

Failed Exchange 2003 Server - Microsoft Exchange

Failed Exchange 2003 Server - Microsoft Exchange

Failed Exchange 2003 Server

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 11:06 PM PDT

Inline -

DC <> wrote: 

Sounds like you need a better firewall! Oh, and you need to keep your server
patched & up to date (Windows & Exchange alike)....


If you aren't worried about the Exchange data (export to PST file while
working offline in Outlook ...pull the network cable out first), you
probably ought to post in a general Windows networking group. Generally
advisable not to specify the same domain name for internal/AD use as your
public domain name - use .local, .lan, .thisdoesntwork ....or

550 Authentication Required Error

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 07:57 PM PDT

On Jun 30, 3:01 pm, "Leif Pedersen [MVP]" <Leif.pedersenNO-
dk> wrote: 

No the user is not using POP. The user sending the email can email
anyone else its just when he emails my Exchange box that he is getting
the error.

Is possible install a Exchange Server 2003 in Server Standard 2003

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 04:36 PM PDT

Thanks Lee:

I'm understanding the OWA and I was created the users, and I can access the
email via Internet. Can you say me, how can I configurate the Outlook to
send/receive emails?, I use the com, and via OWA I can
send/receive emails.

Thanks a lot,


"Lee Derbyshire [MVP]" wrote:

Duplicate SMTP addresses in our Exchange org.

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 08:49 AM PDT

Thanks guys, we got it. We used "LDifde.exe" and it worked.




P.S.: I wrote an iTunes podcast tutorial and just want to publicize it.
You can find it at:


"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

OWA - One user cannot login

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 07:32 AM PDT

I think you'll have to look at the IIS logs. Compare it to what happens
when another user successfully logs in. Normally, a user will GET
/Exchange, and then be redirected (status 302) to /Exchange/Alias . What
happens when this user tries it, and what are the HTTP response status codes
that are logged at the end of each attempt.

"Glen" <> wrote in message

Migrate from merak to exchange

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 05:38 AM PDT

On Jun 28, 8:38 am, Eng. Allithy
<> wrote: 

Well, for one thing, you got it backwards -- a good IT
person migrates FROM Exchange TO something like

But if you insist on this foolish path, leave your Merak
server in place and set up your yucky Exchange server.
Get your domain email in place and functioning on the
Exchange server, and then you configure your Outlook
clients to access Exchange and treat the Merak server
as just another Internet POP3 email account. Once all
the email is pulled off Merak server,.then simply
remove it from the Outlook clients and turn it off. Then
prepare to do a LOT more maintenance and make
sure your backup system is in very good shape and
doing what it's suppose to. Actually if you are hosting
your email domain internally, you may want to consider
reusing the Merak as a buffer server for the Exchange
server -- maintaining filtering on the Merak will be far
more cost effective than on Exchange.

See this:


problems with attachments in exchange 2007

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 02:00 AM PDT


We already using very short names (from 3 until 8 characters). So that's not
a solution for us.

Thank for you reply!


"Henry" wrote:

Groupwise migration, small group

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 05:12 PM PDT

This sounds like a possibility. I will be loosing IP connectivity to the GW
server fairly quickly, so I woudl need to move on this ASAP. Where might I
find a plug-in to connect Outlook to the GW server? I'm hoping not an "arm
and a leg" third party connector.

Assuming a valid connector, this could be accomplished form a single PC.
Connect to a user's GW mailbox, move the contents to the .PST files. Open
the PST file on the user's reconfigured PC, at which point the items could
be left in the PST or moved to the server based mailbox.

Change the GW configuration and do it again for the next user.

"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" <com> wrote in message

Header info displaying server info

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 03:06 PM PDT

If you are using Exchange 2007 you can set transport rule to delete header
Received with your server name in it. For Exchange 2003 you need third party

My Tech bLog

"Dan" <com> wrote in message

RPC over HTTPS help

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 12:22 PM PDT

How is the Outlook authenticating to the Exchange Server over the HTTP Proxy
settings? It should be set to Basic Authentication. Have you tried running
outlook /rpcdiag to see if you are actually connecting with SSL?

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2007
Microsoft Certified Partner

"MrHanMan" <com> wrote in message 

Free Busy Data only show about 35 days

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 07:02 AM PDT

That's Right. Thanks.


"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

Please help. Can not receive email from outside?

