

Rescheduling unstarted tasks to today's date Microsoft Project

Rescheduling unstarted tasks to today's date Microsoft Project

Rescheduling unstarted tasks to today's date

Posted: 13 May 2005 03:43 AM PDT

No ! Try again, there is something wrong in your process ! this feature
works fine (I used it hundred of times)
Take care of the date after the option : Reschedule uncompleted work to
start after:.....

Tell me if it works now,


"Morten" <> a écrit dans le message de

Applying a different calendar to a task.

Posted: 12 May 2005 04:13 PM PDT

Hi All,

Not quite.
The checkbox is labeled "Scheduling ignores resource calendars" and the
behavior is either only the task calendar plays a role or both task and
resource calendars play.
You cannot have a resource calendar overriding a task calendar; when there
is a task calendar it always plays its part.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Steve House [Project MVP]" <>
schreef in bericht news:phx.gbl... 

Yellow Group Highlighting

Posted: 12 May 2005 12:08 PM PDT

thanks julie, I learned to live with it. I got to spend a cosy 8 hours with
project today and think I came up with a fairly optimal implementation.

"JulieS" wrote:

how do i add resources

Posted: 12 May 2005 10:02 AM PDT

thanks! that's pretty funny!

i had less problems getting SharePoint/Project/SQL to work together than
understanding how this works!

"JackD" wrote:


Posted: 12 May 2005 09:04 AM PDT

On Thu, 12 May 2005 09:23:32 -0700, "JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote:

My inattention to detail..
Thanks, it's help 

Alerxander Barvinsky
Director of Operations Department

Two different calendars for one project

Posted: 12 May 2005 08:48 AM PDT


And just to make it even more messy (hence my family name :-)) when you will
put an Ozzy and an Arab on one task, Project ill not even try to make
theiu-ir conferece call simultaneous. For instance the Ozzy will do his part
ofd the conference call on Fridfay and the Arab will perform his part of the
work on Saturday.
Pity, but that's how Project treats clender info.

Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Allen H" <> schreef in bericht


How do I use calendar days instead of work days for duration?

Posted: 12 May 2005 08:34 AM PDT

Hi cbc87,

You can try a trick that I suggested to another user.

There is a work around using a custom duration field and a custom calendar.
Create a new calendar (Tools>Change Working Time). Copy the project
calendar, name it (I used 7Day) and make Saturdays & Sundays working days.
Then insert a custom duration field ([Duration1] for example) in the task
table. Choose Tools>Customize > Fields and select the [Duration1] field.
Click the Formula... button and use the following formula:


In the Customize fields dialog box, click the Use Formula option for the
task and group summary rows.

This will calculate the number of calendar days between the start of the
task and the finish of the task using the 7Day calendar. .

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"cbc87" <> wrote in message

Manipulating data in Project 2000/2002 .mpp files

Posted: 12 May 2005 07:46 AM PDT


"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

How do I set up external dependencies in Project?

Posted: 12 May 2005 07:21 AM PDT

External links (i.e., predecessors/successors) to tasks can be entered
similar to internal ones by entering the path and Task Id in the form:

"<URL or path to folder>\<Project>.mpp \<Task Id>" in the Predecessor or
Successor field, either in the Gantt view Entry table or in the Task
Information dialogue window. Normally, everyone is accustomed to only
entering the Task Id, and you can also ommit the URL or path (e.g.,
"<Project>.mpp \<Task Id>") if the project file to be linked to is saved in
the same folder as the current active project.
Don L.

"bujangkelana" wrote:

How can I show Task Date and Time information

Posted: 12 May 2005 05:54 AM PDT

Hi Harry,

If it is one specific project file that you want to show date and time for
all users, regardless of what they have set for options, you will need to
modify the tables in the project to show the date/time format for what ever
views you need.
For each table: View > Table > More Tables. In the More Tables dialog box,
select each table in turn and click Edit.... In the Table Definition dialog
box set the Date Format to one showing date and time.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Harry" <> wrote in message

How do I show % of where the task SHOULD be?

Posted: 11 May 2005 10:42 PM PDT

Hi Kevin,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Insert a new column and search for %Complete in the field name pick list.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Kevin. wrote: 

Getting a Custom Field with a formula to left justify

Posted: 11 May 2005 10:17 PM PDT

Hi John,
No worries - we have all been there ;-). Thanks for the feedback and let us
know if we can assist again.

"JT" <> wrote in message

How do I export custom MS Project reports into Excel?

Posted: 11 May 2005 03:06 PM PDT

In article <com>,
Dxing5304 <> wrote:

I agree with Jack - VBA will give complete flexibility to export data
for any report you need. However, there may be a couple of alternate
approaches depending on what data you need in the reports.

