

Microsoft Word - autoformat not adding dashes

Microsoft Word - autoformat not adding dashes

autoformat not adding dashes

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 03:20 PM PDT

I have the autoformat option to replace a double hyphen (--) with a dash turned on, but Word is not doing it.  I type a double hyphen, and it just stays there as 2 hyphens.  What could cause this?

in 2013 autonumbering reverts to calibri how do we change that

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 01:30 PM PDT

I changed my default font to Times Roman.  If you turn off auto numbering then turn it back on, the font changes to Calibri.  How do I fix this so that it stays as Times Roman.  This only happens in 2013 not 2010.

Why does MS Word 2007 need to reconfigure all of a sudden every time I try to open a doc or create one?

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 01:17 PM PDT

I am using Windows 7.

This issue just started within the past few days.

Macro on single key text entry

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:22 PM PDT

Preamble: running windows 7 on a terminal without administrative control.

So here is the deal- I have 2 tables with approx. 15-20 text form fields in each. Each field controls separate IF fields in the document (often times multiple nested IF fields) with 1 being the equivalent of true.

I would like the output to automatically go to the next field if 1, 2, or 0 is input. However, I cannot apparently assign a macro that I have for this to these keys in Word's options.

Is there a way to assign the macro to these keys? Or a macro for the current document that states that any time 1, 2, or 0 is input, run the sub routine of selection.nextfield? Or any other method without using a macro? (Suzanne very practically answered my last question noting that I didn't need a macro ^_^)

Thank you in advance for your time!

- Evan


Posted: 10 Oct 2013 11:58 AM PDT

Mircrosoft 2013 - When I cut and paste an address from another software product into the envelope wizard, the bottom line of the address (City,State,Zip) is printing below the return address rather than with the name and street address.  Trying to print on an HP 4250.  Problem just started. Help?

Mail merge problems

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 11:43 AM PDT

Somehow I changed the headings in mail merge from first name last name, etc. to the first person's information from my mailing list.  Is there any way to change it back?  Now the first person on my list is not showing up in my labels.

difficulty converting old word documents to new verson

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 10:12 AM PDT

I have older word documents (2003) that I have trouble converting and saving.  can anyone help?

I can create an index for multiple documents, but the page numbers don't specify which document to use. Can page numbers specify the correct document?

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 09:12 AM PDT

I have a set of user manuals (many hundreds of pages each) that I would like to provide a single index for. I can easily create an index using RD, but the index just shows a list of page numbers and not the particular document the page number comes from. I'd like to be able to specify which document to look in. I'm thinking there must be a way to add an acronym for the document name (or something similar) to the individual documents' page numbers so when the index is generated, the page numbers would include the acronym. Something like this:


An index entry.........UG-1, CG-124

Another index entry........CG-5, MLG-238


Where UG is the acronym for a document named User Guide, CG is Configuration Guide, etc. and the page number in that document. I could then easily provide a definition for each acronym at the top of the index so a user could find their index entry and see the various manuals with their specific page numbers. Right now, the index looks like this:


An index entry.........1, 124

Another index entry........5, 238


Which isn't at all helpful for a user of the document set.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can't find Recent Word Documents when I open Word (Office 2013)

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 09:11 AM PDT

My computer has Windows 8 installed on it.  And the problem I currently experiencing is that I can't display 'Recently opened Word documents'.
Anyone know how to solve this problem?
Thank you!

I have documents in MS 7 which have gone to an orange icon & can't be opened. Can you help me?

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 08:50 AM PDT

Someone recently worked on my laptop, clearing a number of orange-colored-icon Microsoft Word folders, but I am now finding a couple dozen files with the same problem.  That tech is no longer available and I believe this is an issue you folks can help me solve.

Thank you - shannon

Is It Possible To Change The Default View To Draft In The Normal Template? (Word 2010)

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 08:43 AM PDT

I can't find a way to make Draft view my default view in Word 2010 as I have done in all previous versions of Word I've used for 15+ years.

I have no problem changing the default font/size etc in the normal template but for example if I open normal.dotm from %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates and change the view to Draft and then change the font (as a check to see if it changed) and save it, next time I open a document the font changes have remained but it still opens in Print Layout view which I hate! (I'm a minimalist type of guy :) ).

Am I doing something wrong (quite possible) or is there no way to make Draft the default view?



How do I get a Microsoft license key?

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 08:40 AM PDT

my first and new Pc had been using a temporal office word so now it has expired  and am trying to renew it but it tells me to enter the linces key , now where do I get that lincess?


converter for wordperfect 5.1 works on word 2000 but doesn't work for 2003 or 2010

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 08:25 AM PDT



I noticed that when I convert a wordperfect file (5x) using MS Word 2000, everything convert correctly; but If I try to do the same with MS Word 2003 or 2010 there are some areas that doesn't work.
Particularly if a pharagraph is indented in wordperfect, MS Word 2003 or 2010 will ignore this setting, but works fine in Word 2000.