Posted: 26 Jun 2007 11:41 AM PDT

Thank you for your response. However, i already figured it our by myself. I
did exactly as you suggested here.

"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

VM over speakers scratchy

Posted: 26 Jun 2007 11:37 AM PDT

toney <> wrote: 

That isn't the issue - the problem is with your sound card or something.
You've already said that it works fine on your XP desktop. This isn't an
Exchange issue at all.

But why would you be using Outlook on a server, and why would you be
checking voicemail messages on a server?

Server Rules where is it kept?

Posted: 26 Jun 2007 09:06 AM PDT

Thanks. This is too complicated. I will just slowly re-enter all the rules
that I have lost.

Now, I am exporting my rules every time I do a change.

Do you know if the export/import is reliable? I mean, I have a rule which
makes the server auto-reply with a specific message. Will that specific
message be exported too, so if I ever need to import, will the message be
imported too?

Thanks again.

"Dgoldman [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

have 2003 listen on several IPs, each with diff HELO response

Posted: 26 Jun 2007 07:21 AM PDT

On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 17:27:25 -0500, Les Caudle <nospam>

Never mind. 2nd time I tried it, it showed all ips from all nics, not just a
single available ip.

2007 and UM with Asterisk???

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 06:58 PM PDT will connect the two bits together for you.

IIS and outlook web email

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 03:00 PM PDT

No it is not the real IP address but is close to it. This is the error
message I getERROR
The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Connection Failed
The system returned:

(60) Operation timed out
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

Contact: Your Administrator


"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" wrote:

POP3 not working

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 02:32 PM PDT

Stup88 <> wrote: 

If it happened to all of them at the same time, either something was going
on with your office Internet connection, or your can crank up
logging and check it out again if it recurs.

smart hosting email ?

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 10:47 AM PDT

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Thanks, i have no idea why i did not think of that - !DOH !

removing exchange server 5.5 without cd

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 08:42 AM PDT

"Lee Derbyshire [MVP]" wrote:

Thanks, that did what I needed!

Message Delivery Problem

Posted: 23 Jun 2007 03:11 PM PDT

Scott <> wrote: 

I don't use anything like that myself...and I haven't really felt a need to.

What is it the proxy purports to protect you from? I'm not familiar with it.


I don't think they need to "fix" your ability to use their server as an open

But if they have Exchange and are running a Pix, they need to remove the
fixup protocol stuff the Pix is doing.


Exchange differences

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 10:47 AM PDT

In Std. Edition you have 5 Stores available, which bumps up to 50 in
Enterprise. It's your call how you want to distribute mailboxes - if you
restricted 1 customer to 1 Store you can host a max of 5
domains/organizations/customers on a Std. Edition box. Locating more than 1
customers on 1 Store doesn't really have any cons except if you're
journaling mailboxes - premium journaling is more granular and still
available to Std. Edition by using Enterprise CALs.

Bharat Suneja
MVP - Exchange
NEW blog location:

"Workwithcisco" <> wrote in message

Auto Forward of sent e-mails

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 08:38 AM PDT

I will take a look.


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

E-mails are not synchronized with a Windows Mobile 5 device

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 02:07 AM PDT

You are not trying to download the emails or attachments to an SD Card?

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2007
Microsoft Certified Partner

"Manuel" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Can't save file in ANY format. I get msg: You are attempting to open a file that is blocked by your registry policy setting. But I've checked them to all be OK to edit.

Microsoft Word - Can't save file in ANY format. I get msg: You are attempting to open a file that is blocked by your registry policy setting. But I've checked them to all be OK to edit.

Can't save file in ANY format. I get msg: You are attempting to open a file that is blocked by your registry policy setting. But I've checked them to all be OK to edit.

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 02:49 PM PDT

when I try to save a file in ANY format, doc, docx or even txt I get msg:

"You are attempting to open a file that is blocked by your registry policy setting."

Can't save file in ANY format, doc, docx, even txt.

But I've checked them to all be OK to edit. 

I've read what it says here and in help, followed the instructions in Trust Center, but still doesn't work. 

I'm using Office Home and Business '13 on Win 7. I've had this PC and Office for over a year, problem just started today. Help, I can't save anything.


numbering comments in Word

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 02:12 PM PDT

In previous versions of Word, the "bubbles" where I write Comments would number the comment.  Apparently, that no longer happens automatically in Word.  (I think I have "Office for Home, Business School," or something like that- it was preinstalled on a Dell I purchased in July.).  Does anyone know how I could set Word to have the comments numbered, and the numbers displayed?