If you are only dealing with static data (i.e. not timescaled), you can
use an export map to save the data to an Excel spreadsheet. Once in
Excel, the report can be created as necessary. If you need timescaled
data in the report, you could try the utility, "analyze timescaled data
in Excel" found on the analysis toolbar. Again, once the data is in
Excel it can be formatted for a report.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

import & update actuals

Posted: 11 May 2005 02:32 PM PDT

That's what I was afraid of. I have too many resources posting hours to do
this manually. I was previously combining all time sheets into one Excel
spreadsheet and then importing the actuals based on task id. Is there a way
to do that and import the actuals by date? I do get the breakdown from the
resources of the Monday through Sunday hours that they post. I was summing
those up and bringing in the total but can bring in each day if I need to.

I need to have a way to import instead of manually updating each resources'
Carol Summa

"Gérard Ducouret" wrote:

how do I verify msn messenger e-mail address, step by step please

Posted: 11 May 2005 11:08 AM PDT

Hi sunnystep,

This newsgroup is specifically for matters dealing with Microsoft Project.
I suggest you try to find a more appropriate newsgroup that deals with
Outlook Express problems.

Could you please tell us what led you to chose this newsgroup? We would
really like to know! :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

net wrote: 

concurrent projects on the same calendar

Posted: 11 May 2005 09:06 AM PDT

Hi Marie,

Glad to know the master calendar view fits your needs and thanks for the

As far as changing the information in the calendar to show resource names;
in the Calendar view, choose Format > Bar Styles. Choose Noncritical from
the Task type list. In the Text area at the bottom of the dialog box, click
in the Fields list, delete Duration, and enter Resource Names.
Repeat for Critical task type.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

"marie" <> wrote in message

How do I sort by date and Time

Posted: 11 May 2005 08:40 AM PDT

file number changes to ~1.MPP after routing

Posted: 11 May 2005 08:36 AM PDT

You're welcome Majid and thanks for the feedback. You can actually see this
happening even in later operating systems. If you open a project file and
then in File > Properties check the MS-DOS name on the General tab, you'll
see exactly what you describe.

"Majid" <> wrote in message

How to create a 7-day work week?

Posted: 11 May 2005 08:22 AM PDT

Jan gave you the way to do it but that also implies that when someone starts on a task they won't take a day off until it's done. Tasks are generally broken down to the level of the work done by a single resource. If you assign Joe to a task takes 3 weeks, that means he will work three weeks straight without a day off. Is that really what should happen?

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

urtis Tammany" <com> wrote in message news:%phx.gbl...
I need to create projects with a 7-day work week by default. I am entering a 3 day task which starts on Thursday and should end on Saturday. Instead, Project draws the task from Thurs to Monday. I have gone to the Change Working Time dialog to change individual weekend days to working days but is ridiculous to do over a multi-month project.

How can I make every day a working day?



copying a full project plan into another programme

Posted: 11 May 2005 07:54 AM PDT

Hi Louise,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Please see FAQ Item: 16. Project Viewer.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Louise wrote: 

Fields available in microsoft project

Posted: 11 May 2005 07:42 AM PDT

You're welcome Mario and thanks for the feedback. Let us know if we can
assist again in the future.


"Mario" <> wrote in message


Posted: 11 May 2005 07:12 AM PDT

In article <phx.gbl>,
"Suz" <com> wrote:

Unfortunately it is not a straightforward process to determine if a file
has auto-run or Event driven macros because they are "private" and will
not show up under "Modules" in the organizer (Tools/Organizer). Neither
will they show up under the Project Explorer. However, normally if there
is a problem with an auto type macro, it will attempt to run but abort
and give an error message different from the one you are getting. At
least that is my experience.

If you can at least launch Project, go to Help/About Microsoft Project.
At the top of the "about" window that appears you will see the complete
version number and whether SR-1 is applied. If the service release is
not indicated, you can still download it from Microsoft at:

If the SR-1 is already present and you only did a basic install, try
adding missing components. Insert your Project 2000 installation CD and
hit the button to install Project 2000. After the "preparing to install"
message you should get a window with three options: Repair Microsoft
Project, Add or Remove Features, and Remove Microsoft Project. Click on
the Add or Remove icon. From here I'm doing a little guessing because my
installation is full so I can't say exactly what you will see, but if
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is not installed, it should be
listed. Select it and any other items relating to VBA and hit "Update
Now". After the install is finished, I would go ahead and re-boot and
then trying opening Project and your files again.

If you still have no luck, open Project and go to Help/Detect and
Repair. That will restore your Project installation to its original
settings. It may help, it may not.

