PDT

In article <hip9f.5466$>,
"Bob Sinclair" <com> wrote:

You're welcome.


Work Week MSP98 (Newbie Question)

Posted: 29 Oct 2005 05:07 AM PDT

Wow - great Mike, thanks for the heads-up. I'll check all these articles
over the next couple of days.

Appreciate the support ;)

"Mike Glen" <> wrote in message

Wrap text in Microsoft Project 2000

Posted: 29 Oct 2005 02:27 AM PDT

Thanks Rod,

When using 'Print preview' on various printers, the problem continues to
exist; i.e. the text remains on 01 line when printed but is wrapped in the
original doent. It also occurs in a similar fashion when I .pdf the

Suggestions ??? Thanks

"Rod Gill" wrote:

Visual Basic Code

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 11:12 AM PDT

Also more info on creating your own here:

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"John" <com> wrote in message 

Critical Path - Critical Chain Tracking of Projects

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 09:50 AM PDT

You need to be able to highlight the Resource Critical Path, as
explained in Eric Eyttewaal's book, Dynamic Scheduling with MSP 2003.
By highlighting the RCP you will be able to keep an eye on tasks that
are either driven by logical dependencies (CPM) or by resource
In his book Eric explains a manual method for highlighting the RCP. As
well, a macro is available by license that will do this for you
Yes, this is a feature that should be available in MSP. One of the very
big limitations of the CPM is that it does not take resource
vailability into account.

Charlie Ashmore

Predecessor Driven Completion

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 07:59 AM PDT

That was great. Thanks, it's working fantastic now.

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

time phased network diagram

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 07:28 AM PDT

Thanks. I think we are going to try out the stuff from critical tools. I
just wanted to try to make sure I was not missing something in Project.

I haven't seen Eric in a while. If he gets back in, I'll say you said HI.

"davegb" wrote:

PPBES and Project

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 06:58 AM PDT

Sorry. The government...espcially the DOD and NOAA are using a busineess
process called: Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Sytem
(PPBES). Nothing magic...but it is a well established in the government.

It's obviosly cyclic, with no project start or stop date.


"davegb" wrote:

Hiding Subproject summary tasks?

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 03:33 AM PDT

Thanks for that!

If I grouped the tasks by 'Project', 'Resource Initials', 'Outline Number'.
Can I still 'flag' the summary tasks there? Or is there another way to do it?

"davegb" wrote:

Task splitting - a process, not a parameter?

Posted: 28 Oct 2005 02:50 AM PDT

Hi George,

Split Parts of a task can be read using the SplitParts method.
You can read the help through the object browser.
To help you onthe way, here is the help on the SplitParts Object (which has
a count, a start and a finish property) - go on reading I comment on
asignment splist below-

SplitPart Object, SplitParts Collection Object

Represents a task portion. The SplitPart object is a member of the
SplitParts collection.

Using the SplitPart Object

Use SplitParts(Index), where Index is the task portion index number, to
return a single SplitPart object. The following example lists the start and
finish times of each task portion of the task in the active cell.

Dim Part As Long, Portions As String

For Part = 1 To ActiveCell.Task.SplitParts.Count
With ActiveCell.Task
Portions = Portions & "Task portion " & Part & ": Start on " & _
.SplitParts(Part).Start & ", Finish on " & _
.SplitParts(Part).Finish & vbCrLf
End With
Next Part

MsgBox Portions
Using the SplitParts Collection

Use the SplitParts property to return a SplitParts collection. The following
example returns the number of task portions for each task in the active

Dim T As Task

For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not (T Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox T.Name & ": " & T.SplitParts.Count
End If

Next T
Use the Split method (Task object) to add a SplitPart object to the
SplitParts collection. (The Split method creates a split in a task.) The
following example creates a split in the task from Wednesday to Monday.

ActiveCell.Task.Split "10/1/97", "10/6/97"

There is no method for asignment splist but they can be discovered by
looking for zero-work periods using the timescaledata method and the
timescalevalues object.

Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"G Lykos" <com> schreef in bericht

Microsoft CRM - Mail Merge Question

Microsoft CRM - Mail Merge Question

Mail Merge Question

Posted: 15 Jun 2005 02:14 PM PDT

Tim: Actually, you can use c360's Query Manager tool to add or update the
address data in your contacts. If you can run the query that shows you the
specific contacts, within c360's Query Manager, first select all the contacts
for a particular account within your query, then click on the Action button
and select the "Update Field" option. In the dialog that opens, you can
choose the Street 1 address line and then type in the address that you want
for all of the selected contacts. Do the same for the city, state and zip
fields, and then when you do your mail merge, the contacts will all have
addresses in them!
Matt Wittemann

"Tim VonDerHaar" wrote:

Searching Leads by company name..

Posted: 15 Jun 2005 01:41 PM PDT

For "leads" there is a advanced search or you can modify Leads Default View
in alfabetically order

For "notes" it seems a bug. I haven't any idea.

"Mike in Kansas City" wrote:

Fixing user with wrong Domain Logon Name

Posted: 15 Jun 2005 12:46 PM PDT

also done my case it was because the full domain name was entered
instead of the netbios domain name. Again no problems have been seen and in
fact MBS support recommended this approach

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Useful CRM Documentation

Posted: 15 Jun 2005 11:59 AM PDT

I believe the only two options are (1) purchase the book through an MBS
partner, or (2) take the class where you will be given a book.

Exchange Problems

Posted: 15 Jun 2005 11:00 AM PDT

When you say "I have verified that they have been received becaue they are in
that user's inbox" do you mean they are in their Outlook inbox? If so, you
have not set up the queue correctly. A queue is a disabled Active Directory
user account. If it is disabled, nobody can receive mail sent to it directly
in Outlook (without adding some forwarding rules in Exchange). If you have
set up a queue correctly, the email will be visible in the CRM web interface
by clicking on Workplace and, from the Workplace tab you will see at the
bottom of the list a folder for your queue. For instance, if you set up a
com queue, there will be a folder in Workplace called
"Support" that will receive email sent to this address.
Matt Wittemann

"MPICRM" wrote:

Creating new reports, problems with Crystal Reports Enhanced Editi

Posted: 15 Jun 2005 12:09 AM PDT


You can actually use SQL reporting for CRM 1.2.

There's a superb article on it here :!1pO7Tvan1ggtqmIDiys4H9tA!145.entry

MS have released a reporting pack for it too


User Access Level for Create Action.

Posted: 14 Jun 2005 02:45 PM PDT

Hmm, I guess Ive been spending too much time in the SDK.

When you create objects via the SDK, you can provide the ID of a different user.
At one point in the UI, this was anticipated as well (thus the disable lookup
icon). However, the UI forces you to create with your own ID and then re-assign
it. Via the SDK, you can do this directly via the "Create" method.

The security serttings would control the ability to do this. Thus, if I had
"Business Unit" on create, then I could create the record as being owned by
anyone in my BU, but not a user in a different BU.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 13:19:08 -0700, jfarah <>

Hi Matt,
Thanks for the reply. I always enjoy reading your answers and comments to
the postings. Could you please Matt give me examples or more explanation. I
still have problem fully understand this concept.

Thank you.

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Can't add field by deployment manager

Posted: 14 Jun 2005 08:19 AM PDT

I've had exactly this error. See this post 9006df03fb4dc

If you are using Sales For Outlook in offline mode you are limited to 6000
bytes and 246 fields on any entity, not the more common limit of 8000 bytes.

"MattNC" wrote:

Making appointments

Posted: 14 Jun 2005 06:48 AM PDT

"Stuart" <> wrote in message

Try, they have a product called group calendar - we
have implemented it and it will do what you need.

Exporting CRM Reports Gives Error

Posted: 13 Jun 2005 05:00 PM PDT

Hi John,

Yes, it is from all workstations (both thick and thin clients via W2003 TS)
and is irrespective of Office version.