Line Spacing In WORD Documents

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 01:50 PM PDT

Hi: I am not a frequent user of Word or Excel, but usually manage by exploration and availing of the "help" feature.

One frequent frustration concerns line spacing. I often create technical or other documents where I must crowd explanatory text at the bottom. I use narrow or custom margins to create needed space.

But, in spite of that tactic, I still must squeeze text using small point size and minimal line spacing. The line spacing tab on the ribbon seems to permit minimal spacing using point size as the criteria.

However, when I select or enter small point size the result is text with the tops or bottoms of the line of text chopped off. I just do not comprehend how a person should be using the line spacing feature or why it chops the text off.

Here is what I want to achieve: Say my text size is 1/4" (forget points for a minute). And I need 1/16" spacing between each line in order to squeeze all the needed data at the document bottom. As another example I have 1/2" high text and I want 1/8 line spacing?

Word seems to thwart my attempts based on some mysterious unknown ratio of line spacing to type size. And that would make sense in many cases to provide a legible good appearing document. But that ratio should be easy to override. I am struggling with the same problem in Excel.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.


Ron Reeland

word 2013 won't open word files sent by mac user

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 11:30 AM PDT

I've had this problem on and off for a couple months.  Any thoughts? 

I've noticed that sometimes shutting down and restarting the computer will fix the problem, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with the file.  In all cases, it's been a word file sent to me by someone using a mac to my host based outlook 2013.



Can't open ACL files

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 11:06 AM PDT


I have found my .acl files but cannot open them. I double click and can't open them, even when I open IE to do so. It does nothing. Is there something I am missing about these files? I'm not at all familiar with them, but I do know how to double-click!

Many thanks


[Split from the thread at]

office 2013 not opening

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 09:20 AM PDT

I am using windows 8.1 and I have installed office 2013 in it. the problem is office applications such as word, excel not opening when I open. the documents also not opening and it is not showing any error message.

Using Word as an Alternative to Scrivener

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 07:46 AM PDT

One of the best software products for writing fiction is Scrivener, which I own.  However, I also have a Surface tablet and Scrivener has not been ported to it (nor will it likely ever be - they haven't even done an iOS version).  This means lugging a laptop if I want to write and I was hoping to make travel tablet-only.

My use of Scrivener is really light and I'm wondering if there is a way to replicate the core functionality in Word.

What Scrivener does is:

  • On the left plane there is a list of texts - think of them as passages.
  • On the right is the editor window, which is just a text editor.
  • Select which you want on the left and edit on the right.

The key is that you can move the passages around in the left pane which is massively useful - and you don't have to do a copy/paste as you would in Word if you wanted to move a scene from Chapter 4 into Chapter 2.  It also allows you to see all your scenes in one glance instead of scrolling through 100 pages.

Another key feature is the ability to say "now assemble all those scenes that I've ordered the way I want into an RTF".

I don't mind getting down and dirty into macros if I need to - just wondering if there is this word of "outline overview" view or if it can be simulated/recreated in Word somehow.

how insert a user defined field (e.g. for choosing date)

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 06:10 AM PDT

Hello Greetings to all !

I am a new member here.

My question is that if i enter a date field ( using Date Picker Control Content in Developer options), it enters date like this:

Now what if i want to display a different text string, say "Pick the date" in place of "click here to enter a date"?

Like this:

How this can be done?


Word "Revision marking" not working.

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 02:44 AM PDT

I previously created a Word file with revision marks displayed under Office 2007.  When I opened it under Office 2013, the revision marks (i.e., deletion, addition markings).  I can only see vertical lines in red in the left-side margin where text lines are modified.

I could not find any function keys I could click to reactivate this feature.

Will you tell me how to do it?


How to see the information of {PRIVATE} Field Codes

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 12:13 AM PDT


I have used {PRIVATE} Field Codes for hidden my Answers in Question paper word file. Now I want to see again the answer information in {PRIVATE} field codes.