Anyone had this issue in the past ? anyone knows any patch for this issue ?

Thanks very much in advance.


Field Code for StyleRef

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 07:22 AM PDT

What is the correct way to insert a field code based on a style? For example, I have a date and a version # on the cover page of document that  I want to appear in the footer of the pages in that document (so when I update the cover, it will update in the footer). I created a style for the date and created a style for the version #. In the footer, when I Insert_QuickParts_Field_STyleRef (Style name): and select the style, I get the following: Error! No text of specified style in document.

What am I not doing correctly?

Thank you.


I think I just figured out what the problem is. The styles on the cover were in a drawn text box. When I took them out of the text box and put them on the page, the field codes appeared in the footer. This doesn't make sense, since the styles are still valid, whether in a box or loose on the page. Maybe a fix patch is needed in Word for this issue.

Word had trouble reading from your file

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 06:31 AM PDT

after every time i get the msg:

" Word had trouble reading from your file (~WRS{D2DA6209-EEC2-465F-B858-59F23EC6363B}). Please check you internet connection or removable storage and retry"

so after i colse the msg box, my screan gos black & nothing on the keybord seems to response.
so i press the power bttn intill it shuts down.

i don't get it!, my internet works fine, & i don't use any removable storage device !
i am running Windows 8.1 pro 32bits

thank you.

2 Monitors - split screen MS Word 2010

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 06:16 AM PDT

Argh!  I am literally begging for help!  I opened 2 Word docs on one monitor; decided to try out the split screen feature to compare the documents.  That didn't really work for me, so I dragged one document to my second monitor and completed my task by working with both files maximized.  Problem solved. 


BUT, big problem now: no matter how many (including only one!) Word docs I open, if I drag any open doc to a second monitor, that file instantly resizes as if it was split screen.  Happens in both directions, Monitor 1 to Monitor 2 OR Monitor 2 to Monitor 1.  (Closed documents open correctly, maximized.)


I cannot stop this behavior and it is driving me nuts.   I have maximized (manually & by clicking upper right icon) and saved the dragged file, but when I drag it to the other monitor, it still resizes.  I've tried adjustments with the little tiny bar above the "view ruler" on the right scroll bar and saving.  Nothing seems to fix the problem.  Thanks so much, Janice (Win 7, MS Word 2010)

Opening mail merge document to edit, office 2013 requests data source for mail merge fields

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 05:40 AM PDT


I have a mail merge document that asks for the required data source every time I open it using Word 2013.  The data source ( csv file) contains the merge fields for the mail merge document.

In previous versions of Word, Word would automatically find the csv file if it were in the same directory.  This seems have changed.  Now the only way I can stop the box popping up is to open the mail merge document, point it towards the data source, make a change to the document and save it.

Is there a setting in Word I'm missing?  Can the word document be programmatically updated with the location of the data source without having to go into each one and perform the action above?

Thanks in advance,

Printing in Microsoft Office 2013.

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 04:39 AM PDT

I have recently purchased Microsoft Office 2013. When I type Ctrl P the system selects to send the print to OneNote. I then need to indicate that I want it sent to the physical printer. Is there some way that I can make the printer the location of choice?

i installed office 365 university on my Mac and when i try to open word it is asking me for the product key. Why is this?

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 04:30 AM PDT

I got office 365 university and got it verified before installation. The installation went smoothly, however when I want to open word or other programmes it is asking me for the product key. Why is this?

What should I do if the PDF file converted by Word looks different than the original file?

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 02:01 AM PDT

Good afternoon! I have a document created with Word 2010, with about 30 pages and formatted in my own liking. I have converted the original Word document to PDF because I want to print the document at a copy centre and I want its original formatting to be kept. My problem consists in the fact that the PDF file looks different than the original Word document: on a page, a title appears on the previous page instead of the new page where the rest of the text is. How should I change that? Thanks in advance! Have a nice day!

Automatically adding tags & other metadata from document content

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 01:46 AM PDT

I have a number of technical report templates at work and I want to set them up to autoamtically pick up data from the document (author, title, keywords, etc) and populate the Document Properties with the same data.


I have done this reasonably succesfully using Quick Parts but there are a couple of issues that I am sure are solvable.

1) If I create a new document from the tempalte (.dotx file) then the Quick Part fileds are not active - e.g. they display the text [Author] but it is not an active field I can edit and ahve update elsewhere in the document.

2) If I insert the Quick Parts into a document file (.docx), open it, add the information to Quick Parts fields, and then do a Save As the Author filed auto-updates based on my user details. This does sound like a good idea, but if we are working collaboratively on a signle document, I don't necessarily want the data auto updating. I can't find a way to stop it doing this.


