

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Word Starter 2010

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Word Starter 2010

Microsoft Word Starter 2010

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 03:18 PM PST

Every time I try to go into Microsoft Word Starter 2010 it comes up with a little box saying 'click to run configuration failure'.  Please can anyone advised on this as I do not know what to do.  It also saying that 4 of the 5 installs have been installed on my pc.  When I enter to download the 4th one it comes up it cannot be downloaded.  I am at my wits end.  HELP!!!!

Page Numbering in Word 2010

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 02:44 PM PST

I've been asked to list page numbers with this format:  1-1, 3-1, 4-2, etc.  I get this message:


There is no chapter to include in the caption or page number. To apply chapter number use the Multilevel List button on the Home tab and select numbering scheme that is linked to the Heading styles.


I've tried the Multilevel List Button but I don't know what numbering scheme that is linked to a heading style. 


Could you anyone help with this?






How to Clear Workgroup Templates Setting in File Locations Dialog

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 02:18 PM PST

How do I clear the Workgroup Templates setting in the File Locations dialog box?

I was using a workgroup directory for templates, but now I'm not, so I need to delete the setting.

Can I have a password for a Microsoft Office 2010 Folder

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:55 PM PST

I would like to add security to an entire folder, but when I right click it doesn't allow a password, but instead gives alternatives like "administrator," etc.  I know how to put passwords on an individual Microsoft Word document, but the problem here is I have several PDF documents, in Nitro Pro  Reader, and I don't know how to put a password on each of them, which is why I'm asking about just putting a password on the entire folder; however, if someone know how to password protect these PDFs that would be great, too.


Important Document Corrupted - "word/styles.xml,Line: 2, Column: 18969"

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:10 PM PST

This document was working fine last night and this morning I am receiving this error.  I m losing days of work for something I need to submit ASAP!  Please help


The document cannot be opened as there is a problem with the contents


Unspecified Error

Location: "word/styles.xml,Line: 2, Column: 18969"

Over view about competence and diversity

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:02 PM PST


       Tell me over view about competence and diversity in microsoft

How do I transfer a document from Microsoft Word 2010 to a USB flash drive iFlash

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 12:19 PM PST

I dont know how to transfer my document to my iFlash USB and anyone tell me how to do it as I'm really stuck. I've been using Microsoft Word 2010 so any help would help thanks  xoxox

WordArt 2010 Shadow Outline

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 11:51 AM PST

I am trying to reproduce the Word 2003 WordArt Gallery using Word 2010 WordArt Text effects. One problem that is arising is that in the classic WordArt, the Shadows do not have apparent outlines. With Word 2010, all of the text shadows I've been able to reproduce do have an outline, at least when the text, itself has an outline. Here is an example:

The top WordArt is from Word 2003's engine. The bottom one is from Word 2010.

In the Word 2003 version the shadow either has no outline or it is the same color as the shadow. In Word 2010 the shadow does have an outline when the text has an outline. This isn't a huge problem but it would be nice to reproduce the Gallery using the Word 2010 graphics engine so that I could use the Word 2010 drawing tools to fiddle with them.

I plan on adding the Word 2010 analogs to my WordArt gallery.
2003 WordArt Add-In for 2010-2013

I have Office 2013, need themes (Austin) from Office 2010 for a college course

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 11:08 AM PST

I am using Windows 7 and have Office 2013 Professional.  I am posting this hereto help others using versions of Office 2013 or Office 365 Home Premium / University in their course work.  The only reason I migrated to Office 2013 from Office 2007 was it was required for my initial COSC classe.  Imagine my feelings of dismay (read pizzed-off) when signing up for the Winter term online required course for 'Advanced Computer Applications' and discovering that the course curriculum is based on Office 2010!

I contacted the instructor and relayed my dilemma but he assured me that I could complete the course using Office 2013 and he would allow for the minor differences between versions as long as I followed all the course materials. BTW, a large shout-out to Mr. Alinen & THANK YOU!

Still, I bugged me that I could not replicate or make my assignments match the visuals in the text book and using Office 2013 online templates yielded no results so I began to search online, using the MS answers website, for any hints that someone had encountered this and provided a possible solution.  I did discover the following thread that was addressed primarily to a Office 2013 Powerpoint issue provided here:

I have cut and pasted my solution here as well:

"I was able to download the zip files for PP presentations that John SR Wilson had posted.  Using the function in Word 2013 of: Design tab/Themes/Custom/Browse for Themes, I was able to go to the directory/folder where I had saved the PP presentations and using 'Choose Theme or Themed Document' select the 'Austin' theme and apply it to the document I was working on for my course module."

By all means am I not a MS Office any version SME, but I'm posting this up to help anyone else who encounters these issues as well so there's a generic subject/title/thread they can look up on-line with a similar topic to point them in the right direction. 

Questions, Answers, Hints to help and Discussion are welcome to help pay it forward.

Regards and Good Luck to all!

Office 2013 won't open email attachment.

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 10:18 AM PST

When I send an email with an attachment created in Office 2013, I cannot open the attachment although other recipients can open it. I get an error message: Word has run into an error preventing from working properly, like us to repair? I have tried both repair options but it does not correct the problem. Thanks


Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:59 AM PST

How do I set up labels in MS Office 2007 for the template Avery 5160? AND being able to continuously update it and keep it in alphabetical order?

