

Microsoft CRM - converting leads to accounts

Microsoft CRM - converting leads to accounts

converting leads to accounts

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 07:17 AM PDT

Hi Ann,

Have a look at the documentation on MSDN.

Basically, a Post Callout is a COM object (which you can write in any
language that allows you to write COM objects). You register the COM object
with CRM for different entities Add, Edit or Delete (i.e. You say, when
Accounts are added, call this function in the COM object). The COM object
receives the id of the record so it can generate an Account number and write
it back.


"Ann" <> wrote in message

Customizations - how to deploy on multiple servers

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 06:09 AM PDT

You may not necessarily have to export from your target system, instead have
2 exports from dev systems and splice those together. You definitely need
to know what you are doing!

One thing that I have noticed - you do not need to have every section in the
file. For example, I have removed the whole attribute sections if I just
wanted to do a quick reimport of customizations (because it insists on
trying to reapply the attributes even though they are there and it takes a

There are lots of tools out there to edit XML - me, I prefer a notepad
(although I do like the Ctrl-K + Ctrl-D feature in Visual Studio for
reformatting XML - makes those big long strings easier to manage).


"Karin" <> wrote in message

Microsoft CRM Security Service

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 01:01 AM PDT

security service is also dependent on the sql service and the Acive
so make sure that sql and active directory are running properly before u try
to start the security service.
Hope this helps.

Ashfaq Ali

"Awan" <> wrote in message

How to delete a user from AD without CRM troubles?

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 03:55 AM PDT

You should also assign the user's records to someone
else. Check microsoft knowledge base (or google-search
this group) for info on retrieving the license.

Good luck!
in message  
user is deleted  
there will be no 
was deleted from AD 

How to delete Fiscal Year Settings ?

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 03:09 AM PDT

Once set you cannot change the fiscal year settings official Microsoft
course suggests that reinstallation is the only option. Note: if you have
made any config changes you cannot export and reimport as fiscal settings
will come across in the import as well.

"Sebastiano Castrini" <castrini(remove)> wrote in message

mscrm case studies

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 03:23 PM PDT

All available case studies are on the site I referenced. Norma is a Product
Manager on our team. I was just giving proper credit where credit was do,
don't want people thinking I did all the work!

Jason Hunt
Technical Product Manager
Microsoft Business Solutions CRM

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"erez" <com> wrote in message 

How to add company name in activitylist of home page?

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 06:01 AM PDT

sorry Chris, should have been clearer. There is some coding involved
in this.
send me an email and I can provide you more information. this is one
of several CRM "utilities" we have developed as an MS CRM ISV partner.

Post URL : Error

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 02:13 AM PDT


Make sure you are returning at least the base HTML & BODY tags in the ASPX page
as well. The workflow engine is expecting some sort of response and if you
don't send back some content, it will assume the call failed.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 14:43:04 +0530, "Raju" <com> wrote:


I've created a rule for New Lead event.
In post URl action, I've specified the url

In the form load of the webform1.aspx , i wrote the following code.

FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"D:\CRMDB\CLEAD.txt");
StreamWriter s = fi.AppendText();

s.WriteLine("AccountID: " + Request.Form["accountid"]);



I was getting the following error when i create a new lead.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSCRMWorkflowService
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5895
Date: 9/14/2004
Time: 1:37:16 PM
User: N/A
Computer: NG2003
Error: action {DE855F26-C27E-4240-B27A-C84C7FDFA41C} failed in step
{C4BE5593-A362-4C89-A22B-FBECAC2A6F72} of process instance
<description>Error in action posturl.</description><details>Failed to
connect the url
http://localhost/WebApplication1/WebForm1.aspx</details><file>d:\crm\build\3297\src\platform\workf low\service\processengine.inl</file><line>5248</line>

Help Needed.

Thanks in Advance


High CPU on Server

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 01:36 AM PDT

Aaron Elder [MSFT] wrote:

Good info, thanks.

