

"Open XML Converter...1.1.3" -- keeps showing up in MAU? Microsoft Office for Mac

"Open XML Converter...1.1.3" -- keeps showing up in MAU? Microsoft Office for Mac

"Open XML Converter...1.1.3" -- keeps showing up in MAU?

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 10:57 AM PST

In article <>, Corentin
Cras-Méneur <> wrote:

Not as yet. I'm compiling something that will need to run overnight.
I can try that in the a.m.

However another user here showed me the same thing on his Mac. I
think whoever got the first XML update installed when it appeared in
MAU is probably in this same predicament.

The fact that *manually* running the XML 1.1.3 updater changes
permissions on the folder, though, sounds like the bug regardless -- if
you never had the XML update installed, everything is owned by "root".

Otherwise, if you did, it's owned by the admin account used to install

- Steve

New Microsoft Office crashes / will not launch

Posted: 04 Nov 2009 11:15 PM PST

Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel I get send into this loop of Microsoft Error Reporting. &quot;Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and needs to close.&quot; I click send report and the box pops up over again. i'm not sure why word won't start up. The same happens for excel and powerpoint.
When i log onto the guest account on my computer, word works fine.

This is what the error report shows:

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2009-11-04 23:12:45 -0800
Application Name: Microsoft Word
Application Bundle ID:
Application Signature: MSWD
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: MicrosoftOLE
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: 0x000076a6
Blame Module Name: MicrosoftOLE
Blame Module Version: unknown
Blame Module Offset: 0x000076a6
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x019a96a6 in _RegInitialize + 0x000008CE (MicrosoftOLE + 0x000076a6)
# 2 0x019a98e6 in _RegInitialize + 0x00000B0E (MicrosoftOLE + 0x000078e6)
# 3 0x019a8010 in _RegFlush + 0x00000506 (MicrosoftOLE + 0x00006010)
# 4 0x019a8daf in _RegOpenKey + 0x00000045 (MicrosoftOLE + 0x00006daf)
# 5 0x01a9a2d3 in _IsolateFilename + 0x00000095 (MicrosoftOLEAutomation + 0x0003e2d3)
# 6 0x01a9c585 in _LoadRegTypeLibOfSzGuid + 0x00000057 (MicrosoftOLEAutomation + 0x00040585)
# 7 0x01a9c9c8 in _LoadRegTypeLib + 0x000000CE (MicrosoftOLEAutomation + 0x000409c8)
# 8 0x041f78bc in _ChartInitialize + 0x00000078 (MicrosoftChartPlugin + 0x001c18bc)
# 9 0x01715196 in _McpGetIMcpCtrlFromControl + 0x00000520 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0012e196)
# 10 0x017153e9 in _McpGetIMcpCtrlFromControl + 0x00000773 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0012e3e9)
# 11 0x0065a502 in _wdCommandDispatch + 0x003362CE (Microsoft Word + 0x00659502)
# 12 0x00adfecc in _wdGetApplicationObject + 0x003A17C6 (Microsoft Word + 0x00adeecc)
# 13 0x00002902 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00001902 (Microsoft Word + 0x00001902)
# 14 0x00002829 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00001829 (Microsoft Word + 0x00001829)

X86 Thread State:
&nbsp;eax: 0x00000000 ebx: 0x019a962a ecx: 0xa0a11fa4 edx:0x04b3d930
&nbsp;edi: 0x00000001 esi: 0x04b3d93c ebp: 0xbffff358 esp:0xbffff320
&nbsp;&nbsp;ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x019a96a6 cs: 0x00000017 ds:0x0000001f
&nbsp;&nbsp;es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00010213

Thread 1:

# 1 0x97d6b10a in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97BAE182 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002710a)
# 2 0x97d6ace1 in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97BADD59 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026ce1)
# 3 0x97d6aa86 in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97BADAFE (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026a86)
# 4 0x97d6a511 in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97BAD589 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026511)
# 5 0x97d6a356 in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97BAD3CE (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026356)

X86 Thread State:
&nbsp;eax: 0x0000016b ebx: 0x97d6b75e ecx: 0xb0080d5c edx:0x97d6b10a
&nbsp;edi: 0xa09cd1ac esi: 0xb0080ed8 ebp: 0xb0080ef8 esp:0xb0080d5c
&nbsp;&nbsp;ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x97d6b10a cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
&nbsp;&nbsp;es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246

Thread 2:

# 1 0x97d6a1a2 in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97BAD21A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000261a2)
# 2 0x97d6a356 in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97BAD3CE (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026356)

X86 Thread State:
&nbsp;eax: 0x00100170 ebx: 0x97d6a399 ecx: 0xb0102f6c edx:0x97d6a1a2
&nbsp;edi: 0x05013750 esi: 0xb0103000 ebp: 0xb0102fc8 esp:0xb0102f6c
&nbsp;&nbsp;ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x97d6a1a2 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
&nbsp;&nbsp;es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000286

Thread 3:

# 1 0x97d44a0e in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97B87A86 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00000a0e)
# 2 0x97de5344 in __dispatch_hw_config + 0x97C283BC (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000a1344)
# 3 0x01b27d7d in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000B07 (merp + 0x00002d7d)
# 4 0x01b273e5 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x0000016F (merp + 0x000023e5)

how to recover the file which was not saved?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009 05:37 PM PST

If the file was never saved to disk there is nothing to recover.

