

How do I add slack to a task? Microsoft Project

How do I add slack to a task? Microsoft Project

How do I add slack to a task?

Posted: 16 Jul 2005 10:45 AM PDT

Pete DeLorme wrote: 

I'm somewhere between the purists and the infidels. The methods
mentioned will add slack, but probably at some peril in most cases. I
like to create overall project slack by putting in what's called a
"buffer" in Critical Chain scheduling, "UEWS" (Unexpected Events Within
Scope) by the person that taught it to me long before there was
Critical Chain scheduling. At the end of the project, right before the
Finish milestone, put in a task called UEWS. Estimate it's duration
based on experience, level of uncertainty, etc. It's just like putting
contingency money in the budget. That's why some call it "Schedule
Contingency". Then, the name of the game is to decrease the UEWS as the
rest of the project slips, trying to finish the project before you run
out of UEWS.
Done this way, it doesn't really show up as total slack in the
schedule, but as an additional critical task at the end of the
schedule. Nonetheless, it acts as slack. Once I started doing this, I
seldom overran a schedule.
The purists might have a fit about doing this, which I've never
understood. One of the more significant goals of doing PM in the first
place is to finish on time most of the time. Any tool short of out and
out lieing that helps me bring in my projects on time is valid.
Best of luck finding what works best in your world.

outline a project by using intentions

Posted: 16 Jul 2005 08:08 AM PDT


Yep! The supervisor may have meant or actually said INDENTIONS but it came
out of the student's mouth as INTENTIONS (asked him to repeat it a couple of
times) - at any rate we covered indentions as well - both indenting and
outdenting. Thanks for the suggestion.


"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

creating a todo list withh a date range

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 12:05 PM PDT

Ok, I figured out how I think you're SUPPOSED to
generate a report with a date range, but it doesn't work.
I do:
view>reports>assignments>who does what>edit>
filter>date range>select>show tasks that start or
finish after 7/20/2005>and before 9/1/2005

The results are all over the board. I'm showm tons
of tasks that have start/finish dates both back in May
that are marked 100% complete. Do I not understand
something here? Thanks!

"RobR" <com> wrote in message

xlVBAlignTop etc. Stopped Being Recognized

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 10:31 AM PDT

That was it. Thanks!
- Will

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

Project Characterised by Major Ambiguity and Uncertainty

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 09:28 AM PDT

I've got a problem with that approach in that you have no way of knowing if
you're on the right track or not viz-a-viz your organization's buiness
objectives and strategy. It almost seems like you're trying to say you
define the project's outcomes on how much work you can afford to devote to
new development instead of deciding what you should develop and whether it
fits into the company's long term strategy. Work drives the schedule when
you know what it is you want toi accomplish. But it sounds like you're
saying "we can afford to do 500 hours of work, what could we do with it?"
letting the affordable work define the objective and calling that a project.
HOW to accomplish an objective may very well be a moving target in
innovative endeavors, that's why a phased apporach to scheduling can be a
good idea. But it seems to me that clearly defining the objective itself -
in concrete, quantifiable, objective terms - and making a go/no-go decision
based on whether it contributes to the long term strategy of the firm simply
must be a prelude to anthing else. (Just because you can do something it
doesn't mean you should do it.)
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Paul" <com> wrote in message

Earned value and project management deliverables

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 06:25 AM PDT

In article <com>,
Jan M. <> wrote:
Responses to your followup questions are as follows: 
You're welcome 
Month by month LOE tasks may or may not be considered "recurring". It's
kind of a matter of interpretation. Let's say the project needs a PM for
all of 2005 (i.e. Jan 3 through Dec 30). This particular PM effort has
no specific deliverables so the whole year"s effort is considered LOE. I
would set up a series of tasks, one each month, with perhaps the Task
Names of: "Perform PM support for Jan", "Perform PM support for Feb",
etc. Are those recurring tasks, yeah, probably so. Whether the tasks are
planned using the recurring task function of Project or whether they are
entered discretely is a matter of user choice. 
After thinking more about my answer on this, LOE does NOT necessarily
need to be level loaded. Normally it would be but perhaps there is more
intensive LOE activity toward the beginning or end of a month and less
in the middle. In this case, a contour could be applied but I'm not sure
that it matters a whole lot because if the task is LOE, taking "credit"
is automatic and since status is on a monthly basis, it doesn't really
matter that more hours were actually accrued in the first and last week
of the month. Another scenario could however be that on a particular
project there is more PM activity during certain months (e.g. preparing
for quarterly reviews). In that case, resource loading need not be the
same for all months in the year. Each month is loaded flat but months
are not loaded the same. 
Once again I was a little to hasty in my response. For LOE tasks, SPI is
guaranteed to always be "1", but CPI is not. (We actually had a case
where one of our support activities had a ballooning positive CPI. Their
support was planned as LOE but no one actually worked on the task. It
wasn't discovered for a few months because their piece of the program
was overshadowed by activities with much larger budgets. Obviously we
had to re-think and re-plan their whole support activity in light of the
fact that a significant portion of their "budget" had been "blown").