Hopefully one or more of the suggestions offered will be of help. If
not, post again and let us know what happened. Maybe I or one of my
cohorts can come up with additional suggestions.

By the way, you mentioned that you don't really know anything about
Project (gee, there are times I think that about myself so don't feel
bad). What are you doing with Project? Why did you upgrade?


Start-to-Finish dependency between summary task & predecessor

Posted: 11 May 2005 03:36 AM PDT

Or, you might google the NG for linking summary tasks and find out a
whole lot of other reasons why most seasoned schedulers never link
summary tasks.

Change Working Time

Posted: 11 May 2005 01:50 AM PDT

I agree, sort of. My only problem with using the 24 hour calendar as the
Project Calendar is the extreme difference in start and finish dates you see
for tasks before they are assigned to resources versus the start and finish
of the same tasks or tasks with the same duration after they are assigned to
resources. A 24 hour duration task on the 24 hour calendar that start Mon
at 8am will end Tues at 8am. But that same task after being assigned its
resource will end Wed at 5pm. That's a huge difference and IMHO can easily
lead to plans that are extremely misleading when tasks with and tasks
without resources are mixed in the same schedule. I feel one should always
compare apples to apples. Even if we are not actuall;y assigning the
resources to tasks ourselves, they still are going to be worked by somebody
and that somebody most definitely does not work 24/7. Even if the
"resource" is a contractor and we're not worried about how he schedules his
employees, showing the tasks on the 24 hour calendar is very likely to show
them ending far earlier in the project than they really are going to, or
viewed another way, they will show requiring far less elapsed time than they
actually are going to out there in the real world. My mantra for scheduling
is "first and formost, never create illusions that will lead you to think
the plan is more efficient than it really is." If I mix the 24 hour
calendar with others in the plan I suggest going the opposite way, using a
"typical workday" calendar for the project calendar and reserving the 24/7
calendar for those things like machine resources, automated tests, etc, that
need to be scheduled but don't require a human presence to be accomplished
and can truly progress at any hour of the day or night even when there's no
one there.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote in message

Unallocated Resource

Posted: 11 May 2005 01:20 AM PDT

Hi Jan

Thanks alot for all your help you have helped me to understand the way
Project uses resources.

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

Microsoft CRM - "Subscription to publication is invalid" SFO client won't go offli

Microsoft CRM - "Subscription to publication is invalid" SFO client won't go offli

"Subscription to publication is invalid" SFO client won't go offli

Posted: 20 Dec 2004 04:15 PM PST

Any need to blow away the offline databases and settings or just do the
normal uninstall and reinstall?


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Workflow Access

Posted: 20 Dec 2004 09:45 AM PST

"James Brouhard" <> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:com... 

Have you given your Admin account a license?

Jürgen Beck
Dipl. Kfm./Wirtschaftsinformatik
MVP für Microsoft CRM und Visual C#
Microsoft Business Solutions Certified Master - Microsoft CRM Developer

Add column "accounts" to activities

Posted: 20 Dec 2004 08:13 AM PST


Thanks for your interest. Email me your email address at
com I'll send you a 1 month Free trial. You will be
able to do everything with this version We are just introducing the product
now. Currently it is $100.00 a user and you "do not" have to match the MSCRM
license count. You can just buy it for the users who will be using it and
you decide during the install which users can access it.

I know you'll find "Activity Manager" will do what you need and more. We
built it because we needed it for ourselves and our clients. Again send me
your email address and I'll email it to you for a month Free trial.

Also, I will talk you through installing it and using it. Just want people
to start seeing the vision of it.

Happy Holidays.

Steve Lewis
Senior Consultant
Collins Computing
(949)297-5666 direct line

"Kim" wrote:

Next Version

Posted: 19 Dec 2004 12:40 AM PST

Many of these feature are currently slated to be in CRM 2005. The only one I
have not heard anything about is the customizable controls. However, the
customization capability will be greatly enhanced.

However, you can load balance the app servers today if you want. MBS won't
support the actual load balancing configurations, but they will support the CRM
side of the isntall. To be safe, configure so that the farm uses "sticky-ip"
addressing so a given session will route to the same server with each request.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 10:31:50 -0800, "Chad Sriram"
<> wrote:

I can't wait for the next version of CRM to come out. My
list of product suggestions to Microsoft has been long,
like extending client code customizable controls from
drop-down lists to other controls, capability for load
balancing on multiple servers, performance enhancements
to Sales for Outlook client, 360 degree relationship
(many-to-many) between accounts and contacts etc.

Hopefully, they will address the major concerns in the
next version.
June 2005 in Asia 
module and we can add 
wrote in message 
come out. It would 
current version. 