I have got the system working satisfactorily at the moment by saving the tempalte as a .dotx file, the Opening the template file, completing the fields, and then Save AS a .docx file. This fixes both problems, in that the Quick Parts fields are active when I open the template file, and if i subsequnetly close the document, open it again, then do a Save As it doesn't auto update any of the data.


This is fine - it works - but it isn't entirely fool proof as I would like it to be before circualting the tempaltes round a large team. Ideally I would like to be able to create a new document from a template and have it all work.


Thanks in advance!

MS word Error

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 01:40 AM PDT

Im getting the following error message when trying to open 1 specific word file (all others open fine)"Word experienced an error trying to open the file".
I have tried the text recovery converter method but it gives me the same message.Its word 2003.Please Help


Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:50 AM PDT


A problem after installing PDF Complete

Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:34 AM PDT

I am using word 2010. While writing a document I installed PDF Complete to my pc without closing the document. I failed to notice that in installing PDF other programs should be stopped. PDF is successfully installed and works well. After that I have found  I have a problem typing in THAI. I cannot insert any letter into an existing word or a sentence. I have to back space delete the last letter to the place where I want to insert a new letter. If I want to add a new word/sentence at the end of an existing sentence I have press the space bar many times and come back to the beginning place and type a new word. This is very frustrating. This problem is in typing THAI only, not in English. How can I fix this problem? Is it because of PDF or other problem?

لماذا اجد ملفاتى المحفوظة فى المستندات فى شكل رموز

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 11:44 PM PDT

ملفاتى التى اقوم بحفظها في المستندات عندما اقوم بفتحها لاحقاً اجدها في شكل رموز

How to disable the "Show Repairs" pup-up when opening document using MS Word 2010 64bit, on windows server 2008 64 bit

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 09:24 PM PDT

Yes, editing the Options registry key is the only method to disable the 'show repairs' dialog box. You can refer the following article on how to do it.

The article is for Word 2003, but you can follow the same for Word 2007. The only difference is the 12.0 registry key instead of the 11.0 key (as you have mentioned in your post).


Note:  Take a backup of the whole registry before you perform the operation. In the Registry Editor, right click on Computer at the top left corner > select Export > give a file name and save it to your desktop.

Hello, I also met this problem in word2010. By adding the registry key BulletProofOnCorruption,  it works in the word 2010 32 bit (windows 7 32 bit). However, when I tried it on the word 2010 64bit(windows server 2008 sp1 64bit), it failed. Also, I had tried to add both 64 bit  DWORD  and 32bit  DWORD. 

       Could you help me? thanks a lot!

high lighting is possessed

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 08:35 PM PDT

I upgraded to Office 365.  Since than, when trying to high light while using a mouse word acts like it possessed.  It does it randomly.  When high lighting a paragraph it will start and half way down the area that was high lighted is suddenly not.   I might be high lighting a blank area to delete and 2 lines into it the same thing happens.  I might high light an entire paragraph and when I get to the end and release the left mouse button all the area I just marked is no longer marked.  I can try to mark just part of a line and when I get to the end and release the button same thing.  T can try to repeat the procedure and it just keeps doing the same thing and than suddenly it works.  It is driving me absolutely crazy.  It is making it impossible to work.  

different colored wording on same page

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 06:50 PM PDT

I have a laptop and word 2010 I typed a letter and in the middle of the letter the font is not black but a light gray and goes back to black I have highlighted the whole page chose black font color and it stays the same it also prints the same as the screen I have windows 7

Taking a e course and cannot open compressed zip file. Says in Mword file has missing or invalid contents? Please advise.

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:26 PM PDT

I am taking an e course. It required me to download a file folder ( zip/compressed ) Upon opening this folder with
a Word I received a box message stating that the contents were missing or invalid. It asked me if I wanted to recover
it's content and open anyway. I replied ok. but it said it could not open. 

I really need to get access to this folder please advise.

Aligning a poem

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:18 PM PDT


I am helping a non-profit organization to format a book. There are hundreds of poetic verses in the book which needs to be formatted.

I am using shift enter to begin a new line in a paragraph and keeping everything justified. The paragraph marker is at the end in its own new line and this nicely aligns the poetic texts. So far so good.

The problem is that there are hundreds of these poetic verses and I cannot have a fixed width for each one as the words will have too much white spaces in it and it does not look nice. Each poetic verse or paragraph will have its own width.

In Word 2013, I then drag the right margin towards left and this shows me how the poetic paragraph will look like and this is a great feature.

But, I have to do this on every poem until line breaks into two and that is the point where I align each poem without breaking a line.

And, I have to do this manually for each one of these.

I was wondering if a macro could be written that will determine the best right margin for the poem paragraph so that line does not wrap and break into two.

I know it is difficult to describe it in words and but if you open this link, you would know what I really mean.

In above page, there are 4 poetic verses in bold and each has their own width that I had to determine by dragging the right margin towards left. I wish that if there was a macro that would do this for me.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated to help me write a macro to accomplish this.

