

Microsoft Word - footers in word starter

Microsoft Word - footers in word starter

footers in word starter

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 03:35 PM PDT


 I have word starter and when I want to write a footer for just that page. Word makes the same footer (content wise) for all pages. How do I have seperate footers for each page?



Word Document/Footer Problem

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 02:52 PM PDT

I am trying to add a number (at the bottom) along with a footer for an official document.   Whenever I add the page number, the numbering stops after a number of pages.  When I add the page numbers again, it begins counting at, what seems to be, some random number.  The page numbers goes up to 4, then skips to 27 when added again.  I have added header and footers before, but I do not know why this isn't working.  I have even tried to copy/paste each page-by-page into a new document.  ugh....

Please help.

Problems Opening Word Documents From a School Website

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 02:46 PM PDT


I am running Windows 8 and Office 2013 on a new laptop.  My son is studying for exams and needs to access a lot of info from the school gateway for revision.  When we try to open the gateway word documents my laptop tries to open Word and comes up with the message:

Windows 15.0

Sorry, something went wrong and Word was unable to start (24)

I have tried switching everything off and restarting.  I have tried opening Word first and then clicking on the document.  Word works fine in itself and I can open other documents.  I had the same problem yesterday, but after four attempts I did manage to open one of the documents.  No such like trying to open something different today.

I'm not overly technically minded , but if something thinks they can help it would be appreciated.

Many thanks


does the word viewer work with windows 8.1

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 01:36 PM PDT

I do not have MS Office on my pc.  I received an email wityh a .docx attachment  but cannot open it.  I went to MS download center and see viewers for Word and Excel but when I look at system requirements it says vista and windows 7 -doesn't mention 8.1.  Does anyone know if the Word viewer will open .docx attachments received in windows 8.1? Thanks.

staff music notes on Word Document

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 12:46 PM PDT

I would like to put Staff Music Notes on my Word document.

I would like to know does MS Office Word, MS Office Power Point support this function or any plugin or any fonts to work for this?

Your help and information is great appreciated,



Heading 2 (Chapter starts with style (Heading 2)) for table caption numbering (ex, Table 1.2-1) in a little bit complicated setting

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 12:41 PM PDT

Is there any way to keep heading 2 setting (Chapter starts with style (Heading2)) for table caption numbering? (ex, Table 1.2-1, Figure 2.2-1)

It's really easy under normal setting, but mine is a little bit different so let me explain a few things first.

I deal with huge documents quite often. Sometimes I create TOC in a separate document, and keep 10 to 20 separate sections as they are.

In the past, it was fine because all separate documents were started section 1.0, 2.0, 3.0... (heading 1), and heading 1 (Table 1-1, Figure 2-3) setting was use for table and figure caption numbers. This report that I'm working on is particularly big so for instance one author is writing on only section 2.2, and another author is writing only section 2.3 in separate documents. Also we use heading 2 setting (ex, Table 1.2-1) for table and figure caption numbers for this project report.

For a test, I created a simple document. And I removed heading 1 so that the document starts from heading 2.

I set table caption numbering for "Chapter starts with style (Heading2)". (References > Caption > Numbering > Chapter starts with style (Heading2)).

Table and figure captions are working fine.

Now let's say, I want to change heading numbers. And 1.1 to 2.2 for heading 2. 1.1.1 to 2.2.1 for heading 3.

I just want to mention how I changed them so that you could see if I did it right at this point.

I selected heading 3, changed heading number., 1.1.1 to 2.1.1 under Number format from Multilevel List. I didn't change anything else.

For heading 2, I selected heading 2, changed heading number. 1.1 to 2.1 under "Number format (enter formatting for number)" and 2 under "Star at". Now headings are 2.2 and 2.2.1.

The problem is when I update table caption numbering, Table 1.1-1 changes to Table 2-1 (It should be changed to Table 2.2-1. It doesn't have heading 2 setting for table caption number anymore).

I guess I could edit field, but I'm not so familiar with this so I don't know if I should use "StyleRef" or "Seq" for "Field Name", or "Field Specific Switches". I've tried to edit a little bit, but no luck so far.

It's not easy to describe this properly so I could send a file with images and samples. Let me know.

Thanks in advance!

How do I keep the home tab on top

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 11:08 AM PDT

I'm not even sure if I have the terminology correct, but in the ribbon, there are tabs marked File, Home, Insert, etc. My documents come up with the File tab. A lot of the stuff I used regularly is in Home. I looked in the Customize Ribbon section, but don't see how to get the Home tab to come up and stay up. I am using Word 2013 on a Windows 7 PC.