Please help me to get the value of {PRIVATE} field codes.



copy and paste

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 08:45 PM PDT

I have been using Microsoft word 2013 for a few months. I was always able to copy and paste multiple lines/sentences with no problem. Recently everytime I copy a section, and paste it, it only pastes the first line... how do I fix this? I haven't changed any settings. I tried looking in the paste options and cant find any reason why this is happening.

Excel and Word print files -Office 2013

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 07:25 PM PDT

I have an HP 5P printer that WAS connected to my computer until about an hour ago.  I apparently had an unprinted job so I disconnected the printer from the computer port and rebooted it, attempting to delete the reference to the unprinted document.  When I rebooted the computer, the reference is still there, even though the printer is completely disconnected from the computer port.

The print reference, in both Word and Excel is:

HP LaserJet 5P

Offline 1 document waiting

Where USB001


So, I disconnected the printer from the port again, deleted the printer from the registry and rebooted.  Now, when I open either Excel or Word,  I still get reference shown above for USB001 PLUS the following:

HP LaserJet 5P (copy 1)

Status: Offline

Where USB004


How do I get rid of these references in Word and Excel.  I don't want to print these documents.  I don't even know what they are and I don't even care what they are!

I don't have this problem with other programs, for example Turbo Tax.  I have been using my HP 5P to print my tax returns for 20 years, but I just opened Turbotax and the HP 5P is no longer listed as a printer, I assume, because I just deleted it from the registry.

Again, I don't want Copy 1.  I want HP LaserJet 5P on USB001, with no documents waiting  By the way, when I open Printers in Windows, HP 5P is not listed anywhere.  Also, there are no printer dialog boxes available in either Word or Excel for this "waiting" print job so I can delete it like I normally would.

How do fix this?  I would appreciate if, with any explanation, you could include an explanation of why this happened.

Forced Page Breaks

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 04:07 PM PDT


I'm working with a Word 2010 document that forces an entire page break once I hit "enter" after first line of each page, starting with page 2 ( does not happen on the first page) 

I've tried checking paragraph settings in "Line and Page Breaks" (both checking and un-checking boxes for Keep with Next, Keep Lines Together, etc) , Page Set Up Vertical Alignment to "top"

For example, I have 600-word letter that goes to the second or third page, it will print 1 line on each page (starting on page 2), making the document roughly 60 pages total. 

Would appreciate any other suggestions :-)!

Initialzing VBA variables for use as constants? Microsoft Project

Initialzing VBA variables for use as constants? Microsoft Project

Initialzing VBA variables for use as constants?

Posted: 19 Sep 2005 10:06 PM PDT

Exactly, thanks.

"Rod Gill" <rod AT project-systems DOT co DOT nz> wrote in message

Free Slack calculation?

Posted: 19 Sep 2005 06:50 PM PDT


To my knowledge it is the normal calculation rule as published anywhere just
that it takes into account constraints and deadlines.
If you want to rule these out I'm afraid you shouldn't enter any :-)

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"G Lykos" <com> schreef in bericht

Calendar durations (again)

Posted: 19 Sep 2005 07:58 AM PDT

Hi Martin,

Can't you use a lag of 52 weeks or 365 days?

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

Can I build a Technology Roadmap using Microsoft Project?

Posted: 19 Sep 2005 06:16 AM PDT

OK, Alan, but what have you done and what can't you do? Please be more

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Mapper2 wrote: 

Problems with a filter in VBA

Posted: 18 Sep 2005 11:58 PM PDT

In article <>,
com wrote:

If you want to use VBA why not do everything in VBA (i.e. create the
filter, automatically set the two week window and print each resource's
report)? Without actually testing your code out, it seems to me there is
a basic flaw in the implementation. The code loops through each
resource. As it loops it applies a filter but that filter appears to be
a task filter when in fact it should probably be a resource filter (at
least that might explain why the "name" portion doesn't work - in a task
filter resources are identified by the "Resource Names" field while in a
resource filter resources are identified by the "Name" field).

Instead of looping through resources why not loop through tasks. Set the
filter (using the FilterEdit Method) to look for all tasks that have a
Start date less than or equal to a date two weeks from the current date
or a Finish date less than or equal to a date two weeks from the current
date and a Resource Name that is modified automatically each time
through the print loop. It might even be beneficial to sort the whole
file by Resource Names (do not keep outline structure) before applying
the filter. I suggest looping through tasks instead of resources because
filtering on resource dates may give tasks (assignments) outside the
range of interest (remember, resource start and finish dates span the
resources entire assignment period).