Updating data in fields

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 11:07 PM PDT

Besides Scribe, you may also consider a few other approaches:

- Write SDK calls to update the values for each Account
- Update the database table directly with SQL. This isn't supported, but in
this case will probably not cause any problems.

The SDK approach is the "supported" method to do this. Assuming you can easily
map the external data to the appropriate AccountId values, the code to do this
would be pretty straight forward. Just a matter of going through each Account,
building the update XML for the fields you want toupdate, and then sending it to
the CRMAccount.update method.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On 13 Sep 2004 23:07:13 -0700, com (Lee) wrote:


I have several thousand records in MS CRM (leads and accounts), which
contain fields like annual turnover, number of employees etc. In 12
months time the information in such fields will be out of date and I
need to be able to up date these fields from an external source so
that we can continually target our marketing activity based on fields
like turnover, number of employees etc.

Can anyone tell me how I update individual fields for a record using
data from an external source?

Best regards

Team test question

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 09:39 AM PDT

Aaron is correct. The documentation error will be fixed in the next release.

"Aaron Elder [MSFT]" wrote:

MS CRM vs other products (Act, Goldmine, Siebel)

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 02:26 AM PDT

MS CRM compared to Act! is not a good comparison - they
are not a good alignment to compare feature set.

MS CRM is Microsoft's attempt at a 'customer relationship
management' product (albeit currently incomplete, quite
inflexible and requiring a pretty hefty investment in
setup, etc.) whereas Act! is a contact manager - it is a
tool for sales people w/o the support/service modules and
other things that typically are part of CRM.

Act! has just released a new version that comes in two
falvors - both running on MS SQL server technology.
Depending on the number of users you need, the 'standard'
version list at about $229 and the premium version which
includes MS SQL Server 2000 Standard goes for $399,
supporting up to 50 users.

What you need to do is look at your business needs, the
existing LAN/PC infrastructure, your existing data that
you would migrate, the projected size of the dataset, etc.

Then, once you have a clearer understanding of what you
need, start looking at products, not the other way
around. A successful sales/CRM implementation needs to be
business driven, not technology driven.

If more businesses understood this, Microsoft would do a
better job with their CRM product than they are...

Microsoft Word - Is there a simple field code for bolding text in a field and one for showing text in superscript?

Microsoft Word - Is there a simple field code for bolding text in a field and one for showing text in superscript?

Is there a simple field code for bolding text in a field and one for showing text in superscript?

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 03:40 PM PST



I have linked text from an Excel spreadsheet into a Word document.  I inserted it by Paste Special > Paste Link >


The text is as such -


              If your balance was $50,000, then for that year you will be charged fees of $767.00# (for December 2013 this is $796.40#).


The figures in bold - when I update them, they lose the bold formatting.  Is there a simple field code I can put in that will simply format all the text in the field in bold?  I have tried a number of things, including the CHARFORMAT code, and it just won't work.


The Hash marks (#) - I need this to be in superscript.  When it updates, it won't stay in superscript.  Is there a simple field code that simply makes any text in the relevant field in superscript?


I have looked and looked, and found nothing :-(

Word 2010 "Manual breaks are the issue here"

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 02:25 PM PST

Hello from Steved

.Wrap = wdFindAsk

My issue please is with the above line, meaning if I change it to "wdFindStop" it will not find "^m", now if I use "wdFindContinue" it will find "^m", but it will not stop after finding the last occurrence, finally if I use "wdFindAsk" it works but asks "do you want to start at the beginning", which I do not want this to happen every time I run this macro, what do I need to do please to make the below macro function. Thank you in advance.

Whats My Object

Find the Manual page break then insert AutoText using the word "Win"

Sub Test36()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "^m"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindAsk
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = True
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With
    If Selection.Find.Found Then
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
    Selection.TypeText Text:="win"
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "RACE"
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = True
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With
    End If
    Loop While Selection.Find.Found
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

How to Auto Update Linked Charts in Word 2013 When Document Opens

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 01:40 PM PST

Does anyone know how to have charts, that were pasted & linked from Excel 2013 to Word 2013, automatically update when the Word document is opened? I have the "Update Automatic Links at Open" selected in the Word, but to update the charts I have to select each one and "refresh", which is a pain with lots of charts.