Using two different sets of hyperlink colors in a Word document

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 11:06 AM PDT

Because of varying background colors in a document, I have been requested to used two different sets of hyperlink colors.  One group of hyperlinks - both unvisited and followed - should be have a white font color.  Another set should have a black font color.

Is there any way to do this?

I changed my Hyperlink and Followed Hyperlink colors in my theme (both to white).  I created a Hyperlink2 style and a FollowedHyperlink2 style that are different from my theme colors (both black).  I can apply the Hyperlink2 style, to get the different color for an unvisited hyperlink.  That only goes so far, because I can't tell the text to use the FollowedHyperlink2 style once that link has been selected. 

Without a way to control my second Follow Hyperlink style, ALL of my followed links use the original color (white).  The white font color will not work, though, where they appear against a white or light background.

We use a mixture of Office 2010 and 2013 in our department.

Is there any way around this?

Thank you,

M. W. Bailey

Office File Validaion Add-In

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 10:40 AM PDT

I am using MS Office 2007.  Yesterday my system automatically updated and loaded Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In.  Now every time I open a Word or Excel document a "windows installer" screen pops up asking me to install the "MS OFV Add-In Disk".  It is very annoying.  In fact it was so annoying, that I had my computer tech take my machine for a few days and he did a complete system recovery as this same thing happened about 2-3 months back.  Everything was working great until today when it showed up again.  Sure enough it updated again last night and installed itself on my computer.  It will not let me uninstall.  Is there a way to get rid of this?  I use Word and Excel a lot and it is very annoying to message with this message for every file I open up.  Thanks.

Footnotes on the footnotes

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 10:38 AM PDT

I am writing a document with three levels: the text itself, footnotes referring to the text and footnotes referring to the previous footnotes.

How can I add "super-footnotes" under the footnotes ?

Thanks in advance


the page is only showing to the top and bottom margins. How can I get it to show the entire 8 1/2" x 11"?

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 09:43 AM PDT

When we opened word, it started just showing the document without the margins on the top and bottom - so about 8.5" x 9" of the doc instead of 8.5 x 11.  How do we get it back to showing the entire 8.5" x 11"?  We've tried zooming, margins, etc. and are at a loss.

Thank you

Office Word unresponsive after installing Epson 835 printer drive to scan.

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 09:15 AM PDT

I had to refresh Sony Vaio Windows 8.  Reinstated Office 360 and Epson 835 printer using printer's driver disc.  Downloading the scan mode, I lost Office Windows.  Tried the troubleshooting, but Word is not responding.  I have had several issues with this computer's inability to respond.  I purchased this computer for school, but it is always having some type of issue. 

Office Word 2007 problem

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 08:48 AM PDT

Hello! I just installed MS Office Home and Student 2007 on my laptop (Windows 8.1), and this happens every time I try to open the docx file with Word. The program itself works perfectly fine when opened independently. I can also open the document straight from the Word, this happens only when I try to open a saved file. PPT and Excel work fine. Does anyone know where the problem is? Reinstalling and troubleshooting did not help. Thank you!

Draw table and table eraser missing from word ribbon

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 08:38 AM PDT

office 365 home premium.

These should show up as a ribbon group in  [Table tools][layout], but they don't.

If you go into the customize ribbon menu, you can find them in the proper location, but they are greyed out and unselect able on my surface pro 2.  Trying to add them to a new custom ribbon tab don't work either. It appears to work fine on my desktop and laptop.

I have also tried a repair install and a full uninstall/reinstall cycle to no avail.

Anyone else seeing this?

Bottom line of mirror image word document

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 08:00 AM PDT

I am formatting a Word document into a book with mirror images. The bottom line does not match up from one page to another, meaning when I am looking at the pages side by side, one page is one line less than the opposite. It happens on odd and even pages, but not on all pages. On some pages the last line would be starting a new paragraph, but on others, I am simply continuing a sentence.

Is it possible to hide a column of a Table in Word 2010 completely?

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 07:27 AM PDT

Dear all,

I know that it is possible to hide the entire row by selecting the row and then format the font as "Hidden".

However, when the same apply to a column, only the texts within the column are hidden while the column remains there.

Wondering is there any way to hide the entire column of a table in Word 2010 completely, just like hiding a row?

Thanks a lot!

Shift+F3 works sometimes works, sometimes doesn't

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 07:01 AM PDT

I have found a really odd thing happening with toggle case, mainly with words that are at the beginning of a line or paragraph.  As a matter of fact, if the word already has an initial capital, I can toggle case twice (using Shift+F3) so that it goes to all upper and then all lower -- and then it gets stuck there.   I keep pressing Shift+F3, but it does nothing -- it just stays all lower case.  The strange thing is that Word still remembers the ineffectual key-press as an undo-able event, so that if I press Shift+F3 10 times (with no effect on case) and then click Undo 10 times, I can continue and undo the successful key presses that preceded them.