For LOE tasks SPI is guaranteed to be "1" because "credit" is given for
simply existing (e.g. the PM was at work and therefore supported the
program this month), hence BCWP is always equal to BCWS. In our system,
all performers, except those under LOE, reported status. Tasks covered
by LOE were automatically credited by the system - no user statusing

Hopefully, this clarifies some things.

Project MVP 

MSP Scheduling durations

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 01:44 AM PDT

The duration of a task is the number of working time units according to the
calendar governing the task between start and finish. Operative werm there
is "working time units". If a fulltime employee who is scheduled for 8
hours a day is assigned a task tarting Mon at 8 and ending Mon at 5, he'll
be on that task for 8 of his working time hours between start and end. If a
part-time employee who is scheduled for 4 hours a day works on a task that
starts Mon at 8am and ends Tue at 5pm, he too is on that task for 8 of his
working time hours. The durations of the two tasks are both identical - 8
hours are required to produce the deliverable - even though their elapsed
times are very different.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"RB" <> wrote in message 

How can duration be set for calendar days?

Posted: 14 Jul 2005 04:41 PM PDT

Julie has given you a good workaround to dispay task elapsed times. By al
means use it for reports, etc, if that's what more senior management wants
to see but when developing the actual plan try to resist the temptation to
use elapsed time in lieu of duration. Duration is that portion of the
elapsed time where work can take place Assuming the standard calendar,
that's why the duratiuon of a task beginning Wednesday and ending the
following Tuesday is 5 days and not 7. According to the calendar no work
will happen, no progress achieved on Sat or Sun. So when you look at a task
that can begin Monday and will take 10 days of work to complete, your finish
date will be 10 working days plus how ever many nonworking days intervene
down the line. To develop an accurate schedule you really have to drop the
dates where work doesn't happen from the overall elapsed time.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"mrcog" <> wrote in message

Export wizard truncates to 2 decimals, and I really need to retai.

Posted: 14 Jul 2005 11:56 AM PDT

Multiply by 1000.

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"Hulder-One" <> wrote in message

Email Status Requests in Project 2003 (w/o posting to the server)

Posted: 14 Jul 2005 10:15 AM PDT

You're welcome, Michelle :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Michelle Moulliet wrote: 

Microsoft CRM - Advance Find in Activities Histories

Microsoft CRM - Advance Find in Activities Histories

Advance Find in Activities Histories

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 10:07 AM PST

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your response. I kind of figured that was the case. It amazes me
that Microsoft has built so many search engines and they missed something so
basic as this in CRM. Will look into the c360 product and wait patiently for
CRM 2.0 (2005) when it comes.

Thanks again!!

"Dave Carr" wrote:

migration from ACT6.0 to MSCRM

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 08:15 AM PST

On 17 Feb 2005 08:15:04 -0800, "Alex" <com> wrote:

It depends on what you want to migrate. If you simply want the
contacts just export those from the ACT! Export option. If you want
activities, notes, opps then you need to do something else

BCM migration will work on some ACT 6 databases but not others - one
worked find, another hung after processing about 5% of the records.

Another option is to use Goldmine. You can download Goldmine trial
version and import the ACT! data into that making sure you use SQL
Server for the Goldmine database and then use DTS to extract the data
out of SQL into the CDF database. However, Goldmine does change the
data structure but this might be good enough

We are currently looking at Export Pro which exports ACT into Access.
See which at $279 is
relatively cheap.

Julian Sharp
Vigence for MS CRM in the UK

Mapping between Contracts and Account or Contact not functional

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 07:07 AM PST

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 07:07:03 -0800, "Herman Greven" <Herman> wrote:

Nothing gets mapped when a contract is created. Is suspect it is the
Select Template popup which causes this.

It is very annoying.....

Julian Sharp
Vigence for MS CRM in the UK

MicroSoft CRM Capability

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 03:24 AM PST

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 00:32:42 +0000, Julian Sharp
<> wrote:

I meant PostURL...


Julian Sharp
Vigence for MS CRM in the UK

New Callout Model in V2.0 - Feedback Requested

Posted: 16 Feb 2005 09:39 PM PST

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 14:40:56 -0600, Matt Parks
<com> wrote:


You can do an async postcallout by simply running your processing in a
separate thread i.e. in the postcallout start a new thread and do the
processing in that - the UI is not held up this way. This is useful if
the processing is relatively simple and the overhead of using a queue
would be overkill.

However, there are times when I want the postcallout to be part of the
transaction. The example I have is in quote/order detail where I pull
back details from the selected product into the quote/order detail e.g
cost price and calculate margin - the users expect to see this on the
refresh. Perhaps doing this processing in a pre-callout but
effectively still have the same problem in performance as just moving
where the custom processing happens

Julian Sharp
Vigence for MS CRM in the UK

Publish completed with errors, CRM failed

Posted: 16 Feb 2005 08:59 PM PST

Thankyou for response. I have mentioned the eventlog error below.