Need Help: Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 hangs when I open up this piece of Table RTF

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:19 AM PST

The Table rows repeats infinitely and then Word hangs.
Here is the RTF sample.

cell 1\intbl\cell
cell 2\intbl\cell
cell 3\intbl\cell

What do I to prevent this and why is this happening?

Is it possible to adjust the text in Microsoft Word 2010 so that it goes in a circular direction?

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:44 AM PST

Hi, I'm creating a clockface for a project i'm doing and was wondering if it was possible to adjust the text direction so that it goes in a circular direction for the clock face, I've had a look at the text direction settings and all I've been able to find is 3 different directions either up, dowm, or normal.


I'm sure I remember seeing a setting to be able to write text/numbers in a circular direction in an earlier version of Word, or it may have been a different program, i'm not too sure.


Thanks for any help given.




Office keeps freezing up on me - Office University Subscription- Word is the worst

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:33 AM PST

Especially when I open a new document, but often-times throughout use of the program in question - I get freezes and the occasional crash. I have a BRAND NEW Dell Professional Grade 14R Touch Laptop with Intel i5, 8GB Ram and 750GB Hard drive. When I am having these difficulties, often there is no other major program running, sometimes IE or Firefox or Chrome. Occasionally I will have Excel and Word open simultaneously, but it doesn't matter. Sometimes these freezes can go on for 5-10 minutes. While this is happening, I am free to use other programs, so it isn't a entire system crash or freeze. Anyone else having these problems?
I did recently upgrade to Windows 8.1, could that be the problem? I have checked my Windows and Office upgrade areas and am current with all.
Help please....
Marshall Scott
Delayed Student

Templates - Word 2010 - Dont have access to Quick Parts, Document Property

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:21 AM PST

Hi all,

I have a template that I am using in Word 2010, I am trying to acesss on the Insert Tab, Quick Parts, Document Property.  This is not available in my template! Does anyone know that the reason this may be.


The templates were created in Word 2003 - can this possible be the answer?


Also if I start to use placeholders in a template in 2010, if it is then opened in 2003 will it still be compatible.

Can't open Word and Excel files created with 2010 version using the new 2013 version

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:47 AM PST

I recently purchased Microsoft Office 2013 and now cannot open any word documents or excel spreadsheets created with my 2010 version. When I try to open the document, the program closes and indicates the following:


Problem signature:

  Problem Event Name:         BEX

  Application Name:               WINWORD.EXE

  Application Version:   15.0.4535.1507

  Application Timestamp:   52282ac8

  Fault Module Name:           unknown

  Fault Module Version:

  Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000

  Exception Offset: 0065d574

  Exception Code: c0000005

  Exception Data: 00000008

  OS Version: 6.1.7601.

  Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:

  LCID: 1033

  skulcid: 1033

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:  C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt

 Should I delete Microsoft Office 2010, or is there a compatibility pack that allows the newer version to open the old version? I should mention that I only have Word and Excel 2010. My new 2013 Publisher, as well as the other installed programs, works fine. Any help will be appreciated! 

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:37 AM PST

How can I have a letterhead download from a server and the particular department be prompted to add their own personalized text?

endnote numbering problems

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:22 AM PST

I have a long document separated into 17 chapters. The end notes for each chapter begin with 1.


in the middle of one list of endnotes, the numbering begins at one again so that chapter's endnotes begin 1-25, then 1 again.


What am I doing wrong so the endnotes are continuous WITHIN a particular chapter?



office stopped working

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 06:07 AM PST

When I try to open Word 2013. It is stopped working. All other office 2013 are the same.

Here is the event log:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name: BEX
  Application Name: WINWORD.EXE
  Application Version: 15.0.4535.1507
  Application Timestamp: 52282a74
  Fault Module Name: unknown
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
  Exception Offset: 003cd738
  Exception Code: c0000005
  Exception Data: 00000008
  OS Version: 6.1.7601.
  Locale ID: 1057

Additional information about the problem:
  LCID: 1033
  skulcid: 1033

opening pdf in word 2013 - mirror text

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 05:46 AM PST

Hi ,

when i open a Hebrew pdf file in word 2013 , the text is presented mirrored.

(the word conversion process gets mixed up i guess)

changing left and right or font or text encoding does not resolves the issue.

any suggestions ?


Normal paragraph showing up as TOC2

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 05:34 AM PST

Word 2007. When I create a table of contents, one of the normal styled paragraphs shows up at TOC2 in the table. TOC2 is set to Heading2. In the document, the normal paragraph follows a Heading2 style.

Wrapping text around an entire page

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 04:49 AM PST

Hi all.

I have searched for a couple of hours for an answer to this question but have had no luck on any of the sites I checked.

I am writing a document which requires images and figures to be on separate pages to text. That is, I can have a page of text where I refer to a figure, but that figure must be on its own on the next page. I have tried playing around with various breaks and margin tricks but to no avail. I want to try and wrap the text around the whole page so it flows naturally to the next available page after the figures. I want it to look something like this:

1. Page full of text with reference to Figure 1 and Figure 2

2. Page with Figure 1 and Figure 2

3. Page which continues original text

Any suggestions?

Many thanks.