Time Machine doesn't store what existed only in RAM, nor does even the best
file recovery software & AutoRecover not only doesn't begin to kick in until
you save at least once but only retains temp files in the event of a
critical failure. I'm afraid you're out of luck.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 11/4/09 8:37 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

replicating birthdays from contacts to calendar

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 08:15 PM PST

Sorry, it's not possible.

Tip: the next time you have problems with events, export calendar events as
..rge file and select to delete after exporting. You can try importing the
file to see if the corruption was cleared in the export/import process.


Russian language

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 07:53 AM PST

Bob Greenblatt <com> wrote:

It's not.
There used to be a workaround using custom dictionaries, but for some
reason I can't understand, we can't in Office 2008 anymore.

FYI, you can install (free) Russian spelling support for MacOS X
allowing you to spell-check in any application using the MacOS X
spelling support.
That includes TextEdit (which can open Word files...)

--- Office:Mac MVP --- -
MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP ne travaillent pas pour MS
Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam" pour m'écrire

Document Connection - Office Live Workspace

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 05:26 PM PST

Well, whatever the problem was, it was fixed with the 12.2.3 update.
Thanks Microsoft!

Open XML File Converter - Snow Leopard compatibility

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 02:33 PM PST

Thanks Diane, nuked all caches and removed duplicate fonts but still getting the error.

Upgrade office mac

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 09:48 AM PST

On 11/4/09 8:10 AM, in article com,
"Howard Brazee" <net> wrote:

Can you expand on this? I'm not sure I understand your question.

See if this links helps:





Running both Office 04 and Office 08

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 08:23 AM PST

Brilliant, thanks for your help.


Font Size Problem

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 05:49 AM PST

I used an HP Scanjet G3010 with HP Scanpro 7.4.5 (software up to date) to scan into Mac Office 2008 12.2.0 (090605) Latest update 12.2.1 which uses I.R.I.S. OCR. Scan is to rtf. After removing extraneous stuff (text had handwritting on it - an old edited manuscript) there are two size texts. Usually several sentences of the smaller size. Word says both sizes are 12 pt but of course they can't be. When I highlight everything and change fonts the problem exists. When I change font sizes the problem exists. I am assuming that the larger looking type is the correct size because that is the font size I use to begin retyping.

I can copy the entire thing to Textedit and then back and that fixes the problem (I discovered this after my original posts) but don't understand why Word has the original problem. Hope that I have enough information this time. Sorry about that.


Posted: 01 Nov 2009 09:11 AM PST

This is a good alternative to get Windows Live Hotmail IMAP support on your

"AML Global" wrote:

Suddenly cannot create or print envelopes

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 03:08 PM PDT

On Oct 28, 4:08*pm, com wrote: 

My first question actually is whether or not envelopes worked before?
I would also want to know whether you modified the envelope
orientation making it impossible to print. DId you modify the envelope
orientation at the printer level (using the printer driver)? If you
have another user in the household have them try printing envelopes to
the same printer from Word on their machine (Mac or PC). If this is
indeed a document problem - i. e. the envelope document is bad in some
way then you should be able to solve the problem simply by creating a
new envelope document.

Good luck,


Microsoft CRM - How to add a Lookup Field

Microsoft CRM - How to add a Lookup Field

How to add a Lookup Field

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 05:20 AM PDT


Consider it this way. MS CRM is a platform, not just a product. If you
want to build an advanced form with all the bells and whistles, then you
can - you just need to do it outside the simple customization available in
the client. There is a full SDK available.


"Frank" <nl> wrote in message

Spreadsheet to sql Data Migration problems

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 04:17 AM PDT

Hi, what i mean whith values, is the data to the datatables, for example in
tabmenu that existes in the DetailedDataPlanning.xls, there are the
definition of what columns the tables have, the definition of the data (for
example the column account name is a nvarchar (160) ), but no one file have
any data for any table, so when the migration process is made, the tables
wan't get any data (for example the information of an account, Account(name,

Regards, Pedro Airo

"Ashfaq Ali" wrote:

Outlook and Synchronization error

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 09:16 AM PDT

Is you CRM database on a Default instance of SQL or named instance of SQL?



"Ed Teach" <com> wrote in message

How do I delete a custom attribute.

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 07:56 AM PDT

All my research has pointed to this conclusion, but I am still hoping
someone more clever that I has found a way. I am not looking for easy
or pretty. Anyone else?

"Peter Lynch" <com> wrote in message news:<phx.gbl>... 

Backup Exec Access Denioed Exchange Mailboxes

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 02:43 AM PDT

yes Antoine thats right

i tried moving the backup role to another machine but still have the same

"Antoine" wrote:

SDK Access to PickLists

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 09:16 PM PDT

Thanks guys - exactly what i needed.



"Jason Hunt (MSFT)" <> wrote in message

forwarding emails in MSCRM

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 07:04 PM PDT


Currently CRM V1.2 does not automatically attach the file
(originally attached to a message), to the forwarded
message. This is a known design change in CRM and will be
considered in the future versions of CRM.

forward emails in CRM 
forwarded email. 

Anyone know how to do this one.