Again, this only happens with the first word of a line or paragraph; other words can be case-toggled just fine.  It makes no difference whether the word is selected or not, and it happens in regular text as well as inside tables, but only in some documents.  Mystifying!  Any ideas?

Numbers before labels in captions?

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 06:46 AM PDT

Hello. How can I insert captions with number and then my custom label automatically? For example:

It seems I can only insert captions with my label and then the number. Also I can't type my label manually, I need to be able to caption automatically like this: 1 equation, 2 equation, 3 equation... Can't find any help on google.

Microsoft Word Macro Assistance

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 06:11 AM PDT

I am currently trying to "batch" or "mass" convert files from the old 97-2003 format to the new office 2013 format. I have this macro that is supposed to do the job but allows the files to support backwards compatibility. This is not necessary for me. I have a macro but for some reason I cannot find how to de-activate the backwards compatibility. When saving manually the backwards conversion is not checked but while running the macro, it is checked. Where in the macro can I change it so I lose the backwards compatibility so that the file size becomes even smaller and I can use all of the features of office 2013?

Sub ConvertDoc2Docx()


' ConvertDoc2Docx Macro




Dim strFilename As String

Dim strDocName As String

Dim strPath As String

Dim oDoc As Document

Dim fDialog As FileDialog

Dim intPos As Integer

Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

With fDialog

    .Title = "Select folder and click OK"

    .AllowMultiSelect = False

    .InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList

    If .Show <> -1 Then

        MsgBox "Cancelled By User", , "List Folder Contents"

        Exit Sub

    End If

    strPath = fDialog.SelectedItems.Item(1)

    If Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then strPath = strPath + "\"

End With

If Documents.Count > 0 Then

    Documents.Close SaveChanges:=wdPromptToSaveChanges

End If

If Left(strPath, 1) = Chr(34) Then

    strPath = Mid(strPath, 2, Len(strPath) - 2)

End If

strFilename = Dir$(strPath & "*.doc")

While Len(strFilename) <> 0

    Set oDoc = Documents.Open(strPath & strFilename)

    strDocName = ActiveDocument.FullName

    intPos = InStrRev(strDocName, ".")

    strDocName = Left(strDocName, intPos - 1)

    strDocName = strDocName & ".docx"

    oDoc.SaveAs FileName:=strDocName, _


    oDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

    strFilename = Dir$()


End Sub

Thank you. If you have any questions that might help resolve this issue please ask and I will try to get back quickly.

Mail Merge in Date format

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 06:02 AM PDT

My Excel sheet in date format DD-MM-YY.

When I do Mail Merge some data fields shows date format M-D-YYYY & some fields shows DD-MMM-YY.

I want all data fields in same format i.e. DD-MM-YY or DD-MMM-YY.

Kindly help me.


Jaishankar Soni

Mail Merge Letters - address block spacing

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 05:53 AM PDT

I'm trying to use mail merge to write some letters.

Once I've completed the merge, the address block appears with large spacing in between each line - I can't get the lines to appear directly below each other. 

The only way I've managed it is it I go through each letter individually and edit it, which defeats the object.

I'm using Office 2007.

Any help welcome!

Comments text is reversed

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 05:19 AM PDT


I'm working on a word document created in Word 2013. My office supports two languages by default - Hebrew and English. The specific document uses only English.

Whenever a reviewer who uses an English only office comments on the document, the comments text is reversed. i.e. it will read "desrever si txet stnemmoc".

Interestingly, if I copy the text and paste it as un-formatted text, it appears correctly.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

Office Templates URL

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 01:21 AM PDT

Morning all,

Users are having issues downloading templates within Office applications.

They also have issues viewing the Office site.

I do know what is causing the issue, our web filtering software is blocking the URL but I don't know what URL the templates use.

Does anyone know?


type a word between two line

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 12:16 AM PDT

hello . how can i type a word between two lines in office word? i mean that i want to type a word under another word like a subscript but subscript is typed forward the word .i found this manner in a dictionary that had typed a number in parenthesis  below each word and the paragraph format of that dictionay was " hanging". please guide me for a way that i can  use this for a dictionary like that i said.thanks

Copy Pdf Document to word

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 04:44 PM PDT

I am shocked to see I cant find this answer anywhere,

I am writing a report on word and I need to add a pdf file in one of the pages. I do not want to put a link in, I want the actual content 

which includes writing and image. I thought if I clicked object, in the insert tab it would help. However there is no option for pdf. There is no copy option in reader, when when I highlight the document, and click copy only the text appears in word.