SQL database

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 07:57 AM PST

If you dumped the data in their yourself - i.e. directly into the sql
database, it won't work and this method is completely unsupported.
You can either:
- use the sdk and develop your own code that calls the appropriate web
services to add the data to the database
- use the Data Migration Framework Tool (available for download)
"dave" <> wrote in message

New Installation

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 12:55 AM PST

Comments below....

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 22:05:02 -0800, "Alice" <>

I have several questions:
1. After the installation of MSCRMv1.2, SQL distribution database wasn't
seemed to appear at all. Why does this happen? 

2. In v1.2 Sales for OUtlook Client, since it has its own local web
server(IIS). What is the update interval from local IIS to IIS on MSCRM

3. Since we can't delete Business Unit in MSCRM, what is the workaround to
remove any BU that are obsolete? 

Picklist 'type ahead' feature

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 03:11 PM PST

If you have software assurance, then upgrades are free (at least for the

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 00:49:01 -0800, "Rick" <>

so does this mean we would have to pay for CRM 2005 or just get a free update
of this picklist feature which sorts thru's names that is pretty good in our
outdated Goldmine !

"Aaron Elder [INVOKE]" wrote:

Billing from time spent on cases

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 08:35 AM PST

Yeah, I guess I'll have to find someone to do some custom development to
really get all the features I want (the ability to review hours before
billing, etc.) I was hoping that someone had already done this. Thanks for
the info.

"Guy Riddle (Snapdragon)" wrote:

error in reporting service

Posted: 15 Dec 2004 08:13 AM PST

first what did u mean by the same box the crm and sql in the same server
second i try what u say but it dosent work

"Laz" wrote:

Sales Stage Ordering

Posted: 15 Dec 2004 08:04 AM PST

is this crm 1.0 or 1.2? i saw a similar issue that was fixed in 1.2.

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Guy Riddle (Snapdragon)" <guy@(nospam)> wrote in message

SFO Outlook Client Does NOT Work But WILL Go Offline

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 08:39 AM PST

Thanks. The problem was actually found to be some default settings in the new
version of McAfee (8.0). Specifically those the prohibit the launching of
files from the temp directories.

Thank you very much for responding...


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Microsoft Word - 2013 Template/Styles

Microsoft Word - 2013 Template/Styles

2013 Template/Styles

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 02:51 PM PDT

I'm changing the template on a document that was created inWord 2010; we have upgraded to Word 2013.  When I apply a new template to the document, the number levels disappear (indents, spacing, etc. remain).  If I close the document and open it back up, the numbers reappear.  Is there a setting in 2013 that that I need to change so I don't have to close and reopen the document?  I've seen a suggestion of unchecking the "Automatically update docuemnt styles" but if I do that, the new style settings will not automatically update on the new document.

Manage Styles, Hide Until Used

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 01:54 PM PDT

This feature of Word must be hopelessly complex (so much so that it is over my head), or flat out broken in the UI.

Today I created a new template and in that template, I created nine new styles "Legal List L1 trough Legal List L9."  I then linked those new styles to a new List Style which I named "Legal List."

After creating the new styles, all nine styles appear in the Styles Pane.  My style pane options are:

Select Styles to Show:  In current document

Select how list is sorted:  Alphabetical.

With the template open and blank (containing no text).  All of these 9 styles appear in the Styles pain regardless if the select Styles to show is set to "In current document" (which I concede they may be), or "In Use" which they certainly are not.

The same behavior occurs if I open a new blank document based on this template.

Next using the Manage Styles dialog Recommend Tab, I set styles Legal List L4-L9 to "Hide until used."  Again, no combination of settings in the various Manage Style dialog tabs resulted in L4-L9 being hidden in the styles pane until used.

Finally I ran this macro which does at least hide the L4-L9 styles until they are used.  However if say L4 is applied to a paragraph and then that paragraph is deleted L4 remains visible and I can only hide it again by rerunning the macro:

Sub ScratchMacro()
'A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey
Dim oStyle As Style
Dim oPar As Paragraph
Dim bNotUsed As Boolean
bNotUsed = True
For Each oStyle In ActiveDocument.Styles
  If InStr(oStyle.NameLocal, "Legal List L") = 1 Then
    If Right(oStyle.NameLocal, 1) > 3 Then
      For Each oPar In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
        If oPar.Style = oStyle Then
          bNotUsed = False
          Exit For
        End If
      If bNotUsed Then
        oStyle.Visibility = True
        oStyle.UnhideWhenUsed = True
      End If
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Is it supposed to be this hard?  Is there nothing in the Manage Style UI dialogs that can be used to "hide" a style until it is actually used and if it is no longer being used then hide it again?