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 03:43 PM PDT

Cool, that'll work too. :-)

Jason Hunt
Technical Product Manager
Microsoft Business Solutions CRM

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Pete" <N> wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

submit chtab=address&searchtype=address&address=&city=TES TCITY&state=STATECODE&zipcode=ZIPCODE&search=++Sea rch++ 

CEO Doesn't Want 12000 Contacts Synched to his Outlook Contacts Folder

Posted: 07 Sep 2004 02:46 PM PDT

Thank you Kat. The CEO doesn't want to synch all the
contacts to Outlook and then on to Blackberry.


CRM Mobile - 1st time connection

Posted: 06 Sep 2004 09:56 AM PDT

Hi Mike

Thanks for the reply but I'm going to have to park this for a while - seems
a great deal more difficult to install the mobile system than it was to get
CRM up & running in the first place which is a bit disappointing. Think I
might wait & see what comes out in version 2 next year.

Thanks anyway

"Mike Hamm" <com> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Office 30 day free trial does not open word docs.

Microsoft Word - Office 30 day free trial does not open word docs.

Office 30 day free trial does not open word docs.

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 03:34 PM PST


     The doc that is selected goes to the word blue screen that appears just before it is to open then does nothing with the dot's moving across the bottom of the box.  it reads opening in protected view then never opens.  Thank you for your time and help. 

Error when opening MS Word templates I downloaded.

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 03:28 PM PST

It does this with all templates I downloaded today. 

"There is a problem saving the file.
Usually this is because the disk or floppy disk is too small for the file or is full, RAM memory is low, or there is a permission problem with the drive the file is being saved to.
If the amount of disk space for a paging file is low, save the file to another drive. If the RAM memory is low, increase available RAM. If permissions to the drive do not allow you to save to that drive, save the file to another drive or request permissions from the administrator to save files to the drive.
Note   This error can also occur if the computer is running a version of antivirus software that is incompatible with the Microsoft Office or must be updated."

Some Cross References Do Not Update

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 03:21 PM PST

When I have a cross reference that refers to the first item in a numbered list such as "1.a" in the example below, this reference will not update if another paragraph has been inserted before paragraph 1.a by placing the cursor before the word "On", typing the text, and pressing Enter.

However, the reference will update correctly, if the cursor is placed after the word in the previous paragraph e.g., "Overview", pressing Enter, and then the text is entered.

This problem occurs in all documents so it is not document specific. I also tried using a different computer. Additionally, I created test documents using multi-level numbering, and list number styles and still had the same problem.

I have used cross references in earlier versions of Word and never had this problem. It shouldn't matter how the text is inserted so any light you could share on this problem will be appreciated. I am using Word 2010 and Windows 7.


1.    Overview

a.    On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

b.    You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. REFER to 1.a

c.    When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look. REFER to 1.b









Office Home & Student 2013 install

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 02:58 PM PST

I am able to sign in on-line to access word, excel, power point, onenote. My question is: are these apps also supposed to be on my computer so I do not have to go on-line to create a word document?

Scanning double sided documents

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 02:55 PM PST

I have a document that is around 100 pages that I want to scan.  It is printed on both sides of the pages.  The easiest way to scan is is to stack it up and scan all the odd numbered pages first and then flip the stack over and scan all the even numbered pages. 

Is there and easy way to combine the two files so that I have all the pages in order?


Document compare, Word 2013

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 12:58 PM PST

Did a document compare, saved it in draft view.  Draft view shows exactly what I need to see to compare two contracts.  But when I shared this with another person, they do not have the font colors I have which made it harder for them, had them view as draft also.  I did not make any changes, revisions to either document.  Saved to a pdf and font color changes. Tried to print, font color changes.  Is there a way for me to share this file and retain the font colors I see?  Thanks to whoever can help.

Word 2013 Heading 1 modification carries over to Heading 2

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 12:24 PM PST

Is anyone else having issues when modifying Heading 1 in Word 2013?  When I update Heading 1 to be UPPERCASE Heading 2 also changes to UPPERCASE.  I have to modify Heading 2 and uncheck UPPERCASE which checks itself. 


Is there a fix?

Missing XML "Words" and "TotalTime" properties after editing with "Word Web App"

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 10:53 AM PST

I just discovered that some of the extended properties are now missing in documents after editing them using "Word Web App".

Previously these properties were correctly maintained while editing using the SkyDrive/Word Web App interface.  Recently editing a word doc using the web interface removes several properties from the schema.  This has been tested using IE10 and Chrome on Windows 8, and Firefox on Ubuntu.


The extended properties are accessed using the SDK as follows:


   stringsWords = pWordDoc.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties.Words;

   stringsTotalTime = pWordDoc.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties.TotalTime;


These functions should normally work, however after editing on the web now they fail because the properties are missing. 


Here are two samples of the app.xml contents from a document edited using desktop Word, and one after editing using Word Web App.  Again, the XML used to stay correct after editing on the web.


The XML in a correctly working Word document is in the docProps/app.xml file inside the document:



And here is the docProps/app.xml from a document after editing with "Word Web App":


Several properties are now missing. 


Can someone explain what has happened to the properties because we were using them and now they are gone.




Moving Heading Breaks Heading Bookmark

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 10:41 AM PST

Moving Heading Breaks Heading Bookmark


Word 2013 version 15.0.4551.1006 (32-bit)

Win7 Pro x64 SP1


MVP Community Moderator, Suzanne S. Barnhill, confirmed this as an important bug which needs fixing.