The error details as seen on the event viewer are as follows:-

Event ID: 0

ProcessImportWorkItem Error : The network path was not found.
, StackTrace : at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode,
String str)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String
destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
Microsoft.Crm.Tools.ImportExportXml.XmlCustomizati on.ProcessImportWorkIt
em(Object status)

Thank you
Ravi Chander

"Peter Lynch" <com.SPAMFREE> wrote in message
Please post relevant event details from the CRM server Application log, so
we can help you
"ravichander" <> wrote in message

I have CRM 1.2 server and Database server installed in one system. All
these Days I used to add one or more attributes to CRM using deployment
manager. Now I have requirements for adding few more attributes, hence i
have added few more attributes and trying to do publish customization. I
have select Lead and then seleted target CRM server and said next then it
says "Publish completed with errors,see event log, -> CRM failed" and then
CRM site gets stopped.

anybody body help is highly appreciated .

Thanks in advance

Ravi Chander

What do you use for monitoring & backup for CRM?

Posted: 16 Feb 2005 06:45 AM PST

A few other comments...

First of all, unless you have a second data center that is completely integrated
with your infrastrucutre, you will never get even close to 5 9's. You need an
extremely expensive infrastructure to hit this.

One important item the other 2 forgot to mention is to make sure you are backing
up your AD catalog. The DB backups are almomst worthless from a recovery
standpoint without the AD backups.

If you have your DB's configured for Full recovery, you need to ensure that you
are also running Log backups. Otherwise, your log files will continue to grow.
They do not reclaim their space when Full backups are done.

The DB server is your biggest point of failure. If you are truly concerned
about recovery in the event of a failure of the machine, you need to basically
have a pretty solid plan in place. I've heard of a few different approaches to

1) Have a second server that is the same config that is basically turned off.
In the event of a failure, the backup server can be swapped into place, restore
and go. Key is for the server to have the same machine name as the original.
You could also explore the ability to swap the drives in the RAID from one to
the other, but not sure how well that works.

2) Simlar to the first approach, but a key difference is the use of a SAN device
to house the database files. This eliminate the need to do a restore after
swapping out the chassis.

If you are not using SFO, then you can also "choose" to disable replication and
then implement a clustered DB. The issue with "support" on a clustered DB is
related to the offline synch process with SFO.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 06:45:05 -0800, Dave McGuire
<com> wrote:

Question to everyone:

i know that when your CRM setup is in a development or demo environment
there's not much backup or monitoring going on. But, what do you use when
it's in a production environment?

How do you make sure it approaches "five nines" availability? Do you use
service monitoring or just plain old SNMP traps? How do you back it up? _DO_
you back it up?

I'd be interested in your comments and replies. I think it'd be an
interesting thread.

I'll start:
If I ran the network, I'd probably use WhatsUp FT from Ipswitch to do the
monitoring, and Backup Exec with addons to do the backup.
Since I don't run my network, the current setup is "no monitoring, backup
every so often" using a program I've never heard of.

Crystal report file locations

Posted: 14 Feb 2005 05:31 PM PST

Thanks John, I will look for the tool.

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Custom fields appear in deployment manager but not in database

Posted: 14 Feb 2005 04:09 AM PST

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 00:16:39 -0800, "John O'Donnell"
<com-nospam> wrote:

Yes and it's still inconsistent and still broken.

Microsoft Word - Spell Checking a specific section in a MS Word Form

Microsoft Word - Spell Checking a specific section in a MS Word Form

Spell Checking a specific section in a MS Word Form

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 03:15 PM PDT


I have a Word Form with multiple sections. 

The macro that contains the code below is used in a Macro Button.  It works perfectly in spell checking the entire document. 

Is it possible to modify it to limit the spell checking process to the current section of a document?

Thank you


Sub SpellCheck()

' If document is protected, Unprotect it.
   If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then
      ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:=""
   End If

   ' Set the language for the document.
   Selection.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
   Selection.NoProofing = False

   ' Perform Spelling/Grammar check.
   If Options.CheckGrammarWithSpelling = True Then
   End If

   ' ReProtect the document.
   If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdNoProtection Then
      ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, _
   End If
End Sub

Word for iPad print unavailable

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 03:01 PM PDT

I have a network printer which I connected to other apps (specifically the HP eprint app, which doesn't allow OneDrive connection for some reason...).

here's my problem: the Print option doesn't even appear. The file option has two small circular arrows on it, and it gives options to autosave, view file properties, but not printing.

Do I need to set up my printer there somehow? How do I do that?

Thanx for the help!

Make watermark visible through images

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 01:37 PM PDT

Hey folks,

Does anyone here have a clue on how I could make my watermark visible through pictures in my document? As there are quite a few of them, it is almost never fully visible. This does look somewhat inelegant.

All answers are appreciated! Thank you!

Printing/Showing only the Outside the Border marker in word 2010

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 01:17 PM PDT

I have a document that I want to print out with the vertical bar Outside the Border marker for changes I have made.  I do not want to see the change itself just the marker in the border.

Can anyone tell how if this can be done?