Word distorting Page View

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:44 PM PDT

I was working on a Word Document and when I opened it up it appeared as if the line spacing was 3 point but when I checked the formatting of the line spacing it was actually 0.95 point.

This skewing of line spacing resulted in the number of pages changing.

I sent the same document to another computer and that person did not have the same issue.

Can you tell me what is wrong?

How to run a macro created in Microsoft word so that it could run on multiple files.

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:35 PM PDT

I have  created a macro that I want to run it to multiple files So to make the font name to segeo ui and font size to 5 pt :

Sub balloon_size()

ActiveDocument.Styles("Balloon Text").Font.Name="Segoe UI"

ActiveDocument.Styles("Balloon Text").Font.Size=5




End sub

If you have any better way then please share .

Restricted text moves in a Fillable Form in Microsoft word

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:23 PM PDT

I have created a form that has about 30 parts that are fillable. The problem is when I go to type in the fillable portions of the forms it moves the restricted text over and effects the layout of the form I have created. Is there a way to keep the restricted words of the form from moving over or down when a fillable form is filled in? It wreaks HAVOC on the layout!!! Please help!!

Finding a document in Microsoft 2010 in a folder with over 100 documents

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:22 PM PDT

In XP, in Microsoft word, you could type in any portion of a file name i.e. a prefix such as add or a case # or a date.  In Microsoft 2010, this feature does not seem to be available.  What is an easy way to find the document I'm looking for in a folder with over 100 documents in it with different case numbers and prefixes? 

Importing Excel Data into a Word form field 2, 3 and 4 based on what's in word form field 1.

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:07 PM PDT

I have a 2010 Excel spreadsheet named Attorney Information, which is my database and I've attached for your review.  I also have a 2010 Word Setting Sheet document, which I've also attached for your review.  I use the Setting Sheet to schedule prehearing or settlement conferences all during the day and I keep my Attorney Information spreadsheet open so that I can update it as well as pull phone numbers and email addresses to use on the Setting Sheet.  What I'd like to do, if possible, is when I type an attorney name in the (CATY) Atty Name form field and (RATY) Atty's Name form field, that attorney information will automatically populate into the Word document, based on the attorney name.  So the Word Phone # form field will be the attorney phone number.  If the attorney has an extension number, that will populate into the Contact # form filed on the Word document.  And the email for that attorney will populate into the CATY Email and RATY Email form fields.  Like I said, all of this attorney information is stored on the Excel spreadsheet.


Thank you.

Pamela Ballard

Editing Comments

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 11:36 AM PDT

How can I edit my comments in 2013?  I need to change some comments and delete all the irritating additional '3 seconds ago' stuff.

Word Macros

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 10:46 AM PDT

I am needing a macro that will update the source of all the links in a Microsoft Word document to a new source. I use Microsoft word documents that have hundreds of excel links, and many times I need to create a new Word file and a new excel file and link them together. The links are always in the same places/same tabs/same cell addresses in the excel workbook, but there may be references to links in multiple excel worksheets. Basically,  the macro would need to find all the links in the new word file and reset all links globally to a new excel file.


The update source dialog box would work for me, but it requires me to update each link individually. I want a global and quicker solution.


I have a template in Word 2003 that has a macro that performs this function, but it does not work with newer versions of Word (I understand they changed the VBA framework or something). If the 2003 file would help you I can provide it.


I currently own Word/Excel 2007, but I am not adverse to upgrading if I can get a solution to my problem.

Word 2010 Footer/Spacing Blues

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 10:39 AM PDT

I'm really struggling with spacing issues on footers for a large Word 2010 doc. Tried everything. Can someone call me to help me out of this jungle? Ted <removed>

Mail Merge problem re: DDE connection failure.

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 10:19 AM PDT

I am running Office 2013 on a Windows 8.1 system. I recently tried to set up a mail merge from an Excel spreadsheet to Word. It worked the first time except the labels had no margin but my printer did and cut off the top line of the first row of labels so I backed up and tried to fix the problem. I'm a novice a mail merge and messed things up a bit and decided it was easier to start over.

I closed the file I started and did not save it. On several subsequent attempts using the same steps as before I get hung up after I choose the excel file that contains my data. When I get to the "Confirm Data Source" pop-up and choose "MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls)", after a long pause, an error window pops up that says "Word could not re-establish a DDE connection to Microsoft Excel to complete the current task"

I've run several searches for a fix with no luck. Any ideas? 


office 365 on windows 8.1- word and excel not workigng

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 10:12 AM PDT


we installed office 365 and word and excel refuses to open. it says "repair" once I check on it the command says cannot be repaired. have uninstalled and reinstalled office at least thrice. rebooted the system. nothing is working. please help!