I hope everyone will submit a link to this discussion (the one you are currently reading) reporting it as a bug to 


Steps To Demonstrate Bug

Say you have a paragraph called "How To Golf" with Heading 1 style.

Say you have a paragraph which says "Link to golf." in normal style.

Select the word "golf" in "Link to golf."

Hyperlink the selected word "golf" in "Link to golf." as follows:

INSERT menu tab | Links group | Hyperlink button | Bookmark button | Select Place in Document dialog

Under the Headings, find and select the "How To Golf" heading. Press OK button.

Now the word "golf" should be hyperlinked to the "How To Golf" heading.

Verify that this is true.


Go into Outline display.

Drag and Drop the "How To Golf" Heading to a different location.

Verify that the hyperlinked word "golf" still takes you to the "How To Golf" heading.

The link takes you not to the "How To Golf" heading, but to the previous location of the Heading.


Therefore, if you move a heading to a different location, it breaks the correct hyperlinks to it.


This is a major bug.

Upgrade to Office 2013 broke embedded spreadsheets in Word Documents

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 10:39 AM PST

I have been going through the community looking at similar problems but none have resolved this issue.

After an upgrade to Office 2013 all of our embedded spreadsheets in our Word documents are not editable.  We get the error message saying that Excel needs to be installed, which it already is.  We think that it is looking for the old version of Excel which is no longer available to us.

Any thoughts..... 

Word 2010 Envelopes and Labels dialog box is slow to open

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 10:29 AM PST

We are running Office 2010 on Windows 7 Enterprise edition Sp1 (64-bit).  Whenever a user is in Word and clicks on "Envelopes" in the "Mailings" ribbon, it always takes around 5 seconds for the dialog box to display.  About half the time, the box does not fully populate.  The outline shows up, then the Envelopes and Labels tabs, but the rest of the box is empty.  I am able to type into the address box and the text shows but the box never completely fills in the prompts and white background.Once I close out the dialog box, any time I try to reopen it afterwards, it opens instantly without any problems.  Then, when I close Word, reopen, then access the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, it hangs for about 5 seconds or doesn't populate again.  I'm not sure what could be causing this.  Any thoughts?

Problem with graphics formatting

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 10:23 AM PST

I work a lot with technical reports using MS Word/Office 14.  These reports have various embedded graphics taken from JPG files, or copy/pasted from other applications.  We also use MS Draw objects such as callouts, arrows, etc, in conjunction with these graphics.  These reports contain inputs from several people, so several computers are typically involved in writing them.

Problem is, lately for many of these objects the format has been blowing up, for no apparent reason.  It happens whenever a file is created on one computer, then opened on mine.  All of a sudden, these objects are now twice their previous size, font sizes change, margins and locations change, that sort of thing.  This even happens with files that I have created, if they get saved on another computer or server, and then exported back to me.

I would guess that this has something to do with my default settings vs those on the other computers, but I can't find anything obvious. 

Can anyone give me some wisdom ?

Can an existing list of addresses be easily converted to a single field to alphabetize and to merge to envelopes?

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 10:05 AM PST

Hi all.  I have 3 lists of names w/ addresses  that need to be sorted to find duplicates, and used for addressing envelopes.  The lists are already typed, and there is no need to break it down into separate fields - first name, last name, etc. - as the lists are to be used only for a mailing with no personalization needed.  Can multi-line text be made into a single field?  If so - how is it done?

I'm trying to find the simplest, least time consuming way to do this.  Looking for suggestions!

Cross-reference question

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 09:27 AM PST

I am wondering if there is a way to edit cross-referenced headings that will not change when updated or opened by another user or another system. For example, if I have the following:

"... a bunch of text that no one will ever read anyway (see 7.5)." where 7.5 cross-references a heading in another part of the document that looks like this: "7.5    Information No One Cares About."

Is there a way to make  the cross-reference appear like the following so that it will not change when opened on another computer or by another user:

"... a bunch of text that no one will ever read anyway (see Section 7.5)."

Basically, I want to be able to add "Section" to the cross-reference without including any of the text from the cross-referenced heading. So far, I have only figured out how to insert the heading number (when inserting a cross-reference as a heading or a numbered item).

Replacing Text in Current Footnote

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 08:56 AM PST

I sometimes have to paste some text into a footnote which is separated by 2 paragraphs.  I want to automatically reformat all of those double paragraphs into single paragraphs, but only in the current footnote.

How is that done?

How can I format a date to a week format?

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 08:54 AM PST

My present employer (as well as in my past employers) uses a week format for our payroll and for designating our work week (e.g., January 8, 2014 falls on "Week 2" of the year 2014 or December 9 to 13, 2013 falls on "Week 49" of year 2013.  Now, is there a category or a way to format a certain cell in Excel or Word to change a "Date" to a "Week" format?  It would be very useful for my report card/s.  Thanks in advance!

Comments in word 2013 are not visible after page break

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 08:41 AM PST

Since switching to word 2013 I'm having trouble viewing comments. I review word documents that have hundreds of comments added.  Once the comments fill the right column, the additional comments are beyond the page break and are no longer visible. Currently I have to cut and paste the sections that are further down the page into a new word document in order to see all the comments. Is there a way to fix this so I can view all comments?