For example, the macro would determine the best right margin of each line in the paragraph and the maximum right margin of all lines would be the one set for the selected poem. I have a feeling that there are smart people who can write such a macro but I am not that smart so asking for a help.

Thank you so much.

Thank you  


Posted: 09 Oct 2013 04:13 PM PDT

I'm typing a WORD DOCUMENT & when I go to the "margins" tab the program freezes-up when I try to change the margins to a different default. The program is also freezing-up when I try to "print". Microsoft helped me to install OFFICE 2010 as I was having problems. I fear that other OFFICE programs may experience the same problems. Please tell me that WINDOWS 8 isn't going to be as bad as all the other WINDOWS versions. My laptop is brand new. (SAMSUNG 4) WHAT IS GOING ON????

I highlight one word to change formatting and it changes the entire document

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 02:26 PM PDT

Hi. All of a sudden Word is making three arbitrary changes to a document: 

1) when I highlight one word and either increase the font size or make it bold, it makes my entire document (75,000 words) larger or bold. 

2) Word has also made entire sections of my document lose their indentations with each new paragraph; although, again, this is arbitrary and affects some sections of the doc and not others.

3) Word has also included a space between all paragraphs. This space cannot be eliminated.

Anyone know why and how I can fix this? I'm using Word 2007. Thanks.

can't install office 2000 with transfer file - Microsoft Office forums

can't install office 2000 with transfer file - Microsoft Office forums

can't install office 2000 with transfer file

Posted: 31 Jul 2005 12:29 PM PDT

wwb wrote:

I think you mean a TRANSFORM file! Read the Office Resource Kit
deployment guide, then post back when you know what you're doing.

The TRANSFORM is applied at the point where setup calls the MSIEXEC. and
would be passed as a command line paramater.

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

Valid Product Key for Office 2003 Pro Edition

Posted: 30 Jul 2005 02:48 PM PDT

The only articles I found in the KB about this error message deal with
getting the message after you've installed O2003. I'm getting that message
and haven't gotten it installed yet. There isn't even a directory set up for
MS Office. If I remember right the first time I got this message I had
gotten to a point where I was asked to verify my email address.
Unfortunately the log for the first time I attempted to install are no longer

Has there ever been a time when the wrong product key was shipped with the CD?

"swimraft" wrote:

Office 2000: Admin OK, User gets "Error Applying Transform"

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 11:43 PM PDT

Hi Karlo,

Just look in the temp folder for User2 - something like

c:\Documents and Settings\User2\Local Settings\Temp

Look at every file if you have to, until you find something that looks
like it's related to Office. It should have an *.txt extension. When you
find it, copy and paste it here. With any luck it will show the error.

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

Outlook 2000 changing from pop to Exchange

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 07:16 AM PDT

You should be able to switch from Internet Mail Only mode to
Corporate/Workgroup mode without reinstalling -- see for more info.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

*** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered -- please reply
only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***

"DL" wrote:

software registration failed-now what?

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 05:30 AM PDT

THANK YOU for all your help. Took some further muddling around and MS CS
gave me sites to access that were defunct. But the problem seems to be
resolved and CS had me follow up with written snailmail registration to be
sure. Appreciate all the assistance. You are wonderful, you are terrific,
your mother loves you, and you are probably a terrific lover!

"garfield-n-odie" wrote:

can't install office 2003 for "all users"

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 03:33 PM PDT

russw wrote:

Have a look at my last post in the thread.

"msiexec.exe Application Error "The instruction at "0x00f33fe8"
referenced memory at "0x00f33fe8". The memory could not be "written"."

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

No Product Key on cd

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 04:30 AM PDT

I think they're sort of related.
"David R. Norton MVP" <com> wrote in message

how can I verify my office product with a broken cd-rom

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 06:12 PM PDT

If you mean the cd drive, renew/replace it
PS using the drive as a coffee cup holder can cause problems, specially when
you shut down the PC.

"pervin2" <> wrote in message

How to Install Office 2003 to replace MS Works

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 02:46 PM PDT

I did so and it worked fine. Many thanks.

"DL" wrote:

Your activation system stinks!

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 09:46 AM PDT

CaptBob wrote:

I agree. Although I'm on volume licensing at work, and have managed to
stay clear of products that require activation at home, I've decided to
change my strategy, and never buy Microsoft retail products in future,
nor recommend them to friends/family. Even on volume licensing there's
still a risk it could fail to activate due to a bug or virus and you
can't risk that on a production server.

I also had to go through the most moronic process today in order to
download a simple hotfix from Microsoft. Many downloads now require
verification that you're running "Genuine Windows", which is fine except
it's way too time-consuming, the automatic version didn't work, and I'm
already paying a fortune for volume license and MSDN which claim to give
me "priority udpates".

I've started creating Linux builds for home users and these are working
well, but many corporates are tied into Microsoft so don't have any
choice but to go through these mind-numbing procedures.