As far as not printing blank pages when no assignments appear for a
particular resource in the time span, a selected set construct can be
used, for example:
On Error Resume Next
Set Area = ActiveSelection.Tasks
If Err > 0 then
[skip printing]
On Error GoTo 0 'clears error
End if

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

How is actual duration calculated at the project summary level?

Posted: 17 Sep 2005 06:57 AM PDT

Thanks, Steve.

"Steve House [Project MVP]" wrote:

Duration vs. Start / Finish

Posted: 16 Sep 2005 04:28 PM PDT

hi James,

Enter 4hrs in the work field. Change the task type to fixed duration and
make the duration field 1 week - Start date to Mon 8/29/05 and the Finish
date to Fri 9/2/05.

Following is the link where you can explore the basics of scheduling in
Microsoft Project:

Kind regards,

"James" wrote:

resource and materials planning

Posted: 16 Sep 2005 07:25 AM PDT

HI Bob,

This might work: In the Resource Sheet, create a new resource "Steel
Pillars". Enter it as a resource Type: Work and make the Max. Units 100.
Now, for each task requiring the pillars, change the Task Type to Fixed
Units and Uncheck Effort Driven. Now enter Units as the number of pillars
required for that task.

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #5 & 10 on Resources, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

material bob wrote: 

reschedule uncompleted work in Microsoft 2002 with constrainst?

Posted: 15 Sep 2005 09:31 AM PDT

Hi dalbaugh,

Well, I thought that scheduelling from the start would remove the
constraints produced by scheduelling from the finish that are preventing the
August hours from being pushed forward to September. Did you try that?
Alternatively, select all the tasks and then in Task Information, reset all
constraints to As Soon As Possible.

Mike Glen
Project MVP wrote: 

Microsoft CRM - Navision Integration with Biztalk

Microsoft CRM - Navision Integration with Biztalk

Navision Integration with Biztalk

Posted: 04 May 2005 04:47 AM PDT

see my post in the BizTalk General newsgroup. In short "Yes".

"Xavi" wrote:

Form customisation - default values and storage of picklist values

Posted: 04 May 2005 02:45 AM PDT

From what I understnad in your example you never actually saved the contact
you opened, hence it would not display 05/06 after changing the default to

This test should illustrate how the sytem works:

Open a contact with the default set as 05/06, save it.
Check the database - this record should now be set to 05/06.
Change the default in the form customisation to 06/07.
Open the same contact - it should still display 05/06.

The form customisations, including default values will not affect records in
the database in any way. The only time a record such as a contact is updated
is when a change is made in the record within CRM and you save it. The only
thing default values are doing is suggesting a value for you to save.

Does this make sense?


"JB" wrote:

Not able to type more than one character in fileds after customisaiton

Posted: 04 May 2005 02:34 AM PDT

Good tip.

I'll check it out and let you know.
There might be a couple of letters unknown to the en-us alphabet :)

Licenses Question (Turn a Suite to a Customer)

Posted: 04 May 2005 12:30 AM PDT

Thanks a lot Ronald,

This is exactely what I want :-)


"Ronald Lemmen" <> wrote in message

Root Business Unit can be disabled, believe it or not

Posted: 03 May 2005 11:31 PM PDT

Tnx Don,

Problem is now solved, root unit is enabled. But I'm still confused how
could this happen.

I'll try to update my system with mos recent patches and fixes.

Bojan Buhac

"Dan Quinton" wrote:

SFO Question

Posted: 03 May 2005 06:25 PM PDT

Sorry a couple point I forgot to mention in my last post.
When you said "you can restrict contacts by restricting them in the CRM web
client." what did you mean by this?

Following a fresh installation of SFO on a new laptop we created a contact
in the CRM. This laptop had not previously been offline/replicated. The
newly created contact still went directly to the contacts folder of outlook.

Also, we noticed that when the contact is deleted from the CRM it is not
removed from the Outlook contact section, although it did remove the body of
the contact (address, phone, company etc etc) leaving first name and last
name only. We realise that this is probably the way this part of it works
but I would have thought that the realistic way to do it would be to removed
the lot.

Thanks again!


"Nathan Warner" wrote:

Security - sales guys can still change acct names etc.