Word 2010 - F11 Key

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 11:24 AM PDT

Hi there.  I hope someone can help me.

I have just had a new PC with Windows 8 and Microsoft Office 2010 installed. On previous PCs and versions of Word I have always been able to use the F11 key to navigate around text forms fields inserted within documents.  As this is a considerable amount of my work, I was somewhat dismayed to find I can no longer do this with the latest version.  In fact I can't find any other shortcut to get from one text form field to another without taking my hand off the keyboard and clicking on it!  When I looked in the Word Help instructions it says the F11 key function is 'next form field' but it isn't!

Is there any way I can change the functionality of the F11 key please?  At the moment it has the function of pausing or slowing down my transcription software by 50%, which is the most useless function I could possibly have.... and of course I keep pressing it by mistake thinking I can go to the next form field.  Very infuriating!

Thank you in advance. I hope the answer is not too technical as I'm not very good with that sort of thing :(

Export from Word to CSV

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 09:45 AM PDT

I have a Word document containing requirements that I want to import into RMsis that will only accept CSV files. The first row of the CSV must contain column headings. The native Word Save As options do not include CSV so I'm thinking that I need to get the text into Excel and save from there as CSV.

Can you advise?

Multiple Copies - different Footers

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 08:49 AM PDT

I have searched and cannot find what surely is something other people want to do.

I have a simple document in word (2010, but I guess would be similar for all?)

I want to print two copies of the same 1 page document - but with one labelled "Customer copy" and one labelled " Sales copy", ideally in the footer

I can of course do this by printing one copy, editing footer and then printing another copy, but there must be a simpler way?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


VB script to open form as copy or to save as copy

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 08:12 AM PDT


I have created a userform in MS Word 2013;  I found the instructions on youTube. What happens is when you open the form a popup box appears where you type in information.  That information goes into specified areas in the form.  It works great with one major exception.  I don't want the user to be able to save information to the original form.  I want them to either, save as copy or  open form as copy. 

If I save the form as a template, I lose the popup box that appears at opening.     Is there a way to do this?  Have a copy of the form appear when the user opens the original?  Or where the user can print and/or save as? 

Thank for any help

Windows restart itself after opening Microsoft Word 2013 (occur when it turns to blank screen)

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 06:46 AM PDT

My friends faces this problem from last week. This problem occur when try to opening Microsoft word. When he open Microsoft Word, it directly show blank screen for 1-3 minutes before windows restart itself. Even he updated windows to latest version include driver, BIOS, the problem still exist. Can someone help my friend?

Need to reinstall Word

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 06:37 AM PDT

The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.

This message was received on a friend's computer after somebody kindly:

Updated their laptop from XP to Windows 7 (Home, 32).  They copied various folders to 'Old Windows' including Microsoft Office/Office 12/1033 etc. and I suppose they thought it might be possible to restore Word from there.  But clicking on Winword in the Office 12 folder gives the above so clearly my friend needs to do a proper installation.  Trouble is that she doesn't have the CD or a product key - thinks maybe Office was installed on computer when she got it?  Is there anything she can do?

Word 2013 - Texture Fill Word Art

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 05:55 AM PDT

I publish a weekly newsletter for work.  They have upgraded to Word 2013 and I am unable to fill my word art with a texture fill.  Now, I am not talking about the BACKGROUND of the word art...but the ACTUAL letters themselves.  This is a VALUABLE feature to me...and it seems to have been deleted from Word 2013.

Is there a way of doing this?

Also, if I save my newsletter template as "compatible", I lose all of the details such as beveled text boxes, etc.

Large white border on custom paper

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 04:49 AM PDT

I'm having trouble printing from Word and would appreciate if anyone can help me! Having set a Word document to print on a custom-sized paper a thick white border, about 2cm deep, appears at the top and the bottom of the document. The document is the same size as the custom paper. The border isn't affected by changing the margin sizes and there is no guttering. If I convert the document into pdf than the white border can be removed by choosing the "fit" option and it prints normally as a "fit" pdf. The printer manufacturer, Canon, says it is a Microsoft issue rather than an issue with the printer. Any help much appreciated!

Word 2007 - There was a problem sending the command to the program

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 04:42 AM PDT

I have Windows 7, Office 2007. When I click on a .doc or .docs file I receive a message "There was a problem sending the command to the program" I have verified and reinstalled my printer. I have right clicked on a .doc or .docx file and set the default program to Microsoft Word, and clicked always use this program to open with.

It works once for that file, then the next file gets the same error.

File/Print changes footer

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 04:34 AM PDT


I have a Word 2010 document into which I have placed footers. I needed the filepath and page number, so I inserted a two-column table into the footer. I inserted the filename field into the left-hand column and the page number field into the right-hand column. I then removed the table borders. This works fine in a number of documents I have made. In a couple of documents, however, when I click on File/Print to preview them, the page numbers have disappeared. Returning to view the document by clicking on the Home tab, I find that the table and page number has vanished, just leaving the file name. I've spent several hours trying to work out why this is happening, with no success. Can anyone suggest anything?