Word File reverting to 'read only, every so often.

Posted: 11 Nov 2013 01:10 AM PST

I have a file which I regularly update, which is fine. However, every so often, maybe after 20 saves, it declares my file 'Read Only' and I cannot just 'Save' so I change the name, e.g. file-fred to file-fred-V2, then V3 next time and so on. This is not a life-changing issue but why does it happen and what can I do to stop it? It doesn't seem to happen to other (smaller) files. In fact I've been filing an associated Powerpoint file containing the graphics for the Word file for absolutely ages without this problem. Main Word file is c. 15MB, Powerpoint one c. 1.5Mb.

Terry Tortoise.

No top margin shown in Print Layout view

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 08:26 PM PST

Win 7, Word 2003 using Print Layout view.

For some reason known only to itself, Word has suddenly decided to display a new document with the cursor at the very top of the page, ie. no top margin shown (even though Page Setup is set to 1" margins all round). The side margins are shown correctly.

This is extremely irritating—I want to see what the document looks like as I type, which is why I prefer the Print Layout view.

Would someone please advise how to correct this aberrant behaviour and make it show the top margin as well as the side ones?

Many thanks.

How to raise old-style footnote numbers in the text?

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 04:49 PM PST

Word 2013 has a remarkably precise, reliable and comprehensive Advanced Find and Replace engine. Word doesn't allow my font,* which has both Lining and Old Style number forms, to use the latter as footnote indicators. I want the indicators to be Old Style numbers because that style is used everywhere else in the document, including the footnote numbers when they're used with the footnotes. This is despite the menu choice being made. In other contexts they're allowed. Yet Word will allow a "Replace All" of the Lining numbers by Old Style numbers, and it happens almost instantly.

But there's a problem. The Old Style numbers are situated lower than Lining numbers used as footnote indicators in the text. They're much harder to find, since they're both smaller to begin with and aren't nearly as high as letter ascenders and quote marks, whereas Lining numbers are naturally larger and are positioned to overtop ascenders and quote marks.

Is there a way to raise the height of footnote indicators? I'm excluding specifying a larger point size, or bolding them.

*It may just be my font. Microsoft's flagship font, Gabriola, behaves as expected in footnote references when Old Style numerals are turned on. They're also plenty high enough.

Office 2013 crashes

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 04:36 PM PST

My word 2013 crashes as soon as I click on spelling & grammar and my excel crashes whenever I try to open a xlsx file I have downloaded. So many bugs and very annoying considering I am a student who has paid for broken software.

Neither apps will open on safe mode either.


Posted: 10 Nov 2013 04:19 PM PST

I have been working on a college computer that logs off on its own after ~20 minutes of inactivity.

I started a new MS Word document, and worked on it for several hours, whilst having other docs open too.

I never saved anything, and left for like half an hour.

Well, MS Word recovered all of the files except for the one I had been working on. After a manual search, I came up with a AS$ document that I think may contain my information, but MS Word cannot open it. When I open it in wordpad, all I get is symbols and gibberish.

What happened? Do I have any chance of recovery?

I tried all of the conventional recovery routes, but cannot find a .doc or .awd or whatever file.



Mail Merge Problem in listing variable number of records per Vendor.

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 04:02 PM PST

Working on an e-mail merge. Excel data consists of a hundred Vendors, each with a variable number of order records, some with 1 order record, others with 20 or more records.  The last order record of each vendor has a field called "Total" and has both the last order detail and the aggregate totals of all prior order records. 


I want each e-mail to contain a list of each order followed by the total. After that, I want to perform the next 99 e-mails. I am unable to list more than one order record unless I create a template with 20 empty orders with a «Next Record If» <> "Total


Vendors with less than 20 orders are replicated up to 19 times.  I can't use Directory since it won't e-mail.



Run-in sidehead in TOC

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:36 AM PST

How can I separate the formatting of a lead-in heading (APA level 3 onward) from the text?  The heading looks fine but when I try to create a TOC, the entire paragraph is included in the heading:


2.4.1 Individual level factors.  According to Bhana & Petersen (2009) risk and protective factors at the individual level are physical and psychological, which "may be a product of genetic and and/or socio-environmental factors" (p. 58).


The heading should just be '2.4.1 Individual level factors.' 14

how to set number of xdm sessions in kde?? - Forums Linux

TextNData Forums - Linux

how to set number of xdm sessions in kde?? - Forums Linux

how to set number of xdm sessions in kde??

Posted: 07 Apr 2005 01:32 PM PDT

"Dan Miller" <com> wrote in news:1112905979.450887.216880
Isn't there *anyone* here who can tell me how to increase the number of
sessions, or DisplaysPerHost, or whatever, under KDE??

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GRUB: how to reactivate after (re)installing XP

Posted: 06 Apr 2005 03:50 PM PDT

Tauno Voipio <fi.NOSPAM.invalid> wrote in news:eX85e.175

Here's what I tend to do.