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

I don't find my office 2003 anymore

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 05:15 PM PDT

I don't have the CD.I am dissabled and have a pc frm the helpstation.I guess
they installed Office 2003 Standard edition.I have tried to launch it from
I also find it in programdata.

"Gyorgy Moldova [MCSE+I, MVP]" wrote:

Error in activating Office 2003 from trial version

Posted: 24 Jul 2005 08:13 PM PDT

On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:56:06 +0100, MaineMeaker wrote
(in article <com>):

No, you won't. Uninstalling Office does *NOT* delete data files. You will
only lose your email if you search for the .pst files (which are hidden) and
delete them manually.

Installation Quits during Install Verification.

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 08:51 AM PDT

thanks Josh, I will have to do the same. I'm ok with saving registry etc.,
but was just hoping I could find out why I couldn't re-install.


"JoshAbell" <> wrote in message

rpm problem... - Forums Linux

rpm problem... - Forums Linux

rpm problem...

Posted: 30 Jan 2005 08:35 PM PST

In comp.os.linux.setup Mike Thatcher <net>: 

Happens in rare cases, make sure there's zero process accessing
the rpm db (ps/lsof) and run:

rm /var/lib/rpm/__*
rpm --rebuilddb

This should fix things.


Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 210: We didn't pay the Internet bill and it's
been cut off.

Beginning to understand grub

Posted: 30 Jan 2005 03:45 PM PST

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote: 

Good idea. I've made about five copies of the current MBR of the first
disk, and I could if necessary restore the partition table from that
since I know where to find out how the information is stored. But fdisk
of sfdisk would certainly simplify that. Indeed, on a couple of
occasions, I actually did restore partition information, and I was
amazed that it worked.

Xwindows isn't working - Fatal Service Error: no screen found

Posted: 30 Jan 2005 11:42 AM PST

com wrote:

..... /etc/X11/XF86Config
<< >>
QOTD: "I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut."

.NET for Linux: MSDN library: bad browser interoperability

Posted: 30 Jan 2005 11:12 AM PST wrote: 

That's because of the tree control/code used in IE. There is no
"standard" for such a beast. Behaves this way because MS used/uses it
with its html based .chm help files (which were meant to simulate the
still older .hlp file browser) and programmer documentation.
Personally, I prefer the less cluttered pane one gets with other
browsers. Maintaining the parent links once you're several levels down
is expensive (memory and real estate) as well.

IE also remains without a real tabbed browser and MS tries to promote
the idea that users really don't want/need it. At least they have not
taken explicit steps to "break" them as they did with Opera's MDI model
of browsing.

BTW, works fine for me (without the clutter) in Konqueror, as well.
email above disabled

How does it do it.

Posted: 30 Jan 2005 08:01 AM PST

"mjt" <ru> wrote in message

Note: the Fedora Core 3 RPM's for 2.6.x kernels include and publish these
dependencies. They're quite nice.

Dual Boot Failed to boot XP - SOS !!

Posted: 30 Jan 2005 01:24 AM PST

.... assuming you actually do have the same problem I did (but we all know
what assuming can do).

What it came down to was I had to reinstall grub on the MBR of the
hard-drive my XP and Linux partitions are on. This is actually pretty easy
to do; the hard part is figuring out you need to do this in the first place,
and then figuring out how to do it. Hopefully I can spare you some of the
pain and agony I went through trying to solve this problem.

To reinstall grub on the MBR:

1. Logon to Linux as the root user

2. Run the program "Terminal" on the menu Programs > System Tools. You
should now see a window with a command prompt in it that looks
similar the following:

[root@localhost ~]#

3. Type 'grub' at the command prompt and press <enter>. This starts the
grub configuration program which replaces the old command prompt
shown above, with the grub command prompt as displayed below.

GNU GRUB version 0.95 (640K lower / 3072K upper memory)

[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB
lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible
completions of a device/filename.]


4. At this command prompt type the following command, and then press
enter after you have found the number to substitute in for X for
your system:

grub> root (hd0,X)/boot

X is the number of the partition your Linux /boot directory is on.
NOTE: this is not necessarily the same number as used by Linux, i.e.
(hd0,2) is
not necessarily the same partition as hda2. For a list of partition
numbers type root
(hd0, and then press TAB; the partition of your Linux system is the
one that has file-system
type: ext2fs.

5. Next, type this command at the grub prompt:

grub> setup (hd0)

Notice there is no partition number with hd0. This installs grub in
the MBR, as opposed to
the first sector of any given partition. Grub needs to be installed
on the MBR for a duel boot system.

When the installation is finished, type quit at the grub prompt and
press enter to get backto the regular prompt.

That should do it. Exit Linux, reboot and see what happens. As always, make
sure you have a good boot-disk ready before working with grub in case
anything goes fubar.

Good luck with your system!