I have tried reloading the Crystal Reports Active X viewer to no avail either.



"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Can't update fields in Word 2013 with F9

Microsoft Word - Can't update fields in Word 2013 with F9

Can't update fields in Word 2013 with F9

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 03:05 PM PST

Split from this thread.


I have the same problem as sunwatcher (but in word 2013). 

here some informations

  • None of the answer given here helps
  • My fields are not locked
  • updating single fields or single paragraphs with more fields (select a paragraph + f9 key) works fine
  • updating single fields or single paragraphs with more fields (select a paragraph + right click and update field) works fine
  • Update field before printing does not work
  • backstage view does not help
  • the "F9" key on the keyboard works (I mean, not a button fault)

Hope to find a solution soon...

thank you to all

MS Word 2013, Win 8.1, 20,607 KB .docx file. Title page header displays only. Navigation Pane displays headings, only title page, search finds words.

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 02:36 PM PST


As Adobe ruins Adobe FrameMaker, some of us technical writers may suffer WinWord again. Or MadCap Flare. Or LibreOffice.

MS Word 2003 was quite spiffy and reliable with long manual composition on Win XP with numerous images and illustrations in the file using the MS Word 2003 drawing layer. I once said, "MS Word may replace FrameMaker. At least we have Unicode in Word as of Word 97.

 I have few good things to say of MS Word 2013 (v15).

There's my soapbox. Now I need help. Lest I get out the sector editor out ...

MS Word 2013 ( Version 15.0.4659.1001), Win 8.1, 20,607 KB .docx file. An Asus Laptop with Intel onboard graphics, 8 Gigabytes RAM, Intel I-5 processor.


I'm composing a rather long hardware install guide for a client. The file contains many photo and  of images, innumerable complex illustrations using the MS Word drawing layer. About 70 pages with TOC, List of Figures (LOF), and List of Tables (LOT) as the only generated lists.

The MS Word 2013 crashes innumerable times, so, with research, I:

  • Disabled both COM Add-Ins (OneNote Notes, Send to Bluetooth)
  • Word Options -> Advanced -> Uncheck "Use subpixel positioning to smooth fonts onscreen.

I realize today I should have already checked (populate the box with a check), to disable, (Word Options -> Advanced -> Disable hardware graphic acceleration) a bug between Word and some video drivers or hardware; Intel video tops the list, research suggests, and that's what's in this Asus laptop thing).

When I open the file:

  • Title page header displays only.
  • Navigation Pane displays headings
  • Search can find word in the document.

The content remains in the binary Word 2013 .docx file.

The styles endemic to the file open in the Home Tab, Style pane.

I've also performed the MS Word 2013 "Open and Repair" feature with no suceess and no messages.

On a Win 7 workstation I perform the MS Word 2010 "Open and Repair" feature with innumerable messages, yet the same results.

I have over 4000 minutes effort in this document. I would like to finish in over the next several months and deliver it to the client to their satisfaction.

Soapbox (slight return):

MS Word 15 (2013) is a complete reversal of advances made to MS Word up to MS Word 2003. Win 8.1 has the usability and human factors design of a fast food restaurant overhead menu. MS Word 2013 is reliable like MS Word '95 on Win '95 or Word 97 on Windows 98. Requiring users log into a remote account as is an egregious violation of good IT security. No ISO 2700x-compliant, or compliant seeking, organization, would ever accept Win 8.1.



Shortcut key for Headers and Footers

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 01:35 PM PST

Is there a shortcut key to create a Header and Footer?

Cannot get Word to Load

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 12:49 PM PST

I have uninstalled office three times and reloaded office three times.  Excel, Power point, and One note are operating correctly but word will not load and does not work.  Any suggestions.

Using Multiple Source Files in Mail Merge-MS 2010

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 12:24 PM PST


Can you use multiple source files for one document in Mail Merge-vs. 2010?  And if so, how do you set it up?