Images insterted in word 2013 shift or move inches when opened in word 2010

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 10:07 AM PDT

I have a docx...using word 2013, pages were added with text and images...everything it formatted and properly between the header and footer...

saved and sent to office 2010...images on 3 of the pages created in 2013 have moved and are overlapping the footer of the pages docx

pages 32-34 of 38

These images are not over the footer if you open in 2013 where they were support had no solution

Hidecomments by review\tracking\show final

Restrict editing in a word 2013 template/fillable form

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 08:40 AM PDT

I've read and watched most of the information on restrict editing.  In the developer's tab I have clicked on restrict editing.  It brings up the three steps.  It allows me to change format restrictions (I haven't changed this).  I'm allowed to change editing restrictions (which I changed to fillable forms), but it won't allow me to do step three (which is start enforcement).  I have also attempted to restrict editing through the info tab/protect document.  I get the same result.  I'm guessing one of my content controls is wrong, but I've looked at them multiple times.  What can I do to fix this problem?

"The file ___________.docx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents" and "Word found unreadable content in "________.docx"

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 06:40 AM PDT

I was working on a docx document this morning and it is wrecked after lunch.

I double click to open and a box comes up saying 'The file ___________.docx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents'.

I click the Details button and the box now says 'The file is corrupt and cannot be opened'.

I click OK and a new box appears which says 'Word found unreadable content in "________.docx'. Do you want to recover the contents of this document? If you trust the source of this document, click Yes.

I click Yes and the box appears, again, reading 'The file ___________.docx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents'.

I click the Details button again and this time it says 'Microsoft Office cannot open this file because some parts are missing or invalid'. I click OK and all boxes disappear.

Any help, or is this document mysteriously dead?

How to convert word to pdf

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 05:39 AM PDT

I am using Microsoft Word 2007. And I want to save the document in pdf format. how can I do that?

Microsoft RMS Add-in Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 03:38 AM PDT

Microsoft Rights Management sharing application for Windows

Microsoft Windows 7/Office 2010 Service Pack 2

Click 'Share Protected'

Receive the following error message 'Microsoft RMS Add-in Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object'

Microsoft Windows 7/Office 2013 Service Pack 1

Works fine

Any ideas why this is not working?

When do the green arrows appear on the save icon in word

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 02:53 AM PDT

Why do the green arrows appear on the save disc icon as below?

The customer has checked out a Word document and made changes and the save icon in the top left corner has 2 green arrows which appears to indicate that the document is checked out, but they don't always appear if the document is checked out – under what circumstances do they appear? 

PDF to Word 2013 conversion produces uneditable file

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 02:44 AM PDT

I am trying to convert PDF files to editable Word docx documents. However, following the official MS instructions, I get a .docx file but one where none of the text is editable. When I click on the text is selects a whole frame or block of it as though it was a jpeg image.

Can anyone help me to successfully turn PDF documents into editable text in Word 2013?

Many thanks.

MS Word 2013 not saving document that was "linked"

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 02:28 AM PDT


Hoping someone can help me. I created a blank master document in MS Word 2013. I then linked Multiple external documents using the 'Insert Text from file' function. 

Everything works fine (more or less), however, when I try and save my Master Document, it keeps on bringing up the "Save As" dialogue and just refuses to save my document. 

Any ideas why this is happening? 

Superscript / Subscript Bugging out in Equation Editor

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 02:14 AM PDT

The equation editor seems to be glitching.

The problem seems to occur while attempting to type an expression such as:

1/2 U"(w_t)

1/2 changes into a fraction fine. The expression within U"( ) does not become w subscript t.

When the equation becomes "corrupted" with this error, clearing its contents and attempting to type anything else (for example, x^2 does not change it to x power 2).

Is equation editor perhaps interpreting one of the expressions I've typed in as something else that I'm aware of?

Distance between two words with nonbreaking space

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 01:42 AM PDT

I have the problem that when writing in block scale and using the nonbreaking space (CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE), the distance between the words that are connected through the nonbreaking space varies depending on the distribution of words by the block set in a line. In principle, a difference from a normal space is barely noted.

In Word 2010, the spacing between words is only as great as the nonbreaking space sign. Just as it should be through this special character precisely.
The same document opened in 2013 and 2010 results in the different representations described above.

Is this a bug or a feature?

Insert page numbering - total number of pages showing incorrect

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:25 AM PDT

I have a 36 page document. We have created a front page, where I have selected a "current location" and used Insert > Page Number > X of Y (where "Y" is total number of pages.

I have also used this in the headers of the subsequent pages. In the headers of all subsequent pages "Page X of Y" shows correctly. However on the front page, whenever I make changes to the document, it goes back to "Page 1 of 3" (always 3 and I don't know where this number comes from).