Please help, I am using Microsoft reader app to open my pdfs.


Posted: 08 Jun 2014 01:13 PM PDT

Im justabout pulling my hair out here... I don't ever remember getting Microsoft Professional Plus 2010 and yet for the past month every time I open Word it's telling me Product Activation Failed!
So, I wanting to sort all this out to get it off my system.  I already have Microsoft Office 2010 pre-installed when I purchased my laptop... so what the heck!!!

I need to get rid of all this re activation stuff!  SO I NEED HELP!!

I'm still having access to WORD however, it the pop window that's annoying... and not knowing why this pop up window has appeared all of a sudden!!


Microsoft CRM - "Unexpected Error" When Sending CRM E-Mail

Microsoft CRM - "Unexpected Error" When Sending CRM E-Mail

"Unexpected Error" When Sending CRM E-Mail

Posted: 10 Feb 2005 11:15 AM PST

Thanks, Matt. Uninstalling and re-installing the connector solved the
problem. Since this problem appears common, it would be great if Microsoft
came out with a KB article on it with suggested remedies.

"Matt Parks" wrote:

crystal reports XI

Posted: 10 Feb 2005 08:59 AM PST

You just get the "normal" 9.2.2 and then, after installing that on a workstation
(NOT the CRM Server), you install the Crystal Enhancements that come with CRM.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:35:07 -0800, Carlos A.
<> wrote:

thanks Matt, is that i though but i needed to be sure about that.
So, where can i get the version or crystal reports for CRM?
i was looking in but i couldn't found it

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Microsoft CRM Server should not be installed on a Domain Controller

Posted: 10 Feb 2005 07:59 AM PST

Sorry - misread the original post. Only safe way to have all services on one
box is to use SBS

"Peter Lynch" <com.SPAMFREE> wrote in message

Problem with Sales for Outlook client when going offline

Posted: 10 Feb 2005 04:03 AM PST

just a thougt. Try to check 'automatically detect settings in LAN settings in

had a problem like this, and that helped


"Merijn" wrote:

IWAN & IUSR bei Crystal Reports? *help*

Posted: 10 Feb 2005 03:22 AM PST

There seems to alot of solutions/reasons for this error, but we fixed it by
running the Crystal APS under a Domain User account (with Admin privelages)
instead of running as Local System account (if thats what you are doing).

"Nicolas Führs" wrote:

problems with access web client

Posted: 10 Feb 2005 01:08 AM PST

or your could add that page to the intranetzone on the local client

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Publishing Customisation Error

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 10:54 PM PST

Make sure that the proxy settings in Internet Explorer are set correctly for
the Microsoft CRM Administrator account.
In Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options, and then click
Click LAN Settings.
In the Proxy Server section of the Local Area Network settings window,
manually configure the settings so that they correspond to your specific
company's environment setup.


"com" wrote:

Advanced Find - OR queries

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 09:51 PM PST

Great, thanks for the solution.

This will work with the "contains" string entires...but what about
something like looking for all cases for customer zzz, xxx and yyy in
one query to be saved as a view? This is really a work around for the
lack of case-rollup by account.


Support www.MSCRM-ADDONS.COM wrote: 

Printable Quotes

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 06:43 PM PST

i paste you the last lines in the file, i fogot that i had the same question
about the right place to paste the instructions, so i tried to paste it in
the following place and it works :)

ìn the other side, i haven't try to do a print report to the sales order
even though i`ll do one, but it should be the same process as the quote i

<contact />
<lead />
<opportunity />
<incident />
<!-- Case -->
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
<Button Title="Imprimir Cotizacion" ToolTip="Print Quote"
Icon="/_imgs/ico/16_print.gif" Url="/Custom/QuotePrint.aspx" PassParams="1"
WinParams="menubar=no,status=yes,resizable=yes,too lbar=no,width=700"
<salesorder />
<!-- Order -->
<invoice />

"RepeatPete" wrote:

HELP NEEDED: MSCRM Bandwidth Requirements

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 05:35 PM PST

I would not do a normal implementation in an inviorement like this, It will
not be a succes!

If I should do it, I would not use the Outlook client and only the web
browser (it will be possible in the new version to use outlook) I would use
Citrix or a product like that, to make the users connect to the server, and
let the server do the horse power. It will be possible with that low
connection if the do it like that

Let me know if they cant live with the browser version only! and why


"Mark Anthony" wrote:

Resource for writing Crystal Reports

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 02:31 PM PST


Are your cases assocaited with Contacts and you want to display them by the
associated Account? If so, you need to map "through" the Contact to figure out
which Account the Contact is associated with. but, you will also need to
account for Cases tied directly to the Account.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 06:17:03 -0800, "James Brouhard"
<> wrote:

Thanks John.