Can't see why page is breaking in Word 2010

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 08:36 AM PST

We have a Word file that has tables on all pages.  Can't see any page breaks, but pages are breaking even when the table doesn't fill up the page.  What could be causing the page to break?


Thanks for the help!


Ken K.

Cannot delete formula in Word

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 08:02 AM PST

I am using Word 2010 with extension .dot (which is a 2007 file) and I typed in an equation using the formula function, and now cannot delete the formula!!!!
Having spent the last 3 days creating my fillable form, I do not want to start over. Anyone have an idea?  I have tried delete, backspace, opening the formula window and deleting there. Nothing works.

Word 2013 nightmare

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 08:00 AM PST

My university acquired  office 2013 for everybody.
I am writing a manual about 220 pages long
I use a lot of tables. Every thing looked ok until I decide to give a style to a column in the table.
Now all tables are broken in half, automatically.
Does anybody suggest something or should I tell my U to return it?

Word 2010 - managing different versions in one document

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 07:38 AM PST

I have some documentation file.
Now i need to make 2 versions of documentation. For each version i have different text in few places. 
I don't want to hold and edit two files all the time. I'm looking for a way to edit one file and make from him 2 different versions.
Is there any way to do this?

For example:
Main document: " The file contains <TextA/TextB> ."
document 1: "The file contains TextA ."
document 2: "The file contains TextB ."


Work 2007 Label Mail Merge problem

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 07:13 AM PST

I have done mail merge labels for years.  This year the merge is only merging the first two and last two records.  I am using 2 across labels.  The problem happens when I press update records. All records have the <next record> in them but only the 2nd record and last two records on the page get updated with the data fields . I tried the  solutions in the discussion stream and they did not work.  Is this a bug? 

View "in-Line-Text" image in Word 2013

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 06:58 AM PST

This is about Word 2013 Home & Business. When I insert an image as "In-Line-Text", it does not show in "Print Layout" view; just an empty box shows. If I go into "read mode", my image shows but I cannot edit so I have to switch back and forth between views. This is a time-consuming way of editing a large document. Is there a way in Word 2013 to see my "In-Line-Text" image while in "Print Layout"? If not, Microsoft needs to fix this "problem" (bug) because people cannot use this editing technique. Thanks for your help.

Unable to access Danish proofing tools in office 2013

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 04:55 AM PST

Hi, I recently purchased Office Home & Student 2013 running on Windows 8 64 bit and need to spell check in Danish. In order to do this, I downloaded the Danish Language pack, but found that in language settings in Word told me that Proofing was not installed. By ollowing the "Not installed" link, I was guided to install proofing tools from here:

However, even though the package is showing as installed, from within the control panel, the languages option in Word is still showing that proofing is not installed.

If you could provide some guidance on how I can get this working, it would be much appreciated.

Track Changes problem Word 2013 Office 465

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 04:47 AM PST

Tracking option is turned on but is not displaying any marking on the changes made. I never had this problem with other version of Word. Can anyone help me wiht this?

Microsoft Word 2013 is sending mail merge emails via my email address instead of the email address I wish to use, that is also the default email address in Outlook

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 03:57 AM PST

This is causing me no end of problems and phoning Microsoft's technical support today has just proved to be a test of my patience (being placed on hold twice for more than twenty minutes before being cut off and having to go back to square one) and ultimately a waste of time (a third call where the guy on the phone would not listen to the problem I was explaining to him for better part of an hour and I don't think he had even done a mail merge before!), so I am begging for help with a solution to this issue.

The knock on effects of this issue are huge for me because all the mail merge emails hitting my email account incorrectly resulted in the account getting automatically locked out. I was then unwillingly forced to change my password on the account when trying to see what the problem is on windows live. I don't know why any of the above happens, but being forced to change my password in turn means that my windows phone, laptop, skype, xbox, and outlook have all stopped functioning properly until I reconfigure every device, application, app and software I own to the new password. Of course I am also not allowed by the automated systems to just change it back avoiding a huge amount of unnecessary work. All of the above is annoying enough because none of it is necessary but the problem will happen again unless I change which account emails are sent to.

All I was trying to do was send a message to a list of my family and friends to wish them well for the New Year, but I need my system to use mail merges without issue for clubs and societies I run. My old XP laptop and office 2003 never had half of these problems. Why oh why Microsoft do you put to market products which are so disappointing. It is no wonder people are so keen to go elsewhere!!

I am currently crippled by all my systems being broken and am not keen to reset passwords until I know I can avoid repeating the original issue. How can I stop the account being chosen?

Searching online I have seen a couple of suggested registry fixes but doing stuff like that is the absolute limit of my ability and I will need a much clearer explanation than I have seen provided to date. Painting by numbers steps will be required if at all possible

I am using a Windows 8 Laptop for what it is worth but this problem is entirely down to the mail merge locking my windows live account and the rest of the pain is secondary fallout. If it does it once it will certainly do it again.

HELP Please. Many thanks if you can

Need to install proofing tools for 2010 Office (home/student edition)

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 01:56 AM PST

Somehow I have lost this function. Repairing Office 2010 didn't resolve it. Help please?