Many thanks!

Sorting alphabetically in Word -- by word inside phrase or sentence. Macro or VBA?

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 11:18 AM PST


I'm using Office 365 on a Windows PC.

The task at hand involves creating a long list of phrases and individual sentences, then applying a style to a specific word in each phrase or sentence. The result should be to "boldify" (ha!) that specific word.

Then I'll need to alphabetically sort this list, based not on the first letter of the phrase/sentence, but by the word which was selected and bolded in each separate phrase or sentence.

It might look something like this before it's sorted:

slow and steady wins the race

dogs and cats

as soon as possible

partly cloudy with a chance of rain

and something like this after it's sorted:

dogs and cats

partly cloudy with a chance of rain

as soon as possible

slow and steady wins the race

Do any of you super-smart folks have a suggestion about how to accomplish this?


Outline View: Selecting entire paragraph minus terminating carriage return

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 11:02 AM PST

There doesn't seem to be a way select an entire paragraph minus the terminating carriage return when in Outline View.  So if you paste text, the terminating carriage return gets overwritten, causing the following paragraph to be adjoined to the pasted paragraph.  My work-around is clumsy: To create an empty paragraph following the one that I want to paste over.  Anyway way to make this odd restriction in selecting text go away?

Why won't my document double space?

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 11:01 AM PST

I have tried to double space my document and it either just double spaces the first couple of pages or doesn't double space any at all.  I have gone into design and followed the correct procedure but it won't do it.  Any solutions?

View comments on-screen but don't change printing margins

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 10:42 AM PST

Hello. I'm using Word 2013 on a document into which I have inserted one comment. When I print the doc, it prints with smaller margins to leave room for printing the comment, which I don't want. If I turn off markup, the printed pages have the correct margins but there's no indication on-screen that the comment is there. Is there a way I can print with the correct margins but still see an indication of the comment on the screen? Thanks for your help.

First line of each page does not justify (MS Word 2007)

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 09:52 AM PST

I am writing a long MS Word document and need each line of each paragraph to be justified. However, I noticed the first line of each page does not fully justify to the right, despite the rest of the text being properly justified. Please help!

Merge multiple lines in Excel to table in Word

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 09:00 AM PST

I'm trying to merge multiple lines from an Excel spreadsheet into a Word document (a form letter).  I think I understand that I'm to use mergefield TableStart but I can't seem to link the code to the excel spreadsheet as the data source.

I set up the Word document and used the Excel spreadsheet as the data source and it is pulling fields from there. For the table, I set up a two row table with my table headings. For the second row, I went to Insert|Quickparts|Field and chose Mergefield. I then put in TableStart:[the name of the data sheet in Excel], put the field codes in the table and repeated the procedure to insert TableEnd. However, this just inserts the first row from Excel, not the additional rows. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any and all help!

Kindle and Word

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 08:45 AM PST

Can you download a book from Kindle to Word? Teaching a class and want to edit the book, not to publish, for class room only/

Can it be done?

Thank you,

Word 365 University keeps changing 'll suffix to 'all example I'll to I'all

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 07:25 AM PST

I am running Win 8.1, Word 365 University.

When i type I'll, we'll, you'll, they'll - any word with the 'll suffix, Word 365 University changes the suffix to 'all as in I'all, we'all, you'all, and they'all. I have searched my customized dictionary and auto correct listing. Found nothing. In auto correct i have added 'all in the replace column and 'll in the with column. Yes, this works, but adds keystrokes, and is not a long term solution. Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


How to copy a restricted document

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 07:18 AM PST

I created a fillable document/template but restricted it to just be used to fill in data only.  However, I now need the document once completed to be copied into another document to be sent to a file.  Is there a way to accomplish this or will I have to create the document another way in order to have fillable files but create with the rest of the document created after the field are filled by the user.


Word does not work

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 06:15 AM PST

Split from this thread.