David Kirk

"ElZorro" <com> wrote in message 

Mandrake 10.0 Install - Webmin/Shorewall issues.

Posted: 29 Jan 2005 10:17 PM PST

Here in comp.os.linux.setup,
Bit Twister <com> spake unto us, saying:

A Followup newsgroup is sometimes appropriate, sometimes not. It all
depends on the nature of the groups involved and the subject of the
thread in question. Judgement call, IMO.

-Rich Steiner >>>---> >>>---> Smyrna, GA USA
OS/2 + eCS + Linux + Win95 + DOS + PC/GEOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
WARNING: I've seen FIELDATA FORTRAN V and I know how to use it!
The Theorem Theorem: If If, Then Then.

USB Serial Port Adapter Troubles

Posted: 29 Jan 2005 09:07 PM PST

My apologies, I won't make those mistakes again.

- David Kirk

Fedora Core 3 boot floppy from win2k, no cd-burning

Posted: 29 Jan 2005 04:05 PM PST

The express version gives this message when selecting the boot image:

The Nero installation contains an image of bootable
floppy disk, which will be used to make your disc
bootable. You can select a boot locale, which will
preare the appropiate country code page and keyboard
layout for included DOS.

Alternatively, the A:> drive can be selected so that the disc being
burned will
boot the same way as the floppy in the A:\, grr.

There's no such mention in the "full" way of doing things, but the
exact same
choice appears without the message...?

Here's what I did, not from Nero express but the full version.
the interface is different from that described in the link.

(demo version, enter serial number...)


"New Compilation window"
(select cdrom boot)

Boot: Image File:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\FC3-i386-disc1.iso

(other tags left as default)

New Window "ISO1 - Nero Burning ROM"

ISO1 tab:

File-->compilation properties
brings up "New Compilation Window" to double check things

Recorder-->Burn Compilation
brings up "Burn Compilation" window

click "burn"

More grub questions

Posted: 29 Jan 2005 06:19 AM PST

Leonard Evens wrote: 
[snip]> > I ran into this problem when trying to copy stage1 and stage2
to a 
want to 

Oops, this won't work as often than not -- these have (the same)
embedded data specific to _this_ hard disk. That's why the ones in
/usr/share/grub/i386 are copied (and "compiled") into /boot/grub so you
retain a "pristeen" original copy of the base files that can be used to
(re)install grub. If all hosts have the same disk layout, grub root
and file then the files from /boot/grub should (for sure?)
work on all hosts.

I had forgotten that stage2 file also gets embedded data -- normally
the embedded data from stage1_5 is used, but stage2 gets the same
"location" data for setups that don't use stage1_5. Completely forgot
this ... duh.
difference at 
files are 
by yum 

It's what I get for assuming khexedit works like the hexeditor I
usually use. The "Find" funciton in khexedit searches (only?) the data
and you must use the menu's Edit | Go to ... entry to navigate
addresses. Doublely bad duh. Is that "duh duh" or just "Wake up,

It is _possible_ to update grub but evidently it should not be a
_major_ version change -- at least according to the Synaptic notice
that accompanies my (new) installed copy -- it's _still_ a v.92 (just a
minor bug fix?). Are all v.9x grubs compatible? Hmmm...
OS on 

My memory is going to poop -- have no idea why I did not recall that
config file location info is embedded in stage1_5 (stage2 I can see
forgetting, but stage1_5?). Anyway, the "space" for embedded data is
pretty small and with a fixed "start/end" position. Code begins at
offset 0x70. Maybe this time the info will "stick" better -- yeh,

497 dec is 0x01F0 which is the start of the embedded data area which
continues till 0x0270 (624 dec). My khexedit shows this embedded
ºéê.ç...¡éê... .

Note the embedded version string followed by the location of
/boot/grub/grub.conf (aka menu.lst)

I think this embeding takes place in the setup command.

I think you will need to make a grub boot floppy that contains the
"pristeen" originals from /usr/share/grub/i386 together with grub
executable so that you can run grub at each location.

See $ info grub (or grub manual html page)
Creating a GRUB boot floppy
Note that this is _not_ a copy of the files in /boot/grub which have
hard idsk location info embedded in them. IIRC, the floppy is not even
formatted -- but we know how my memory is working, don't we?

You might try (?) the grub-install script with the just-copy option
which copies the /usr/share/grub/i386 files to /boot/grub, then run
grub from a grub boot floppy??? Couldn't really find any info about
this or if this is how Anaconda places the /usr/share/grub/i386 files
into /boot/grub when you install (RH/FC) Linux from CD.

Found my old grub links for what it's worth: eq=printpage&artid=39
email above disabled

"could not chown/chmod tty device" at login

Posted: 29 Jan 2005 05:51 AM PST

Thanks for the incredibly fast answer,

I looked in inittab and saw that fgetty was supposed to be started, so I
tried to start it while I was in "konsole" and it gave an segmentation

I now just removed the fgetty package, and restored fgetty to getty in
the inittab and everything works fine again. (I installed fgetty because
I tried an howto/tricks page... Silly me)


Peter T. Breuer schreef: 

How to make Linux CD bootable

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 10:13 AM PST

MR wrote:[..] 