Let's asuume a disk with 4 partitions:
1 - NTFS
2 - /boot
3 - /
4 - swap

I leave the MBR alone, and install GRUB to the boot sector of partition
2. When XP gets installed (OK, caveat: I've never actually installed XP
in this manner, only Win2K.. but I'm assuming it's the same) XP will be
installed to partition 1, and it will be set as the bootable partition.
Then you can go in and switch the bootable partition back to partition 2
to "restore" GRUB. Also, if something goes completely bad with GRUB, you
could use an external program to switch the bootable partition back to
partition 1 and then you can boot XP again...

slow log in process with /etc/hosts.deny or hosts.allow

Posted: 06 Apr 2005 03:23 PM PDT

On 8 Apr 2005 14:09:15 -0700, Sam wrote: 

That works, show me what you did in deny.

Well, something on 128.x70 is asking. Tell it to quit, or add it to
your /etc/hosts file and allow it. I have found it best to fix errors
as I find them even though they seem unrelated to what I am try to

Was the ssh gov have the slow login

SYSLINUX and RH kernels

Posted: 06 Apr 2005 11:30 AM PDT

net wrote:

Hi, interesting what you are doing. I've done the same but am stuck at a
different level. I'm also using a board from embeddedx86 (a TS5400) and
compiling a 2.6 kernel, which is planned to move into a realtime kernel
within time. This already works (the board loads the 2.6 kernel fine), but
I've problems with the opening of a remote connection (ssh, telnet etc.)
and some pcmcia flashcard stuff. These problems are more related to 2.6.
Since you are working with an old 2.4 kernel you're problem is related with
the booting the bzImage file. the boards have 4 bootoptions, mentioned in
display.txt: initrd, linux, nfs or dos (in whatever order). Take care that
you run linux and not initrd. Also take much care in your creation of the
bzImage file. Carefully compare the tslinux config file with your kernel
config file (use xconfig and look for the abbreviations of the options). I
would by the way not use a redhat kernel, because they do a lot of kernel
modifications. Perhaps better to download a clean kernel source tarball.
You can contact me also directly by:
walstra .at. science dot uva dot nl
Taco Walstra

Mandrake 10.1 Powerpack DVD problem

Posted: 06 Apr 2005 10:48 AM PDT

Thank you for your reply. I will study it to learn what it does and
why this might work. However, I finally got Mandrake 10.1 Powerpack
distro to install by making a GRUB floppy that pointed to the
decompressed ISO on a FAT32 partition of an external USB drive for the
boot system, then selected the still compressed ISO on an NTFS
partition to install from.

Oddly, the install would fail :
a) If I pointed to the uncompressed ISO on the boot partition.
(It said it "no hdlists found", though they were present.)
b) If I pointed to a still compressed ISO on another FAT32
partition. (Failed to decompress ramdisk.)
c) If I pointed to the DVD that installed fine on the laptop.
(failed to decompress the ramdisk.)
d) Booted from the DVD: "failed to decompress the ramdisk".

The install seemed to go properly if I installed non-powerpack
community release from CD images, but would crash on boot with kernel

I am a Linux newbie and have no idea why this might be happening. I
report it in case others may have an explanation, and in case it might
help someone else with the same problem.

On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 20:14:09 GMT, Philip Callan <ca>

primary vs logical partitions, 2 drives, 4 distro's, where's theMBR and LILO go?

Posted: 06 Apr 2005 09:55 AM PDT

On Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:18:45 -0500 mjt <ru> wrote:
| (net) scribbled:
|> | I'm want to install the four distro's, and point each of their
|> | installers to the 'common swap' space and each to their (own) respective
|> | partition, *but* let each installer "divvy up" it's own partition and
|> | install itself "as it sees fit" - question: is this doable by mr dumbhead?
|> You might want to have a common /home partition that is mounted by each
|> of the distributions so you have access to your own files under all of
|> them without duplicating the space or hunting around.
| ... be cautious of the slight nuances between the
| distros: even though two distros might have kde 3.4
| as their default environment, one distro vendor may
| have applied customization that could goof up the
| sharing of a /home. just be conscious of this.

That could break upgrading, too. But these are things I want to find
out about that I test for.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN | |
| (first name) at | |

HOWTO check if my EM64T is running in 64 bit mode?

Posted: 06 Apr 2005 07:49 AM PDT


okay arch / uname -m works.
If I see under /proc/cpuinfo the keyword flags: 'ht', it should be a HT-CPU.


Advice needed on getting rid of XP

Posted: 05 Apr 2005 03:26 PM PDT

In article <d2v3aj$m82$>,
org (poorstudent) writes:

Use the fdisk or cfdisk which comes with your Linux installation
disk. First you delete the Windows partition(s) on the disk, then
create your Linux partitions. This is typically part of the Linux
installation procedure. The next step - again part of the standard
process - to format your new partitions. Don't specify the "quick"
option if it's offered; the slower options ensure that every sector
will be overwritten.

XP might be a bit more persistent (e.g. in its use of the master boot
record), but I've successfully exorcised Windows 95/98/2000 boxes
and turned them into productive members of the computing community.

/~\ invalid (Charlie Gibbs)
\ / I'm really at ac.dekanfrus if you read it the right way.
X Top-posted messages will probably be ignored. See RFC1855.
/ \ HTML will DEFINITELY be ignored. Join the ASCII ribbon campaign!

FC3 runs Interactive Startup EVERY time

Posted: 05 Apr 2005 02:32 PM PDT

Thank you for your reply.