Here is the report that I'm attempting to build: I would like a list of
resolved cases by Account instead of by customer or contact. We will be
using the report in a monthly client report that we will provide to our
primary contacts at our client sites.

The issue I'm having is altering the Cases by Customer report. I don't see
a way to add the Account field. I attempted linking the MSCRM.Accountbase
table, but came up short.


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

CRM and Terminal Services

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 01:27 PM PST

Please try and get this in Alex, this is something that could help us
greatly and we get beat by some other products on.

In a Terminal Services you would not even need MSDE or offline mode.

"Alex Simons [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

importing account info into production CRM

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 11:39 AM PST

Ronald: Thanks for your reply. That's what I was hoping to hear.

Matt Wittemann

"Ronald Lemmen" wrote:

Mapping: from Account to Quote

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 10:45 AM PST

When the Quote is created "from" the Opportunity, the map that is used is the
Opportunity to Quote map. The Account to Quote map will not be used.

However, realize that the Quote form has a Lookup Address function that will
allow you to pull in address info from the associated Customer record.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:37:02 -0800, "RepeatPete"
<> wrote:


Thanks Matt for your reply. What I am trying to accomplish is to be able to
"pull" account level info (customer adress phone and fax) into quote, by
mapping those acct fields to the corresponding fileds (bill to address) on
quotes. I am doing this in deployment manager, chema, mappings. For example,
I am trying to map filed "address1_city" (which is an account entity fields)
to "bill_to_city" field (which is in quote entity).

Quotes are created from opportunities, but opp entity does not have te
address fields.


"Matt Parks" wrote:

Change Exchange server

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 08:37 AM PST

Hi Jakob

I uninstall connector from my crm server .. right now is installed only in
exchange server but i can't send or receive emails ...

I didn't remove GUID from the subject email .. the address is correct and
i'm sending to external emails address ...

I look in registry in both ... crm and exchange server ...

in localmachine/software/microsoft/mscrm/mailserverurl and there is no entry
point to exchange server...

what should appear in there ??

in localmachine/software/microsoft/mscrm/platformurl appear

What entries shoul appear in each server ? I don't see in any server an
entry with http://myserver/MSCRMConnector/ICrmEmailDispatch.SRF .... where
should this appear ??

I really hope you can help me ... i'm really stuck in this ...

Tnks in advance

"Jakob Benediktson" wrote:

Missing tabs for 1st SystemAdmin User

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 08:30 AM PST

ah ha! Thanks Matt.


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Can CRM send Email without exchange?

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 06:25 AM PST

perhaps someone is working on a layer to sit in front of the exchange
connector so crm thinks its sending email to an exchange system...

be a really interesting exercise to see if you could write a spoof exchange
connector :-)

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Dave McGuire" <com> wrote in message

Using IBF without CRM license

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 02:32 AM PST

Matt is correct. Anyone accessing MSCRM API's needs a license whether they
do so through the UI or through the API's.

Alex Simons
Director of Program Management
Microsoft CRM
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at
"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Performance CDF and MS CRM?

Posted: 08 Feb 2005 10:05 PM PST

note that some objects are slower to create than others. In particular
creating contacts through the sdk seems to be slow. In contrast i was able
to create accounts very quickly on 2 dual 3ghz xeons servers ie one for web
and one for sql

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message
the CDF 
processing we 
actually do 
created and 
hours to 
you to 
the data 
tables and 
able to 


Monthly Sales

Posted: 08 Feb 2005 09:05 PM PST

on reports look under opportunity reports then look at the report called
pipeline chart report sales forecast

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Dave McGuire" <com> wrote in message


Posted: 08 Feb 2005 07:52 PM PST

Not sure what you mean by "include specific forms and block others". If you
mean, can you prevent people from accessing something like Opportunities, then
yes, you can control this via security. If the user has no Read rights on a
specific object type, then that tab will not appear on the main screens.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 22:52:34 -0500, "RG" <com> wrote:

CRM product is quiet rich in functionality and covers a lot of business
area. Is it possible to customize it to include specific forms and block
others.? If yes, could you direct me as to how I should do it?

On the subject of templates. I have a letter containing standard contract.
The contract has fill in the blank parts like name, date, etc... Can I
create a new template containing the format and fixed text of the contract.
Also, web forms where I could enter variable part of the contract data.
This way I could merge specific data with this contract template and print
it. Is something like this possible in CRM.

Thanks in advance

Goldmine Conversion of Activities V 1.2

Posted: 08 Feb 2005 02:01 PM PST

CRM 2005 is suppossed to include customization of activities.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 11:51:02 -0800, "Shauna Koppang"
<> wrote:

Thanks. Do you know if the next version will support it?