Posted: 03 May 2005 01:52 PM PDT

Hi Matt,

It is with existing records, but even still it's been two weeks - I can't
imagine the roles would take that long to propogate? The "hidden" shares is
a possibility, except that I've asked several of the guys to try to change
different accounts, and it still consistently lets them (so it doesn't seem
like a one-off sharing capability)...

"Matt Parks" wrote:

CRM Crystal User Access

Posted: 03 May 2005 07:43 AM PDT

I don't think that is possible. Perhaps you could edit directory security for
reportmanager in IIS and limit access to certain IP addresses?


"Adam DeLaney" wrote:

Non-IE Browsers

Posted: 03 May 2005 07:38 AM PDT

No way around this,....but theres two options, either give them a terminal
services account on the server and they can access CRM that way (I've done
this from linux, so I know it works), or....try to emulate IE in Linux,
theres various articles on how to do this, but I never got around to getting
this to work, but its worth a shot....


"Robert Smith" <> wrote in message

Workplace Display Order

Posted: 03 May 2005 07:23 AM PDT

On the settings queues page i see them in the proper order ie:
Alerts Archive
Backup Archive

But on the workplace page they are in randon order :
alerts archive

"Rob Bakkers" wrote:

Customize Activities Views?

Posted: 03 May 2005 06:32 AM PDT

Thanks a lot,

I found this list if that can help some people on this ng:

00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001899 My Activities
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001900 Open Activities
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001901 Closed Activities
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001902 All Activities
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001903 Activities Associated View
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001911 Homepage
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001951 Sales Process Activities Subgrid
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000000666100 Activities Advanced Find View
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010002000 Associated View: Notes
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001203 Associated View Opportunities
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001204 Articles
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001205 Associated View: Teams
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001206 Associated View: Competitors
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001207 Associated View: Business Units
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001208 Associated View: Roles
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001209 Articles - Manage KB Search
00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001210 Associated View: Contacts


"Rob Bakkers" <> wrote in message

CRM 1.2 Lead Activity History

Posted: 02 May 2005 01:32 PM PDT

Hi Matt,

Great suggestion! Thanks, will give that a go.


"MattNC" wrote:

compare microsoft crm, legrand, act

Posted: 02 May 2005 11:54 AM PDT

Thank you for your prompt response Matt
I can see an advantage in using a microsoft product for integration with the
rest of the suite. I will find a partner in wellington NZ to get more
detailed advice

"MattNC" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Moving from VBA to C# for developing add-ins to Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word - Moving from VBA to C# for developing add-ins to Microsoft Office

Moving from VBA to C# for developing add-ins to Microsoft Office

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 12:52 PM PDT

I have heard that it is possible to write apps for Word in C# as a replacement for VBA.  I have just spent over an hour going through a bewildering maze of what seems to be conflicting information on the Web.  I see Visual Studio 2010 and 2013, I see Visual Studio Tools for Office, I see Office Interop, I see MSDN, I see .NET 4.5.  But I cannot find a simple roadmap of what to do if I want to move on from VBA. One of the key benefits for me would be to use the more mature Visual Studio as the IDE in place of the built-in VBA editor which is ... flaky ... to say the least.

I would be eternally grateful if someone can tell me if it is possible, what I need, what would I gain/lose and how much it would cost.  I am a retired software developer currently working on a non-profit project with no possibility of any remuneration whatsoever, so I cannot even think of spending thousands of dollars.  Free downloads would be ideal.

I am using Office 2010 currently but may upgrade to 2013 if needed.


Stop Word 2013 from printing extra page showing statistics

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 12:47 PM PDT

I have not found why Word Pro 2013 is printing an extra page showing the information shown in this image followed by my document.

This does not occur when printing any other content i.e. PDF, test print, internet content. This does not happen when printing in Word Pro 2010.

How do I turn this off for Word Pro 2013?

Need to "undelete" an essay

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 12:25 PM PDT

I have office 365 on iPad mini and my essay in word was deleted by mistake. I need help undoing that mistake please.

thank you

Content Control: Address Book Option?

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 11:51 AM PDT

I'm using content controls to create a form letter.  I would like a field that give the user the option to type in the addressee and address or to choose an address from his/her contacts list.  I can get the Address book into Word on the quick access toolbar.  is there a way to link that to an option in the drop down box?

Thank you.