Would VBA work?

Using Windows 8.1



Office 2013 can't save documents created in Office 2007

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 01:39 PM PST

recently I bougt a new PC with windows 8.1 and I also bought office 2013. However, I can't save files created in Office 2007. The are ok to open and edit, but saving just doesnt work. 
I did everything according to the instruction in Swedish below, and changed  it as isntructed below. i cosed work and restarted it. No result. I closed down the pc and restarted. Ssame negative result. I also read the Konowledge Base article 922850, but was unable to find the root of the Office installation files nor the Office Installation files themselves. What to do??

  1. Klicka på fliken Arkiv.
  2. Klicka på Alternativ.
  3. Klicka på Säkerhetscenter och sedan på Inställningar för Säkerhetscenter.
  4. Klicka på Inställningar för filblockering i Säkerhetscenter.

Inaktivera registerprincipinställningen om du vill spara dokument med den här filtypen. Mer information finns i Microsoft Knowledge Base-artikeln 922850.

Word 2010 Legacy Form Drop-Down Menu Arrow Showing when printing

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 12:59 PM PST

Once filled in; I'd like the people filling in the form to print what they've created; but the little arrow next to the drop down menus (legacy ones) are showing when I go to print; even if I've clicked off the field before printing. I don't know why they're continuing to show & do not want them to show on the printed form. Please help! So, it looks like the below - both "12-month period" & "February 2015" are drop down menus, but even if not showing when going to print, one of them have an arrow next to it on the print page. I just want to get rid of it.


Printing Statement (5.5 x 8.5) size handouts from Word

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 12:44 PM PST

I'm trying to print statement (5.5 x 8.5) sized handouts for a class. I've created the page size in Word (Office 365) with margin sizes of .5 in.

What I'd like to do is print the handout on letter-size paper in landscape and then cut the paper in half. For example:
  1. I need page 1 to print on the front of the letter-sized paper twice and...
  2. I need page 2 to print on the back of the letter-sized paper twice.
  3. When cut in half, I'll have two copies of the document in statement or half-letter size.
Is this even possible? I am trying to avoid using columns and/or duplicating pages in the document using letter-sized paper. I need for the document text to flow from page to page but for the page size to be 5.5 x 8.5.

How to prevent Word 2010 or 2013 from saving files in DOC format?

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 12:39 PM PST

How can I prevent Word 2010 and/or 2013 from saving files in .DOC format?

Or, how can I have Word 2010 and/or 2013 automatically "Convert" all old format .DOC files on open?

Or, how can I permanently disable "compatibility mode" for .DOC files that are opened in Word?

MVPs: NO, I am NOT looking to manually convert every single .DOC file to .DOCX. I want Word to automatically convert documents upon open. There is NO need to maintain 100% compatibility with earlier versions of Office!

FYI "Convert"ing a .DOC file will then force Word 2010 (& presumably 2013) to save the file as a DOCX file if you click on Save or Save As. I'd like all old format documents to be automatically opened NOT in compatibility mode.

In PowerPoint 2010 and 2013 it is possible to use the Trust Center -> File Block Settings to force PowerPoint to open .PPT files in protected mode which then forces you to convert the document to PPTX before you can start using it.

I want the same to happen in Word, but, it seems that the Trust Center settings in Word 2010 and 2013 are there for show. Changing them seems to do nothing :( I have yet to convince Word to open .DOC files in protected mode.

Sorting a list of judgments by case number

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 12:22 PM PST


I have been trying to find out ways to sort my list but so far my search through the internet has not been successful. I could also not find much on the sorting function in the word help/support pages.