Many thanks!

Launching Word from eMail client bypasses password protection.

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 03:01 AM PDT

I received an MS Word file (docx format) as an attachment. The file was passord-protected, with the password supplied in a separate e-mail.

Using Thunderbird e-mail client under Windows 7 I launched the file in Word by double-clicking on the attachment icon.

The file opened and displayed the full contents without any prompt for the password.

(Saving the file to my computer and opening it from Word triggered the password prompt as expected.)

The way Thunderbird deals with opening an attachment is to write the file to a systems temporary folder, and to call the helper application associated with that file type.

In other words, Thunderbird invokes Word and Word gets the file from the temporary systems folder.

Apparently Word bypasses its own security when a file is launched in this way.

This happens with Word 2007 and Word 2010.

The whole point of sending password-protected files by e-mail is that anyone intercepting the file should not be able to open it without the password.  That is not the case!

This would appear to be a security bug!


(Edited after more testing.)

I can't get this to happen if I send myself a password-protected document created in Word 2007 or 2010.

I'm baffled.  Is there something about the specific document format that causes this behaviour?  (I don't know which version of Word was used to create the offending document.)

word 2013

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 02:40 AM PDT

word 2013

No option for black and white or colour print

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 02:39 AM PDT

I cant print in colour and there isn't an option in the printer preference section...

Word AutoFormat Error: Places 1 letter per line

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 01:52 AM PDT

I am trying to format my document into 2 columns. When I highlight the text needed to go into columns, it gives most of it in a column. Then it decided to put the rest as having 1 letter per line, as shown in the screenshot. What is going on and why? How do I fix it?

Auto correct

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 12:42 AM PDT

i've added some words to auto correct but i'm looking for a way that when i copy and paste those words, auto correct , correct them not only after pushing Space button after words.

Can I mix and match long and short edge printing in the same document?

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 11:36 PM PDT

I'm printing a document which has both A4 and A3 pages within it. I want to print the document both sides with the A4 pages flipped on the long edge and the A3 on the short edge. Is this possible? I don't really want to split the A3 and A4 into two separate docs.


Unable to launch Office applications as no Office icons on Windows Metro or Desktop.

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 10:33 PM PDT

Original Title: About microsoft office

I subscribe to microsoft office 365 premium for monthly, I installed it, and then what happen is there were no icons appeared. i installed it many times, and i saw the tutorial, then it said i am done, so i can use it now, but then there were no icons of word, excel, etc. appeared in my desktop.. Then when i open a document, i can open it using a microsoft word but the problem is there is no icons appeared in my desktop..and I can't open the powerpoint, excel etc. so what should i do?

Desperate: page number updating

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 09:18 PM PDT

I had this problem once before (12-09-2013). I asked here and one of you wrote:

Even if you Select All (Ctrl-A) and press F9, your cross-references might not update

depending on how you add new headings to your document. Cross-references break

if you add a new paragraph to your document by pressing Enter at the beginning of

a referenced (usually numbered) heading. !!!! To prevent this, you must add new

paragraphs by pressing Enter at the end of the previous paragraph. For example, if

you have a section in your document numbered 5.2.6 and it's already referenced earlier

in your document, don't press Enter where the x is below.... 5.2.6 x Heading Title Press

Enter at the end of the line before this section. This is counter-intuitive in practice, but

essential to preserving accurate cross-references as your document grows.

I must have forgotten about this warning and added a paragraph the wrong way. So now I

have this same problem but worse. When I delete a cross-ref and re-enter it, the page #

seems to be OK but if I do F9, it becomes wrong. Updating page number cross-refs

is broken even for docs that used to work and ones predating the first occurrence!

Probably has something to do with the Template. ?? Is there a way to remove the'

template (or the equivalent, such as fixing it or messing with the Registry) without removing

the styles I've assigned? (My macros can be re-entered.)

I assume there is no way to undo the wrongly entered new paragraph.

Even re-entering every cross ref (I have hundreds) would be better than the mess I'm faced with now.


Steve Gray

Need to make odd/even page headers

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 06:41 PM PDT

I'm working with Office 2007 Word and I need to make odd/even page headers that center the file name and put page numbers on the outside margin.  I've found headers with 3 text fields but they don't automatically put in the page numbers.  I need them to look something like this:

odd page:          325 (left aligned)           File name (center aligned)

even page:          File Name (center aligned)              326 (right aligned)

I haven't found a single header under Building blocks that have just those two fields without anything else.  I even tried using Plain Number 1 and 3 put you can't center the file name separately from the page number.  Is there a way to build my own and include them in Building Blocks Organizer?

Re-install Word 2010 after hard drive replace--no product key

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 06:33 PM PDT

Hi. I'm getting my hard drive replaced so I'll need to re-install Word 2010, but I can't find the CD I bought four years ago. Is there a way to recover my product key so I don't have to buy Word again? 

If providing instructions here, PLEASE give simple, exact step-by-step instructions. I do not have an IT background. Thanks.