Table changes to a set format suddenly, see prints

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 01:26 AM PST


We have problems with imported tables in our Word 2010. The tables start out by looking fine, but as soon as we work in the document the tables change appearance even thoug these tables are not touched in any way. We thing that it happens when we paste text into the document. There must be some underlying format that we cannot change. Please see prints below and help if you can - huge and urgent report!

Should look like this:

Changes to this format, impossible to change back to normal text. When standing in the cell a blue line appears:

Thank you brainies!



Rotate table orientation

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:26 PM PST

I have a word document in portrait orientation running over several pages that includes text, graphs. One of the page contains a 5 X 6 table which by default is also in portrait form. I want to rotate this table to horizontal form, which will enable my columns to expand and display text in a cleaner way. How this could be achieved ? 

Macros disappear with converting Macro embedded template from dot to Dotm.

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 07:42 PM PST

Several colleagues in a project I am working on and I have experienced a problem with macro embedded templates developed under Word 2003 in the old *.dot format.

To use them in Word 2010 and 2013 such templates should be converted in Word to the new dotm format as they contain macros.

However,  regularly some templates containing macros lose all their macros when they are converted to dotm by the "save as" function in Word 2010 or 2013.

This seems to be a question of the individual setup of the participants computers as this problem has occurred for a user with Windows 7 and Word 2010 but several other users including myself have had no such problems with this particular template.   

On the other hand when users attempt to load the templates in the old *.dot form which is not supposed to work with Word 2010 or 2013 these templates seem to load and work .

Is there an undocumented issue going on with conversion of macro embedded templates where some will work with the newer words in the old form but lose their macros through the conversion process.

What is the problem?

I am marking down Micorosft Word 2010 for Windows 7 but users with Word 2013 and Windows 8 have the same problem


Properties tab in Word 2003 doesn't permit alteration of Company name for

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 07:38 PM PST

I notice that each time I open a template as a New (or Blank) document the text Hewlett-Packard appears under the Summary tab of File/Properties in the Company slot.  This does not replace with my company name, but under Author it does permit my name to appear each time.  Where does the default (obviously) text "Hewlett-Packard" come from and can this be replaced with my specified company name that I choose?  

Word 2013 on Windows 8.1 Apps Missing

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 05:52 PM PST

It stared out listed along with the other Office Apps that I installed on my ASUS Transformer T100... I made it a desktop icon (entitled Word 2013) on my desktop, but then I noticed while it would run when I opened it from there it did not appear when I'd search for its name as an app and was missing from the other Office apps listed on Apps page. I opened Word from its file location and it was entitled WINWORD under Desktop header. I pinned it to the desktop and so I pinned it to start and taskbar... but...

I want it listed under Office, and I want it called Word... why did it change?? Is it because I renamed the shortcut Word 2013? Currently the only was I can even find the app is if I type WINWORD since it does not register as Word.

Compatibility Issues

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 05:49 PM PST


I have a old copy of Microsoft Student and Teacher Edition 2003, is this software compatible with Windows 7?

Microsoft Office 2007 on Windows 8.1

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 05:27 PM PST

When I click on a Word file, Windows Installer pops up and tries to install Office all over again. When I click on the MS Word 2007 icon itself, it works fine, without trying to install office. I have the program icon set so that it runs Office as administrator.  What can I do to make the program open when I click on individual files? I believe this is an incompatibility or permissions issue. 

Converting a windows document to adobe acrobat

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 04:09 PM PST

I am using the trial version of 365 home premium.  I am trying to convert a word document to an adobe pdf document.  I get a message saying that there is an open dialogue box that must be closed before the action can be completed.  I don't see any open dialogue box to close.  I never had this problem before with the old windows 2007.  Please tell me what I am doing wrong.

Dunmon for Linux - Forums Linux

Dunmon for Linux - Forums Linux

Dunmon for Linux

Posted: 13 Sep 2005 08:28 PM PDT

Larry Blanchard wrote:

xisdnload (if your modem is ISDN)

The following tools may also be useful:


Kai-Martin Knaak

Grub config

Posted: 13 Sep 2005 01:30 PM PDT

On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:30:21 +0200, Paul Floyd <0.0.1> wrote:

I agree that the Grub documentation is hard to read for a
couple of reasons, but I feel I cannot do a complete new
Grub documentation for you here.

I haven't read the Grub documentation for about two years or
so, so things may have changed, but what I used to find most
confusing is that this documentation uses old words in new
meanings, as when Grub has a concept of "root" which is another
thing entirely than what we are used to think of a "root" in
relation to mounted file systems.

The Grub "root" is similar to Unix' concept of Current Working
Directory. But then Grub's root is not a directory but a
partition. We could call it the Grub Default Partition (GDP).
After setting the GDP it is possible to refer to files using
a "relative path" relative to the GDP. In your top stanza, the
kernel command har an argument /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-8, which
really is (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-8.

This supposes that the partition /dev/hda1 (or (hd0,0)) really
has a directory /boot, and that vmlinuz-* is in that directory.

Fedora and quite a few distributions prefer to keep the kernel
and initrd things in a separate partition, other than the
partition containing the root file system. Then, on the Linux'
root file system there is an empty directory /boot, and on the
separate partition there is no directory /boot. Instead the
kernel and the initrd files are in the root directory of the
separate partition, and when the separate partition is mounted
on the root file system's /boot directory, the kernel and
initrd files appear as /boot/vmlinuz* etc.