My task: 

I have to sort a case list which looks like this, but way longer:

Case C-108/09 Ker-Optika [2010] ECR I-122213                    2,3,5

Joined Cases C-153/04 and C-155/04 Nadin and Nadin-Lux [2005] ECR I-11203                  1,4,7,

Case 94/82 Kikvorsch [1983] ECR 947                        5,7,9,

Joined Cases C-151/04 and C-152/04 Nadin and Nadin-Lux [2005] ECR I-11203                  2,12,25


The list would need to be sorted according to 1. the year (which is directly after the first slash) and 2. the case number (which is just before the slash) i.e. the list should be sorted like this:


Case 94/82 Kikvorsch [1983] ECR 947                        5,7,9,

Joined Cases C-151/04 and C-152/04 Nadin and Nadin-Lux [2005] ECR I-11203                  2,12,25

Joined Cases C-153/04 and C-155/04 Nadin and Nadin-Lux [2005] ECR I-11203                  1,4,7,

Case C-108/09 Ker-Optika [2010] ECR I-122213                    2,3,5


Any advice?? I don't want to sort hundreds of these by hand! Thanks so much in advance!

Form Check Box Options

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 12:21 PM PST

I have a form with YES and NO check box options. If NO is selected/checked the box will fill with the typical X. 

If YES is selected, not only do I want the X, I also want a couple paragraphs of new text/or a new section to appear directly under the check boxes. 

Is it possible to do this kind of thing in Word? Perhaps I need Visual Basic or… 

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! 

Changing footnote cross-reference number formatting

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 12:20 PM PST

I am formatting law journal article that has cross-references to footnotes. Specifically, it contains ranges of footnotes that should end up looking something like "145–50."  I've been inserting two references, first to 140, and then to 150, but I end up with "145–150," which is not correct for the formatting that I need.  

Does anybody know how I can make a footnote cross-reference to, for example, footnote 150 that will only display the last two numbers?

This is the format of the field:

{NOTEREF_Ref364863823 \h \* MERGEFORMAT }

I've tried changing it to:

{NOTEREF_Ref364863823 \h \# "00" }

But that doesn't seem to work.  Thanks!

Lost applications: excel, word etc.. student office

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 11:41 AM PST



I have recently been in touch regarding the above, and I cannot find my reply you guys originally gave me.. i purchased the student office package when i purchased this laptop (HP).. late on last year.. i need these packages for my degree.. they were there in December and now they are not!! - the computer keeps on doing updates.. i have not deleted them as i know i need to use them.. i have checked the 'apps' part of the setting, and word and excel are no where to be seen, and they are not on my desktop which is where i had put them.


I am unable to find my product key for them, to reinstall them.


Please help!!




How do I get CTRL + F in WORD 2010 to open the Find and Replace window?

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 11:23 AM PST


In WORD 2007 if I hit CTRL + F the:-


Find and Replace


 - window opens.


How do I get exactly the same functionality in WORD 2010?


Thanks in advance for any replies.


Page 1 of x Question

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 10:58 AM PST

Using Word 2007, I have a document that is a total of six pages, the last two of which are exhibits.  In the body I put in the page number code for page 1 of x and it gives me the total of page 1 of 6.  I've separated the exhibits out with a next page section break, same as previous off, and it still gives me 1 of 6.  I insert on exhibit 1 page numbers 1 of x and format it to start at page 1.  It still counts the total pages for x.  How do I set this so that the body says Page 1 of 4 and the exhibit 1 of 2?





How to find templates for blank headers and footers in Word 2013

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 09:49 AM PST

I'm trying to create a template for headers and footers that are completely blank. In Word 2010 that was an option. In 2013, every header or footer on the drop-down menu has some kind of border or line--even the ones listed as "blank." And I can't find a way to remove those lines.

Can someone please tell me how to make truly blank headers and footers? I'm trying to create documents with page numbers at the bottom--no borders or lines in the footer. And I want headers at the top, again with no lines or borders.


Same values of variables in word 2010 Visual Studio add-in are being shared across multiple document

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 09:46 AM PST

I am developing an Office Word 2010 Add-In in Visual Studio using c#. In add-in code I have some class level private variables declared.


When a word document is opened then some of these variables are loaded with dynamic values and some are loaded with values in various events like DocumentOpen etc. It's fine till here.