If I delete the page numbering and re-insert, it shows correctly, but then, when I make any changes, it defaults back to "Page 1 of 3".

What can I do to stop this from happening? Or do I have to just keep re-inserting the "Page X of Y" option?

Set light horizontal colored page background in Word 2010/2013

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 11:31 PM PDT

I'm preparing for a competition of Microsoft Word organized by Certiport, and there's this one question that I never get it right, and I can't find any information regarding this, either online or offline.

Change the background of this document so that it is Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 60% with a Light Horizontal pattern.

It's in Word 2010, but it doesn't need to be this specific color. Any idea?

need help with customised word template in Office 365

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 08:39 PM PDT


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. I have just downloaded and installed "Microsoft word for ipad" app into my iPad 2. I have activated it and got it to work fine. However, I have my own word template for meeting minutes that I created using word 2010 with .dotx file extension. Would it be possible to upload it to the "microsoft word for ipad" app on my iPad 2 so that I can create as many minutes as I want out of that template.

Thank you very much

Word 2010 is making my new laptop slow to a point that I can't access other applications when word is open

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 07:22 PM PDT

I use Endnote X2 for my work. My new laptop with windows 8.1 works fine and fast when word is not open. But when word is open and I want to search a reference or something online then it is a nightmare. I have to click and wait and count to 25 or more. Things are slowing down to a crawl that now I keep 2 computers with me. I work slowly with word on my new computer and when I need to search anything, I use the old broken computer which is on its last legs. I will really appreciate help in resolving this issue. I m really worried that I can't work reliably and fast with word on the new comp and sorting this out is crucial as I have a thesis to finish.

Please help.


Can't Open Microsoft Word

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 06:44 PM PDT


I bought the personal/university package for Microsoft Office. I had no problem using it in the past, but recently, it says that the application is installed on two different computers, so I can't open it. Today, it says that it has trouble connecting me to the server. 

I need to use this for my homework, but I can't because it won't open. 

Someone please help ASAP

Thank you

Unable to use programs after installing Office Home and Student 2013

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 04:47 PM PDT

I had installed Office Home and Student 2013 and it was working fine for about 6 weeks then stopped.  When you try to open it you got error Something went wrong. Try again.

I have uninstalled office and reinstalled several times, I have downloaded it from office site and installed from the original discs.  I still can not access the programs now I get "we're sorry, word has encountered a problem that prevents it from opening.

Any suggestions

Problems with margins when formating a word document with alternating portrait and landscape orientation pages

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 03:39 PM PDT

I have a problem when in the same document I have frequently changes on page orientation.  When my document gets bigger than, lets say, 15 "new sections",   the margins (left & gutter) of some sections the ruler get shift to the left.  Even down at the Margins still show the same for the whole document, visually it shows different.  The Ruller is different from pages of different section even down the margins are set as the same in the document. Does anybody know why?

Want Wordbasic to delete text between two markers - how is it done?

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 03:21 PM PDT

HI. I'm a 'newbie' and I'm trying to learn how to delete unwanted text in Word. I'm managing to move the cursor around a bit with Wordbasic but that's about all. . Example text below, I want to delete everything between JFG and Part, and then repeat this operation for hundreds of occurrences in the document. The fields on the left hand side (i.e 'Entry', 'By' etc.) are invariant, as are the spaces between the fields and the hyphen; only the text after the hyphen ever changes. Many thanks!

Entry - 12 June 2012

By  - JFG

Dept - 03

VA code  - 003

Part - 03405075

Despatched - 17 JUNE 2012

Needs to look like:

Entry - 12 June 2012

By  - JFG

Part - 03405075

Despatched - 17 JUNE 2012

OAB Sync error 0x8004010F - Microsoft Exchange

OAB Sync error 0x8004010F - Microsoft Exchange

OAB Sync error 0x8004010F

Posted: 08 Aug 2006 11:40 AM PDT

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

1) I just did a default installation so the Offline List points to whatever
it was at setup, which I think is Default Global Address List. That's what it
says in the box.

2) As for the System Folders, I see two entries:

a) /o=mydomain/cn=addrlists/cn=oabs/cn=Default Offline Address List.
However, status shows that size=0 and that items=0

b) EX:/o=mydomain/ou=First Administrative Group. Again, Status on "myServer"
shows Public Folder Store with size=0 and items=0

Any more info or ideas to correct would be great. For example, should I
attempt to create an Offline Address list that repeats the ones in the Global
List. If so, how do I do it?