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Promote E-mail to CRM Activity is enter into CRM as complete. Why?

Posted: 08 Feb 2005 01:41 PM PST

Thanks for the info Jake.
I have another questions regarding this. Is there any way to change this
behavior? I'd love to be able to promote an e-mail to a crm activity which is
not closed.
For example if my boss sends me an e-mail saying something like "don't
forget to call that follow up call with the client" Ilike to promote it from
SFO as a task that I still need to do.

Thanks again,


"Jake Horn" wrote:

SQL and object model

Posted: 08 Feb 2005 11:45 AM PST

the best way is to read data using direct sql calls then use the sdk to make
updates. You can perform reads using the sdk but queries will be slower

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Vin" <> wrote in message

Sales for Outlook Client failed install

Posted: 08 Feb 2005 10:07 AM PST

These are both new client installs, both had the same errors occur. So this
is the original install, and yes, the users logging into the domain are
members of the local administrator group to the pc (also licensed users in

"Dave McGuire" wrote 

Microsoft Word - run multiple macros and save as different files after each macro is run

Microsoft Word - run multiple macros and save as different files after each macro is run

run multiple macros and save as different files after each macro is run

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 12:58 PM PDT

run multiple macros and save as  different files after each macro is run 

I am planning to run several macro for a single file. 
and I also would like to save the file into several different files after each macro is completed. 

it would look like below.

file _ original 


original file   - macro1 - file 1 ( save file as different file 1 ) 
file 1 - macro2 - file 2 ( save file 1 as different file 2)
file 2 - macro3 - file 3 ( save file 2 as different file 3)
file 3 - macro4 - file 4 ( save file 3 as different file 4)

I would have in total 5 files after the macro is run as below:-

original file

any ideas on how I can do this? 


How to jump to a specific page in Word for iPad?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 10:02 AM PDT

I'm working on a long document and frequently need to jump to a specific page in the document.  In the regular desktop Windows version, this has always been handled via the Go To function accessible through the status bar at the bottom of the screen.  Is there something similar in Word for iPad?  Without it, I'm relegated to randomly scrolling through a 200-pg document - inefficient.

Change case from lowercase to ALL CAPS in Word for iPad?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 09:57 AM PDT

Can the text case be changed from lowercase or Sentence case to ALL CAPS or Title Case in Word for iPad?

Microsoft Office 2013

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 09:46 AM PDT


I recently bought the Microsoft Office 2013 package three days ago for 139 euro, and everything seemed to be fully functioning on the first day.

However for the past two days, whether I click on the actual Word icon or try to open any sort of file associated with Word nothing will open. By pressing the icon, it seems to load for a few seconds and then get tired or something and give up. I'm currently using libre as a temporary replacement (I hope) but it would be truly wonderful if somebody around here could help me out. Getting a little annoyed if I'm honest...

Thank you,


(P.S. I picked the topic Word but in fact EVERYTHING is affected i.e. Excel, powerpoint. HELP)

View spontaneously switches from 'Print Layout' to 'Draft'

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 09:45 AM PDT

While working in a lengthy word document I frequently experience this very annoying occurrence. I have the document set to "Print Layout" for the View. Then, without me doing anything, it switches to "Draft". I reset the view back to "Print Layout" which places me back at the top of the document. I then have to refind my place where I was at previously. This spontaneous occurrence happens while I'm working in the document, and when I'm not in the document, i.e. when I navigate to an unrelated program, such as Firefox browser. There appears to be no rhyme or reason for it. Word just continues to switch from "Print Layout" to "Draft". This is particularly annoying when I have Word in split screen. I then have to "remove split", restore "Print Layout", navigate back to where I had been in the document, restore "split view", and then navigate to the other place I was at in the document. As you can imagine this stymies my productivity.

Has anyone experienced this? Have you been able to find a resolution? If so, what did you do?

Any Microsoft techs available to respond?



Can't run Office 365- Do I have to uninstall Office 2010 Starter?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 02:27 AM PDT

I am using Windows 7. My computer came with Office 2010 Starter installed. I can run that fine, but every time I try to run Word or Excel 365, the program won't respond and shuts down. the message I get is "Microsoft Word/Excel has stopped working. Windows is looking for a solution. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is found."  Do I have to uninstall Office Starter to run the newer version?