I think the problem isn't that Nero isn't making a bootable cd, but
that Nero "insterts" Caldera DR-DOS as the "method" with which to boot
the cd. Alternatively, Nero let's the "boot method" be described from
the floppy drive.

This "feature" from Nero doesn't appear in any documentation so far :(

Thufir Hawat

Line graphics on console

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 01:11 AM PST

Thomas Dickey wrote: 

Thanks for this reply, Thomas. I have now done a bit more reading on
the topic, and I understand that you are the maintainer of the ncurses
library. I appreciate your input.

My program is written in Python, which uses a wrapper over the ncurses
library. Apparently there has been some discussion of wrapping
ncursesw, but this does not seem to have continued - I assume from lack
of demand. Unfortunately I do not have the knowledge to do this myself.

I did receive one suggestion that made sense - run my program using
LANG=C and TERM=vt100. It feels as if this ought to work, but it did
not make any difference. Is there a way of getting this approach to


Frank Millman

definitive adsl connection test

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 10:55 PM PST

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:55:15 +1100, faeychild wrote:

On my DSL modem, a hard reset clears the user login info. Even though
the modem is connected, I can't put traffic through it until it has
logged in to my ISP. Is it possible that you need to log into the modem
and re-enter the login data? Or is the login info stored on your PC?

Mark South: World Citizen, Net Denizen

Sun 220r Enterprises + Debian + Raptor GFX 8P

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 08:47 PM PST

Paul Walz wrote: 




While googling I just thought I would try to see if anyone _had_ played
with it on x86 -- there have been some -- and in the process forgot you
were on a Sparc machine. And this was _after_ googling
comp.unix.solaris. Brain cells must be dying at an increasing rate.

Anyway, I don't recall that anyone around here is currently running
Linux on Sparc, though, IIRC, some have in the past. That was why I
made a quick peek at comp.unix.solaris before wandering in the mists of

You'll probably have better luck over at comp.unix.solaris. I googled
but adding raptor to the terms gave nothing (at all useful).

Around here, you might get some pointers on where further to search by
posting for something more general, like:
Where to get help for Debian on Ultrasparc

At least someone may point you in the right direction if you include
where you've already searched.

re: the link you sited, I saw that one too -- it's what got me snooping
to see if anyone knew how to get it working with XFree86, then chasing
ghosts ;)

IIRC, I did run into a mailing list post that used xdpyinfo and
suspected the default 8+24 mode was something XFree86 doesn't grok and
yada, yada, yada about _their_ problem with fvwm:
which makes sense to me in that on x86 hardware _any_ 8 bit graphic
would transparently map to 24 bit. It may have to do with
"simultaneous" hardware acceleration support(?).

Googled: linux Raptor GFX 8P graphics card

And read elsewhere -- but can't find it now -- that they suggested
using the Linux frame buffer driver rather than the PGX(?). Oops,
found it:
Are you using the Permedia framebuffer driver on console?
There appear to be some deficiencies in XFree86's PM2V driver for the
Raptor GFX 8P, which change if you initialize the card with the Linux
2.4 fb driver (which itself has deficiencies for this card).

You may have to resort to posting on a mailing list -- but which one?
sorry for the mix-up,
email above disabled

200gb showing as 120gb

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 05:53 PM PST

Galldrian wrote:

Start with something like Knoppix LiveCD and its QtParted
to see what it reports the drive size as.
It is strange if the bios is reporting it correctly
but Linux isn't - usually its the other way around.
On one PC, I've got 160Gb working even though bios reports
it at its limit of 80Gb.

dsl modem and factory reset

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 03:41 PM PST

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 14:31:52 -0800, prg wrote:
Security has never been a problem (on my comp with the modem) and is on
Only one of 34 with his own comp running Suse. My wife runs win XP and all
three of us do not run as a network. 

Linux counter number 335851
Delete delete to email

VMWare - Linux host - Win2K guest - network connection drops after 20minutes

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 03:26 PM PST


(I couldn't use Bridged because I have a wireless NIC)

Thx for asking,

mjt wrote: 
roast beef. 

Resetting grub?

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 02:26 PM PST

Leonard Evens wrote: 

Yes, this obviates the need to run the grub emulator from a "running"
OS as you are doing with grub-install from a Linux command line
(console or X terminal). That's why it's called "native" install.

1) quite common -- partitions don't have "names" till they are mounted
to the root tree somewhere (which is why the mount point has to already

2)you've got it -- grub needs to be pointed to the right _partition_ to
find its files at boot.