Now I keep the first document opened and open another word document. When this second document is opened while debugging before load event I can see the variables are already loaded with the first document's values.


So if first document 'Doc1' has a variable named 'docName' which I assign with value "Doc1" when the document is opened. Now when I open another word document 'Doc2' (first document 'Doc1' is still opened, not closed) I see the variable 'docName' already set with value 'Doc1'.

This is not only happening when the Documents are opened but in every events all variables' values are shared across multiple documents.


I do not want to create variable arrays as there are many variables and will keep adding more as functionality of add-in is extended.


Any kind of help is highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.




Syed Abbas

Name Badge Image issue

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 09:45 AM PST

I am creating namde badges in Avery template 5392 and I am using a full 3x4 image as my background. The image and everythign looks great once I update labels but in live preview all the images shift. It seems the text is shifting them but the image is set to "behind text" so I don't see why this is happening. How can I set up a template with a full size image without it shifting everything?

word 2007 windows xp

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 09:27 AM PST

can't get document rid of document: i type a policy on micro word 2007 and now the word window appears on my start drop down window and when i click on word to type a new document the policy document opens up and will not allow me to open a new clean window???

word 2007 windows ex

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:58 AM PST

can't get document rid of document: i type a policy on micro word 2007 and now the word window appears on my start drop down window and when i click on word to type a new document the policy document opens up and will not allow me to open a new clean window???

Word 2013 printout differs from onscreen print preview

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:45 AM PST

When printing a document to Adobe, activating the paragraph marker, watermark, or footers, the document gets bounced around and things shift to the next page although no additional lines have been added and no formatting was changed by me.  Why and how do I resolve this.  I keep having to reformat the entire document over and over.

Did Something Change Recently (January 2014) With Word Draw Functions?

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:21 AM PST

I'm wondering if a Microsoft Update could have changed the way objects are positioned in the canvas.

I do a lot of drawing in Word, always using a Drawing Canvas.  Previously, when I would insert a drawing object, I could position it with the following choices using the Layout tab: In Line With Text, Square, Tight, Behind Text, In Front Of Text.  Somehow a parameter has changed, and drawing objects cannot be positioned with these choices.  When I select 'Layout', it just lists 'Position In Diagram', and will not allow me to change.

Word Spacing

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:02 AM PST

When I have the "Justify" tab checked, sometimes the first sentence of a paragraph will only have a few words with oversize spaces between them.  How can this be corrected?  Thanks.

Can I use RegEx on word?

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 06:34 AM PST

as title, please teach me how to use, thank you. 

Including chapter numbers in paragraph list

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 04:08 AM PST

I am trying to make a numbered list in paragraph text that includes the chapter number in the numbering in a way that it would be automatically updated when the chapter number changes. Something like the following:

<chapter#> This is the chapter title in Heading 1 style

<chapter#>.1 This is the first item on the list in List Paragraph style
<chapter#>.2 This is the second item on the list in List Paragraph style

I fiddled around with the multilevel lists options but I can't really figure out how to make this work. I tried abusing 'heading 2' for this by creating a new style and selecting "based on heading 2". The disadvantage is that in this case I have the problem that the text is also included in the TOC plus the formatting is not based on the 'normal' style so it is more difficult to keep the styles in sync. Is there a better way to accomplish this or should I revert to manually adding the chapter numbers in the list?

Microsoft Word 2007 Mail Merge suddenley not working unless I press Shift + F9?

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 03:59 AM PST

Hiya I have has an issue with Microsoft Word 2007 and Mail Merge for the past week at work and the IT guy doesn't know what's going on so we are both looking for solutions!

It just happened suddenly as had been working fine and I have not updated Microsoft word to a newer version or anything. When I open a word document with Mail Merge it comes up with the coding that is implemented for the Mail Merge to work rather than the field names that it showed before, when I go to Mail Merge with a Clients details it does nothing when I click preview.

However I have just discovered if I Mail Merge and preview and it shows nothing but if I then select all the Mail Merge fields and press Shift and F9 they then show the Clients details! Does anyone know what is causing this and a way round so that when I enter the details they show up when I press preview rather than having to press Shift and F9 in order to show?