"Iona [MSFT]" wrote:

secondary smtp address not forwarding properly

Posted: 08 Aug 2006 09:37 AM PDT

nc_mike <mrth+fm> typed: 

That's most odd; is this for the same Internet domain name? Is he even
receiving mail sent to the secondary address in his client (leaving the
forward out of it)?


RPC Over Http Ports

Posted: 08 Aug 2006 07:33 AM PDT

On Tue, 8 Aug 2006 08:19:01 -0700, MittonE
<com(Do not Spam)> wrote:

You seem to have been getting a tadge confused with the research
you've been doing. In days of yore, you might have put an Exchange FE
in the DMZ rather than ISA 2004. That would have called for some wild
and wacky port openings, hence why it's no longer de-rigeur.

Obviously RPC from the ISA to the Exchange box won't work because
that's exactly what ISA is there to do, i.e. stop RPC from the
Internet to the internal network.

sub domain

Posted: 07 Aug 2006 01:21 PM PDT

I actually got this to work the vendors application processes the messages
received at the sub domain. They offered another option but I was unsure how
to do this in Exchange:
To send messages from the "internal network, (Intranet only)" to the Email
messenger, setup a forwarding rule on the company's email server to forward
all messages "received from internal IP addresses only", with the email
messenger domain to the email messenger IP address

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" wrote:

Need Help ASAP with Exchange active synce / POP3

Posted: 06 Aug 2006 10:31 AM PDT

my issue is how do i use POP3, SMTP and so fort in email? please help
me to set up sign up to i! does it i have matter ihave a primary dsl
provider? thank you.

Use Exchnage server for email blast to clients

Posted: 05 Aug 2006 06:35 PM PDT

In news:com,
arun mx <> typed: 

Sure, but that isn't really what Exchange is for.

You might search at


CA Brighstore deleted PRIV!.EDB file Mystery

Posted: 05 Aug 2006 10:27 AM PDT

Brick level I think. CA calls it document level.
In simple terms when I restored it I was able to see 4 emails in Righ pan
which I then check marked for restore.

"seth" wrote:

How to forward message?

Posted: 05 Aug 2006 01:37 AM PDT

On Sat, 5 Aug 2006 15:17:05 +0300, "Vycka" <lt> wrote:
I do, you'd need the SMTP licence as far as I'm aware, having had a
lot of experience with major (Multiple servers with multiple fully
stacked PRI cards (none of your ISDN2 rubbish)) fax experience.

What are you using anyway? I've never seen a fax server with an
expensive SMTP component....

local smtp server

Posted: 04 Aug 2006 02:29 PM PDT

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> skrev i melding

I have some spam and antivirus program running on that server, and i need to
get access to the SMTP becuse this programs (GFI ME and MS) use this smtp

/Per W.

Install ADUC with Exchange Admin

Posted: 04 Aug 2006 01:53 PM PDT

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" <> wrote 

That was it, thanks!


Exchange 2K3 Server new hardware MOVE

Posted: 03 Aug 2006 03:35 PM PDT

Ed's right - if you can bring up a new server into your environment with a
new name, the Move Mailbox migration method would be preferred. Even if the
install of the new server goes awry, it will not affect the current
production environment. Once the server is installed, you can start to move
mailboxes between servers.

You may wish to read through the following KBs regarding mailbox moves to
get some helpful hints:

822892 Move Mailbox improvements in Exchange 2003;EN-US;822892

328810 Moving mailboxes between servers;EN-US;328810

You won't need to worry about updating Outlook profiles if you keep the
original server online. When a user opens Outlook, their profile will
initially point to the original server. The original server then tells the
client where their mailbox was moved to and redirects them there. The
Outlook profile also gets updated to go to the new server from this point
further. Once your users update their profiles you can then go ahead and
decommission the server. If the original server is the first E2K3 server in
the AG, I would recommend following the steps in this KB:

822931 How to remove the first Exchange Server 2003 computer from the
administrative group;EN-US;822931

Eric Tam, MCSE, MCSA
Microsoft Exchange Support

Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for newsgroup
purposes only.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Laurie" <> wrote in message

Out of office does not work outside the Exchange environment

Posted: 03 Aug 2006 04:56 AM PDT

"Dudute" <> wrote 

Something to consider before you enable this... Do you have any sort of spam
control? Otherwise by enabling an autoreply to work outside your network you
will create what is called "backscatter". If your Exchange server
auto-replies to spam this could cause your system to be blacklisted, or
worse yet it will increase the spam you get.

Not a huge issue, but just something to consider.


Mail to Public Folders Appearing as IPM.Post

Posted: 03 Aug 2006 02:19 AM PDT

In news:eb7coq$r00$,
Per W. <no.invalid> typed:


No idea why they did it, but glad you found the answer.