And it never will be as each OS tends to write its code portion of the
mbr differenty. If you want to know what grub puts there, simply
"read" the grub stage1 file. Or go to the link I provided in other
post ;-)

"Easiest" way to see what grub-install does is to read the script.
It's /sbin/grub-install. Basically it runs the setup command and
provides info you would have to enter by hand. Think Anaconda runs it
with some switches appropriate for the occassion. The script gives a
pretty good idea of how it all works "in general".
email above disabled

Dual booting Linux and WinXP Home

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 12:13 PM PST

com wrote:

Mepis LiveCD has a nice GUI based grub installer.
Boot from liveCD, install, and it always works.
If need to change anything, you can then adjust the
text file in the boot drive to add on more OSes.
I've got more than 10 operating systems booting off one PC.

Do I have to know UNIX command set before installing Linux?

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 09:59 AM PST

On 2005-01-27, MLH <net> wrote:

What happens if you just hit [RETURN] at the BOOT: prompt?

The default action should be to simply start loading th kernel.


John (

Open Office - [discuss] Calc/Excel macros being broken

Open Office - [discuss] Calc/Excel macros being broken

[discuss] Calc/Excel macros being broken

Posted: 12 Aug 2010 10:44 AM PDT

On 12/08/10 19:33, Johnny Rosenberg wrote: 
Thanks Johnny. This raises two questions:

1 - How easy would it be for the Calc 'save as XLS process' to convert
OOo Basic to VBA? If Calc can import VBA and interpret it, it seems at
least theoretically possible but I don't know of the practicalities or
knock-on side effects.

2 - What is the technical reason for the ODF specification not including
macros, but leaving them up to the vendor to decide upon?

From the answers to these come the issues of:
- "What do we do about organisations who are in the middle of a
migration between Calc and Excel, but the need for Macros prevents users
who have switched to Calc from sharing data with users still on Excel
(or vice-versa)?"
- "What about organisations who, for mission-specific purposes, have a
mixture of Excel and Calc and whose legacy Excel macros are causing

Best wishes,


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Posted: 10 Aug 2010 06:52 AM PDT

On 13/08/2010 15:26, Sandy Smith wrote: 

To find the version of OpenOffice you are using look at >Help and >about

The format of the date is controlled by the format.

As an example open a spreadsheet with the date in it and select one cell
containing a date. Select >Format >Cells. A new window will pop up.
Click the tab showing Numbers (if it is not already being shown) and
then look at the Category column on the left hand side - that should
have Date highlighted. Now what are you showing under the language
column. I think you need to set that to English (South Africa) using the
drop-down menu and then see if the required date formats are available
as shown in the format column in the middle. Select the format and then
click OK and the cell should show the correct format. You can then
select as many cells containing dates to be the correct format.

Hope that helps


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[discuss] Links in cells in Calc

Posted: 02 Aug 2010 01:17 AM PDT

OK, thanks anyway!

Jean-Jacques VASTIAU


An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute
for it.

-- Jef Mallett, Frazz, 04-04-07

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Pursell []
Sent: 02 August, 2010 11:38 AM
To: org
Subject: RE: [discuss] Links in cells in Calc

On Mon, 2010-08-02 at 11:09 +0200, J.J. Vastiau wrote: 

Highlight the hyperlink text, navigate to Insert > Hyperlink (or click on
the Hyperlink icon in the tool bar), drag the highlighted text into the
Target box (if it is an Internet address), click Apply.

By the way, org is a general discussion list. For this
sort of question you should subscribe to org and ask
questions there.


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[discuss] print dialogue limitations under ubuntu

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 10:50 AM PDT

Mike Scott schrieb: 

There will be an new printer dialog in the upcoming version 3.3, please
try it.

Kind regards

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[discuss] How can I bring in new ideas?

Posted: 25 Jul 2010 09:07 AM PDT

On 07/25/10 18:07, Frank Hummel wrote: 

On Windows? Select both windows in the task bar (using the Ctrl key),
then use "Tile Vertically" from the context menu of the task bar entry.


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[discuss] Webdesign / HTML Editor

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 11:59 PM PDT

On Jul 22, 2:59*am, de ("Lars Zimmer") wrote: 

Altho not from Mozilla, I use Kompozer which is free and open source.

I used it to create
there are many YouTube videos about it

[discuss] Some idea !

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 01:35 AM PDT

-------- Original Message --------
From: Adam <com>
To: org
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 19:15:38 +1000 
There is a limit to how much information can be packed into the internal
help function. More detailed information is provided by the "Getting
Started" and "User" guides, available for download and on-line viewing
from the "Documentation Project":

I would also like to take this opportunity to mention that the "Authors
Project", who produce the guides, are one of the most active and hard
working areas of the OOo project and congratulate Jean Hollis Weber
(Authors Project Lead and Documentation Project Co-Lead) on her tireless
efforts to improve and expand the OOo documentation.


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[discuss] Personal invitation from Marius Popa

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 12:56 AM PDT


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