Another thing to note which I'm not sure is related is the Word documents are opening up in compatibility mode and I'm not sure why this is?

Any help would be appreciated as a week working in a busy office having had to type everything manually is not fun! Everyone elses in the office is working fine as it should, it just seems to be me!

Word 2010 Smart Art - How to copy style info between multiple smart arts?

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 02:41 AM PST

I have a document with several smartart hierarchy charts. I created a customized color "Style".  I wish to copy the style to all of the charts.  I don't see any way of saving a custom SmartArt Style.  The custom style does not appear in the other smartarts.  Format painter does not work

I am open to suggestions.

The only workaround I've found so far is a "if you can't beat 'em, cheat!" type solution:
  • select and copy the "good" smartart
  • paste in new location
  • select the "old / bad" smartart
  • display the "Type Your Text pane"
  • Select contents of the pane
  • Copy the contents to clipboard
  • Select the newly pasted "good" smartart
  • Select the "old" contents of the "type your Text pane"
  • paste clipboard to text pane
  • delete the old / bad smartart

Now have new formatting applied to old hierarchy chart details

Copy and paste WITH formatting

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 12:32 AM PST

Hi y'all!
I am a student of English and need to copy and paste from a dictionary installed in my pc keeping formatting -for instance, those shwas which are elidable  are formatted in red, unlike those that are not appering in plain text. 
I'd like to paste in a microsoft word document, but maybe  it has to do with the Windows system rather than with microsoft word - if so, just let me know.
Thank you in advance.

Pink screen

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 10:07 PM PST

I recently bought Microsoft Office 365 University Edition and I installed it without any trouble. But when I opened Microsoft Word, instead of having the usual white background theme, it was a hot pink colour. If I move the mouse over buttons the buttons itself turns white and everything else stays pink. If I move the mouse over other buttons the white buttons gradually turn back to pink. This is the same with any other program that comes in the university package (e.g. PowerPoint, Excel, etc.). I have tried changing themes for Word and Googled about this problem but no luck. I haven't tried reinstalling it because I don't want to risk anymore trouble. Please help!

Dotted leaders in TOC

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 07:51 PM PST

The default leader dots are too big and ugly. I can manually change them but doing it for the whole book would take too long. Is there a way to modify them, as one can modify the TOC text? I tried assigning a style to the one I modified but the style does not affect the dotted leaders. (The other lead-in choices are not good either.)

How can I add "Outline View" to the Status Bar in Word 2013

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 07:38 PM PST

I regularly need to switch between Print Layout and Outline View when working with Word. In Word 2013, the Status Bar no longer includes Outline View as one of the three options (Read Mode, Print Layout, and Web Layout). It does not appear that these three options can be changed from the Customize Status Bar option menu. And having to navigate to the View tab in the Ribbon in order to switch to Outline View is not as efficient has being able to click on an icon in the Status Bar. Is there a way to add Outline View to the Status Bar in Word 2013?
CH in Miami

How wrap tab stops

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 06:02 PM PST

I generate a phone log that has 4 tab stops.   I want content to wrap on the 4th tab stop (like I used to do in WP) but it is going back to the left margin.

I hope this is clear?  It would look like:

I/O        Phone #                        Contact                             Content

 O             (xxxxxx)                       Doctor X                       Need to change appointment.  (Thjs is what I need to wrap around)

Thanks for any help.  I use this all the time & the problem is driving me up the wall.

Higgs Boson

Display Word Count of a particular selection in Word 2013

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 04:25 PM PST

Hi everyone,
Is there a way to display, within the document, the total word count of a selected paragraph? Does such a formula or field control exist?


Paragraph 1:

Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point. When you click Online Video, you can paste in the embed code for the video you want to add. You can also type a keyword to search online for the video that best fits your document.