Dear all:

This sounds like a very complicated, trisl and error fix for very common Word software.  I am stuck in China for two weeks and connot do reports.  help - MS or Lenovo or someone!

How do I remove a vertical sentence from the left side of a page?

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 05:54 AM PST

Hi there!

Just trying to edit a document and I cant remove a vertical sentence on the left side of the page.  Its drving me nuts, can anyone help?

Hopefully the screen shot comes out below for you to see what I mean!

Thanks in advance...

How can I get WORD 2013 to open a document using the last view settings I used on that document?

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 02:37 AM PST

I do a lot of re-editing of the same document as it grows in thought (like many of us I bet!).  And on a tiny laptop screen, I often do this in DRAFT view because it takes up less space.   But when I reopen the document, it always comes up in PRINT LAYOUT view.  (While the feature of "would you like to resume where you left off?" is very handy, it doesn' set the view back the way I had it when I left.)

I have "allow documents to open in draft" set.  This seems to make no difference.

I note in passing that if somebody else sends me a document, and they've left the ZOOM set to something other than 100%, the document opens on my computer with the document's Zoom setting, not my "normal" view.

Any ideas?


Word won't even open

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 10:31 PM PST

Hello everyone,

I have been having trouble opening my Word 2013 app on my computer that has Windows 8.1 installed on it. All my other Microsoft Office 365 apps works except for Word. I have uninstalled Office and reinstalled it twice now. It worked a bit each time I did so for a bit but then stopped working once again. A pop up appears saying that Word isn't working and that they will repair it now, I click on 'repair now' and nothing happens. I am getting so frustrated and upset. If anyone knows why this is happening that would be awesome.

Thank you,

Kaitlin St Pierre

Smooth Typing Animation Dissapeared

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 07:18 PM PST

I booted up word one day and the smooth typing animation that used to be there is gone. I know some people didn't like it, but I was a rather big fan of it. I tried reinstalling, deleting the app data folder for word, returning the word registry settings to default using microsoft's fix it tool, and using the repair function in word. None of these changed it and it is still gone. Im running windows 8.1, with office 365.

Additional Languages for Office 365 University

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 06:58 PM PST

I'm trying to install a German language pack so I can easily proof essays and assignments that I write in German for some of my German classes. However, I still need to use English for other assignments at school. Must I purchase a German language pack for MS Office, or even just MS Word, if I have Office 365. Supposedly I can reinstall it with German, but then I wouldn't have English. Can anyone assist me in this issue?

Delete Next/All Tables Word 2007

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 06:38 PM PST

One time project converted word doc from pdf. Don't know vbasic. Want to delete all tables in doc. Entered this as a macro, executed from the word doc & get:

"Compile error. Expected end of statement."

How I do miss DOS WordPerfect !

Sub TablesDeleteAll()
    Dim tbl As Table
    For Each tbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
    Next tbl
 On Error Resume Next
    Selection.GoToNext wdGoToTable
End Sub

Have WORD - from XP pro. Went from Tiff to PDF. Now want to write, but only get crosshairs and not hand symbol. How to write?

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 03:33 PM PST

Read-only is not checked, and Read-only is not in code.

Where else to look?


Office 2007 -> Office 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2007 -> Office 2003 - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2007 -> Office 2003

Posted: 20 Nov 2007 06:14 PM PST

The university installed 2007 on it and I do not have the CDs. If I mess it
up I will have to take it back for them to fix. I think I may try to
install 2003 (without Outlook) and see what happens.


On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:40:19 -0800, Another Brian wrote:

How do I keep my Outlook Settings and Data?

Posted: 19 Nov 2007 08:31 PM PST

I am not sure.
Have you try using
Microsoft Office 2003 Save My Settings Wizard
It should be in Office tools folder.
Let me know.

"Stan" <we@there> wrote in message

Office 2007 SMS Deployment failed

Posted: 19 Nov 2007 08:51 AM PST

Sorry We are using system center essentials.