I have checked in /etc and /etc/init.d
the only

RPMSAVE or RPMORIG files are


rndc.key.rpmsave is identical to rndc.key
and I had uninstalled the ftp pakage (viar "rpm -e") prior to the FC3

Any other thoughts/ideas?


On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 23:54:43 -0400, "Nico Kadel-Garcia"
<net> wrote:


Posted: 05 Apr 2005 01:22 PM PDT

"Peter T. Breuer" <> wrote in message 

And Peter Breuer once again starts spewing silliness *Ignore* him. It
somehow makes him feel empowered to insult newbies and pretend he knows
something when he actually has no hint of how to solve the problem or really
help out.

How are you creating them? If you're editing the locally existing files as
that user, and the files you want to change are in a restrict directory that
that user lacks permission to change, you still may be blocked from doing
the "rm" or "mv" operations that some web editors will try to use. And where
are the files that you wish to edit? Are they in ~username/public_html of
the user you added? Or are they in /var/www/htdocs, where Fedora usually
puts its default web directories? Or are you using a web based editor such
as Netscape or Amaya?

fedora 3 and kernel 2.6

Posted: 05 Apr 2005 06:45 AM PDT

yasaswi wrote: 


Looks like kernel 2.6.9 dated 11/2/04 is what this current iso


Suse9: what are all these partitions??

Posted: 05 Apr 2005 04:43 AM PDT

Daniel Miller wrote: 
Gawd! It looks vaguely like one of my systems, but I have 6 hard drives
on it and the /data1, /data2, etc., are each on a separate drive. It
looks like a big mess. Do you have a lot of data on your machine that
matters? If not, why not just re-install and manually configure the
partitions on your machine?

If you have valuable data on your machine, back it up and then
re-install and restore the stuff you need. That way, all the wasted
space will be put together and you can split it up later as need arises.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ PGP-Key: 9A2FC99A Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 15:15:00 up 11 days, 4:32, 3 users, load average: 5.20, 5.21, 5.15

VMware and Fedora

Posted: 03 Apr 2005 09:06 AM PDT

"Lucas Raab" <com> wrote in message

Besides Wine, at The problem is not the open source
development, it's reverse-engineering the proprietary stuff that Microsoft
changes without warning and actively deceives people about to protect their
intellectual property. It's also dangerous to violate patents that Microsoft
holds, without having paid the fees and gotten the licenses to use those
patents, and that's just what VMware does: they pay licensing fees for the
source code to do development work with it.

Drivers for Linux - compared to Windows

Posted: 02 Apr 2005 03:09 PM PST

begin virus.scr Unruh wrote:

Because it is rude and stupid?

< snip bottom quote >

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?

syslog-ng problem

Posted: 01 Apr 2005 02:56 PM PST


I notice something, when I'm typing netstat -an on the syslog-ng
server, there is no port listening on 514 (the default syslog port)

In the file /etc/services i'm getting st like
shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used
syslog 514/udp

Does the syslog should listen on the tcp protocol too ?

What should I do to put the port 514 on listening mode ?


linux cant read/write to USB

Posted: 01 Apr 2005 12:39 PM PST

In comp.os.linux.setup patrick <net>: 

And make the same mistake over and over again, installing doze?

Get a recent Knoppix and retry.


Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 418: Sysadmins busy fighting SPAM.

I can't use escape sequences in login / shell prompts

Posted: 01 Apr 2005 10:06 AM PST

On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 09:23:03 -0800, Gary Krupa wrote: 

I figured that you probably didn't need all the extra junk but it was
nice to have as a reference. My rather large prompt string comes from
my days of working with 3B2 computers (circa 1980's). I worked in tech
support and tended to be in several computers at any one time. The
prompts where the only thing that kept things straight. I was ksh
then, but the principles were the same. I now run several gnome-terms
with several tabs, emacs, gdb and firefox. Works great!

The main problem you had was the ANSI escape sequence. I figure since
you tried several it would be best to show you one that works.

Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry net (Text only) (HCS II) My HA Blog

webcam-based surveillance software?

Posted: 01 Apr 2005 05:58 AM PST

"Jules" <> wrote in message 

I did this in a commercial setup for off-site server cages about 5 years
ago. Most of the necessary tools are available on the dag repositories for
Fedora Core Linux, including motion detection with the "motion" package and
other tools. The solution was rejected because I used an honest-to-ghod
current 2.4 kernel, instead of the randomly customized, wildly out of date
and completely unsupportable 2.2 that the kernel developers had been dragged
kicking and screaming into the dotcom era to use.

Welcome to the "motion" software. Lighting levels matter: the ability to
control the pan and zoom of the camera matter, and the security of your
off-site feed and what to do when that feed is cut matter.

Shell script? Gaack. You want a much higher frame rate and processing rate
than a shell script can possibly do.

How do I get the partitions I want with Fedora 3?

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 04:49 PM PST

This is a very interesting case (I don't think the OP did anything by
accident, I think FC3 now defaults to installing on an LV). Most
distributions seem to be trying very hard to prevent the new user
having to deal with partitions at all, to maximise the speed and ease
of the install. IMHO this is totally the wrong approach - making
installs as quick and easy as possible is fine, but people NEED to know
about partitions - what they are, why they exist, and how they work. So
a one-screen tutorial which explains this and summarises the pros and
cons of a single / partition vs separate partitions for /home, /usr,
/var, /tmp etc. etc. ... would be much better than what we have now,
where the default setting works fine without explanation for maybe 70%
of users, and makes life much harder for the rest.