Word Count: 47

Paragraph 2:

To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that complement each other. For example, you can add a matching cover page, header, and sidebar. Click Insert and then choose the elements you want from the different galleries.Themes and styles also help keep your document coordinated. When you click Design and choose a new Theme, the pictures, charts, and SmartArt graphics change to match your new theme. When you apply styles, your headings change to match the new theme.

Word Count: 87

Thanks for any help with this one!

Microsoft Office for Windows 8 doesnt work.

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 04:23 PM PST

Hi, I'm currently using Windows 8.1, and all my office apps, like Word and Excel were working until a few days ago. Now when I open them, all that comes up is a blankscreen, with no controls available. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it, but even the installation screen came up blank. My Windows updates are all up to date, so I have no idea what is causing this problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.

Numbered List Combining Right-to-left and Left-to-Right

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 04:22 PM PST

I am trying to create a multi-layered numbered list (2 layered to be precise, the first layer 1, 2. 3 etc, the second a, b, c...) including both English and Arabic and am having some problems.
I need all the numbers using English numerals (if I may call them that to avoid confusion) to be left-to-right but the text following them for those entries which are in Arabic to be right-to-left. Therefore I need to combine both left-to-right and right-to-left in a single line. How do I do this?
Also, how do I manually input numbers that will automatically come in sequence? The automatic function does not work well and keeps starting from 1., even when I click 'Continue numbering' in the AutoFormat tab.
Thank you very much for your help.

Microsoft Works - Strange enigma.

Microsoft Works - Strange enigma.

Strange enigma.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007 07:03 PM PDT

Thanks David. :)

BTW: I paste mine to an MSWorks word proc doc
not to MSWord, and that works ok.

"DavidF" <com> wrote in message

Business card question.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007 02:23 AM PDT

Perhaps, if you conquer your queries,
and print the business cards, you may post a review of
the result please.

About six years ago, I printed business cards via MSWorks
and Avery labels, they turned out disgusting, but would
pass as cards perhaps to give to friends.

I wonder if they have improved at all in the interim.
I think the card stock was the biggest disappointment.

"Kenny" <net> wrote in message

Is it possible to combine IF and CHOOSE formula?

Posted: 25 Jul 2007 08:56 PM PDT

OT = Katherine Jenkins

Yes, you are absolutely correct, Rodney. A superb singer, a tremendous
ambassador for Wales and contender for British Forces Sweetheart. line=katherine--new-forces--sweetheart--name_page.html
"the fastest-selling female opera singer since Maria Callas".

For those interested to hear her amazing voice, turn up the volume and enjoy

Media files-

Oh, and she possesses stunning good looks too.
Pictures -

I wonder if she uses Works 4.5 ? - back On Topic :-)
Kevin James
Tuar Goleuni

"Rod" <> wrote in message

| BTW: off topic
| this afternoon, watched Parkinson interview a young Welsh lass
| mezzo soprano
| Katherine Jenkins.......WOW!

Could one replace Works 8.0 with 9.0 in WorksSuite2005?

Posted: 25 Jul 2007 03:45 PM PDT

Hi Neil,

I believe that provided you have Works Suite installed then you
should see the programs in the Works Task Launcher.

Kevin James
Tuar Goleuni

"Phideaux" <com> wrote in message
| Hi,
| I was just wondering if one could replace Works 8.0 with 9.0 in
WorksSuite2005 when it comes out instead of messing with Works 8.5? Maybe get
some more improvements?
| TIA,
| Neil


Posted: 24 Jul 2007 05:58 PM PDT

Using Outlook

Posted: 24 Jul 2007 09:46 AM PDT

The address book synch functions normally require a Full MAPI client,
such as Outlook97/98/2000+. Outlook Express doesn't meet that need.


Mike -

"jean" <> wrote in message

Lost key recover from hard-drive?

Posted: 24 Jul 2007 08:12 AM PDT

"Paul Ballou" <com> wrote in message

Thanks for that. I'll give it a try (fingers crossed).

Paul DS.

Word processor won't print multiple copies

Posted: 23 Jul 2007 03:42 PM PDT

On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:36:00 -0700, mascan42
<>, in message ID
<com>, in the newsgroup wrote:

Great stuff.
Glad to hear it.
Thanks for giving feedback.