"Word has run into an error"

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 11:12 AM PDT

hello, so I have had Microsoft Office 2013 for almost a full year and all of my Office programs work except for Word 2013. This is a new error that keeps occurring. Everytime I try to click on the Word icon the message "We're sorry but Word has run into an error that has prevented it from working properly". I have tried literally everything I can to get help with this problem; I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2013 over 3 times, I have changed the settings for Office, I have repaired Office and I even called Microsoft Support and spoke to 2 "experts" who could not help. I have also looked at all of these discussions to see if I could find a solution. Although I have read a lot of helpful comments, nothing has worked for me and I really need this program for school. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!

exporting documents new letterhead using batch method

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 09:48 AM PDT


We have documents that were "exported" to new letterhead as the company logo changed over the years. This was done by using a macro. Once again the company logo/information has changed and I am being asked to export the information onto new letterhead.

Two parts to my question:

1) As the information was exported from one letterhead to another the versions of MS Office also changed, therefore old codes transferred along with the information. This makes the documents act strange at times. Can we remove old macros or code before transferring the information?

2) What is the best to move the information wholesale (batched) from letterhead to another?


Word 13 Visual Basics Error: The language VBE7INTL.DLL could not be found.

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 09:24 AM PDT


everytime I launch Word 13 and try to create a blank document, this VB error pops up. After closing it, it'll come up a few more times, then Windows tells me, that the VB environment couldnt be initiliazed. Afterwards Word doesnt work anymoe.

I think the problem appeared when I installed the german language pack on my Surface.

It's not bc of too little RAM, and I already tried creating a new normal.dotm file, the new one has a little ! in the icon... Um, or does it have sth to do with the .dll file?

Any help would be kindly appreciated :)

Preserving text format when copying and paste special-ing from Excel to Word in Office 2010 Professional Plus

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 09:18 AM PDT

I am trying to copy a fairly complex spreadsheet (one that contains several simple mathematical functions coded into the document -- I mention this in case it might be having some effect on what I'm experiencing) from Excel to Word, but when I do so, the text within the cells is affected ... the spacing between some characters becomes wider, causing other characters to nearly overlap with one another and rendering the text whacky-looking on the whole. I am highlighting and copying the table within Excel, placing my cursor on the destination page in Word, clicking "Paste Special," and selecting "Paste as Microsoft Excel Worksheet Document."

Does anyone have any idea how I can accomplish transferring this table from Excel to Word WITHOUT messing up the text within the cells?


Citing resource from an inserted online picture or video

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 09:05 AM PDT

With the new additions, inserting pictures and videos directly from the Internet (online) is a breeze. How can you automatically have your resources cited in the footnotes or bibliography section on your paper (similar to what Google Docs) does for you?

Will System Restore put my deleted Ms Office applications back?

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 08:26 AM PDT

I have been trying to fix a problem on my computer and as part of it I deleted my MS Office application.  If I do a system restore that I took prior to working on my computer, will it restore my MS Office applications ?

Make spell check ignore partial words followed by a hyphen?

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 08:07 AM PDT

I transcribe audio regularly.  My format requires that I transcribe partial words followed by two hyphens.  The spell check flags every one of these.  Is there a way to get the spell check to ignore them?  I tried adding *-- to the dictionary, but it didn't work.


How To Change Microsoft Word 2013 editable fields default setting. Do not want to have to click "View/Edit Document" to edit fields!

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 06:41 AM PDT

In the older versions of word, when I opened one of our lease documents, which has a text field and check box field, I  used to be able toopen the doc and edit those fields. Now with the new Word 2013, those fields are not editable unless you click "View/Edit Document". Just 2 extra steps but time consuming when you are doing 100's of leases. 

Is there a way in the settings to set it so you can just edit the fields upon opening.  And not have to click "View/Edit Document".

Thank you

Directory name not valid error message

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 06:22 AM PDT

Whenever I start Word 2013 I get this message:

C:\Temp is a directory on my hard drive and I can both read and write to it. 

When I start Word in Safe Mode by holding down CTRL, the error message does not appear. But when I start it normally, the error message comes back.

I have tried deleting my normal.dotx file to let Word recreate it, but that didn't get rid of the error. What else should I check to see where the error comes from?

Word 2013 repair?

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 06:12 AM PDT

Word was working fine u til 2 days ago when it said this: Something went wrong/We couldn't start your program etc......Try repairing from "Programs and Features" on control panel.