To the OP: if you want to go the many partitions route, for whatever
reason, you are much better off using LVM to do it. The more partitions
you have, the more likely you will want to resize one of them at some
point, and this is much easier with LVM. (Plus, LVM is a Good Thing to
know about.) You can do this without reinstalling - just shrink your
current root volume and use the freed space to make LVs for your other

If, OTOH, you don't think you'll need all that, you *can* uninstall LVM
without reinstalling completely. I think. You need to shrink your LV
*and* PV to create real unpartitioned space on the disk, make a new
root partition and copy it all over. As someone else said, you should
really do this having booted from CD.

If you're happy to reinstall, I'd recommend Debian over Fedora. It's
default partitioner (partman) is no better than anyone else's, but the
rest of the installation and package management system is excellent.



Problem with modem over USB-serial converter

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 02:10 PM PST

Unruh a écrit : 

I got the internal modem working with a Linuxant driver over the
weekend, at least. A friend is sending me a USB modem to try - are these
generally "hardware" modems or do these need special software too?


Besides $PATH what determines which program is called?

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 12:58 PM PST

George3 <com> wrote: 

As has been mentioned, PATH is the only determining factor, unless the
program is called with a pathname (./java, /usr/bin/java etc.).

One way to be certain that you call the correct one is to try
'which java'.

The environment is something that's process specific, not system specific.
If you define and export PATH in your .bashrc, it will be set on every
invocation of bash and in all processes started from bash.

But if you start an executable from somewhere else (say, you click an icon
on the Desktop), .bashrc will not be read.

If you can, uninstall the bad Java.
Else, if you find no better way to set the PATH variable in the place where
you start the program, you could resort to initscript(5).

Laurenz Albe

emachines warranty voided by linux

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 12:34 PM PST

Don't be intimidated by this - the company is obviously part of the
widespread blackmail/bribery effort by M$ to persuade/intimidate
resellers into promoting Windoze and opposing Linux. Heed what others
have said about the warranty and read it carefully - most countries
will have laws mandating at least 12 months warranty on hardware
(including the construction of the PC from its components), but
anything beyond that is anybody's guess. Specifically, if they offer
tech support for applications, that will certainly only be for windows

The functionality/drivers comment is cunning. Yes, none of the windows
drivers will work with Linux - but instead you get better, more stable
and free drivers with any Linux distribution. For most hardware that is
- if what Nico has said about the quality of this company's machines is
true, you should shop elsewhere!

Functionality depends entirely on what you want to do with the machine.
Surf the internet? Write documents and spreadsheets (and maybe a web
page)? Send and receive email? You can do all this and tons more with
Linux (you can even use MSN Messenger, though M$ regularly try to break

There are things you can't do, all of which are to do with applications
which have not been ported to Linux, don't work under WINE, and for
which no sufficiently close Linux analogue exists. Other than bespoke
business software, the main category is games. Many new games *are*
able to run on Linux, but many more aren't (yet).

If you really want to buy from this company and really care about their
warranty, I would go with GreyBeard's suggestion of a cheap 2nd hard
disk for Linux.


Installing Fedora via FTP?

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 11:02 AM PST

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

I managed to create an FC-3 boot floppy (with mkbootdisk)
with a fairly standard self-compiled kernel.

The "official" Fedora kernels are all very large, as far as I can see,
presumably because they have to cover many possible hardware setups.

I find it odd that Fedora don't go to a little more trouble
to help people create small boot CDs.
Linux used to come with a whole range of floppy boot images,
and I don't see that the need has become any less.

Generally, it is my impression that the Fedora team
don't think too much about problems people might have
installing the system - if it installs on their computers
they assume it will install everywhere.

For example, at one point you are asked if you want to read
a CD with extra drivers,
but there is no indication as far as I can see
where one could get, or how to create, such a CD.

Timothy Murphy
e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

newbie stuck on first Debian install

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 08:24 AM PST

Oscar Dijkhoff <nl>:

There's lots of neat stuff there. Also, for questions that others may
already have asked, and yet others have answered:

contains a searchable archive of the various Debian mailing lists.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) Linux Counter #80292
- -

"Can't find CD, insert additional driver floppy". But, it's booted from CD!

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 07:27 AM PST

I am still having problems, but have narrowed it down quite a bit. I
can install Mandrake 10.0 from CD ROM disks (read by the DVD) fine.
If I try to install 10.1 from DVD the install hangs with read errors
on the DVD while trying to load the ramdisk for stage2.

The same DVD installs properly on my laptop, and a second DVD from a
second image file has exactly the same symptoms.

I think (from looking at the installation messages) that the
installation program thinks it is reading a CD rather than a DVD, and
further suspect this is causing the failure… perhaps there are
different ramdisk images on the DVD than what is expected?

I am wondering if it is possible to put the decompressed DVD image on
a USB hard drive and install from there? (Reasoning: Perhaps 10.1 is
identifying my DVD as a CDROM, but would correctly work from a USB
HD?). I don't know how to "burn" an image file to hard drive. Nero
does not give this as an option.