How to double space in Works 8

Posted: 23 Jul 2007 09:48 AM PDT

The Tater wrote: 
Try: Highlight the text or Edit>Select All and press <CTRL>2.

Works 4.5a locked out of print mode

Posted: 22 Jul 2007 06:17 AM PDT

Thanks Lads,
I have a nagging feeling I have had this problem
for years, and that there is no solution.
I just put it in the too hard basket.

It may be due to the fact I use all 253 fields
and this may be too large for form view parameters.

One thing I notice, in a small database, in form view
page parameters are shown, in my
large db this does not occur.

Prompted by your replies, I'll kick some tyres.

That old posting you refer to David is exactly my experience
which indicates it does happen across computers.


"DavidF" <com> wrote in message
ad/1902fd501216ff21/c07bb071a8aebbd6?lnk=gst&q=fields+outside&rnum=10# c07bb0

HELP please with templates/cards

Posted: 19 Jul 2007 01:50 PM PDT

Regarding my previous note. Before you take care of the process I described,
you need to click on the Insert tab (top bar) & click insert a Text Box. Then
you can begin to type whatever text in whatever font & size you want & then
continue with the prcoess below from *** this point on, alright ?? I'm sure
this will do the trick & solve your problem--just as I was able to resolve
mine. Good Luck.

"Maribel" wrote:

HP Printer needs ATL71.Dill & Install ANSI Version

Posted: 18 Jul 2007 10:20 AM PDT

You are welcome and thanks for posting back.


Mike -

"Billxx" <> wrote in message

Database 8.0 field options?

Posted: 17 Jul 2007 11:44 AM PDT


I hope I haven't confused you!

I said Works' database can only maintain *one* form and *one* "table." I
then referred to *multiple* forms, and (even worse!) to *blank* forms!

Database forms are only "formats" which you can design for the display of
the data which are stored in the fields of your database. Those data can be
regarded as your database's "contents." It's important to distinguish
between the format which comprises the mere "visual background" or the
"display context" of a form, and the database *contents* (the data!) which
will be displayed *on* that form by your database. You can think of each
database's single form as its "single-record display template."

Forms are "grids" or "matrixes" in which the database will show you the
contents of its records, individually, record-by-record. "List View" shows
the entire database at one time, including *all* records. You can focus
your attention on individual horizontal "rows" of the complete "List View"
display; each of those rows is one "record," in which data may be entered in
multiple fields. You can also focus your attention on individual vertical
"columns" of the complete "List View" display; each of those columns is one
"field." "List View" allows you to see the contents of entire fields of
your database together in one view. It also allows you to scroll through a
display of all of your database's records, but its very limited display
format is less convenient for some types of data-entry, for some types of
data-alteration, or for some types of study of individual records than the
"Form View" format.

"Form View" shows each record *separately,* one at a time, in a format of
your choice. Each record's "database content," its data, will be shown on a
"separate" form. Because you'll see one form for each record you'll notice
that the *data* on those forms will vary, as they'll vary from record to
record, but the *formatting* of all those forms will be *identical* because
each "separate" form is only a copy of the single "form template" which
you've designed. Works database only provides *one* form per database.
When you design each database's single form, you're designing the "common
display format" which that database will then use to show you the "contents"
of *each* of its *many* records. The application will create a separate
copy of that single form for each of your records, so you'll have as many
copies of the form as you have records in each database, but the formatting
of all those many copies will be identical. You can think of that one
common "Form View" format as a "blank form" which the database will "fill
in" for you when it shows you each record's contents. The "blank" form
isn't *empty;* it may be "chock-full" of formatting, including field names
and the "contextual" or "label" text which I've urged you to use, plus other
formatting features, but its fields may be devoid of data, and it can be
regarded as "blank" in that respect, until it's "filled in" with data.

Jeff Hook

Works 8.5 Font cache error

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 06:14 PM PDT

A little information would be helpful to understand this issue.
Are you on Vista or XP? What printer are you using?