Well I can't find this Programs and Features on the control panel............Help.

I did do a restore to previous date and that helped other problems but now this one.

Plus, when it is working it makes me save all my docs to PDF before I print, and when I want to print it keeps asking me to save as PDF when I already have, so it won't print. Suggestions?

I'm not real savvy so simple is better then techie, thanks.


Merging to Word2013 document with embedded spreadsheet

Posted: 26 Sep 2014 03:28 AM PDT

I am having problems when merging to a word document which has embedded spreadsheets.  This problem has arisen today previously it was working fine.

When the merge has been completed all of the mergefield codes are like this {DATE \@ "d MMM yyyy"} which reverts to the correct information when I toggle the field code.

However the document also has two embedded spreadsheets which show as { EMBED Excel.sheet.12 }.  I can open this document and edit it but cannot get it to display as a table in the word document.  Obviously a setting has changed somewhere but where?

krikirgappa update

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 10:22 PM PDT

I am using Office365 Professional.

All of a suddent, I am getting an additional panel on the top right of my office word program..

It says Kirikirigappa downloader.

How to get rid of this additional downloader toolbar on my word program.

It's happening from the last one week. I assume I got to see this on 18th Sep on my word and still not going off.

I didn't find anything with that name under add-ins.

Creating a drop down box in word 2013

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 06:14 PM PDT

I am trying to create a drop down box in word 2013 - I have searched and it says to go to view > toolbar > forms. But when I go to view I cannot find the toolbar option. I also cant even find a help tab in 2013. Im trying to add this and not very tech savvy - help please!

horizontal pan when editing graphic in Word

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 05:01 PM PDT


Win 7, Office 365, MS Word:

Created new empty doc, creating flowchart-type graphic.

Page=letter, landscape, 1/4" margins all around.

As I add an item to the chart, then try to add/edit text, the graphic slides sideways on the screen to show the left side of the graphic.

Not the part of the graphic I'm working on, the whole other edge of the page, and I can't see the element I was adding!


This is when I'm zoomed in on the graphic to where the whole page doesn't fit on the screen. Word's window does not seem to be repositioning, so I'm assuming (yeah, ****/u/me) that it's Word and not my display drivers, etc.

Any ideas?



Microsoft Word 2010 - Using calculations in table

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 04:19 PM PDT


I am trying to build a formula within a table in Word. Table 1 is where the formula is. Table two is where the information is.

Table 1 - I need to show a % of the following in table 2.

If (table2 c5 = 0, 0, c5/c4)

Word 2010 cannot connect to Outlook 2013 address book for mail merge

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 03:33 PM PDT

I have a problem connecting from Word to the address book.

In the Envelope and Labels window, when looking to mail merge, there is no icon for the address book.  I have attached how it should look but have circled the icons that are missing on the PC in question.

Also, after creating a quick launch icon, it is grayed out.

Machine Specs
Word 2010, Outlook 2013 on a Recent Windows7 PC.

Adding automatic paragraph number also adds strikeout text

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 03:19 PM PDT

I have a document with multi-level lists tied to the built-in heading levels.   I am entering the text in track changes for a client.  When I enter my Heading 2 text, I turn off track changes.  However, even with track changes TURNED OFF, the document enters the previous number as strikeout text in front of the new number (in redline text)!   I tried accepting just that change, but Word ignores it (I'm in Word 2013 and "accept this change" is greyed out; "accept and move to next" just moves to the next line of text without changing anything).   How do I fix that?????

Cannot open a 97-03 Word file in Word 2010

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 03:09 PM PDT


I have some very old files that I am now trying to open in Word 2010.  The files were created on an old computer and I had the hard drive contents transferred to this computer years ago.  The Type of file according to the list of files is Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document.  In the same folder I also have duplicates of each file with the addition of ._ at the beginning of each file.  When I double click on the file (without that addition) I get a message saying that: Word was unable to read this document. It may be corrupt.  I tried the Open and Repair feature and it did not work.  I also tried to open in IE and it did not work.  Please let me know how I can open these files.  Much appreciated!

How to put a text over an equation in word 2010?

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 12:06 PM PDT

I want to make this formula in Word 2010 in equation tools, but I do not know how insert character "o" up this formula that are shown with red arrows.

I also used Matrix 2*1 from equation tab but it did not exactly same as bellow.