Doc files not opening

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 04:06 PM PDT

Suddenly I cannot open doc or docx files from explorer. Word 2013 opens fine from the start menu and I can open files from within word. When I try to open from explorer the "save as" file window opens.

When I try and open an xlsx file from explorer the "save as" window opens and I get an error message "There was a problem sending the command to the program.  Excel opens fine from the start menu.

Strangely "Open Office" files will open word from explorer....

I checked file associations and reset my computer - what's next?

word error message and shut down

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 03:01 PM PDT


I get the error message when I try to print from any source

Windows 8.1 File Explorer Preview Pane not working for Office

Posted: 15 Jun 2014 02:24 PM PDT

When activating the Preview pane in File Explorer, Excel and Word documents will not appear in the Preview Pane. Other file types, such as .pdf and .gif files work just fine. I am using Office 365.

Any ideas?

Exchange Server stopped accepting internet email, but will transmi - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange Server stopped accepting internet email, but will transmi - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange Server stopped accepting internet email, but will transmi

Posted: 14 Jan 2007 02:48 PM PST

Thank you for your quick reply. I will answer these questions, then seek
your further advice. Look for my response on Tuesday, Jan 16th.
Again, thank you.

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" wrote:

OWA and Exmerge problems

Posted: 14 Jan 2007 11:08 AM PST

Yes i have done that and doesnt seem to help. im wondering if it has
anything to do with the users that were transfered from the nt4 domain.
the only thing i dont get about ad is that why is there a place for two
different account logins like we have and the old
xxx_xxxxxx-XX logins but its like wins or something ? but we dont run
wins so i wont if the new accounts are going to local and the old
account on the xxx_xxx-XX accounts???


Address book disapeared

Posted: 12 Jan 2007 09:49 PM PST

I have applyed the article but it did not have any effect on the problem

"Leif Pedersen [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange using 50-100% CPU

Posted: 12 Jan 2007 06:21 PM PST

If you are seeing this a lot I would open a support case with PSS. This can
indicated that one of the store threads is spinning out of control working
on something and or is waiting on another thread to complete it's tasks.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


"serge" <> wrote in message

What ports do outlook use to connect to exchange

Posted: 11 Jan 2007 08:32 AM PST

On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 17:40:14 -0000, "Glenn Clark"
<> wrote:
Who, in the name of all that is holy, told you that piece of rubbish?
Of course SSL VPN's create a tunnel.
First thing to do is to follow that Lanwench told you about RPC over
HTTPS and scrap the VPN requirement. That needs TCP443 opening only,
nothing else.
As for the insistence of using an SSL VPN, when you connect to the web
page it presents you can publish a few items on it such as an Intranet
site or OWA etc. etc.
If you want to use Outlook or SAP or whatever else you will execute
what Juniper call "Secure Application Manager" which puts a small
client install onto the local PC and creates a tunnel. You then
configure the VPN hardware at the central office, telling it that you
are allowing Outlook for these people and that your Exchange server is
on IP address(s).......

Exchange 2003 trial

Posted: 11 Jan 2007 05:31 AM PST

"Jim Hatfield" <com> wrote in message

These kind of books often turn up on eBay for a good price. There are
all kinds of MS Press books (Resource Kits, training books, etc.) that
have a demo CD.



Outlook Web Access For PDA , OWA For WAP
email a@t leederbyshire d.0.t c.0.m

Primary email address not stay in AD

Posted: 10 Jan 2007 06:12 AM PST

Thank Ed.

Have a good day.

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Problem with custom recipients and free/busy

Posted: 09 Jan 2007 11:46 AM PST

On Wed, 10 Jan 2007 04:38:00 -0800, Brendon B
<> wrote:

They are AD Contacts (Mail Enabled). If your free/busy on the Outlook
is going awry for a couple of users, although not all, you will need
to do this as part of your diagnostics steps.
They aren't quite the same as "Custom Recipients" (I can tell you've
been around since 5.0/5.5)

Exchange 2003 exmerge error/misc

Posted: 09 Jan 2007 08:28 AM PST

"(CopyMessagesToDestFolder)0x80040115 And the exmerge process stopped at
that point." and "We also are experiencing intermittent problems where OWA
and outlook cannot recieve mail. The only solution was to restart the
server" would imply that this is a network issue. What version of the OS
and what SP are you at on the Exchange server? If windows 2003 SP1, have
you applied kb 898060?


"jason sigurdur" <org> wrote in message

ESE APIs for Backup & Restore

Posted: 09 Jan 2007 05:45 AM PST

Dear Friend,

Here is the code snippet in which the error is generated. So if you could
figure out what could be the reason please inform me.

I have other two questions:
1. Do we need to do some initialization before Calling any ESE Restore
Function? If yes please detail me about the same.