Conclusion: unless you tailored your setup differently during the
installation of FC4, partition (hd1,6) does not contain a /boot
directory. Change the kernel and initrd lines in the no-joy
stanza to read

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 ro root=/dev/sda7 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4.img

But here I am supposing that root=(hd1,6) line is correctly
pointing to the partition where the vmlinuz-2.6* file and friends
resides, and the /dev/sda7 is the correct name to use for the
Linux root file system. This is what I was referring to when I
wrote in the beginning that I cannot write a complete documentation.
You tell next to nothing about your system configuration, so I
cannot determine what is right and what is wrong in the stanzas.

Some tips: When booting the computer, the boot usually pauses a
few seconds showing a menu consisting of the title lines of the
stanzas in grub.conf. At that point, you can hit the "c" key, and
get a command line. Then you can type

find /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4

Grub will inspect all partitions it can access, and report every
instance it finds of the above path. Somewhat likely it won't find
any. The issue

find /vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4

and see if then reports there is one in (hd1,6) If there is,
I guessed right above. If not, I hope you now have some ideas
about how to explore the issue further.

I believe that if you are still with me, at this point the Grub
documentation is no longer so unclear.

(There is another sin against clarity that concerns the two
kinds of "install":

1. Under a running Linux kernel, run the "rpm" command and
install grub onto your system. A couple of files (stage1.5
for various filesystem types, like reiserfs, stage2...)
get installed into /usr/lib/grub*/ (details taken from memory).

2. Prepare the computer to boot using Grub, this is also
called "install grub". At this point, the stages that will be
used are copied to /boot/grub, and stage1 is copied to the MBR
(or whereever you ask grub to install). Before that, a special
copy of stage1 is prepared, containing hard-coded references
to the next stage, as well as a copy of the partition table
that is going to be owverwritten. A backup of the old MBR is
usually also saved in /boot/grub.)

Back to the (pre-)booting situation: If you find that the kernel
resides in (say) (hd1,5) instead,
you can exit the command line (Can't remember, was it the Escape
key?), and then move to the second stanza's title and hit the "e"
key. Follow the (very brief) instructions somewhere on the screen,
and you will be able to edit the stanza. You can change (hd1,6)
into (hd1,5) and then hit "b" to boot.

The stanza won't be edited on disk. If the changes work, you will
have to remember what you did, and repeat the changes in /dev/hda's
/boot/grub/grub.conf or wherever the working grub.conf is.

You may find that you can well have a single partition serving
as boot partition for both RH9 and FC4. All relevant files are
suffixed with the kernel version number in question, and they can
coexist in the same directory. I you later upgrade the kernel
while running FC4, you want that upgrade to update the correct
grub.conf file.

I then suggest that you mount /dev/hda1 somewhere (/mnt/hda1)
while running FC4, and copy /boot/*2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 to
/mnt/hda1/boot, and then unmount /boot, remove /boot from fstab,
and make /boot a symlink to /mnt/hda1/boot. I have not tried
anything exacly like this. This reflects how I understand things
work. I believe that after grub has done it's things, and the
kernel has loaded the rest of itself, /boot is not accessed
by a running linux system until you install a new kernel or

Good luck! (and ask again if you need to)

"su -" permission denied

Posted: 12 Sep 2005 09:30 AM PDT

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 16:30:23 +0000, Abanowicz Tomasz shouted Hoy......

Check to see if su is SUID root

Tayo'y Mga Pinoy

Download and Install Thunderbird (newbie question)

Posted: 12 Sep 2005 05:05 AM PDT

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:05:10 GMT, TooManyPutters
<com> wrote: 
Is there a README or a Makefile?
aptitude install mozilla-thunderbird

BOFH excuse #52:

Smell from unhygienic janitorial staff wrecked the tape heads

debian 3.1 dialup

Posted: 10 Sep 2005 04:06 PM PDT

Thanks very much. By following the excellent pppconfig dialog, I established
the dialup connection on the first try with no trouble at all.

Problems Installing FC4 on a small machine

Posted: 10 Sep 2005 04:11 AM PDT

On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:43:21 +0200, <> wrote:


Not so bad as it sounds, because at this point you are not really have
a running system. You are in single-user mode, and nothing is running
other than the shell you are using and the commands you are issuing.

Good. I was (must have been) wrong in saying you should do this step
if it has already done so.

(A technical note that perhaps others can clarify: On older versions
of "init" there used to be two kinds of "single-user state", one in
which init starts a shell before processing /etc/inittab, and one
in which it processis /etc/inittab, but goes straight to runlevel
one. Runlevel one would not really have to be "single-user", it would
be whatever you put into the /etc/inittab.

With the former kind, upon exiting the shell, init continued and
processed /etc/inittab the ordinary way, obeying the "initdefault" entry.

I was under the seemingly incorrect idea that issuing the "single" option
to the kernel -- the kernel passes on all unknown options to init, and
perhpas all known ones too, I don't know -- would invoke the first kind
of "single-user state.

Now I presume that init had processed /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit as directed
in /etc/inittab, the sysinit entry, and most likely continued to level one.

ON my FC4 system, runlevel one has two "services" running, the first of
which is "single". This script runs the other scripts (if any, and on
my system there is one, "cpuspeed"), and then signals init to change
to runlevel S, which is about what I described above.