Cannot start Word on my another laptop

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 07:47 PM PDT

When ever I start opening word on this laptop I get the error message There was a problem sending the command to the program.

office 365 i installed but cannot use it!what is going on!!!!~

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 07:37 PM PDT

office 36 ---------= i installed but cannot use it!what is going on!!!!~

Microsoft Word 2010 switching languages upon keyboardlayout switch

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 04:48 PM PDT

I'm using two keyboard layouts (US-international and Greek) to type both Dutch (the Netherlands) and English (UK) (also French and German, but rarely). I usually use these languages in different documents but when I switch between the US-international and Greek layouts the proofing language switches to Dutch. This is very annoying when working on an English document and I'm wondering how to disable this. I tried disabling the features to detect the language automatically, to change keyboard layouts automatically and to automatically switch (in the language bar menu, I'm not sure what it does or what the features are named in English as it is not my input language).

Inserting characters using the insert symbol feature doesn't work properly as it requires use of the mouse and navigating many menu options. I also lack a numeric keypad and alt+number codes don't seem to work on other numeric keys. Switching using Ctrl+Shift works very well, apart from this issue with MS word, but I'm willing to try something else. Is it possible to use a Latin to Greek IME that won't be detected by Word? I use IBus for the same purpose in Linux as I also use it for Japanese, Chinese and Cyrillic characters and it used to be easy to turn on and off quickly. Is there a similar solution for Windows?

PS Most of the documents is usually written in Latin script with small portions in Greek script.

MS Word ... wikipediA

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 04:06 PM PDT

 When I need to look up a word while I am writing in MS word on my office 365 program it keeps loading wikipedia and I can not figure out out to get rid of it and get just a plain old dictionary.  please help... and please be really REALLY specific because I am not that great with computers.  Thx 

Does Office 2003 or 2007 have the shortcut bar like 2000? - Microsoft Office forums

Does Office 2003 or 2007 have the shortcut bar like 2000? - Microsoft Office forums

Does Office 2003 or 2007 have the shortcut bar like 2000?

Posted: 02 Jan 2007 03:00 PM PST

"MikelleeSC" <> wrote in message


Word 2007: move template folder?

Posted: 02 Jan 2007 09:48 AM PST

On Tue, 2 Jan 2007 12:57:05 -0800, "Bob Buckland ?:-\)"
<75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote:

Hi Bob,

You know I have stared at that page for about an hour, thinking "it
*must* be on here somewhere". Many thanks.

Nigel M

Office 2003 loses activation. MS no help!

Posted: 02 Jan 2007 07:56 AM PST

BUEK George to you and your's


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"Gyorgy Moldova [MVP]" <org> wrote in message news:com... 

Lost Office 2003 ACAD (EOM) CD- can't afford replacement

Posted: 01 Jan 2007 08:17 PM PST

If you think $30 is expensive, you're REALLY not going to be happy with the
cost of buying a new set of CDs. And if you no longer qualify for the
academic version, be prepared to spend several hundred dollars.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"myname" <> wrote in message

Install MS Office 2000

Posted: 01 Jan 2007 03:40 PM PST

"Barry Livingston" <net> wrote in message

Sounds like you are trying to install the MS Office 2000 upgrade.

Converting from trial version

Posted: 01 Jan 2007 01:34 PM PST

the best would be to wait for the install kit to arrive and un/reinstall the
"sgtbak117" <> wrote in message

MS Office 2007 ?

Posted: 01 Jan 2007 12:26 PM PST

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:eEnP$phx.gbl... 

Thanks, so much.

Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Trial setup did not complete successfully

Posted: 31 Dec 2006 06:30 PM PST


Being that the trial copy of 2007 downloaded directly from Microsoft
does not install properly for me, is it safe to assume that a retail
licensed copy or upgrade will not install for me as well?

I am re-installing Office 2k3 on my notebook right now with no


Gyorgy Moldova [MVP] wrote: 

Installation of 2007 crashes after the product key screen

Posted: 31 Dec 2006 04:24 PM PST

I have the same problem as well (but with 2007 Trial). Mine fails a
few seconds after entering my product key. What does your error window
say? Please let me know if you figure out a way to resolve this.

Hyperhtml wrote: 

Unable to de install Office Pro 2003

Posted: 31 Dec 2006 10:15 AM PST

I'm unsure as to whether HP supplied recovery cd's or a recovery partition
for your model.
If you have neither then since the product key is likely an OEM version then
only HP could resupply the installation media :(

MS had a utility to remove Office2k, but I'm unsure whether such exists for
later versions of Office.
If not I dont believe an app such as Office can be uninstalled manually
(without the cd) Its probably that a complete format/reinstall of win would
be required.