I suspect it should be possible to format the HD, make it bootable,
and just copy the files over. It would seem that this would have to be
done from Linux, since I suspect the installer will want a Linux file
system (true?).
I do have a working Linux 10.0 system and a working Windows system,
but am quite new to Linux.

If I had a different DVD reader I'd try that first.

Microsoft Word - Turn OFF ALL Styles

Microsoft Word - Turn OFF ALL Styles

Turn OFF ALL Styles

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 12:54 PM PST

The threads on this are old.  Has anyone found a way to turn them all OFF once and for all?  Most of my office work is doing complicated layouts that print precisely where I have calculated them to land.  Like making large labels for things that need each line a certain font/size/layout.  When I set my tabs, font, etc for a 2 line section, I need it to retain all of that when I hit the enter key, not change it to some other style.  It takes me 3-4 times longer to do them because of all the stupid auto formatting office does.  I've wasted the last 2+ hours now trying to figure out how to turn it off.  I've never once used styles.  I don't create documents that I would even want styles in.  I HAVE A BRAIN.  I resent office doing what it does.  If I had to create a style for every format layout, I would literally soon have hundreds, if not a thousand, styles that I would have to manage and remember to delete all the time.

I need it to always remember every single aspect of formatting that I did from one carriage return to the next, not change it back to what it was sometime before the moment I hit the enter key.

Please tell me someone has figured out a registry hack or has an add-on that lets us normal people with brains turn off yet another idiot feature.


Atypical bibliography / works cited formatting

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 12:50 PM PST


I'm trying to do something a little different with the built-in bibliography / works cited functionality in Word 2010. Instead of having the work cited follow a paragraph in quotes as is typical, I need it to follow in-line with the text as follows:

lorem al, in accordance with reference 3.

Reference 3 would then be delineated in the Bibliography or Works Cited section, which would need to be retitled References, and would also need to be numbered, so reference 3 would be the third reference.

Is it possible to set this up so I can automatically refer to sources repeatedly throughout the document, or is there a better way to do this? It'd be nice if it were automatic so I could renumber my references, if necessary.

transfering photoshop photos to Office Word.

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 12:36 PM PST

For a long time I wanted to use Photoshop creations in Word documents . but have never been to find a way to do it any where on the web that I could find
Therefore, I decided to devise my own solution.  It may not be the best method or the only, but at least it least on PC ,not tried on Macs

So to help other people achieve that objective thought I would write it up on here

Open a Word document; open the Photoshop photo you want to add to text.
Select the largest layer in the photo you want to
Click ctrl+ A
This puts dotted line around layer.
Click ctrl +C to copy.

Move to Word document, click ctrl V this pastes that layer only on to page.
Double click on layer, and if you have Photoshop, it should open it a new image page.  leaving word with a hatched photo
Click on show as side by side , (the two squares in top bar)
Select all your layers on first photo,(the one you want to add), and drag across.  To the other image.

This will transfer from one image to other, leaving you with two identical images except the one if viewed on office will have a background layer.
Back on word the image will have changed for a hatched picture to the new one
  Close Photoshop and there it is, hopefully on your word document.

To edit at any time double click on the Word photo and it will open Photoshop ready for you to edit.

dont know if this helps anybody who has the same problem

Do I need internet explorer to install Microsoft Office Word?

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 12:22 PM PST

I currently do not have Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word on my PC (Windows 8)  I use Goggle Chrome and Open Office. I have disc created by Microsoft Word in 2009 that I would like to view. I have tried downloading Microsoft View but when I insert the disc and click on the subject name, I get the message that" Internet Explorer has stopped working.  I tried downloading Internet Explorer and making itmy default but i still get the same message. I am willing to pay for the Micorsoft Office Word if it would read the disc. Does nay one have any suggestions.  Keep in mind that I am 79 and  in no way a computer whizz so if you can speak computeridiot language, I would appreciate it.

office 365

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 12:09 PM PST

hi i had office 365 home premium on trial i started to write some stuff  and it as since expired an now i cant get my stuff back its there but cant copy an paste it so cant use it what do i do please help????

lost coedits

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:57 AM PST

I am very unhappy.
my guest coauthor edited hundreds of typos in my document but they are gone   all that work wasted
The first time we tried it it worked but the second time nothing

Word 2013 Table margin issues

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:53 AM PST

I have a document with mirrored margins, with the inside at .75" and the outside at .5".
Page 132, starts a single cell table containing text that flows across two pages.

On the first page, the part of the table on that page stays within the margins.
On the second page, the second part of the table will not stay in the margin. 

If I try adjusting the size, it re-sizes the whole table, throwing it out of alignment on the first page.
As you can see, the 2nd page is hanging off to the left.
I've tried every adjustment in the table properties and can't find the solution.
Thanks for any help!
Bob J.

Changing "Normal" WORD doc in Windows 7 Home edition

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:32 AM PST

This is the second time I am asking the question "How do I change the Fonts and other properties in the NORMAL doc in Windows 7 Home Edition.  I am not a technical person.      It is so inconsiderate for MS to not make it easy for a user to customize their document format to suit their own preferences.  Please help.  My email address is *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

MOS Certification Access Code Denied

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 11:09 AM PST

I recently became certified in MOS Word 2010 (:D). I got the E-Mail stating my Access Code and ID. However, upon putting these codes into the system, it says they do not match what they have in their system. I copied and pasted both codes 3 times. I also reset the codes 3 times to my primary Outlook/Hotmail account. The email never came. It never came into Spam or Inbox. I also tried resetting it to my phone (using AT&T's Email to Text  feature), but it said the Email is not the right one for the Certification ID entered. What can I do? Thanks!


Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:36 AM PST

How can I separate the formatting of a lead-in heading (APA level 3 onward) from the text?  The heading looks fine but when I try to create a TOC, the entire paragraph is included in the heading:


2.4.1 Individual level factors.  According to Bhana & Petersen (2009) risk and protective factors at the individual level are physical and psychological, which "may be a product of genetic and and/or socio-environmental factors" (p. 58).


The heading should just be '2.4.1 Individual level factors.' 14

ms word 2003 error message

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 09:17 AM PST

i have created hundreds of documents over the years in word 2003. all of a sudden, something called open 3.2 appeared on my computer. ever since then, i now get the message "there was a problem sending the command to the program" whenever i try to open one of my word documents.

Multilevel List Linked Styles

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 08:12 AM PST


I followed Shauna Kelly's excellent tutorial on making multilevel lists and linking the lists to preformatted heading styles, though after I reread her article, I realized I didn't apply a heading style to every single level available since I wasn't planning on using all of them (I went down to 3 originally, then down to 6 later in the document). When I go back to make changes to my multilevel list numbering, the styles associated with the levels I did format don't appear to be there anymore. The numbering appears to work correctly, but only down to a certain level (usually 5 deep or so), when it reverts to the default numbering scheme. Was the original failure to connect heading styles to numbering the issue, or is it something else?

If this is unclear, please let me know and I'll explain more clearly.

Problem with VBA to verify number of open documents

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 07:49 AM PST

I'm having a problem with code I'd thought would be dead simple. I'm just trying to confirm that a given number of non-template documents are open. I've tried 3 methods (below) but some docs are unpredictably counted twice or not at all. I'm certain there are no phantom instances of Word. What am I doing wrong?


My first attempt was this:


Function NDX() As Long

Dim d As Document

For Each d In Documents

    If d.Type <> wdTypeTemplate Then NDX = NDX + 1


End Function


Stepping through the code revealed that docs were sometimes counted in the loop twice. I couldn't explain why, but to defeat this oddity I tried adding each doc's name to a throwaway string, which the loop would check before adding to the count:


Function NDX() As Long

Dim d As Document, blob As String

For Each d In Documents

    If d.Type <> wdTypeTemplate And InStr(blob, d.Name) = 0 Then

       NDX = NDX + 1

       blob = blob & d.Name

    End If


End Function


This solved the overcount, but it would still sometimes skip counting an open document.


Then I tried this, taking the total document count and subtracting any open templates. It still overcounted unpredictably:


Function NDX() As Long

Dim d As Document

NDX = Documents.Count

For Each d In Documents

    If d.Type = wdTypeTemplate Then NDX = NDX - 1


End Function


Finally I tried looping through all active Windows task names and counting only the Word docs:


Function NDX() As Long

Dim t As Task, blob As String, x As Long

For Each t In Tasks

    If InStr(blob, t.Name) = 0 Then

        If InStr(t.Name, ".doc ") > 0 Or InStr(t.Name, ".docx ") > 0 Then

            If InStr(t.Name, " - Microsoft Word") > 0 Then

                If InStr(blob, t.Name) = 0 Then

                    NDX = NDX + 1

                    blob = blob & " " & t.Name

                End If

            End If

        End If

    End If


End Function


This actually works, but I get the distinct feeling it's a colossal waste of code. Any ideas? TIA.

Does the separator continuation line depend on having a separator line?

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 05:39 AM PST

It seems impossible to combine having no separator line with having a separator continuation line. That is, on pages where no footnote is continued from the previous page, no separator line is needed; and on pages where a footnote is continued from the previous page, a separator line is desirable. And yet as soon as a separator line is specified, a separator continuation line springs into existence.

Can others confirm this anomaly? If so, could there be a way of pretending there's a separator line -- i.e., having one that doesn't print?

how to merge word files into one

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 04:52 AM PST


how can I merge a lot of word files into one, so that all pages remain as formated, so that every file starts with new page. 

I tried with  but it seems there is a some format language problem, because my word is not in english.

thanks in advance,


Microsoft Word and Onenote

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 08:40 PM PST

Before going on vacation I could print Word documents or anything else straight to my printer. Now, when I try to print it goes to onenote and I not able to print. Searched for the printer I have but it only show Onenote as the default printer. How do I fix this problem?

Word 2010, unable to change page size

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 05:10 PM PST

I was typing in Word 2010 and apparently hit some keystroke that set my page size to a width of 19 inches and pushed the vertical ruler off the left hand side of the window.  It doesn't matter what view I'm in the page size stays the same.  I tried changing the page back to letter and manually set page size to other, selecting 8.5x11, portrait.  This didn't change anything.  I checked the options and it's set correctly.  I deleted normal.dotm.  I deleted the registry keys for margin.  Nothing will change the page size. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.  At present, this prevents me from printing anything I work on.

Thanks in advance