Another theory would be that modern init does run the sysinit line
in /etc/inittab if this file is present, even when going to runlevel

I believe you can find out the current level with ps -fp1, which
will show init's command line as "init [1]" or whatever the runlevel is.

I also believe that processes started directly from init have an
envoronment set up with variables


(Where "N" means there was no earlier runlevel in my case).

It seems that the login program removes these variables, so when you
log in, they are not there any more. However, I believe the shell started
by init on /dev/console in runlevel "S" does have these variables.

This is weird. That one should not be there because you are using tty1.
Or, am I missing something? There should be plenty of people who can
correct me here.

??? Can somebody help explaining this? Does mingetty check the runlevel
and just exit if it is "S"? If you ever get back to this point, can you
remember to try

strace -o /tmp/mingetty.strace -f /sbin/mingetty tty2 &

That is, there must not be any program using tty2 already -
ctrl-alt-F2 should give a black screen. This command will write
a line to "/tmp/mingetty.strace" for each system call mingetty
(or any of its subprocesses) does. That sometimes gives a pretty
clear picture of what is going on.

Did you get the confirmation questions?

Did the computer not hang at any point?

If you had no other screens available (the mingetty processes
not showing in ps) could you still ctrl-alt-F2 or ...F3 to get
another screen with another shell?

Or did you only inspect /var/log/messages after all runlevel 3 daemons
had started?

If the "rc 3" script ran to completion without hanging the computer
it indicates that the problem was with the graphical interface,
which is started from /etc/inittab, the line

x:5:once:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon

This line is not run except in runlevel 5. So, setting initdefault to
3 appears to be the right thing.
# and unconfigures removed devices. Remembers
# earlier configuration in /etc/sysconfig/*
# lower levels if load is low. Requires hardware
# support. Saves energy.
# The latter if multiple PCs on the home network
# access internet through this computer.
# You want this.
# the /etc/fstab at a suitable time after the basic network
# has been started. 
# on your hardware, could be obsoleted by acpi. 
# early in the script. Do you run zero-conf autoipd? 
# if ACPI is supported. Somebody knows if apmd can be
# IIRC does nothing unless you enble something somewhere 
# a mail server. 
# too, let it be. 
# not permanently on. (If you run backup through it, and
power is
# off during the normal backup hours, anacron can reschedule
it when
# power is back - and example 
# usb plug-and-play devices? 
# day the Epson is /dev/usb/lp0 and the Cannon is
/dev/usb/lp1 and the
# next day it's the other way around 
# the next upgrade. 

A trick: What is "kudzu"? Ok, got one file: /etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu.

Try the command:

rpm -qf /etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu

This answers "what rpm package owns this file?"
Answer: kudzu-

Then, omitting the version (too error prone)

rpm -qi kudzu

Get information about installed package kudzu. The
description field usually tells something. If not perhaps

rpm -ql kudzu | less

See the list of files belonging to this package. Notice
man pages, html files etc. Or if there are other file
names that are less mysterious to you, this package is

I hope this brings you a step forward.


Fedora networking out of the box

Posted: 09 Sep 2005 03:12 PM PDT

On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 05:21:51 +0200, Nico Kadel-Garcia <net>

I too don't know. Perhaps you should install and run ethereal on eth0
to see what goes over the wire from your dhcp server or you adsl modem
or whatever applies to you.

On my system, I have an ADSL modem and use ppp-over-ethernet, there
is a script /etc/ppp/if-up that ultimately (through calling a script
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post) that sets up resolv.conf.

If you have a regular dhcp server, I believe you need the package dhclient
and, of course, you need to run the daemon contained in it. Also, with
the package installed, man dhclient, or any other documentation file

$ rpm -qlp /fedora/links/dhclient-3.0.2-12.i386.rpm


Can't get pc speaker to work.

Posted: 09 Sep 2005 07:11 AM PDT

Michael Heiming <> wrote:

That's what I get for doing it from memory. :-) You only need that for a
different kernel version or if you've applied patches that add new
options though.

I'm surprised it took someone that long to spot it. ;-)

It might ease things up for you and the OP but I use Gentoo so it's near
useless to me. I did say these instructions were generic and I don't use
SuSE. :-)


newbie debian 3.1 question

Posted: 09 Sep 2005 03:04 AM PDT

Thanks very much for the replies. I am certainly glad I tried debian out.

Linux with software RAID5?

Posted: 08 Sep 2005 04:02 AM PDT

"Davide Bianchi" <net> wrote in message 

And a more recent distribution than SuSE 9.0 and RedHat 9. RedHat 9 is
end-of-life and deprecated, SuSE 9.0 is still wildly out of date and SuSE
9.3 is vastly superior.

Distributions that support dual core Athlons

Posted: 07 Sep 2005 02:09 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup Nico Kadel-Garcia <net>:

Irrelevant, if you go to rhn, the first available .iso AS4(x86)
is the update:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4 Update 1 (x86)

Same for RHEL 3:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 5 AS (x86)

Only an idiot would download the base release and then all
patches to upgrade if one can simply grab the update .iso
including most updates.

Your claims make no sense to me and I'd be glad if you could
simply stop wasting my time, thx.


Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 327: The POP server is out of Coke