Its likely Office was installed from a network location/Image and this is
why you get the error, If you had the cd you could use the install clean up
utility to remove all refferences to office, then Install(repair)/Uninstall

"Tony Clarke" <> wrote in message

Migration to a new PC

Posted: 31 Dec 2006 08:31 AM PST

Yes, it means that you cannot install it on any other machine than the one it came pre-installed on. One major limit of OEM software - it lives and dies with the machine it was purchased with.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, kirrages asked:

| Quck response! Thanks. It came pre-loaded with the new machine but I
| activated it via the internet myself when it was delivered. The
| product ID is in the format nnnnn-OEM-nnnnnnn-nnnnn. Does this make a
| difference?
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| If you purchased the product separately from your computer, all you
|| need to do is uninstall from the old and reinstall to the new -
|| activate using the phone method if the internet option does not
|| work.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, kirrages asked:
||| I've got fully activated MS Office Professional 2003 on my PC which
||| I have had for three years. I am getting a new PC shortly. Do I
||| have to do anything clever to reload this software on my new
||| equipment (like uninstalling from the old machine first)? I have
||| the original disks and Product key.

verbose logging

Posted: 31 Dec 2006 06:51 AM PST

I had them appear on a drive other than the win drive, no idea why, was
spasmodic, deleted them, they seemed to have stopped.

"SableFlat" <> wrote in message

office 2007 beta won't open in vista business

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 09:28 PM PST

Good advice, I managed to find my key and reinstalled the beta for now and
that fixed the problem.

Happy New Year,

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

New computer - install multiple upgrade version of Office

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 09:00 PM PST

Hi Carol,

You can use the Office XP upgrade package CD as a qualifying product during the install of Office 2003 upgrade. Is there a feature
from Office XP that you need not included Office 2003 that is leading to installing both the XP/2002 and 2003 editions? (You don't
need to install a qualifying product to upgrade, just have the CDs available).

If you need to install MS Office XP then these are the qualifying products to install an upgrade edition.
Unfortunately, MS Office XP had one of the most limited lists of qualifying products of recent Office versions.

<<"Carol" <> wrote in message news:com...
I have just bought a new computer. I need to install Office XP and Office
2003 from my original cd's but both cd's are the upgrade versions of the
software. Therefore the install will not detect previous versions of the
software and may not proceed. What are the necessary steps to ensure proper
installation and activation? Transferring my data files will be easy as I
have a home network.
Carol >>

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

QUESTION: Checking for Office Apps?

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 01:46 PM PST


Thanks for getting back to me.

My App needs ANY Office... so I was thinking of something Office-installed
that's constant for ANY version.

And YES... InstallShield has an option area where one can enter "items" to
look for... I'm not good enough at InstallShield to say whether it will scan
the entire hard drive for an item... or if it looks only in specific spots.
That part's easy tho... that takes a short time to enter (say) word.exe and
see if it'll find it anywhere.

Hadn't thought about some Office-related REGISTRY entry... chances are there
has to be something that's in the same spot regardless of Office version??

Thanks... you've given me some more things to think about!

"DL" <address@invalid> wrote in message

Cannot open Word or Excel 2007 Beta documents

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 01:40 PM PST

If you're using Symantec/Norton AntiVirus, try disabling the
Office Plugin that comes with it (but don't disable Norton
AutoProtect). See "How
to use Office programs with the Norton AntiVirus Office plug-in"
for more information.

vinflo wrote: 

Can Office 2007 Plus co-exist with earlier versions of Office?

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 09:17 AM PST

Thank you for you help.
Sorry for the long delay in my response.

Thanks very much

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

Office 2007 Trial Download

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 02:23 AM PST

Thanks for your help. I managed to get the download, and it installed fine.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Setup cannot continue because a required file ... corrupted or mis

Posted: 29 Dec 2006 08:51 AM PST

Dear Customer,

Sorry for this delayed response due to holiday.

From your post log, it seems that when you try to install Office
Professional 2007 with a burning CD, you receive an error message.

Based on my research, recently we have handled many Newsgroup postings
indicated there was an issue using Nero 7.5 to burn from the Office 2007
ISO. Here lists some suggestions that may have solved this problem:

# 1 Use Nero 7.0 instead of 7.5 to burn the ISO.
# 2 Use WinRAR to extract the files from the ISO to a hard drive location
and then burn the files to a CD.
# 3 Use BurnCDCC program if possible to create the CD
# 4 Use Daemon Tools to mount this image and burn from this mounted image

If the suggestions all failed, would you please help us collect more
information so that we can do further research?

* Information Collection

1. Where have you downloaded this ISO image? Does it come from MSDN or any
other third party web link?
2. What's the version of your Windows? Have you applied all the latest
3. To eliminate the possibility of damaged source file, please mount this
ISO image from Daemon Tools and install from a virtual driver. Can you
install it now?

Please try the suggestions and update with the results and information. If
you have any questions, please tell me.


Leon Hao

Microsoft Online Partner Support
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