Can I get audio reminders?

Posted: 18 Nov 2007 10:47 PM PST

Got it!

"JoAnn Paules" <com> wrote in message

Outook "Look For" cache

Posted: 18 Nov 2007 08:34 AM PST

Hi Bob,

Nice to hear that it works fine.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is always my pleasure to be of assistance.

Have a nice day!

Emily Lin,
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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new owner registration

Posted: 18 Nov 2007 07:14 AM PST

They can activate it, online or via phone if required

"Sarah2778" <> wrote in message

Office xp intalation key

Posted: 18 Nov 2007 01:54 AM PST

But you paid *something*. I wouldn't have given them a penny. I'm not into
supporting software thieves.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"Jono Joiner" <> wrote in message

Must I Activate?

Posted: 17 Nov 2007 09:27 PM PST

I have started a new thread " How do I keep my Outlook Setting and Data" -
more to the point now.
"mezzodiva" <com> wrote in message

Slipstream O2K3 Pro SP3: Wrong Patch?

Posted: 16 Nov 2007 08:55 AM PST


No good, I'm afraid. I get the same error message.

Here's the verbose log:

=====begin install.log=====
=== Verbose logging started: 11/19/2007 10:36:36 Build type: SHIP
UNICODE 3.01.4000.4033 Calling process: C:\WINNT\system32\msiexec.exe
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:614]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:614]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:614]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: D:\O2K3\pro11.msi
******* Action: ADMIN
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:614]: Client-side and UI is none or basic:
Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:624]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:704]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:704]: Attempting to enable all disabled
priveleges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:36:36:734]: Incrementing counter to disable
shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (28:64) [10:36:36:774]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:36:774]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:36:774]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:36:774]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: D:\O2K3\pro11.msi
******* Action: ADMIN
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:034]: Machine policy value
'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:064]: File will have security applied from
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:685]: End dialog enabled
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:685]: Original package ==> D:\O2K3\pro11.msi
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:685]: Package we're running from ==>
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:885]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat
database entry with ProductCode
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:885]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found
in database.
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:946]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure'
is 0
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:37:946]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource'
is 0
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:36:42:602]: File will have security applied from
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:130]: Original patch ==>
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:130]: Patch we're running from ==>
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:140]: SequencePatches starts. Product code:
{90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}, Product version: 11.0.8173.0,
Upgrade code: {00110000-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9}, Product language
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: PATCH SEQUENCER WARNING:
D:\O2K3SP3\mainsp3.msp patch will not be sequenced because it does not
contain any transform that may apply to product!
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: SequencePatches returns success.
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: Final Patch Application Order:
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: Other Patches:
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: Unknown\Absent:
{375F080F-88E9-4EA1-A177-C0F091546AC8} - D:\O2K3SP3\mainsp3.msp
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: Product: Microsoft Office Professional
Edition 2003 - Update '{375F080F-88E9-4EA1-A177-C0F091546AC8}' could not
be installed. Error code 1642. Additional information is available in
the log file D:\O2K3SP3\install.log.

MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:170]: Note: 1: 2729
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:611]: Note: 1: 2729
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:611]: Product: Microsoft Office Professional
Edition 2003 -- Installation failed.

MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:651]: Attempting to delete file
MSI (s) (28:B0) [10:37:02:751]: MainEngineThread is returning 1642
The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service
because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch
may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program
to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct
upgrade patch.
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:37:02:751]: Decrementing counter to disable
shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after
decrement: -1
MSI (c) (CC:B4) [10:37:02:761]: MainEngineThread is returning 1642
=== Verbose logging stopped: 11/19/2007 10:37:02 ===

=====end install.log=====

Doug Jessen <com> wrote: 

Outlook 2007 reminder bell missing

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 06:48 AM PST

On Nov 15, 9:37 pm, "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" <What@ever> wrote: 

That's too bad... it seems MS is taking away a lot of features that
users use!! Did someone decide users no longer need this? Just