2. Do we need to inform/send some information that ESE Restore Process may
be expecting

// TrialProject.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

char lszValue[200];
LONG lRet;
HKEY hKey;
DWORD dwLength=200;
DWORD dwSize=255;

HANDLE hToken;
LUID luid;
LPTSTR MachineName=NULL; // pointer to machine name
DWORD dwSubKeyIndex=0; // index into key
DWORD dwSubKeyLength=_MAX_FNAME; // length of SubKey buffer


// enable Restore privilege
&hToken ))
PERR("OpenProcessToken", GetLastError() );
return 2;

if(!LookupPrivilegeValue(MachineName, SE_RESTORE_NAME, &luid))

PERR("LookupPrivilegeValue", GetLastError() );
return 2;

tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;

AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES),

if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
PERR("AdjustTokenPrivileges", GetLastError() );
return 2;

"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\BackupRestore \\DLLPaths", 0L, KEY_READ ,
lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Esebcli2", NULL,
&dwType,(LPBYTE)&lszValue, &dwSize);


typedef HRESULT (ESEBACK_API *HrESERestoreOpen)(
IN WCHAR * wszServerName,
IN WCHAR * wszServiceAnnotation,
IN WCHAR * wszSrcInstanceName,
IN WCHAR * wszRestoreLogPath,
OUT HCCX * phccxRestoreContext

HrESERestoreOpen fnHrESERestoreOpen = NULL;

LPVOID lpMsgBuf;

if (GetProcAddresses( &hMod, lszValue, 14,
&fnMNUBackupRestoreGetNodes, "HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes",
&fnESEBackupRestoreFreeNodes, "ESEBackupRestoreFreeNodes",
&fnHrESERestoreOpen, "HrESERestoreOpen",
&fnHrESERestoreWriteFile, "HrESERestoreWriteFile",
&fnHrESERestoreAddDatabase, "HrESERestoreAddDatabase",
&fnHrESERestoreAddDatabaseNS, "HrESERestoreAddDatabaseNS",
&fnHrESERestoreOpenFile, "HrESERestoreOpenFile",
&fnHrESERestoreCloseFile, "HrESERestoreCloseFile",
&fnHrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles, "HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles",
&fnHrESERestoreSaveEnvironment, "HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment",
&fnHrESERestoreComplete, "HrESERestoreComplete",
&fnHrESERestoreClose, "HrESERestoreClose",
&fnHrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered, "HrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered",
) == FALSE){
printf ("--ERROR LoadLibrary failed\n");
0, // Default language
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
printf( (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf);
LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
return 1;


hr = fnMNUBackupRestoreGetNodes (L"localhost", &pBackupNodeTree);
//FormatMessage &GetLastError called
WCHAR *Server = pBackupNodeTree->wszName;
WCHAR *ServerName = pBackupNodeTree->pChildNode->wszName;

wprintf(L"Server: %s\n", Server);
wprintf(L"Server Name: %s\n", ServerName);

unsigned long cRegisteredInfo;
ESE_REGISTERED_INFO *paRegisteredInfo;

hr = fnHrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered(
L"localhost" ,
Server ,
0x00000004 , /*0x00000002 ONLINE*/ //0x00000004

//FormatMessage &GetLastError called

printf("Number Registered: %d\n", cRegisteredInfo );
wprintf(L"Registered Annotation: %s\n",
paRegisteredInfo->wszEndpointAnnotation );

HCCX phccxRestoreContext;
wprintf(L"Server Name: %s\n", ServerName);

hr = fnHrESERestoreOpen (
L"First Storage Group", //ESE Instance service
name which was handling database
//Here code returns hr=0x000003E6 & GetlastError() returns 1008
if (hr != S_OK)
printf("--ERROR HRESULT RestoreOpen : %X ,GetLastError : %d\n" ,
0, // Default language
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
printf( (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf);
LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
FreeLibrary (hMod);
return -1;

Vinay Jain

"Dave Goldman [MSFT]" wrote:

Automatic reply to customer inquiries

Posted: 05 Jan 2007 07:08 PM PST


Thank you for posting back.

I'm glad to hear that this issue was resolved, if you have any other
technical questions in the future, please do not hesitate to post in this
newsgroup. I look forward to work with you again.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,

Chace Zhang (MSFT)

Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support

| Thread-Topic: Automatic reply to customer inquiries
| thread-index: AcczasJi2zwHKpIhT1CTOMjWYwQ1Ug==
| X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
| From: =?Utf-8?B?WWF0eg==?= <nospam>
| References: <com>
| Subject: RE: Automatic reply to customer inquiries
| Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 13:20:02 -0800
| Lines: 122
| Message-ID: <com>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain;
| charset="Utf-8"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
| X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000
| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| Importance: normal
| Priority: normal
| X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.2757
| Newsgroups:
| Path: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl
| Xref: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl
| NNTP-Posting-Host: tk2msftsbfm01.phx.gbl
| X-Tomcat-NG:
| Thank you both for your responses. I created a public folder and set up
| auto response as a rule as mentioned below. Thanks again!.
| "chace zhang" wrote:
| > Hi,
| >
| > Thank you for posting here.
| >
| > According to your description, I understand you want to enable Auto
reply .
| >
| > Based on my experience, there is no build-in feature on Exchange Server
| > that sending an automatic message to sender. You may consider using
| > client to create a server side rule to achieve your goal.
| > Note; This doesn't require outlook to be running.
| >
| > To do so:
| > 1. Open Outlook.
| > 2. Right click on the public folder, select Properties.
| > 3. Under Administration, click Folder Assistant.
| > 4. Click Add Rule.
| > 5. In Edit Rule page, please click the check box to "Reply with" and
| > an Auto-Reply text by clicking Template...
| > 6. Click OK three times to finish the configuration.
| > 7. Restart Outlook and test the issue.
| >
| > For more information, please refer to the following article.
| >
| > How to create a rule to enable automatic replies to users who post
| > to a public folder in Outlook 2003
| >
| >
| > At the same time, we may also achieve this by creating an event sink on
| > Exchange server side and use it to reply the incoming e-mails based on
| > criteria as you want. If you need further assistance on how to develop
| > event sink, you may go to our development newsgroup.
| >
| > They are located at:
| >
| >
| > I hope the information above is helpful. If you need more helps, please
| > not hesitate to let me know.
| >
| > Have a nice day!
| >
| > Best Regards,
| >
| > Chace Zhang (MSFT)
| >
| > Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support
| >
| > Get Secure! -
| >
| > ================================================== ===
| > This newsgroup only focuses on Exchange technical issues. If you have
| > issues regarding other Microsoft products, you'd better post in the
| > corresponding newsgroups so that they can be resolved in an efficient
| > timely manner. You can locate the newsgroup here:
| >
| >
| > When opening a new thread via the web interface, we recommend you check
| > "Notify me of replies" box to receive e-mail notifications when there
| > any updates in your thread. When responding to posts via your
| > please "Reply to Group" so that others may learn and benefit from your
| > issue.
| >
| > Microsoft engineers can only focus on one issue per thread. Although we
| > provide other information for your reference, we recommend you post
| > different incidents in different threads to keep the thread clean. In
| > so, it will ensure your issues are resolved in a timely manner.
| >
| > For urgent issues, you may want to contact Microsoft CSS directly.
| > check for regional support phone numbers.
| >
| > Any input or comments in this thread are highly appreciated.
| >
| > ================================================== ===
| >
| > This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
| >
| >
| > --------------------
| > | Thread-Topic: Automatic reply to customer inquiries
| > | thread-index: AccxEuRgQeZ0CAsoScKVfMZyi8cGIg==
| > | X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
| > | From: =?Utf-8?B?WWF0eg==?= <nospam>
| > | Subject: Automatic reply to customer inquiries
| > | Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 13:46:01 -0800
| > | Lines: 10
| > | Message-ID: <com>
| > | MIME-Version: 1.0
| > | Content-Type: text/plain;
| > | charset="Utf-8"
| > | Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
| > | X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000
| > | Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| > | Importance: normal
| > | Priority: normal
| > | X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.2757
| > | Newsgroups:
| > | Path: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl
| > | Xref: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl
| > | NNTP-Posting-Host: tk2msftsbfm01.phx.gbl
| > | X-Tomcat-NG:
| > |
| > | Our marketing department wants to put an email address out there to
| > receive
| > | customer questions. We would like two marketing employees to receive
| > these
| > | emails. They also want the customer to be sent an email response
| > thanking
| > | them for their inquiry.
| > |
| > | I was told this can be done through a public folder and setting up a
| > | template; is this the best way or are there any other commonly
| > | methods to accomplish this?
| > |
| > | We are running Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2000.
| > |
| >
| >

User cannot receive email from outside of the org

Posted: 05 Jan 2007 12:39 PM PST

thanks for replying! However, I don't find the messages in any of
those locations and there are no rules defined. I also don't find any
Antispam settings either at the client or server. Junkmail foler is
empty as well

Bharat Suneja [MVP] wrote: 

Exchange 2003 and Windows Server 2003

Posted: 05 Jan 2007 12:34 PM PST

Before you upgrade Forest mode to Windows Server 2003 native, if you plan to
do so - you may need to change the ldap filter on Mailbox Enable User
Recipient Update Service may overwrite the value of the homeMDB attribute
for new Exchange Server 2003 users

Bharat Suneja
MVP - Exchange
NEW blog location:

"Kate Townsend" <org> wrote in message

Adding disclaimers.... Sort of

Posted: 04 Jan 2007 11:19 AM PST


To expand further. To randomly select one line from a file or database of


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

How can I create DVD with Exchange 2007 ISO

Posted: 04 Jan 2007 10:26 AM PST

"Josh" <nospam> wrote in message

Maybe something like this:



Outlook Web Access For PDA , OWA For WAP
email a@t leederbyshire d.0.t c.0.m

Offline Address book errors

Posted: 04 Jan 2007 06:47 AM PST

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Johan Strange" <> wrote in message news:com...
Thanks for your replies guys. Thats a great article Dave, I did however find
that there was missing infomation in the replication tab of Offline Address
Book on System folder view in ESM. I corrected this and rebuilt the OAB which
appears to have resolved the issue.

"Dave Goldman [MSFT]" wrote: